#bc i dont think id listen to stuff hed actually LIKE
anxiousgaypanicking · 8 months
If each side had a theme song, what would it be?
my music taste recently has been so weird and skewed that im going to use that as a reference in order to defy expectations
remus: a look in - kwite
roman: paper bag - fiona apple
janus: dont blame me - james marriot
virgil: skeleton bones - mccafferty
logan: bigmouth strikes again - the smiths
patton: wellbutrin - primrose
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xxfillerxx · 4 months
Things im looking forward to in the hypmic 2024 albums: (BP spoilers)
EDIT updated
Nayuta Yamada waking up and FINDING OUT about all the drama. Her husband managed to find out a way to wake her up, worked with a new government that staged a coup, his kids disowned him and believed she was dead, and he made 30+ clones that were used for sacrifices on the hypnosis mic prototype. What happens when she wakes up and sees his cast from his broken arm that their son did 😭 i also hope shes actually an interesting character and not just that 'perfect dead wife' trope thingy. Ik i saw a great Nayuta headcanon that i REALLY want to be canon. I also hope we get a Nayuta design drop. Personally, I dont think she'll overly look like Ramuda bc Rei knew what the Ramuda clones were used for, so I doubt hed want to see her likeliness keep dying.
Oh my god the Yamada family drama HAS to go crazy. Like the whole hypmic plot was made bc one guy tried to get revenge on the world or whatever and wake up his comatose wife
I need to see what happens with this info publically. If Nayuta goes public, where does she live? On her own after she divorces Rei (JOKING but pls thatd be so funnyyyyy)? With rei in osaka? With BB? Godddd imagine saburo who didnt have the chance to really remember her and ohhhhhhh my ogddddd
God pls i want nayuta to pick up rapping since she was THE co-creator if not lead in creating the hypnosis mic AND have a cool mic design
ABOUT THE PUBLIC STUFF U NEED TO SEE DH'S REAVTION TO IT IF ITS NOT A SECRET. "You're telling us BB are your kids?! Wait wait you had a wife all this time?! What the fu-"
Mad trigger crew? Idk 🧍‍♂️ we might see more of rios commander, oh yeah id like to see what happens with samatoki and nemu in fighting for their ideals. There is the possibility that Nemu could become acting president or smth so ig if that happens? We see samatokis reaction? Honestly im just 💀💀 worried at samatokis words to ichiro from BP like "alright, if i participate and help in the festival then you have to listen to an order from me the next time that you cant refuse" like that sounds like bad foreshadowing even if prob nothing will happen to him 😭
oh yeah whatever happens to Ramuda AND THE OTHER CLONES OH GOD THE CLONES. do they privately help out at chuohku??? Live pubkic??? I remember chatting in the discord gc like "what if rei sets them up as a scam like u rent a ramuda and they live in ur home rent free for a while before going back". WHAT DOXYOU DO WITH 30 RAMUDAS. Im thinking they probably help chuohku as guard or w/e strictly in rhe building bc itd be chaos if ramuda clones got loose
2) does gentaro still go public with chuohkus info as revenge??? Maybe not since hed just be focused on his brother waking up and all
i will be calling gentaros brother gentabro to ensure no confusion
DO THE YUMENOS GO PUBLIC WITH THE INFO??? gentaro is a celebrity rn with massive success so what happens? Do they still keep the switch private as gentabro does whatever and gentaro keeps living as his brother? Do they publically announce it? Just swap and gentaro changes his appearance a little so gentabro is still the author? Do they both work on publushing under the same name? I need to knoooow
FLINP POSSE MEETS THE YUMENOS. PLEASE bc of gentaros yume no kanata song MAYBE gentaro was still at least a little cynical and not so trusting before so IM GAINE IF HIS BRITHER IS LIKE PROUD OF HIM FOR MAKING FRUENDS. fling posse meeting them will be chaotic like "YOU HAD A BROTJET??????"
oh yeah whatever happens with dice and his mum. Im p sure thatll still be kept a secret but itd be so funny if it got revealled to FP
Ooohhhh id love to see jakurai reunited with his horrror movie protagonist son (WHY did he ring jakurai AND PROCEED T9 TELL HIM EVERYTHING WITHOUT HEARING HIS VOICE). maybe jaku gets emotional amd all then introduces him to Matenro 😭😭
Whatever the FUCK is honobono's deal and if things get resolved AKA she goes to jail for 1000000 years and whatwver needs to happen for hifumi to resolve stuff a little and put some closure on it
Homobono mic and spesker reveal PLEASE. oh god the honobono typos go crazy i once spelled HONKbono as well as bonobono just minutes ago.
PLEASE KR SHAKES BARS LIKE A MONKEY WITH RABIES I NEED HER MIC AND SPEAKER REVEAL STAT. girl doesnt even need a rap ability bc she only needs raw power to win
um ill update this list in the afternoon tomorrow bc i need to fucking studddyyyy exams start next week wish me luck! I will write a fuckton more of stuff i needd to see dw.
Addition still studying for exams hoping to crush it! Anyways:
i think everything jakurai and hitoya has been resolved already so not much need for that. BUT. IMAGINE IF JAKURAI AND REI MEET AS THE DILF DUO. I had a meme for this lol
DH? I dunno if anything needs resolving for DH aside from DH's reaction to rei and his family.
We need a Honobono and Shakku Harai showdown 😭😭 maybe its just bc shakku knows his son so well that his rap/sermon was effective but CURRENTLY THESE 2 ARE UNCONTESTED. pls shakku defeat the final boss
ummm ig thats all im mostly just looking forward to the gentabro stuff and everything related to the Yamada family. Like the hypmic plot would NOT be this convoluted or exist if it werent for Yamada dysfunctional nuclear family drama lmaoooo
Pls let nayuta be intwresting and not a perfect dead wife trope plz 🙏🙏
PS I FORGOT YEAHXI WANNA SEE WHOS THE PRIME MINIZTER NOW LOL. Is it otome stepping back up? Nemu despite being 19? Ichiro brime binister real? Im so curious.
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beatconductor-blog · 6 years
😎 : hey ara 😎 : you there 😎 : how are you 😎 : especially after the whole yanno 😎 : fog stuff 😎 : sry that i didnt come asking earlier stuffs been a bit hectic
AA: im 0kay i rec0vered fr0m my death nicely AA: h0w are y0u th0ugh AA: i see theres hmmm...tr0uble 0n the strider fr0nt
😎 : oh man you had dead shit in yours too 😎 : oh that  😎 : yeah
AA: i was the dead shit AA: but n0w im n0t anym0re! s0 its 0kay AA: i imagine y0u didnt have a great time with the f0g either
😎 : oh shit really 😎 : is it really okay 😎 : well uh 😎 : yeah
AA: as 0kay as it can be AA: the experience did leave me shaken AA: and i cant quite AA: get it 0ut 0f ny head just yet AA: but thats 0kay t00
😎 : doesnt sound okay but i know what you mean
AA: yeah
😎 : man 😎 : everything is a major fuck 😎 : hey how do i stop feeling guilty about everything again
AA: by reminding y0urself n0t everything is y0ur fault?
😎 : i mean 😎 : i know that bc this is all just a little to big 😎 : just 😎 : fuck
AA: this is ab0ut y0ur br0ther isnt it
😎 : pmuch yeah
AA: and his relati0nship t0 my br0ther
😎 : well yeah 😎 : and the fact that i dont know where either is rn 😎 : and im kinda really scared about sock
AA: y0u d0nt kn0w at all? AA: i th0ught dad is with him
😎 : he was 😎 : fuck sorry i dont want t oscare you too
AA: im n0t AA: if hes n0t with him anym0re dad is g0ing t0 find him
😎 : im sure he will 😎 : but i dont think sock will be so fine after this 😎 : all because he found that photo fuck
AA: im n0t sure what y0u mean AA: but s0ck will be 0kay t00 even if it takes time
😎 : i mean youre probably right like you always are but 😎 : fuck 😎 : this wait is the worst 😎 : but i dont know what to do
AA: l00k AA: y0u are giving me very little inf0rmati0n t0 w0rk with here
😎 : well shit sorry tbh i lost track of what you do and dont know because i know i talk a lot of bs at all times 😎 : we had the topic of sock being a dave just like me before right
AA: yes AA: his br0ther ad0pted y0u yes?
😎 : and yanno the bro that just popped up 😎 : yea that
AA: and n0w hes back
😎 : yep
AA: thats as far as i g0t it
😎 : and well hes a whole bigger mess than me thats gotta tell you a lot already 😎 : but without getting into the nasty details 😎 : hes been hella nasty to sock way back 😎 : which increasingly complicates things 😎 : to put very absolutely mildly
AA: d0 y0u think he w0uld lay his hands 0n him
😎 : honestly idk 😎 : i know that he doesnt actually want to hurt sock 😎 : and he thinks itll all be just fine and all that shit 😎 : but the result is a totally nother question
AA: hm AA: he s0unds very selfish
😎: that 😎 : is a pretty good judgement
AA: i hear i can be quite g00d at that
😎 : so what do i do
AA: n0t much y0u can d0 AA: check in 0n s0ck as s00n as y0u can?
😎 : i guess
AA: are y0u still g0ing t0 stay with y0ur br0?
😎 : idk
AA: i d0nt kn0w if i like the th0ught 0f y0u staying with a man like that AA: but even m0re imp0rtantly... d0 y0u like that idea?
😎 : honestly cant blame you 😎 : idk i mean i can handle him 😎 : hes still family and also my boss 😎 : just wish hed listen to me
AA: can y0u really th0ugh c0nsidering y0ur relati0nship with s0ck
😎 : thats the tough one 😎 : but when im here i could keep an eye on him
AA: d0 y0u really want t0?
😎 : why u gotta make me think so much about this stuff 😎 : yeah
AA: yeah y0u want t0 stay?
😎 : i know it sounds stupid
AA: depends 0n y0ur reas0ns
😎 : well for starters i grew up with him 😎 : he took me in and took care of me and i guess i kinda for some reason care about him 😎 : and I didnt get to talk much with him yet but its different 😎 : i think hes trying to be better 😎 : of course hearing about sock threw him off big time i mean imagine hearing your lil brother is alive after like fifteen years 😎 : and losing his second brother would kinda suck big time 😎 : i mean dont get me wrong i wish he didnt just run off thats still a mega shitty and stupid thing to do 😎 : aw man what am i even talking 😎 : i just wish i knew where they are right now
AA: i mean if he treated y0u better it makes perfect sense f0r y0u t0 feel that way
😎 : does it 😎 : i mean 😎 : i know how sock thinks about him 😎 : and shit thats not a good feeling 😎 : but i cant just drop everything here
AA: it d0es AA: its 0kay if y0u d0nt want t0 AA: just kn0w that its an 0pti0n if y0u ever want t0 take it y0u kn0w? AA: y0u d0nt have t0 stay with him  AA: and y0u d0nt have t0 leave either AA: its y0ur decisi0n
😎 : fuck 😎 : im feeling like the fucking worst either way
AA: d0nt feel bad bef0re y0u even talked t0 s0ck ab0ut it AA: thats y0ur main c0ncern right?
😎 : yeah
AA: let him decide if he hurts 0ver that 0kay?
😎 : i guess
AA: als0 let me hug y0u s0metime s00n maybe
😎 : yeah honestly that would be really nice
AA: im s0rry t0 hear things have been r0ugh f0r y0u again AA: always in tr0uble arent y0u?  AA: catch a break with me f0r 0nce
😎 : i think thats just the strider genes
AA: that seems highly p0ssible yes
😎 : yanno what 😎 : anyone trying to sell you that striders are cool is a liar 😎 : being a strider kinda sucks and i want my money back
AA: y0u are the 0ne trying t0 sell me that AA: wheres MY m0ney dave AA: my children they are starving
😎 : okay but you knew the truth right from the start so who tricked who here
AA: why id never ever trick y0u dave
😎 : doubt
AA: y0u hurt my feelings
😎 : shit 😎 : sorry
AA: 0n0
😎 : no you know what 😎 : i actually absolutely trust you
AA: i think y0u are c00l dave
😎 : i think i dont trust you anymore
AA: y0u are very c00lici0us dave!
😎 : now youre just trying to sweettalk me im seeing through your plans
AA: maybe s0
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jiminnamoro · 6 years
soft bias tag ♡ i was tagged by @minhyuksfatgf thanks babie!!
1. Who’s my bias? wonho!  2. What made you notice them? ah...at first i really didn’t like him sjdjghshfhshfs but one day i just. opened my eyes?? it happened so quickly its like i fell into a puddle of obsession smh 3. What’s your favorite thing about them? everything? sjdghhs no ok...um..his laugh! and the corner of his kissable lips.  4. Who would initiate skinship more? i’m not sure...probably him? its not like i dont like skinship!!! i actually crave it all the time but i’m a bit insecure and...what if he doesn't want to hug n stuff?...so ....id just wait for him to touch me first 5. Who would hog the blankets more? him tbh i can totally imagine it 6. Who would be more clingy? both of us shdhfhfhbfs  7. Who would say I love you first? probably him 8. Who would get flustered more easily? 234% me tbh he could just smile at me and id just evaporate like a drop of water in summer 9. What cuddling position would you two have? i think we would switch? i’d like to rest my head on his chest- but i’d also want him to rest his head on my chest, or on my lap, or we could just hug each other or idk anything is fine as long as hes comfortable!!!  10. Which colors remind you of him? blue and white 11. What season would you like to spend with them? SPRING BC!! i could put flowers in his hair hello???? and we would walk around and it would rain and we would run and then wed kiss with our hair wet and it would be magical 12. Who would bake the cookies and who would steal the batter? listen...i literally make batter for a living.....as a baker, id totally bake the cookies but sjdhghs if wonho stole the batter i would totally scold him because if there are raw eggs in it then it might be very dangerous and my baby boy has to be safe at all costs!! so no raw cookie dough!!  13. Which one of you would make bad puns and how would the other react? neither of us i guess.... 14. Who would want to adopt 50 cats and dogs? prolly him 15. Which one of you would nearly burn the kitchen down trying to microwave a pop tart and who would come to the rescue? if we lived together wonho wouldn’t be allowed to cook EVER because hed make a mess and id have to clean up after him sjghhsf he’s such a baby :( 16. Who likes to lean over trail railings and who pulls them back? i think he’d pull me back. 17. What would watching a horror movie with them be like? i wouldn't want to watch a horror movie in the first place yo id like to SLEEP at night orz but if we really had to.....i think we’d bury our faces in pillows...or kiss just to distract ourselves but thats just my idea um ok nvm 18. Who would be the cheesy flirt and who would be the smooth flirt? hed be v smooth......no doubt....... 19. Who would be more competitive? i’m really not competitive in a relationship so um i’d say wonho?  20. Who would have to be given constant reminders (to eat, sleep, drink water, etc.) wonho bc hes a grown baby and i’d be more than happy to take care of him!! i know he always stays up late at night making songs and tbh he doesn't look like a very responsible guy so i’d bring him food and coffee and id drag his sleepy ass home after a while 21. Who sends memes and who sends cute “ I miss you” texts at 3 am? i dont know if we would send each other memes but i’d totally send him i miss yous texts at night because i already do that to my friends so....
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wannasoftimagine · 7 years
lee daehwi as your soulmate
imagine having daehwi as ur soulmate where u have the date u meet written on ur wrist
(as requested!)
ur soulmate clue isnt really visible for awhile just bc ure like. a tiny kid for the first majority of ur life lol
for awhile u just have a smudge of ink on ur wrist so,,, u dont rlly have a choice but to let it be
once u start to get older, the markings on ur wrist start to become more and more clear
ure not super sure if theyre letters or numbers or smthn else, bc it doesnt show up on ur skin quite right yet
eventually, ure able to decipher it as a set of numbers and ure like. okay cool BUT WHAT DOES IT MEAN
u talk it over w some of ur family and friends, and everyone seems to have their own idea abt what it means
but the more ppl u talk to, the more they start to agree tht it seems like a date - for several years in the future
at tht point u realize that its probably the day tht ull finally meet ur soulmate, so theres not rlly much u can do abt it until then
ure a little tempted to try and search for someone with a similar clue, but there are just SO MANY to sort thru tht u decide its not rlly worth it
u try and focus on urself - struggling thru school, spending time w family/friends, typical stuff that most ppl ignore bc theyre too busy searching for their soulmate
honestly its kinda nice knowing when ull meet ur soulmate, since u can relax until then
time passes bc u kno. tht tends to happen in life
it starts to get closer and closer to the date when u meet and NOW the nerves are coming
bc ure like ?? what are they like? what if i dont like them? what if they dont like //me//? where are we gonna meet? what time? do they have the same clue? what if i dont recognize them????
honestly ure a mess of worries by the time the day comes
trying to sleep the night before is almost impossible since ure such a bundle of doubts as u toss and turn in ur bed
come morning, u do ur best to dress as nice as u can
but honestly ure starting to doubt ur sense of fashion and style at this point
eventually u have to calm urself down bc theres no point in stressing out too much, or else ure just going to freak out and have an awful day, soulmate or not
then ure like waaaait a second,,
n u realize tht u dont know when exactly or where ure going to meet ur soulmate
which makes things much harder tbh
u settle on staying on a park bench, watching ppl pass and letting ur wrist casually rest beside u so its out in the open
ure hoping tht someones just going to walk by and be like oH HELLO SOULMATE
as time goes on u realize tht ure not that lucky
actually ure prob rlly unlucky bc bugs seem like theyre attacking u and u take tht as ur cue to leave
ure wandering around a little bit when u stumble across this cute little hole-in-the-wall cafe, so u decide to go in and rest ur feet there
(also maybe meet ur soulmate bc tht would be super Aesthetic u feel)
u wait around with a cup of coffee and a bagel, hoping that ull see someone walk in with a mark similar to urs
u realize pretty quickly tht it wont happen bc 1) so many ppl keep coming in and out, and 2) no one walks around showing off their wrist tbh
tht leaves u growing more frustrated and worried in ur spot
part of u wants to just approach random strangers and ask “listen im meeting my soulmate today CAN I SEE UR WRIST”
but the realistic part of u is like “what the heck no dont do tht”
u settle on agreeing with the latter
at some point, as ure boring holes into the dozens of strangers frequenting the cafe, u start to nod off
u dont even notice until one of the workers is shaking u awake with a polite smile and telling u tht the store is closing, so ure going to have to please leave
thts when ure like “wow,,, i was rlly tired bc it is LATE outside” but also “WAIT WHAT IF MY SOULMATE CAME HERE WHEN I WAS ASLEEP”
even as u frantically look around, u dont see any cutely written messages from ur presumed soulmate or anything like tht
all u can think is tht maybe ur soulmate clue doesnt mean what u thought it did
after all, its around evening already, and u still havent seen a sign of them
u end up wandering around outside again, too worried abt the possibility of never meeting ur soulmate to be freaked out over the whole “tiny kid walks around alone in the dark!!!!” thing
u keep checking ur phone (and feeling rlly grateful tht u havent run out of battery yet) and time just keeps to slip thru ur fingers
u end up going to a small restaurant for dinner, but its a place tht uve visited before and u dont see anyone new that could be ur soulmate
afterwards u decide to head on home with a heavy heart
u keep thinking “mb its not the date when we meet??”
but honestly ure not sure what else it could be
like is it the date ur soulmate is born?? but thtd be a kinda creepy age difference,,
and,,,, okay yeah u cant rlly think of anything else
u may or may not get lost a couple of times bc ure so absorbed in ur own thoughts
it doesnt help tht ure not exactly the best with directions
by the time u think ure nearing ur home, ur phone flashes at u with the time 11.51pm and ure like “???!!!!!!!!!!!”
u dont even know what to think at tht point
but then u get hit with the realization tht ure not meeting ur soulmate today and u might never meet them at all, and ure crushed with this aching sense of nothingness
ure just about ready to curl into a ball and just lie on the street for the rest of ur life when u hear someone yell “URE WALKING IN CIRCLES”
and u snap ur head up to try and see who said tht, and u see someone sticking his head out of his window and gesturing wildly
“wHAT” u manage to yell back, bc itd be embarrassing if this guy was trying to help u navigate around and u ended up sobbing back in response
and thats.. just as embarrassing tbh
all good intentions aside, u frown at his figure to tell him “IM NOT TELLING U WHERE I LIVE”, a pause, and then u add on “U CREEP” bc ure a strong independent individual who doesnt need any freaky dude in ur life
u feel a little dumb at that bc,,, honestly uve been so wrapped up in ur head tht u kinda forgot u could just use ur phone for directions back home
still just as u pull it out, it flashes a “dead battery” symbol and just. dies on u
“ITS DEAD” u tell the guy, altho ure not rlly sure why ure telling him this bc what if he really is a creep and now he knows u cant call for help ??????????
okay, thats definitely not helping ur i-think-hes-a-serial-killer idea
when he finally closes the window and makes his way down and outside to u, uve prepared urself with a rock
just,, in case,,,,,
(its not even a really good rock but u gotta do what u gotta do)
“i didnt want to keep yelling” the guy says, and he looks much sweeter in person (and when hes not screaming directions at u)
he sticks out his hand and ure like ?? but u take it anyways
“im lee daehwi!! do u want to borrow my phone?” he holds it out to u and even tho ure really tempted to take it, ure still a little skeptical
“if i put my address in there, then ull know where i live and u can track me afterwards”
he seems to find tht both very amusing and very insulting, since his face contorts into a half-laugh half-grimace
its a funny sight in of itself, so u cant help but smile at his expression
u end up bickering a little bit, and by the time he shoves his phone into ur face, u glance at the time and its past midnight and oh
today isnt the day u meet ur soulmate, then
ur face falls and he immediately yanks his hand back, obviously concerned
“are u okay?? whats wrong????”
and even tho hes still basically a stranger u cant help but show ur wrist to him and manage to explain tht u thought u were going to meet ur soulmate today, but its too late bc u still havent met them
but daehwi is giggling and ure like “dONT BE A JERK” but hes already pushing his own wrist into ur face
instead of the date, his reads “11.51 PM” in the same small dark font, and its like oh. OHHHHH
he pushes at ur shoulder, teasing u tht ur clue was more obvious bc “i had to wait around every day to see if i met someone new!!! i just want to sleep but i had no idea when id meet u”
and even as hes pouting u can barely process how relieved u are so u. accidentally zone out juuuust a little bit
he notices of course, and manages to get ur attention by saying “im glad its u tho bc ure super cute”
u stare at him, suddenly super focused on him, and he laughs
“i was just trying to get ur attention, but i do think ure rlly cute”
ure both still a bit in shock, but u manage to carry on conversations well enough bc now tht u know ure each others soulmates, ure desperate to talk to each other forever
he ends up insisting on cutting ur convo short and walking u home bc its so late, but he gives u his number and a quick, embarrassed peck on the cheek with a promise to talk to u soon
its even harder to fall asleep that night, ur head filled the memory of daehwi grinning at u like ure the best thing hed ever seen
others: jisung | sungwoon | daniel | woojin | more coming soon!
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8circles · 7 years
i finally got to see the national live!!
so after 6 years of falling in love with the national, i finally got to see them live yesterday!! this is gonna be super long lmao
since the national never come to my home country during tour, when they announced their tour i booked the tickets without even knowing whether i was returning to manchester or even the uk. so when i got my offer to return i was relieved af lmao. a once in a lifetime opportunity was worth the risk and anxious waiting LOL
seeing them live was like a whole new world for me. when bryce came out to perform with the opening act (who were very good!) i was so overwhelmed. this guy, part of the band i love so much, was right in front of my face!
(like literally, cause i ran in after getting my merch and managed to snag a place right at the barrier!)
ive watched tonnes of their live performances on video, but nothing prepared me for how great they were. since bryce was right in front of me i ended up paying most attention to him.. but then when hed play the piano aaron took his place and id end up paying attention to aaron... sorry matt, scott and bryan!!!!
of course matt is such a character that hed command your attention some way or another. i did make myself look at scott and bryan at points in time bc i love all of them! i found it super cute how scott and bryan (and at one point bryce) would hold like a shaker instrument and use it when theyre not playing their own instrument. its like theyre always gonna be involved somehow lmao.
at the beginning it felt a little detached compared to the bastille show i went to last year. but i dont blame them or think its bad, cause at bastille’s dan would stand close to the stage while matt prefers to hang about with the band. its just two different performers. it kind of made me think that i was watching the national perform in their own world.. until matt stopped midway through empire line and asked security to help someone.
at that point it kind of hit me that wow, actually we're in the same space! like im not actually watching them in their own world, like im there too! and theyre not in their own space either, theyre watching us too! and of course, how nice of matt to stop because someone wasnt okay 😭 he started all over again once he made sure they were okay. by the end he said "just some problems with dehydration. stay cool!"
and he threw a plastic pint across the theatre and i got some white wine on me. LOL. at another point he threw a red solo cup so hard i think it hit the opposite wall cause there was a super loud sound. then he went on to say "...one day..." during the last song he brought out a bottle of white wine or prosecco on stage but said he said couldn’t open it because it was corked and it was hard to open those on stage with his teeth(!!!) he asked for another bottle and smashed the corked one on the ground. i love drunk matt so much.
bryce is so interesting to watch tbh. he keeps changing guitars lmao. i got so excited every time he brought out the blue one, bc i had a super clear view of his bow hanging from his mic stand and i was like "vanderlyle?????"
in the end they didnt play it, but no matter! they played so many good songs that i cant complain. my jaw hit the floor when they played hard to find cause i wasnt expecting that at all! i kept saying "oh my god" when i heard the chords lmao. it was so beautiful. i remembered the interview where one of the twins said they think hard to find is one of the most beautiful songs theyve ever written. i felt so honoured that i could listen to it live! they also played this is the last time - my favourite off twfm! i think a lot of people in the theatre love that song too! we were all shouting “it takes a lot of pain to pick me up” together. 
of course they played standard classics too. it felt so good to sing along to bloodbuzz and i need my girl. i kind of expected they were gonna play england since it was their first show in england for this tour so when aaron started playing the chords i was super happy. mr november was the best in terms of crowd involvement, you could hear everyone shouting I WONT FUCK US OVER together. conversation 16, too.. everyone screaming "CAUSE IIIIMM EEEVILLLL" was so much fun. slow show and apartment story were so great live as well. singing “SO WORRY NOT ALL THINGS ARE WELL” was so wonderful. during fake empire the twins did the guitar thing as they always do. i was so happy! 
tbh when i was there i mostly felt out of place since most of the people there were white hipsters and they came with their friends/partners so i barely talked to anyone, but singing all the classics live made me forget all of that awkwardness.
the new album was good live too. carin at the liquor store is my fave off the album and it sounded so beautiful live. matt went one octave higher during turtleneck and he sounded so clear. i was actually so surprised at how clear and almost rasp-free he sounded! we shouted “great uncle valentine jester” during day i die, it was so great!  they dedicated apartment story and born to beg to a lady who took care of them while they were in manchester. the opening act luluc came out and sang with them during born to beg. it was beautiful and perfect! ive been falling in love more and more with born to beg with each listen, and the live performance really sealed the deal with how much i love it.
terrible love was the last song off the setlist and it’s my first favourite song from the national so listening to it live was like coming full circle of some sort. during that song (and mr. november) matt went out and leaned over the barriers so that people could reach out and hug him. during terrible love he was super close to me, but i was too scared to touch him cause so many people were clinging onto him already but he was literally right there! he also stood at the edge pretending to fall from the other side. a member of the audience hugged his knees to stop him from falling!
bryce kind of smiled at my general direction at one point when he was setting up his guitar. the girl next to me blew kisses at him, i wish i did or said something too, but honestly i just stood there and melted into a puddle. during fake empire bryce went to play the piano so aaron was on my side of the stage and he waved at my general direction when they finished. a double whammy! matt came over to our side of the stage during turtleneck and screamed the chorus at us. it was so surreal. waiting for two hours outside in the cold and rain was definitely worth the place right in the front.
of course i have a soft spot for the twins, so seeing them live was the best part of my night. bryce (and at some points aaron) being in front of me was a dream come true. it’s no doubt that bryce is fantastic at guitar, but hearing him live and actually picking up the way he plays with my own ears was really something else. not only his playing, but also how he was using all the different guitars and using the mics on them and all the different pedals - it was all like a work of genius. i didn’t really get to see aaron’s artistry since his stuff was on the opposite side of the stage and he played more piano (which was on his side of the stage) but i could clearly see him playing when matt stepped back and let the twins perform guitar together. i caught him smirking at bryce on multiple occasions. i ascended each time. 
it was obvious that bryce was the more shimmery, flashy player when it came to guitar, so i tried to distinguish their styles of piano too! maybe it’s just me, but i think aaron has a deeper sound and bryce has a sharper sound! maybe that’s why they take turns for specific songs. regardless, they were so great, playing together and separately. i admire them greatly since they have so many projects and interests and even though their musical interests differ, they end up intertwining. seeing them live really showed that tbh!
it was the best night of my life. i wish i could be going to today’s show as well, but unfortunately i don’t have the money for that! anyway, everything ive always dreamed of already came true when i managed to stand right in the front and watch the national in all their glory perform live. i never expected to be right in the front - literally at the barrier - but i was! and it was worth the two hour wait in the cold without any food (this was my fault for forgetting to eat before coming, but it was worth it tbh!). hopefully i’ll be able to go for another concert if possible because that was probably the best experience ive ever had.
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tr1via-seesaw · 7 years
Holy mackerel here we go
😍 who is your bias?
Jhope and Suga!!!!!!!!
😈 and your biaswrecker?
💿 hyyh or wings?
hyyh but by like less than half a step theyre both My Eras tbh like wings was my first era and i love the story and the aesthetic but hyyh is my home tbh
🎶 what’s your favourite song at the moment?
💙 hyung line or maknae line? 
HYUNG LINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
💃 who is your favourite dancer?
ahh hard one i think just bc i really like the modern dance style id have to say jimin but i really like the way hobi does his style so im like????
🔥 RM, 1VERSE or Agust D?
Agust D!!!!!!
🌱 your favourite member in maknae line
Jimin i think???
🌳 and the hyung line
📆 how long have you been a fan?
swathi got me into bts august of 2016 i think like i remember getting into them right as school was starting (good timing)
👬 your otp
🎤 your favourite cover by the members
Fool by jungkook i think or rainism yeeeee
♋ do you share a zodiac sign with any of the members? 
👀 your favourite part in cypher 4 
suga’s rolex :’^)
💞 ot3 war: vminkook or yoonminseok
vminkook im so soft for the maknae line ot3
👽 describe taehyung with 3 emojis
🗣 what’s your favourite solo song?
Mama, Awake, or First Love!
👥 and the duet
I ate well with Sope :’^)
🖊 who do you think is the best song writer?
rapmon or suga! I really like all the intricate language and metaphors that rapmon writes, but suga really shows his passion and emotions in his songs
💣 we are bulletproof 1 or 2
………………… 2 but tbh i cant listen to those songs bc im reminded of rapmons shitty hair 🕳️ 🚶
🤗 if you could spend the whole day with a member who would it be and what would you do?
haslkjf this is really self indulgent but honestly id love to spend a day at a museum or aquarium with jhope ;w;;;
🐰 describe jungkook with 3 emojis
👺 who do you think is the meme-iest one from the meme squad?
🗺 where are you from? had they ever been there?
I’m on the east coast USA! im a few hours from it but theyve been to NYC and i got to see them live //cries
🏝 which member would you take with you on a deserted island?
jin or jungkook :L
💰 do you have any merch?
…….. i may have impulse bought an army bomb at the concert……….. hglaskjf im actually really happy i did it was the only merch left by the time i got there and i said i wouldnt but i did and its awesome i love it. i also have like. a shit ton of posters, both parts of the HYYH photobook/album, and a few photocards
🔪 your favourite part in cypher 3
suga’s rap aka the reason im a Bad Lesbian :’^)
🐕 choose the bts dog
taehyung :^)    (mickey!)
🍑 describe jimin in 3 emojis
🗡 in hunger games who do you think would die first and who will survive to the end?
jhope dies first probably jin lives till the end against jungkook through sheer force of will
🍻 which member would you want to grab beer with?
rapmon tbh! id honestly love to just like talk to him abt deep stuff for a while i feel like hed be a really cool philosophy buddy :P
👣 have you ever tried to learn any of their dances?
YA BOI I KNOW BAEPSAE AND BLOOD SWEAT & TEARS ALL THE WAY THROUGH!!! i know most of Fire as well and im very lowkey learning i need you!!! im also doing jimin’s live version of Lie!!! theyre really fun dances but a lot of the moves take a lot of practice OTL
👓 describe namjoon in 3 emojis
🐻 ryan the bear or kumamon
👔 what’s your hogwarts house? where do you think each memeber belongs?
Hufflepuff and they already confirmed where so im happy to be in the same house as hobi lolol
🏃 in scale from jungkook to namjoon how fast do you run?
suga sleeping :L
📸 concerts or fansigns
ahhh idk i think concerts in terms of the whole experience and also if i ever got the chance to go to a fansign id probably be too excited to even try to say anything
😇 describe hoseok in 3 emojis
😸 are you shy and pure like jimin or freaky and naughty like taehyung?
okay first off who made this that though jimin was pure what the fuck???? 
💣 what’s your favourite bangtan bomb (video not lightstick)
🛩 bon voyage or american hustle life
bon voyage!!!! they had so much fun with each other im !!!!!!
📖 do you write fanfiction?
not technically??? i mean ive done a few drabbles on their characters from HYYH and WINGS but none of those like “BTS x reader” or anything tbh those kinda weird me out 
📣 which cypher do you like the most?
cypher 3!!!!!
🐢 describe yoongi in 3 emojis
😪 what’s the best song to listen before falling asleep?
2! 3! Hoping for better days, Butterfly (prologue mix), Awake (ironically :P), love is not over, or whalien 52
📚 share your favourite fanfic
dont have one
🎬 if there was a movie made about any member what kind of movie would it be?
tbh id die for an adpatation of demian with the boys like that’d be So Good also i read the majority of the book imagining Pistorius as yoongi so,,,,,
🙋 have you ever met them in person?
does being within a hundred feet of them at a concert count :L
💁 describe jin in 3 emojis
😓 war of hormones or boy in luv
war of hormones!!!!
🌈 most to least Not Straight in your opinion
yoongi (the big bi), namjoon (the big bi pt 2), taehyung, jhope, jimin, jin, jungkook
🖍 who’s drawings do you like the most: jungkook’s or jimin’s?
🤔 spring day or not today? 
spring day 
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yumenosakiacademy · 6 years
metr0c0n 2k18 thursday
hewwo!! first day over aa.. this is 4 future me, but i suppose u can read it~? cosplayed: tsumiki (sd/r2)
started off the day rly eqsy bc apparently the lunch rush traffic was held back by a crash? i left after eating some cereal n packing n stucc n dad n i listened to The Eagles on the way there n i got all Registered then walked around for a lil while until my DD/lC panel. i saw a shiki (s1dem) tho n went “!!? bc i didnt think id see any s1dem cosplays here this weekend but!! oh i also saw my old friend Lynds (still cosplaying casual rapunzel like last year) n we talked abt how we became more depressed over junior year n how, when she went to d!sney trvia, she should just start singing tangled songs bc thatd b “a power move” n “have big dick energy” lol 
so anyway i went to the panel n it was just all of us writing poetry in near silence then sharing em n some ppl had serious poems or short dumb ones or funny ones n the joker/akira next 2 me wrote a rly good poem abt akira!! i wrote one abt a beast pouncing on someone in the woods n devouring em, w each line as 6 syllables! then shared one of my old poems abt my negative thoughts regarding my weight then the panel ended soon enough! 
then i got 2 walk around for 2 hrs.... i rly just kind of circled the dealer’s room n sometimes the con floor n i visited the idol table but only rly found one shinou keychain i wanted so.. oh1 a tsumiki i emt turned out 2 b the mei i befriended like 2 years ago at the con tho! n i was like “aaa it’s nice 2 see u again!” n they had the junkrat too (the junkrat wasnt junkrat tho, i just mean it was the same guy as the junkrat i befriended back then w the mei) HOWEVER at an itabag booth, i thought the person running it w pink hair looked like tori n i was like “oh my god r u cosplaying tori?” n they went “yea! n this is my Eichi!” n pointed 2 their fellow booth runner n i was so excited n asked 4 their pic n the eichi had 2 put on their jacket (they were the dance gcha versions) n i was like “oh my gosh dude i luv ES i was actually gonna go as tsukasa today we coulda been the rich kid trio omg” n i showed them my ES buttons/straps then left n a while after, i met a komaeda n took their pic n we talked abt despair n DR n joked around n hs was brought up n he apparently has a jake engl!sh cosplay at home n we were just joking around for a while abt DR n hs n h!veswap n stuff until i parted ways 2 go back 2 the dealer’s room. before that in the dealer’s room, i met a homare n after my pic i said “uhm.. prec/ure, thank you for saving everyone!!”  n found that kind of cute. a junko also took selfies w me aa.
i also met an aoba n took their pic n told them abt the official english localization coming soon n they were stoked bc they didnt kno abt it b4 n they told me there was a noiz at the con too so i was like “!!” n i eventually found them n apparently they were semi-new to the dm/md fandom? they said they were Late but i told them abt the localization too. while i was talking to the noiz, some lady at a nearby artist booth was like “are those ur real nails? omg can i take a pic” so i let her photograph my hands n we talked abt nails n how she usually kept hers long but has to cut em shorter for cons bc they break at cons due to the lifting she has to do n stuff.
the LL panel!! we mostly asked the 3 ooc questions abt idols n stuff after they did their trivia and dances. speaking of trivia, i won a d!sney villain lanyard, makkach!n sticky notes, n p0kem0n socks bc i answered like. 4-5 questions right haha some of the questions were rly easy tho sooo
then i walked around More. i explained to a group that i was giving out lollipops bc mikan’s a nurse n lollipops r like a doctor n the yukine went “i kno ur source ur no-!” n i went “i kind of am! but ur right, maybe im kind of like junko;’s mistress...” i saw a pregame saihara, kaede, n maki n when i gave them shots 4 their lollipops, i said “saihara, maybe thisll cure ur depression!” on impulse but jtggth. I ALSO MET A REI COSPLAYER n i was like “aaaa i luv ES hewwo... reiPs united” n they were like “im actually not a reiP, but ppkt hink since i cosplay him that im one haha. im a ritsuP but i cosplay rei bc who loves ritsu the most? rei!” n we talked abt events n how u have 2 try rly hard n they said that ppl think the next gacha or event will b leo n i was like “the knightsP are already Here...” n i said that if happyele brought out chiaki i’d die but b Ready n then we started talking abt how chiaki is so effing GOOD n ryuse!ta! being Good Boys n they were like “i wouldnt cosplay ryuse!ta! but chiaki, maybe... yknow, i actualy dont like subaru that much bc hes rude/cold to chiaki tbh.” n i was like “also arashi” n they went “...dont like him.” n then “how/why could/would anyone reject chiaki’s hugs?? they say he’s sweaty but like, ill hug tou so much dude” n i was like “YEA id hug him a thousand times over” n i was like “yknow how he pats anzu’s head n says good girl i wish that were me.. but hes so Good” n they were like “he obviously drops hints at anzu, saying things like ‘haha well this could/would happen If You were My Girffriend...’” n i was like “YEA the boy isnt Subtle.. he’d b like ‘wow i wish i could have a gf that could make me a bento.. wink.wink. oh, anzu u can cook? [scoots closer] hm. that’s-” they had 2 leave after a minute but ANYWAY they said they were gonna b kanzaki on saturday n im READY
THEN the whose line panel! it was RLY funny but writing all the details would take FOREVER okay.. im not that dedicated. maybe another time, kay? anyway, i saw a farz n a vincent n took their pic n went “oh, did yall see/kno there was a lawrence here earlier?” n the vincent pointed to farz n said “that was them” n they said “that was me haha...” n i went “...oh my GOD im so effing stupid i cant remember faces well im so sorry” but anyway the panel was funny n for the prompt “things u say abt ur cosply but not ur s/o”, i went up n i said “i could prob buy this for cheap...” then for “cheesy promomercials for anime characters” i said “welcome to kyu/bey’s magcal girls! u can become a magical girl w a low price. our prices r so low, but dont lose ur Head over em!” 
anyway i didnt kno the panel was 2 hours but i left a lil after halfway thru to go to the fr33! anel n they did trivia (i didnt get any of the questions.. i got CLOSE on a question tho. they said, “in 50 off who was nagisas boss” n i said “master dave” but it was “easter dave” so the other person got the prize (it was a poster or a button, idk) n i chose the number 5 for the dare n had it w rei, n rei had to propose to a random audience member n they nervously proposed to a hanayo n it was funny hehe. i also asked truth/dare 6 w nagisa n it was “whats ur dream/dream job” n he said an astronaut who’s also a penguin farmer pff anyway it was fun!! i also asked what if they were to b idols n i think rei said hed b the costume designer? i also asked if they could rap freestyle n they said “we’ll take a hard pass on that one haha”n i was like “hehe its fine i was Joking”
then i kind of loitered around blasting hypm!c songs then st down until i had 2 go hooome!! TIME 2 GO 2 BED
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