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smallhornypuppy · 1 year ago
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Advertencia de contenido: Fantasía de violación, abuso, rapto.
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No era nuestra primera cita, eso me tenía emocionado, saber que me habías querido vuelto a ver ya al menos 3 veces, la conexión de apoco se iba reforzando, ah, mi corazón estaba inquieto y no pude evitar ponerme un ropa un tanto menos recatada, no sabía si tenía más confianza o buscaba generar algo en ti, llamar tu atención y que quisieras verme una y otras veces más. Llegó un mensaje a mi teléfono de mi parte avisándome que estabas afuera esperandome, tomé lo necesario y fui a donde estabas, me subí a tu auto y un saludo amable con un coqueto beso en la mejilla, no pensaba que el haberme subido habría sido tan grave “error” te veías realmente inofensivo o yo estaba cegado. Fuimos a nuestra cita, me hiciste tomar un poco más de la cuenta a pesar de saber que mi resistencia al alcohol ya era baja, me presionaste a “relajarme”, la noche pasó rápidamente y al fijarme en la hora solo te dije que preferiría irme a solas, pero de la nada sacaste algo punzante, ni idea que habrá sido pero sentía el frío y el filo en mi pierna, quedé congelado y en mis ojos se reflejó el terror, al parecer apenas sentiste el miedo en mí sonreíste…de un brazo me tomaste para llevarme al auto nuevamente mientras movías la navaja debajo de mi ropa, tocando directamente mi piel, me empujaste adentro y sacaste debajo del asiento cinta de embalaje, tenía ganas de gritar pero no podía imaginar de qué eras capaz…al final solo amarraste mis piernas y mis brazos para volver al asiento del piloto y poner el auto en marcha, no quería preguntar nada, no podía hablar honestamente, solo sentía como mi corazón iba a mil por hora, viendo como lentamente nos íbamos alejando de los lugares más concurridos “Tranquilo, estamos por llegar” hablaste con voz serena mientras acariciabas mi pierna y la apretabas con fuerza, actuabas con tal normalidad como si no estuvieras haciendo absolutamente nada malo…
“Esta es nuestra parada” estábamos en medio de un bosque, no había nada de luz, solo la luz de la luna se encargaba de dejar divisar entre los árboles. Te bajaste del auto y fuiste a mi puerta para abrirla sin dejar de sacarme los ojos de encima ya con una sonrisa maliciosa en tu rostro… sacaste la cinta que tenía en mis piernas y me bajaste del auto con brusquedad hasta tirarme al suelo, no soy capaz de modular ninguna palabra, solo un quejido y la respiración agitada es lo único que sale de mi boca “Eres adorable…” te lanzaste sobre mi y rápidamente sacaste la navaja colocándola en la orilla de mi ropa, comenzando a rasgarla con lentitud, mi cabeza empezó a moverse de lado a lado y finalmente salió algo más que un quejido de mi boca “No…¡NO! ¡NO! ¡¿QUÉ ES LO QUE INTENTAS HACER?!” Parecía que mi desesperación y angustia te gustaba porque acercaste tu rostro al mío a pesar de los gritos, tu miraba me derretía pero a la vez era tan intimidante, infundía un miedo inexplicable pero por qué…¿por qué me sentía tan expectante de lo que harías conmigo? era casi…agradable estar en esa situación, pero no, no tendría por qué ser así… “Ah…esa expresión de miedo…quiero más, quiero más de eso” y con esa frase rasgaste por completo la parte inferior de mi ropa dejando al descubierto mi entrepierna y llevando la navaja a mi ropa interior, ahí el terror me invadió por completo pero mis piernas no dejaban de moverse “Detente por favor, te lo suplico detente…” tampoco podía ser muy brusco ya que cualquier movimiento en falso podía hacer que me lastimara… “Me pides que me detenga pero…” soltó la navaja y sus dedos se pegaron a mi entrepierna por encima de mi ropa interior “Estás dejando un desastre aquí y pides que me detenga…realmente eres raro” empezó a mover sus dedos en círculos mientras se reía con suavidad, me miraba con lujuria pero también con…¿hambre? Me sentía como un animal indefenso bajo los colmillos de su depredador, me estaba volviendo en la presa de ese hombre con cada segundo que pasaba “Saca tu mano de ahí si sigues molestándome ahí claro que…claro que me voy a mojar…” poco a poco se iba quebrando mi voz al terminar esa frase pero quería echarle la culpa a una supuesta reacción natural que realmente no existía…pero ya nada hacía que te fueras a detener cada vez con mayor rapidez frotabas tus dedos en la parte externa de mi vulva hasta que tus dedos se empaparon por completo, aquel sonido pegajoso me hizo intentar cerrar las piernas pero llevaste tu otra mano a mi cuello con suma brutalidad, haciendo que mi cabeza quedara completamente contra el suelo “No me vas a privar de nada, ahora eres mío ¿entendiste? y voy a hacer lo que quiera contigo, puedes gritar, llorar e intentar liberarte pero estás aún débil por el alcohol y soy mucho más grande y fuerte que tú, nadie puede venir a salvarte, nadie puede ayudarte…” tenía toda la razón, estaba atrapado en esta situación, sin nada con que protegerme, a la merced de aquel hombre…”No…no podrías hacerme nada ¿verdad? Te veías como alguien que no sería capaz de hacer algo así no no…” apenas podía hablar debido a que su mano aún apretaba mi cuello, pero de apoco mi cuerpo empezaba a ser cada vez mas honesto con la situación, mis pezones se estaban endureciendo y mi entrepierna ya más que empapada, era una situación más que vergonzosa y desesperante… él ya parecía más que encantado con mis reacciones, mis quejidos y mi desesperación, separó sus dedos de mi ropa interior y me mostró como se habían empapado a pesar de no tener contacto directo, después de enseñarme aquello lentamente sacó su lengua y comenzó a lamer sus dedos para limpiar el fluido que había manchado estos “Ah es como un suave nectar…”
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hypnovibing · 1 year ago
Hablas español bien??
Asi es, soy mexicana asi que es mi lengua natal. Pero soy 100% bilingüe
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maffexb · 4 months ago
Siento que en español no tenemos una expresión tan emotiva como "good boy", lo de chico/a bueno/a no suena del todo bien. ¿Alguna sugerencia?
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kittycatforyou · 2 years ago
I let him hit cuz he says cute stuff like “gosh darn it” and “Keep it up, I’ll fuck the shit out of you” ☺️☺️🥰🥰😍😍
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smallhornypuppy · 1 year ago
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Bruises in my skin are always so pretty…
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panlight · 9 months ago
Not including "Olympic" or any of the last names among the members, do you have any other ideas that could serve as a title for the Cullen coven? It just seems odd how the vampire clans are referred to by either their leader's name (James, Sancar, Hilda, etc) or geography (Egypt, Denali or the Amazons). I honestly doubt the Irish coven isn't a family unit, and maybe the Egyptians have developed a somewhat similar layout. Denali doesn't make sense considering the mixed background of all of the members (Russian, Spanish, North American, French if you include Laurent too). I don't think "North American" fits the Cullens either since they've resided in places outside the US (not 100% certain though). I'm curious, what could be titles for each coven?
My sense is that these names would develop organically over time, sort of like how surnames developed in Europe. "Oh that's Tom the baker," eventually becomes Tom Baker, "Tom who lives on the hill," becomes Tom Hill, etc. So I think in that way naming them after their founder or their location makes sense. "Siobhan and her coven in Ireland = Irish Coven" "the nomadic coven Hilda founded" = Hilda's Coven.
So I don't really know what other names might be used. I guess they could be something like "the Golden Coven" from their eyes or "The Vegetarian Coven", but the Denali could be that too. Perhaps the Denali were grandmothered in as "The Succubus Coven" and the new members just have to sort of deal with that name even though Carmen, Eleazar and Garrett never fit that description, which lets the Cullens claim the Gold/Veggie mantel.
Other reasons I Don't Care For the term 'Olympic Coven?' It's not their land, it's Quileute land, Makah land, etc. Claiming "Olympic Coven" for them adds insult to injury on that front. Also it erases the entire history of the coven before this point. I know in an out-of-universe sense they only came into existence when Bella entered their lives, but Carlisle's been around for 350+ years and the coven had existed for almost 90ish years before the events of the story. I know it's Bella's story, but this isn't Bella's Coven. She didn't found it, it didn't come into existence in Forks, and Carlisle was already well-known before the events of BD; that's how he was able to gather all the witnesses.
And it seems SM herself dropped the idea after the Vampire Index (which to me sort of read as a joke anyway? Didn't Jacob have a line like "someone needs to provide an index so I can remember all the bloodsuckers' names!" and then "see Vampire Index").
The Yellow Eyes, St. Carlisle and his disciples, that weird coven that starves themselves, Carlisle and his gifted followers, 'that one vampire who has a job and house and wife and kids, lololol", etc this all makes more sense to me than "The Olympic Coven." I guess the most poetic might be like "The Golden Ones" or something, but I imagine to other vampires it's less "golden" and more "sickly yellow."
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st4rwon · 1 year ago
someone has posted a spanish translation of your work to wattpad: wattpad . com/1331872391-%F0%9D%97%95%F0%9D%97%B2%F0%9D%97%B5%F0%9D%97%B6%F0%9D%97%BB%F0%9D%97%B1-%F0%9D%97%A7%F0%9D%97%B5%F0%9D%97%B2-%F0%9D%97%9F%F0%9D%97%B6%F0%9D%97%B4%F0%9D%97%B5%F0%9D%98%81-%E2%9A%A1%EF%B8%8E%F0%9D%98%9A%F0%9D%98%92%F0%9D%98%A1-%F0%9D%98%9A%F0%9D%98%9B%F0%9D%98%9C%F0%9D%98%8D%F0%9D%98%8D%E2%9A%A1%EF%B8%8E-%EF%BD%A1%E2%86%B7-%F0%9D%95%B9%F0%9D%96%86%F0%9D%96%93%F0%9D%96%8D%F0%9D%96%8C
if you gave permission please disregard this message
thank you sm for letting me know!
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gojande · 7 years ago
NCT U - Baby Don’t Stop translation [+ songwriters’ comments]
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I thought the official english translation of Baby Don’t Stop in the album booklet was subpar, and since this week the songwriters who did BDS’ lyrics posted a video explaining their writing process, it made me realize again how much I love this song and its beautifully poetic and lewd lyrics. 🤓
So here’s my entirely unsolicited (but imho 100% accurate) translation and analysis of the lyrics!! I put explanations for my translations and included the songwriters’ comments, since AFAIK they haven’t been translated?
Since I first saw you, I’ve been feeling That there’s no more need for trivial justifications. Every one-hundredth of a second can be felt in the magic of this one finely-detailed minute.
The songwriters paraphrased the above line as “one minute that seems like its every hundredth of a second could be felt.” So unlike other translations, I think “magic” is intended as an adjective for “minute” and not a standalone noun.
“섬세한 1 minute” seems best translated as “finely-detailed minute” b/c it means something delicate, subtle and detailed. In other words, it’s a minute that is delicate because it’s so fleeting, and detailed because it’s broken up into every 0.01s.
The songwriter said the opening beat to the song made her think of a clock ticking, and she wrote the lyrics with the themes of “moment, tremble, tension, clock, tick” in mind. The verse gives the sense of being hyper-aware of the present moment. This one minute feels much longer in the way time seems to slow down when you get an adrenaline rush.
Every one of my nerves is on edge; I want to know you. Everything is being communicated, Down to your strange and subtle quiver.
It’s unclear if the last two lines are about the singer or his partner. But I think it makes more sense if it’s the speaker perceiving his partner’s trembling? Because the speaker wants to know his partner and does that by reading the “signs” of their body, all the way down to their slightest quiver.
The last line can be less poetically translated as “your unfamiliar and subtle trembling” but I like the alliteration and ‘quiver’ sounds more erotic, doesn’t it? heh heh
Stop, baby don’t stop Don’t stop, baby don’t stop That special sign that only I would recognize Right now, it’s just the two of us
Baby don’t stop Stop, baby don’t stop The secret sign that only you and I know Every one of those perfect signs is beautiful So baby don’t stop
The songwriters said: “I don’t think there’s another company like SM for which you have to do so much research and study so much about the artists. To find out their ‘worldview’, you have to familiarize yourself with everything, search and read... because SM is a company that always produces things with particular detail... it’s impressive that the other songs also coming out [in NCT’s album?] capture that ‘worldview’ so well in the lyrics. Integrating that is really difficult. Respect!”
For BDS specifically, the songwriters said they worried about how to make the original demo lyrics less explicitly sexual and more refined, while matching NCT’s image. So what exactly are they not supposed to stop? That sign! “Don’t stop giving me that sign” is the less explicit sexual metaphor they chose to use.
(Uhh also I actually thought the “sign” was like a safeword or smth when I first heard it? so... it fits NCT’s ““worldview”” aka BDSM themed lyrics tbh, 10/10 research and writing effort by these women 👌👌)
Play play play play play I’ll play in the Paris Stay clay sketch dirt dough I’m gonna knead your body Rothko, Auguste Rodin, Claudel I’ll sculpt you in warm colours All day, holding Hold me tight, all day
Rothko was an abstract expressionist painter whose paintings conveyed emotion through large geometric blocks of color. Rodin and Claudel were sculptors that were famous for having a more dynamic, rougher style that emphasized physicality and sensuality. Claudel was also Rodin’s lover and muse -- meaning he sculpted her body, in a sense. Really on-point artistic references by Taeyong!
Taeyong’s verse references the process of sculpting (sketch, dirt, clay, dough) and then compares himself to a sculptor and his partner’s body to the sculpture he “kneads” into shape. But unlike Rodin and Claudel who didn’t use color in their work, he sculpts “in warm colors” like Rothko... thus infusing some sentimental tenderness into their, uh, carnal relations?
Also as an aside, I like that Taeyong expresses this consistent theme of being an artist/collector with his partner as his artwork. An NCT worldview that appears across many songs! Such as:
Baby Don’t Like It: “I’ll give you the role of a picture”
Whiplash: “My otaku tendencies are still alive / you are my pro model** / You adorn a part of my collection / When I work, I measure you in centimetres / Margin of error is only a few millimetres” 
[**pro model = pun on plastic model, which sounds the same in korean and refers to plastic model toys collected by otaku]
Baby don’t stop Come on, come on Come on, come on Baby don’t stop
The flame reviving even this withered flower is undeniably you. So surrender your body to your senses, Rely on your bleary vision and Come to me.
I wasn’t sure if the 2 lines before “come to me” are referring to the speaker or his partner since there’s no pronouns. But since the last line is a command, I assumed they're also commands to his partner rather than statements about himself? Although if they were first-person statements it would be Taeyong singing some super subspace-y shit which would also be qUITE ALRIGHT WITH ME.
Others interpreted 번져가는 눈빛 as “gaze that spreads out”, but it’s 번지다 as in liquid spilling/smearing across a surface; and a 눈빛 that’s smearing would be the glint in one’s own eye -- so it’s having blurry vision! (any scholars wanna fight me on this) Taeyong seems to be saying to trust your senses and come to him by relying on your blurring vision.
Ok also the songwriter claimed she was inspired to write the “withered flower” line b/c of her dying unwatered cactus... 🙃but I remain convinced that "you’re the flame that revives even a wilted flower” is CLEARLY meant to be a cheeky double entendre about erections. let’s be real
In the narrow distance between us, The tension only keeps rising. I feel so right; Sweeter and sweeter, ’til thoughts grow hazy.
아득하다 means being physically dim, hazy, distant. It also refers to having a disconnected, foggy, or light-headed mental state, such that it’s hard to think or act. The lyrics seem to suggest it’s getting harder to think as that sweetening tension climbs (to its climax, ya feel??).
I have no comments about the rest of the lyrics except the random Spanish is the highlight of the song:
Stop, baby don’t stop Don’t stop, baby don’t stop That special sign that only I would recognize Right now, it’s just the two of us
Gonna gonna gonna gonna get that I won’t ever lose you Gonna get that Gonna gonna gonna gonna get that I won’t ever stop Gonna get that
Cotton wind blow blouse Hair flower aroma scent Cold eyes ice dive Touch warm melt lips Baby baby I just feel so right Baby I just feel so nice That most perfect Sign Oh baby give it to me
Stop, baby don’t stop Don’t stop, baby don’t stop That special sign that only I would recognize Right now, it’s just the two of us Baby don’t stop
I’ll fly faster to reach you Mi amor Even if you’re on the other side of the sky, I’ll always look for you Just get yourself around it now yeah baby don’t stop and no Estoy loco mi dulce coco baby don’t stop today
[Repeat hook]
Stop baby don’t stop x5
Please let me know if you have questions or if I’ve made any mistakes!
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panlight · 7 years ago
I am so dissapointed with the twilight saga on some parts. Carmen in the movies had no freaking line connected to renesmee, like in the books, they were so close, carmen and nessie, and I actually also wished in the books for more carmen and other denali's because we do not have good background of carmen and now with the deleted scene we never got to see. like ugh
I would have loved to have seen more of the Denali coven too. SM commented on the Lexicon that they kept getting cut out of the story, but I think room could have been made for them if less was done with the high school kids. Which is not to say that I didn’t like the high school kids, but rather in the end they ended up not being relevant or important to the plot at all. All the boys being into Bella didn’t matter, her friendship with Angela didn’t matter, she leaves it all behind in BD without a second thought. The movie kind of had a thankless task in Breaking Dawn, because it had to introduce like a dozen new characters who even in the books didn’t get fleshed out much at all. I mean, who are Mary and Randall? We got nothing about them in the actual book and not much in the guide. So Carmen cooing in Spanish (the only foreign language any of the visiting vampires spoke in the book, right? I don’t remember Amun or the Romanians or Amazons speaking their own languages) was cut because they had so little time to introduce everyone. 
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#Agree #Follow Back For Best Shayari, Heart Touching lines and Quotes �� Kee...
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smallhornypuppy · 1 year ago
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♡ ⑅˚₊ Que tus manos sean mi nuevo collar.
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sintendos · 3 months ago
llámame tu buena chica, papá…
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sintendos · 3 months ago
Am I your pretty girl, papá? Me deseas?
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smallhornypuppy · 1 year ago
ೀ ׅ ۫ Advertencia de contenido: CnC, fantasía de violación, fantasía de secuestro
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Mis manos atadas con cinta gris, mi boca amordazada con mi ropa interior, mi cuerpo completo adormecido por lo que sea que me haya dado, el filo de una navaja recorriendo mi piel mientras escucho esa risa burlona, esa voz profunda que me echa la culpa de la situación en la que terminé “Si fueras más recatado con tu ropa y no mostraras tu cuerpo de esa manera no me habría visto obligado en llegar a esto” el frío de la navaja hace que la piel se me ponga de gallina, sudando en frío y con las piernas inquietas pero aún adormecidas, solo quiero saber qué hará conmigo, por qué me calienta tanto el estar así con alguien a quien ni si quiera le puedo ver el rostro, mantener la calma parece imposible, el miedo, la excitación y la ansiedad recorren cada parte de mi cuerpo, rogando saber qué será de mi pero a su vez solo queriendo entregarme a lo desconocido, a mi captor, a mi abusador…
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#Agree #Follow Back For Best Shayari, Heart Touching lines and Quotes �� Kee...
#Agree #Follow Back For Best Shayari, Heart Touching lines and Quotes �� Kee...
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13 Last Minutes Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas : http://valentinesweeklist2018.com/13-last-minute-valentines-day-gift-ideas-2018/
Valentine’s Day Gifts Ideas 2018 : http://valentinesweeklist2018.com/valentines-day-gifts-ideas-2018/
Romantic Movies To Watch During Valentine’s Day : http://valentinesweeklist2018.com/romantic-valentines-day-movies-2018/
Happy Valentine’s Day Facebook And Whatsapp Status : http://valentinesweeklist2018.com/happy-valentines-day-facebook-status-2018-fb-friends/
Enjoy Valentine’s Day Without Emptying Your Pocket : http://valentinesweeklist2018.com/enjoy-valentines-day-beloved-without-emptying-pocket/
Valentine’s Day Theme To Suit Your Mood : http://valentinesweeklist2018.com/valentines-day-themes-suit-mood-2018/
Best Valentine’s Day Gifts For Men, Him : http://valentinesweeklist2018.com/best-valentines-day-gifts-men-2018/
Best Valentine’s Day Messages For Couples : http://valentinesweeklist2018.com/valentines-day-messages-2018-loved-ones/
Best Valentine’s Day Sayings 2018 : http://valentinesweeklist2018.com/beautiful-valentines-day-sayings-2018-funny/
Source by jewelrywatchestips
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