#bc rhys abuses the FUCK outta this bitch. and shes like. literally barely more than a child in human terms.
emeraldvagabond · 3 years
I’m about 10 chapters into a Tamlin healing/redemption arc (he has to work, but he gets one) that I’m going to post on Ao3 in a few days. It’ll be called “A Court of Healing and Shifting” if you're interested :). I’m hoping to address: why Feyre's destruction of the spring court was a war crime, Tamlin's abuse of Lucien, the origin of Tam's shapeshifting/why his magic is so hard for him to control, the Illyrian NC revolution and a… migration… and why Rhysand is a horrible person.
Absolutely someone needs to tell that girl, YES GIRL, that she literally displaced thousands of Fae. And probably is the direct cause of a bunch of their deaths. Her destruction of the Spring Court is literally what left the Summer Court vunerable to Hybern in the first place. So now she's indirectly the cause of EVEN MORE suffering and death, etc. etc. Not to mention, for Tamlin to be "Showing His True Colors", she sure did have to engineer and concoct,,,,literally every single one of those scenarios.
Not to mention he was being manipulated by Ianthe the whole time, like yes he's highlord, but he's also suffering from severe trauma and PTSD and here comes this(I'm gonna say it) Rhysand-esque woman from one of the other territories that's apparently an agent of the goddess. And she's telling his THIS is what's going to help you heal. THIS is what you need to do, it's your choice of course highlord, but THIS will return the strength to your court. THIS will return your agency. THIS will set you free from the things that haunt you and these people.
And instead of like, having a single critical thought, Feyre's like 'i would feel good if he suffered even more so let's do that' and Rhys is like 'hell yuh babe ur a strong powerful woman. commit war crimes.'
?????????the fuck??????
And that's not all to say that Tamlin is perfect and never did any wrong, because he STILL DID those things. He was still AWFUL to Lucien. (Which again, where did that come from because in the first book, I would go as far as to say they were more brothers than Cassian and Azriel and Rhysand)
It's just like.... : //// Maybe the whole world isn't about you Feyre, and maybe he's not this bad awful disgusting person who's out to get you and snuff out your light. He's doing what he's being told a highlord is SUPPOSED to do, no one else has ever trained him for this position. No one else has ever given him pointers or aid before Ianthe came along. OF COURSE he's vulnerable to her lies. Cause he can't even recognize that they're lies, that's what manipulative people do.
Not to mention Feyre is sooooo upset in the second book that Tamlin doesn't bother to ask her what's wrong and coddle her emotional state, but never once does she try to communicate with him? Like? He's not a mind reader girl, that's Mister Crazy who literally threatened to melt your mind into liquid not even a year ago.
Who you're about to run off with.
Anyway, I digress.
I have to say I'm very very VERY interested in an Illyrian revolution (I refuse to believe Rhys can't help those girls. He just thinks if he washes his hands of them then....idk really. But that's why he sends Cas and Az to the villages to deal with them and never goes himself. You can't convince me otherwise. Half the Illyrians probably don't even know what their highlord looks like. Their highlord who is ONE OF THEM. Supposedly.) and also in the source of Tamlin's power. Ive never thought about the source of their powers before, specifically Tamlins. But actually, It's v interesting that his powers are...whatever exactly they are because almost all the other highlords powers seem to correspond in some way with their court, but I'm not sure how Tamlins associate with his at all.
Anyway anyway anyway sorry im ranting. I'm excited to read this now, that's all.
And please just drag Rhys. Like grab this man(male, sorry🤢🤮) by his hair and drag him right thru that mud Feyre left him in when she found out they were mates.
Literally everything he does except for that library is awful from anyone's POV but Feyre's. He's just so horrid.
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