#bc they look great in small size.. but i think the louis one is the one i might frame
gabriestat · 3 months
bought a pair of shoes i needed (necessity) and printed the iwtv s2 posters (reward)...im literally that one meme of when you get paid bi-weekly: week 1 -> silver armour. week 2 -> ice soup
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leeminholinoing · 2 years
Hi Chloe,
i saw the venues for US leg of louis' tour, there aren't many arenas as far as I could gather unlike Europe. his fanbase isn't that small there is it? i randomly Googled some and there are still many 3k,4k,5k venues just like last tour so i was a little surprised. also if I'm not wrong, i think i remember a list with Europe's venue sizes, do you have one with US sizes too, i'm kinda into numbers lol so just wanted to have a look.
hope you have a good day/ night xxxxx
Hello! yes I'm surprised he kept small venues in the US because his last tour was very sought after. on the other hand US fans who get to have tickets are very lucky bc I would kill to see him in a small venue.
I was supposed to see him twice at the roundhouse in London but with all the postponing they moved the two shows into one night at wembley :/ The concert was great but I was looking forward to the roundhouse bc it's a very intimate venue.
I don't think I've seen a list of venue size here but you might want to check twitter and maybe @bluewinnerangel might be able to help?
have a good day/night too <3
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cloverbasket4-blog · 5 years
Mickey Johnson: benched on his high school team to NBA journeyman
MJ is back with the Bulls.
Sometimes he thinks about his high flying days, the dunk contests, the triple doubles, the time he embarrassed Dr. J, the full court flights of fancy and fancy flights, taking that rebound and gliding full court, a sprinter's body with a player's intentions.
MJ leaned back, the warmth of the bright Los Angeles sun enhancing the reverie. He was traveling with the Bulls last week on the Western Conference road trip, offering a little advice as an inspirational figure and taking some time to visit some of his famous Hollywood friends from back in the old days.
"Doing some ambassador work for the Bulls," Mickey Johnson was saying. "They've allowed me to talk to some of players, offer some advice. I'm very appreciative of being able to be in this position."
No, he isn't that MJ; in fact, he was known as Rubber Band Man in a 12-year NBA career that was perhaps the most unlikely in a world of unlikely stories. "Actually my nickname in high school was BC, which meant Bony Child," Johnson said with a laugh. "I was 180 pounds my first year in the pros, 6-10 and 180."
And 40 years before his time.
Magic come into the league and I was able to guard him; I was fast enough. Magic couldn't guard me on the post up.
Mickey Johnson
Wallace "Mickey" Johnson was probably the first point forward in NBA history, though no one knew it then or quite knew what to do with him. And not only because he couldn't make his Lindblom High School team and paid his way through west suburban Aurora College trying to achieve his goal of getting into a Sears training program. But could he run, a world class sprinter in high school with a guard's ability to handle the ball and a big man's size to finish. Mickey was unique, a round peg in a very square era of NBA basketball.
You know, 6-10, you get by the basket. Little guy, you dribble.
"The game I played was what they are doing now, Scottie Pippen, KD," Johnson said. "I was just as good as the guards bringing the ball up. I was fast and could run all day, not like a typical big man at the time. That's 1975, 1976. The problem was the coaches didn't know what to do with me. I remember Norm (Van Lier) told me if I don't pass him the ball he wasn't passing it back to me. I told Norm, 'I get the ball first with the rebound. I really don't need you to bring it up and pass to me.'
"It was totally different for a big man back then," added Johnson. "Players now are slimmer and can handle the ball, things I was doing in the 70s with big man moves inside. Magic come into the league and I was able to guard him; I was fast enough. Magic couldn't guard me on the post up. But the coaches didn't understand."
Still, Johnson averaged more than 15 points for five consecutive seasons, culminating with a career high 19.1 in 1979-80 with Indiana. That was even after being benched when the team traded for an aging but popular George McGinnis. Johnson was among the league leaders in scoring at the time of his demotion and still ended the season as the team's scoring leader.
Though he never could quite escape the stigma of being from the University of Nowhere, the NBA still something of a caste system. C'mon seriously, Aurora College?
"My biggest problem probably was first time something went wrong it always was, 'Mickey didn't have the experience because he went to a small college,'" Johnson recalled. "When we lost to (eventual champion) Portland in '77, I had a bad game first game (eight for 25 for 19 points and 10 rebounds). Maurice Lucas took advantage of me, but I still led the team in scoring for the series (27.3 per game along with 13 rebounds). I was always an outsider. But I never played for the money, but that love and respect for the game. Nobody can ever say Mickey held out for this or that, cried about salary. I just played. Seeing the world from the bottom up and not top down. A lot can happen in your career, but you try not to take it personal. Do what the coach wants, be there for your teammates. From humble beginnings you can reach greatness, but that greatness can also bring you back down if you let it. It's one of the reasons the Bulls asked me here."
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1978: Mickey Johnson poses for a portrait.
Johnson accompanied the Bulls on their road trip at the invitation of coach Jim Boylen, who is encouraging players to understand and appreciate their ancestors. Mickey took the opportunity to spend some time with his old buddy from the Temptations, Louis Price.
He's one of those veterans who perhaps may help the Bulls get ready to find their cloud nine. Cliff Levingston, Horace Grant, Scottie Pippen, Toni Kukoc and Bob Love are some of the former Bulls bring in various ambassador and supporting roles for the team.
Boylen receives some kidding about his fondness for talking about pride in the organization, Bulls on their chest. But players like Mickey Johnson can help deliver an appreciation for the game and perhaps some perspective on where they've been and where they are going.
Especially considering Johnson's excellence in the NBA over a decade despite the most unlikely roots and a vision to give back beyond basketball.
Mickey once ran for alderman in his home 24th ward North Lawndale neighborhood. He was a coach at Malcolm X College and has run a successful business, Concerned Pest Control, and worked for the county sheriff's department for almost 20 years. He's been a citizen advocate, a businessman and motivational speaker.
He also was believed to be the only player ever to block Dr. J's dunk and one of the few to have intercepted Kareem's sky hook
"Bill Willoughby and myself are the only two to have caught the sky hook out of the air," Johnson insists. "Did that twice and Willoughby once.
"I had some hops," Mickey says with a bit of a smirk.
"You didn't dunk much back then unless you had a clear path," he said. "They'd knock you down. If you dunked you had to get out of there real quick."
Johnson was quick. He also was one of the dunkers when CBS in 1977 after that first NBA dunk contest following the merger with the ABA had a season long dunk contest at halftime of its game of the week. It was won by Darnell Hillman over Kareem, though Johnson had an array of 360s, reverse and off the backboard dunks winning in earlier rounds.
"My biggest asset, though, was my ball handling ability and speed," he says. "I was faster than most guards. I used to run the 100 as a college sprinter in maybe 10 seconds, a little less. Used to lose in the finals."
It's a heck of a sprint from a simple life on the tough West Side for a kid from a large middle class family, his dad a postal worker, who couldn't make his high school team.
"Made it my sophomore year only, but didn't play," Johnson recalls. "Coach basically wanted me to be the water boy. Played one game my sophomore year. I kept trying out and didn't make it. Played YMCA basketball, summer ball. I guess the coach just felt I wasn't talented enough. I was disappointed, but I wasn't mad. No hard feelings. He did his job. I did the best I could."
It's an equanimity that masks an athlete's heart.
They weren't scouting Aurora College then, but my stats lured some professionals...I still didn't think I'd make it. I just wanted to make the best of an opportunity if it came.
Mickey Johnson
Mickey played around the neighborhood like just about everyone else, even on a team for the high school coach who always cut him.
A neighborhood man organized a team and they'd venture out to play small college teams, like Judson, George Williams, Rockford, Aurora. Mickey could score and run down a deer, and he was now close to 6-8. Aurora coach Roald Berg said he'd help him get his degree.
"You wanted to get a college education, a job, a family and all that, typical American life," Johnson said.
"The other coaches just looked at me as a ballplayer. Coach said if I come there he would help me in trying to get a degree," Mickey said. "That's why I went there. No scholarship, NAIA Division 3. Class enrollment of maybe 600 students on and off campus. I stayed on campus to work, construction and janitorial work; my mother gave me about $300 to help. I majored in business administration and economics and got my degree. My goal was to get a job at Sears to be a buyer. I put in my application after graduation."
"What happened was (Bulls) Coach (Dick) Motta had his basketball camp there and I worked for him in the summer," said Johnson. "They weren't scouting Aurora College then, but my stats lured some professionals. I averaged 26 and 20 for four years. I wasn't getting any big publicity from the major newspapers. A couple of scouts came through going to see Billy Harris (Chicago playground legend from Dunbar High School at Northern Illinois). So they stopped to see me. One had dropped a note on the floor. My coach found. It said I couldn't make the pros.
"I didn't really feel I could make it until my senior year," Johnson agreed. "There was a little more publicity and I began to feel I'd have an opportunity. I still didn't think I'd make it. I just wanted to make the best of an opportunity if it came."
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Mickey Johnson looks to move against Larry Bird.
It's something of a lesson plan Boylen also delivers these days. Take advantage of your chance. Look at Mickey.
Johnson was a surprise fourth round selection of the Portland Trailblazers in the 1974 draft, though they would cut all their draft picks other than Bill Walton. Motta remembered the kid who helped him out, so he offered a conditional third round pick for Johnson, meaning he'd have to make the team. It was more charity since Motta didn't want to keep Johnson; didn't believe he was an NBA player. Expected to keep the pick.
"He said I was a nice young man and he wanted me to have the experience of being in a pro camp," Johnson said. "He said he only had me there for a taste for the money. I made about $500 a week. It was great money. He rescued me. But I never took the Sears thing off the table. I still wanted to be a buyer, and I was working in the post office to make some money."
Johnson was last man among rookies that included highly regarded Cliff Pondexter, Leon Benbow and Bobby Wilson. Motta wanted Johnson out, but he wanted Mickey to make that decision.
"He had me run suicides, three under 30 seconds," Mickey recalled. "Then he made me run three against each individual rookie; that's nine and the three for 12. Then he made me run three more by myself in under 30 seconds. But I still did it. I wouldn't give him the excuse to cut me. I passed out. It was raining that day. Motta to this day doesn't know I passed out. I'm laying on the ground outside passed out in a puddle. He wanted me to quit, but I wasn't going to give him a reason. It's what you learn, things I can pass on."
Then good fortune came his way. Bob Love held out, Pondexter was hurt and another draft pick, Maurice Lucas, went to the ABA. Then early in the season, Motta as he was wont to do went berserk when Bill Hewitt missed a layup and the Bulls lost to the Bucks. Johnson got his job.
Mickey rarely played as a rookie as the Bulls lost in the conference finals to the Warriors. But Chet Walker retired after the season, Love held out again, Pondexter was hurt again, and Johnson hung on again. Johnson got a start and never gave up the job with the Bulls.
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Mickey Johnson drives on Robert Parish
He averaged at least 15 points the next four seasons with the Bulls with that unique style of play, the speed and elusiveness that is custom now and was a mystery then. He would average 14.1 points and 7.2 rebounds over those 12 seasons. Not bad for basically never having made a high school team.
Johnson went to Indiana in 1979 as one of the first free agents from the Oscar Robertson agreement that included the ABA merger. He had his best season until Indiana went sentimental. Then he bounced around, though still a unique player who played all five positions at times, Draymond Green with a shot. He posted triple doubles, played point forward for Don Nelson in Milwaukee, ran for Johnny Bach in Golden State. He finished up with the Nets in 1986 as MJ was making his mark with the Bulls.
Johnson, 66, was working around Chicago when Tina Berto with the Bulls asked if he's help with a speaking engagement. "They wanted someone else," Johnson says. "They didn't know who I was. But I told them some of the things they didn't hear from NBA players. They liked it."
So have the Bulls and Jim Boylen. Mickey Johnson showed himself and the basketball world and it's a model for these Bulls. If you never give up, you never know how far it will take you. MJ's back where he belongs.
Source: https://www.nba.com/bulls/features/mickey-johnson-benched-his-high-school-team-nba-journeyman
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Big Brother (Other prompts will be posted in a few days!)
Only posting this tonight bc an anon brought it to my attention that I have forgotten this particular one twice. SORRY ANON! The prompt is about H & L's son being really protective of his younger sibling in Harry's tummy. I completely forgot the singing part, please forgive me 😩 also I really thought I posted this one so sorry for not doing that! He's also six instead of three bc I am trash and forgot that too. -- The pitter patter of tiny feet wake Louis from his slumber as per usual on a Monday morning. He sits up, careful not to wake Harry, his sleeping husband, beside him. It's a rarity for Harry to get sleep anymore so there's no reason to wake him unless necessary. The door opens and Jude, Harry and Louis' six year old son skids into the room. "DADDY!" He squeals before Louis puts a finger to his lips to shush him. Jude puts a finger to his lips too, with a soft giggle as Louis pulls him onto their king size bed. "Well good morning lad. Aren't you supposed to be in school today? It's Monday after all." Jude giggles and shakes his head. "Dadddddy, I'm not going to school today." "And why's that? Are you sick?" Jude giggles again. "NO DADDY! "Not sick, hm? Well, why are you out of school then?" "I'm going to see my baby sister!" "Oh you are? Where is she?" Louis asks, searching around the room dramatically. "She's in Daddy's belly!" "Oh that's right! I almost forgot. And what is your sister's name, hm?" "Natalia, Daddy!" "Natalia, that's pretty! Who came up with that?" "Daaaaaadddddy! YOU DID. Can I feel sister?" He asks, wiggling from Louis' arms. "Not right now, lad. Daddy's still sleeping." "Hmm. No m'not..." Harry says, turning on his back and sitting up slowly. "I'm sorry love. Did we wake you?" Harry shakes his head. "No. Little Natalia did." "Can I feel her, Daddy?!" Harry smiles sleepily. "Of course you can, my little Jude bug." "I'm not little, Daddy! I'm a BIG brother!" "Hm. Not yet you aren't. You're still my little baby until I meet this little baby." "I'm going to the utter-sound today with you and Daddy!" "Ultrasound, love." "Ultra-sound. Now can I feel her?" "Yes baby. She's right........here..." Harry says, pressing his side. Jude presses his face to Harry's belly and hums. "Hey baby Nat! I'm your big brother! I'm going to teach you how to ride a bicycle and play footie." Natalia kicks out sharply at Jude's face and he giggles like mad. Harry smiles lightly, rubbing the side of his belly and puts his head back on the headboard, closing his eyes. "Sleepy love?" "Mm, yeah. A bit nauseous." Louis frowns. "You okay?" "I'll be alright. Just need to lie here for a bit and settle my stomach. Gotta love third trimester morning sickness." "Not too much longer, lovely." Harry nods. "Thirty nine weeks, today." "Oh you're pregnant? I was wondering why your belly was getting so big." Louis says. Harry rolls his eyes. "And people say I'm cheesy." "Alright Jude, lets go get some breakfast." Louis says, picking him up. "I'll be right down.." Harry hums, rubbing his belly with his eyes still shut. "No need, my love. We'll bring you and the little princess breakfast in bed. You just relax." "How lucky am I?" "I'm the lucky one." Louis kisses his lips and presses a hand to his belly before heading downstairs behind Jude. Harry snuggles back down into the sheets and drifts off. "You ready to see your sister today?" Louis asks, messing up Jude's hair as the boy eats his Mickey Mouse shaped pancakes. "Yes Daddy! I can't wait! I'm going to let her ride home in my wagon." "Well we won't be taking her home today." Jude frowns. "Why not?" "Because she's not done growing in Daddy's belly." Jude frowns. "But daddy's belly is so big." Louis laughs. "Don't let him hear you say that." "Natalia can ride in my wagon when we do take her room." "She can't ride in the car with us?" "No, I want to pull her home." "We'll see. How about we take Daddy and baby sister their breakfast?" "Yeah Daddy! I want to feel her wiggle again." Louis smiles. "Ok, you take daddy his drink and I'll take the tray." Half of poor Harry's drink ends up on the floor before it gets to him but that doesn't stop the large smile that covers his face when he sees his two favorite boys. "Thank you so much, you two. This looks wonderful." "Does Natalia like it, Daddy?" Harry places a hand to his mouth until he's finished chewing his bite and nods. "She's kicking up a storm, come here love." Harry motions to him and Jude cuddles up to his side. He lightly knocks on Harry's belly and presses an ear to the side. "Anybody in there?" He asks, earning a round of laughs from his fathers. Only a few hours later, all three Tomlinson boys are dressed and sitting in the ultrasound room waiting for the tech to come and check on their precious Natalia. Jude is a jumping ball of energy, unable to stay still in the seat a kind nurse provided for him. Instead he stands on top of the tech's chair and pokes at Harry's exposed, protruding belly button. "That's enough, love. Daddy's uncomfortable enough." "Natalia likes it. She's kicking my finger when I press your button!" Harry opens his mouth to answer but the tech walking in cuts him off. "Well, I wasn't aware I had a little helper today." She jokes. "I'm the BIG brother! Are you going to show me the video of sissy?" The tech laughs. "That's my job." She sits down once Jude hops down from the chair and squirts goo on the device. She presses it to Harry's belly and he gasps. "Sorry, I thought they warmed it for you." "No, it's not that. Her head is right there and it hurts a bit when it's pressed." "Oh darling, I'm so sorry. But that's definitely a good sign if she's sitting that low already." "No that's completely alright. I can handle uncomfortable. I'm just ready to meet her." "With how low your belly is sitting, I really don't expect it to be much longer." She hums, rolling the device around. "Ok...Jude, could you do me a favor?" She asks. Jude races over to her, nodding his head dramatically. "Press this button for me." She says, pointing to her computer. Jude stands on his tip-toes and presses the button. When he does, a strong heartbeat fills the room and Jude's face lights up. "You make her little heart race." Harry hums. "You must be a very good big brother already." "I am!!! I'm really good at it." The ultrasound finishes up and Harry is happy to find out only moments later that he's already two centimeters dilated. Jude is just as happy when the tech is kind enough to give him a small frame with an ultrasound picture in it. Jude proceeds to show everyone he sees in the hospital the picture and then everyone they run into at the restaurant they eat at after the appointment. "Proud big brother he is, yeah?" Louis hums, watching Jude sleep, head upon Harry's belly and arms sprawled across it. "Think so. He's going to do so well." "Course he is. Tomlinson's are great siblings." "Lets head to bed. I've got rest up to have a baby, you know." Louis smiles and picks Jude up off of Harry's belly. The boy whines in his sleep, gripping at the air to get a hold of Harry's belly again. He eventually settles onto Louis' shoulder and both men giggle at their precious little boy. Harry is woken up early, too early for any signs of light to shine through he and Louis' window, by the strong urge to wee. He sighs, sitting up and taking a moment to gather himself. He doesn't feel great, if he's honest. And it's not just from being woken up. He's hot. And his back aches. And his belly sort of aches. He sighs and places a hand to the top of his belly, exhaling deeply and rubbing a hand along the front of his belly. When he feels ready, he stands and sighs again when his back doesn't feel any better from standing. His belly feels heavy and low and walking to the toilet feels like a chore, even worse than usual. He sits heavily and bends over himself, squishing his belly to his knees and scrubbing at his face with another sigh. He takes his wee and feels a rather odd sensation. He looks into the toilet and gasps at his mucus plug in the bottom of it. He doesn't even remember losing his mucus plug with Jude so the sight is fairly new to him. He pulls his pants back and waddles over to the sink, first washing his hands and then splashing water onto his face to cool his burning skin. He waddles back into the bedroom with a hand plastered to his belly and one to his back, and a look of discomfort plastered to his face. The baby feels low in his belly and there's a bit of pressure that makes him wince and lift his bump up a bit to relieve it. He paces the room, cupping his bump and breathing evenly, not quite ready to lie back down again. He feels his belly seize up suddenly, not as firm as he remember intense contractions being, but firm enough to recognize them as such. He winces at the cramping sensation and rubs the bottom of his bloated belly, puffing out exhales slowly as he walks. His body feels far too overheated and he scrunches his face, fanning himself as the pain grows. He tries to remind himself that the contraction growing stronger only means the end is near but it's hard to concentrate through the wave of pain over his belly. "Wooo....wooo...." He breathes, rubbing up and down his belly. He walks through two more contractions before his aching body begs him to sit. He's exhausted and hopes to get a bit of sleep before his contractions really pick up. He sits down and places another pillow behind him for comfort. He closes his eyes and furrows his brow when he feels another contraction building. He presses a hand to his side as the other rubs large circles into his skin. "Hoh.....hoh....hmm...hmm...hoh....hohwooo...." He breathes, pressing the heel of his palm into his tense belly. "Lou..." He breathes quietly, "Lou....ohhhh..." He breathes quietly, pressing his hand to the mattress and rubbing the other over his belly. "Hm? What's wrong, H?" Louis slurs sleepily. "M'having contractions..." He mumbles. Louis shoots up from the bed. "Ahh..." Harry hisses out quietly. Louis frowns and paws at Harry's belly. "Oh yeah. Your belly is pretty firm..." Harry nods. "They're just starting to hurt. Had a few minor ones at dinner I think." "Yeah? What do you need from me?" "Can you just...can you rub my belly until I fall asleep? It's really achy and sore and I want to get a bit of sleep before things get really underway." "Of course babe." Harry scoots back down into a lying down position, belly propped on his trusty pregnancy pillow. He closes his eyes and sighs and Louis begins rubbing gentle circles into his tummy. Harry tenses up and grits his teeth together, a hiss leaving his lips. Louis feels his belly tighten up and begins adding a bit of pressure to his belly rub. "Having one now?" Harry nods, brow furrowed. "Woo....wooooo....wooooo....." Harry moves his hips uncomfortably and cups his belly. Louis shushes him and runs his finger tips up and down the length of Harry's bump. "Hmmmm...hmmm...hmmmmmm..." "Breathe babe, that's it. Just like that. Ride it out.." Harry grips his pillow tightly and slowly releases it as the pain wears off. "Good job, H. I'd get some sleep now while they aren't too terrible though, alright?" Harry nods. It takes him a few minutes but soon Harry is completely relaxed and his breathing deepens into that of sleep. Louis scoots back down in bed to try and salvage some sleep as well but he feels far too excited to close his eyes. The hours tick by and Louis feels each time Harry has a contraction as the boy's breath hitches and he gets rather fidgety but luckily Louis' pretty sure he's been able to sleep through most of them. At around 7:30, Louis hears Jude begin to wake up from the monitor set sneakily in his room. Louis sneaks out of the room, without waking Harry and tiptoes to Jude's room. "Good morning, Jude Bug." "Morning Daddy!" "Hey Jude? What do you think about missing school today?" "Again? YAY! For what, Daddy? Another utter-sound?" Louis laughs. "Nope. Better than that, love. How would you like to MEET your sister TODAY?" Jude begins cheering and Louis softly reprimands him. "Ok, I'm glad you're excited ok? But we've got to be quiet and let Daddy get some rest. It's going to be a long day for him, ok? It takes a lot out of him to bring your sister to us." Jude nods enthusiastically. "Good. I'll need you to be my little helper today, ok?" "Ok daddy! I can help! I'm a BIG boy." "I know you are. I've got to go check on Daddy, ok?" "Can I come? Please! I'll be very quiet!" "Well...ok. Only if you're quiet as a mouse." Jude holds a finger to his lips and nods. Louis and Jude walk to the master bedroom and Louis quietly opens the door. Harry is still sleeping but he's got a look of total discomfort on his face as his hand grips at his tight t-shirt over his belly. Louis is quick to walk to him and rub the side of his bump until Harry's body relaxes. He then sneaks Jude back out and downstairs. "What does my big helper want for breakfast today?" Louis hums, looking through the cabinets. "Cereal." "Don't tell Daddy and I'll let you have some Lucky Charms, ok?" Jude lights up. "YEAH! LUCKY CHARMS!" "Shhh, remember? Big helpers have to use their inside voices." Louis pours both of them a big bowl and sits down beside him. "Where do we go to get my sister?" Jude asks. "Nowhere. She comes here." "YAY! By the stork?" "Something like that." "How did she-" "No more questions, ok? Lets see who can eat their cereal the fastest." Louis wins but he says Jude does before the boy spills the whole bowl of milk down his shirt. "What now, Daddy?" "How about....we play some video games?" Jude's face lights up. "Really Daddy?!" "Of course. Big helpers ALWAYS play video games." Jude nods wildly and Louis pulls out their gaming system, putting in a nice racing game for the two to play. Jude beats Louis twice and Louis didn't even LET him. They're just starting a new game when the stairs creak. Louis looks up from his spot on the couch and smiles. "Sorry love. Did we wake you?" Harry closes his eyes and places a hand to his back and beneath his belly before shaking his head with an exhale. "No....contractions picked up. I can't sleep through them anymore.." Louis frowns. "Oh love. I'm sorry." "It's ok. Good morning Jude bug." Harry breathes, waddling down the rest of the stairs. "Morning Daddy! Daddy says we get to meet baby sister today!" "That's right, love." Harry hums, rubbing irritatingly at the bottom of his bump. "Another one?" Louis asks. Harry nods and sways, cupping his bump. "Daddy! Your tummy is wiggling." Jude laughs, pointing to Harry's tensing and heaving bump. Harry exhales through his nose and nods. "It sure is.." He breathes out. The pain ends and Louis stands. "What do you need from me, love?" "Nothing. Nothing at all. You're doing great. Could you just keep hanging out with him? He looks so content. I'm going to soak my feet for a bit and try to relax my body.." Louis smiles. "Ok...you sure it won't hurt your back?" "My back already hurts, what's the difference?" Louis laughs. "Ok. Yell if you need anything, I'll come check on you in a bit." "Thanks..." Harry hums, rubbing soft circles into his belly. Harry waddles off to the bathroom and Louis starts the game back up with Jude. Harry starts the water in the tub, making it as hot as possible. He gets a contraction as the water fills the tub and gasps. He takes a deep inhale and cups one hand to the top of his belly near his rib as the other rubs tight lines back and forth and up and down his belly. "Hoh.....hoh....hoh..." He breathes before the pain gets worse and he throws his head back, gritting his teeth. It finally dissipates and he steps over into the tub, soaking his feet in the hot water. It's relaxing at first as he sways his feet back and forth, the warm water doing wonders to his swollen feet. But he soon gets a strong contraction and grips the side of the tub. "Ohhhh..." he whimpers quietly through gritted teeth, rubbing a hand over the surface of his belly. His eyes closes and his brow furrows as the pain grows. He grips the side of the tub with both hands and bends over himself as his belly heaves from him. "Ohhhhhh....ohhhhhhh..." he hums quietly, rocking back and forth with the pain. It finally ends and he tries to find that relaxation again. And it works until he gets another pain. He throws his head back again, gritting his teeth and widening his legs, gripping at his thigh and rubbing a hand over his tummy. It's rock hard now and he feels a bit of pressure building inside of him with each new contraction. They're officially painful but manageable and Harry tries to focus his mind on something peaceful as the pain washes over his belly. The pain ends and Louis knocks on the door quietly before walking in. "Hi love. How are we?" "Had two more contractions in here. Belly officially feels like a rock.." He says, rubbing a hand over it. Louis frowns and paws at the side. "Poor love. All for a good cause though, yeah?" "Yeah." "I was going to start lunch now, Jude says he's pretty hungry. Tomato soup and grilled cheese, can I interest you in anything?" Harry laughs quietly but shakes his head. "I'm not really feeling up to eating much but I'd like to sit with you both." Louis smiles. "We'd love to have you." Louis helps the boy stand from the tub and step out, drying his feet off and standing him back upright. As he does, he feels another pain seize his middle. He scrunches his nose and tilts his head, gripping onto both of Louis' arms. "Uh oh. Contraction?" Harry exhales sharply and nods. Louis places a hand to his belly and rubs soft circles into the skin as it contorts and misshapes beneath his black top. Harry's face scrunches and he tilts his head back. "Ohhhhh.....ohhhhh..." He presses his belly further towards Louis and squeezes his arms tighter before dropping a hand to it. The pain ends and Louis watches Harry's face relax. "You're doing beautifully." Harry nods. "It hurts." "Hold my hand down the steps?" Louis asks. Harry nods and the pair walks down the stairs slowly, Louis holding both arms out in front of Harry in case of a fall or contraction. He doesn't have one until he reaches the bottom of the steps. He grips onto the staircase railing and bends over himself a bit with a scrunched face. "It's ok...breathe...breathe..listen to my voice. Concentrate on my voice..." Louis chants, rubbing the sides of Harry's belly as it jolts and presses forward. "Ah...ah...ahhhgh...." He grunts quietly, gripping tighter onto the railing. The pain ends and Harry waddles behind Louis into the living room to retrieve Jude. "Hi Daddy." Jude says with a smile. "Hungry?" Jude nods. "When is baby sister getting here?" He asks once seated at the kitchen table. Harry gets out plates and Louis stops him. "Go sit down." "I'm fine, Lou. I can help." "I'm not sure, Jude. I hope so soon." "Me too, Daddy!" Harry passes out the plates and when he's done, his belly cramps up again. He grips onto the back of a chair and closes his eyes, rocking his hips and humming. "Daddy? Does your belly hurt when it wiggles?" Harry exhales sharply and rubs a hand to the top of his belly. "Yes...yes love. Mmmmmm..." Harry moans, pressing his belly forward, "Just a bit tight..." The pain ends and Harry sits down beside Jude. Jude begins slurping up his soup and nibbling at his grilled cheese. Harry watches him with a smile. He gets another contraction midway through lunch and presses both hands to his thighs with a scrunched face. "Harry?" "Daddy?" Harry tucks his chin to his chest and grunts out. He throws his head back and grits his teeth, rubbing the heels of his palms into the sides of his belly. "Mmmm....mmmmmm....." It finally ends and Harry looks up to see Jude looking a bit frightened. "It's ok. I'm ok, Bug. I promise." He looks toward Louis and nods with an exhale. "That one really hurt..." He whispers, rubbing his side. Louis frowns. "Can we play Uno now, Daddy? You said we could!" Jude says, looking at his father. "Want to lie down while we play?" Harry shakes his head. "Afraid you'll lose to me if I play? Absolutely not. Lets play." Louis watches him worriedly and Harry side eyes him and nods. "I'm ok.." He mouths. Harry waddles into the living room, feeling his belly misshape and contort beneath his top. Louis gets out the cards and divvies them out evenly to everyone. As he's passing out the cards, Harry feels another contraction. He presses a hand to the floor and another to his side, gritting his teeth and pressing his chin to his chest. "Mmmm...mmmmm..." His belly heaves, stretching his top out and he wiggles his leg a bit against the pain. "H? Maybe lie up agains the couch?" Louis offers once the pain has worn off. Harry nods and the circles moves closer to the couch so Harry can relax against it. He rolls his top up and Jude gasps, rushing over and pressing his lips to Harry's belly. Harry smiles lightly and rubs his hair gently, fanning his bump. "Hot?" "Just a bit. Think it's from the pain." Louis nods and proceeds playing Harry puts a card down and feels another pain only a few minutes later. He leans his head back with a look of discomfort and huffs. Louis turns to him and watches his face scrunches up. He rubs a thumb softly to his belly and presses a hand to the floor, leaning his head to the side. "Mm....mmmmmmmm...mmmmmmmmmm.." He moans rhythmically through the pain. Louis scoots over to him and rubs a hand in large circles over his belly. "Mmmmmmm....mmmm...mmmmmm..." The pain ends and the game continues. Harry plays for as long as he can before getting another contraction. "Ow...ow..owww..." He moans, cupping his bump and running his fingers beneath it. "Hmmmmm...hmmmm...I'm done..." Harry moans , pushing his cards away, "I can't play anymore. I'm going to lie down..." He stands and grips onto the couch. "Ohhhh...ohhhhhhhhhghhh..." He falls to the couch on his side and sighs, running his fingers up and down his bump with deep exhaling breaths. "Ok J, do you want to play some more or watch a movie?" "I wanna watch Star Wars, Daddy!" Louis smiles and nods, slipping the Blu Ray into the disc player and heading over to the couch. Jude sprawls out onto the other side of the huge couch and Louis rubs Harry's belly gently again. Harry sighs in content and gives Louis a small smile. He tenses up only moments later and grips onto the pillow beneath his head. "Mm....mmmmmmm.." He moans quietly below the movie's volume. Louis frowns and rubs his belly for him as it heaves and misshapes. It finally ends and Harry sits up slowly, lying up against Louis. Louis smiles, kissing his shoulder. "You're doing great." "I'm scaring Jude.." "It's ok. He's fine, I promise." Harry tries to stay as quiet as possible through the movie, gripping onto the couch as he feels more contractions roll his belly forward in pain. Louis rubs gentle, large circles into the skin, counting quietly in his head the moments in between pains. Harry leans his head back against Louis and grunts quietly, teeth gritted. "Wooo...woooo....mmmmm....mmm...wooooooo..." "It's ok love. Breathe it out." "Wooooo-ah-ah...oww...owwww.." He moans, cupping his bump and rubbing the bottom. It finally ends and he detaches from Louis. "I have to change position again. I'm too hot." Louis nods, allowing him to move. The boy scoots away from Louis, lying with his head glued to the back of the couch. He feels another pain bloom in his belly and scrunches his face, massaging his fingers in circles on both sides of his contorting belly. "Ohh my tummy...ohhhhhh my tummy....." He groans out, flattening his hands and rubbing them both to the front. One hand rubs in large circles as the other stays tucked over the top of his bump, running his fingers onto the side. "Ohhhhhh.....ah...my TUMMMY....." he groans out, pushing it forward. Jude looks at him wide eyed and scrambled over once the pain has receded. "Daddy? Your belly hurts?" Harry places an arm over his face and nods softly. "Yes love. But I'm ok." "I'll rub your belly and tell sissy to stop hurting you daddy." And it's so sweet and innocent that Harry really can't stop him. "Stop hurting Daddy's belly, Nat.." Jude reprimands wagging a finger at Harry's tummy. Harry feels another contraction building and rubs at his side, gripping onto the couch. He doesn't make any noise but Louis can tell in his face that it hurts. It ends and Jude snuggles up to Harry's belly to watch the rest of the movie. Harry stays quiet throughout the movie but Louis can tell he's struggling the way his hands rubs over his tummy every few minutes. He can see it seize up and push forward as his face changes from neutral to that of pain. "Ugh, I'll be back.." Harry says finally, standing up and waddling uncomfortably to the loo. Louis stays back with Jude but watches on nervously. Harry groans loudly as he reaches the bathroom, ripping his pants down and sitting on the toilet, legs spread wide and arms keeping him upright by the sink and the tub. "Ohhhhhhhh...ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....ohhhhhhh...ahhhhhhh..." He groans and grunts loudly, finally able to vocalize against the pain without scaring Jude. There's so much pressure built within him he's afraid he might explode and in a way, he does as his water releases from him, hitting the toilet loudly and producing a string of intense contractions. Harry grips onto his thighs and leans over himself, groaning against the intense pain radiating over his belly. Louis sits with Jude for as long as he can until his worry nearly drives him insane. "I'm just going to check on Daddy, ok?" Jude nods. Louis steps away and back to the bathroom, not bothering to knock, only walking in. Harry stands at the sink shakily, rocking his hips gently and sniffling. "Everything ok in here?" Harry nods. "I was feeling loads of pressure and pain out there so I came in here so I wouldn't bother Jude but my water broke and my contractions have REALLY picked up, Lou. They're really, really bad.." And then Harry falls into Louis' arms sobbing and Louis feels so guilty. The boy's belly contracts against Louis and pushes out from him as Harry groans and cries against the pain. "Hey, hey breathe for me, ok? I think you're getting close so we need to step out of the bathroom and into somewhere softer for the baby to come, ok?" Harry nods, sniffling and follows Louis back out to the living room. "Lets try all fours, yeah?" Louis asks, placing a hand to Harry's contracting belly, "I remember that helping a bit with Jude." Harry nods and buries his head in his arms, getting onto all fours and rocking back and forth. "Ohhhhhhhh...ohhhhhhhhhhh...ahh..ahhh...owwwww..." Jude goes over to Harry and attempts to rub at his belly but Louis stops him. "Sorry lad but Daddy is in loads of pain right now, ok?" Jude nods. "Keep watching your movie, love and soon sissy will be here." Jude's eyes widen and he scrambles back over to the TV. "Ohhhhh...ughhh....ohhhhhhh....huuuuuuurts...ugh...." "I know, I know love." "Just need to open up a bit more...she's right there.." Five minutes of rocking hips later, Harry stands and walks over to the kitchen door frame and begins swaying back and forth, pulling his pants down gently. "It's time then?" "Yeah...please don't touch me....I don't need anything touching me." He grunts through gritted teeth. Louis steps back and decides to distract Jude the best he can. "Take him to his room." "Harry, but don't you-" "Please, I'm fine, I just really want to be ALONE. I...nnnnnnnnghhhh..." Louis quickly scrambles to Jude's room with him and Harry settles into a deep squat, pushing with all his might. He rolls his shirt up and groans, pressing a hand to his aching, throbbing belly. "Nnnnnnnnngh.....hmmmmmmmghhhhhh...." He feels the baby move down painfully within him and his belly contracts tightly around her. "Ohhhhhh....." He throws his head back and squats again with a deep push. "LOUIS!" Harry calls to Louis just fifteen minutes after telling him to get out. Louis tells Jude to stay out and heads to the living room. Harry is in the same place, both arms cupping the bottom of his bump as he sways, sweaty and red faced. But that's not what Louis is staring at. The baby's head is quickly emerging from Harry and he rubs quickly over to him to cup around her head. Harry presses his head to his arm and groans out, squatting and bearing down again. Minutes later, the baby is in Louis' awaiting arms. The two men are a mess of blurry tears and after Louis cuts the cord, he calls Jude quickly into the room. Hours later, Harry is asleep in the guest room and Louis and Jude are marveling baby sister in her brand new nursery. Jude rocks her back and forth lovingly. "She's a pretty princess, Daddy!" "I know she is." "I'm going to teach you all kinds of things baby Nat, because I love you. I'm your big brother and your best friend." Louis smiles and records a short video for Harry to watch later. He's not sure how many kids he and Harry plan on having but he knows that he'll never be able to get over the feeling of seeing his oldest child with his youngest.
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sumergosuigeneris · 5 years
May 6, 2019
I took a mental health day today. It took me a while to realize I need it, but I got there.
Wednesday, as I mentioned previously, was bullshit and I was upset and stressed out. The highlight of that day is that somehow I was able to keep track of how many times I went to the bathroom. 8 times in 8 hours. Is that normal for peeing? I don’t know. Anyway, I think I went to bed early, and thought I’d be good for Thursday.
Thursday was marginally better for a while, but still not feeling great. It’s weird being at location2 permanently. I didn’t think it would be. Work friend, who I guess isn’t exactly a work friend anymore, since we’re technically different departments and different locations now, came to say hi. I didn’t think I needed it, but I appreciated it. I do remember texting her that she’d better be on time b/c the only reason I wasn’t leaving early was b/c she was coming. We went to barlouis. I got a martini, which was actually good, but basically I think it’s because it was watered down. We stayed for a while. Talked about my situation, and all sorts of stuff. Got home, went to bed.
Felt like shit on Friday. Needed to redo my self-eval but didn’t. I was too low. Headache, etc...And I was still waiting for one package for Civil War Bob. I went home early. Package never came. I napped but not too well, bc I was anxious about the package. I did watch some discovery. Ugh. I thought the show was uneven but I think this season kind of sucks.
Saturday morning I checked am a zohn. No info, so I put in a call to customer service. I was amazed I could even do that. They didn’t used to have any way to talk to a real person. But I don’t shop there much, so I didn’t have much need.
They took instructions and said they would pass them to the delivery guy - after 3pm and call me b/c there was no safe space to drop it. I went off to my first swim lesson. I was worried I’d be late, but I ended up 5min early. And my instructor was 15 minutes late. I couldn’t stay longer b/c of the delivery, but I was pleased with it. Although, my adult-size goggles are not. And my new bathing suit has to be returned (the shoulders don’t stay up).
Got home, napped fitfully b/c of the anxiety re: the package. At around 6:30pm I decided to check the website to see if it had left the distribution center. It said it had been delivered. I ran downstairs praying it hadn’t been stolen. Luckily it hadn’t, but I was super upset. So I called again and complained. But the person this second time did not really seem to understand what I was complaining about. I left to go pick up my rental car. The directions took me to the airport. I thought it was weird, but okay. I found a paid lot to park in. Took a shuttle to the location - over 30 minutes - I should have walked. Get inside, and they tell me I have to have a departing ticket or a major credit card for a big deposit. I was ticked, and they were not helpful at all. My cc got declined, as I expected. They were all too bad, so sad. I had thought they were just doing a company policy but eventually got past my attitude and theirs to learn that at the airport that’s the policy, but outside of the airport that’s not the policy. Fuck orbits. I’ve definitely lost money on this. Although I need to ask for a refund before I write them off. It was so late, and I was so tired and upset, I gave up on going to go shooting. So I walked back to my car. Much shorter. I go to pay and leave and the machine won’t take my ticket. I go into the next line, with the person, and she charges me double what I was expecting. I asked why. She said I was there 61 minutes. I said the extra minute was because I was in the other line. She said too bad, so sad.
I was done. So pissed. Had to make sure to remind myself not to let myself be upset while driving. Tried to find something open late so I could get a burger and beer. Went to one place. It was pretty rowdy. I’d have stayed anyway, but wait staff kept looking at me and ignoring me. Granted it was only like 2-3 minutes, but I couldn’t deal. So...I went back to barre louis. A customer asked me to move down so she could have an extra seat. They were out of the beer I wanted. The beer I got sucked. The burger sucked. But more importantly - the menu says it comes with cheddar. I asked the waitress to make sure it comes with cheddar. I go to pay my bill - they charged me extra. Fuck that day. The positive thing was I chatted with two girls next to me for a while. But one of the girls thought I was 35?!?!?! So that was hurtful too.
Sunday, I slept a lot. I did decide I haven’t had enough veggies lately, so I drove to a new grocery store for their salad bar. The bar wasn’t as good as hyped, though it was still good. But the store was delightful. I kept seeing people running into people they knew; like a small town. It was nice. And the store had pretty decent food and prices, and was independent. It was worth the trip. I was too bummed to go play racquetball, so I napped again. Fitfully. I was thinking about skipping got too. But I stayed up and watched. It was a weird episode. Couple devastating deaths. Unnecessary. The ending episodes are kind of sucking. But I’m still hooked. Also, I somehow gave myself a nose bleed, which I think I was choking on.
At some point, it occurred to me, based on something I read online about companies doing 4 day work weeks, that I needed a break from work. That it’s been super stressful and I hadn’t taken any time to decompress (2 days hasn’t been enough for over a month now). So I decided to take today. Hopefully, it’ll help me feel good for the rest of the week. Or at least better. I’ll get some errands done, nap, who knows what else, if anything. No expectations, I hope.
I probably really do need to find a new therapist though. But I just don’t know if I can right now. And not paying copays every week has been really nice too.
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loud-snoring-os · 8 years
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5.0 out of 5 stars Very Intelligently Set Up - One of the Best Cookbooks I've read
5.0 out of 5 stars Other than that this book is great, and I would recommend it to anyone looking ... I am really enjoying this book, however, I do wish that the portion/serving sizes were included. An example is the recipe for baked falafel...it just says 'makes 30', but how much is a serving??? Other than that this book is great, and I would recommend it to anyone looking for easy, healthy meals. I am currently following the Dr.'s Diet and have lost 29 pounds in 8 weeks, so not too bad! Go to Amazon
1.0 out of 5 stars I love this doctor and his show but I was SHOCKED ... I love this doctor and his show but I was SHOCKED to see how difficult these recipes were and how many ingredients they needed. I am not lazy at all and like to cook but never tried one single recipe bc everything seemed like too much work and would cost a lot of money each week. I make good money, and this was still something that I thought about. Go to Amazon
5.0 out of 5 stars Do wish there were more main dishes but an E+ for excellent. It's absolutely inspiring. I freeze through the book the first day and made me a grocery list. I live in St. Louis and found most of the items at Wal-Mart but next time I think I'll go to our farmer's market. Do wish there were more main dishes but an E+ for excellent. Go to Amazon
2.0 out of 5 stars Careful buying the digital version The writing was too small on my Kindle Fire HD and there was no way to enlarge it. I couldn't get it on my computer because it doesn't work with Windows 8. .The book may be very good but the digital version is not. Go to Amazon
5.0 out of 5 stars I am living proof that changing the way you eat can make you feel better I was so excited to see this book come about. I have been following the original Doctor's Diet book for a little over 4 weeks. That book includes recipes, but I would like to see a lot more ideas I could use during my weight loss journey. I am living proof that changing the way you eat can make you feel better. I suffer from psoriatic arthritis and after a week of using The Doctor's Diet my pain had disappeared completely. Anyone who suffers from this condition knows it can leave you bed ridden from the severe pain. I, however, did not realize that this book only has recipes to maintain weight you have lost from the previous book. Even though I can not use it currently, I gave it 5 stars because from experience with the first book I know these are great recipes. I feel comfortable making them for my family, knowing they are eating healthy, good, and nutritious recipes. It really is funny how you can trick your mind and taste buds into macaroni and cheese made with cauliflower. I also have to say the recipes do not take a lot of time to make so your not stuck in the kitchen for long periods trying to eat healthy. I have no trouble finding the food needed for the recipes. I would recommend this book too anyone who wants to live a healthier lifestyle eating tasty recipes. Go to Amazon
5.0 out of 5 stars Delicious and affordable recipes So we all can agree that Dr. Travis is easy on the eyes, I don't mind having him in my kitchen lol...I LOVE this book! The foods are delicious and turn out exactly as promised;tasty and easy to make. Very affordable ingredients. I use this book all the time! Highly recommend! Go to Amazon
1.0 out of 5 stars Misleading A lot of these foods are not found in everyday grocery stores. A lot of these recipes require products that are also very expensive. Some of these recipes appear good but there is little no grounds for different flavors. Go to Amazon
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