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autopotion · 1 year ago
I know our format is kind of impenetrable (which I'm admittedly self-conscious about) but I'm hoping that it will appeal to (outside of roleplayers, which are the natural audience for BDBN) ... you know... kind of people who go out of their way to engage with impenetrable formats. Like it's fun for them to engage with stuff presented in an odd and impenetrable way
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strooodl · 4 years ago
my marcanne fics: <3 healthy aaaa happy bdbns soft space oh my god why am i so obsessed with writing about space and nature with marcanne wait what’s wrong with me am i okay huh wait i actually just relaized that
my bubbline fics: banana bread, love is dead... hotdog marceline
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liminalgabs · 3 years ago
A esta hora solíamos jugar cod
Decirnos bdbn
O si estabas aquí en mi casa
Solías ponerte mi buzo plomo
Y dormir contigo es lo más hermoso del mundo
Nada es más seguro que dormir a tu lado
Y confiar en que no me pasaría nada y si me pasase algo moriría feliz
Yo sé que es aburrido y simple pero es sincero
Te amo de verdad Nathalia
Puedo hacerlo todo mejor si me dejas
Ayúdame por favor.
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llazyllass · 6 years ago
murking replied to your post “@murking replied to your post “wtf is up with tate” hes a cyclepath...”
tate stresses me tf out
murking replied to your post “@murking replied to your post “wtf is up with tate” hes a cyclepath...”
ITS BEEN FOREVERR since ive watched it but by the end of it i think theyre all ghosts... unless ur talkin abt the new season idk BDBNS i stopped watching
 thank u..youre an mvp..i just started watching it this week and i just its a show alright...everytime ben is on screen i wanna kill him ngl
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overgrounders · 1 year ago
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Uncropped protagonist trio (2009 and 2027)
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autopotion · 1 year ago
I'll be honest I don't think our thing is ever gonna reach a large audience, but my hope is that eventually there's one person out there, whom I've never met before, who sincerely loves BDBN with all their heart, in much the way I'm passionate about some very niche media
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robotise · 7 years ago
u kno that scene where will smith’s chara in i, robot is askin the robot “can a robot write a symphony? can a robot turn a... canvas into a beautiful masterpiece?” n the robot is jus like “can you?” big daechun mood... except his tone is more mocking BDBNS
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australialawyers · 3 years ago
Can an Attorney Sign Binding Death Nomination on My Behalf?
Central to the important responsibilities bestowed on a trusted person when you create an enduring power of attorney is the making of personal and financial decisions that have the same legal effect as if you’d made those decisions yourself.
There had been some uncertainty, however, about whether an attorney’s power included making, renewing or extending a Binding Death Benefit Nomination (BDBN) – the form a superannuation fund member signs in order to determine who receives their super proceeds on their death.
The post Can an Attorney Sign Binding Death Nomination on My Behalf?
source https://australialawyers.com.au/can-an-attorney-sign-a-binding-death-nomination-on-my-behalf/
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wahyuchuckz · 4 years ago
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"siap dikembalikan buat yg kehilangan" Nemu kunci kontak motor mungut di tengah lurung jln. singaraja-seririt sekitar desa temukus @info_singaraja @singarajanow (di Singaraja , Buleleng) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIk2OL-BDbN/?igshid=ja7nfbt1exoh
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diraltaempresas-blog · 6 years ago
Bdbn Cerrajeros 24h Bilbao
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Servicios de cerrajería urgente en Bilbao. Cerrajeros para apertura de puertas, reparación de cerraduras, apertura de persianas metálicas, etc. Acudimos a su hogar o comercio durante las 24 horas de lunes a domingo incluido festivos. Estamos a su disposición los 365 días del año. Garantizamos todas las intervenciones de nuestros cerrajeros urgentes con una garantía de 12 meses. Porque los problemas no surjen cuando a nosotros nos da la gana, Cerrajero Bilbao 24 horas tiene siempre a un técnico dispuesto y disponible para ti, para que no tengas que aplazar el resto de actividades de tu día por un problema con las llaves, el coche o lo que sea. Nuestros cerrajeros velan por tu seguridad con la experiencia que nos abala más de 40 años en el sector. Nuestros profesionales de cerrajería son capaces de solucionar averías de todos tipo así como instalaciones de seguridad para mejorar la seguridad en tu domicilio. Son expertos en la instalación de cerraduras y puertas de seguridad, e incluso pueden asesorarte en la instalación de alarmas y otros sistemas de seguridad como escudos acorazados o magnéticos. Te asesoramos en la renovación de tus cerraduras de borjas o cualqueir tipo de cerradura obsoleta contra el bumping. Los ladrones cada vez cuentan con nuevas técnicas de apertura de cerraduras, y es necesario renovar tus cerraduras cada ciertos años. Si quieres estar a salvo en tu hogar o comercio, solicita información a nuestros cerrajeros en Bilbao, que te atenderán no sólo en Bilbao centro, sino también en Leioa, Barakaldo, Sestao, Getxo, etc. En equipo de profesionales iempre disponibles para atenderte en una nueva asistencia o reparación, así como en cualquier reclamación de una de nuestras intervenciones previas. Ante cualquier necesidad urgente, cuenta con nuestros cerrajeros 24h en Bilbao. Read the full article
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🤓👽*❤Find Your Balance ❤*👽🤓 Trent Frymire Owner F.T.B. Fitness Through Balance LLC (817)939-1290 [email protected] https://www.instagram.com/p/BvI-bDBn-Hs/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=9jy9ulkec9an
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tamilbtc · 6 years ago
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at Tamil Review Today https://www.instagram.com/p/BnsWZS-BDBn/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ebyaj0m0e0z5
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overgrounders · 1 year ago
Character Dossier: Pandora
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"I'm not a shard, you know. That's just my origin."
DOB: Summer 2027 (new) Height: 2" Psychic power: Unknown (overground shard?) Theme song: Bridges and Balloons - Joanna Newsom
Pandora is a magical miracle, a music box ballerina given life after a recent mishap at a DSC research laboratory. Nobody knows whether the rare overground shard embedded in her chest gives her magical powers of her own, or is simply what keeps her alive. Though the DSC, and many others, would like to find out, Pandora herself is principally concerned with exploring her enormous new world, listening to Mattias's stories, and eating tiny pancakes with sugar on top.
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electricistas · 7 years ago
Bdbn Electricistas 24h Bilbao (Bilbao)
BDBN, electricistas en Bilbao especializados en la atención de reparaciones eléctricas urgentes durante las 24 horas. Contamos con electricistas para servicios urgentes en Bilbao los 365 días del año. También realizamos nuevas instalaciones de electricidad así como reparaciones no urgentes. Contamos con una red de profesionales de electricidad en continua evaluación y con un alto grado de compromiso con la compañía y con sus clientes. Atendemos tanto a viviendas particulares como a empresas y administradores de fincas, que cuentan con nuestros servicios por la rápida respuesta y la calidad de los trabajos. todas nuestras reparaciones eléctricas cuentan con una garantía mínima de 12 meses.
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bdb-niji-blog · 9 years ago
Moth Queen || NPC Finding || Leena
[Cw: Moths]
Not more than a day after Maru and Kumi made their childish war known and the remaining students got to meet without a wall separating the two of them, many students had already began investigating the new outdoor area. With the ability to go outside brought many new possibilities of being far from your classmates, giving you just the amount of space one might need.
But were you any closer to being freed from this nightmare experience?
While everyone was left to their own devices some of you had been exploring the Lakeside Area and found a rather peculiar cave, once that didn’t seem to belong there once entering due to its rather lavish interior, if one didn’t know better it would appear to be something only seen in a Ghibli movie due to the amount of mysterious bottles on shelves and paintings.
However, the caves tenant appeared to be rather displeased with who woke them up. Appearing from behind the beaded curtains, from a more secluded room, a tall woman with long black and red streaked hair and gigantic moth wings stood before them.
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“How DARE you disturb me?”
Her voice echoed through her home, eyes narrowing onto the faces of the ones to disturb her. It was not a rule to break to wake up a sleeping authority(?) figure but she was making you feel like that.
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“That comes with a price~. I am Leena, Queen of the Moths and some of your classmates worst nightmare.”
She was now circling around the unlucky two who had disturbed her and spoke roughly once more.
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“That price being, I will do you a favor… I will give you a poison to kill one of your fellow classmates... for a price of course. You have 24 hours to use it. If you do not complete your end of the deal, I take your life instead. Isn’t that great?”
...Well it seemed that yet another way to kill your classmates has arrived. But will you trust the partially mysterious woman with a crystal ball?
[A new NPC has been found! Your ONIbooks now can contact Leena!]
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