#bc spanish to portuguese is. a Lot easier than something like italian to portuguese
apollos-boyfriend · 1 year
Would you say Portuguese is a hard language to learn (for another person with a latin language) ? It sounds so pretty I’ve become completely enamoured with it.
hmmm, likely not? i had an easier time learning french than a lot of my classmates due to knowing portuguese, so i imagine it’s likely similar doing it the other way around! if anyone is learning portuguese i’d love to hear ur thoughts on this ^^
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fanpersoningfox · 5 years
The tiny detail which I absolutely adored in R&L is the fact that Goethe for whatever reason has learnt Sindarin and Quenya (I can smell something like stormy past in the lotr roleplay from here... ;) so may I swamp you with some questions popped as an afterthought? Like, what languages do Goethe and Schiller speak in this au? And, more importantly, which 20th century/modern authors you think they enjoy? It might be irrelevant, but i'm really curious about your opinion! Bless you and your work ♡
YES. You may ALWAYS swamp me with questions about R&L.
So, first of all, small JoWo had an intense fantasy/LotR phase, that heavily influenced him as a person and an author.
Second of all, languages. I haven't actually put any thought into this before but I'm very glad you ask!
They both speak German as their native language, obviously. Friedrich schwäbelt a little, too, because he grew up there and only moved to Weimar when he was around ten years old. Technically he speaks some kind of ungodly dialect child of Schwäbisch and Thüringisch now but he used to get made fun of a lot in middle school times so he's gotten really good at speaking dialect free German when interacting with people who aren't his family. (This is the in-universe explanation for me not being able to/not wanting to write his dialect since I speak rather dialect free German myself.)
Friedrich learned English in school like everyone else, as well as Latin. He fucking sucked at Latin tho, so he took French as a third foreign language to make up for it, which didn't really work out bc his French is even worse than his Latin. His English is great tho bc he's a millennial and always on the internet (but he has a rather awkward accent bc for some reason that's where his Schwäbisch intonation comes through).
JoWo on the other hand is a language genius and a fucking nerd. His parents sent him to a school with a focus on languages, which means that he didn't just learn English and Latin or French like the rest of us. No, he learned both Latin and French, and Ancient Greek. Then he learned Italian because he was interested in it. And later at uni he also got into Yiddish and Ancient Hebrew, as well as some Arabic. He wants to take another Arabic class though because by now he has quite a bunch of students whose native language it is; just makes it easier being able to talk to the parents properly. And maybe some Turkish. He also understands Spanish and Portuguese because of their Latin roots, and picked up some modern Greek while on vacation.
Now, modern authors. I'm'a be honest, I know like three authors and I'm not sure if Goethe would like either of them. But lemme try.
Goethe is a pretentious bitch and a huge nerd, so he's probably read all of the "classics", from Shakespeare to Fontane to Harari. Wilde of course (bc our boi is pan as fuck). He reads Virginia Woolf for fun and has actually read the brick. Tbh, let's just say he's read every book you've ever thought about "I should read that" and has an opinion on it.
I'm not sure if I want to picture him as a full on fantasy geek or if it's just Tolkien for him, so I'm gonna go with he loves epic fantasy but he's a huge snob and therefore hates a lot of stuff in that genre. He's definitely read the Simarillion and every story that guy's ever written.
Also, he read Andorra and liked it.
And because he speaks a bunch of weird ass languages he's read the brick and the odyssey in the original French and Greek respectively.
Fritz on the other hand has suffered through annoying assigned reading in school like the rest of us and only read Wilde because he's bisexual (he did like it tho). And he's a classics nerd as well but without Goethe's time management skills so he just has a super long to read list.
Huge Harry Potter fan tho (or at least was until jkr started being a racist terf). Generally more into pop culture than JoWo, which includes books. Has not read A Brief History of Mankind and refuses to because it's depressing.
Has read a bunch of feminist/queer theory stuff tho bc he took a seminar at uni (he's too unorganized and busy with writing to read much in his freetime without pressure).
I might just be projecting bc I'm not reading half as much as I would like these days but y'know.
Also, Fritz reads fanfic, preferably of Goethe's works, and has also written some.
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ayediosmila-blog · 5 years
hi everyone i’m mini, i’m excited to play my new muse with everyone! as always, i wrote way to much, welp. if you get through this you’re a champ! 
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(FEMALE. SHE/HER ) you know MILAGROS VENTURI, right? they’re TWENTY ONE and majoring in SCULPTURE/ARCHITECTURE? still nothing? well, they look exactly like BECKY G, so you can’t miss them. i’ve heard they’re really DEDICATED, but super MESSY too… it makes perfect sense that they’re a AQUARIUS. anyways, if you see them, tell them they left their PHONE in class and that i have it. ( mini, est, she/her, 23 )
Like this and i’ll im you to plot <3
FULL NAME: Milagros Antonia Rivera De Costa Venturi
NICKNAMES: millie, meels, mil, mila, shorty,
AGE: 21
D.O.B : January 25th 1998
ZODIAC SIGN : Aquarius
SEXUALITY: bisexual 
BIRTHPLACE: oaxaca, mexico
CURRENT LOCATION: new york city, new york / seattle washington
LANGUAGE SPOKER: english, italian, portuguese, and spanish
So milagros was actually born in oaxaca, mexico, but she was given up to her aunt who eventually gave her up to the officials.
mila was moved to different adoption agencies, and at two years old she ended up in one in mexico city where she met her parents. 
It wasn’t long after until mila moved to the USA, ending up in new york with her new family. 
Marco and Claudia Venturi were already parents to 6 boys - who were closer to being men at the point milagros showed up. One thing they didn’t have was a girl, and since they couldn’t get it the old fashioned way, they decided to just adopt instead. They had the means to do it anyway.
Marco Venturi is a retired politician, he’s had a very reputable career, and now since his retirement he works a lot with habitat for humanity and his ultimate goal is for inclusive spaces. 
Claudia De Costa Venturi is a fashion designer with a known reputation in europe, her brand DCVenturi became popular in the american market as well
The family lived in New York, New York City most of the time, but both Marco and Claudia wanted their kids to see the world, so they travelled often, and it became easier since a lot of their kids were older, so the only ones that would go where the younger ones.
If you were to ask Milagros what she remembered from Mexico, it wouldn’t be much. Growing up she didn’t feel different from her siblings, and her parents never made her feel like she ever was either. her parents didnt even want milagros to forget where she was really from, so often they would go on trips with her to mexico, and decided to keep her original name. 
to this day, milagros hates her long name, it’s super difficult to fill in on documents and it’s annoying when it comes to having fill out forms. She often goes by Mila, but Millie would be the second most nickname for her
she went to the best schools, often private where they had the uniforms, it was sort of a gossip girl situation with her growing up, except she was captain of the cheer team, and she was on other things like track team, prom committee, drama club, art club, music club. she was involved a lot because her parents put her in a lot of extracurriculars out of school too.
because her parents are influential, millie’s been on a couple papers, she loves to get dressed for night outs. fashion week is exciting for her, and she definitely sometimes got caught not in her best by random strangers. 
Besides her parents, she’s had to deal with the lives of her brothers, and they’ve all come out successful whether it’s owning a restaurant, being some kind of YouTuber, or even an everyday teacher. not to mention it sucked being the youngest and a girl with so many older brothers.
the Venturi kids had everything at their disposal, and as you can see, millie’s only problem was figuring out what she wanted.
you’d think millie knew what she wanted, right? not at all. honestly for her a lot of what she was doing was bc her parents made her.
when millie turned 18, she decided she wanted to reconnect with her biological parents alone, and as much as it made her parents uncomfortable, they agree to let her go alone. So for a few months, she lived in Mexico, with her cousin because alone didnt meant alone alone lol 
millie met her real parents, and that in itself was emotional. for the rest of her time in mexico she learned about the culture, the people, it was a big game changer for her.
she knew that she was different than her family, she saw it growing up, and there ofc were people who would tell her, in a way she went into a bit of an identity crisis.
She didn’t want to live in New York much anymore, kinda tired of a super busy city so she decided to go to somerset in seattle washington for sculpture and architecture.
her parents were surprised since millie could have gone to any school in the state, ivy league even.
even if she got into somerset a, she actually deferred for a year, so she’s only been at somerset for 2 years. 
millie decided on sculpture and architecture because she lives the idea of designing buildings and homes. after uni she wants to go abroad and help construct homes for those who can barely afford it, or somehow work together with Habitat for Humanity.
in her free time she really likes doing pottery, often you can catch her at uni after hours in the labs doing something. 
besides there, you can find her in a coffee shop nearby the university called Second Cup. it’s not like she needs money since her parents fought her to pay everything for her - mila just wanted to work, so she does as a barista and it’s really the only time she’s the most social. catch her doing some cute latte art with your drinks cos she’s bored. 
mila fortunately lives alone but she’s barely there, so the living room is spotless but her work room, cos ofc she lives in a two bedroom but she lives alone, sdfkjsadk her work room is what she calls ‘an organized mess’ and it’s where she’ll have her supplies and models. 
millie is very much go with the flow and down with everything when she’s not busy working or doing school stuff
she was very much involved in high school, and in uni she’s.. half involved? she’s a part of some clubs but not rlly, most of her time is spent in art labs or sketching in the library
she had a bit of a wild youth, and now she’s kind of chill but if you were to get her drunk, she’s a fun dumb, says really stupid stuff and laughs at everything. she kinda just wants to hug everyone. 
ppl call her perfect cos she has money, knows how to do a lot of things and millie hates it bc she has her own insecurities too
sometimes she can get snarky, especially if you’re on her bad side. she loves to argue, and even when she knows she’s wrong, she’s right. no questions. 
don’t hate her but she’s forgetful asf if it’s about everyday things. 
her favourite holiday is winter, she loves ice skating, snow, hot chocolate, peppermint. catch her apartment already have a christmas tree up while some christmas lifetime movie is on tv lol
she’s pretty much a sweetheart unless you piss her off lolol she’d love to pick someone’s brain over a cup of coffee.
if you give her a reason to dress up she loves it, if she has no reason you can catch her in sweats, especially if it’s cold outside.
when it comes to relationships, they were always hard for her since she wasn’t sure if they liked her for her money, her status or to gain some connection to her family. she’s dated people who are both rich or poor, and so far she’s unimpressed with everyone lol
her friends are.. a lot bc she’s rlly not picky with who she’s friends with when she probably should. 
met at a drunk and turn out to be in the same class
childhood friend
exes good and bad
could have met in the library, 
study group/study buddy
maybe they met at some club 
a connection where one is using the other
but honestly i want all the plots!!
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