#bc like. there's plenty of opportunity for chen to make sure cole gets one (cole visits the island 9 times during his & skylor's childhood)
razzle-zazzle · 19 days
would the yin yang pendant have like… chen’s face on it or something? Like Cole’s getting into the restaurants for free, it’s gotta have Chen’s specific mark of approval which, Chen being Chen, probably means it’s either a snake (which would freak out Cole/reveal his special tattoo thingy to people) or Chen’s own face.
-stepdad anon
The pendant's definitely got snakes on it, 100%. But I'm also thinking,,, it's not the original pendant? Like it got remade sometime during Cole and Skylor's teen years, likely sometime after the monastery burnt down and the bounty got destroyed. The new pendant (plus copies of all the letters Skylor sent that got destroyed with the monastery and Bounty, bc ofc Chen's a lil petty like that) gets sent to Cole as a "hey so I heard you lost your home, here's a new pendant and all those letters you lost because I know how important all of this is to you, also the new pendant can be used to get Chen's Noodles at a 90% discount, aren't I suchhhhh a wonderful father in law???" kind of thing.
And the new pendant has a little chip or magnetic strip in it marking it as authentic to the card scanners at Chen's. Or there's something else unique about the design to prove that yes, this is Chen's future son-in-law paying for this meal.
But you are right on the money about the snakes! Chen's face though.... oh my god it would be sooo ugly but so in character for him. Maybe it's like a little thing on the back as the visual proof that the pendant is authentic.
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