#bc trans ppl in the south who can’t afford to move like me need URGENT help right now
steviebeastinks · 1 year
(venting, transphobia tw)
how am i supposed to just go about life rn like the governor isn't actively trying to kill us? i feel like i’m at the worst stage of every horror movie where one person knows what’s going on and no one believes them.
i don’t think everyone understands just how bad it is in florida. this is literally the worst it has EVER been for trans people in the states.
my testosterone prescription is only gonna last me another 2 months maybe and planned parenthood has been forced to stop providing HRT bc nurse practitioners provide 90% of it and it is now illegal for them to do so.
i will be, i am, WE ARE being forcibly detransitioned. it is illegal for me to use the men's restroom now, but if a cis woman sees me and decides i don't look femme enough (which i don't), she can still call the cops on me.
if you have a trans kid and allow them to start HRT, the state is now allowed to kidnap them from you and charge you with child abuse.
performing drag in public is now classified as a sex crime against children, which are now punishable by death without a unanimous vote.
are we just supposed to pretend we don't see what's happening? it's not a conspiracy, it's not a theory, it's an active threat building a fire in the attack and i'm supposed to go to work like i don't hope a militant leftist does the funniest fucking thing possible in the world to ron desantis right about now?
this is going to go down in this shitty country’s history as yet another gruesome, genocidal chapter that was completely avoidable.
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