#bc this is brasil we have laws and stuff
sklogw · 1 year
wait should i really have answered honestly when the health insurance people asked if i smoked?
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heartsoftruth · 6 years
How can you support Spain after what happened to us in 2010 😭 still breaks my heart tbh
I don’t know when my soft spot for Spain started. Probably because you know so many players when watching La Liga matches so often.
But indeed 2010 I never wanna talk about that. EVER. EVAHHHH.😭😭😭 That is my football trauma. 
*Sees the chance of Robben again 😭😭😭*
Anonymous said:This copyright law is dumb, like there are lots of serious problems in Europe and they are wasting time voting laws about this? It’s bullshit! Fan’s blogs are very important to some people, it’s is their hobby, for some it’s the only thing they have and for many fans these blogs and accounts are very important too, it brings people together on topics they like, it helps even people who suffer depression, it’s so ridiculous if they do that, they will make a mess all over Europe with this shit 🤬
Indeed! It can be very important for people. Something to vent on or to, you know. Sometimes people come here with more serious asks or just fun things. It’s like a little thing to pass time but for some people it’s way more like you said. And helps them with whatever they’re going through. 
I do wonder WTF will happen to Instagram then, bc so much on Insta is also copyright infringement. Or Twitter. Any social media platform for that matter… 
Anonymous said:I’m not having any of this “Messi deserves better” nobody deserves anything, he’s probably the best player ever he should’ve taken control of that game himself no excuses
I disagree. 
Anonymous said:How do we blame this on higuain 🤔
He was selected instead of a player that can actually score a goal? That sounds like a good one xD 
Anonymous said:Why do people have problems with everything bruna does lmao?? Is it a crime for her to wear stuff she’s sponsored by? It’s like if people got mad at ney for wearing Nike
I dont care. All I cared about was the match. By her story I thought she wore just a bra to the stadium xD But luckily a shirt haha. 
msn-forever said:Brazil must do more! First half wasn’t good and a bit boring. So u missed nothing. Hopefully the 2.half brings us all more fun! Did u had to go to doc today?
You see second half I’m here and BOOM goals haha. What I’ve seen in the second half they played good. Attacked etc. A few sloppy passing mistakes that need to leave/stop, but ok. I was so happy with the goal of Couto!!! Pfff. He’s on fire for Brasil! Naawh I had another important appointment. Docter probably next week again :( 
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