#bc he only has 1 working arm due to a disability
rowenas-my-fave-child · 9 months
I should stop lying (sorry 4 the rant below I would add more but I reach 30 tags)
#I told my stepmom I don’t hate her#but look she got me makeup for Christmas#KNOWING I already asked her to PLEASE stop getting me girly stuff#ohhhh that sounds bad#what I mean is the reason she gets me makeup is bc: im a teenager (which I’m not I’m 12) so I should wear makeup#GIRL DO YOU HEAR YOURSELF????#I go by he/they pronouns for a reason#I technically told her I go by those pronouns#I mean I told her I’m gender fluid#once she asked : how come ur never a girl in our house?#so I said: I’m just usually not a girl any time#and she STILL insists that I should wear makeup#not saying you can’t wear makeup if ur a boy#the reason why she gets me makeup is bc she still thinks I’m a girl#do u see what i mean#and she prides herself on being so supportive and so inclusive#this morning she was like: you know if ur getting surly and u see my sons name on there ask 4 a different surgeon#bc he only has 1 working arm due to a disability#like girl#u should be proud of ur son he works at the best hospital in the country#not 2 mention the amount of accidentally homophobic/transphobic/ableist shit she’s said#it’s small but she always starts with talking about someone’s disability/gender identity/sexuality#even if it’s not related to the conversation#in a way that’s like: look at me I’m so inclusive for having friends/family that are a minority#plus she trama dumps like crazy#u know it took 3 years for me to realize that that’s fucked up#3 YEARS#that’s 9-12 I’ve been forced to listen to her trauma dump on me#and I still have to#but now I zone out
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shima-draws · 5 years
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I’m sure people have had this idea before but I wanted to put my own spin on it!! And now for the info:
-Izuku's been fascinated with heroes since a young age. However, after finding out he was quirkless, he refused to give up, and switched gears to start investing in the support field. He figured if he couldn't be a pro hero he could at least do his best to help them and be a hero in his own way.
-Izuku's an absolute GENIUS when it comes to inventing--he's on par with Hatsume. However, Hatsume focuses more on support items that break convention and are very innovative and unique. Izuku's focus is more on items that actually help heroes on the field and support their bodies, and items that also allow them to use their quirks to their full extent while still being able to control them properly. (Basically, Izuku's gadgets act as a control stick for heroes that go all out i.e. Toshi.) He also makes a lot of gadgets that support disabled heroes, because--
-Izuku has a prosthetic arm! It's his right one. This was the result of a villain attack that he got involved in after meeting All Might. Toshi blames himself for what happened to Izuku because he couldn't get there in time. He and Izuku are very close--Izuku knows the secret behind Toshi's appearance and he knows about One For All. Mirio is the one to inherit OFA in this AU--so Izuku's very close to him as well! Izuku makes support items for both Toshi and Mirio, to support their quirks. Izuku's gadgets have saved Toshi in a pinch a hundred times over, and are designed to support him when he needs that extra push when he's already reached his limit.
There is more ahead~
-After Izuku lost his arm in the villain accident, Bakugou does a total 180 and starts treating him better. From the start their relationship was less strained than in canon bc Izuku went into doing stuff for support early on, and Bakugou didn't see this as much as a threat compared to if Izuku still wanted to be a pro hero despite being quirkless. Nowadays Bakugou is VERY protective of Izuku--and both of them have reached a point where they're genuine friends. Izuku teases Bakugou a lot and easily snarks back at him when he's being a little shit. Bakugou won't ever admit it openly but Izuku is his best friend :') He cares about him  a lot. He used to defend Izuku constantly back in middle school after the accident, but Izuku soon learned to stand up for himself.
-Going off of that, Bakugou taught Izuku how to fight physically, and they try to spar once or twice a week if they can! It's good practice. Izuku was awful at it at first especially since his sense of balance was off due to the weight of the prosthetic, but Bakugou's a good teacher despite all his shouting lmao. Now Izuku can easily hand his ass to him if he gets into it enough. He can handle himself in a fight pretty brilliantly, even against villains, and Class 1-A quickly learns not to underestimate him.
-Bakugou refuses to get support items from anybody else but Izuku. He bitches at Izuku a lot but Izuku always takes his advice--Bakugou usually offers good tips and pointers on how to improve his gauntlets! Baku always says that while Izuku fucks up all the time (false), he at least trusts him enough to get the job done, while he scorns the rest of the support course fnjdsdd
-Since Izuku isn't in Class 1-A in this AU--guess who is? Yeah, it's Shinsou! Besides Baku Shinsou is probably Izuku's other closest friend, along with Hatsume! Shinsou's got a crush on Izuku and probably knows it won't be reciprocated, but he's fine with that. If Shinsou isn't in class he's most likely hanging out in the development studio with Izuku and Hatsume. The three of them are kinda like a mini Big Three haha, they've got a reputation around UA
-Do not put Izuku and Hatsume in the same room together or they'll bounce insane ideas off of each other and create outrageous things. They get each other super fired up LMAO and go to each other for advice when they need it!
-Izuku has the biggest, most obvious and absolutely endearing crush on one (1) Shouto Todoroki. Bakugou teases him about it CONSTANTLY. The reason for this is because they actually met back in middle school, before Izuku lost his arm--and Todoroki just made a really memorable impression on him bc he was the first person to ever treat him really kindly (they bumped into each other on accident because Izuku was getting chased by bullies, Izuku scraped up his hands, Todoroki chased off the bullies and then iced his injuries, and then they had a really deep conversation about heroes and encouraged each other). Todoroki kinda becomes Izuku's first love in that sense;; ofc it's nothing super serious but Izuku definitely feels all floaty and happy about it afterward. When Izuku gets into UA and notices that Todoroki's in the hero course he almost has a stroke because 1. Izuku gave him encouragement to get into UA waaaay back then and he's shocked Todoroki actually took his advice, 2. He finds out that Todoroki is in fact Todoroki bc they never gave each other their names, so Izuku's Shook his "first love" is actually the son of Endeavor, and 3. Todoroki's grown. He was pretty back in middle school but now. He's hot. HE'S HOT OH NO. After that Izuku keeps noticing him and hears rumors that Todoroki is an ice cold prince type character that has no real feelings. Izuku's like "Someone who takes the time out of their day to save you, heal your hands, and encourage you on your path to be a hero can't be that type of person" so Izuku just KNOWS Todo's actually a very kind boy. Izuku keeps watching him and gets super smitten after the Sports Festival ;) But he's like "He's practically famous, he'd never notice somebody like me, he probably doesn’t even remember me from middle school, haha" (so it's a bit like a celebrity crush). Shinsou and Hatsume bug him about his crush just to see him get flustered and it's very cute lol
-The second time Izuku and Todoroki meet is a goddamn mess and technically counts as their first because Todoroki has a shit memory and can't connect Izuku's face to the boy he met in middle school (also that boy definitely had two flesh arms and Izuku only has one). Todoroki walks in right as one of Izuku's gadgets explodes, absolutely showering him in dust and soot. Izuku freaks out and apologizes a lot while he helps him clean up (while Hatsume is teasing in the background). Note that Izuku's only wearing like a tanktop and sweats, and his hair is all messy and swept back especially since he's wearing his trademark goggles, he's covered in sweat and dirt, he has a really cool looking prosthetic (and Todoroki didn't realize he'd have a thing for that but apparently he does), and Izuku's really fucking toned so Todoroki has a big ol Gay Crisis right there in the development studio. Izuku is INCREDIBLY attractive and Todoroki doesn't know what to do with that info. After Izuku cleans up and manages to get an order for a support item out of Todo, Todo leaves and immediately texts Momo saying, "Yaoyorozu, I think I just had my gay awakening" and on the other side of campus, Momo chokes on her drink. Meanwhile back in the studio Izuku is SCREAMING like "Oh my GOD did that really just happen--did Shouto Todoroki walk in, get blasted by one of my inventions going haywire, let me clean him up and TOUCH HIS CHEST, HATSUME, I GOT TO FEEL HIM UP, and THEN HE ASKED ME TO TAKE AN ORDER, I'M GOING INTO CARDIAC ARREST. TELL MY MOTHER AND TOSHI I LOVED THEM AND TELL TODOROKI I'M SORRY FOR GETTING HIS PERFECT BEAUTIFUL HAIR DIRTY" and she's just laughing her ass off LMAOOOO
-It isn't until their third meeting that Izuku realizes Todoroki doesn't seem to remember him at ALL. And it stings, a lot (but he kinda figured this would happen esp since Todo didn’t recognize him the last time they talked), but he's still happy for the chance to know him now, and get to design support items for him!! Meanwhile Todo's like. Starting to catch on that maybe he DOES know Izuku after all? He isn't sure? But he's definitely falling for him. 
I’ve got more headcanons and stuff but yeah this is all the basics!!! I got so excited to flesh this AU out and make designs fnasjkbdnasds it’s definitely gonna be a fun one to play around with!
I want to either call this the Support Course Hero AU or maybe just Support Hero AU would work--what do you guys think?
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yeahimaloser · 4 years
Oh, To Be In Love 2
Hawks x reader 
This story will be about how you and your best friend of 5 years, pro hero Hawks, learn how to be in love with each other. 
OMG!!! For real thank you all so much for liking my other Hawks X reader’s. As promised, here's part two of Oh, To Be In Love.
Here's the link to part 1 :)oh-to-be-in-love
ALSO THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT PLEASE READ!!!!! In this story Hawks picks up the reader and flies with them. I realize that some of the readers out there are plus sized, have a fear of flying, maybe some readers are disabled. But whatever the case I made a separate part were he doesn’t pick up the reader, I really want everyone who reads this to see themselves in the y/n. So this is the link!!! https://yeahimaloser.tumblr.com/post/633775712831225856/oh-to-be-in-love
No pronouns for the reader are used in this story, so feel free to read if you use any pronouns!!
Word count: 1722
Please enjoy!
You were a total loser.
You had just called your best friend of 5 years, and also the person you were in love with, and told him about a guy you didn’t even want to go out with. Yet, you just wanted to see if he would say anything to deter you from going out with this other guy. But Hawks just gave you some friendly advice. You were expecting this, he was always so supportive of your life choices. 
You groaned to yourself, God you hated this. Wondering what he really thought of you.
You scoffed at yourself, why would the number 2 pro hero ever want to go out with you? You two were just friends, nothing else.
But you just couldn’t help but be in love with him. Maybe you really were helpless.
You could recall when you first fell in love with the winged bastard… 
“Damn,” you groaned to yourself. “I'm totally gonna be late.”
The whole start to your day totally sucked. Your alarm didn’t go off, then you realized you forgot to do the laundry the day before, and on top of that you didn’t have enough time to eat. 
So there you were, running late on an empty stomach, stinky clothes and overall just really tired.
You sighed to yourself. Sometimes life was a bitch.
But then you saw a flash of red, and looked over to see Hawks standing only a few feet besides you. He gave you that exceedingly charming smile, “Need a lift?”  
You and Hawks have been friends for around 3 years now, and yet he’s never taken you flying yet. Due to the hero licenseing law, he could only fly with you if it involved hero work.
You huffed, “Shouldn’t you be on patrol,” you asked in a snarky tone. 
“Well,” Hawks said, striding over to you, “I’m on patrol, and also insanely bored. So, why don’t I keep you company.”
You shook your head at him, “Shouldn’t you be doing actual hero work?”
Hawks just chuckled at you, “I suppose, but hear me out,” his eyes seem to light up, “your a civilan, your in destress. So as a hero, I’ll escort you to your final destionation! The fact that we know eachother is just a bonus!”
You just smirked, rolling your eyes, “Whatever bird boy, let’s go then.”
Hawks groaned, “for the love of God, stop calling me that! It’s so annoying.”
You just giggled, “never.”
Hawks also did this kind of stuff for you. He just liked helping you out. You couldn’t decide if it was because of him being a hero, or if he was just a nice person.
“You know,” he siad in a seemingly careless tone, “I could always fly us there. I know your running late, so let me give you a lift.”
You looked him up and down skeptically, “Hmmm, and if I fall?”
Hawks just smiled at you, “I’ll just catch you.”
You rolled your eyes at his cheesy line, but checking the time you realized how late you really were. 
You gave him a playful huff, “Fine, but I swear if you drop me, I will-”
But Hawks put his hands up, seemingly defending himself, “Wow there! I promise you, on my  hero’s name I will not drop you.”
You gave him a snarky smile, “Fine birdboy, lets go.”
Hawks frowned at the nickname, “Will you ever stop calling me that?”
You giggled, “nope.”
Hawks just sighed, “Alright then… I’m gonna have to hold you.”
You just rolled your eyes, “Wow Hawks, I didn’t think about that. Don't make it weird, we’ve been friends for years.” 
Hawks nodded. picking you up carefully, he positioned you bridal style in his arms. You held tightly onto his neck.
“Seriously, I’m a pro hero, I’m not gonna drop you,” he said laughing a little as well.
“Whatever, lets go I’m already so late.”
“Ohhh, someones snarky.”
But before you could retorte, he took off.
For all your complaining you really did trust Hawks, you knew he wouldn’t drop you. He was a pro hero after all. But being launched in the air would freak anyone out at first. You tried to shrink into Hawks, thinking maybe that would make you feel more safe. He seemed to pick up on this and gave you a reassuring squeeze.
At first, you were terrified. And also super mad, he took off with out telling you!
But then you realized how beautiful the world was from so high in the air. The sun seemed to make everything angelic. And everything looked so small, like you were watching the world from far in the clouds. And the wind. The wind didn’t feel harsh, in fact it felt inviting. The whole scene was enough to take your breath away.
You turned to tell Hawks how amazing it was, to tell you how thankful you were. 
But your words died in your throat.
Hawks looked… like an angel.
He wasn’t looking at you, instead he was looking ahead, his expression was one you had never seen before. It was one of pure relaxation, and just prue freedom. The sunlight didn’t bounce off his face, it seemed like his face absorbed it. The way his face shone almost made you want to look away, and yet you couldn’t. His lips formed a purely happy smile. His hair looked beautiful, flowing in the wind and shining like the sun. 
But his eyes.
It was his eyes that made your words die in your throat.
They seemed to shone with pure intensity, pure adoration, pure angelic beauty. 
He looked so heavenly.
When he finally noticed you looking at him, he just gave you a smile. 
A bright, stunning, beautiful smile that made your heart race and your face go red.
And it wasn’t just how he looked, it was his vibe too. He made you feel safe, like you could put your heart in his hand and he would protect it with his life. You realized how amazing your best friend really was. He was so calming and… warm. He just felt good.
And that's how you caught feelings for your best friend.
You were so pathetic.
Of course you were gonna turn the other guy down. But your dumb brain thought that maybe, maybe there was a chance that Hawks would tell you no. That you should be with him and not this other guy. But he didn’t. And although you were loathed to admit it, you saw that coming.
When this guy told you about his feelings, you honestly didn’t really know what to say in the moment. But then you came up with this stupid plan, and here you are, hurt and alone.
Every time you even so much as thought of getting into a relationship with someone else you felt as though you couldn’t. Because you would just end up comparing them to him. No one could make you laugh as hard, no one could put you more at ease, no one was captivating enough to steal your attention.
You sighed, your back hitting the wall. 
“I should probably go eat,” you said to yourself.
but just then your phone buzzed, your eyes widened at the I.D.
It was Hawks, sometimes you could swear the man was physic.
Hawks: hey you doing anything for lunch tomorrow??
You smiled but rolled your eyes, sometimes the man only thought with his stomach. You couldn’t count the amount of chicken he would buy.
You: probably not 
You: why did you have something in mind birdboy??
Hawks: I literally only have wings
Hawks: I’m not a freaken bird
You giggled to yourself, Hawks seemed to never fail to make you laugh. Even when you felt like shit.
You: you sure about that bud
You: bc I could count the amount of bird shit you’ve done in my presence
Hawks: wow 
Hawks: here I was about to ask you to go out for lunch tomorrow 
Hawks: but I guess you don’t want a free meal ;)
This was something very regular between the two of you. Your lunch break matched up with his, so you two almost always ended up going out. He would also take you out to dinner on special occasions.
You: only if your paying
Hawks: wow y/n
Hawks: didn’t know you were a sell out
You just huffed.
You: last time I checked your the pro hero
You: your the one that has like an ass load of cash
You: so yeah
You: your paying 
You: :)
Hawks. …
Hawks: ok I’ll give you that
Hawks: so you're down??
You bit your lip. 
When you first realized your feelings for Hawks, you tried to push him away. You tired not hanging out with him so much. Trying to save yourself from feeling your heart ache inside.But it was so hard, you were like a moth and Hawks was your flame.
So, whenever he asked you to hang out, it was impossible for you to say no.
You: I’ll see you there :)
Woooooow the dramaaaaa!
Ok but for real, I really enjoy writing the series! So I really hope you enjoy this too :)
I have the draft for part 3 so don’t worry, It will probably come soon. But again, with this series I like taking my time. 
Thank you again!
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haurchefantblog · 5 years
Character Questionnaire for Mor
1. A little-known talent of your character? Nimble fingers, great at giving massages. Not a terrible singer either. 
2. What physical trait does your character like best about themselves? Her arms. Proof of all her hard work. She also likes her lips.
3. How many pillows does your character sleep with? 2. One for sleeping and one for hugging. 
4. Is your character good at keeping secrets? No, don’t tell her anything she will tell it all to Tataru.
5. Your character’s worst habit? She continues to be too trusting, no matter how many times it has proven to be a bad idea. She also steals hearts. I DIDN’T MAKE THE RULES.
6. Are they honest about their intentions/feelings or do they conceal/hide their true feelings/thoughts? She’s almost 100% honest with everyone, except at times when diplomacy is needed and she has to be a little fake. But she’s not a liar and when she tries, she’s not a good one. 
7. What is your character’s love life like and why? Single. A few past relationships, but nothing serious because she was always focused on her family too much to really spare time for someone else. Now that she’s really focused on herself, she wouldn’t mind finding someone to complement her. Some days the desire is stronger than others, but she’s single and ready to mingle I GUESS.
8. What climate/area does your character prefer? (Mountains/forest, desert, beach, city) She equally loves the mountains and beach. 
9. Does your character fall asleep right away or do they have trouble getting to sleep? She’s not a great sleeper. She rarely sleeps through the night, and it definitely has something to do with her nomadic existence. When she’s home she can fall into bed and be dead to the world pretty quickly. 
10. Are they a light or heavy sleeper? Light sleeper while traveling, heavy sleeper when somewhere she feels safe. 
11. Does your character play by the rules in a fight or take cheap shots? Honestly it depends on her opponent. Under most circumstances she fights in the ways she was trained to fight. But if she had a chance to kill someone like Zenos by taking a cheap shot or fighting “unfairly” she would do it in a second. 
12. Is there one material gift your character wants more than anything else? She’s not huge on material things in her current state. She doesn’t really know how to think about that kind of thing right now with so much on her plate. That said, she still loves getting gifts. 
13. Something that grosses your character out? Gooey monsters like gelatos and such. She hates sticky stuff. 
14. Something that makes your character laugh without fail? Her sister does a very good impression of their Uncle and Aunt and it’s so accurate she bowls over each time. 
15. Something that makes your character cry without fail? Thinking about Haurchefant too much. She considers him her greatest loss.
16. What is your character’s greatest logical fear? Her family suffering for her actions, her family suffering for her nonaction. Basically her family suffering. 
17. What is your character’s greatest illogical fear? Imposter syndrome convinced that she isn’t worthy of the love she receives. Also ghosts. 
18. Does your character have any type of disability, whether it be mental, physical, etc? Not really. Not right now. 
19. What is your character’s favorite food or food type? BUUZ. Dumplings! Honestly she has a favorite food for every region. She loves comfort type food though. 
20. How is your character’s memory? Too good sometimes. 
21. How does your character feel about physical affection? What about verbal affection? Mor is actually a very physically affectionate person. She loves greeting with hugs. When she hasn’t seen someone she loves in a long time, she tends to pick them up into a hug bc she’s almost always bigger than everyone. Mor is the only person Tataru lets pick her up because Mor doesn’t single her out, it’s just something she does with everyone. She also is very verbally affectionate with her family/loved ones. It is to the great embarrassment of Rory often. 
22. What does your character find attractive in others? Strength? She likes confidence but basically likes people who can keep up with her on all fronts (including physically). But also strength of character: people with integrity who are passionate about their beliefs and who are good hearted. 
23. How does your character show affection towards others? Romantic or otherwise? Aside from hugging/physical affection, she does enjoy teasing people she cares about. Nothing serious or mean spirited, but she tends to use it as a way to soften a mood or show she’s paying attention. She does the same with people she’s interested in romantically. She tends to be straight forward when she’s interested in someone, and will let them know unless there are some kind of complications in their relationships (like if they’re both busy/the relationship might be frowned upon), but she’ll still flirt whenever she gets a chance, such as it is. 
24. Does your character have good or bad posture? She practices form a lot because of being a monk/pugilist. She meditates frequently also, so she’s got very good form/posture.
25. Most despicable thing your character has ever done? Mor? Despicable? Maybe in Shadowbringers lol 
26. Someone does something awful in front of your character. How do they handle it? With her fists. Or, that’s how she wants to sometimes. She knows not all things are solved with violence but to be honest she would have beat down the lala syndicate members when they saw them again after the betrayal at the Feast. She has great control, but it doesn’t necessarily always go with what she wants. If she sees people being mistreated, however, she always intervenes. She will not stand for that. 
27. What is your character’s favorite drink? Hot drinks, teas. For alcohol, she loves her some ciders.
28. Is your character a nail biter? Nah. 
29. What is your character’s favorite kind of weather? Heavy Rain. She loves the snow but doesn’t like being out in it. But she’ll stand in it in Ishgard just staring.
30. Does your character like/make puns? I don’t know if she’s clever enough for puns. She’d probably get a kick out of them though. 
31. What kind of self-esteem does your character have? Her self-esteem is a hot mess. She has great confidence in her strength, in her spirit, but she has faced discrimination and cruelty her entire life in La Noscea due to her being Ala Mhigan. Even though she was loved and felt loved by her family, her idea of self worth is really messed up. She’s a proud Ala Mhigan but she really truly believes she always has to be doing better, that she doesn’t deserve all the accolades being WoL has brought her. She has a hard time valuing herself. She’d sacrifice herself in a blink if it meant saving Eorzea, and she very nearly has a few times. 
32. A word that your character can't stand? She hates slurs. She hates when she hears people using them, and she also hates the ones used against beast tribes. But there is no one particular word that she won’t let people say around her or anything.
33. Is your character tidy or messy? Organized chaos type of tidy
34. Does your character own anything of sentimental value? A prized possession? A necklace of her mother’s. The pendant was made from an arrowhead that pierced her father, that her mom pulled out of him and turned into a necklace. He had survived that injury and it had meaning to their family. 
35. How does your character handle getting hurt/sick? She hates being waited on, so it’s really the worst to her. She is always the one taking care of others so it’s really hard for her to sit still and let others take care of her. The only person she doesn’t argue with when they are taking care of her is Aodh, because she gets too worked up. Oh, and her auntie because she’s scary lol.
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eliaselliot-blog · 7 years
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♔ LOCKWOOD TASK 001 ; character sheet
Full Name: elias anton elliot. Meaning of Name: greek derivation of “jehovah of god”. Nickname: eli, ant. jackass. whichever you will.
Birth Date: january 6th, 1996. Astrological Sign and Details: capricorn. Birth Place: manhattan, ny. Age: 21. Nationality: american. Race: caucasian. Hair Color: black. Hair Style: not too short, slightly messy. Distinct Features of Face: strong jawline, long lashes, thick brows, plush lips. Glasses or Contacts: both. rarely seen in glasses, however. Eye Color: hazel. Skin Tone: slightly tanned, but white. Scars or Distinguishing Marks: a scar that goes down his right shoulder blade. Disabilities: none. Build or Body Type: broad shoulders, muscular arms and torso, toned legs.  Height: 6′ 3″. Weight: well. Speech Patterns: speaks in a low, yet confident tone. tends to deadpan most things, even jokes. isn’t a man who makes his present super known, but is typically around a lot of people at social gatherings and gets along with most despite his sometimes stand-offish demeanor. Tag Words: “no, i won’t paint you.” Gestures: rotates his rings a lot, toys with his bottom lip while he’s thinking, pretty expressive with his brows, combs his hands through his hair subconsciously and then messes it up again to put it back lmfao FAMILY AND CHILDHOOD
Mother: evelyn elliot Father: jacob elliot Mother’s Occupation: ex-model, now just keeps up with the family’s social status Father’s Occupation: partner of a prestigious law firm Family Finances: wealthy gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang Birth Order: what. 1st? Brothers: none. Sisters: sophia elora elliot, 19 Other Close Family: jude hayward, first-cousin Best Friend: Other Friends: Blake, Lana, Imogen, Jude, Frankie, Tripp, Alex, Teddy, Reagan, surprisingly the list goes on Enemies: his DAD. dw he’ll probably find sum1 here soon enough Pets: he got a pup named king Home Life During Childhood: HAHAHA. horrible. Town or City Name(s): manhattan, ny Details of Town(s) or City(s): manhattan is as much of a city as it gets What Did His, Her or Their Bedroom Look Like: somewhat tidy, eli’s always been kinda neat Any Sports or Clubs: couple mma tournaments, art club for middle school and first half of hs Favorite Toy or Game: fifa, amnesia, fleshlight, assassin’s creed etc Schooling: attended a public high school Favorite Subject: art Popular or Loner: god knows how bt popular Important Experiences or Events: being physically and emotionally abused by his father, and using that to better himself successwise and kinda spite his dad  Health Problems: does depression count? borderline alcoholic Religion and beliefs: his family is christian but doesn’t rly believe in his religion, he’s more of a logical thinker personally PERSONAL
Bad Habits: smoking, biting his nails, fidgeting, drinking alone, using certain people for personal gain Good Habits: typically neat and put-together, eats clean, works out religiously, dresses well, maintaining himself physically Best Characteristic: loyal to those he’s close to  Worst Characteristic: being consistently distant Worst Memory: Best Memory: Proud of: how he’s able to accomplish anything he wants to do Embarrassed by: his lack of ability to truly get close to/trust people Driving Style: lmfao did somebody say speed demon Strong Points: incredibly driven, charming when he wants to be, can’t think of any more atm Temperament: typically level headed, a bit of a grump but still playful yano Attitude: can sometimes be cold if someone tries to get too close to him, but typically socializes well despite this Weakness: elias would rather die than tell you what he’s really thinking. if someone actually manages to get him to open up he’d probably be a stuttering and babbling mess Fears: not doing as well as he wants to, because then he’ll feel like he let his family down. also his father still scares him a bit but would never ever admit to it Phobias: the dad 1 Secrets: lol nice TRY Regrets: NO RAGRETS. jk he kinda regrets not taking art more seriously bc now thats kinda gone as an outlet he’s picking up bad alternatives that’ll only hurt him nd his health Feels Vulnerable When: some1 tries to get closer to him Pet Peeves: loud chewing, nail filing, all i cn think of rn Motivation: working for the day he can say he outdid his dad Short Term Goals and Hopes: maintain his 4.0 and get into a good med school Long Term Goals and Hopes: become one of the top surgeons in the country Sexuality: straight unless u another matt daddario cos i mean come on Exercise Routine: nice try honey u cant get abs like these. Day or Night Person: night. absolute nocturnal fiend Introvert or Extrovert: ambivert! mostly introverted but he can also be v charming and social at gatherings etc. something he learned from bein the poster boy of the socialite fam Optimist or Pessimist: he doesnt like 2 complain a lot but i wouldn’t say he’s an optimist either
Music: arctic monkeys, the neighbourhood, the weeknd, muse, daniel caesar, frank ocean, dvsn, tame impala Books: anything khaled hosseini, haruki murakami, and mitch albom Magazines: forbes, if any Foods: cold pizza, sushi, seafood, apples, burgers,  dark chocolate, tiramisu Drinks: craft beer, whiskey and most other alcohol, black coffee, red wine Animals: tiger, wolf, big fan of husky dogs Sports: soccer Favorite Saying: “no." Color: red, black Clothing: urban style with a rich flair. leather, denim, expensive sweaters and  Jewelry: expensive watches, sometimes rings Games: poker, chess, cards against humanity Websites: pornhub uh, vine? TV Shows: sherlock, the office, stranger things Movies: the prestige, shutter island, borat, can’t think of any more Greatest Want: to stay on top of his class, take more time out for art Greatest Need: someone to be patient and understanding with him
Home: live in the beta delta xi house, but his family owns a mansion at home. Household furnishings: his room is rather tidy. numerous black and white murals remain littered across his walls and above his bed rests a shelf filled with his favorite novels and vinyls. Most Cherished Possession:  Neighborhood: manhattan Town or City Name: new york Details of Town or City: very busy, very on-the-go, new york city is a definition in itself. Married Before: heck no Significant Other Before: he’s got a couple of exes that he’d dated due to having extra time on his hands. he’d always get bored rather quickly into the relationship and leave, however. now that eli has much less time on his hands, he no longer looks to date. Children: LOL Relationship with Family: hostile with his father, indifferent but still somewhat caring towards his mother. Car: not yet  Career: full-time student. Salary: n/a Other Income: n/a Dream Career: professional artist. Dream Life: providing for his mother and sister, living in a new mansion with a fresh start. would have someone he could be emotionally intimate with, though the thought of this currently terrifies him. Love Life: eli scratches his head at this foreign term. Sexual Turn Ons: taking control, fighting for dominance, idk he seems like he’d be in2 bondage lmafaodifgbl Sexual Turn Offs: bad head, feet, excessive talking, repressed moans, “you like that?” no. leave my sight.  Hobbies: mma fighting, painting, taking pictures for painting inspirations, if getting drunk alone counts as a hobby hey be my guest Guilty Pleasure: bingeing martha and snoop’s potluck dinner party Talents or Skills: fights well, and can paint. can sex be a talent? Intelligence Level: very book smart, he gets this from his father. though eli has his moments (as does anyone), he is fairly street smart as well — although, he is very standoffish so it’s hard to tell sometimes if he’s being smart or just a closed-off prick.
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tanoraqui · 7 years
Pre-(Me Reading) Oathbringer Speculation
So…Oarhbringer theories…I’ve been playing spoilers chicken but I think I’ve remained mostly clean, so this is based almost entirely on just WoK and WoR, +Edgedancer. Also I may have looked at who gets POV chapters.
Character Stuff
Dalinar is presently leader of the new would-be Knights Radiant, but based on the attributes associated with their Orders/heralds, that job should be Kaladin’s, with Dalinar more…advising? Which works for both their character arcs:
Kaladin needs to get his head out of his ass, not just ease up on his hatred of lighteyes but also start seeing the larger picture BEFORE he fucks it up, not after (see: swerving with bridge, challenging Amaram.) also, Windrunnere are known for protecting and leadership - so I bet his next vow will be about that. Good opportunity for it as he heads to Kholin, where the darkeyes’ revolution of his dreams seems to be starting. After Elhokar in WoR, he won’t just throw in with the uprising, but you know he’ll want to.
I’ve also seen a spoiler that he may end up, at least briefly, with the Parshendi who fled rather than take Stormform? Pls be kind to them, Kaladin. They need it.
Dalinar, meanwhile, needs to figure out how to let go of power. Shallan (I think it was Shallan) was right: he’s here to gather the new Radiants, not lead them. Not forever, at least. Between the book flap and some stronger spoilers, I know the politics are going international now, as Dalinar tries to rally the whole world, and fucks it up a little - good. I wonder if the second vow of the Bondsmiths is something like, “I will unite people, even if I am not in the lead”? “Even at cost to myself"?
P.S. Gonna find out about Dalinar's wife this book! Gonna find out what deal he made with the Nightwatcher (who is definitely Cultivation-based)! Should learn more about the Old Magic with that, and Cultivation, who frankly I suspect is behind the very warm feeling from that last, golden dream Dalinar had at the end of WoR!
The book flap says Dalinar must “confront the past” and the back says he “seeks the past. That which was abandoned. That which he must not learn. For those secrets will crush him as they did the Knights who came before.” + Amaram’s obsession with Talenal and my mild spoilers-given knowledge that we’re getting a bit more about the Heralds this book, I bet Dalinar isn’t just confronting his own past re: his forgotten wife, but also
a) the fact that 9/10 Heralds, now held as idols, just walked away from their sworn duty
b) the realization of this on the part of the Knights Radiant was the reason for the Recreance. “If the best can’t/won’t do it, why should we?” sort of thing. And so our heroes will have to choose for themselves...
[hint: “Someone has to start...We have to be better than them.”]
Shallan…Her brothers will arrive, which will require her to confront how much she’s changed since she left home, but I think her story this tome will be relatively character development-light, plot/worldbuilding-solving-heavy.
Adolin: The first time I read these books, I said Adolin is poised for an interesting 3rd book, and I stand by that. He CAN'T tell his father what he did; it would put Dalinar and his rule-following honor in an impossible position. But the guilt will stew, and he'll have to deal with the consequences, and incidentally, this is probably the first time in Adolin's life that he's so overshadowed? Not just his cousin the king and his father the Blackthorn, but his father - and fiancée, and ex-bodyguard, and even his baby brother the Knights Radiant? I'd like to see him struggle with that.
I'd also like to see him remain NOT a Knight Radiant, not yet at least, but maybe pick up Talenel'a Honorblade and join in the fun that way. That's probably the best Order For him anyway, the resolute, dependable fighters.
(A part of me is terrified of an endgame where Adolin is Odium's Champion. Foreshadowed by his dueling prowess, and his...periodic tendency towards rashness and rage.)
Less Main Characters:
Szeth!! I'm gonna be honest: all I want out of this book is for some Szeth POV where he's talking with Nightblood and it has the vibe of a buddy cop comedy. All I want. Also, I guess he's going to go judge Shinovar [that sounds so pretentious; good grief, Nale], and I hope for his own sake that he's merciful about it. I think he will be. He doesn't want to kill, even if they were in denial and it resulted in years of torment for him and the world.
Renarin will hopefully get a little more attention, but I think still no POV? So not much attention. (I WANNA MEET REN’S SPREN SO BAD.) Hopefully he can get a little confidence. 
I suspect his seizures are actually due to his Truthwatcher abiliies somehow - maybe because he’s been resisting them? Or they just always go hand in hand, but will get more manageable? Which pisses me off tbh, bc it’s been so great having Kaladin’s depression and Shallan’s inclination to cope with trauma by wildly disassociating be mostly unrelated to their powers, just part of who they are as people (more related in Shallan, but still it’s like...who she is? And that was a perfectly natural reaction to trauma, and treated as such.) 
But the fact that Lopen’s arm started growing back, and Renarin stopped needing his glasses, says Stormlight heals major, old, and chronic illnesses/injuries/physical problems, which means imo that Sanderson is not treating physical disability with the same grace he gave mental. Maybe the seizures will continue with the visions they probably accompany, and it’s just something Truthwatchers have to deal with - that could be okay. Maybe it’s chronic, and if he loses access to Stormlight, they’ll return? Kaladin’s depression acts a bit like that, which makes sense because that IS due to real physical cause i.e. chemical imbalance, which maybe the Stormlight is fixing temporarily but these kids’ bodies are still set up just a bit wrong, and that’s not something that can be “fixed”...that’d be nice...
(This got away from character-related theories, sorry.)
Speaking of which: My Wife If Only She'd Have Me, Jasnah Motherfucking Kholin had better come tell her actual mother that she's alive tbh, or at least send word, because Navani being forlorn to the point of illogic is, um, devastating. But also I will gladly die for the snark-filled adventures of Jasnah and Wit, so...
I know she has at least one POV chapter and I'm so excited. Only in one section, though, so alas we won't get much
Let Jasnah Have A Full Character Arc 2k18
Tentative guess that the wall she's soulcasting up on the cover is in Kholinar? Though also, who the hell knows, she and Wit could go anywhere. I ship it, y’all.
Taravangian has a recurring POV this book, which I assume is true recurring and not just, like, one chapter per section. Probably his arc will involve a growing uncertainty, as reality diverges further from the Diagram and unifying the world is harder than he thought, particularly with Dalinar as competition. (Note: Dalinar does need to learn to surrender power, but...not to this guy. He’s doing a LOT of wrong things for right reasons, and a) I disagree with that personally, and more importantly b) the morals of this series disagree with that.)
He believes his intelligence is the Nightmother’s boon and his compassion is the curse, and I bet either he’s got that backwards or they’re BOTH the curse and his desired “capacity” will manifest as, like, being at the right place in the right moment, five books from now.
Venli is worth mentioning, because she has a POV every or nearly every Interlude and I thus expect she’s the Traitor named by archetype on the back of the book. I don’t know how she took stormform before telling Eshonai about it, without anyone else noticing, but she clearly did. And the effect clearly sticks, even once a Listener changes back to another form...
Worldbuilding/Plot Theories:
Quick rundown of assorted factions/secret societies, as I understand:
Galivar: Started receiving same Honor Dream Voicemails as Dalinr, believed ‘em. 
Goals: Return the Listeners’ gods (did he KNOW that meant Odium? I’m guessing not, bc he told Taravangian they needed to save the world.
Resources: 1 trapped Voidspren, acquired ?????
The Diagram: Tipped off to nigh Desolation by Galivar, asked Nightmother for “capacity” to stop it, got seesawing intelligence/empathy.
Goals: Unify world under his rule, with violence and trickery if necessary, to brace against Desolation
Resources: Diagram, Death Rattles, widespread, free-ish agents in unknown locations. Significant members: Taravangian (head), Moash (confused).
Sons of Honor: Worship Heralds?
Goals: Sought return of Voidbringers in order to prompt return of Radiants and more importantly Heralds, who will return and...restore honor and piety and all that jazz?
Resources: Mostly unknown, but some scholarship. Significant members: Restares (head, not yet met), Amaram, currently in custody of Talenal but not his Blade
Ghostbloods: What do these people even want?
Goals: Urithiru; knowledge there probably. Didn’t want Jasnah spreading knowledge of Voidbringers? Or just didn’t want her to beat them to the city?
Resources: Substantial. Significant members: Thaidakar (head, not yet met), Mraize, Masked Woman [Parshendi?], Shallan, Halaran (possibly not fully.) Davars owe them money.
Envisigiants: Nice, useless cult or bigger than Teft knew? Don’t SEEM related to any of the above in goals.
In conclusion: man, fuck if I know. 
Um. I actually feel very lacking in plot or worldbuilding theories right now. I think most of them slipped into the character stuff anyway.
Either “Zahel” LOST his talking murdersword (whom I love), or he GAVE IT AWAY, and either way, honestly, what a dipshit and also where hte fuck is Vivenna and how did they get here?? Worldhopping obviously but there was no sign anyone in Warbreaker (aside from Hoid ofc) knew about that, so...???
I think the Aimians, with their mild shapeshifting, must be related to the Parshendi as well (I did look up the Horneaters.) And the...whatever sort of person Lift met in Edgedancer. I literally am not sure whether it’s spoilers or just background Cosmere lore that humans re not native to this planet, though they’ve been here for millennia, but I bet all the shapeshifting species are native. 
Obvious but worth saying: the Nightmother is to Cultivation as the Stormfather is to Honor, probably? More or less?
Big point of confusion, actually: Honor is dead, but I don’t think Cultivation is? Yet she’s in the same vicinity as Odium, and has been for millennia. Hiding? Hiding really well? Maybe voluntarily mostly broke herself up into spren?
Note: the Nightmother’s boons and curses appear to be mostly cerebral, matters of perception or ability, though sometimes something like a bolt of cloth. This is presumably because she’s operating in mostly the Cognitive Realm. (Lift’s boon, of course, is explicitly a...blending of Realms.) (Or possibly Lift’s Curse? You know, the whole Boon/Curse dichotomy is almost certainly a failure of human perception.)
In WoK, it sounded like Elhokar was being followed by the same sort of pattern-headed Cryptics as Shallan, but then they didn’t like being around Kaladin and that worries me, especially with Amaram (sketchy) being followed by shadows at the end of WoR. I can see Cryptics simply not liking Windrunners tbh, but...there are darker spren around, now.
The reason this Desolation seems to be starting differently than previous ones is probably a combination of the particularly long wait between them +...is it cruel of me to hope it really IS partly Wit’s fault. In interfering. I’m sure he’ll help, but you know he’s going to break something eventually.
No, it’s probably that the Oathpact is weak, on account of just one true Herald left, and Odium is preparing to blow this popstand.
The first 5 books will end with the Desolation REALLY starting, and the gap will cover the new Knights Radiant orders settling into their new roles, people dying all over but it still could be worse, etc.
Series Endgame things: I think both that we’re going to need 10 new Heralds, one per Order, AND that Odium is going o be released back into the greater Cosmere, and I’m not sure how both those things will happen but I swear they will.  
If I know absolutely anything about Brandon Sanderson’s writing habits, someday a man matching Spook’s description is going to appear in a Stormlight Archive book, inevitably speaking Eastern Empire street slang, and let me tell you, I am going to scream aloud. I think we’ll get Spook before Kelsier, though they might arrive together.
Worst comes to worst, I would watch an entire film of everyone else being dead but Odium furiously chasing Kelsier around the universe, playing whack-a-mole because this single asshole just will not stay dead. 
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imagine-academia · 7 years
Bakugou with s/o in a wheelchair but she doesn't like to get help and is rude to people who think shes weak bc of her disability? And if you can she has a really powerful quirk?
So when I started writing this I had like a scenario but some parts didn’t fit with the rest of it so there gonna be some bonus backstory head cannons to go along with the rest of it
I really hope that I could write this well enough and that you like it!
Backstory Headcannons:
When Bakugo had first started at Yuuei the first person that stood out to him was his then classmate, ____. 
She was obviously strong enough to be part of the hero course at the school, but unlike the rest of the class her desk chair was replaced with a wheelchair.
He was never one to underestimate his classmates, and when the class had their quirks put to the test Bakugo wasn’t surprised when she performed just as good, if not better, than the rest of the class. 
He also took notice in how she would react if anyone underestimated her, treating their comments as insults and using them as fuel to better herself. Of course not without the perfect snarky response to the idiot who had tried to insult them in the first place.
Soon Bakugo found himself denying that his feelings ran deeper than admiration, but eventually he accepted how he felt and that’s how they ended up the power couple of class 1-A.
Training sessions between Bakugo and his significant other were something that the pair loved doing together. They knew each other’s limits and not only tried to test them, but they were able to do so without holding back. 
That’s how they currently found themselves in another full blown war of a battle. Bakugo wasn’t afraid of using his full power on ____, in fact she would probably kick his ass if he didn’t. Smoke surrounded the training area they had chosen that day, making it difficult for others to watch the two fight. 
Currently Bakugo was the one at a loss, his lower half and arms stuck in cement that had been turned into some kind of liquid just moments before. With a quirk like matter manipulation it was surprising that ____ hadn’t trapped him like this in previous sessions, but that was likely due to the fact that her quirk hadn’t been nearly as strong as it was now. The quirk was always powerful, but with the work she had been putting in with Bakugo along with the hero training in class it had recently reached a new pique. 
The explosive boy struggled in the concrete, cursing himself for allowing this to happen. He should have seen it coming as soon as ____ had touched the floor. To anyone else it would appear that the battle was over, but he knew how to get under her skin. 
“You know that’s pretty fucking cowardly to just trap me like this, ____” he taunted, “if you wanted me to go easy on you then you could’ve just asked.”
____’s face contorted into a scowl, her boyfriend’s words annoying them, despite the knowledge that they were most likely intentional. 
“Eat shit, Bakugo!” She screamed, reaching down to touch the ground once again. 
The young hero smirked, assuming he would be getting his way, wanting to continue fighting like they normally would. Unfortunately for Bakugo, the cement began to heat, turning into a completely different substance that what it had been before. Lava suddenly surrounded Bakugo, not as hot as the natural substance, but hot enough to make him regret his words. He quickly freed himself from the spot he had been trapped in, accidentally jumping out of the training area in the process, effectively ending the “match.” 
“Looks like I wasn’t the one who couldn’t take the heat,” ____ stated smugly as she approached the blonde.
The expression on his face exhumed annoyance, but it was self-directed. The battle had been short, making the training almost pointless in Bakugo’s eyes. Nonetheless, he was proud at the progress his significant other had made, changing the matter of an area that large couldn’t have been easy.
“No more trapping me in the fucking floor,” he mumbled, avoiding eye contact with ____.
A smirk made its way onto her face, knowing how effective this new move would be during a real attack. 
“If you want me to go easy on you then just say so,” she teased, earning a tap on the forehead from her frustrated yet proud boyfriend.
Also some extra head cannons for the scenario idea i had, but the other one just ended up flowing better
So basically it begin the same, with the training battle
But in this one Monoma and a couple other students pass by and see Bakugo fighting full force
and Monoma basically tries to insult Bakugo by criticizing how he’s fighting against a “helpless girl, and she’s in a wheelchair no less” 
this gets her HEATED! and before Bakugo even has the chance to tell Monoma anything she has already begun to go off on him
“You do realize I’m the one going easy on him right? I’m surprised you could even be in the hero course with such a close minded view on strength”
Monoma is shook and Bakugo is just there like “damn straight”
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thewingedwolf · 8 years
Top 5 disabled characters (headcanon or explicitly canon or both w/e)
I'm deliriously tired and not sure if u want physical disability or mental illness headcanons or what so this is a hodgepodge of all of that and also addi is my only real friend know this site the rest of u r fakesTOP 5 PHYSICALLY DISABLED/CHRONICALLY ILL CHARACTERS THAT ARE CANON 1. Eugenides from The Queens Thief (missing right hand)2. Bran Stark from A Song of Ice and Fire (paralyzed from waist down)3. Anakin Skywalker from Star Wars (quadruple amputee, respiratory problems)4. Elia Martell from A Song of Ice and Fire (described as being a very sickly woman, eventually so sick she can no longer have children)5. Jem Carstairs from the The Infernal Devices (addict, drugs cause him extreme weakness and sickness and various organ systems failures that eventually lead to his death)6. Bc fuck u I couldn't choose Emma Coolidge from Heroes (she is deaf).TOP 5 DISABLED HEADCANONS 1. Helo Agathon from Battlestar Galactica - listen he got shot in the same leg like four times and I'm glad he was walking around with the cane in the finale but tbh he should have been walking with a limp long before that2. Charlotte from The Infernal Devices has dwarfism this is canon and I will deck u if u say otherwise3. Matt Murdock in addition to being blind is also autistic and has chronic pain and both of those cause MASSIVE sensory issues for him that he has to learn to work around.4. U cannot tell me Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase don't have a million aches and pains and sores ESPECIALLY after Tartarus nope, Annabeth comes back missing a hand, Percy loses a few toes, and they both have some p awful chronic pain that causes them to skip practice and just roll around in bed groaning over who hurts worse5. Wolfgang Bogdanow has a prosthetic arm or he should have anyways and I have no reasoning for this beyond LISTEN DISABLED THIEF WHO BRINGS ALL THE GANG'S IN HIS AREA TO THEIR KNEES IS JUST A GREAT CONCEPT Shout out to Peeta, Clint Barton, and Katniss who are disabled /in canon/ but aren't given those disabilities in the movies lmaoTOP 5 CANON MENTALLY ILL CHARACTERS1. Max Rockatansky from the Mad Max series (c-ptsd, selective mutism, also has a fucked up leg)2. Lady Fire from Fire (depression, general trauma problems, also is missing a few fingers)3. John Crichton (just sorta ~crazy~ altho that's a purposeful 'he grew up in the south and learned how to act neurotypical and now that they've thrown ptsd into the mix he stopped giving a fuck about passing' thing, but he is canonly mentally ill. Most likely ptsd, depression, I think possibly bipolar disorder).4. Penelope Alvarez from One Day at a Time (she has ptsd and a wonderful arc about it).5. Michael Scofield from Prison Break (Suicidal tendencies, ptsd, probably other stuff but due to his suicidal tendencies he never really gets himself checked out properly)TOP 5 MENTAL ILLNESS HEADCANONS 1. Listen to me all the Eights from BSG are borderline don't fight me on this 2. Jace Lightwood is also borderline fuck u3. Bellamy Blake is mentally ill I don't care what they confirm it as just so long as it's fucking confirmed (I see borderline personality disorder personally but we all know I'm impartial lmao)4. Martha Jones has ptsd fucking fight me5. Harry and Ginny's first order as a couple after the war ends is to check into therapy to deal with all their problems. They have marriage counseling fairly often as they get older, not bc they're having problems but bc their mental illness starts acting up and they decide to go for help before it affects their marriage.
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