#bc i've seen some clips from the titans show
necrotic-nephilim · 4 days
i personally have very complicated feelings on the Gotham Knights video game and the routes it takes with characterization. i think it has a charm to it and it goes in an interesting direction with everyone (especially within the confides of the plot of the game) but it does have certain moments that veer painfully fanon for me. (such as: the dialogue where Tim drinks too much coffee) it's an interesting story for what it is but i don't view it comics-based for characterization and therefore don't care to interact with it much for like. fanfic purposes.
that *said* though. i do have to give the game some kind of credit for giving one of the top five JayTim moments that lives rent free in my mind. every since i played the game, the cutscene lives in my mind daily. it's the specific cutscene where Jason and Tim are arguing about whether or not Jason's non-lethal bullets are too dangerous for the field, and the argument leads to TIm *standing in front of the target* Jason is shooting and telling Jason to shoot him. it lives rent free for me. i never stop thinking about this.
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the absolute certainty Tim has that he is in no danger standing in front of Jason, who has a loaded gun pointed at his face. the way Jason *hesitates* for just a moment before lowering the gun. he thinks about it for just a second. Gotham Knights JayTim seem to get along very well and can rely on each other, but Jason still clearly holds a bitterness about his death and Tim that flickers through in some lines of dialogue under the guise of jokes. especially since this game deals *heavily* with concepts of Pit Madness causing an altered state of consciousness, i think it's believable that occasionally, Jason fights the urge to fight and hurt Tim for the feeling of being replaced.
i like their tension so much in this canon. they get along but you can *tell* Tim is afraid of addressing Jason's trauma or even addressing Jason head-on, and Jason leans into spooking Tim about it. which isn't very comics feeling in their dynamic, but it is an interesting way to place their dynamic if you're playing with a more timid Tim who's newer to the role of Robin. (which he seems to be in-game) he really doesn't want to offend Jason, or worse, piss him off. but he'll still face Jason head on for things like this, while completely aware of what Jason could be capable of.
and Jason seems very protective of Tim and respecting Tim as a Robin in typical Jason fashion. if Tim pushes, Jason *will* relent. he knows this is a kid who's proved himself and should be treated with equal respect, sometimes even more than Dick and Babs do in-game.
so for all that to culminate in Tim stepping in front of Jason's loaded gun that he *knows* is on the edge of being too dangerous, just to force Jason to listen? it's the most unhinged way Tim could've gotten his point across in this scene. he was literally daring Jason to hurt him and playing with a very dangerous fire. but he did it anyway bc he believed he could make Jason heel just at the thought of hurting Tim. and he was *right*. they're gay and i'm feral ty.
#necrotic festerings#jaytim#tim drake x jason todd#gotham knights game#i hate their character designs for what it's work#BUT the size difference. jesus.#anyway i could write a gotham knights jaytim fic i think#i'm *very* unsure the ages intended for these characters#bc tim certainly seems to be intended to be a teenager#whereas jason seems in his 20s so i think it's a gap that's bigger than the comics#which also makes it fun. usually you don't get a ton of age gap with jaytim they're just under 2 yrs apart#but this tim is definitely still a teen and jason is an adult.#and seems to enjoy being a bad influence on tim in the game so#there's such good fodder for some dead dove shit#anyway the funny thing is i like this game#you don't want to know how many hours i've played it#it's just best treated as a seperate iteration of the characters than being an adaptation of anything#esp since they're *so* vague and waffly on jason's backstory#as well as not giving a ton of info on how tim became robin#you assume it's similar to comics but some details leave gaps in the timeline. so idek#probably not somehting meant to be thought about too hard.#but i'm an overthinker at heart.#my point is they're gay. this is gay. it baffles me ppl don't look at this as the gayest shit alive.#tim daring jason to shoot him is the most tim drake thing in this game#well that and tim wanting to make a talon in the belfrey.#also NO one say a word about the gif quality /lh#i had to make it MYSELF#i do everything around here to show off their gay shit#sorta tempted to just make a masterpost of “every gay ass interaction between jaytim”#bc i've seen some clips from the titans show
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ivysangel · 8 months
I could be better but I’m definitely trying to look in the bright side of things. I’m in a show and we’re performing again this weekend so im trying to be excited for that, but I’m just getting over being sick, so we’ll see how that goes (I was getting off the stage after every song either coughing up a lung or blowing my brains through my nose so)
Slice of life is the best when it’s them fighting over cookies or worrying about making friends or going on dates or being (found) family and yeah I think bc relationships and dynamics are so important to me, that’s what tickles my fancy the most, just seeing them connect with each other- 💌
Here are my quizzes!
(I’m so sorry I tried to grab every quiz with something remotely dc related and that ended up being the majority of them, um yeah sorry friend. But enjoy)
i hope you're feeling better now and i hope you show went well. being sick is the worst, i hope you got to rest some!! i agree about slice of life, i am obsessed with relationship dynamics!! both my own and other peoples, real and fictional! it's why i love sitcoms so much!
link 1 (which of my favorite characters are you)
i got "dork diaries malewife" i'm not entirely sure what that means lmao? first thought was brandon from dork diaries tho? also semi related, winston duke is my supposedly stepmoms cousin
link 2 (which of my favorite albums are you)
i got positions by ariana grande!! one of my fave songs of ALL FUCKING TIME is on that album. motive, u will always be famous. doja you may be a fucking freak but oh my god u know how to feature. kinda need a collab album between the two of them bc motive and i don't do drugs are two of my most fave songs ever
link 3 (which of my ocs are you)
i got priscilla looool. i'm not a middle child tho, unfortunately am an eldest daughter with only child syndrome :(( edge of seventeen mentioned!!! i actually have a dark history with that movie meaning me and my best friend watched it one time in middle school and spent the whole time screaming at the screen. every time i think about it i get so viscerally angry like i'm popping veins. am awkward on the inside but *sighs* the most charismatic person ever. and i do have bomb taste in music, that is true. was going through it trying to pick between the lyrics for blame it and complicated but ultimately decided on complicated bc me and avril are locked in for life
link 4 (which of my rebinge shows are you)
i got abbot elementary!!! i was actually just watching it lmao but i switched it to superstore bc that's my #1 rebinge sitcom along with bk99 and modern family. description was so me tho i am funny and i do enjoy stirring the pot
link 5 (choose some stuff and i'll give you a crime against one of my favorite pieces of media)
i got "jacob imprinting on a baby that's three minutes old" i'm crying lmao. gosh, i've never seen the twilight movies but i've watched so many clips on tiktok i might as well log it into letterboxd. twilight will never get money from me!!!! i've got one sided beef with it, not entirely sure why tho
link 6 (answer these questions and i'll give you a song i like)
i got "i can wait forever" by simple plan. i've never listened to it so i'll have to do that soon!
link 7 (which ridiculous thing in titans are you)
i got rachels dad being a villain to the titans twice. i've never watched titans and probably never will because bad wigs make me want to nuke the planet. but is that not pretty on brand for trigon?
these were fun, i enjoyed them a lot so thank you for sharing w me <3
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