#bc i think back to where i was last winter break and i was unemployed. or sleeping on someone else’s floor.
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bright-and-burning · 1 month ago
i prescribe heavily to what my fave art prof called kirby theory (you can only exhale ie create art for so long before you have to inhale ie consume [tho i hate to use that phrase] art to then exhale again) and i think january is becoming a big inhale month
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maximvms-blog · 6 years ago
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HEY HOW’S IT GOIN’ GUYS. it’s ya girl aura and i’m back for veritas: quarter quell edition ! i’m a 20 year old garbage can ( she / her or they / them pronouns plz ) from pst timezone. as you can clearly see, i am a mess, but i’m here to have fun and get to know all of you guys !! i can’t WAIT to unlock the mysteries of this rp, and i know for a fact its going to actually destroy me, so heads up: i’m diagnosed babey and cry over everything all the time. that being said, i also love pain so while i may be crying, i am also THRIVING !! i’m also an artist so i hope ya’ll are ready for me to occasionally draw the shenanigans that happen here. it’s gonna be a TIME !
anyway, enough about me ! click the neat little read more button to get to know my baby boy, maxi-pad. if you like what you see, also feel free to hit that ♥ and i’ll pop into your tumblr or discord ims to aggressively keysmash a plot out. sounds good ? GREAT !! can’t wait to talk to you all asfkalsdjfasfd i’m so excited !
skeleton: the ace faceclaim: froy gutierrez name: max thomas gender & pronouns: cis male ( he/him ) age: twenty-two major: zoology clubs: captain of the track & field and football team ; student government secretary living arrangement: auberlin apartments / apartment 01 employment: unemployed, but occasionally volunteers places & does odd jobs for those that need it
first off, some links. you can find his dossier HERE ( featuring a bio / some stats ) & his pinterest board HERE !!
his name is maximilian anthony thomas ( if he turns out to be the killer i’m gonna laugh because i really did give him 3 first names ) but honestly just max is fine ^^
he’s the child to two ABSOLUTE UNITS of women. both of them are olympic medalists in the athletics category. even his sperm donor dad ( who, yes, also helped raise him ) was a big time baseball player who now coaches one of the best international teams, so to say that he is SPORTS BOY would almost be an understatement.
his sport of choice is easily track, but he also really enjoys baseball, basketball, soccer, and, later on in life, football. if it’s got a ball or allows him to run, chances are he plays it.
he was winning medals as early as 7 years old and had enough for a full wall by the time he was 10. boy is a legacy and it SHOWS.
he doesn’t like it when people try to give him things just because of his name or who his parents are. he would much rather get things through his own hard work. at the same time, he hates losing and is willing to do not so great things in secret if it means he’ll win.
captain of the track & field team during the spring / summer and captain of the football team during fall / winter. he also might be in the student government too so rifp his schedule. boy is ALWAYS busy.
he also does a lot of charity events cuz his parents raised that shit in him ( they literally met at a charity triathalon ), so he goes to quite a view galas and whatnot. LITERALLY HE’S SO BUSY THIS BOY NEVER HAS FREE TIME.
is surprisingly really well versed in art & art history due to one of his moms being a HUGE art history buff. literally his family did an art tour vacation once where they just went across europe & went to a bunch of galleries. basically he may seem like a dumb jock, but if you mix up a renoir & a monet, he WILL call you out on it.
absolute sunshine boy !! loves to smile & laugh & love !! is so passionate about everything !
however, he has some really bad jealousy and pride issues, as hinted at earlier. they’re easily his greatest vices in equal measure.
he’s emotionally fragile so if he snaps, it can get pretty scary, but he’s really good at hiding that side of him. granted, bottling it all up probably isn’t the best either . . .
THAT SAID, HE’S STILL THE TOWN’S GOLDEN BOY !! his coach keeps talking about the 2020 olympics and he’s SO PSYCHED !! everyone in town knows his name bc he really out here being nice to everyone he meets & helping little old ladies cross the road on top of everything else he does. he’s just That Guy.
he had known her since they were wee babies, and they were definitely friends first. whenever they played house, he was always the dog looooong before he played her husband.
the two were always real & honest with each other, and it’s safe to say that he knew the true her before she got all caught up in her loneliness and secret hoarding.
SHE was the one to ask HIM out not long after starting middle school, making them each other’s first like . . . actual relationship. ( though tbh, she moreso DEMANDED he be her boyfriend, rather than properly asking him aslkfjasdf he could never say no to her though so it didn’t really matter )
they wound up having an off-&-on relationship for SIX YEARS. in late-ish high school, he could feel her drifting away so he told her his secret, thinking it would stop her from being bored of him. unfortunately she ended up breaking up w/ him the next day.
[ STALKING TW ] before long she was already seeing someone new. that triggered his jealous streak, and between that and his fear that she was going to tell someone his secret, he started stalking her. at first it was just lining up their schedules so he could always keep an eye on her, but eventually he got access to her social media logins and started keeping tabs on her private conversations. she’d shown him some of her own hacking tricks when they were still together, so even when she changed her passcodes, it was a simple crack before he was snooping through her shit again.
eventually she confronted him about the fact that she was constantly seeing him everywhere, though still unaware of the fact that he was the one that was hacking into her accounts. he played it off, and while she did tell the authorities about it, that was about the end of it. he stopped stalking her for a couple of years after following her to st ettienne, and things mellowed out between them.
he joined student council that year, and after that him and daisey started to talk a lot more again. they even kinda became friends again. one night, she was having a rough time so she called him. after a quiet night of talking and looking at the stars, she kissed him. it was really great, up until she shoved him away and said it was a mistake, going right back to ignoring his existence the very next day. this caused him to fall back into his stalking habits, finding them a comfort.
this time, she finds out that its HIM going through her social media, and she pulls him aside privately at the homecoming party to yell at him. she even says that she’s going to expose his secret for being such a creep. it’s then that he sees her for what she really is, rather than the rose-colored image he’d been seeing before.
that’s the last he ever sees of daisey rutherford, and he can’t tell if he’s grateful or heartbroken for that.
okay listen i’m . . . honestly garbage at coming up with wanted connections because i genuinely want everything. friends, lovers, enemies, family — the whole shebang. i’m always down to brainstorm, so if you’ve got any ideas, even if they’re whacky, hit me with them and we can come up with something phenomenal and unique, yeah ? yeah !
the biggest actual idea i can think of is like . . . half siblings through his biological father. i think the dichotomy of that could be fun since his dad is still VERY MUCH in his life along w/ his 2 moms. TAKEN BY CASSIDY
rivals in sports could be fun ! as w/ rivals in general !
people he tried hooking up w/ to make daisey jealous when they weren’t together ? maybe ??
he doesn’t drink or smoke or do anything fun so like ?? a bad influence type connection mayhaps ?
bro squad bro squad bro squad bro squad bro squad. did i mention bro squad ?? ( ed is his best fucking friend so any mutual friends,,,,,, let’s squad it up )
maybe i’ll edit this later if more come to me, but for now that’s what i’ve got !! hmu if anything strikes your fancy or if you’ve got any other ideas !
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goodgricf · 6 years ago
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whaddup, i’m rach i’m twenty-two and i never fken learned how to do a proper intro. dsfghjkl. all joking aside, helo to all u angels i’m here to bring you my all time fa Ve aka miss lydia martin aka like every character ever ... she deserved better ya’ll. will my love for her be the death of me ?? ... probably. anyway !! click below for a little more info about this redheaded angel, and i’d love to get some plots going w/ya’ll bc ya girl loves some drama n connections and overall just ... gimmie the love.
( MADELAINE PETSCH & CISFEMALE, SHE/HER ) ❝ LYDIA MARTIN is a banshee unemployed living in mystic falls for one week. people have known them to be intelligent, benevolent, but some think that’s just to cover up the obstinate, sarcastic. i hope they survive what’s coming. after all, they are only 22 … ❞
u have been warNed i can’t intro. 
anyway !! i’m keeping lydia very much canon up until the end of teen wolf, so all the struggles, happiness, sadness, every memory and everything she endured in the show is being kept intact. i’m basically going to kind of fill the gaps for the last few years and leave room for some plots to happen in-between.
as mentioned in the show, lydia heads to mit in cambridge, ma, as a junior. while it doesn’t tell us what she’s studying i honestly just guess it’ll be mathematics, and i could also see her taking classes in chemistry, or even women’s and gender studies. she’d be eager to challenge herself, and maybe to try to take her mind off of the panic of being so far from beacon hills and her friends. 
since she’s now twenty-two, and originally entered university as a junior i’m going to go ahead and say she graduated in the last couple of months ( ugh @ the tw gang all the cute canons of them being at eachothers graduations tho ). however, she was still in a TA position in one of the local highschools within massachusetts up until the recent winter break. 
now for how lydia wound up in mystic falls. since she’s only been there for a week this is kind of how i seen it happening, given the fact she’s a banshee, and has in the past had a tenancy to wound up in places without being fully concious or aware she’s going there, that’s how i pictured it happening. one night she got in her car and she didn’t stop driving for HOURS. i wanna say she stopped outside the salavatore boarding house, just completely mesmerised and drawn by the beacon of power that had been created there by the young witches. this is where i’m putting out a connection plot, because i could see her standing there for awhile so to picture someone like alaric, caroline or even one of her fellow tw gang spotting her outside the school just stood frozen in time and being the one to break her from her trance ? idk i’d really love to build on this !! 
also she’s currently unemployed but pls gimmie a TA lydia in the salavatore boarding house eventually pls. 
oh !! and since she’s only just gotten here, and being totally unprepared i could see her having called one of the gang that currently lives in mystic falls for a spot to stay until she figured out what was going on and why she was drawn there before she goes back home. ( gimmie this cute ass tw roomies headcanon pls ) 
okay, i’m gonna stop rambling now, pls hit up those dms if you wanna plot w/my angel i definitely want all the drama/connections/anything !! <3
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butterfly-togetic · 6 years ago
I’m a day late but W/E
Honestly, I didn’t even realize it was New Years until I heard the neighbors lighting off fireworks.
This year was such a fast whirlwind. Last winter I was unemployed for almost three months. It wasn’t a very good time because I was shut in my home by not having a job as well as by snow AND conveniently my doctor at the time stopped refilling my anti depressants as well. I finally found a job by the end of February as a Kennel Attendant for a vet clinic. I was super happy to find a job, especially with animals bc I wanted to try something new. Unfortunately the job wasn’t exactly ideal, and I ended up searching for something else only three months later.
Thankfully, I had another job lined up right away after submitting my two weeks. I switched doctors and I was able to get on my anti depressants once again, but starting over with a low dosage and working our way up as needed. THISS HELPED ME SOOO MUCH TBH. It made my anxiety so much easier to deal with, where as before I was breaking down almost daily.  I’m having a lot better time where I’m working now. No job is ideal, and it’s retail so it’s really not ideal; but I feel so much more appreciated and in my element here. They are also very understanding and accommodating when it comes to my diabetes. Probably the best out of any job I have had before. I hope at the least I will be at this job for the next couple years.
This year was really emotionally up and down for me this year for reasons I don’t want to just throw out here; but I feel like I reflected a lot and learned a lot about myself this year. I’m hoping next year will be a little smoother. I really want to get back into working on my art. I think this year has the longest period I’ve gone without drawing?  I mostly just played video games and colored coloring books this year in my free time. 
Big BIG love and thanks to my friends Tania and Tami. I love you both and enjoy our chats very much, even if I can be quiet for periods of time. I want to connect more with my friends, and it am slowly am getting there again through you guys!  Really, thank you to anymore who sends the occasional message or notification asdgfsg you are awesome. ❤️
I want to keep working on my own health. Mentally and Physically. Eating better, focusing more on my diabetes, keeping up with health appointments, and now I feel like I have more motivation and care for myself than I ever have.
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