#bc if he did then.. is that why he mentioned matt… 💀
raysofcrosby · 3 years
What was Ethan and Melody’s first time having sex like? Did he plan something special or did it happen naturally? Or did she initiated it? 👀 Did Ethan went and talked to their parents before going for it or just let them know afterwards? I can’t imagine Matthew giving him the sex talk lol
never thought about it bc in the main chapters of wltay ethan’s 8 and like caroline i want him to stay that way ✨forever✨ but obvi after the teasing about 20 year old him and melody in the holiday special i kinda figured i might need to think up something bc ethan is like everyone’s adopted fictional son and they’d want to know.
obvi ethan got the whole puberty/seggs talk in school (and via educational book mentioned in scarlett’s pregnancy chapter. fun fact: there actually is a boys version of that american girl: care and keeping of you body book, written by the same author which i think is v cool), plus matt talked to him (and also recruited his dad, richard and brady bc mans really doesn’t want to talk to his 10 year old about puberty + seggs 😩) and he never really talks much about it (what kid would tbh) unless there’s issues or he has questions and more often than not, he’s embarrassed but still talks to anyone anyway.
BUT REALLY— ethan doesn’t start to ask questions till high school (bc hello, teenagers) and caroline’s normally pretty good at answering them, but also reiterates how he shouldn’t be doing anything until he’s ready and with the right person (but man has been dating melody for like a solid 1-2 years now so lol) and ethan’s normally like “ya i know, but you and dad did it when you were 15,” which is usually when matt butts in somehow with the “and we got pregnant with you at 17, do the math.” 💀 he never really takes it seriously bc man doesn’t want ethan having seggsy time at the risk he might become a grandfather “teen pregnancies can be generational, caroline 😩” and normally miss caroline is like “🙄 shut up matthew, not if we keep the conversation open” kind of reply. and they do, which is why he’s comfortable (while also being slightly embarrassed) whenever caroline or matt ask IF he’s seggsually active or thinking about it.
matt’s not a big fan of the seggs talk for sure, but he obvi knows it’s pretty important. so surprisingly he does however give ethan a bigggggg lecture when he goes off to play for usntdp because he is away from home, a teenage boy and playing hockey for a really good program— and matt knows how it was when he was playing and teen pressures and parties, so he just gives him an all around responsibility and slight threat of: ‘don’t do something stupid and cheat on your girlfriend’ lecture.
anywho, it's not until ethan turns like 16 and is home for winter break when he actually like...pulls matt aside and is all "so um...mel and i have been talking about...ya know." and matt's all red-faced bc hello?? but he talks to him and reiterates the whole safe-seggs thing and is also like "well...do you want your mom to know?" and ethan's all "i was kinda of hoping you'd tell her for me 🥴" and caroline just happens to walk into the room with 10-month-old payson (and is also 5 months preggo w/ oliver) and matt and ethan are just like "🙂" and ethan just blurts it out all "mel and i are thinking about having seggs." and caroline (who is just tired and pregant) is just asking questions about birth control, if they’re being pressured into it, etc all those parent things when it comes to learning your teen might b considering having seggs.
after the fact, they're slighty uneasy about him being seggsually active bc hello, he's their kid and also nervous about ✨babies✨ but also know trust him to be safe and to come to them if anything is ever wrong (esp since he's been open and honest with them since the beginning). so they basically tell him that as long as he's sure about his decision, is comfortable and is safe, that they're not going to like ground him or anything (unless he starts acting stupid and sneaks out and stuff– then they might get a little testy). matt buys him condoms, caroline gives him the re-rundown on safe-sex and pregnancies and both reiterate that birth control isn't 100%– so to use a condom every time and if something happens, then to tell them and they'll buy a plan b (since you have to be 17 to buy) and help them figure it out– bc that's exactly how they had him 🥰
flash forward seven months later, they're back home in st. louis for the summer– ethan's 16, scarlett's 4, payson's 1 and oliver is 3 months– and matt is like “hey, let's go out on a date since we haven't done that in a while. my parents or yours can watch the kids and ethan’s old enough to stay home by himself for a few hours.” well ethan’s all “mel and i are actually going on a date to the movies…so can you guys maybe not go there?” and they’re all “lol sure, cause we’re adults and go on dates at night, not to early evening movies.” and mr boy is hesitant to ask but he does anyway and he’s like “is it okay if she comes over after the movie?” and OBVIOUSLY matt and care are both like 🙂👀 and poor ethan is all “no, no please just stop that’s not what i meant. just to like order pizza or something.” and so they’re like “yes that’s fine, just don’t burn the house down and if something does happen— then be safe.”
both go on their dates, matt + care leave about the time ethan and melody come back from their early movie. they go to dinner and just walk around downtown to look at the sights, maybe hit up a museum or two— whatever parents trying to relax from having kids do lol— and around 10 they’re like “hm let’s head home bc tired.” on the way home matt’s like “do you think they did it?” and caroline just smacks his arm like “let’s not think about that. we told him to be safe, gave him advice and the stuff to do so. we just have to trust him.” and matt’s like “okay yeah, you’re right…but do you think they did it?” and caroline’s just like “i don’t know, matthew, he’s 16 and had the house to himself with his girlfriend over. what do you think?” and matt’s all “🙂 i did a lot with my girlfriend at 16 when no one was home…even when people were home. hell, we even snuck out—“ and caroline just laughs and is like “well, whatever happened, don’t bring it up and just…let him talk about it if he wants to. he’s 16, matty. you remember how awkward it all was when your mom caught us and our parents knew.” to which matt is like “yeah, i guess you’re right. hey, do you mind if we stop at the store?”
after stopping at the store they get home, the living room tv is on and awww melody and ethan are fast asleep (and fully clothed) on the couch and gretzky is sleeping soundly on the floor in front of them. matt’s like “😨 not my couch” to which Caroline shoved him and is like “shut up, they’re fine. just fell asleep, let’s go upstairs.” they do and she stops him from going to check ethan’s room and bathroom and he’s all “i just want to know i’m too impatient to wait for him to tell us when he’s too dumb not to throw the condom away in the bathroom trash or leave his bed unmade 😫” and caroline’s like “he’ll tell us if he wants. bed. now.” to which matt’s all “don’t mind if i do 🤪” (they don’t)
next morning caroline wakes up to matt coming back into their room, she goes downstairs to see ethan and melody are gone. makes herself some coffee and legs gretzky out. ethan comes down the stairs freshly showered and kinda hesitates when he sees caroline (bc hello, he’s a teen boy and it’s still awkward) but then doesn’t and is like “morning” and caroline’s all “morning, how was your movie with melody?” and ethan’s stands out on the backyard deck with her like “it was good. you guys should see it.” and caroline’s all “mm maybe.” like we’re talking some small talk to fill the awkwardness before mans just sighs and is like “dad already knows cause he came down this morning right after mel left and i told him. but we had seggs last night— and no, not on the couch, i promise we went to my room.” “that’s fine ethan, just as long as you were safe—“ “i didn’t mean for it to happen- i mean, it wasn’t planned. i didn’t lie to you guys when i told you we weren’t going to. it just kind of happened…i don’t know, like it felt right, does that make sense?” and caroline’s like “it makes perfect sense, ethan. dad and i were…younger than we probably should have been our first time, but for us it was we were with the right person, the timing felt right and we were comfortable with the idea and safe. so as long as that’s what happened last night, then it’s all okay.”
and ethan’s like relieved— cause even though matt + care said they wouldn’t be mad as long as he was safe, he was still nervous actually telling them bc hello it’s just kind of embarrassing telling your parents you lost your virginity, no matter how close of a relationship you have. but the awkwardness is gone and they just talk about how melody is doing back here in st. louis and the plans for today until Gretzky is ready to come back in. when he is, they all come back into the house where matt is walking into the living room holding onto the small cake he made caroline stop at the store for last night and is all smiles like “here you go, e! 🙂” (AND MAN LITERALLY PULLS A LONELY ISLAND I JUST HAD SEX CAKE GIF MOMENT)
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to which ethan just turns red in the face and caroline’s like “THAT’S why we stopped at the store matthew? 😡” and matt’s all “nooo, we stopped at the store because i wanted cake. me writing this just all depended on whether or not he did it. and since he did, which thank you for not ruining my couch, i wrote on it in the best way to tease him in the most lovingly parental way i know how.” and meanwhile they’re all there like 😇🥴🐶👿 and ethan’s like “…thanks, dad.” and goes to grab the cake but matt’s like “oh no, this cake is mine. i just wanted to embarrass you the same way mom and i were embarrassed when mimi walked in on us in the hot tub.” and Caroline takes the cake from him and is like “we’re all eating the cake and i’m scraping this off. no more teasing him or i’ll tell him all the embarrassing times you—“ and poor ethan’s just panicking like “please don’t, i don’t want to know those...”and matt just laughs and pats him on the shoulder and is all “well, it’s just fatherly love, but really…thanks for being honest with us, it’s important to us that you feel comfortable enough to talk to us about this stuff. just, stay safe and don’t make us grandparents while we’re in our thirty’s thanks<3”
but that’s why Ethan gets so flustered easily whenever matt teases him (like in the holiday special) no matter how old he is bc mans literally got him a cake that said “congrats on the seggs” and gave it to him the morning after he lost his virgin*ty. 🥲
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raysofcrosby · 3 years
100000% thought you were going to say “Andrew made a comment about Caroline’s weight” because hello he’s a brother. And Matt got protective like 😒 she’s with child you jerk 🥺
LOLOL “because hello he’s a brother” has me deceased bc true and he wouldn’t even say it like as an insult either. if he did mention her weight it’d be all “i’m surprised she didn’t do any of those bridal boot camps to get in crazy shape for the wedding” or something along those lines 💀
buttt something like that does happen when care’s pregnant with oliver about six months after they had payson and andrew’s all “why does it look like you’re still pregnant? 😂” and matt’s all “because she is you dumbass” bc man knows miss caroline is not feeling all that confident post-payson and he does not stand for any kind of care slander 🥺 and that’s how andrew ruins the “surprise, we’re having another baby” gift for himself on their last fam vacation before they go back to Canada lmao
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