#bc the dissociation hits so hard and heavy. like my neck stops supporting my head sometimes and i slump forward and its awful and scary
piplupod · 1 year
certain sense of uhhhhhh ominous je ne sais quoi to knowing parents return tomorrow ,,,, a feeling of ... shall we say,, doom?
sometimes i have a sudden realization of how insane this all is. like. how the fuck am i living through this. this is so genuinely wack. how am i surviving this, how is THIS how i live. i just wake up every day and deal with this ??? this has been my entire life??? i just... exist in a state of constant genuine feeling like a prey animal cornered in a cage, and there is not a way to stop that.
and i know many many countless other ppl exist in and are stuck in abusive situations and I'm not special for this, but i also know countless other ppl AREN'T experiencing this and won't ever experience this and all of that fucking makes me ill. nobody should experience this, but sometimes i get so /angry/ about how i was dealt this hand, and it didn't Have to be like this.
and other ppl get to use coping mechanisms and all the pithy platitudes that people throw around help, but I hear it and it's just like someone is handing me a kleenex to try to stop the flow of blood from an entire limb being torn off of my torso.
but then the disconnect haze settles back over me and I can be okay again (..... """""okay"""") and keep trudging along and not kill myself and be a decent person to be around. and then i wake up and go through it all again
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