#bc teeth and nails are weapons too ya know?
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stahl-herz · 15 days ago
SO, I was reading @secretsofdbz 's fic series A different baby, and the concept of Saiyan apologies was brought up. That being, you state your grievance with the other person. Then you fight the other person, either until you are satisfied with your 'discussion', or the other person is dead. I do appreciate that of all the times Saiyan apologies have been used (so far), the two people talk with each other as they are fighting.
I mentioned this concept to a friend of mine, and she said 'That makes so much sense! Especially with how Vegeta is most of the time. He wouldn't really be the kind to use his words to apologize.'
I realized fairly quickly that she had misunderstood me, and thought it was canon. After I had corrected her, she was disappointed because it made more sense to be canon. I told her I felt the same, and 'but that's what fan theories are for, right? To fill in the gaps that haven't been 'drawn' by the author!'.
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tr4shmouth-tozi3r · 5 years ago
Just let me help you - reddie
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requested: yes, get ready for the fluff anon
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summary: We all know Eddie is a complete germaphobe and we also know Richie is the type of boy who doesn’t wash his hair for four days. How did these boys ever fall in love? One day, Eddie has an accident when the Losers run into the Bowers gang and yes, there are lots of germs and anxiety and mouth breathing bullies, so Richie offers to help Eddie. “Just let me help you, for fuck sake, Eds.” “Since when did you grow a heart, asshole? DON’T TOUCH ME, RICHIE!”
pairing: richie tozier x eddie kaspbrak 
warnings: swearing, bullying, slight physical assault bc henry and his goons are deranged assholes so, and loooooads of reddie fluff so be careful u might die:’)
“So, do you guys think they’re ever gonna shut up?” Mike asked the rest of his friends as they all stood still, all of their eyes glued to the two boys before them. They watched as the pair bickered with each other. They all wondered if the two ever got tired of it. 
“Well, not until one of them admits they’re in love with the other. So, I guess that means never.” Stan joked, but the losers all knew it was true. These boys were madly in love and showed their love for each other in the ugliest of ways. Society was such a cruel thing. 
“Oh boy, did you hit that nail right on the head or what?” Bev scoffed with a small smile tugging at the corner of her lips.
“Listen, Eds-”
“Do not call me that, Tozier! How many goddamn fucking times do I have to tell you that!?” The smaller boy yelled in frustration as he gripped his fanny pack in one hand while he wagged his finger at the taller boy with his other hand. Eddie would never admit it, but God did he love that nickname.
The taller boy laughed, a shit eating grin adorning his face as he pushed his thick rimmed glasses up the bridge of his nose and ran his hand through a knot forming in his tight black curls.
Richie loved to tease Eddie. He loved to get a rise out of the smaller boy. He would never admit that he loved the way Eddie would huff at him in anger and his face would heat up instantly and he would let himself get so worked up over every little thing Richie would do to him. He loved having that control over him. He loved him. 
“It was a fucking accident, chill. How come you weren’t this mad when you saw me leaving your house last night after I fucked your mom? C’mon man, priorities.” Richie scolded the boy playfully, a smirk on his face and his head shaking disapprovingly.  
“Alright, that’s it! THAT’S IT!” Eddie threw his hands up in the air as he turned on his heel and hastily picked his bike up. He tried his hardest to hide the smile threatening to come across his lips. He wouldn’t dare to let Richie know he enjoyed this shit. Richie laughed loudly as he voiced his not so sorry apology. He glanced at their friends and shrugged in amusement and they all rolled their eyes knowingly.
“D-D-Do th-they suh-seriously think that w-w-w-we don’t kn-know?” Bill asked with a giggle.
“Don’t know what?” Richie sauntered over to the group and threw a glance back at Eddie who was about to take off and he secretly hoped he wouldn’t.
“Noth-“ Ben went to elaborate and was quickly cut short.
“Hey, queer boy.”
“Uh oh.” Ben whispered.
They all turned and watched as Henry and his goons circled around Eddie, who at this point was stood still on his bike supporting himself on one leg with his other foot hovering over one of the pedals. His body was stiff and his arms began to tremble as his anxiety rose through him.
“Hey, shit bag, leave him alone!” Richie’s expression hardened and he stepped forward slightly.
“Richie, don’t.” Eddie’s shaky voice called out.
“Aw, how sweet. Your little boyfriend thinks he can save you. How silly.” Henry’s shrill laugh made them all cringe.
“Bowers, back off.” Mike spat the words so harshly that Henry’s head snapped towards them.
“I suggest you back off, blackie.”
“Alright, applause to the biggest douchebag around. So you’re an asshole and you’re racist. You must have a great resumè.” Richie just didn’t know when to shut up apparently. Henry looked at his friends, nodding his head toward the group. Patrick and Belch walked in their direction, knocking Richie down in the process and his glasses right off of his face.
“Look at you, losers. How pathetic are you? The little nerdy gay boy is the only one with balls? Ha.” Henry spoke to them, but his gaze stayed upon Eddie as he made eye contact with the boy and each word dripped with hostility.
Richie quickly grabbed his spectacles and took the hem of his hawaiian button up, wiping at the lenses rather quickly. He couldn’t see and if he couldn’t see that meant he was vulnerable and Richie couldn’t stand that, “Fuck you, dickwad!” He scrambled to his feet, only to be yoked up by Patrick by the collar of his shirt.
“Come on, Bowers. Leave him alone. Afraid to pick on one of us instead? You’ve been targeting Eddie quite alot lately. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were the queer boy here.” Beverly crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow.
“Shut your whore mouth, bitch. Don’t make me shove my cock down your throat, again.” He seethed through gritted teeth and Beverly’s face fell.
“We all know Beverly wouldn’t let you touch her with a ten foot pole, keep dreaming.” Stan cackled and instantly shut his mouth and flinched away as Belch threw himself forward at the boy, laughing at his scared reaction.
Henry was fuming at this point and so he shoved Eddie over. The small boy tumbled to the ground below, splitting his knee open in the process.
“Eddie!” Richie pounded on Patrick’s chest. The older boy’s hold didn’t let up, though.
“Fuck, fuck!” Eddie gulped and reached for his fanny pack, suddenly feeling a wave of anxiety wash over him. My mom will never let me outside again if she sees this shit, he thought. He took notice of the dirt coating his wound and instantly his throat felt like it was closing in on him.
Germs. Infections. Death.
“I’ll take that.” Henry snatched his fanny pack from his reach.
“Hey, asshole, he needs his inhaler, what the fuck? So you kill little kids, too!?” Richie shouted over Patrick’s shoulder. He watched as Eddie struggled to breathe.
“Shut the fuck up, fairy! Keep talking shit and your little boyfriend is gonna get it!” Henry shouted angrily as he kicked at Eddie’s side and the small boy yelped in pain and tried his hardest to drag himself away from Henry, but Vic stepped in his way.
Richie swallowed hard and shut his mouth. He knew Henry meant it and so did the rest of the gang, so they all watched nervously, afraid of their next move. There might have been more of them, but these boys were dangerous and they carried weapons. Weapons they weren’t afraid to use, either.
“Hey!” Their heads whipped around to see a shop owner in town approaching them. So maybe Henry didn’t really think it through when he decided to attack them in the middle of town. He dropped the fanny pack at Eddie’s side and Vic backed away from the boy’s small frame. Patrick released Richie from his grasp and Belch stepped back from the rest of the group, “Knock it off you punks and leave those kids alone!” The man shouted and Henry called his goons back to him.
The boys retreated back to Henry’s car rather quickly without another word spoken. All the kids let out a breath they didn’t even know they were holding, except for Eddie, who at this point was barely able to breathe.
“Eds!” Richie ran to the boy’s side.
“Don’t-,” gasp, “f-fucking-,” another gasp, “touch me!” And another gasp. Eddie scrambled for his inhaler and Richie kneeled down beside him, grabbing his fanny pack for him. Eddie began to puff on the inhaler and his eyes went wide at the sight of Richie’s dirty, greasy fingers pressing into the fabric of his most sacred possession.
He snatched it from Richie’s hands, cringing at the thought of all the germs that were swimming all over him at this point, “Just let me help you, for fuck sake, Eds.” Richie grabbed the fanny pack from Eddie’s hand with a sigh of frustration.
“Since when did you grow a heart, asshole?” Richie scoffed in amusement at him and pulled out some alcohol wipes and a small bottle of hydrogen peroxide, “DON’T TOUCH ME, RICHIE!”
“Oh shut the hell up, ya big baby.” He grumbled back in response as he tended to Eddie’s wound. The strangest feeling washed over Eddie. It was a feeling he had never felt for Richie, at least not this powerfully. It was a feeling of adoration. He adored this boy, even with his unkept greasy hair and his crumb infested fingers from whatever lunch he had that day. Eddie was a complete germaphobe and yet he adored this boy who was practically a walking germ.
His demeanor softened and his face flushed. He was blushing. He could feel it. Richie looked up at him and smirked at the pink tint on his cheeks. They both felt eyes on them and their heads shot towards the group.
“Suh-see what I-I-I muh-m-mean?” Bill laughed so loud it resonated around them and the group giggled in amusement at the two boys. Now it was Richie’s turn to blush.
“Yes, completely.” Stan agreed and the rest nodded in agreement.
“What the fuck are you talking about, assholes!?” Eddie shouted and Richie voiced his agreement.
“Oh nothing,” Beverly mused, “but would you look at the time!? We gotta get going guys! Make sure you get him home in one piece, trashmouth.” She winked at the two and the group sauntered off to their bikes and rode away, leaving them utterly flustered and confused.
“What the hell was that?” Richie asked and Eddie shrugged unknowingly.
“I have no idea, but I do know I’m bound to get an infection letting you do this for me. When is the last time you washed your hands, Rich?” He asked and Richie faked a pained look.
“Hey, I’m a clean guy!”
“Your hair is so greasy, dude. Look at your fingernails, too! There’s crumbs under them from God knows when! I’m totally gonna get an infection.” Eddie rambled and rambled until Richie threw his hand over his mouth.
“That’s what all these supplies are for, asswipe. Now stop being a jerk and appreciate me for once. I don’t do this shit for just anybody, ya know.” Eddie swallowed the lump in his throat as Richie spoke softly and carefully to him, inches from his face. His breathe smelled like a ham sandwich and a marlboro.
Eddie laughed mentally at himself, wondering how he seriously managed to fall for someone like Richie. Maybe it was the fact that Richie didn’t care what people thought of him. Or his loyalty to his friends and loved ones. God, he had no clue, but for some reason he wanted to taste Richie’s lips against his.
“S-S-Sorry...” He forced the words out of his throat and hated himself for stuttering.
“Woah, hi Bill, didn’t know you were in there.” Richie joked and his laugh bounced through Eddie’s ears like it was his favorite song. He couldn’t help but laugh too.
“Okay, fuck you, Tozier.”
“Chill, Eds, we’re in public. Wait till we get home.” He winked and Eddie blushed again. Goddamn it, Eddie, stop it!
Richie noticed the pink blush running across Eddie’s cheeks and his heart fluttered at the thought that maybe Eddie liked the way he flirted with him. Richie was horrible at showing his emotions, especially emotions that were deemed wrong by society. He never thought, as feminine as Eddie was, that he could ever like Richie back. He still tried his hardest to tease him into realizing it. Maybe it was easier that way, if it was unspoken, then he wouldn’t have to admit it to himself either. Maybe they could both know and no one would have to say anything. They would just know.
“Seriously, thank you, Rich. All jokes aside, I appreciate you.”
“Just say you love me, no need to sugar coat it, Eds.”
Eddie smiled and rolled his eyes, “Oh shut up!” He shoved him playfully and as Richie fell backwards onto his bottom, he grabbed ahold of Eddie’s hand and pulled him toward him. Their foreheads smacked together and their breaths mingled briefly. Richie’s glasses went crooked and his heart leaped and his palms began to sweat. Eddie was frozen in place, his hand still gripped tightly in Richie’s.
“Uhhh, I-I-,” Eddie went to speak and stammered nervously and for some reason Richie was overwhelmed with the urge to kiss him and so he did.
Eddie was stiff for a moment, wide eyed and confused. He relaxed almost instantly, letting the kiss take over him.
Their hearts were soaring as they pulled away from each other. The kiss was nothing crazy, but the fact that there even was a kiss was enough to send their hearts into overdrive and for their stomachs to flip and twirl and drop and they could have both sworn it was a dream.
“You should let me help you more often.” Richie whispered and Eddie blushed again.
Okay seriously thought I would have had this finished asap so sorry to the anon that I told this would be up within the hour. More like 5 hours😭 I work overnights and my job is never crazy busy, but tonight was ridiculous so I had to stop in between loads of times. But I finished it and I hope the anon who requested this enjoyed it ��️
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