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Tea Time at Edelweiss 🐾 Evita
Where Rita had felt out of place on her first high tea with Eva, the feeling had evaporated in the weeks following. Eva had turned from mysterious stranger at the Court to someone she would consider a friend of sorts. At least they were friendly enough for these tea dates to continue. And in some ways they were the highlight of Rita’s week.
It was an afternoon with someone that was interested in her, that offered conversation that wasn’t screaming matches or arguments. It was enjoyable and much needed. It was, quite simply, time to herself that was much needed with everything that was going on. After all she spent so much time trying to keep every single piece of her life together. It was a never ending battle.
But she was ready now for another one of those tea dates. So ready that she was actually a little early as she made her way past the front gate of Edelweiss. Now that the weather was much warmer and less dreary she wore a simple sun dress with a pair of flats that made a soft sound on the ground as she moved up to the front door. Same as every other time she came to visit, her fingers curled around the door knocker and gave two sharp knocks before she took a step back, waiting to be let in.
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I’ll Love You Forever xxx [Snow Queen]
In which Snow arrives at the manor after having opened the Gates of the Underworld and become human again...
[tw for like idk bloodsucking, weirdo vampire things]
SNOW: Snow had a heart that beat.
And lungs that breathed.
And flesh that was easily torn.
She’d forgotten about that part, when she’d stepped triumphantly from the gates, waiting for her magic to flow into her again. Her body still felt--empty without it. And when she’d announced it to that damn bird he’d gone into such a tizzy he had scratched and clawed and snapped at her beautiful face.
Snow had laughed. She’d laughed because each spike of pain had been so beautifully human. She had fallen to her knees and she’d laughed and cried, until her eye was gone, until she had long claw marks down her beautiful face.
The hospital had been shocked at the damage and her wounds had been cleaned. There was nothing they could do about her eye, but she was unsurprised by that. They’d put gauze over it and given her a gaudy eye patch and sent her on the way the next morning, after there had been no sign of infection. (A surprise, that dirty, ugly bird.) She’d been given antibiotics and painkillers of all things and had to stop by the pharmacy to get a prescription filled. As long as she did not look in any mirrors, she was delighted by all this mundanity.
She had Ubered back to the estate and hopped out of the car late the afternoon after her plan had gone awry. Her heart was beating loud and fierce in her chest. She was nervous. And she knew that Eva would be able to tell. Still, she tossed her matted, unwashed hair (she would have to take a proper bath, maybe Eva would wash her hair, if she wasn’t so angry) and flounced up the steps.
Frou Frou greeted her first, padding up to her silently and sniffing from a few feet away. Her lip curled up in a warning growl.
“Frou, my sweet, it’s mummy,” she cooed at the big cat, whose ears flicked in confusion. Not even her voice sounded the same, hardly as melodic. “Come here, my sweet.” She wiggled her fingers and crouched down, unafraid of her pet.
Frou prowled towards her, swishing her gigantic tail across the marble floor, but she nudged her nose against Snow’s good cheek and Snow put her fingers in the leopard’s fur as the cat began to purr.
Her eyes flicked up when she sensed someone watching her and saw Eva hovering at the top of the stairs.
“Hallo, mein für immer,” she smiled softly and stood once again.
EVA: Eva knew what had happened the moment Snow stepped back into town, and that sweet, spicy scent of her blood wafted and Eva’s hand curled on the pages of the book she had been reading, her head snapping up as if hearing the cry of a baby from across the room. The page tore.
Eva was not stupid; she had heard whispers around the town, especially after those hounds had wreaked havoc. There were ways one could change back from being a vampire, but Eva had not thought Snow so utterly foolish as to actually do so.
Surely Snow knew that she was not going to become a sorceress again--vampirism destroyed any and all other magic within a person. Should they shed that virus, that curse, that blessing (the nomenclature shifted from coven to coven, from country to country, from time period to time period), somehow, with Dark Magic, with a portal to a different world, with an ancient artifact older than the concept of writing (there were rumors, many, of how one could go about doing so), one would only revert themselves to a blank slate of no magic. A Mundus.
A boring, pathetic, powerless Mundus, who had nothing special to offer the world except sweet blood to spill.
Eva stood on the top of the stairs, hands folded across her chest, watching Frou Frou hesitate at Snow’s feet.
Eva could hear Snow breathing, she could hear Snow’s heart beat, the rush of blood through her veins. And Eva would be lying if she did not find the idea of sinking her fangs into the side of Snow’s neck tempting.
“What have you done?” snarled Eva, but then Snow lifted her face and Eva saw the eyepatch, the jagged lines of red across the still beautiful porcelain skin and at once, she dropped her arms and in a moment had glided down the steps. “Who did this to you?” she said, her voice suddenly soft, but then she steeled herself again, pulling away. “Look at what happens,” she said, her voice a blade again, ready to cut, slice, stab, “when you meddle in things you should not.”
SNOW: Snow did flinch a bit at Eva’s snarl.
She knew that her lover would be angry with her, which was only--fair. And, she knew that Eva would really never do anything to hurt her, but in this fragile new body, face still sore from the fucking bird, she was just a touch jumpy, could you blame her?
But she stood, and she lifted her chin proudly, like nothing was bothering her, even if she knew the fluttering of her heart betrayed her. She would stand tall anyway, because she was going to be firm in her decision. She would not let Eva guilt her out of a beating heart again. She would not be fooled. She was no longer naive and foolish, she had lived (even if she had been dead) for three hundred years.
Scoffing, she moved her face back from Eva outstretched hand (though, part of her wanted to feel the coldness of her against the warmth of her skin.)
“You don’t get to do that,” she snapped right back, with a pout. “Be concerned and angry at the same time. Choose one. I chose what I wanted. Admittedly, it did not go quite as planned.” She huffed, and loved the feeling of air in her lungs, how her snort purposefully emphasized her point.
EVA: She resisted the urge to roll her eyes. Three hundred years, and Snow still acted like a bratty adolescent at times. Snow, clearly, did not understand the implications of what she had done, did not understand a mother’s love and how one could be so utterly filled with concern and adoration and love, yet to the brim with anger and frustration.
“Why did you do it?” said Eva, simply, though her voice was still sharp. “Your flesh can be torn so easily, your bones broken, your hair ripped. Your skin will age and your vision weaken. Is it worth it, in the end, so that you might feel sunlight and air?” She drilled her gaze into Snow White.
“I am worried, for you mein liebling,” she said, and now her voice was softer. “The world may be softer now, but there are still dangers lurking at every corner. As a human, you are weak.” She scoffed, but her eyes lingered on the vein in Snow’s neck. She could hear the blood rushing through and felt a twinge of thirst lick up in her.
Snow’s blood had been the sweetest she’d ever tasted.
She flicked her gaze back to Snow’s icy blue eye.
“Now, who did that?”
SNOW: Snow wanted to lift her hand up and do that thing where you open and close your fingers and your thumb to look like a mouth as Eva went on and on about all the things that could happen to her now that she was human, like Snow was a child, like Snow had not thought of that. Of course she had. She knew what being human was like, remembered better than Eva. That was the problem--she had missed it. Being invincible was only fun for so long.
And, to her credit, she had been planning to have her powers back. Her powers were enough to protect her, she was confident.
At the mention of her wound again, Snow did lift her hand, still pouting.
“A damn raven,” Snow pouted. “His name’s Diablo. He was cursed. I told him I would help him if he helped me. As soon as I realized I didn’t have powers, he attacked me like a spineless bastard.”
Snow’s hand clenched into a fist. She didn’t need vampire strength to snap a little bird’s neck.
“I was supposed to have my powers,” she added, by way of explanation, voice still whining.
EVA: Eva clucked her tongue in disapproval. Supposed to have her powers, ha. A little foresight would have warned Snow of this. Vampirism wiped the body clean--of magic, of life, of blood. Reverting it would give one a clean body--no powers.
But pretty little Snow always got what she wanted, sometimes losing sight of what that could mean in the long run. And this time, it seemed, was no exception.
Eva could scold Snow. She could pull back her teeth and snarl and scare off Snow White, and Snow would run off into the woods and likely trip and fall and twist her ankle in such a precious human way. And it would be a cold, bitter end for Snow White, lost in the woods.
That could happen.
Instead, Eva sighed, a breath of air that she did not need, and held out her arm, gesturing for Snow to come closer.
“Of course, mein liebling,” she said, softly. “We can deal with this bird later. You can enjoy your little human indulgences; the world is not as dangerous now, it seems, perhaps you will be fine. I will be here should anything happen, should you change your mind once more. Come, child, let me hold you, I’ve missed your heartbeat so.”
SNOW: Snow as feeling very much the petulant child right now, her lip jutted out and her eyes welling up with tears. She was just so annoyed. Diablo had betrayed her. Her beautiful face was a mess, and what was worse: she didn’t have her powers back. The thing she yearned for most in this world.
The second thing she yearned for? Right in this moment? Eva’s embrace.
She was no fool in thinking that Eva wasn’t extraordinarily pissed at her, but, she wasn’t afraid of her. She’d never been afraid of Eva, even when she’d first shown up on her apothecary doorstep, looking heartbroken and so beautiful and feeling like something dangerous.
When Eva opened her arms, Snow didn’t hesitate to skitter into them like a frightened animal seeking its burrow.
Eva was cold, but even her cold and Snow’s warmth wasn’t unfamiliar to her--just lost, like a distant memory. It came back to her quickly now, and she pressed her good cheek into Eva’s shoulder, wrapping her arms around her love’s waist. She felt safest here, safe and warm, even if Eva’s temperature made her shiver slightly.
“You’ll take care of me, though, won’t you?” Snow asked, tilting her head back to catch Eva’s eye. “I’ll be good, I promise.”
EVA: She cupped Snow’s chin in her hand, stroking the pale cheek. Snow’s skin was no longer the stark white of a vampire--still pale, though there was color, there was blush, a flush of blood flowing through her veins. It would take a trained eye to notice, an eye familiar with every curve of Snow’s face.
“Of course I will,” Eva murmured. She could feel Snow’s heartbeat, smell the sweet, spicy scent of her blood. Oh, how precious this little one was now. So easily broken. All the more to protect.
She pressed her cold lips to Snow’s forehead, and the scent of blood filled her nostrils. Eva inhaled deeply, overcome with emotion. She wanted to taste Snow again. She wanted to hold Snow close. She wanted nothing to happen to her beloved. She wanted to find that bird and crush him. She wanted to kiss her darling, as if it were the first time.
And she did. Tilting Snow’s face up towards her, Eva leaned in to kiss her, softly, gently.
And she felt Snow’s heart beating quickly, like a little rabbit and Eva smiled into the kiss.
SNOW: Snow sighed, a real, honest to god sigh, at Eva’s words. It felt weird, the air swishing in and out of her lungs, but she loved it all the same. She loved that a sigh was satisfying now, that it made her feel warmer and lighter all at once. That was what she had missed the most (besides her magic), she had missed feeling.
Vampires feelings were duller. Yes, emotionally, they had the same capacity. Eva still loved Snow immensely. But, Snow knew that when she kissed Snow now, Eva’s heart did not flutter like Snow’s did. She couldn’t feel the emotion rushing in her head and down through to her toes.
It felt big and wonderful all at once, like the first time again.
Eva’s lips had been cold then, and Snow’s had been warm, and she’d never felt such warmth before, despite Eva.
It had thrilled her and it thrilled her now, as she shivered, delighting in the way that the feeling fluttered through her, made her feel so, so light, like she was going to float right up to the ceiling.
“I love you,” she whispered when they broke the kiss. One of her hands was over Eva’s cold, still heart, but it didn’t matter--because she loved her anyway. Snow smiled brightly. “I love you, I can feel it.”
EVA: She had not seen a smile on Snow’s face so bright and so brilliant in a very long time. In their past few meetings, though they would always crash together again in a violent fervor, there hadn’t been that level of joy that Eva had once seen across Snow’s face. That had been one of the reasons she had fallen in love with Snow, all those years ago. She was the brightness in a dark, lonely world that Eva belonged to.
Three hundred years later, Snow was still her light, but perhaps her brightness, her warmth, had been stifled. Perhaps it had been Eva’s fault (though she would not admit that--she was just trying to keep her little flame safe).
But now she shone. She burned. She was warm and her heart beat, and Eva held Snow closely to her body, feeling that warmth.
If Eva could still cry, she knew that there would be tears trickling from her eyes right now.
It had been so long, though.
“I love you so,” said Eva, bringing her lips back to Snow, kissing her deeper, then pulling away. “After all these years, my heart only stirs at the thought of you.”
She leaned forward to kiss Snow again, her hand curling in Snow’s long dark hair. Eva could hear Snow’s blood rush, and her own thirst grew stronger. She pulled away abruptly.
“Forgive me, darling,” she said, her voice breathless. “It’s been a long time since I’ve smelled your blood.”
SNOW: Snow smiled into the kiss again, it took her a moment to rein in her unbridled joy.
This was all she had wanted. This spark, the passion blooming warm in her gut at Eva’s words, at her touch, at her kisses. It made Snow want to bury against Eva’s strong chest. It took her back to when she was just 21, really 21, so young and wanting to see the world. Her heart so caring and gentle, and Eva had molded it. She made it smile, she made it stronger. Snow’s heart had never beat so surely until she’d met Eva.
And even now, she remembered that feeling. It had not gone far, even if she could not conjure it up until now.
Snow chuckled when Eva pulled away. Chuckled and pouted, swaying her hips some. She was--after all--a little high on painkillers.
“You can have a taste if you like,” Snow offered, shaking her hair out of the way. “Though, I must warn you, I did lose quite a bit of blood last night.”
EVA: She ran her fingers down Snow’s pale neck, feeling the blood pulsing in her aorta. It had been so long since she’d tasted blood as sweet as Snow’s. Eva flicked her eyes to Snow’s, her thumb on Snow’s throat.
“I will be careful with you,” she said, her voice soft, and she leaned forward to press her lips against Snow’s. She kissed Snow deeply, then pulled slightly away, trailing her kisses across Snow’s sharp jawline, the curve where it met her neck, and then down even still.
Her thirst was growing stronger, Snow’s scent filling her with each kiss. She ran her tongue across Snow’s neck and nearly trembled, the blood so intoxicating.
Slowly, she bit down, and at once nearly moaned in pleasure, gripping onto Snow tightly.
Snow knew that she would, be careful, that is. She trusted Eva, which was funny, seeing as Eva, at times had made her life a living hell. Even then, though, Eva had never hurt her. Not physically anyways, she’d never even come close. She’d always touched Snow like she was something precious, which was what had Snow coming back time after time, even amongst the lies and the hurt and the jealousy.
And now, her heart thrummed in anticipation. There was a little prick of pain, but it just made Snow shudder and she sucked in a breath of air. Eva pulled her closer, tight enough that she would leave bruises, but Snow didn’t care.
She tilted her neck, let Eva drink her fill. It made her head rush, dizzy with arousal and blood loss. This was what she had missed, this was what she had wanted. Being human meant she felt all these sensations so--realistically. It no longer felt like there was a film screen between her and the rest of the world.
She was alive.
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Mirror, Mirror, On the Wall xxx [Snow Queen]
It was just an hour before the grand party that Eva had organized for Snow. Which, despite Snow’s attempts at curtailing it (mostly just for her own amusement, watching Eva huff and squirm about it), was going to be a beautiful party. She supposed that was one of the perks of her Eva. She could admit that there were many.
Another was what she was currently seeking her out for, her long, elegant silk gown (baby blue) needed to be done up in the back with its series of complicated zippers and loops of fabric.
“Eva, darling?” Snow questioned, poking her head around the corner of Eva’s own dressing room in the opposite wing of Snow’s own room.
#bdrpeva#snow queen#mirror mirror on the wall#eee im excite#also im sorry i had to post this tONIGHT#bc it is HER BIRTHDAY#my honey
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Making Up For Lost Time🐾 Evita
In the wake of everything that had happened there was no surprise that Rita had been absentminded and forgotten more than a few appointments. One of those being her (almost) weekly tea dates with Eva. It was why she hurried to get ready to make this one. She did enjoy these little dates with Eva. They gave her a chance to get away from everything, to be with someone that was genuinely interested and not looking for anything from Rita.
She wore a form fitting short blue dress with a poncho like cover that covered the small bump that was beginning to show, hoping it wouldn’t be to informal for their meeting. Another reason she loved these meetings was the chance she got to dress up and feel fancy. Like if she hadn’t been left in an orphanage or grown up basically on the streets, she could have had something like this.
As usual when she arrived she was greeted by Eva’s maid and led to the gardens. She gave a smile as she saw Eva there and moved forward to give her a light hug. “I am so sorry I haven’t been by recently. Things have been... absolutely crazy. That whole dream thing and the forest.” She gave a soft laugh. “I’m sure yous know. Whole town was affected.”
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Next to Me 🐾 Evita
Rita was going to perform a new song. It was one she’d been working on for a few months, something that was special to her. Through this song she had dealt with some of the darker aspects of her life. How she had used her body and how men often reacted to her to make money. It hadn’t been the best time for her but she’d done what she needed to get the money required to live.
Her nerves were making her nauseous and her heart felt as if it were going to beat outside of her chest. But as she was announced and the crowd that had gathered applauded, she swallowed it all down and gathered the train of her dress in one hand as she climbed onto the stage. The bright spotlight blinded her temporarily but it passed just as her nerves had. In an instant she was Rita Saluki, temptress and siren, her smoky voice would fill the room and call all to her.
Another day is over Another day is done Now I'm getting closer To the rising sun Hey, there, what you doing? Would you like a little company? Hey, man, how you doing? Would you like to sit next to me? Another day is over Another day is done Another night I'm waiting Waiting for the sun Hey, there, what you doing? Would you like a little company? Hey, man, how you doing? Would you like to sit next to me? Well, I don't know, little lady You're awfully pretty But I'm a nice man, I live a nice life I have a nice house, I have a great wife And I'm tired of making Decisions without thinking Another moon is shining Another evening come Another hour unwinding Till the night is done Hey, man, what you doing? Would you like a little company? Hey, there, how are you doing? Would you like to sit next to me, next to me, next to me?
By the time she sang the last note, the sound of it hanging hauntingly in the air, Rita felt light. There was always something about performing a new song that gave her a giddy feeling. She’d have that feeling throughout the night, would let it bolster her as she lingered in the club mingling and maybe even dancing at some point.
For the time being, though, she needed a drink and she needed to sit for just a moment. Passing by a table, she smiled at the patron, a sly little thing that quirked the corner her lips up. If the woman decided to follow her, Rita certainly wouldn’t mind. Maybe she’d be nice to talk to. Or maybe she’d tip generously for a few moments of the singer’s time. Either way, it would be a win for Rita.
Sidling up to the bar, Rita nodded towards the bartender as she sat. “Just a water for now.” Feeling a presence approach her, she smiled to herself. “And whatever my friend here is having.”
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