#bcuz so many people misunderstand him!
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give-me-hohen · 2 months ago
no your honor, that character isn’t ‘annoying’ he’s realistically dealing with his trauma and has bpd
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scenics · 4 years ago
i remember reading sm made her drop the charges and she was scared of being harassed by fans which honestly reading your anon who is so adamant of calling it a misunderstanding like it's their word against hers i can understand. here are links
reddit com /r/kpoprants/comments/hov1mq/tw_sexual_harassment_onews_discharge_hype_on/
that’s what i thought too and what i’m disappointed about now is how shwolz rush to defend him about this bcuz shnee is “untouchable”. shwlz weren’t like this years ago and it’s been weird to see how the story has changed post 2017. it’s been about four years and i can’t exactly rmbr but i think the thread is actually a good way to sort thru various peoples perspectives and decide for yourself what happened. it’s just for me personally after so many years, i’m still uncomfortable
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jonginsboyfriend · 5 years ago
Ji has changed his behavior a lot. He seems more reclusive, closed when it comes to interacting with other people. Even with the members he is no longer the same. It is as if he has been taking some precaution / care so that there is no misunderstanding of his attitudes towards others. Does this change have anything to do with Ks moving away. As if he's doing it so that Ks doesn't misinterpret, since he's no closer.
That's totally not it omg. Ji behavior has nothing to do with Ksoo going away. Ji has always been like this, in the past he used to be even more distant. I actually think he's gotten a little better nowadays. It's just that Ji is an introvert, he will always prefer being alone than being with other people. Even when they practice instead of joking with the group he's always away in the corner on his own.
Given the choice if to be with people or to be alone he will choose to be alone. Not because he can't interact with other people but bcuz it's too much work. He also has a habit of bottling things inside him and not telling anyone what he feels. Recently what we see is that he doesn't have schedules anymore and he's starting to think about things. When u have so many schedules and then u come home to an empty apartment, the thoughts will eat you alive. The feeling of loneliness comes easily.
I just think Ji has had a lot of things to think about these days and couldn't tell them to anyone. I'm glad his friend came to confort him though. At least he still has someone. It's not about Ksoo interpreting something or some jealousy, really.
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vehlika-pelican · 8 years ago
#Little Demon the Second Coming of Lavernius au - Master Chief finds out Long post maybe and im on mobile and can't do a read-more so you are WARNED: right so I'm a total spaz and forgot the most important supporting tidbit of the sangheili's misunderstanding of Tucker and Master Chief's relation: John-117 leads Spartan II Blue Team. Tucker is on Blue Team. and the sangheili are like oh these poor mammals think blue and green are the same (meanwhile reds are all the same to these dumb mandible-faces). anyways, they ask Tucker and he's like "yeah im on Blue Team, i've been a member for most of my adult life" but they don't get that Bloodgulch Blue Team and Spartan II Blue Team are very different entities so the Demon's Blue Team must logically be Little Demon's Blue Team !!!! and when coupled with their belief in family wearing matching colors dark green MC, and light (blue-ish) green Tucker MUST be related. so they think its like when theres both an adult's table and a kid's table at thanksgiving where the younger, lower ranking family members are in their area and the respectable, superior family members are in theirs but they are all ultimate seated within the same house. and imagine what'll happen as the Spartans come to discover this and it isn't at a proper debrief or whatever some Elite goes up to Master Chief and is like "i assure you, your hatchlings are well-cared for and growing impressively" or whatever and everyone on the UNSC Infinity is like "what." and some guy is like "the Spartans lay eggs?!" but no one corrects him and its a whole fiasco but the sangheili is just thinking "they make so much noise. the condition of the Demon's younglings must truly be of great concern." but John is just. "my..hatchlings?" and the sangheili just thinks he's choked up in worry right so he says, "yes! the oldest came to Sangheilios and has been trained by the Arbiter and the greatest warriors he has selected himself! and your grandchildren show much promise as well." Blue Team's like ???? but Frederick says "con...gratulations?" just in case and John goes "what do you mean? i don't have any... hatchlings?" but the sangheili thinks oh he must be an uncle or somesuch- YOU'RE NOT HELPING YOURSELF JOHN- and talks about Tucker and his very sangheili son and all the little hatchlings being kept safe on the colony world and Captain Lasky has to corale a bunch of towering Spartan IIs and aliens and intelligence people into a conference room like a herd of wild Cortanas in order to get this straight. and that's how Master Chief learns that the UNSC has been exploiting a misunderstanding in order to help interspecies relations and woops i guess you have a family now boss man but don't worry Tucker knows and we've had him playing along, don't worry he's pissed too (and we used him as part of a fucked up AI project but they say that part under their breath bcuz this man has gone rogue for AI) but he's out there liberating a colony from an oppressive regime and no he isn't available right now but- What Halsey tooketh, the UNSC giveth...back? returneth? (his family) so. the sangheili- goddamn it, Thel- developed a theory like a spark and let it burn down the whole planet. well, it can't be helped now because its been too long and we might hurt their feelings and we don't need anymore glassings, John, so get onboard please and thank you. but in the rush to clear this up with Chief and his Blue Team, the ship's crew has taken to this like just as much kindling (humans are THE gossips) and woops who knew Chief was sewing his wild oats all over the galaxy. #thotChief (i kinda regret this but not really) so ONI has to disclose some things about P. Freelancer because John refuses to do anything without as much intel as possible. so the sangheili think he had A Kid and that kid was chosen by heretics to be a savior, this poor guy was impregnated with an alien embryo and gave birth, yes he survived, but he got to Sangheilios before we got our hands on your "grandchild" and now they're too high profile to touch (Tucker must be a shrewd and clever bastard). Thel'Vadam accidentally started the rumor but it was a perfect way to smooth negotiations with them so Tucker's an official ambassador and we get access to all the things now and we're not very sorry. Master Chief just sighs and accepts his fate because peace is important and it's too established and will they ever stop fucking with his personal life? but Blue Team teases him by calling him "grandpa/gramps" "i didnt know you and the Arbiter were so close, John. when's the ceremony?" and "do you have pictures in your wallet" "you are mighty spry for a granddad." and then they learn about how many people are involved and John supposedly and really has to live with like 200 grandkids on Chorus and Son Tucker and Daughter-In-Law Carolina and Daughter-In-Law Kimball (kimbalina without Tucker involved with either one but the sangheili are poly as a species and they don't understand. they think Tuckalina happened and why would adults limit themselves to a single partner thats not good for genetic diversity although they REALLY dont get that Carolinas vagina ISNT a tennis ball machine regardless and they've lost all hope in explaining this shit) so he's got enough supposed grandkids to have several sport's teams or fill a small stadium and the teasing becomes "how was the soccer match? did you root for your grandkids or for your grandkids?" "how many minivans did you have to hitch together?" and its. fucking annoying. because he doesn't know any of these people and even if he did, John doesn't know how to have a family (aside from his team). but he has no choice now. Master Chief has to meet his "son". Meet this other Blue Team. Punch Thel a few times probably. and having a family isnt all that terrible. imma go hide now. blacklist "vehl's headcannons" if you dont want to keep seeing my stuff.
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