#bc their handwriting got so angry while they were writing it that they ripped the paper and it was unreadable
pigeonwhumps · 2 years
4 and 5 for Phoenix?
Thanks for the ask! From this ask game.
4. Do they have any scars or tattoos?
Ah. Well. Yes, I think is the only answer to the first half of that question. A lot.
A document from Phoenix's medical records, sometime after the abuse is discovered and they start actually getting medical treatment:
An Incomplete List of Phoenix's Scars, by Dr Aaron Thomas, XX:XX XX/XX/XXXX
Handprint freeze burns on the torso and arms
Handprint thermal burns on both arms
Non-handprint thermal burns on both arms, torso and legs
Various lethal stab wounds in the chest area
Multiple bullet scars on the torso
Circular marks on both wrists and feet
Small cut on the left index finger
Various length slashes to the torso and arms (non-lethal)
Scars encircling the wrists and ankles (suspect restraints)
Lashes on their back
Electricity burns on their torso and neck (taser? parilla? shock collar? I don't really want to speculate)
Note to Sophia Sidheag: I am not re-traumatising them for a complete recording. Just make sure the radiographer scans their whole body, you can get the data you and the others need that way.
So yeah... not good. That's what happens when villains work out that you're immortal and your team doesn't care enough to rescue you – prime target for interrogation (and when your teammates also cause scars bc they're abusive fuckers). Add to that a lack of medical treatment that could lessen them and... yeah. As I said, not good.
As for tattoos, they don't have any right now, although they'd like one. In the future, they'll probably get a couple to cover some of the scars from their team permanently, but that's quite a way off.
5. What was the last time they cried, and under what circumstances?
Right so, the current WIP I'm writing (well... not the one I just started, that covers a span of five years so it's hard to count from there, but the one I should be writing) is set a few months after Kai finds out about Phoenix's abuse. Kai's still on Phoenix's team with Abbie and that lot.
So, the last time they cried at this point would be when Kai and Aaron bought them a present. They pooled their money together to buy them a weighted blanket (bc a) their room is very bare, b) they seriously need it, and c) they just wanted to get their new friend a present), and Phoenix cried. They haven't gotten a present since they last saw their sister five years ago. I mean, why would anyone buy them anything? They're not worth it. But Kai and Aaron did and it means the world to them. Especially their attempts at sewing decorations on. They actually made something specifically for them?
(cue Kai and Aaron panicking because, our present is so bad we made our friend cry! And then Phoenix hurriedly explaining through tears that it's not bad, really, they just didn't expect it.)
(and then at some point Kai and Aaron will drag them out shopping to help decorate their room, and Phoenix will end up being prescribed anti-anxiety meds bc they have a fleetload of trauma and anxiety and they were never exactly mentally healthy to begin with. But that's later.)
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lunaslovelyrambles · 3 years
It's canon that Levi is very self conscious about his handwriting since he came from Underground. BUT it's also canon that his handwriting is neat. So how about Levi writing his crush a letter but then decides not to give the letter last minute but too late! His crush saw the letter in his hand and they basically have a tug of war over the letter 💀 I hope this is okay. Thank you ❤️
of course it’s okay!! sorry for the long ass wait.. but thank you for sending this in! it’s such a cute request :)
went w a scenario bc i’m rusty with them! as always feedback + reblogs are appreciated :3
levi ackerman
He was screwed, wasn’t he? Yeah, he was totally, and wholeheartedly screwed. The second he felt the wavering in his heart and fluttering in his stomach he knew he was screwed.
Because Levi Ackerman - Humanity’s Strongest Soldier - has a crush.
Levi wasn’t one to focus too heavily on his emotions. Oftentimes he’d dismiss any unusual feelings without any second thought. He didn’t have time for that: any sappy, mushy feelings. He was a soldier first and foremost. That was his duty, and that was his priority above all. He should focus on the fight for humanity and that solely.
So why, why was he so hellbent on getting your attention?
Because he liked you, that’s why. But he didn’t want to admit it. He could die at any second and so could you. Like hell he’d want to form a relationship under those conditions.
Still, pushing his feelings toward you aside didn’t help in the slightest. Every day as he watched you laugh with some of the other cadets he felt his hand clench around his cup. He wanted to sit by your side, hear your beautiful laughs and be with you goddamnit.
Why was this so hard? Why was liking someone romantically so hard?
These thoughts permeated his mind as he stared at his paperwork. His pen had been sitting on the table for quite a while now as he thought, once again, about you. He had long forgotten about what he needed to get done for the night and was purely lost in his thoughts.
Should he tell you? No- what if you rejected him? He’d be crushed and not only that but things would be awkward then.. but what if you said yes? Then he could finally get this off his chest and-
He groaned heavily as he laid his head on his desk, causing some of the papers to crinkle underneath. He couldn’t stop the thoughts from growing louder and louder in his mind. They were all too loud and distracting for him to do anything.
But he couldn’t just go and confess! That wasn’t the kind of person he was! He wasn’t the type to just do something like that.. To him, it was way too embarrassing.
As he laid with his head on his desk an idea suddenly entered his mind. One that would save him some embarrassment while also conveying his feelings perfectly. Well, less embarrassing than directly confessing that is.
A letter.
He could write you a letter. The perfect way to confess his feelings. He could write exactly what he wanted and completely avoid the awkwardness of him telling you. It was only an added plus thay writing a letter was seen as sweet and romantic to most people.
Levi finally picked up his pen and started writing on a new, clean sheet of paper.
It had been several days since he initially came up with the idea to write you a letter and Levi still hadn’t written one that he liked.
Several balled up sheets of paper could be found stacked in his garbage can, and even more burned in the fireplace.
For some reason he just couldn’t get the wording right. Every time he wrote it it just didn’t seem... right. It didn’t feel good enough, it was too blunt, it was too wordy. Every draft he was just unhappy with. And he kept trying only to be continuously dissatisfied.
He sighed as he set his pen down another time. He looked at the singular sheet of paper and began to reread it.
“Dear (Y/N),
I just wanted to say that - ”
“Whatcha got there?”
Levi nearly fell out of his seat. Standing in the doorway was none other than you. And you were very curious to know what he was holding. For a split second he thought about balling it up and chucking it at you, but his body reacted quicker and shoved it into his desk drawer.
“Why didn’t you knock? Didn’t you learn any manners?” he quickly retorted, but he was still caught off guard by your entry thus causing his words to come out quicker than he would have liked.
You rose an eyebrow and walked further into the room, closing the door behind you.
“I did. Several times actually,” you responded, “What was that paper you shoved into your drawer?”
He swallowed thickly. It would be hard for him to maneuver his way out of this one.
“Why are you here? Do you have something to report?”
“...no. But you haven’t really been out of your office all day. Now answer my question.” As you spoke you inched closer to his desk before standing on the side - the one closest to the drawer with the paper in it.
He didn’t answer. Shit. You were not gonna let this go.
He half expected you to keep harassing him with questions until he either forced you out or gave in. But you chose a third option, which was one he wasn’t expecting.
Which was shoving yourself between him in the drawer, effectively blocking him as you grabbed the letter out. Luckily for him, he regained some sort of mind to fight with you for the paper as it left the drawer.
You tugged on one end and he grabbed the other, neither of you showing any sign of letting go. He really started to begin to regret training you to be so strong.
As he gave one harsh tug, and you doing the same, the letter finally ripped in half from the tension. He had the top half and you had the bottom.
“What the hell is wrong with you? Do you always go through other people’s stuff without permission?” he looked down at the paper and back up at you. Naturally he was angry with you for taking out the letter without asking, but when he looked up at you his anger slowly dissipated.
Your mouth was slightly parted and your cheeks were slowly heating up as you finished the letter. Your eyes then flickered from the letter up to him. You turned around the letter to face him and pointed at the words on the bottom.
“I really like you, (Y/N), and I’d love to go out with you sometime.”
“Is this... for me?” you softly asked. His mouth formed a thin line as he avoided your gaze, his cheeks now dusted with a faint pink. There was no way he could say no, it wasn’t for you, because your name was literally on the note.
He was beyond embarrassed. He was mortified. His feelings were out in the open now and there was no going back.
Just as he was about to leave the room to avoid the uncomfortable sting of rejection, he heard you giggle. The noise made him glare back at you, and it was that that made you full on laugh.
Now he really felt humiliated.
“I just can’t believe that you fought me tug of war style for this,” your laughing died down a little, “Did you convince yourself that hard that I’d reject you?”
Levi didn’t know what to think anymore.
“I mean.. kind of, yeah,” he still spoke softly, still not looking at you.
“You’d be wrong, then.”
He finally stopped looking at the floor and back at you. You were smiling at him, a big toothy smile and one that he loved seeing every day.
“I thought that letter was, like, you kicking me off your squad. So I thought ‘hey I’ll bite the bullet and take it out even if he’ll hate me for it’ or something I don’t know. I’m sorry for going through your stuff-”
Before you could finish your apology Levi had uncharacteristically pulled you into his chest. He had felt like someone crushed a building on him when you stole that letter out but now? He feels like he just got the best night sleep.
“Don’t. Don’t even worry about it. I’m.. glad you took it. It’s okay,” he smiled into your shoulder as you returned the hug.
Maybe he’ll write you letters more often.
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leejeongz · 6 years
Fighting with Stray Kids
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😂ahh thanks for the request I acc really enjoyed writing this is that normal?😂
Bang Chan:
You left that morning in a rush. Chan hadn’t come home the night before, you presumed he was working, and usually you get up as he leaves. So today you were late for work, what a great start.
When you got home you slumped on the couch noticing a small handwritten note in Chan’s handwriting: “out with the boys again be back later maybe”. You couldn’t lie the not made you a little angry. Out with the boys? Again? You thought he was working. And maybe? He better come home, you thought composing a text to your boyfriend.
Y/n (5:45pm): I saw your note, see you soon! I love you ❤️
He read your message as soon as you sent it but didn’t reply.
The following day, no one was home again. That evening when you arrived home, Chris was spark out on your shared bed. At first you thought it was cute, then you remembered what he had done.
“How dare you come in and just go to sleep?” You raised your voice, waking him. “If you’d behaved like a normal adult you would have had enough sleep instead of going out with “the boys”” your eyes were narrow and your hands were going wild in the air.
He tried to defend his actions but the truth was soon revealed. “She I mean they told me I could sleep at their house”
“She?” You questioned, not giving him time to answer before grabbing your jacket and running straight for your friends house.
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“My family are coming over later darling, I baked a cake for us all!” He announced as you came home from work covered in snow. “I’ve got to go out now they will probably get here before I get back, mind letting them in?” He asked innocently, knowing you’d let them in anyway.
Woojin had been gone for about an hour and you were getting tired. It sucked that you couldn’t nap with Woojin but the thought of being able to later made you sleepy itself. You went to bed and tucked yourself in, grabbing a body pillow and cuddling it as you closed your eyes and peacefully fell asleep.
You woke up to Woojin shaking you with an angry look on his face. “They were stood outside for an hour in the freezing cold waiting for you”
A bewildered look appeared across your face. You wiped the sleep from your eye and you reached out to touch his face.
“Don’t touch me please, I asked you to do one thing for me and you didn’t do it! I’m sorry my family doesn’t mean anything to you” He continued to shake you, somewhat aggressively but not hurting you. He abruptly stopped and stood to look over you, a disgusted look on his face. “Just so you know, if you ever ask me to do something for you, the answer will be no”
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Lee Know:
“Can you cook dinner tonight? I’m going to be late, I’m seeing Sam” you asked before you left that morning in a rush, giving Minho his peck on the cheek as requested.
That evening you returned to Minho lazily sitting on the couch surrounded by junk food. The smell of a cooked dinner didn’t fill the room as you expected, instead just the smell of your sweaty boyfriend.
“Oh I take it I’m starving tonight then?” You asked sarcastically, putting your keys in the bowl next to the door. He looked over at you, sleep still in his eyes from the nap you just woke him up from.
“I thought you just meant for myself, I had take out. I’m pretty sure there’s some fries left in the bag” he said without a hint of panic. How could he be so selfish? Why would you ask if it was just for him? He wasn’t a child, he didn’t need reminding to eat, you thought.
You stormed into the kitchen, purposely being dramatic while he sat up a little more on the sofa.
“I said I was sorry I thought you were eating out with Sam” he said, emphasising Sam’s name as if he was annoyed at him.
Then it clicked. “First of all you never said sorry. Second of all you knew I wanted to eat at home since you know, I asked you. Third of all,” your tone became angrier at the thought “you only didn’t cook some because you’re jealous?” you grabbed your keys again and opened the door “of my friend?” And with that you left.
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The only thing Changbin loved more than THAT hoodie was you. It took a lot for Changbin to let you wear it, especially out, but nevertheless he gave it to you. You wore it to go cycling early one morning to keep you warm, with his permission of course. You returned home with the hoodie which now had a huge rip in the sleeve from a sharp tree that you somehow got stuck on. You dreaded Changbin seeing it but you couldn’t avoid him anymore, he walked in, his eyes falling from your guilty face to the tear in the arm.
“You know that’s my favourite hoodie, why didn’t you take more care of it?” He asked, calmer than you expected. All you could do was tell him the truth, the whole story from start to finish.
“Do you know how much that jumper means to me?” He asked, slightly more angry.
You shook your head. It was only a jumper. It wasn’t even that expensive you don’t think. “I’ll buy you a new one, Bin, I’m so sorry!” You said trying to make amends.
“Don’t bother” he said walking away. “It will never have the same sentimental value, not that you’d care.”
You walked up behind him, trying to grab his hand realising it was probably a gift from a family member. “Leave me alone” he yanked his hand away and shut his bedroom door in your face.
(Ignore Chan if you can but we all know you can’t bc he’s beautiful)
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He found his way every time to the spot next to her. Every time he could, he would. You sat across the table giving him daggers as he ordered his food. You and the boys and their s/os has gone out for the evening to a “fancy restaurant”. You dressed up glamorously as Hyunjin told you to and upon arrival you noticed most were wearing trainers and jeans. Your dark blue sparkly dress made you stand out like a sore thumb as you entered the “fancy restaurant” which you discovered was actually a diner and took your place opposite Hyunjin since the seat next to him was taken... by her...
“Aw it’s nice of you to dress up, y/n” she sneered before elbowing Hyunjin in the side and the two of them giggling.
You couldn’t hold it back anymore, all this anger from all the times before had built up inside you. “I know it is after all I am the fashionable one here” you announced knowing she worked in the fashion industry. “And I think you’ll look better with a smoothie poured all over you” you picked up the glass and tipped it over the both of them. Hyunjin stopped laughing immediately and wiped the strawberry milkshake out of his eyes. He shook his hand making it fly everywhere before announcing “I never want to see you again” and leaving, the other girl trailing behind.
Her boyfriend, another member, looked at you with sorry eyes. Really you didn’t do anything wrong and the members all agreed that they’d do the same. They told you that Hyunjin didn’t mean what he said but you were too angry to care. That night he tried to text you, he tried to call you a thousand times, but you didn’t pick up.
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You blasted Drake full volume while your boyfriend got dressed upstairs. A surprise birthday party! His surprise birthday party! How could he not see it coming?!? His head was pounding and the music downstairs didn’t help, but he didn’t want you to feel bad.
“Hey thanks for this, baby” he gave you a little side hug and pulled away quickly when he returned downstairs in some sports shorts and a hoodie.
“You’re wel-“ you started, turning around to face him “what are you wearing? This is a party, not a lazy day” you said slightly tipsy even though the night had only just begun. The friends you were talking to before had left you two to talk, not wanting to see you get angry with each other.
Jisung tried hard to find out what he’d done wrong and also confessed about his headache, he was the innocent one in this situation. Yet you still got unreasonably mad. “I went to all this trouble and you don’t even care” you started to cry.
Jisung tried not to cry with you, knowing he’d done nothing wrong but still hurting because you were sad.
When he didn’t say anything in return you ran upstairs and cried yourself to sleep hoping that when you were sober you could sort this out while Jisung got rid of all the guests saying he had a headache and that he’d reorganise before leaving to get some air.
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Your last day at school before the summer holidays and you were going on vacation with your boyfriend for the first time... tonight! It was all you could think about while at school, leaving Felix to pack the rest of your stuff that you had left out for him back at home.
Chan picked you up the afternoon, Felix in the back of the car with your empty space next to him.
“Did you pack my stuff?” You asked promptly and he reassured you that he did.
A long 11 hour flight and you’d landed. Now in the hotel and ready for bed you found out your pyjamas and...
“Felix I thought you said you packed everything? Where’s my teddy?” You asked beginning to cry.
“Oh you wanted that packing? I thought you just left it there because it was cute” he lied, spying the teddy he packed in his own bag to prank you.
“You know I can’t sleep without it Felix!” You shout “or do you not pay attention to me? Or do you just not care?” You kept listing irrational ideas until you stormed out of the room, heading down to sit by the pool and looking up at the stars.
If only he’d just pulled it out of his bag at his “Oh you wanted it packing?” he thought as he slumped down on the bed.
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Were you spending a normal amount of time with Chris? Or not? He couldn’t quite work it out. He sat and watched you two from the living room while you cooked for the three of you that evening.
“Hey Seungmin, bud, you wanna come and help?” Chan shouted looking over his shoulder to see Seungmin sulking.
“No” he replied bluntly. Chan looked at you and raised his eyebrows. You replied to his gesture “he always gets like this when I’m with you” you rolled your eyes.
Seungmin stood up and folding his arms while positioning himself next to the fridge. “Maybe it’s because you’re always with him. Maybe it’s because you never spend time with me when he’s around. Maybe it’s because you love Chan.” He ran for his bedroom and you followed him. You walked in on him crying on his bed, a sight you’d never seen before.
“Please leave y/n I don’t want you to see me like this” he gestured to the door “you’ll only laugh about it with Chan anyway” he wished he was wrong but he knew he wasn’t when he heard you back in the kitchen, giggling like nothing had happened.
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“I’m too tired sorry y/n” the text read. You asked him to come to the movies with you but evidently that date wasn’t going to happen. Instead you decided to go and surprise him at the dorms but when you got there, he wasn’t home.
“He’s gone out with Hyunjin” Jisung told you as he opened the door. “You can wait here for him if you like? Please wait here for him we haven’t seen you in so long!” You stepped inside to the boys playing some video game and watched until the two boys got home.
“Y/n!” Jeongin shouted before his face changed “y/n? What are you doing here?” He asked taking you into his bedroom.
“Well I did come over in hopes that we could do something here since you were “tired” but” you shrugged. “So where did you go?” You asked him as if you were actually interested after he did that to you.
“We went to the cinema” he said guiltily. You grabbed your bag from his bed while standing up heading for the door.
“I’m sorry y/n” he pleaded but it was too late, you were already out of the door and almost out the dorm.
He text you straight away asking you to come back so you called him.
“Come back so I can be made a fool out of again? I don’t think so Jeongin you won’t be seeing me for a long long time” you said angrily, admittedly waiting for a response however.
Without thinking Jeongin replied “it was only the cinema it’s not that deep” with that you hung up.
(Tell me he isn’t the most handsome man alive)
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Gifs aren’t mine
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wcnjae · 7 years
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they will insult you, hurt you, defeat you, betray you, injure you, set you a f l a m e && watch you burn.
                                   but they will not,                                    shall not, cannot                                    d e s t r o y you.
                                                               because you, like rome                                                                were built on ashes,                                                                and you, like a phoenix                                                                k n o w how to rise                                                                and r e s u r r e c t
full name: cha wonjae.
nickname(s): jae. cj.
gender & pronouns: cismale, he/him/his
sexual & romantic orientation: pansexual, panromantic.
age & dob: twenty-one, october 31.
birthplace/hometown: born in busan, south korea and raised in paris, france.
parents/siblings: cha wonsik ( father | deceased ), jeong jaeeun ( mother | deceased )
astrological sign: scorpio.
dominant hand: left, though he is ambidextrous.
handwriting style: he’s more on the heavy handed side, and despite being left-handed, it’s rather neat. ( HERE is a visual aid, tho the subject matter is not )
language(s) known/spoken: korean, english, french ( fluent ) ;; japanese ( conversational )
religion: he used to be a believer, but after everything that’s happened to him, he’s become an atheist. he believes god(s) to be cruel and unworthy of “followers”, why else would disease, starvation, etc. exist ?
current living arrangements: he lives in a relatively “high-end” place, but that’s only because it’s the penthouse his parents stayed in whenever they came over to seoul for business in the past. ( FLOOR PLAN // KITCHEN // LIVING AREA // MASTER BEDROOM  )
occupation/major: he works part time as an editor. he also majors in literature, minor in creative writing.
picture reference: HERE.
blood type: o.
nationality: korean.
skin tone/color: he’s on the paler side, but not quite “milky”. he does tan relatively easily, but he doesn’t have much leisure time, especially during the day.
birthmarks & scars: he has a birth mark on his left hip that’s a few shades darker than his skin tone and it’s a dime sized peach shape.
height: ~180cm ( 5′11″ )
build: lean // muscular.
hair color: he’s a natural raven who colors his hair often, but right now it’s half black, half blonde.
hair length: a few cm past his eyes.
eye color: naturally chocolate brown, but he does wear lenses on occasion. he normally sticks with the “brown” family, but he does wear blue ones rarely.
eye shape: monolids with a minimal epicanthal fold. his aegyo-sal is more on the puffy side, especially when he’s sleepy / just woken up.
diet: ...whatever he feels like eating whenever he feels like eating it.
exercise & level of fitness: the majority of his exercise is cardio considering he boxes a lot and he likes to jog, especially when he can’t sleep. he does it on a regular basis, so he knows what he’s doing and what’s best for his body, tho he also understands he can be better. he’d say he’s a solid 8 -- 8.3 out of 10 in terms of his fitness level.
how’s their posture ( or lack thereof )?: perfect. he’s known for standing / sitting upright with his shoulders pulled back. his form and the style which he carries himself has always been important. & now that he’s trained himself, it’s a habit.
typical style of dress: jeans ( usually ripped ), t-shirts and sneakers. he’s also a fan of baggy sweaters, beanies and masks. ( HERE // HERE // HERE // HERE are some visual aids )
body modifications: he has two piercings per lobe, an EYEBROW piercing, & a SMILEY & TONGUE WEB piercing. left WRIST tattoo. BACK tattoo.
how does your muse walk?: usually full of confidence with shoulders pulled back, tho he seems unapproachable like he doesn’t want to be bothered.
how does your muse talk?: his voice is very low and on the raspy side, but like his parents, he speaks perfectly and only uses his accent when he’s angry.
what accent/dialect does your muse talk with?: he speaks with a “seoul” accent ( aka he doesn’t have one ), but as stated previously, he reverts to his busan accent when he gets mad --- these are habits he’s picked up from his parents who were adamant about him learning their mother tongue.
how high (or low) is the tone of their voice? are they loud or quiet?: it’s very low and he’s normally on the quiet side. however, if he’s in a setting that requires him to be entertaining or he genuinely enjoys your company, he’ll get louder and laugh a lot.
what is their laugh like?: HERE ( watch it bc it’s the cutest thing ever tyvm )
how does your muse typically smell?: his usual cologne is chanel’s bleu de chanel which is a “provocative blend of citrus and woods, liberates the senses —fresh, clean, profoundly sensual—a signature statement of determination and desire”
what kind of air do they carry? are they intimidating?: when he’s alone, to strangers he seems very unapproachable, pouty and grumpy. a lot of people do find him intimidating until they see him around friends, then his aura is the complete opposite.
what makes your muse happiest?: boxing. music. writing. learning. coffee. laughter. rewatching home videos / his mother’s work. basketball. all things dark and horror related.
what upsets them the most?: disrespect. anyone in a position of power. not being able to have his coffee. his night terrors.
does your muse have any quirks?: chewing on his bottom lip and cheeks. cracking knuckles and other various bones. shaking his leg ( normally it’s his right one ). licking his lips.
what are their hobbies? how frequent do/can they do them?: writing. basketball. boxing. he writes and boxes every day, but he usually has to save basketball for the weekends.
do they have any guilty pleasures?: basically everything he likes ??? especially the morbid stuff ( horror movies, serial killers, death, gore, and other like things )
is your muse an extrovert? an introvert? neither? : he knows how to be both, tho he prefers to be introverted. however, he knows that sometimes in life you have to do something you’re uncomfortable with.
do they have high or low self-esteem? what about confidence?: he thinks he’s pretty well off in both of those departments, but he also understands that he’s not the best at anything or all that handsome.
are they easily stressed? how do they respond to stress?: not really; it takes a lot to get him to visibly show that he’s feeling the pressure. normally, it rolls off his shoulders and he’s able to make quick, rational decisions to best handle the stressful situation.
what is your muses worst fear?: dying before he’s able to get justice for his parents.
what is your muses biggest dream?: getting justice for his parents.
is your muse an early riser? a night owl?: whatever he needs to be, but he’s usually both because he doesn’t sleep very much.
how intelligent is your muse? do they acknowledge it?: he’s relatively well off in the intelligence department, tbh his brain is like a sponge, but he doesn’t ever voice it.
what is their sense of humour like?: let’s just say ... if you can’t make him laugh, then you have a MAJOR problem because this kid laughs at literally everything. especially if it’s something that isn’t normally very funny. punny jokes are his favorite, tho. 
what’s their sexual orientation? what about romantic?: he’s willing to get down and love anyone who wants it !!
are they currently in any sexual or romantic relationships?: romantic relationships, no. sexual relationships and flirtation relationships, .... yes.
what is their experience with relationships?: he’s still very new to everything because he didn’t experience either love or sex until after he came to live in seoul.
how does your muse view the idea of friends with benefits? have they ever had one, or would they ever?: he’s currently in a fwb relationship and it’s really not something he’s proud of, but try talking some sense into his other head because he’s fallen victim.
sex, is it important to your muse?: it can make things fun, sure, but it certainly isn’t everything. consent and respect are most important, kids !!
what are their biggest turn on and turn offs?: turn ons, make him laugh // loyal // respectful // takes care of themselves. turn offs, poor hygiene // lying // being fake // lack of manners // entitlement.
does your muse find it easy to make friends?: he can make them very easily when he tries to, but he usually prefers ... not trying
how important is friendship to them?: very important !!
quantity or quality of friends?: quality will ALWAYS trump quantity
how important is family?: the MOST important
are they close to their family? why or why not ?: he was very close with them and still believes he is, tho he can’t be physically close with them anymore.
001. he’s taken over as CEO of his father’s entertainment company. however, he runs the place the same way his father did: from the background. he has people, whom both he and his father trust, handling the majority of things, but wonjae does need to sign off on all major decisions. he also has a say in who the company signs and keeps an eye on the financials.
002. he’s never been in a proper relationship or had a crush on anyone until settling down in seoul. growing up, he was much too focused on school and being the perfect son ( not because he HAD to be, but because he wanted to be )
003. tho he is very much a cinnamon roll, he doesn’t have an issue telling you off. disrespect is a sure fire way to get on his bad side, especially if he witnesses you being disrespectful to someone else. while on the subject of disrespect, i highly suggest you treat your parents VERY well when in his company, otherwise you will get an ear full.
004. he wants to cover up his back tattoo because it’s no longer true for him, however it’s a matching tattoo he got with his father and he just doesn’t have the heart to alter it in any way.
004.5. the tattoo on his wrist is the one he got in dedication to his mother --- some of his favorite memories with her include the times they traveled to korea simply to come look at the cherry blossoms.
005. he’s always been the type who was completely unfazed by death and gore --- he’s actually been kinda ... fascinated by it, so the WAY ( the intruders’ modus operandi ) his parents were killed never bothered wonjae, it was more so the WHY along with the fact that they were his PARENTS. but that is why dead bodies/murders/etc. have not become a trigger for him because he doesn’t see what happened to them, he only sees a story and something to learn for his novels.
006. 100% believes that the stars are our ancestors --- basically, when someone passes away, a new star is formed. and you cannot convince him otherwise.
007. not only does he write short stories and poems on the daily, he also keeps a diary where he writes letters to his parents every night. he lets them know how he’s doing, things he’s learned, he talks about his friends and troubles he’s encountered. he also likes to talk to them when he can’t sleep, so if you ever pass by and put your ear against his door at night, chances are you’ll hear him having a conversation with, technically, himself.
008. it takes a lot to make him cry and it’s something he won’t ever do in front of anyone unless he is extremely close with them. normally, he saves tears -- and all negative emotions -- for when he’s alone and behind closed doors.
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clockworkneurosis · 8 years
you could also do all the asks since youre making me do them smh
flower crown: when did you last sing to yourself?- in the car like thirty minutes ago. COLORS by FLOW
fairy lights: if a crystal ball could tell you the truth about anything, what would you want to know?- if i’ll get my dream job or not 
daisies: what is the greatest accomplishment of your life?- graduating college? going to graduate school? constantly crying over gay shit? i don’t rly feel “accomplished” for doing anything rly.
1975: what is the first happy memory that comes to mind, recent or otherwise?- getting published in the undergraduate journals in university. i found that out today. 
matte: if you knew that in one year you would die suddenly, would you change anything about the way you are now living?- probably. i would go out and do stuff i’m way too scared to do 
black nail polish: do you have a bucket list? if so, what are the top three things?- work for NASA/aeronautics industry. - be better at art lmao? - get my journals published 
pantone: describe a person close to your life in detail.- she’s little and has a lot of hair and she’s old and she’s sleepy and she’s a dog 
moodboard: do you feel you had a happy childhood?- absolutely not lmao
stars: when did you last cry in front of another person?- two weeks ago? three weeks ago?
plants: pick a person to stargaze with you and explain why you picked them.- my sister. she’s really encouraged me over the years to go for my dream of working in the aeronautics industry and she’s so supportive of it and to sit and gush about stars and astronomy to her would probably make her happy.
converse: would you ever have a deep conversation with a stranger and open up to them?- i never want to open up to anyone so no
lace: when was your last 3am conversation with someone, and who were they to you?- like IRL conversation? probably forever ago. through text probably Sid or my skype squad and all those people are 💞
handwriting: if you were about to die, and you could only say one more sentence to one person, what would you say and to whom?- i’d probably tell my mom thank you for everything she’s done for me and to always take care of Precious. 
cactus: what is your opinion on brown eyes?- no opinion 
sunrise: pick a quote and describe what it means to you personally.- damn i don’t have one that’s coming to mind at the moment let me just skip to something i wrote in my notebook recently: “IT DOESN’TMATTER,YOU SEEWHAT YOU WANTTO SEE.” like idk i have a lot of issues with accepting truth sometimes and like idk i live in my own world 90% of the time idk what i’m saying 
oil paints: what would you title the autobiography of your life so far?- The Chronicles of Wasted Time
overalls: what would you do with one billion dollars?- pay off my student loans, secure a home for myself and buy a nice car, leave a large portion for my mom. go on vacations. 
combat boots: are you a very forgiving person? do you like being this way?- i used to be a total fucking pushover but honestly since going to college i’ve gotten so fuckin hateful lmao like i lost 90% of my friends and to this day i wouldn’t forgive any of them
winged eyeliner: write a hundred word letter to your twelve year old self.- i don’t honestly remember a lot about 12 year old me. i’d probably say something like………… i know living with your brother is horrible and sometime you feel like you can’t take it anymore but just keep going bc he’s gonna leave one day and you’re gonna feel so much better. don’t leave Precious outside so much, even though you didn’t even really do it much to begin with. one day when you’re in your late teens and early 20s you’re going to hold her in your arms and count the gray hairs on her little face and kiss her all the time and realize she’s gotten old and you hadn’t even realized it. don’t be so hard on your mom. just because you’re sad and angry all the time doesn’t mean you should take it out on someone who loves you so much. also break out of your friend group because they aren’t going to be your friends forever. don’t put your eggs in one basket. 
pastel: would you describe yourself as more punk or pastel?- truly a pastel punk
tattoos: how do you feel about tattoos and piercings? explain.- i like tattoos they’re fine. i don’t have any because i’m a wuss. piercings are great if they aren’t like hoo boy too crazy 
piercings: do you wear a lot of makeup? why/why not?- nah i don’t wear makeup because i just don’t feel a desire to 
bands: talk about a song/band/lyric that has affected your life in some way.- Kei really means so much to me. i always told myself that if i ever got a tattoo it would be 圭 because he really got me through some tough stuff. 
messy bun: the world is listening. pick one sentence you would tell them.- w/e
cry baby: list the concerts you have been to and talk about how they make you feel.- BLOOD: this was just a for fun concert and i remember walking in and walking out lmao - Matenrou Opera: i remember feeling so fucking overwhelmed during that concert and it felt so surreal and crazy and when it ended i cried for like seven hours straight - HOME MADE 家族: hype af because it was such a feel-good experience - T.M.Revolution: FUN FUN FUN to be in a room with thousands upon thousands of people who were screaming and having fun and ugh it was great- ONE OK ROCK: i actually was really emotional during this concert. OOR means so much to me and they’ve helped me so much……. to be able to see them and be close to them honestly i felt like my chest was on fire the whole time.
grunge: who in the world would you most like to receive a letter from and what would you want it to say?- i want letters from my old friends. i want them to be apologies to me. 
space: do you have a desk/workspace and how is it organised/not organised?- well my desk at home is way different than my desk at school but since i’m off school right now…. here’s what’s on my desk rn: YETI cup, docking station, Black Butler cup, candle, Impractical Jokers coasters, tons of pens and pencils, box of letters, spongebob tissues, lighter, paint, tissues, stationery, medicine, Apple Watch, party popper??? lmao
white bed sheets: what is your night time routine?- play FFXV, talk to Sid, watch TV, eat fruit, drink a lot of water, kiss mom and Precious goodnight, read fanfics, draw sometimes 
old books: what’s one thing you don’t want your parents to know?- how sad i am. i don’t want to bother my mom with that. 
beaches: if you had to dye your hair how would you dye/style it and why?- i need to dye it gray lol it’s blond rn
eyes: pick five people to go on an excursion with you. who would you pick and where would you go/what would you do?- well tbh i have no friends rn so 
11:11: name three wishes and why you wish for them.- get my dream job // because i want it. i want to achieve this dream- get rly thin // i hate my body lol- i want my dog to live forever // watching her grow old is very very very hard on me. 
painting: what is the best halloween costume you have ever put together? if none, make one up.- uhhhh. me and a friend went as the old saying “fighting like cats and dogs.” she was the cat and i was the dog. we had fake blood and ripped clothes and fake teeth and i had a collar that says “daddy’s puppy” lmao my kink
lightning: what’s the worst thing you’ve ever done while drunk or high?- i haven’t done anything bad while drunk actually
thunder: what’s one thing you would never do for one million dollars?- eat shit idk
storms: you on only listen to one song for the rest of your life, or only see one person for the rest of your life. which and why?- The World Seen in Dreams by DOES it’s my favorite song and it makes me feel so much 
love: have you ever fallen in love? describe what it feels like to realise you’re in love.- i don’t think i’ve ever been in love tbh. i feel more “in love” with things like video games and anime because i get so involved in them and…… idk…. i’m rly emotionally detached so lmao idk 
clouds: if you’re a boy, would you ever rock black nail polish? if you’re a girl, would you ever rock really really short hair?- nah i’m not into nail polish 
coffee: what’s your starbucks order, and who would you trust to order for you, if anyone?- i usually get chai tea latte or caramel macchiato (hot and iced)
marble: what is the most important thing to you in your life right now?- my education 
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