#bdubendjndf this was really fun
izukukuzi · 4 years
Made up titles! Sorry I have a few: 1. What Never Was 2. Worthless Potential 3. Kintsugi Dream 4. Dekiru not Deku 5. What goes around comes around (in unexpected ways) 6. Unburying Truths 7. Misconceptions, Assumptions and Facts
aaaaaaaaaah i’m gonna screaaaaaaam!! thank you, nonnie!!!! 
What Never Was: ah so toshinori is in a coma after his fight with all for one (but the evil man is actually dead) and, while he’s in the hospital, he dreams of a little quirkless boy with tree-top colored hair, fairy dust freckles, and a blinding smile. his lives in a created world where he trains the boy, gives him his quirk, and watches him grow into the son that toshi could never have. it’s on the “day” of his son’s graduation that (in the real world) the doctors who are looking over all might tell his mentor (gran torino) and his sidekick (nighteye) that the hero won’t be healing from his injuries, so he won’t be waking up again.
 Worthless Potential: hmmmm, maybe bakugou manages to put in all the work needed to debut as a hero just to realize that he absolutely hatesssssssssss it. there’s not enough affirming validation from the media, he can’t cradle the idea of gentleness in his mind enough to be a reassuring presence to those he saves, and he finds that being a hero is less about fighting villains (aka “winning”), and more about standing as a pillar that upholds a standard of safety and compassion (which bk could use a few lessons on debjdbjbdne). so bk has a Whole Existential Crisis at the Big Age of, like, twenty, and realizes that everything he had done to get to this point (and all that amazing potential everyone kept talking about) led him to a goal that never really existed as he envisioned it. 
Kintsugi Dream: (Kintsugi: the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery by mending the areas of breakage) izuku and his mom stop talking when izu’s career as a hero starts. inko had put her foot down and said that she wouldn’t stand by and watch her son kill himself while pursuing such a dangerous life path, so izuku packs his things and leaves home for good a little after turning eighteen. it’s almost five years later that izu gets a call from his mom where she tells him that she has cancer (but she’s fineeeee! no death for inko debdnndne). izuku takes a leave for the first time since debuting to go home and watch over his mom while she recovers (with the time they spend together helping to repair their broken relationship).
Dekiru Not Deku: aaaaaaah so when everyone is still in elementary school, kirishima and his family move so that he’s transferred into the class that izuku and bakugou are in. izu is still quirkless, everyone still calls him “deku,” but, instead of that scaring eijirou away, HE BECOMES THE CHILDHOOD BEST FRIEND THAT THE GREEN BEAN DESERVES. kiri steals ochako’s canon spotlight so that he’s the one that redefines the nickname during one of his and izuku’s conversations about their dreams to grow up and become pro heroes (but dekiru would probably be the name izu settles on for his official hero name because of my own petty feelings towards the name “deku”)
What Goes Around Comes Around (In Unexpected Ways): izuku meets... a Random Human, maybe an oc, (15 y/o) when he’s a child (10 y/o) while Random Person is all bruised up in an alley. being the kind, almost naive, soul that he is, izu sneaks them into the house to feeds them/help dress their wounds. the other person heals up enough to sneak out after a few days without telling izu, but the green bean starts carrying around a first aid kit with him and extra food just in case he runs into them again (which he does). they cross paths periodically for a few years until, one day, when izu is fourteen, the other person just disappears. turns out Random Human was sought out by afo because of their quirk and they were morphed into the nomu that shiggy brought with him to usj. when the creature sees izuku, it prompts enough recognition that Random Human fights against the order to hurt izuku and.... (something intense happens afterwards, i just dunno what ejbfjenjnf) 
Unburying Truths: oooooooh okay so, among all the notebooks that izuku has, he had used one of them as a journal as he grew up. the last entry he ever wrote was on the day that bk told him to take a swan dive off the roof :/ buuuut somehow, izuku forgets about the journal, though it’s still mixed in with his belongings so, one day shouto asks to use one of the books for an assignment they have in class (and izu trusts his best friend/real rival enough to lend them to him duendnds). things get mixed up so that shouto ends up reading the journal. he flips to and only reads the last entry (so he finds out about what happened between izu and bk) and Todoroki “Ride Or Die” Shouto makes an appearance as bakugou’s worst nightmare :D 
Misconceptions, Assumptions, and Facts: one day, randomly, aizawa asks izuku to stay after class so they can talk. maybe they had a paper to write over the social implications of quirks or something like that, and izu wrote such an exceptional paper that it made aizawa reconsider some of the lesson plans he had in mind for the future. he asks for izuku’s input on the things they could cover in class, to which the green bean suggests bringing up quirklessness as an important topic (BECAUSE DAMMIT WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT IT MORE). cue the Dadzawa and Izuson moment that isn’t necessarily an ofa reveal, but the conversation gives shouta some insight on his Problem Child’s value system, as well as the need to uplift the voices and experiences of the quirkless population. 
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