#bc the same happened on the weekend taylor swift played
whisperofthewaves · 3 months
my father is very into healthy diet and vitamin supplements, but he's also very proselytising about it to the point that whenever I complained of being tired in recent years he'd immediately jump on my case telling me how I'm definitely vitamin D defficient and that I propably also don't have enough iron in my system yada yada and also all the unealthy things I probably eat-- it would go on and on.
and now I am fuming, bc I got my blood test results and LITERALLY my vitD is TWO points below the norm while my iron is THREE.
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peachhcs · 5 months
so high school au ★ “you know how to ball i know aristotle”
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→ emma grace x gabe perreault
or hockey player meets top of her class (inspired by taylor swift's song so high school)
→ moodboard + au masterlist
★ ☆ au background + timeline ★ ☆
gabe meets emma first semester of freshman year at boston college
he's taking a french class for fun even though he's fluent in french
him and emma end up next to one another for the class
at first, emma's not so sure about gabe since he acts kind of dumb in the class so the professor doesn't know he's fluent
that annoys her because she thinks it's stupid when people play dumb even though they're super smart
his athletic persona also throws her off a bit and she thinks he doesn't ever care at all because he's just forced to be in his classes to be able to play
they start talking after the first week of classes when gabe's actively doing another class's work
emma actively laughs out loud when she sees him trying to do economics
"something funny?"
she shakes her head and thus starts their mini whispering argument about economics
eventually that leads to gabe asking for her number to get help later on since emma claims she's so good at econ
after a few tutoring sessions emma realizes she might've been wrong about gabe all along
the two become close fairly quickly and he convinces her to come to one of his games that weekend
she starts learning a lot about hockey from gabe whenever he'd start rambling on about it during their tutoring sessions
finally after a month of tutoring gabe decides to ask her out on a date once the boys convince him she'd say yes
she agrees!
they go out to a fancy dinner where they're both pretty nervous it goes super well & gabe kisses her before dropping her off at her dorm
they start dating a week after!
→ emma grace:
emma grace cooper
she's a twin! her brother, tyler, also goes to bc and he swims
her and her brother are super close and always have been hence why they went to the same college together
her birthday is june 15th, 2005!
she's the top of her class & is always at the library trying to get her work done
4.0 slay
she's also fairly fluent in french so her and gabe enjoy talking back and forth in french around his friends so they don't know what they're taking about
enjoys swimming like her brother and sometimes does laps with him during free swim on the weekends
doesn't know a lot about hockey, but she enjoys learning more from gabe
starts falling in love with going to the games and starts showing up early to be at the front of the glass to see everything better
always has her nose in a book & rants to gabe about what happens in each of them
gabe quite literally towers over her since she isn't that tall, but she likes that he's taller than her
wears a lot of neutral/cool tone colors
a bit of an extroverted introvert so once you get to know her she becomes super talkative and can never shut up
talks gabe's ear off a lot when they're hanging out
makes gabe go to the library with her a lot and half the time he isn't even studying and just staring at her instead of
enjoys calling gabe dorky in an endearing way and he secretly loves it
→ gabe perreault:
younger brother to jacob, jeremy, and liliane perreault
he's fairly close with all of his siblings
mostly goes to lili when he needs relationship advice since he knows his brothers would just chirp at him
birthday is may 7th, 2005!
he's been playing hockey since he could walk since his dad is a famous professional ice hockey player & all of his siblings are hockey players as well
he's now a forward at boston college and was drafted 23rd overall by the new york rangers
he's best friends with his roommate, will smith
he's instantly attracted to emma when he first meets her and they sit together in class
he's actually super smart and only acts dumb sometimes because somehow he's got in his brain that athletes can't be smart at the same time
emma definitely changes that perspective for him
was super super nervous when he first asked her out
he's more of an introvert so him and emma balance well because they can both agree staying in is better than going out
loves listening to emma ramble on about what book she's currently reading and even starts reading them too!
when she goes to his game for the first time he almost combusts when he sees her in the sweatshirt he lent her for it
emma most definitely tries to give his style more variety so it isn't just sweats and sweatshirts all the time
the guys start chirping at him a lot when they find out he likes emma
can get a little possessive and jealous sometimes what emma says goes "walk him like a dog"
his siblings love her when they first meet emma
he enjoys calling emma "pretty girl" or "emmers" or "em"
→ quick author's note:
hii!! a little break in the 700 celly requests to introduce my newest au i've been saying for months i'd do!! i absolutely adore gabe and this au idea was actually sent in by anon in my inbox, so whoever you are thank you so much for the idea i love it!! i can't wait to develop their story more, so please send some requests in for emma and gabe too!!
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bubba4576 · 1 year
The recap of several years in a row 🫣
June 2023
Right now I’m sitting in the backseat of a different car (I drove a minivan for 20 years and now have a smaller car a rav4, which is cute and fun to drive but I admit I miss a big car! Maybe this one will become a car for one of the kids one day…) listening to my grown daughters chatter about life and Taylor swift and in the heights and…life. It’s otherworldly and beautiful to be one adult among many instead of the adult (well one of two:). I realized that I haven’t written in so long not because I haven’t had things to write but because the speed of life has had me running and barely a chance to catch my breath.
I’m not going to do a good job recapping three years but I’ll try my best
2020 fall: Lindley went back to Purdue -thankfully to an apt- the dorms were not fun during covid. we went back to school at BCS with plexiglass, masks shield and terribly smelly hand sanitizer. I had to teach in the classrooms all year since they were tying to minimize the kids leaving their safe spaces and infecting others. There were too many cases and quarantined to count.
Mal had covid in late oct but didn’t suffer too much. Mostly a really bad headache. So james and I had to stay out of school for two weeks. I started getting really good at recording myself teaching and making viable music lessons from afar. James and I painted the big room in the basement (oh we also changed out the flooring in the sunroom during the spring 2020 lockdown).
At thanksgiving we didn’t know how to plan with the cleveland family and in the end it just felt too risky esp with the grandparents, so we rented a little cabin in southern Indiana and hike and explored caves- it was pretty fun. Sadly lindleys found out after she was already with us that she had covid. So she masked most of the weekend. Funny moment: when you open up what you think is a turkey and it’s HAM! Ham for thanksgiving….. no bueno!
Christmas was strange also - we did a drive thru in the 24th in Cleveland. JT had his party outside in the garage with heaters. We stopped by Grammy’s and nana and grandpa’s houses and unfortunately unknowingly infected them:( when we got home lindley started not feeling great and we found out she had covid again. We were so worried that the grandparents would freak out but no one had symptoms so they were fine. We loved it when lindley would come home for break and even though it was hard to see her go she loved Purdue and her friends. That year she lived in an apt with Cori, Lydia, and Alexis. Next door was Libby, Hailey, Mackenzie and….?? Those girls also went to Guatemala together the next summer and had a fabulous time!
I hardly remember the second semester in 21- things were still online-like ISSMA- Mal recorded her solo at Sweetwater, james was in 7th grade, playing soccer for United and playing the saxophone at school. Things eased up as the year went on at BCS thankfully. Public schools were a mess all year- they had students come every other day so that there weren’t as many ppl in the building at the same time and the students could stay 6 ft apart. It was a mess for families whose parents needed to work out of the home. As the students were virtual in their off days. Many people say that not much learning and much stress happened that year. The seniors who graduated and began college are who I feel the worst for. So challenging.
By the summer, things were beginning to feel more normal. We could always notice a difference between Ohio and Indians tho- Ohio was much stricter. More masks for longer- more stores closed down etc.
Black Lives Matter and the me too movement were huge at this time. The George Floyd murder at the hands of cops set into motion a wave of protest and outrage in the nation. It hope it all produced some change.
Mallory worked at Old Navy that summer (masked the whole time) and enjoyed it although never really wanted to go back. She was good friends with Maddie Lehman during this time.
Lindley went to Guatemala after meeting a boy at a wedding in May ❤️ that boy ended up being the one 💕and they are getting married in three weeks! We love Josh and are excited to welcome him into our family. She is home for several days and now and we are working on wedding details. I love having her home and am feeling nostalgic that the 5 of us won’t be a unit any more. There is nothing bad about it, it’s just change…. 😢
Both girls had their senior years at the same time - Lindley dating Josh and trying to figure out her life :) she lived with Tori and Olivia Coats in an apartment off campus and second semester went back and forth between Indy and Purdue as she had an internship at Riley hospital there. She really loved the hospital setting and hopes to be able to return after getting her masters one day. Josh came to Cleveland with us that Thanksgiving and got to meet the extended family.
Mallory had a rough beginning to her senior year as he friendship with Maddie broke up and she never really knew why or had an closure from that. So hard. She began a close friendship with Will Guthrie after getting close to him at Youth group and began dating him in November. The group went in a backpacking trip to northern Michigan (north manitou island) and she sadly got Lyme disease from a tick bite and it resulted in Bell’s palsy for about 6 weeks- one half of her face was paralyzed!! It was pretty crazy- she had to tape her eye shut at night because she couldn’t blink it and put eye drops in frequently to keep it moist. She was on medication and things did clear up although it is something she’ll need to mention to every doctor for the rest of her life probably. :( even with that she had a great soccer season, chapel leadership went great, and she thrives through it. Her college auditions were delayed bc of her Bell’s palsy, but by January she was ready. She applied to many schools but zeroed in in Wheaton and Belmont and decided to audition there. After receiving a very personal acceptance letter from Hope College she also decided to add that to her list, and that was the place she loved the most. We were all surprised but it has been a great place for her!
James just loved life as the little brother of a cool senior - playing soccer and getting taller by the day. He is still easy going and kind of quiet. Once Mal left for school we realized exactly HOW quiet and introverted he really is. I wonder if we have talked over him all of these years? Has he had something to say that we’ve ignored? Maybe we’re making up for lost time now. He doesn’t complain and also doesn’t like extra attention which might make him think deeply about emotions etc 😂 or maybe he’s just easy. Is that a thing? I think for james there is a part of him that is. He goes with the flow, doesn’t make waves, is mostly happy to do whatever is going on and can be convinced by his sisters esp to do just about anything:) it’s pretty great!
As a family we got into watching some shows together which have been fun- amazing race, Lego masters, survivor, marvel movies and series.
We went camping several times at pokagon, Mal and Kevin hiked the red river gorge, and youth group took Mal and separately james (and Kevin as a chaperone) up to manitou island to backpack. They all really loved it.
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hunbomb · 4 years
roommate! jaemin
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i hope u guys like this one! i do :) 
warning: not proofread LMAO
jaemin: a huge flirt
like we been knew sis okay bUt its not like it defines him ya kno??? like yes he is a flirt but its not like he does it purposely
however that doesn’t stop every single girl from liking him
except for u cause you’re ~not like other girls~
jk you are 
cause who wouldn’t find na jaemin attractive?? tf???
okay but like the dealio between you and jaemin is that you are best friends 
and you have a fat crush on him (u have since the beginning of highschool LOL)
luckily for you, although jaemin is a flirt, he isnt interested in any girls so he doesnt bring any to your dorm
and even if he did, he would tell u because it would be shitty not to 
so u met in grade nine and yalls friendship popped TF off right away like you joined nomins duo and made it a trio in the span of 4 months and everyone was like???? this mf got that close to them that fast???? mastery
jeno was like ur brother from another mother fr
you and him told eachother everything and sometimes he would tell you things he wouldnt even tell jaemin. like everyone has those people that although theyre close w, there are some things you’d never tell and that goes for jeno and jaemin
jaemin never told jeno he listens to taylor swift
and jeno never told jaemin that he watched all of my little pony friendship is magic on netflix
but since you and jeno shared some personal things w eachother, you obviously told him about your crush on jaemin
and since you had a crush on jaemin, you never got like super super close with him just cause ur feels got in the way 
mainly just you never got as close to jaemin as you did jeno
sure you were bffs, but it wasn’t on such an intimate level
cause everytime jaemin would look your way you’d be gasping for air
so timeskip to senior year
everything is great
your friendship is still strong af and you guys are all planning for post secondary
jaemin and you get into the same uni right.... and jeno gets into the one the town over so your friendship wont take that much damage
but!!! jaemin wants to room with you!!! and ur like!! fucufejdsk!!!
cause like ofc you want to who wouldnt????? but you have such a massisve crush on him you dont want it to get in the way of not only yours but also jaemins university experience
you say yes tho and next thing you know youre unpacking all your stuff
the dorm is kind of small like there isnt a lot of space,,,,, theres two bedrooms but the beds literally take out the whole room HAHHAHA and then there is a chill space with the kitchen connected and u and jaemin have to share a washroom LOL
“jaemin what the FUCK did you eat??? beans??? i bet it was beans this shit smells so bad i-”
“it really do be ya own friends sometimes” -jaemin 2020 :((((((
anyway so like university life is good you and jaemin invite jeno over every weekend for a sleepover and vice versa its so cute GAH
but like,,,, here’s where the drama comes in
one day you are facetiming jeno and youre telling him about how you really like jaemin and blah blah ya know the usual
and youre not really looking at the screen cause youre doing your homework and focusing on that but jeno sees in the back that jaemin has fully entered the room
and you dont notice cause hes silent and your still talking but jeno is trying to get your attention UDHSJIA
and when he does you see in your part of the screen jaemin just,,,, standing there
cue you ending the call with jeno SO FAST and turning around like oH i thought you had classes right now?
“.... they ended early”
“i see” ://////////
you like get up super fast and just walk around him and go into your roomm shutting the door 
poor jaemin is just like “what”
cause to be honest he never really considered this situation ever happening yah he thought you were prettier than most girls and he liked the way you were able to talk to people so easily but he never would have thought you harboured feelings for him
so he kind of just leaves it be cause he knows that you def dont want to talk about it and is willing to wait for you to be the one who brings it up
so time skip to dinner youre both just eating in silence but you dont like it,,,
“what i said was true” you say and jaemin looks up and he knows where this convo is going but he lets you speak
“i didnt ever plan on telling you because i really like our friendship but i guess i wasn’t careful enough”
your heart is beating hella fast but you try to look unbothered and its going pretty good until jaemin asks you something
“how long have you felt this way?”
OKAY like it shouldnt be a big deal to tell him bc you already exposed yourself but for some reason that question just hit you deep cause you realized that youve liked him for so long and he never felt the same ya know
“i dont know,,, since the start of highschool? when we became friends i always thought you were cute and it just turned into a full blown crush”
jaemin just sort of nods in response “oh okay”
so that night your just laying in your bed full of regrets
you know things are about to be super duper awkward between you and jaemin and you wish it didnt have to be like that
so over the next couple of weeks its more awkward than it has ever been before and the sleepovers with jeno seem so divided 
its either jeno and you or jeno and jaemin its never the three of you anymore :((((((
jaemin isn’t ignoring your feelings though, dont worry! hes just trying to sort his out
because your confession kind of opened his eyes
he doesnt want to force himself to like you but he cant help but admit that when he first heard you talking about your feelings a huge warmth spread through his chest and he may or may not have uncovered some feelings
these feelings were always there but he suppressed in grade nine cause he thought you’d never like him and you just wanted to stay friends
so he pushed them down and never thought about it again
but obviously that didnt happen because now youre on his mind 24/7 and he wishes that he could just talk to you but hes kind of nervous
so after taking advice from jeno he tries to talk to you more, like asking how your day went and starting up conversations
youre  kind of like “what u playing at son” but you leave it cause you know jaemin would never do you dirty like that
it stays this way for a while until one night theres a particularly bad thunderstorm and jaemin is scared of thunder
and so when youre just playing on your phone jaemin opens your door slightly and has this scared look on his face
and you know that jaemin is scared of thunder so you open your arms without any words being shared
a huge boom of thunder makes jaemin squeal and jump into your arms
and he gets comfy under the covers as youre holding him, no words shared between you two
he starts to feel much better and this sense of comfort washes over him like,,, youre his home
and as hes falling asleep he softly mutters
“im sorry it took me so long”
and youre just straight confused like what does that mean is he talking about his feelings or just the fact that yall havent had such an close encounter in a while 
the next morning you wake up and jaemins arms and you guys are facing eachother
and hes already awake so when you oepn your eyes you find him already looking at you
“thank you for last night, youre the best” he whispers and youre like all good fam i understand
but then he leans in closer and is like “i should have told you this so long ago, but i am in love with you”
your eyes widen and youre like wh AT the FUCJ your heart is beating at like 420 bpm and ur shooketh
he just smiles and pulls in you in closer and its just a super soft moment and no words have to be said
that night you guys are cuddling on the couch after dinner when jaemin just asks you be his gf
OF COURSE YOU SAY YES! you have been waiting for this moment for god knows how long
jeno is all like damn fina-fucking-ly i’ve been watching this romance play out for like 5 years! 
its super cute
its even better that you guys are roommates because youre already living together so you get to see eachother everyday
jaemins room as become a guest room for sorts as he now shares a bed with you
jaemin: >:(((((( tf is that supposed to mean
you just laugh and youre like im not complaining hahaha and jaemins heart just stutters so bad 
he really does love you and he cant believe it took him so long to accept his feelings
and one night he tells you about how he pushed them down and youre like “exCUSE ME we could have been dating all this time u pussy”
sad jaemin :((((( 
anyway ya its so good its a win-win situation 
you get to room with the love of your life and its just magical there are so many soft moments between you two and just UGH relationship goals
i need me a jaemin
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robertjacobsugdens · 7 years
Loving the enthusiasm tbh
Who would be the big spoon/little spoon? I feel like Aaron is usually the little spoon, bc of height logistics, but they do occasionally switch when Rob’s feeling particularly cuddly (gross).Who would wake up first? Probably Aaron during the week because he has to get to work earlier, while Robert, as a member of the bourgeoisie has kinder working hours. But during the weekend Aaron sleeps in while Robert gets up earlier to do Stuff.Do they have nicknames for each other? Mr. Dingle and Mr. Sugden, but that’s about it.How do they apologize after an argument? Lmao they don’t talk about it and pretend it never happened because communication is a foreign concept. THAT SAID. Once they actually get to a better place I feel like Aaron probably just makes a joke to alleviate the tension and Robert probably hits on Aaron. Disasters. What would they be like as parents? Oh boy. Robert is the kind of parent who spoils their kid rotten, but also has pretty high expectations for them, not because he wants them to be perfect, but because he wants what’s best for them. He’s also the one who enforces rules the most. Aaron is a lot more chill, but he’s also the parent who panics at the first sight of danger. He’s not an helicopter parent, but like, just barely. They’re nightmares, basically. Who is more romantic? Aaron is romantic in a lot of quiet and every day ways, but Robert’s the one with the big gestures and the rom-com aspirations lbr. Put down Jane Eyre, Robert!What sort of gifts do they get for each other? Aaron gets Robert stuff that’s just this side of soppy. Not necessarily showy stuff, but stuff Robert mentioned in passing and Aaron remembered, that sort of stuff. Robert “Diamonds Are A Bi’s Best Friend (Metaphorically Speaking)” Sugden instead is all about making Aaron feel loved and special and spoiled. He gets Aaron stuff Aaron would never get for himself because he rationalizes it as too expensive. Who gets jealous easiest? Aaron “Break Into Your BF’s Ex’s House For Fun And Profit, And Also Maybe To Spy On Them” Dingle. Hands down. Who gets more excited for events e.g.. Birthdays, Christmas? Oooh I feel like they get both equally excited about the couple stuff like anniversaries, but Aaron gets more excited about holidays and Robert about birthdays.Who is the most adventurous? Remember when Aaron wanted to go to A MUSIC FESTIVAL??? And also went to a lads tour in Europe??? Definitely Aaron. They both enjoy traveling, but Aaron is the one who just genuinely likes going somewhere unfamiliar and getting lost in there.Who is the most protective? They both are nightmare people who would burn down the entire world if the other got hurt, so this one is definitely a tie. What would they have been like as childhood sweethearts? OMG. NIGHTMARES. Like. Between the two of them they’d have enough angst to level Emmerdale to the ground. That said I feel like they’d either be breaking up and getting back together on the daily, or they’d last forever in a show of teenage stubbornness and sheer pettiness towards the people who said they wouldn’t last more than a couple weeks.Who uses all the hot water? Aaron. Hands down. He wakes up first so he gets to use all the water. Sucks to suck, Sugden, you capitalist pig.Who would accidentally set the kitchen on fire whilst cooking? Also Aaron, who’s apparently a mediocre cook at best. Who initiates sexy times the most? I feel this one’s pretty evenly spread. They both do.Who is more dominant? Eh. Again, fairly even. Maybe Robert, but only because I feel like he’s more vocal about what he wants.What would they do if the other one was hurt? MURDER. ON A VERY LARGE SCALE. Hey, remember when Aaron waterboarded and kidnapped a teenager because he so much as vaguely and laterally threatened Robert’s safety? And then Robert also lashed out at that same teenager because Aaron was hurt and he wasn’t with him? Good times.Who gives nose/forehead kisses? ROBERT FUCKING SUGDEN. The bane of my existence.What their biggest fight was/will be about: L M A O. Take a wild guess. But honestly I think we’re in for some more Iconic Robron Fights. 
BONUS #1: Song to sum them up? Culture Club’s Karma Chameleon Taylor Swift’s Blank Space Fleetwood Mac’s Go Your Own Way Frank Ocean’s Bad Romance Bastille’s FlawsBONUS #2: A head canon? Sometimes, when Robert is looking at Aaron, completely unprompted, his head will start playing What Makes You Beautiful, and Robert hates it, but this is the reality he has to live in now. 
BOTTOM LINE: Do I ship it? It’s more of a Stockholm syndrome sitch tbh.
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littledonkeyburrito · 7 years
I need to start coming up with more creative titles for these.
Ever kissed anyone with a nipple piercing? Not that I’m aware of, but there’s a couple of people that I’ve made out with and never seen shirtless, so who knows
What about a lip piercing? No
Nose piercing? I don’t think so
Did you sleep alone last night? Yep
How are you sitting? Cross legged on the couch
Where is your family? Probably in their respective homes
Do you plan on sleeping in tomorrow? Always
What were you doing at 12 AM last night? Sleeping
Waiting for something? A call back from any of the companies I’ve sent resumes to
How many people did you kiss last summer? I think it was only one actually, but there was a couple more that were summer adjacent.
Was yesterday terrible? Yesterday was fine
Did you reject or accept your last friend request? I accepted it but I probably shouldn’t have bc tbh I think she’ll get pretty annoying on my facebook (ex work colleague)
Do you like pretzels? They’re fine but they’re totally overrated by america
Do you wait until you’ve completely finished a certain makeup product before you buy a new one? I don’t buy makeup products
Would you say that people consider you a major flirt? I don’t know. You would have to ask “people”
Do any of your friends have children? Not yet
If you have a girlfriend/boyfriend, how long have you been together? I do not
Did you wake up before 8 AM this morning? I sure as fuck did not.
Do you wear eyeliner? Nah
Whose wall have you wrote on today? Nobody
Would you rather cry in public or make someone else cry in public? Neither, both are super awkward for me
Would you rather sleep for 3 days or stay awake for 3 days?

 I feel like I’ve done both before. Depending on what I’m doing, both have their pros and cons
Would you rather be just rich or rich and famous? Just rich
Who will you be sleeping with tonight? Nobody
Last person to make you laugh? The internet
Do you look at older pictures and laugh? Depends on the picture
When will your next kiss be? no idea
Have you ever truly thought you knew who you were going to marry? No
Do you have anything that belongs to a partner or an ex partner? No
What would you say if someone told you they were in love with your sister? That I don’t have a sister
Has anyone called you babe or baby in the last two days?  No, I’m not sure anyone’s called me that ever and I’d prefer it stay that way
Do you still talk to the person you last kissed? Currently waiting to see how long it’ll take him to message me first for once. So, kinda I guess
Who was the last person of the opposite sex to be in your bedroom?

 Um well technically my apartment is a studio and my landlord was here like 20 minutes ago so I guess it was him. But the last dude to go in the actual bedroom area was the guy who stayed with me a few weekends ago from Madrid.
Did you see your best friend today? No. We live on different continents
Are your ears pierced more than once, if at all? Just the one in each ear
If you wear skirts, are you more likely to wear leggings, or go bare? I don’t wear skirts
Are you addicted to texting? No, but I do prefer to message at least one friend every day
How many times do you knock on the door? I don’t. I stand outside and text them and wait for them to open it.
If you could move somewhere else, would you? Well I’ve sent a couple of resumes to companies in Panama and if I get offered a good job with a decent salary then I’ll definitely consider moving there.
Did you kiss or hug anyone recently? No
Does your phone ring in the middle of the night? Not since I left Australia. Was a pretty common occurrence there with my job though. The worst was when I was really tired but had to take the work phone home with me and one of my staff would call just after I’d fallen asleep and I’d still be confused as fuck when I answer but have to try to play it cool and not let them know they woke me up. Was even worse when it was a client calling...
Is there anybody you’re really disappointed in right now? No..?
Is there someone you will never forget? Many people
Can you live a day without TV? Yeah
Do you swallow gum when you’re done with it? I don’t like chewing gum
Any plans for this weekend? Nope
Have you seen anyone lately that you don’t get along with? No. There’s nobody that I don’t really get along with, especially not in this country.
Who was the last person you rode in a car with that’s not family? I think the last time I was in a car was my transfer to the airport in panama. I don’t have a car here and nobody I know has a car. I always just walk or get the metro. I don’t even usually get cabs here.
Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh? Nah
Is there anything stressing you out currently? My bank balance is gradually getting lower and lower and I don’t have a job yet.
What kind of mood are you in today? Average. Not happy, not sad
How late did you stay up last night and why? Maybe 10 or 11. I was pretty tired from doing nothing all day
Have you ever slept in the same bed with the last person you kissed? I think the longest I ever actually slept with him was like 4 hours. Always had to go sneak back into my room before anyone woke up.
Are you mad at anyone? No
Did the last guy/girl you kissed have any piercings? No
What is the name of the last band you discovered? Not a band but I came across Alvaro Soler and I really like his music
Would you rather go to a Katy Perry or Taylor Swift concert? No thankyou
What pattern do the sheets on your bed have? The sheets are white. The doona is white with blue diamond patterns on it
Are your days full and fast-paced? Only when I travel
Do you call any of your friends by their last name? Yeah, my old flatmate usually goes by his last name. Made it a little weird when he had family visiting because I could either 1) refer to him by his first name, or 2) use his last name and have everybody he’s related to turn around and look at me
Have you ever gotten lost in a department store? El Corte Ingles. The floors are too big. I usually end up giving up which isn’t necessarily a bad thing because it’s kind of expensive there.
How long have you had the shirt you’re wearing? A few years I guess. I don’t remember when I bought it
Are you a slut? Depends on definition
What happened last time you got drunk? I drank beer with people from the office and then I went back to their apartment which was kind of like a staff apartment and a couple of the bosses lived there too. Drank some more beer, did some cocaine, patted a dog and cut my thumb on a beer can.
When’s the last time you straightened your hair? I don’t think I ever have. My hair is pretty straight on its own.
What do you want right this second? I wouldn’t mind a glass of coke
What were you doing at 10:00 this morning? Sleeping
What cell phone company do you use? Vodafone
Do you wear a bath robe? No
Do you know anyone autistic? Yeah, a few
How about someone bipolar? I think so
What do you want your job to be when you’re older? Please offer me suggestions because I have no fucking idea
What are you listening to? Nothing in particular
Does the last person you texted smoke pot? Idk. Probably, a lot of people here do bc it’s legal. He’s my landlord though so it’s not like he’s going to tell me that information
What did you wear to bed last night? My pyjamas
Who’s in the room with you? Just me
Have you ever liked someone older than you? They’re generally older than me
Do you like men with beards and goatees? Stubble is goooood. Depends on the guy though
Where do you live? Spain
Do you always lock your door? Yes. It auto-locks anyway, but I deadbolt it too.
Do you smoke cigarettes? No
Is your birthday in a winter month? In Australia, yes. Here, no.
Do you have siblings over the age of 21? Yes.
What is the last letter of your middle name? L
Have you ever skipped school just because you were tired? I skipped plenty of lectures at uni in favour of sleep. Probably a contributing factor to the failing of classes and dropping out.
Do you wear your seatbelt in the car? Yep
When was the last time you were told you were cute? Probably in Panama
Do you like Chinese food? Yes. The food when I was travelling in China was insanely good.
Have you ever trusted a guy when you shouldn’t have? Yeah I guess so
Do you have a brother? What’s his name? Sam
What time is it? 7:44pm
Is your phone close to you? It is under my left thigh (almost my buttcheek) so I can feel if anyone messages me.
What woke you up this morning? I suppose I had enough sleep
When did you last use a straw? I have no idea but you just reminded me that I bought straws recently and haven’t used any yet so I’m gonna start drinking my alcohol with straws now. Well, not right now bc I don’t want to drink tonight, but whenever I next drink at home I’ll use one.
Have you ever driven without a license? I originally learned to drive in a Mini Moke in my Dad’s backyard (he had 3 acres) when I was maybe 10 years old. So obvs I didn’t have a licence then. Also the brakes in the car didn’t work so we basically had to make sure the dogs weren’t near us 
What color shirt are you wearing? Grey. With a red/black checked hoodie over it
Do you have a ceiling fan located in your bedroom? No
What are you most looking forward to tomorrow? My life is super boring so the only thing I’m doing tomorrow is going to the post office to pick up whatever I was left a slip for.
Have you cuddled with someone today? No
Have you spoken to a relative on the phone today? No
Do you use the toilet paper with the colorful designs on it? I use the cheapest toilet paper that doesn’t feel like sandpaper. I’m not going to pay extra for colourful designs when I’m literally just going to wipe my ass with it.
What was the first thing you ate today? Spicy noodles
Do you have anything more important you should be doing right now? No
Have you set an alarm today? No
Do you keep up-to-date with current news and events? I don’t. I made a decision during a low point a few years ago to cut negative things out of my life. So I unfollowed a bunch of people on tumblr and I stopped keeping up with news because it was just making me depressed. Occasionally I google to see what’s up with my province and that’s about it. Otherwise I see what I really need to see on facebook/tumblr.
When was the last time you visited relatives? I visited my dad a few days before I left Australia
Is chapstick a necessity for you? Sometimes, yes. But if I stay hydrated enough then it’s not really an issue.
Name the last 6 people you texted/messaged:
Maggie @aturinfortheworse
Anna @intimidatethevoid
(this is a slightly unusual bunch since only half of them are people I regularly message)
How did you meet #3? Highschool
What’s #6’s middle name? No idea
Who have you known the longest out of your 6? Maggie
Who have you known the least out of your 6? Anna 
How do you know #5? Through the group chat we’re in with Maggie and Bear
Where does #1 live? Somewhere nearby. I don’t know exactly
Is #1 your best friend? No, he’s my landlord
Who on your 6 doesn’t have a job? Maggie I think..? Not sure about Bear and Anna. Also not 100% sure on João
Does #5 have their drivers license? I believe so
Would you ever live with #2? Lmao I almost do. He’s my next door neighbour.
Why did you text #4? Because he messaged me first so I replied obvs
Do you miss #3? Yeah, come to Spain you loser
Is #6 a stoner or alchie? Not anymore I don’t think
Have you ever danced with #2? No, I’ve met him like twice for us to pay our bills (our apartments run off the same metre for water and electricity)
Have you ever done anything sexual with any of them?                           Well Aman is my ex so yeah
What would your life be like without #1? I would probably live somewhere else
Is #2 your best friend? No
What do you love about #3? So many things
What do you dislike about #3? So many things. (kidding)
What is #5’s weakness? Difficulty sleeping?
What kind of car does #4 drive? I remember it’s a little black sedan but I don’t remember what type of car it actually is
What would you do if #3 & #6 were dating? Uhhh nothing probably. I’d be surprised but they’re both good people so I’d let them go for it.
Does #2 have a boyfriend/girlfriend? No idea
Have you ever seen #1 cry? Fuck no that would be weird
Have you ever kept a secret from #5? No
What is something special about #4? He’s very attractive.
Does #2 have any special talents? No idea
In one word, describe #6. Teddy
Has anyone in your top 6 hurt you? Who? Uhh no..?
Have you ever fought with #6? No
Is #1 a musician? Not that I’m aware of
How old is #4? He’s 27
Would you ever kiss #5 (if you haven’t already)? Probs not, soz bro
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swiftlyemily · 6 years
Hi @taylorswift! Father’s Day is coming up, and in honor of that, I wanted to tell you a little bit about mine. (Long, but bare with me)
flashback to about 11 years ago. My dad mentioned a song to me that he had just heard on the radio. “It’s this young girl singing about listening to Tim McGraw. Isn’t that cool?” The next time we were in the car, your song came on and my dad turned it up so I could hear you! It was the start of something magical. My dad ended up taking me to Best Buy a couple weeks later. I picked up a CD that I thought looked cool because the girl on the front was really pretty and had amazing hair. My dad pointed out that the CD I picked was actually the same girl who sang the Tim McGraw song. “Taylor Swift. That’s a cool name.”
Flash forward some to my freshman year in college. I had bought and listened to all of your albums constantly. My dad, maybe sometimes an unwilling participant, heard them on repeat for every softball tournament trip we took. Red was my favorite album of all time, and my dad and I had actually listened to you explain all of the songs when you released it on XM radio. Freshman year was also the year I learned my dad wasn’t Superman. My dad was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer during my spring break trip home. He was able to get the cancer removed, and started chemo. For the first time ever, my dad, the strong healthy one in the family, was really sick. It took a couple months before he was cleared to come watch me play. He drove all the way to Louisiana the first weekend he was given the okay. The next year, I decided to move a little bit closer to home. Chemo was going great, and my dads test were coming back clear. I started asking for tickets to your 1989 world tour for Christmas, and everything seemed as normal as it could be.
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My junior year, though, they found a pre cancerous polyp on my dads colon. Even though it wasn’t actually cancer, they decided it would be best to remove the rest of my dads colon. (Removing the polyp, and not the entire colon could cause a restriction to the blood flow due to so much of his colon already being removed previously) my dad went in for his surgery on the 14th of October, and it was deemed successful. I began planning to my trip to dallas to see your concert, and my mom was trying to help me find tickets.
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That plan changed very quickly. My dad got sick the day before he was supposed to head home, and they realized there was a leak somewhere in his small intestine. They couldn’t, however, find it. My dad went in to remove the leak, and came back out on a ventilator with a hole on his abdomen. I don’t think anything can really prepare you for a doctor to walk up to you and tell you “the chance of your dad getting septic is very high right now. If that happens, there’s not much we can do. You need to be prepared to say goodbye.” My dad stayed in the hospital for 2 more months, before being released on a wound vac. My dad went in for his final surgery last year to close the hole completely on his abdomen and find any remaining leaks. The surgery was 100% successful.
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This past school year, I moved 8 hours away from home to Houston to take a teaching job. I was really excited about taking on my first big girl job, living in a big city, and your new album. My dad was too!
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When my dad came to visit me, he took me out to eat. This was the same day that your pre sale ticket came out. While I was sitting at the table trying to decide which tickets to buy, my dad pulled out his card and told me to get the Pit tickets. “You’ve loves her music forever, and you didn’t get to go to the last one because I was sick.” After arguing about it (bc tbh expensive), I relented and got them.
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My dads always been there for me, and in many ways you’ve always been there for us @taylorswift! Thank you for the memories! Here’s to holding on to them! ♥️ See you in Houston!! I’ll be in PIT C.
**also, if anyone is still reading this: colon cancer is extremely common in adults over the age of 40. It is the 3rd leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the United States. If you have a parent who has reached their time for screenings, please make sure they get one. My dad didn’t, and that’s how his cancer got to stage 4!**
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space--is--gay · 7 years
do all of em for both
If you really wanna read all of these you can, but if not I’m not about to clog up your dash lmao
1. Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged? Nope, I love Ashley but thats TOO FAR2. You talked to an ex today, correct? nah3. Have you taken someones virginity? Nope4. Is trust a big issue for you? Yeah, and some people didnt help that much5. Did you hang out with the person you like recently? Not in a couple weeks. I think she’s coming to see me this weekend tho6. What are you excited for? This weekend lol7. What happened tonight? I took a nap & woke up in a great mood8. Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted? Nah, let them live their lives, dude9. Is confidence cute? Yesssss10. What is the last beverage you had? Gatorade11. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust? 012. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans? I only own skinny jeans. You can pry them from my cold dead hands13. What are you gonna do Saturday night? Not sure yet14. What are you going to spend money on next? Probably coffee tbh15. Are you going out with the last person you kissed? NO16. Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months? I sure hope so17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything? Briannaaaa18. The last time you felt broken? I really don’t know (which is so cool!!!!)19. Have you had sex today? Bruh, I’ve never had sex20. Are you starting to realize anything? I like what happiness feels like, and I like having people in my life who actually care about me21. Are you in a good mood? Yes22. Would you ever want to swim with sharks? Alright so I saw 47 Meters Down and the answer is a definite negative23. Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s? Nope24. What do you want right this second? A kiss from someone tbh25. What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy? I mean, it would suck but I’m not her girlfriend so I can’t really say much26. Is your current hair color your natural hair color? unfortunately27. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh? No way28. What was the last thing that made you laugh? Probably myself or a meme tbh29. Do you really, truly miss someone right now? Yes30. Does everyone deserve a second chance? I think so, but ya still gotta be careful31. Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to? I don’t even remember the last boy I talked to32. Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do? Yep33. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda? I drink 1 a month34. Listening to? Fletcher35. Do you ever write in pencil anymore? Sometimes36. Do you know where the last person you kissed is? Probably in New York but that’s just a guess lol37. Do you believe in love at first sight? Yeah38. Who did you last call? My mom39. Who was the last person you danced with? Man i dont even know40. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed? I loved her41. When was the last time you ate a cupcake? I don’t remember42. Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today? Nope43. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush? My life is an embarrassment, so yes44. Do you tan in the nude? I don’t do anything except shower in the nude45. If you could, would you take back your last kiss? I don’t think so, actually46. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night? Nope47. Who was the last person to call you? Mom48. Do you sing in the shower? If i’m home alone49. Do you dance in the car? Sometimes50. Ever used a bow and arrow? Yes, it was difficult51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer? 8th grade?52. Do you think musicals are cheesy? Yes, but i love them53. Is Christmas stressful? Yes54. Ever eat a pierogi? a what now?55. Favorite type of fruit pie? Apple56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? Teacher, Orthodontist, Chef57. Do you believe in ghosts? Absolutely58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling? occasionally59. Take a vitamin daily? I actually just bought some to start taking60. Wear slippers? Nope61. Wear a bath robe? Nope62. What do you wear to bed? Usually just a t-shirt and underwear63. First concert? The Cheetah Girls64. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart? Walmart but just bc its the only thing we have65. Nike or Adidas? Adidas tbh66. Cheetos Or Fritos? Cheetos67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds? Depends on the day68. Favorite Taylor Swift song? Hey Stephen69. Ever take dance lessons? Nope70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing? Not really71. Can you curl your tongue? Yes72. Ever won a spelling bee? YES in the 3rd grade73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy? Yes74. What is your favorite book? The Outsiders 75. Do you study better with or without music? with76. Regularly burn incense? nope77. Ever been in love? Yes78. Who would you like to see in concert? Halsey or Fletcher79. What was the last concert you saw? I don’t even remember tbh80. Hot tea or cold tea? Cold & sweet81. Tea or coffee? Coffee82. Favorite type of cookie? Chocolate Chip 83. Can you swim well? Eh84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose? No85. Are you patient? NO WAY JOSE86. DJ or band, at a wedding? DJ87. Ever won a contest? yes, i won several webkinz in 4th grade (like 12)88. Ever have plastic surgery? Nope89. Which are better black or green olives? Neither90. Opinions on sex before marriage?  You do you, dude91. Best room for a fireplace? Living room92. Do you want to get married? Absolutely
1: Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed? I don’t have a closet door sooooo2: Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotel? Not usually3: Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out? I don’t use a top sheet sooooo4: Have you ever stolen a street sign before? Nope, but there’s one near my house I want to steal5: Do you like to use post-it notes? Yeah i do6: Do you cut out coupons but then never use them? Always7: Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of a bees? Neither?????8: Do you have freckles? Not really9: Do you always smile for pictures? Nah, i kinda hate my smile so10: What is your biggest pet peeve? I don’t really know, I have a lot of them lol11: Do you ever count your steps when you walk? I do, actually. I didnt realize it until recently12: Have you ever peed in the woods? Indeed13: What about pooped in the woods? Nah bro14: Do you ever dance even if theres no music playing? Not really15: Do you chew your pens and pencils? Not chew, but I put the caps to my pens in my mouth16: How many people have you slept with this week? 017: What size is your bed? Full 18: What is your Song of the week? Mine by Bazzi19: Is it okay for guys to wear pink? Yeah, you do you, bro20: Do you still watch cartoons? They’re funnier than most other tv so21: Whats your least favorite movie? TITANIC22: Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some? Not telling my secrets23: If you’re a girl, bra size? If you’re a guy, pants size? Why does it matter?24: What do you dip a chicken nugget in? Honey mustard usually25: What is your favorite food? Mac and Cheese26: What movies could you watch over and over and still love? Pirates of the Caribbean (any of them)27: Last person you kissed/kissed you? Mafe (and i’m sick of saying it so someone kiss me PLEASE)28: Were you ever a boy/girl scout? I was indeed29: Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine? They would pay me to put my clothes back on so30: When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper? I wrote one for J’s birthday31: Can you change the oil on a car? Nope32: Ever gotten a speeding ticket? NOpe33: Ever ran out of gas? NOpe34: Favorite kind of sandwich? PB&J35: Best thing to eat for breakfast? Grits 36: What is your usual bedtime? Whenever I pass out37: Are you lazy? Yeah, I guess38: When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween? One year I was bubblegum under the table39: What is your Chinese astrological sign? I really dunno40: Are you horny? Almost always41: Do you have any magazine subscriptions? Nope42: Which are better legos or lincoln logs? Legosssss43: Are you stubborn? Ask any of my friends (or ex’s) and the answer is definitely yes44: Who is better…Leno or Letterman? Neither, Fallon.45: Ever watch soap operas? I used to with my Grandma46: Are you afraid of heights? Yepppp47: Do you sing in the car? Always48: Do you sing in the shower? When i’m home alone49: Do you dance in the car? Sometimes50: Ever used a gun? Yeah, I used to when I was younger, but I haven’t in years
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