#be a more violent sonia & kaziuchi so i cut it) but actually getting into has been like a weird journey
coolcattime · 1 year
The new Home and Free chapter got me thinking about canon sparksize…and wow I think you did a really good job like getting c!jordan’s attitude towards capsize. personally, I don’t think he’s out of character at all actually!
regarding canon, I have to say I don’t particularly feel bad for Jordan when it comes to the whole sparksize thing. And I feel like that because while yea he was peer pressured to pursue her, he played into it. If you listen to how he talks to her/ about her, he doesn’t feel weird/angry/ negative about “flirting” with her. Where his frustration comes from is from capsize’s lack of reciprocation to his advancements.
[out of the 58 gold ingots in his inventory, he gifts Capsize 4. She then states she isn’t materialistic]
“Oh my god then give it back. I’m over it….Glad I only gave her four pieces…Wow and she’s running away. I’m over it! You know what? Not interested anymore.” (70 23:25)
[She does give the gold back. And obviously he doesn’t keep his word on not being interested anymore]
He feels entitled to something from her because he did something for her. Even though she never asked him for anything. Not even that, his entitlement towards to her as well.
[ Capsize wrote a message to Tom and Sonja had it on her] “No, give it to me now. Give it to me now. Don’t don’t [raises his sword towards Sonja] don’t force me. Give me the message now. [Sonja gets nvidia’d] You’re so full of crap, give it to me.” Ep 69 (8:17 - 9:12)
[Jordan reads said message and misinterprets it] “I’ve been just denied hard. Well fine, captain capsize doesn’t know a good thing when it hits her straight in the face…the ship has now sunk.” Ep 69 (10:24)
[talking to tom about it] “That was like my girl, man…it was capsize that wrote you the note, have you not read the note that has me very upset? …It’s not super sweet she gave me a rose and I thought we were like had something…Yea I thought we like had something and now you turn around and mr steal your girl? [and he keeps going with that sentiment] (Ep 69 18:00–19:30)
I think when it comes to his feelings for capsize episodes 69-71 have the bulk of it. Like that chapter really reminded me of Jordan in canon. (I feel like I talk about sparksize ad nauseam, so sorry about that! but like I think they have an actually interesting dynamic because it’s something Jordan is at fault for…not entirely, but from Capsize’s perspective it mostly is. Like she starts off her appearance with a bias against Jordan and he reinforces it without knowing that he is doing that. And I know I already gave you some quotes but I think these are better.)
So like I've been thinking about this ask all day and first I just gotta say thank you for all the tags on Home and Free, it always makes me just real happy to see them ^-^
With regards to Sparksize, holy shit all of these quotes are so bad. Like I already didn't feel sorry for Jordan in regards to the Sparksize stuff, seeing that he was the instigator, and as you say only really gets frustrated when he's rejected. Like, I feel quite a lot that from Capsize's POV Jordan is a guy she has to put up with because she needs to rescue Ianite. She can't piss him off too much because she needs him to work with her, which makes her resent him more when he acts entitled. Even with the peer pressure angle, he's still the one making decisions in the end.
The quotes themselves, I cannot believe these are actually real. Like I know they're real, but I still cannot believe them. Him throwing gold at her always stuck in my mind as like praticularly bad. But seeing the quotes about the note she left to Tom, particularly the one with him trying to get it from Sonja, just I want to shake this man and tell him that Capsize is not into him and to leave her alone. Like I'm both kinda glad that my protrayal of Jordan wasn't wildly off canon like I thought it might be, but I also want to just punt this man. Also no apologies for talking about the dynamic of Sparksize, there's something really interesting about it. Like I think that's why I've been exploring it in a few different AUs, and will probably keep exploring their dynamic just because I think there's something so interesting I want to just keep prodding at.
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