#bc id rather see my mental health deteriorate to the level its at now i guess ???
ripjaws · 2 years
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bloojayoolie · 6 years
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Children, Click, and Dogs: 29418 r old, 48.1 lbs A big ball of mush wrapped in the coat of a tiny tiger. Soft to the touch light of spirit and of heart. Walks excitedly on leash & is happy to rest at your feet for a quiet stay in the park. iting 4 LOVE @ Manhattan ACC TO BE KILLED - 4/6/2018 A TIGER-PRINTED LOVE BUG <3 Just 1 year old, wiggly and friendly and happily conquering the world. A volunteer writes: Nothing sharp, prickly, or even a tiny bit scratchy here. Just a big ball of mush wrapped in the coat of a tiny tiger. And with toes that tap and eyes that shine, and two wrinkly ears that are always listening. 1 year-old Spike is the first to greet me on the day I arrive, announcing "I'm here! I'm ready!" from within his kennel, with his tapping toes and a quick, blurry tail. But something tells me this is a "best for last" situation. So while a fellow volunteer snags her chance with our vanilla brindled boy, I slip out the door to first meet a few others, all of them ready for a walk. Sure enough and not long after I pass by, and who's there to greet me? "I'm here! I'm ready!" his wiggly frame says. And powerless against him, a little bean just ready to jump, I slip on his leash and away we go, out to the air and the concrete jungle. Little Spike is just a young cub at 1 year-old, and those little toes are itching to see the world. And while he walks excitedly on leash and is prone to a jump or two (our little bean), he's also happy to rest at your feet for a quiet stay in the park, or at your side on any sun-filled day. Given Spike's young age, he would do best with an experienced family who can show this little cub the ways of the jungle (concrete or otherwise) and give him the structure, love, and toe-tapping time he needs to become his very best self. A big ball of mush wrapped in the coat of a tiny tiger. One soft to the touch, light of spirit and of heart, and ready to meet you today. Spike is waiting in adoptions at Manhattan ACC. VIDEOs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JbsodWQNvkE https://youtu.be/cfJmD0YLZbk SPIKE ID# 23418 MANHATTAN ACC 1 year old, 48.1 lbs BROWN BRINDLE / WHITE MALE Medium Mixed Breed Cross Intake Date: 03-22-2018 SHELTER ASSESSMENT: EXPERIENCED HOME My health has been checked. My vaccinations are up to date. My worming is up to date. I have been microchipped. BEHAVIOR ASSESSMENT: Date of intake:: 3/22/2018 Spay/Neuter status:: No Means of surrender (length of time in previous home):: Stray Date of assessment:: 3/25/2018 Look:: 2. Dog's eyes are averted, body posture is stiff and fearful, tail is low and not moving. Dog allows head to be held loosely in Assessor's cupped hands. Sensitivity:: 2. Dog stands still and accepts the touch, eyes are averted, tail is between legs, body stiff, mouth closed, lip long, ears likely back, may lip lick. Tag:: 2. Dog is fearful but unresponsive when touched. Approaches the Assessor when the game ends. Dog is likely crouching, may have a long lip or lip lick. Paw squeeze 1:: 2. Dog quickly pulls back. Paw squeeze 2:: 2. Dog quickly pull back. Flank squeeze 1:: Item not conducted Flank squeeze 2:: Item not conducted Toy:: 2. Dog takes toy away, keeps a firm hold. His/her body is between you and the toy, and is loose and wiggly. No growling or stiffness. Summary:: Spike approached the assessor in the assessment room a bit hesitantly. He was a bit tense during the handling portion of the assessment but did allowed all handling. Summary:: Based on behavior observed in the care center, Spike may be most compatible with female dogs who are playful and social. He appeared tense and uncomfortable greeting the male helper dog. History around dogs is unknown due to arriving as a stray. Summary (1):: 3/23: When introduced off leash to a female dog, Spike greets politely and continues to follow and sniff her. Summary (2):: 3/24: Spike greets a female dog politely and eventually attempts to mount. He is stiff when greeting a male dog through the gate. Summary (3):: 3/25: Spike is vocal and exuberant at play. Summary (4):: 3/27-4/5 Spike engages in exuberant play with female dogs. Date of intake:: 3/22/2018 Summary:: Spike had a loose body and barked, he allowed all handling. Date of initial:: 3/22/2018 Summary:: Spike had a loose body and allowed all handling. ENERGY LEVEL:: We have no history on Spike so we cannot be certain of his behavior in a home environment. However, he is a young, enthusiastic, social dog who will need daily mental and physical activity to keep him engaged and exercised. We recommend long-lasting chews, food puzzles, and hide-and-seek games, in additional to physical exercise, to positively direct his energy and enthusiasm. IN SHELTER OBSERVATIONS:: 4/5 Update Spike appears to be rapidly deteriorating in the care center. At times when approached by staff, volunteers or any members of the public Spike growls and lunges towards the kennel door. He has also been observed to sit/lay at the back of the kennel, facing the back, unable to be coerced forward and letting out a growl with prolonged greeting. Outside of his kennel, while he still remains fairly social, he appears stressed, anxious and in a heightened state of arousal as he has now begun to react to other dogs and human passerby on leash occasionally. Out of concern for his stress level and mental health, we believe Spike should be placed in a home or with a rescue partner as soon as possible. BEHAVIOR DETERMINATION:: EXPERIENCE (suitable for an adopter with some previous dog experience, especially with the behaviors outlined below) Behavior Asilomar: TM - Treatable-Manageable Recommendations:: No young children (under 5) Recommendations comments:: No young children: Based on Spike's level of fear in addition to the anxiety observed in the care center, a home without young children is recommended at this time. Potential challenges: : Fearful,On-leash reactivity/barrier frustration Potential challenges comments:: Fearful: Spike is a bit fearful at the care center. It is important to always go slow and give Spike the option to walk away from any social interaction. Spike should never be forced to approach anything that she is uncomfortable with or to submit to petting or handling. It should always be Spike’s choice to approach a new person or thing. Spike would do best in an initially calm and quiet home environment and should be given time to acclimate to his new surroundings. On leash reactivity/barrier frustration: Spike has recently been observed to react to other dogs and human passerby on leash, lunging towards them, barking and growling. We cannot be certain if this behavior will continue once placed into a home environment but we recommend reward based training to teach him to look at you rather than other dogs and novel stimuli that may startle him. We recommend a front clip harness or head halter to help manage this behavior. My medical notes are... Weight: 48.125 lbs Vet Notes 22/03/2018 DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: 10-16 months based on dentition and secondary sex characteristics Microchip noted on Intake? Scanned negative History : Stray, had one episode of bloody diarrhea in admissions room - parvo test was negative. Subjective: Alert, barks anxiously when tethered to the wall Observed Behavior - Waggling body, allows all handling Evidence of Cruelty seen - None Evidence of Trauma seen - None Objective BAR-H, MMs pink and moist, BCS 5/9 EENT: AD moderate discharge, mild erythema. AS clean, no erythema. Eyes clear, no nasal or ocular discharge noted. Oral Exam: Clean adult teeth. PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupnic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: Male intact, testicles small, soft and symmetrical MSI: Small linear scab (2 cm long) on left lateral thorax. Decreased weight bearing on the left leg, mildly decreased muscle mass in the left quads compared to the right, and decreased left hip extension. Skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat. CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Rectal: Normal externally Assessment: 1. One episode of bloody diarrhea - R/O dietary indiscretion vs. stress colitis vs. other cause 2. Otitis externa AD 3. Scab on left side - R/O minor trauma 4. Decreased muscle mass LHL and lameness on this leg - R/O hip dysplasia vs. other chronic problem Prognosis: Good Plan: 1. Cleaned ears and instilled Osurnia AD - repeat in 1 week 2. Hip rads at time of neuter - evaluate for hip dysplasia SURGERY: Okay for surgery 1088 23/03/2018 Brief recheck Hx: Day 1 diarrhea reported on monitoring board today, 3/23. Intake was done yesterday and p did have one episode of bloody diarrhea. S/O: -p is BAR, moving around in cage, wagging tail. -no other reported concerns from med staff -no c/s/v -no nasal or ocular discharge A: Diarrhea - r/o stress colitis vs dietary indiscretion vs parasitic vs other P: ctm. if diarrhea does not resolve or worsens, consider fecal testing and starting fortiflora, +/- SQ fluids, +/- metronidazole 5/04/2018 Monitor for CIRDC S/O -BAR, high energy in kennel -scant serous nasal discharge, no sneezing or coughing noted or reported -appears eupnic A 1. Scant SND, suspect behavioral/normal P -CTM * TO FOSTER OR ADOPT * If you would like to adopt a dog on our “To Be Killed” list, and you CAN get to the shelter in person to complete the adoption process *within 48 hours of reserve*, you can reserve the dog online until noon on the day they are scheduled to die. We have provided the Brooklyn, Staten Island and Manhattan information below. Adoption hours at these facilities is Noon – 8:00 p.m. (6:30 on weekends) HOW TO RESERVE A “TO BE KILLED” DOG ONLINE (only for those who can get to the shelter IN PERSON to complete the adoption process, and only for the dogs on the list NOT marked New Hope Rescue Only). Follow our Step by Step directions below! *PLEASE NOTE – YOU MUST USE A PC OR TABLET – PHONE RESERVES WILL NOT WORK! ** STEP 1: CLICK ON THIS RESERVE LINK: https://newhope.shelterbuddy.com/Animal/List Step 2: Go to the red menu button on the top right corner, click register and fill in your info. Step 3: Go to your email and verify account Step 4: Go back to the website, click the menu button and view available dogs Step 5: Scroll to the animal you are interested and click reserve STEP 6 ( MOST IMPORTANT STEP ): GO TO THE MENU AGAIN AND VIEW YOUR CART. THE ANIMAL SHOULD NOW BE IN YOUR CART! Step 7: Fill in your credit card info and complete transaction Animal Care Centers of NYC (ACC) nycacc.org HOW TO FOSTER OR ADOPT IF YOU *CANNOT* GET TO THE SHELTER IN PERSON, OR IF THE DOG IS NEW HOPE RESCUE ONLY! You must live within 3 – 4 hours of NY, NJ, PA, CT, RI, DE, MD, MA, NH, VT, ME or Norther VA. Please PM our page for assistance. You will need to fill out applications with a New Hope Rescue Partner to foster or adopt a dog on the To Be Killed list, including those labelled Rescue Only. Hurry please, time is short, and the Rescues need time to process the applications.
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bloojayoolie · 6 years
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Children, Click, and Dogs: 29418 r old, 48.1 lbs A big ball of mush wrapped in the coat of a tiny tiger. Soft to the touch light of spirit and of heart. Walks excitedly on leash & is happy to rest at your feet for a quiet stay in the park. iting 4 LOVE @ Manhattan ACC TO BE KILLED - 4/6/2018 A TIGER-PRINTED LOVE BUG <3 Just 1 year old, wiggly and friendly and happily conquering the world. A volunteer writes: Nothing sharp, prickly, or even a tiny bit scratchy here. Just a big ball of mush wrapped in the coat of a tiny tiger. And with toes that tap and eyes that shine, and two wrinkly ears that are always listening. 1 year-old Spike is the first to greet me on the day I arrive, announcing "I'm here! I'm ready!" from within his kennel, with his tapping toes and a quick, blurry tail. But something tells me this is a "best for last" situation. So while a fellow volunteer snags her chance with our vanilla brindled boy, I slip out the door to first meet a few others, all of them ready for a walk. Sure enough and not long after I pass by, and who's there to greet me? "I'm here! I'm ready!" his wiggly frame says. And powerless against him, a little bean just ready to jump, I slip on his leash and away we go, out to the air and the concrete jungle. Little Spike is just a young cub at 1 year-old, and those little toes are itching to see the world. And while he walks excitedly on leash and is prone to a jump or two (our little bean), he's also happy to rest at your feet for a quiet stay in the park, or at your side on any sun-filled day. Given Spike's young age, he would do best with an experienced family who can show this little cub the ways of the jungle (concrete or otherwise) and give him the structure, love, and toe-tapping time he needs to become his very best self. A big ball of mush wrapped in the coat of a tiny tiger. One soft to the touch, light of spirit and of heart, and ready to meet you today. Spike is waiting in adoptions at Manhattan ACC. VIDEOs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JbsodWQNvkE https://youtu.be/cfJmD0YLZbk SPIKE ID# 23418 MANHATTAN ACC 1 year old, 48.1 lbs BROWN BRINDLE / WHITE MALE Medium Mixed Breed Cross Intake Date: 03-22-2018 SHELTER ASSESSMENT: EXPERIENCED HOME My health has been checked. My vaccinations are up to date. My worming is up to date. I have been microchipped. BEHAVIOR ASSESSMENT: Date of intake:: 3/22/2018 Spay/Neuter status:: No Means of surrender (length of time in previous home):: Stray Date of assessment:: 3/25/2018 Look:: 2. Dog's eyes are averted, body posture is stiff and fearful, tail is low and not moving. Dog allows head to be held loosely in Assessor's cupped hands. Sensitivity:: 2. Dog stands still and accepts the touch, eyes are averted, tail is between legs, body stiff, mouth closed, lip long, ears likely back, may lip lick. Tag:: 2. Dog is fearful but unresponsive when touched. Approaches the Assessor when the game ends. Dog is likely crouching, may have a long lip or lip lick. Paw squeeze 1:: 2. Dog quickly pulls back. Paw squeeze 2:: 2. Dog quickly pull back. Flank squeeze 1:: Item not conducted Flank squeeze 2:: Item not conducted Toy:: 2. Dog takes toy away, keeps a firm hold. His/her body is between you and the toy, and is loose and wiggly. No growling or stiffness. Summary:: Spike approached the assessor in the assessment room a bit hesitantly. He was a bit tense during the handling portion of the assessment but did allowed all handling. Summary:: Based on behavior observed in the care center, Spike may be most compatible with female dogs who are playful and social. He appeared tense and uncomfortable greeting the male helper dog. History around dogs is unknown due to arriving as a stray. Summary (1):: 3/23: When introduced off leash to a female dog, Spike greets politely and continues to follow and sniff her. Summary (2):: 3/24: Spike greets a female dog politely and eventually attempts to mount. He is stiff when greeting a male dog through the gate. Summary (3):: 3/25: Spike is vocal and exuberant at play. Summary (4):: 3/27-4/5 Spike engages in exuberant play with female dogs. Date of intake:: 3/22/2018 Summary:: Spike had a loose body and barked, he allowed all handling. Date of initial:: 3/22/2018 Summary:: Spike had a loose body and allowed all handling. ENERGY LEVEL:: We have no history on Spike so we cannot be certain of his behavior in a home environment. However, he is a young, enthusiastic, social dog who will need daily mental and physical activity to keep him engaged and exercised. We recommend long-lasting chews, food puzzles, and hide-and-seek games, in additional to physical exercise, to positively direct his energy and enthusiasm. IN SHELTER OBSERVATIONS:: 4/5 Update Spike appears to be rapidly deteriorating in the care center. At times when approached by staff, volunteers or any members of the public Spike growls and lunges towards the kennel door. He has also been observed to sit/lay at the back of the kennel, facing the back, unable to be coerced forward and letting out a growl with prolonged greeting. Outside of his kennel, while he still remains fairly social, he appears stressed, anxious and in a heightened state of arousal as he has now begun to react to other dogs and human passerby on leash occasionally. Out of concern for his stress level and mental health, we believe Spike should be placed in a home or with a rescue partner as soon as possible. BEHAVIOR DETERMINATION:: EXPERIENCE (suitable for an adopter with some previous dog experience, especially with the behaviors outlined below) Behavior Asilomar: TM - Treatable-Manageable Recommendations:: No young children (under 5) Recommendations comments:: No young children: Based on Spike's level of fear in addition to the anxiety observed in the care center, a home without young children is recommended at this time. Potential challenges: : Fearful,On-leash reactivity/barrier frustration Potential challenges comments:: Fearful: Spike is a bit fearful at the care center. It is important to always go slow and give Spike the option to walk away from any social interaction. Spike should never be forced to approach anything that she is uncomfortable with or to submit to petting or handling. It should always be Spike’s choice to approach a new person or thing. Spike would do best in an initially calm and quiet home environment and should be given time to acclimate to his new surroundings. On leash reactivity/barrier frustration: Spike has recently been observed to react to other dogs and human passerby on leash, lunging towards them, barking and growling. We cannot be certain if this behavior will continue once placed into a home environment but we recommend reward based training to teach him to look at you rather than other dogs and novel stimuli that may startle him. We recommend a front clip harness or head halter to help manage this behavior. My medical notes are... Weight: 48.125 lbs Vet Notes 22/03/2018 DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: 10-16 months based on dentition and secondary sex characteristics Microchip noted on Intake? Scanned negative History : Stray, had one episode of bloody diarrhea in admissions room - parvo test was negative. Subjective: Alert, barks anxiously when tethered to the wall Observed Behavior - Waggling body, allows all handling Evidence of Cruelty seen - None Evidence of Trauma seen - None Objective BAR-H, MMs pink and moist, BCS 5/9 EENT: AD moderate discharge, mild erythema. AS clean, no erythema. Eyes clear, no nasal or ocular discharge noted. Oral Exam: Clean adult teeth. PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupnic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: Male intact, testicles small, soft and symmetrical MSI: Small linear scab (2 cm long) on left lateral thorax. Decreased weight bearing on the left leg, mildly decreased muscle mass in the left quads compared to the right, and decreased left hip extension. Skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat. CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Rectal: Normal externally Assessment: 1. One episode of bloody diarrhea - R/O dietary indiscretion vs. stress colitis vs. other cause 2. Otitis externa AD 3. Scab on left side - R/O minor trauma 4. Decreased muscle mass LHL and lameness on this leg - R/O hip dysplasia vs. other chronic problem Prognosis: Good Plan: 1. Cleaned ears and instilled Osurnia AD - repeat in 1 week 2. Hip rads at time of neuter - evaluate for hip dysplasia SURGERY: Okay for surgery 1088 23/03/2018 Brief recheck Hx: Day 1 diarrhea reported on monitoring board today, 3/23. Intake was done yesterday and p did have one episode of bloody diarrhea. S/O: -p is BAR, moving around in cage, wagging tail. -no other reported concerns from med staff -no c/s/v -no nasal or ocular discharge A: Diarrhea - r/o stress colitis vs dietary indiscretion vs parasitic vs other P: ctm. if diarrhea does not resolve or worsens, consider fecal testing and starting fortiflora, +/- SQ fluids, +/- metronidazole 5/04/2018 Monitor for CIRDC S/O -BAR, high energy in kennel -scant serous nasal discharge, no sneezing or coughing noted or reported -appears eupnic A 1. Scant SND, suspect behavioral/normal P -CTM * TO FOSTER OR ADOPT * If you would like to adopt a dog on our “To Be Killed” list, and you CAN get to the shelter in person to complete the adoption process *within 48 hours of reserve*, you can reserve the dog online until noon on the day they are scheduled to die. We have provided the Brooklyn, Staten Island and Manhattan information below. Adoption hours at these facilities is Noon – 8:00 p.m. (6:30 on weekends) HOW TO RESERVE A “TO BE KILLED” DOG ONLINE (only for those who can get to the shelter IN PERSON to complete the adoption process, and only for the dogs on the list NOT marked New Hope Rescue Only). Follow our Step by Step directions below! *PLEASE NOTE – YOU MUST USE A PC OR TABLET – PHONE RESERVES WILL NOT WORK! ** STEP 1: CLICK ON THIS RESERVE LINK: https://newhope.shelterbuddy.com/Animal/List Step 2: Go to the red menu button on the top right corner, click register and fill in your info. Step 3: Go to your email and verify account Step 4: Go back to the website, click the menu button and view available dogs Step 5: Scroll to the animal you are interested and click reserve STEP 6 ( MOST IMPORTANT STEP ): GO TO THE MENU AGAIN AND VIEW YOUR CART. THE ANIMAL SHOULD NOW BE IN YOUR CART! Step 7: Fill in your credit card info and complete transaction Animal Care Centers of NYC (ACC) nycacc.org HOW TO FOSTER OR ADOPT IF YOU *CANNOT* GET TO THE SHELTER IN PERSON, OR IF THE DOG IS NEW HOPE RESCUE ONLY! You must live within 3 – 4 hours of NY, NJ, PA, CT, RI, DE, MD, MA, NH, VT, ME or Norther VA. Please PM our page for assistance. You will need to fill out applications with a New Hope Rescue Partner to foster or adopt a dog on the To Be Killed list, including those labelled Rescue Only. Hurry please, time is short, and the Rescues need time to process the applications.
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