#bc they werent the source of my problems they were just side effects of the big stuff
naturenaruto · 2 years
anyways 30 really does indeed Hit Hard so if i gave any advice to anyone itd be to think about your life like youve just gone back in time, time travelled to 5 years ago. pretend ur life got worse in the future but you got to go back, what would you have changed 5 years ago? what was the biggest problem you had 5 years ago?
is the same stuff still a problem now?
#like 5 years ago my biggest problem was that i didnt have a job or money and lived with ppl i didnt want to be around#5 years later i do have a job and live alone and am not around those ppl#so thats something to feel good about!#a problem back then has been solved#so a helpful thing for me is to just go down a descending list of Problems I Used To Have#and start at the top to see if theyre still a problem and then go to the next one#so the next one after that would be my health and thats what i need to focus on next year#bc that was a problem my entire life chronic issues tht i just ~mever got arouns to fixing#but now doing that will greatly improve my life so#for anyone not yet 30 lmao you have time#another thing is to think of it like the debt payment concept where you pay off the smallest payments first#so think of like the smallest fixable problem and fix that then go up the list#but for me i know that so many of my snall problems are caused by the bigger problems#so fixing the small ones wouldnt really help me personally all that much so i do the opposite and by fixing that one big problem#soooo many of the little things just literally dod magically disappear#bc they werent the source of my problems they were just side effects of the big stuff#but i understand that most ppl wont be able to go after that one big thing so soemtimes working on smaller stuff helps first#it just depends on how you feel these things are caused by or if theyd be gone if you fixed something else
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