#bc when i played i was a friggen goody two shoes who ASKED THE DM what i should do next
koohiss · 5 years
So I was dm for the first time the other day, playing a heavily modded up homebrew that basically threw all rules out the window so i could slowly introduce concepts to 2 new players. i THOUGHT i had planned out enough to prepare. i was wrong. they were supposed to stop at the inn and maybe some shops, find some hidden stuff, go to the temple, and accept the mission, then journey into the overrun temple to actually, you know, have combat. instead, 5+ hours and countless seat-of-pants additions i only partly prepped later, they’ve managed to injure each other instead of learning names, injure themselves, shoot an arrow down some sort of cursed well thingy, rescue trapped slaves from a room i never mapped out, dump fish on a burning inn before travelling back in time and melting the inn instead, then summoning a hurricane onto the town, farting on the blind monk healer i invented to save them from death, cause massive racism in not only the town but manage to personally insult the duke, and then on a whim before entering the dungeon, use the limited item of prayer to the gods to raze the entire city to the ground. And at least one of those things i can’t even go into detail on because it LITERALLY HAS EFFECT ON AND SPOILS THE LAST BOSS *cries in dm*
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