#be kind to your etsy sellers this time of year
onbearfeet · 2 years
Tonight's work: four Beardevil skins. I imagine a barbershop quartet, harmonizing from inside a dumpster. (It's possible I'm tired.)
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anyroads · 2 years
Shameless holiday Etsy store plug!
It's that time of year again! Crafters, if you're looking for leather thimbles, I got you.
I've never been able to use metal thimbles and it was always a source of frustration because needles start to hurt your finger pretty quickly. A couple of years ago I learned how to make leather thimbles and it changed my sewing and embroidery game entirely. When I got a stack of leather offcuts, though, I ended up with way more material than I needed, so I started making extras and selling them. I started having fun with the kinds of leather I worked with and incorporating fun, colorful designs, and now I stock all sorts in my Etsy store:
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I only use reclaimed leather scraps from other Etsy sellers who I've built personal relationships with, several of whom also use reclaimed leather before selling their own offcuts to me. Each thimble comes wrapped in tissue paper, packing slips are printed on recycled paper, and shipped in unbleached envelopes with labels made from recycled materials.
Whether these are your thing or not, I hope you'll keep independent artisans in mind when you're buying gifts this season! They work hard, are underpaid, and need your support more than corporations.
(Also, if you see an Etsy ad on google or in the ad space of a website, don't click on it! Search for the Etsy store's name through Etsy instead. When you make a purchase after clicking an advertising link, Etsy takes a percentage and keeps doing so every time you go back to that store. Etsy already takes 25%-33% of sellers' profits in fees, don't help them take more! Links like the above that are embedded in an individual person's post are fine, just look out for ads on the side or bottom of websites, blogs, and social media pages, as well as google ads.)
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genderqueerdykes · 1 year
Ditch Etsy for Good: A Disabled Etsy Seller's Experience
i started my Etsy store in August of 2022. I was in desperate need of income at the time, as I am disabled, and waiting for my full disability payments to come through. I currently make $245/month off of a general assistance program that's meant to "help" while you're waiting for those payments.
I needed, at the time, $900/month for my studio apartment, because I was on a month-to-month lease, and could not re-new it, as I was the secondary renter, and my abusive ex whom I could not contact was the primary renter. They needed his signature to renew the lease, or else I was on month-to-month status, which meant they could increase my rent to whatever price they saw fit at any point.
I was struggling to stay alive. I had a bunch of kandi supplies I had gathered over the years, pony beads, string, all that kind of stuff. So i accrued some extra supplies to make other types of necklaces and chokers. Keep in mind my level of poverty, and the level of inflation in 2022. I was having to accrue supplies secondhand, from thrift stores. Everything I bought and sold was upcycled, save for the few times I could afford things to fill in the gaps from craft stores.
After I gathered supplies, I went to work. I spent countless hours making all types of jewelry. Not really sleeping. Just countless hours of stringing beads, if I woke up in the middle of the night from a bad dream or stress about homelessness, I would go back to work. I've been homeless before. Several times. Never lived on the street or in a shelter, but I have lived in hotels, cars, crashed on couches and have run from getting kicked out for making little money endless times.
I drank a lot of coffee and ate very little. Eating consumed time, time that I didn't have. Once I was done making things, it was time to photograph every. single. item., then edit them, and upload them to Etsy. I had to create listings for each individual item, all of which cost $0.20 to create, and again to renew when it ran out in 3 months if not purchased. There was already a start-up cost.
Shipping made my life a nightmare. Etsy charged me for each and every single label. I tried free shipping at first, as it's a huge draw for customers, but labels were around $3.69 from my state to the mainland United States at the time, creeping ever closer to $4. For anywhere else it would easily come to $10 or more, international shipping was easily $20 - $40. Even if the customer paid for shipping I still had to go through the process of purchasing a label.
This didn't account for the fact that I had to purchase printer, ink and paper at some point to keep printing these labels. Ink is wildly expensive and your cartridges run out faster than they should. They are rigged to flag as empty when they're not. This also does not account for ink and paper lost when the printer does something in error, which is often. The office at my apartment complex was willing to print labels and packing slips for me for a while, but they cut me off after a few months.
The biggest kick in the teeth was the processing time for my payments. Because I shipped my first few orders without tracking labels. Etsy put a hold on my money for the next 3 months. They would take a random amount of time to process each payment. I could never figure out the schedule. My money would sometimes take days or weeks to arrive when I set Etsy to a "daily" payment schedule. It was torture. I was sweating over not having money constantly, and missing payment deadlines left and right.
I was getting orders at every hour of the day. I didn't "clock out" of this job. I had to change the notification sound of the Etsy Seller app on my phone because when I heard it, I would panic. I wasn't excited, I was filled with dread. It was never ending, and I was constantly stressed about getting orders out on time. I never had time to rest. I didn't get days off. I was on the job 24/7. Unless you completely uninstall the Etsy app and refuse to check it fora while, you can't really clock out of this job.
This isn't even touching the fact that Etsy also takes a cut out of every single sale you make, meaning you have to jack up your prices wildly either to make free shipping reasonable so you're not losing money on each sale, or you have to play a dance of figuring out what the best balance between shipping and item costs are, which is time consuming. It's a lot of math and comparing against your niche's market.
Etsy has an ads feature, which you must again pay for, where they will run ads for your products in random banner ads and whatnot. You are charged if one customer clicks the ad, not purchases something, meaning this is a complete fucking scam. The minimum is $1/day and you are forced to subscribe monthly. You can cancel at any point, but sometimes it takes a full day for this to cancellation to go through. The Etsy Ads feature sucks ass. I received exactly 2 orders through their service and kept it on for a few weeks here and there. It's horrid. You do not receive a significant enough boost in traffic to make the investment worth it. Also consider how many people use adblockers these days. This isn't hard to see.
The amount of time you have to spend promoting and boosting your own shop, buying supplies, creating and photographic products, uploading them to the website, and everything else in between is not worth the amount of money you make. You do not turn a profit unless you are selling very high end products like fine jewelry and antiques. Anyone else in the bottom rungs loses money through one avenue or another, Etsy finds ways to make the entire process draining and expensive for the seller.
The also will not provide you a 1099 document to file your taxes for your earned income unless you have made over $25,000 in one year on Etsy, which is literally impossible unless you make, as I said, fine jewelry. The average Etsy seller does not make this much in one year. We do not make a liveable wage, yet Etsy pretends like we do.
I didn't realize how draining it was to run this store until I put it in vacation mode. I'm shutting it down as soon as I'm able to. I could not handle the pressure of orders coming in in the middle of the night. I could not handle the pressure of not being able to remember which bracelets I could wear, and which ones were up on the store. Or which ones I could give to friends freely without having to issue someone a refund because I made a mistake. The worry of sending the wrong customer the wrong product was constantly on my mind. Every review that came in made me scared I had fucked up or provided an inferior product. I was distraught, broken and scared.
Now I'm much more free. The piddly jackshit amount of income I made was not worth it at all. I don't think I made back the cost of supplies and I definitely was never compensated for the sheer amount of labor I put into my products and orders. Etsy just kept kicking me while I was down and now that they have made it so that you are unable to file a class action lawsuit against them, they are only becoming more tyrannical.
Etsy does not care about their small sellers. They only care about the big cash cows who bring in big views and line Etsy's pockets with the Etsy Ads program. If you're too poor too keep up they'll chew you up and spit you out. Fuck Etsy. Fuck the lack of respect for their sellers. Fuck them for holding my money randomly for 3 months because I didn't know tracking labels were REQUIRED in their eyes. Fuck Etsy for never letting me know when I was getting paid, and for paying me on such an irregular schedule. Fuck Etsy for the fucked up fees and expensive shipping labels.
Fuck Etsy for everything. Let them go. Cut the cord. Navigate to Ko-Fi or somewhere else. Let this horrid site fucking die.
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iamthatwhich · 2 years
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If you menstruate and are on a path of zero-waste, avoiding plastics, avoiding toxic chemicals, minimizing your footprint, or all of the above, then you’ve likely been faced with a frustrating conundrum: Menstruating is a natural part of your life, but there doesn’t seem to be too many ‘clean’, safe options to deal with it.
First off, let me say that I have been off and away from mainstream menstrual care for over 14 years, including birth control (wrecked my hormones), and storebought sanitary products (full of harmful chemicals like bleach, perfume and hormone-disrupting PFAs!). I have used silicone cups, discs, and cloth pads, and have a lengthy and thorough review of how they are used and what brands I prefer up on my Patreon.
However, for today I want to focus on one tried and true item: The pad.
Pads have been around for centuries- longer if you include their earlier predecessor, The Rag. However, in this time we’ve come pretty far to create a more secure, clean and manageable item— though the creation of the chemically-treated, plastic lined disposable pad has been a regrettable pit stop.
Cloth pads are great because they come in a wide range of colors and patterns (making them more appropriate for more kinds of menstruating people, including men and children) and can be reused for years if cared for properly. Over the past decade, they’ve gone from being available solely from independent sellers on sites like Etsy to  being sold alongside menstrual cups in the ‘alternative’ period care section of many stores. You can also specifically buy  pads made from organic or natural materials and avoid petrol-based textiles.
However, a downside here is that purchasing pads can still be expensive even if you aren’t buying direct from an indie seller. Now, it’s not that they aren’t worth every penny; having made 3 sets myself I fully understand the time, skill and materials that go into making them. But the fact of the matter is that under late-stage capitalism, paying the higher up-front cost for a set of reusable pads can be daunting, even if you know it’s cheaper in the long run (and it is). If you have access to fabric, a sewing machine, and sewing skills, you can half the price, and I’m going to show you  how. The cost of fabric can even be lowered by recycling old towels and clothing and I’ll talk about what you need in the tutorial! As a set of good cloth pads can last from 4-6 years or more, this is a great, frugal and eco-friendly option!
Additionally, I’m going to tell you how to wash and care for your pads since working with reusable pads is way different than just wrapping them up and throwing them in the trash.
For the step by step directions, photos and care tutorial, click here to read for free on my Patreon. All of my content is Patron-supported and Patrons also receive private and early-release posts! If you appreciate my work, feel free to visit my membership page and choose the tier that works for you.
Free tutorial here.
Tips + Thank yous Insta
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saezurumurmurs · 6 months
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A BL Platform For Everyone
NB: Please reblog this for visibility!
A little over two years ago, me and my BL crew were in our little chat sharing recommendations. 
Cat had an impressive spread sheet, Marcie and I had iCloud Notes, and it was pretty much chaos.
I looked at it and said out loud, "There has to be a better way for us to keep track of our reads and share recommendations. There has to be right?"
Cat said she wished someone would build a BL app with everything already there. Me, a developer of almost thirty years, paused while a floodlight (not a light bulb) went off in my head.
“Well I could maybe build one… cause like, I build stuff. How would that be?”
By the end of the conversation Cat had invited me to build an app for BL. 
Four weeks later, in late February of 2022, digitaljuicy.com was online. 
In the last couple of years, I’ve been listening to the fandom, paying attention to feedback, poured over analytics, read your responses to the Reader’s Survey and continued to craft a platform with all this in mind.
What I have been building is 100% for us... there is nothing but BL and it is an attempt to encompass ALL of BL. Not just the bits and pieces.
But for two years I've been struggling. Struggling in many ways, but specifically to get what I wanted out of the platform. I tried and failed so many times.
In September of 2022 I tried to raise venture capital to build the platform I wanted for us. I pitched it to accelerators and true blue venture capital.
Juicy is what is called 'pre-seed'. Which means were still so new and evolving, under-resourced and while there was interest, there was no joy. No funding was raised.
In December 2023, I realised it was time to rethink Juicy. i have been on the deepest dive for months rebuilding Juicy from the ground up and preparing the framework for the mobile app.
I’ve built something I want to use… and wild, I’m building it and using it as a fan at the same time. I'm at the point where it's impossible not to want to share.
And what kind of platform do I mean? At its most basic level:
You can track your reads, watches and plays
You can review and recommend the titles to the community, your friends, strangers on Twitter, your friend you're trying to corrupt outside the fandom. Your poison.
Timelines for you, for titles, for episodes, chapters… just about everything. I mean everything: The creators, the publishers, the studios, the actors... you can leave reviews and status posts on EVERYTHING. No algorithms, no force feeding... just discovery, recommendations and honest reviews by this community about our community and the industry we feed.
Collections! Lists of stuff you're reading, dropped, want to read, want to buy, love or hate, all pretty and organised and shareable..
A growing database resource of titles, tagged up to its eyeballs with a minutiae of data.. with reading an streaming links and anything else we find that we think is relevant.
But it is also a lot more than this.
I wanted it to be more than what it was. I want to turn Juicy into a mobile app, add some more functionality and more specifically, platform all of BL for its non-Asian fandom.
We get left out of so much, I feel like we need our own thing. 
I don’t know about ya’ll, but I was tired of being banned on social media for sharing content. How you gonna ban me for saying a 2D fictional character needs to be shot with shite and strung with cobweb? But they did… and I know it’s not just me.
What about the creators? How do they interface with the non-Japanese or non-Korean fandoms? On which misogynistic hell site?
What about the publishers and merchandisers? What about the little Etsy sellers? Why does BL have to hidden away in the databases of mangaupdates, anisearch and anilist? Why does every single manga tracker out there seem to have pitiful listings for BL? 
Is it because we’re a female or queer audience? 
Look at this lil video I made:
Either way, I’ve long felt it’s time for us to do our own thing. So I’ve been building it. Pixel by pixel. Feature by feature on my own.
Juicy has been a small chat group, but I’m the only developer. We’ve always been clear about what we wanted to build: A platform for the fandom, the creators, the publishers, the merchandisers… my goal is a one-stop platform for BL and I am damn close to presenting this new iteration.
This was and remains the core of what I’m building: The largest English platform for BL on the planet. The functionality is one thing, but building a database like that is not a one-person job.
So now I need your help.
First to keep the servers online, so I can continue to build and develop and finally, finally release the mobile app. I can't tell you how much I want that.
I’m close to pushing the new Juicy 3.0 out, and I’m very in love with the work I’ve done since December. It’s a new look, and it works 1000 times better than the previous iterations of Juicy.
I just have hit a wall financially, and need your help and support to get it over the line.
Juicy's ass is fat and I been carrying her mostly alone for two solid years. 
I’m going to launch a Kickstarter for this project in a bit so I can hire another developer  to help with the trickier bits and fine tune the mobile app, but for now, I felt a Patreon would at least help us keep the servers up and maybe, just maybe allow us to afford a few crucial bits that will elevate your experience as a user.
And because I’m a developer, and I can do some pretty kinky shit with APIs and such, if you support this Patreon campaign, you will get some nice feature perks on the platform automagically. You won’t have to pay again to access these perks in-app later.
As many perks as I can cook up anyway, not the least of which will be access to some of the nicer functions and features I’ve already built into the platform.
When the mobile app launches, you will get it first and for free! Plus we’ve been talking about a lot of other ways we can make the platform fun beyond what I've done already.
I plan to monetise the platform in various ways, but in a profit sharing model. You contribute to the database, you contribute content, you get a share of whatever the platform makes. This is already built into the system. This will be open to anyone willing, but to Patrons first.
Finally, I'm limiting the number of people who can subscribe via Patreon to 1000 people. Once we hit that number, the rolls will be closed to new membership, and everyone directed to the platform to pay for any services or merchandise.
My goal for this group of Patrons is that you become an exclusive and tightly knit inner circle.
My hope is that you will help me actively shape what Juicy will become. Your votes and say will carry weight. Your feature requests considered and if possible implemented first.
You will get access to exclusive merchandise, exclusive giveaways and promos (like free stuff), and exclusive programming from the team.
With your help we will produce an exclusive podcast for Patrons only discussing all things BL and Juicy (honestly our conversations are generally wild and hilarious... it will be a rollick for sure), along with other content for Patrons only. We've even planned watch parties and other fun shit... I swear, we want you all to be our greatest ambassadors so we are planning as many treats as we can.
Your access on the platform will be specific to your Patreon subscription and your treatment will be VIP for the life of your subscription.
Finally, the way my auADHD are set up, I have no interest in the dramas of the BL fandom, so this is never going to be about gatekeeping access to anything. It’s about making more access possible. You can help bring us all together and make us stronger as a group.
So do you think Digital Juicy sounds like something you’d like in on?
Okute Sea
Saezuru Murmurs
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gothhabiba · 1 year
hello! i am a longtime huge admirer of your clothing/fashion sense, as well as a longtime backreader of your #victorian and #goth tags. i am really interested in what you've written about Victorian dress, and i am looking to get more into 19th and 20th century clothing for gender + diy craft reasons. i'm so sorry if you've answered similar questions before, but do you have any tips for where a newbie should start researching? either way, thank you thank you, your blog opens my mind wide and brings me much joy and reflection!
General research:
Spend some time searching the 'net, museum websites, and archive sites for fashion plates (such as archive.org—link leads to a date-restricted query for "fashion"—or the Smithsonian—link leads to fashion plates in their image collection). Take note of what you like, as well as which styles correspond to which decade. Karolina Żebrowska has a good rundown of English fashion over the decades.
The undergarments are what does the most work creating the necessary silhouette to make Victorian & Edwardian womenswear fit properly. If you've figured out a decade you want your outfit to draw on, doing a quick search for "[decade] undergarments" should bring up plenty of blog posts, which may or may not cite primary sources (such is the fickle nature of the historical blogosphere). Bustle pads and sleeve supports can be purchased or made; they're both pretty simple, and tutorials abound.
Purchasing clothing:
Reproduction made-to-measure clothing can be readily found on etsy, but can be in the several-hundred USD range. I've had some luck finding vintage reproduction clothing (like, a skirt someone made by hand in the 1980s to a 1900s walking skirt pattern), which tends to be much cheaper.
Men, women, and children wore stays and corsets. As far as I know, Orchard Corset has the cheapest OTR corsets that are good quality and safe to wear. If you get a corset in the style of a specific decade handmade or made to measure, make sure that the seller tells you what the boning material is, what construction the boning is (spiral steel is sturdiest and most flexible), how many bones there are, what the corset material is, &c.—otherwise it's an indication of an unserious maker. Follow general advice for wearing corsets at a waist reduction (lace up slowly, break it in, &c.).
Antique Menswear on youtube gives a lot of good, practical advice for wearing late 19th-century and early 20th-century men's clothing (including where to buy reproductions and how to treat them, how to modify modern shirts to 19th-century standards with basically no sewing skills, &c.).
Actual antique clothing can be found and purchased online or at estate sales—usually in very small sizes, but I've seen Edwardian skirts and petticoats in an XL (also a small size, but...). You can also just simply browse this kind of thing for inspiration and save photos of anything you think you'd like to recreate.
Even clothing that was not "meant" to be worn by re-enactors can be clearly historically influenced (e.g. the huge boom in Victorian- and Edwardian- style blouses in the 1980s), so keep an open mind when shopping for vintage clothing! A lot of 1970s dresses that look "hippy" on their own can look very Victorian with the right undergarments and an updo. A lot of 1980s men's trousers also approach the right silhouette for the 1910s-inspired three-piece suit I'm trying to put together. Witness also the recent trend for big puffed sleeves!
Making or modifying clothing:
Victorian and Edwardian manuals for garment drafting and sewing can be found online—go to archive.org and search for "sewing," "drafting," or "dressmaking," then use the filters on the left to chuse which year(s) you want to see results from. Most of these have patterns that are sort of vibes-based: The work-woman's guide is one manual that claims to have patterns laid out strictly according to a grid.
I don't sew garments, but if Victorian pattern-writing for sewing is anything like it is for knitting, that may not be super useful. People do sell updates and graded 'translations' of antique patterns (which tend to be written in only one size) on etsy and ebay—just make sure from the description that it's 'deciphered' and translated rather than a scan of the original pattern!
One of the easiest things that you can do to add some Victorian or Goth flair to an otherwise plain-looking garment is to add trim. You can knit, crochet, or tat your own trim from Victorian lace-making patterns; purchase antique trim from resale sites; or buy braided or lace trim very cheaply at any craft store. Trim doesn't just have to go around the hems and cuffs of a garment: lace "insertions" between two pieces of fabric, as well as raised geometric patterns over the surface of a garment, are common in 19th-century clothing.
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[ID: first image shows a black overdress showing lace insertions between strips of fabric of equal width, creating a striped effect. second image is the back of a black blouse with trim in a geometric design centred around right angles and parallel lines. end ID]
Jewellery (women's and men's):
Actual antique jewellery (including men's jewellery and fastenings) is not as expensive as you might think. Even if you're not willing to spend a lot of time learning what to look for and scouring estate sales for people who don't know or care what they have, late Victorian mass-manufactured costume jewellery often goes for sub-$50 or even $30 prices at auction on ebay (USD, in the US—in my experience it is even more plentiful and cheaper in the UK).
Specifically, I've lucked out with lots ("lot" as in, a bunch of small things being sold together) of "vintage men's accessories" going for $20 or so that contained Victorian cufflinks (in low-karat gold, mother-of-pearl, and jet), collar studs (in low-karat gold and base metals), and shirt studs (in low-karat gold, with garnets and seed pearls, &c.). Searching for lots of accessories is generally a good idea since by and large people do not know what these things are... but if you're willing to spend a little more for something that has been identified and is more likely to still be with its set, use the specific search term for that item (e.g. "antique collar studs").
Answers to Questions About Old Jewelry (though aimed at estate sellers and, if memory serves, full of regrettable pæans to Queen Victoria) is a good reference text to dating antique jewellery. I also recommend Miller's Illustrated Guide to Jewelry Appraising. Both of these texts are available on libgen.
Feel free to ask me follow-up questions if you want more detail on any of these points. As you can see I am perfectly happy to blather away on this topic
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blackbackedjackal · 2 years
Hello I’m not sure if I’m allowed to ask questions on here, im very sorry if im not. Im curious about the most ethical way to obtain bones. I live in Canada but I live in the city i’m able to go into the woods but I’m not sure if that would be ok in respects to the animal. If that is not ok would it be ok to Buy from sellers on Etsy. I want to be as respectful as I can to the animals and people around me.
The ethics of collecting animal remains are ever changing the more I learn about how animals dispatched and how certain species are sourced. The most ethical way to collect is really what you find to align with your personal ethics. Aside from collecting remains illegally or in ways that would intentionally cause excessive harm the animal or species, it's moreso up to you as an individual to figure out what feels right for you.
Like personally, I like to either source things myself by finding remains out in nature (when I find things in nature I tend to only collect one part and leave the rest) or locally from hunters/trappers/farmers/butchers/etc. Everything else is either from another taxidermist/hunter/trapper/farmer/etc. I have a good relationship with and is willing to tell me how the animal was sourced and dispatched so can pass that information onto my clients. And even then I have my own personal limits. Like I will not work on animals with excessive trap damage or anything that was snared (as that falls into the intentional excessive harm thing for me). I also don't consider roadkill an ethical source as I've worked on many animals that I could tell were alive long after they were hit. Accidental death like roadkill doesn't mean the animal didn't suffer, but it also doesn't mean it's unethical to work on the remains because it's (usually) not intentional. I seldom know the sources for anything bought secondhand online or in shops, and I can't always discern what happened to the animal. However, you can infer it based on the species or the way the remains were processed, which is another way for you to pick and choose the kinds of remains you feel comfortable collecting.
Many sellers use the term "ethically sourced" but because of what species the animal is or where it's from, it's not possible to obtain remains from that animal without the animal or species being excessively harmed (bats and arctic blue foxes are a good example of this). Don't trust what a seller says in the listing unless they're willing to provide you with more information or are a recommended seller within the community. I'm always happy to discuss my sources with my clients so that they can decide if buying that particular item is right for them, and accommodate people's requests. Honesty is the best policy imo.
There are pleanty of people in this community who actively lie about how and where they sourced their remains and then turn around and shit on people who are open and honest about it. Like certain ways of sourcing are not inherently bad (hunting/trapping/etc.) because it's case by case. But buying animal remains, whether they fit the general definition of ethical or not, and lying about it to potential clients? That's kinda fucked up ngl.
My suggestion is to do research on how certain animals are commonly sourced and go from there. Collect in a way that feels comfortable for you, and allow yourself to shift that perspective the more you learn. The way I was collecting 10 years ago is different then how I would collect today. Certain specimens I have now I wouldn't have gotten had I known more/had more context at the time. I just know that regardless of how the animals were dispatched that I respect the remains I have and try to give back by using them for education when possible.
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questionsforjamie · 7 months
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jamie-lynn pierce; auditioning with hello by allie x
wait, is that JAMIE-LYNN PIERCE? they kinda look a lot like JOSIE TOTAH, don’t they? i heard the TWENTY ONE year old is known as THE BOHEMIAN around mckinley. it seems like they auditioned to be in TROUBLETONES (co-captain) which is so lame? people at campus have said they’re KIND HEARTED, but don’t be fooled since they’re also OBLIVIOUS. rumor has it, you can find them at ENVIRONMENT CLUB AND THE MUCKRAKER when they aren’t belting show tunes. their entire vibe revolves around FLOWERS TUCKED INTO YOUR HAIR, SITTING ON THE WATER'S EACH AT SUNSET & WRITING POEMS ON THE MARGINS OF YOUR EXAM PAPERS but no one pays attention to that here in ohio.
As the sister of Brittany Pierce, Jamie-Lynn Stephanie Pierce shares her sister's penchant for having her head up in the clouds. Well, in Jamie-Lynn’s case, her head is more likely to be found in the water as she's extremely passionate about sea life! Her favorite deep sea critter is the goblin shark!
A proud autistic, lesbian trans woman, Jamie-Lynn makes some money on the side making earrings and key-chains of various LGBT+ and disability pride related things both via Etsy and through local markets. Her best seller is a pair of rainbow orca shaped earrings.
Jamie-Lynn recently found out her family is, in fact, not her biological family. She was shocked to find out she was adopted. Which, actually, shouldn't have been that shocking considering her mom is white and her dad is Asian and Jamie-Lynn is…Lebanese and Palestinian. Jamie-Lynn's research has led her to believe she may be the illegitimate daughter of Amal Clooney - George Clooney’s Lebanese wife. The Clooney estate has not replied to her emails as of yet.
full name:  jamie-lynn stephanie pierce
gender:  transgender woman
pronouns:  she/her
sexuality:  lesbian
age:  twenty one
date of birth:  fourth of september
zodiac sign:  virgo
title:  the bohemian
occupation: student & small-business owner ( go support jewellery by jl!)
glee club: co-captain of the troubletones.
major: environmental & marine sciences
faceclaim:  josie totah
tattoos:  a jellyfish on her left arm.
style:  pinks + pastels, maximalist patterns, florals, spaghetti straps, flowy fabrics, glittery statement pieces, scented lip gloss.
likes:  the ocean, flowers, bad horror movies, strawberry flavored candy, reading people their horoscopes from teen magazines, running for the bus in heels just to prove she can, the simpsons, the muppets, disability rights.
dislikes:  hot coffee, desaturated colors, action movies, people who underestimate her, cold pizza, the smell of smoke, the taste of toothpaste, crowded buses & trains, the texture of velvet.
hobbies:  doing her makeup in the mirror while pretending she’s conducting interviews with her favorite celebrities, taking simpsons trivia quizzes online, researching the goings-on in the depths of the ocean.
high school superlative: most likely to speak for the trees.
ice cream flavour:  anything fruity!
time of the day / night:  right after sunrise
weather:  rain on a warm day
food: mango sorbet + churros
colours:  aqua, teal & pink.
songs:  can be found here
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marzipanandminutiae · 2 years
Did you get the pocket watch online? I've been wanting a good antique but theyre either broken or like 500$ so the search has been slow.
I got it at a local antique shop that I know services their watches before sale, because the sad fact is that it can be kind of a crapshoot otherwise. I've bought a bargain antique watch online before that was advertised as "working," only to get it home and discover that the case was broken, the crystal was missing, and it didn't keep accurate time (by a long shot). And the cost to get it actually functional was about the cost of a recently serviced watch anyway, so I just. Never used it, and socked money away to get something more recently repaired.
Unfortunately, while many antiques can be found at surprisingly good prices, timepieces seem to be a case of Get What You Pay For. Either you're going to be shelling out on the front end for one that's already been Seen To, or you're going to be shelling out for repairs. Saving up seems to be in order, one way or another.
Although this antique shop did have some pieces $300 and under, and they were doing a New Years' sale too, so don't entirely despair! I'd advise looking at your local antiques and/or estate jewelry stores. Watch repair places sometimes sell older stuff, too.
Or, much as I understand the love for Old Friends(TM), perhaps look into newer pocket watches. Much cheaper, usually, and almost certain to be in working order. Many of them are visually similar to the antique styles, too. Some watch sellers on Etsy seem to have good reviews, it looks like?
Best of luck!
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sammakesposters · 1 year
heya, i make posters!
I've been a professional graphic designer and video editor for over 8 years - and I thought I might start making my own posters just now for some reason. TLDR: here's the best seller: The Avatar The Last Airbender poster.
Avatar The Last Airbender is my all time favorite show, it's even in the name of our shop! Therefore, being a professional designer, I have made all kinds of ATLA posters for myself. This one is my fav and it has a gorgeous place in our living room. So if you're also a fan of the best animation ever, it could also have a place in your home!
This s a poster that contains the beautiful contrasting scenery in the show, red frame representing the war going on, the blue representing the gorgeous world building, story and the adventures. Appa is of course flying over from the peaceful water tribes right into the war, as the story goes. I love the typography in the show, from various wanted posters, the illustrations of Toph and Zuko (with his iconic blue devil mask), and the warnings from the Serpent Pass.
I wanted to capture the whole story in an image with a parchment look, and tried to stay away from the corny merch with a lowkey look which won't have your home looking like a child designed it. I hope you'll also love having the story of Aang, Toph, Katara, Sokka, Zuko and Appa. With love :) Maybe check out my Etsy if you like it: https://www.etsy.com/shop/AppaArtCrafts
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theyilinglaozus · 2 years
Getting to know you meme
Tagged by the ever lovely @owlpockets! Thanks so much for the tag, I loved reading your answers for this too 💖
Let’s see, I’ll throw tags out to: @zhaotings, @eghfeithrean, @baek1nho, @carmine-sunlight, @caityjay13, @ajfanfic, @danhoemei
Favourite time of the year: A mix of the early autumn or early spring. I love the colours of the autumn season and just the cozy feels in general taking walks outside, and early spring always makes the serotonin grow after seeing all the plants and flowers slowly come back to life as well as all the wildlife that’s been hiding return. Plus we often see a lot of birds and babies around that time in the garden which always makes me smile. Both season are great on my mental health too, which is a plus!
Comfort foods: Hot chocolate is always a plus in the evening, especially if I’m curled up with a movie or a drama. I also really enjoy chips / crisps (my family often laugh at me when I come home from work with a bag because ‘it’s Drag Race evening! I need my snacks for my show!’) For actual proper meals though I’m always happy when salad is an option. We kind of go a bit all out sometimes with it (especially lately, since my family has a Christmas Eve tradition of a full salad meal that’s just ... amazing, honestly). People who think salad is boring just haven’t experimented with it enough.
Do you collect anything:  I really enjoy collecting pin badges! I used to look through twitter often for what people were creating, what they were sharing in their own shops etc. I don’t get to do it as often anymore though seeing as I only use twitter very rarely since the takeover, which is quite sad since I feel like I’m missing the community for it now :( Etsy is good, but a lot of sellers have their own shops since I know Etsy can screw creators over sometimes.
Favourite drinks: Tea! Vanilla milkshake! Fruity boba teas!
Favorite music artists: Adam Lambert, Florence Welch, Lana Del Rey, Celine Dion, Queen, David Bowie, Michael Jackson.
Current favourite songs: oof, I can’t think of any songs that are instant favourites right now, but my spotify is telling me I’ve been going hard on the replays for Kate Bush and Tori Amos songs recently.
Favourite fics: RIP me for having to choose. I took a small bit of a break in December from fic reading, but I did go back to reading some for MDZS seeing as I was missing wangxian. Let me see what I can recommend ...
You, Asleep and Dreaming → by etymologyplayground
The Guests of Cloud Recesses → by cafecliche
lovesick → by SeraphFighter
在天涯犹有未归人; those left at the edge of the sky → by yiqie
How To Introduce Your Family To The Demon Lord You Eloped With After Dying → ruimoh
As the Seasons Pass → laurus_nobilis
A selection of MDZS, SVSSS, Cyberpunk 2077, Word of Honor and Qi Ye fics.
Favourite video games: Favourite games of all time go to Dragon Age (especially Origins), the Mass Effect trilogy, Bloodborne, Dark Souls trilogy, Elden Ring, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Pillars of Eternity, Final Fantasy 6 and 7 (the latter includes Crisis Core), Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Persona 3 and Fire Emblem: Awakening. I’m also currently playing Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne which is incredibly interesting and fun! It’s taking me a little while though since I’m a bit of a completionist sometimes and like doing all the dungeons, so we’ll see how many hours I pour into this.
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shinahbee · 2 years
Fall favorites 2022!
October 30th/2022
Happy Halloween!
It’s been like 4 months since the last update.lol. As you can tell I was busy with life. Specifically work and preparing to possibly open my etsy store soon.
I have been testing out different prints to sell and stickers, also thinking about making some clay pins. I have seen some videos on sellers making them and I have all the tools so why not right?
I’ll let you guys know more as it gets closer to opening date. I also have not been reading many webtoons and that’s kind of why the reviews haven’t been monthly.lol. I have to say I probably reached the peak of reading good webtoons now and I just don’t find a lot of new stories that interesting. But I will try to compile at least a couple to talk about and feature them when I can.
Anyways, you’re not here to listen to me ramble about my life so let’s get to it.
                                          Happy reading!
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Please suggest me some dramas to watch...I’m just watching stranger things and i’ll review that after I’m done.
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I’m just going to put up the ongoing list only. I also eliminated some titles because they are now completed or I dropped them for now
Liveta (hiatus)
Pearl boy
Semantic error
The foul (hiatus)
Secret relationships
Kings Maker (S2)
One night mate (hiatus)
Night fragments (hiatus)
The pizza delivery man and the gold palace
Dangerous convenient store
Updates on ongoing titles:
I think the recap section is going to be the longest this update...lol. Just a heads up Spoilers are ahead so if you don’t want to be spoiled ...don’t read it.
You may have noticed some of the ongoing ones are now finished. It was not worth mentioning. Turn off the camera, like how I figured jihoon ended up with yujin, of course...whatever choosing the second lead was never a thing in the first place so why do I bother....
I honestly don’t remember anything about semantic error anymore, it’s been so long since I last read it, I’ll have to get back on that train.
Secret relationships:
Oh boy...the absolute landmine, every person is triggered every Monday by any type of update, lmao it’s honestly so funny to see people defend a 2D character like they are best friends and just covering for their mistakes and making up things to excuse their actions...I’m like, dude if this was your actual friend you would call them out on their shit, you would end your friendship with them if they did something stupid. Needless to say this is all fiction...don’t be rude to other people just cause you have different opinions.
Let me just say the last few updates, if it’s not a flash back it’s a really confusing chapter. I have said this before and I’ll say it again, the plot line at this point is fan service up until now the story had been 75% flashbacks and maybe less than 25% story...it was not until chapter 110 that finally something happened that moves the story forward..Meaning that Daon was finally able to let go of jaemin and go their separate ways, whatever happened in the last 10 years was draining and heavy on both parties, they kept this whole weird relationship going on as more a security sense rather than anything else, even if it was the biggest betrayal a person can commit. It was really hard to read because it is like a 10 year relationship break up where you don’t want to let go because it’s familiar and at the same time you need to choose yourself and think about what you want and just not care. This is the hardest thing people can go through at the time but let me just tell you after it’s all done and time goes by...it will be just fine...just know that and move forward and things will work out!
Maybe I’m giving that author too much credit but that chapter was daon’s defining moment, and I was really happy for him, finally he was able to let go and chase after his own happiness, not saying it has to be Sunghyeon...but just in general being free from something that isn’t working.
But speaking of Sunghyeon...well a picture is worth a thousand words right? After he runs off from jaemin, he went running straight into a certain person’s arms.
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Following up to the next chapter 111, Daon talked about how he was ready to start something new and he wants to do that with sunghyeon, so asked for a chance to be with him. I cannot tell you how long I have waited for this from them, my sungda fangirl heart was screaming. I have to say sunghyeon’s reaction was very real and understanding especially since he didn’t know what had happened between him and jaemin and didn’t really know how to react, most people would expect him to just kiss him right there and then...which Korean dramas love to portray as romantic, but he didn’t and instead was hesitating a bit since he was contemplating about his relationship with daon at this point and whether or not he trusts him since in a way daon did betray his trust more than a few times, but in the end he accepted him. This makes him feel anxious and daon reassures him by holding his hand while they are in a taxi, signifying that he wasn’t going anywhere I guess.
On that note some stupid comments were made by people who clearly are just dumb and don’t realize that there are something called “trains” in Korea and not everyone drives cause they were all salty about sunghyeon not for his character but because he does not having a car and therefore he’s poor why would you choose him...I’m like I don’t know what money you are making to afford one especially if you are an average salary office worker...
If this all you can come up with...educate yourself please. Haters be hating on really dumb things. I mean doesn’t everyone deserve to be with someone who encourages them rather than someone who disregards the person’s feelings and emotional well being?
Also the guy waited for Daon in the rain.  He stood in the pouring rain with Daon until he was able to collect himself and leave. Get yourself a man who will do that cause that is the kind of partner that will stand by you though hard times, and Daon was at his lowest point, he essentially lost a relationship he worked so hard to maintain and now is unsure about this new relationship.
I’m saying “unsure” meaning that he has never been in a proper relationship involving both parties being mutually interested. So he does not know how this is going to go.
But I’m so glad Sunghyeon stood with him and held him in that moment.
After wards, they went to Sunghyeon’s place and washed up...not together..I presume. And Sunghyeon was patching up Daon’s feet because he ran out of jaemin’s place without his shoes...he just needed to go. During this time there was so much sexual tension between the two and Daon started giving some “bed room” eyes that does not go unnoticed by Sunghyeon and they started to make out...believe me when I say that I stopped breathing for a sec...lol.
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Now saying this there are people who believe that it would not be right to engage into sexual activity as Daon is emotionally vulnerable, but from the way he looked at him..it looked like he was waiting for something to happen, his lips where parted a little and cheeks flushed and eyes locked onto sunghyeon, I don’t know...looked like he wanted a kiss. So there is nothing wrong with wanting to touch the person you love, he is aware of what’s going on and does not reject it so we should just let it be and stop being salty just ‘cause your pairing is not the end game. But I guess we will see what happens in the next chapter....I’m happy clearly.
Pearl boy:
Guess who’s back...
Can I just say that season 3 is here and the art just keeps getting better, the creator is working real hard on the art and it really shows...she is so talented.
I think where we left off was when dooshik had come back from his ex’s funeral and had overheard some dudes in a van talk about kidnapping jooha, these men were actually pilwon’s henchman. It’s been a while since I wrote his name lol, I almost wrote pinworm again.
From the first few chapters you can tell that dooshik was being anxious but not really vocalizing it to jooha which made him frustrated since he was going to start working at a sushi restaurant he applied for when they were out on a date. There were snippets of dooshik’s past and you got to see the glimpses of what he went through during his time in jail and the host club. There was a line that he said that was intriguing, “I can’t seem to get rid of this smell” and it was from the time where he was in jail presuming that he had blood on his hands from getting into fights and even after starting anew at the host club he would still encounter that “smell” and saying that he was can never get rid of it no matter how many times he tried to cover it. I’m not really sure if this is what he meant, but to me that phrase just means you can never forgot where you come from, you can’t cover up the things you’ve done. I still don’t know what happened and how he ended up in prison back then, maybe when it is revealed then I’ll figure it out.
Also a lot of new characters were introduced, I really like sunghyun, I think he could be a good ally for dooshik but it does not look like their relationship is that great and he does not seem to trust dooshik. I don’t know why...but some part of me would really enjoy the thought that he secretly had a crush on dooshik...lol. I don’t know why maybe because I know jooha and dooshik’s love is so strong that it seems impenetrable so I don’t mind it if it were true.
I think the thing I liked the most is the progression of dooshik and jooha’s relationship, I mean yes they were cute together before but they are 10x more romantic and in deeper sense, they trust each other even if they can’t communicate their feelings well. Just seeing jooha look at the picture of them together and looking all smitten is really rewarding after all the things he went through, he was getting the opportunity to build his future together with dooshik and that made him excited.
Who wouldn’t get excited look at dat face yall....he’s so fine...
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Lol anyways, I hope the English translations will come out soon cause I don’t fully understand from just summaries and raw pictures. I definitely know something bad is about to happen because in the chapter that described how dooshik and sunghyun met , sunghyun had asked what does he want in exchange for giving him Intel, and dooshik just said he wanted jooha to be safe
And right after that a bunch of foreshadowing of events yet to come was shown, dooshik was bleeding and on a stretcher with a oxygen mask attached clearly being sent to the hospital and jooha looked like he was trying to run to him and screaming while looking wrecked, while there are faint beeping sounds of the heart monitor in the background, that whole segment I can visually see it happening and I was not ready for it. So get ready for me to cry a river when that happens.
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Welcome to some spicy reads (21+)
Killer Crush:
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Breaking News: Professional killer Joo Tae Man fell in love with Korea's favorite actor, Kang Da Hyuk! Professional killer Joo Tae-man has endured extreme physical training, mental education, and cruel torture-- but somehow easily falls apart to Kang Da-hyuk's kindness...?
Joo Tae Man who has trained for years as a professional killer thought “is this love?”
What should I do at times like this?”
I think part of my not reading more BL manhwa is because of shitty summaries like this
So this story starts off with a group of thugs interrogating this man for information and the gang leader gets a call saying that the target is with them and the leader was baffled because the target was right here tied up. Turns out the target had killed the guy guarding him and turns out to a hired hitman. The hitman’s name is joo tae man, and he is like a phantom assassin that leaves no traces of his victims and is what these thugs have been having trouble dealing with lately.
Another person named kang dahuyk is Koreas’ favorite actor who wanted to try out a different role as a killer and was not able play the role perfectly, due to his face  being too pretty.lol.
Not wanting to be boxed in as a one trick pony he finds ways to improve his acting ability including following tae man who had the look of a serial killer to his part time job as a convenience store part timer only to learn the ways of getting into character. in the store an old drunk man was harassing tae man at the counter and his thoughts of killing him is so funny...he wanted to break his spine just to get him to shut up.lol. but of course that would blow his cover
But then da hyuk said that he’d pay for the old man just so he wouldn’t start something. He then bought a coffee and gave it to tae man saying it was for him and that made taeman’s stone cold heart go crazy...lol. The boy fell in love for the first time in his 34 years of existence..oh boy
Dahyuk had been on his mind since that day and it turns out that he had a boss and co-worker that were also killers and they can sense that something is off about taeman and they were finding ways to torture the crap out of him just to purge the romantic feelings out...lol. Out demon!
Dahyuk became interested in taeman and started to show up at the convenient store often, there was a confirmation between taeman and the gang leader from chapter 1, the gang leader had suspected the killer was nearby and could possibly be taeman so he decided to confront him.
Dahyuk tried to save taeman and almost ended up getting hit in the process. This was what initiated them to actually talk to each other and they found that they enjoyed each other’s company and dahyuk gave him his number, his colleague was telling him to turn him down by being rude on the phone, instead they made plans to have a date in the “mountains” which is what dahyuk wanted in the first place, he wanted to observe taeman to improve his acting skills.
During their trip together, taeman did everything to be a turn off to dahyuk trying to make him seem like the worst person, but ended up with dahyuk slipping and hurting his leg and they both were almost getting attacked by boars. One of the boars was going to kill dahyuk but taeman jumps in and kills it, thinking that he exposed himself and that dahyuk was disgusted by him he apologizes. Dahyuk was in fact convinced that he had served in the Special Forces and that’s why he knew so much about hunting and was just glad that he’s not hurt.
Things progressed well after and taeman started to accept the fact that he likes taeman and found other ways to get involved with him, the gangster in chapter one was targeting dahyuk for some reason and that made taeman more inclined to be involved. His friend however...has major issues and didn’t like the fact that taeman and dahyuk may like each other and he his love interest (boss man) didn’t give a crap about him. He tried to mess up their relationship by pretending him and taeman were dating, this made dahyuk back off a couples days from contacting taeman, until the boy does not care anymore and just wants to see him. Taeman felt the same and said that he won’t let this affect his work even if he was interested in another person, so they ran to meet up with each other and some cute events happen...
You’ll need to read it to find out cause i’ll just stop here. This was a really interesting read, I mean I can actually see this getting an anime adaptation because it’s just light hearted comedy and it has a good mixture of romantic scenes between two awkward people and comedic scenes in how they deal with their emotions. I highly recommend this if you want something fun to read. You can read this on Lezhin comics.
Trash segment (21+)
a.k.a the part of the series where I shit on your favorite manhwa/manga/webtoon etc. Joking but not really, you have been warned.
This is the new section where you’re going to find titles that I dropped and the reasons why I discontinued the series all together, fair warning if you triggered by people criticizing your favorite series then you may want to skip this section all together. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and not every series that is “popular” or well liked by others will be like by all...therefore if there is content that makes a person uncomfortable enough to stop the series, that is on them and please don’t judge them for their morals.
So to recap, the series that I mentioned dropping so far are
Love or Hate
Yours to claim
Wistful summer
The sound of fire
Kiss damnation
Cherry blossoms after the winter
Chasing Mr. CEO
Who’s a sweet cheater?
Another sequence
Thinking of dropping Love is a fantasy...lol. This goes to show you that the author only knows how to write certain type of stories, the situations between the adults in here seems more like teenagers dealing with puberty rather than adults dealing with these situations. So I’ve become uninterested at this point.
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Currently watching chainsaw man so i’ll let you know how that goes. Liking it so far.
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No music suggestions this month, please recommend me some!
Ending note:
You have reached the end, what do you think? Sorry for the one review really but like I’ve said nothing has been catching my attention as of late due to me being busy with work and side projects. Hope fully I can go back to writing monthly again.
I will update about my shop once that is up and running, and I will work on more art soon, I have uploaded a few prints that will be available for purchasing, if you have any ideas of prints you would want to see please let me know in the comments!
Okay, bye for now.
Take care
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merchdominatortool · 4 months
Streamlining Your Merch by Amazon Strategy: Product Research with Merch Dominator
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Merch By Amazon is one of the most popular platforms for businesses, individual sellers, and creators looking to create and sell their custom-made designs or products, including but not limited to t-shirts, sweatshirts, hoodies, tops, tote bags, etc. Lots of sellers, businesses, and entrepreneurs out there are struggling to take their Merch By Amazon business to the next level, however, it’s not that easy. It requires them to be innovative, strategic, and productive with a powerful product research tool like Merch Dominator to streamline their entire Merch By Amazon journey. 
Merch Dominator is a highly advanced, innovative product search tool specially designed to grow your reach and maximize your potential on Merch By Amazon by allowing you to design, upload, and sell your custom products quickly and efficiently. In this blog post, we’ll dive into the process of streamlining your Merch By Amazon strategy with Merch Dominator’s Product Research and explore how Merch Dominator can help take your Merch By Amazon business to the next level of success. 
So, let’s dive right in!
Merch Dominator: What is it?
Merch Dominator is the ultimate solution for your Merch By Amazon and KDP sellers looking to better manage and optimize their product listings with the right keywords, best-selling products, emerging trends, popular tags, and most searched terms that drive traffic, boost conversions, and skyrocket your sales like never before. This advanced product research tool is specially designed for Print-on-Demand platforms like Merch By Amazon, Etsy, and Redbubble, making it easier for sellers to streamline their overall workflow and drive success to their Print-on-Demand business. 
With Merch Dominator, it is now easier to find what is trending and what may roll out in the next month or year so you can optimize your product listings accordingly. What’s more? Merch Dominator provides the latest product data, competitive analysis, and valuable insights to help you make a better, thoughtful decision for your Merch By Amazon business. 
Streamlining Your Merch by Amazon Strategy: Product Research with Merch Dominator
Here is how Merch Dominator can help you streamline your Merch By Amazon product research journey: 
Product Research
Merch Dominator has emerged as one of the most popular Print-on-Demand tools for Merch By Amazon and KDP sellers helping them to stay ahead of the competition and drive success to their Print-on-Demand business. This Merch By Amazon Product Research tool features a powerful module that allows you to analyze comprehensive data like keywords, prices, BSR trends, and trademarks to get inspiration from best-selling products using the Merch by Amazon Product Research tool. With this revolutionary MBA product research tool, you can access millions of Amazon product records and billions of data points in no time. 
This tool is an ideal choice for both Merch By Amazon and KDP sellers as it helps to find the best-selling products, focus keywords based on seed keywords, popular search terms, and the latest market data to remain competitive in the digital landscape. In addition, you can calculate the royalties for different selling prices and the number of royalties per product. 
Free Design Tool
Merch Dominator offers free design tools to create visually attractive, eye-catching, and beautiful designs for free. This free design tool provides all the necessary tools and functionality you need to craft unmatched designs within a few minutes for your store. Furthermore, it allows you to create text-based designs directly from its Mockup generator. The tool offers a built-in Text Editor to create unique, untapped, and truly one-of-a-kind designs that customers love, significantly driving sales at the same time.
On top of that, Merch Dominator’s free design tool lets you import and customize ready-made templates to suit your unique Print-on-demand design needs. This tool offers complete customizability to make your design appealing, attractive, and high quality. 
Redbubble Tag Generator
Merch Dominator provides a powerful, effective Redbubble tag generator to create a list of the top trending, popular tags from the best-selling products on Redbubble. This free Redbubble Tag Generator helps you create SEO-friendly, potentially attractive, and profitable tags that drive real traffic to your Redbubble products. With Redbubble Tag Generator, you can create a list of popular tag suggestions for your products based on seed keywords and keyword phrases. 
This handy Redbubble tags generator tool is perfect for both Amazon Merch and KDP Sellers looking to improve overall online visibility, search ranking, and traffic to their Redbubble store or other POD platforms.
POD Inspiration
This is an amazing feature of Merch Dominator which lets you keep up with the profitable design ideas, trending products, and hot topics in the POD marketplace. With this cutting-edge tool, you can find the best-selling designs from Spreadshirt and Etsy to get an idea of what is trending and then customize your product listings accordingly. This robust POD Inspiration is the best tool to help you get inspiration from these platforms, allowing you to create your own best-selling designs and upload them to your Merch By Amazon page. With Merch Dominator’s POD inspiration tool, you can stay ahead of the competition by taking inspiration from the best-selling products to the next level of success. 
Listing Trademark Search
Merch Dominator’s Listing Trademark Search allows you to check complete listings for any product or products across all Merch By Amazon marketplaces with highly advanced filters to keep your account and business safe in a snap. This tool is effective in finding the trademarks within the Merch By Amazon listing. With this innovative Listing Trademark Search, you can quickly check new listings right away to see if they violate any existing trademarks and take action immediately. This tool allows you to check and validate trademarks with a single click, without loading your Merch By Amazon page. 
With the ever-growing competition on popular Print-on-Demand platforms like Merch By Amazon, sellers need to rely on a powerful POD tool like Merch Dominator to be innovative, data-driven, and productive. Merch Dominator provides a comprehensive range of tools and insights to improve your Amazon merch business like a pro. From product search and keyword research to POD inspiration, MBA sellers, and competitive analysis with real-time data, Merch Dominator offers various amazing features and AI tools to you with everything you need to grow your Merch By Amazon business faster. Get started with Merch By Amazon and take your business to a new height of success. 
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creativeframing · 4 months
Custom Frames Online Cheap | Creative Framing
In the world of home decor, framing artwork and photographs is often the finishing touch that brings a room together. Whether it’s a cherished family portrait, a piece of fine art, or a motivational quote, the right frame can elevate its impact and tie the space together. But finding Custom Frames Online that are both high-quality and affordable can sometimes feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. Fear not, as I'm here to guide you through the maze of options and help you find the perfect frame without breaking the bank.
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Explore Online Marketplaces: Platforms like Etsy, Amazon, and eBay offer a plethora of options for custom frames at competitive prices. Many independent sellers specialize in handmade or customizable frames, allowing you to find unique pieces that fit your style and budget.
Consider DIY Options: If you're feeling crafty, consider making your own custom frames. Kits and tutorials are widely available online, and with a bit of patience and creativity, you can create personalized frames that are both affordable and one-of-a-kind.
Shop Off-Season Sales: Keep an eye out for sales and discounts, especially during off-peak times like the end of the year or during holiday lulls. Many online retailers offer significant markdowns on custom frames to clear out inventory, so timing your purchase strategically can save you a bundle.
Compare Prices and Reviews: Don't just settle for the first frame you find. Take the time to compare prices across different websites and read reviews from other customers to ensure you're getting the best value for your money. Pay attention to factors like material quality, durability, and shipping times to make an informed decision.
Look for Bulk Discounts: Planning to frame multiple pieces? Consider buying in bulk to take advantage of discounted rates. Many online retailers offer bulk discounts or special deals for ordering multiple frames at once, allowing you to save even more on your purchase.
By following these tips and being savvy with your online shopping, you can find custom frames that not only complement your artwork but also fit your budget. With a little research and patience, you'll be able to adorn your walls with beautifully framed memories without breaking the bank.
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Website https://creativeframing.com.au/
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Creative-Framing-Custom-Picture-Framing-Mirrors-163%205521403339163/
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Ph: (03)9888 8225
Working Time: Monday to Friday 9:00am - 5:30pm and Saturday 9:30am ~ 4:00pm.
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Where to buy ugly Christmas Sweaters in the USA?
'Tis the season to be tacky! As the holiday spirit fills the air, so does the annual tradition of donning the most outrageously garish attire: the ugly Christmas sweater. What was once a faux pas in the world of fashion has now become a beloved and eagerly anticipated trend during the holiday season. Whether adorned with blinking lights, bedecked with gaudy ornaments, or featuring a plethora of kitschy holiday motifs, ugly Christmas sweaters are a whimsical way to celebrate the most wonderful time of the year.
The origins of the ugly Christmas sweater trend can be traced back to the 1980s, with its popularity soaring in recent years thanks to nostalgic sentiments and themed parties. What was once considered a fashion faux pas has now evolved into a highly sought-after item, with enthusiasts scouring the internet and brick-and-mortar stores alike in search of the perfect tacky sweater to add to their collection.
In the United States, there are numerous retailers and online platforms where one can find an extensive selection of ugly Christmas sweaters to suit every taste and budget. Here are some top destinations for acquiring these festive fashion statements:
1. Online Retailers:
My Christmas Sweater: Their name says it all. Known for their fun and humorous designs, www.mychristmassweater.com offers a wide range of ugly Christmas sweaters guaranteed to turn heads at any holiday gathering.
Amazon: The e-commerce giant boasts an extensive selection of ugly Christmas sweaters from various sellers, catering to all preferences and budgets.
Etsy: For those seeking unique and handmade creations, Etsy is a treasure trove of one-of-a-kind ugly Christmas sweaters crafted by independent sellers.
2. Department Stores:
Target: Target's holiday apparel section features an array of affordable and stylish ugly Christmas sweaters for the entire family.
Macy's: With a reputation for offering quality merchandise, Macy's is a go-to destination for those in search of trendy and fashionable ugly Christmas sweaters.
3. DIY Options:
For those feeling crafty, DIY ugly Christmas sweater kits can be found at craft stores such as Michaels or Joann Fabric, allowing individuals to customize their sweaters with their own creative flair.
No matter where you choose to shop, the key to finding the perfect ugly Christmas sweater lies in embracing the spirit of the season and letting your imagination run wild. Whether you opt for a classic Fair Isle pattern adorned with pom-poms and jingle bells or a more avant-garde design featuring a three-dimensional reindeer with googly eyes, the possibilities are endless when it comes to expressing your holiday cheer through fashion.
So, this holiday season, why not spread some joy and laughter with an ugly Christmas sweater that's sure to be the talk of the town? Whether you're attending a festive gathering, participating in an office party, or simply lounging by the fireplace with loved ones, donning one of these whimsical garments is guaranteed to add an extra dose of merriment to your celebrations. After all, there's no better way to embrace the holiday spirit than by wearing your festive heart on your sleeve—ugly sweater and all!
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askshivanulegacy · 11 months
/rant ahead
You know, I'm a suuuper lazy person. When I order stuff in the mail, I don't care when it arrives, just that it DOES. I'll wait months. It's fine. I love Kickstarters and I don't care how long it takes them to start shipping stuff out. I love independent crafters and sellers and I know people have lives. All I want is my stuff while I still remember that I ordered it.
I draw the line at two. fucking. years.
And this isn't even a Kickstarter, you know, because for Kickstarters I don't care. This is. A normal fucking website, where you place an order like a normal person. Like Etsy. Like Amazon.
It had hands-down, THE nicest, prettiest, most gorgeous selection of ultra detailed enamel pins I have ever seen. These were ART. Dragon pins. Fantasy pins. Pokemon pins. All the pins! Not just one or two, no, I'm talking the PIN MOTHERLOAD of GORGEOUSNESS.
I placed a very generous order and was looking forward to new releases and going back for more.
And then they proceeded to string me along for two years. Every time I turned around, there was some other "emergency." And it's not even like I was bugging them about it. I waited for holidays. I waited solid MONTHS between reaching back out. But every time, it was something new.
Meanwhile, other people were receiving their orders and they were still sending out website updates and advertising their Patreon, and the website constantly said "still taking orders!" across the top.
I'm sorry. Going on two years for my single order and you're still accepting payments from people and fulfilling their orders, but for some reason, you can't do mine??
Maybe you need to stop taking people's money if you can't keep up, and fulfill your existing obligations.
I WAITED for any kind of apology. I waited for them to say they would give me a discount. Or a refund. Or throw in some freebie pins.
I have the entire email trail and not a single time was I offered any kind of apology. It's just a pure string of excuse after excuse after excuse. Like, at some point, as a business person, it literally doesn't matter if you feel sorry or not, but you are obligated to say it. If you actually care about your customer service, if you actually care about your customer being sympathetic to your life events.
These people clearly did not.
So, after two years, I finally opened up my package and got my lovely two-year-old pins. Do you think there were any freebies thrown in? Pins? Stickers? Prints? Cheap apologetic garbage???
No. There was nothing. And not once was I offered any kind of a discount. At this point, you know, 5% would have been expected. 25% would have been realistic and reasonable. PLUS one or two free pins, especially if they ever wanted me to come back, given my sizable order in the first place.
Anyway. I thought about calling this shop out just to warn people off of it, but the pins are just that good that even if I did, it would only give them more business. Which I don't want. I even went back and browsed their entire website and there are whole handfuls of premiumly priced pins that I would throw money down for right now, if I hadn't just had to wait two years for them to find their own asses and deliver after constant lies.
So I'm not going to say who they are. If you ask me to name them, I cannot in good conscience tell you. But if you see an independent pin website out there with a "hiatus but still accepting orders!" banner across the top, then order at your own risk. You can privately send me the name of a place and I will say yes or no.
But that's it. This shop is dead to me. I wish it wasn't. I would order again. For any sellers out there, take note: if you screw up THAT royally, you need to be acknowledging it, and you need to be offering freebies and/or discounts. I would have come back if they had just thrown me a damn bone. I wanted them to. I was waiting for it. It was so, so, so, so obvious that, two years later (!!!!) maybe even a small kind word would have been warranted!
But they didn't.
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