#bc i am not tryin to be a menace
withclawandvine · 1 day
i don’t like to engage in ship wars or make anti-posts, so i’ll probably delete this but lately i can’t stop thinking about “i want to see her. just once. just — to know. … if she’s worth fighting for” versus azriel being ready to square tf up the second the possibility of a duel was mentioned
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quirkle2 · 2 years
please for the love of god can I hear about your warriors thoughts I am so starved for content for my boy and ur fancy outfit!warriors drawing is like a nice tasty bowl of soup I’d love to hear any thoughts youve got about him
idk if u mean Fancie Warriors specifically but just in case u did i'll stick w that, but i will Gladly talk anybody's ear off abt my wars in general . i love him so much. idk much abt Fancie Gatherings (tm) so bare with me and my completely incorrect ass but
first and foremost my wars is Nice and he doesn't turn into a complete dick the moment he's surrounded by the entitled rich people that attend to the parties he usually goes to at the castle. he's nice and he doesn't rly think much abt rank even in general (a luxury only the Hero of Hyrule can afford, honestly), so he shows basic human decency even to the people in the lower ranks that most others would just shove aside
just bc he's Nice to people does not mean he won't take any shit from higher-ups that're tryin to fuck him over. he's been known to occasionally make snide comments to political leaders n such, and once in a while, if they deserve it, to a king. in any other circumstance i think he'd be put on death row for that shit, but he's the Hero of Hyrule and he Knows it. he's very hard to fire, and/or replace, and he Knows it, so he uses that to his advantage sometimes, if it calls for it. kind of abusing his power, but only to say Fuck You to a horrible king once in a while GVEYAIGVA
^ this makes his zelda very reluctant to take him to other countries for . political things /literally no idea. he is a menace.
but wars recognizes that talking back to kings n shit is dangerous, not only for him, but for zelda as well, since she usually has to deal with the aftermath of that. so he saves those moments for when he really, truly believes it'll make a difference, or prove a point
wars also does not drink or eat at parties for fear that the food laid out on the table is poisoned. his paranoia carries to the others if the chain is also attending the party, and he tends to watch them like a hawk if they eat or drink anything while there, looking for signs of it. if he's Really hungry or thirsty, he's usually alright with smth simple from wild's slate to hold him over
if anybody at parties makes rude comments to Any of the chain members, he is immediately backing them up and scaring whoever made the comment so much they simply jerk their heads up and down in a fearful nod. wars is very nice and soft most of the time, and very loving, but when called for it, he is scary.
wars is always armed at parties. usually he's expected to be carrying a sword at least, mostly for show since he's the Hero. but during times he's asked to attend unarmed, he usually hides a dagger on him somewhere, for his own peace of mind. traitors are still out there, lurking
wars also knows that some of the chain is very introverted and can only handle so much for so long before they start getting overwhelmed and tired at parties. when that happens (typically w legend, hyrule, wild, or sometimes sky), he'll excuse himself and then drag whoever is Very Obviously Barely Keeping It Together to a quieter hallway so they can get a moment to breathe :) he gets it. he's an extrovert but even he would sometimes rather be curled up at the inn with a book instead of this GVEIAYGV
and lastly i just think wars is very good at People. he's very good at talking to people and knowing what to say, what to do, what the body language points to, what double meanings are hidden behind small comments or eye movements. he's really good at it, a natural really, and most of the time it's that sense of character on him that makes him aware of a traitor in the room rather than them attacking him first.
oh also wars is very good at hair and make-up but we been knew that
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proxylynn · 3 years
i had a shitty day and now i’m kinda crying like a baby. honesty i hate myself and mostly i hate how hard i’m trying to be another person that everyone else loves bc i seriously can’t stand myself. who even am i???? sorry 4 bothering btw, i think i need comfort words from you and the boys… i’m literally crying while typing :(
Lynn: Men, we have an emergency. *bandaging up Mal's blade* Group snuggle, move it!
*you are held onto by the lot of them*
Peter: You are you. No one else can be you.
Pedro: Fuck tryin' to be someone else for others! Be the YOU ya wanna be because it makes ya happy.
Jack: Pressure can be so cruel. The need or want to fit in. It's scary when you look back and see how far it is you might have changed from what you once knew. But it's never too late to be that person you recognize as yourself. This is your life. Live it for yourself.
John Doe: It doesn't matter what you try to be. I still know it's you. The outside might look different. But your insides remain the same.
Lynn: I swear he means that as sweet and not menacing.
Mal: Don't let this world push you around. Be the one to push it back. Show it ya don't need to conform or fit in. Be the best fucking version of yourself for your own sake. You'll feel all the better for it.
[I hope you'll feel better, even if by a tiny bit. *hug* If you need me and them to tell you as many kind words as you wish, then we'll do it. You matter. You are loved. You are you and we appreciate you.]
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