#bc he can't mask anymore in that state
moonbittern · 11 months
we need more canonically autistic characters who stim in obvious ways. i feel like everyone goes "social issues and rigidity" and then stops there. i want to see canonically autistic characters who flap when they get excited and make noises and generally stim in non-allistic-approved ways. please i need role models
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hamartia-grander · 2 years
I'm actually so sick and fucking tired of people who think covid is comparable to the flu. Just bc you or a family member got it and didn't die doesn't mean it's not super fucking serious and life threatening, ESPECIALLY for disabled people/people with health issues/autoimmune disorders. Every time my father sees me wearing a mask he rants about how covid is just like the flu and that everyone is over reacting and [insert shitty conspiracy theory here] and it makes me so upset every goddamn time. I got covid half a year ago, despite doing everything right, thanks to my parents' stupidity. I was sick for 13 days, entirely bedridden and feverish for 9 of those days. I physically couldn't get out of bed, not even to piss, the entire first day my mother had to half carry me everywhere. Same thing the second day, when she dragged me to the doctor where I tested positive. The first five days, I couldn't even look at an electronic device and had to keep the lights off all the time bc I'd actually vomit. I had a migraine that didn't go away no matter what medicine I took, for the entire the first week. My nose was constantly stuffy and my sinuses were so backed up I couldn't breathe through my nose, which made breathing in general so difficult and painful bc my asthma was also exacerbated. So my chest hurt too. All my normal chronic pain was magnified tenfold. I had a 103 fever for three days in a row, then it fluctuated between 98-100 the rest of the time. Thinking about it right now I still remember the pain and how it felt. I've had strep throat, a lot as a kid. I've had chicken pox, and the flu several times, because my parents never fucking vaccinated us. I have never been more sick in my goddamn life than I was with covid. And this is just me. Yes I'm disabled and yes I'm still being tested for possible autoimmune disorders (my mom and her whole side of the family have them) but even still I'm not nearly as at risk as a lot of people, and I was still more affected than anyone in my entire family, who have all also gotten covid because of their own stupidity. My taste and smell were never affected, but I'm still losing hair from it, which is apparently also a symptom I never knew about.
Wear. Your fucking. Masks. Covid is still around, it's still super fucking serious, it is NOT just like the flu, and you had fucking better take it seriously. Even if you don't care about getting it yourself, at least show some goddamn consideration for others whose health and lives are at risk.
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sorcerersseestars · 10 months
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Gojo Satoru x gn!reader
"I can't stop loving you, no matter how hard I try."
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summary: Your long-time friend stirs feelings inside you that you never realized existed. Of course they bubble up in your chest while he’s in the midst of ignoring you and discovering his own possible romance. Your mutual friend thinks she has it all figured out—or does she?
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pairing: gojo satoru x gn! reader
fandom: jujutsu kaisen
genre: hanahaki sickness au, angst, hurt/comfort, drama, slow burn!
warnings: mentions of feeling sick, being stonewalled kinda, usage of the word (Y/N) bc Gojo is too fed up for nicknames (in reality idk what else to use 😶), Gojo being an ass (common theme in my fics oops)
word count: 3.6k
a/n: This is the first part to my hanahaki au! I’ve had this in my drafts for the longest time, but never committed to writing it all out until now. This first bit is kinda slow and maybe confusing BUT hopefully I’ll be able to clear it up next chapter. Not proof read very thoroughly; will probably regret later 🫥
part ii part iii
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“DON’T YOU THINK you could be a bit nicer to me?” You try, clasping your hands together as you look up at him with an odd smile—a cross between apologetic and playful. You’re joking, or at least half joking. It’s too difficult to be serious with Gojo; his habit of masking emotion with jest must be rubbing off on you.
Only one corner of his mouth raises. “Good one, (Y/N)-chan. As if I didn’t use to pay your bills.”
He doesn’t look at you when he speaks, and he walks away from you without a single glance. You frown and lightly jog a few steps to catch up to him.
“Ah, and I’m forever thankful for that!” You say, cringing at how overly peppy your tone is. “But that’s not exactly what I meant.”
“Hmm,” Is all he says. His hands are in his pockets, but he doesn’t carry himself with as much ease as usual—his posture is closed off, angular and tense.
“What I meant was–” You prompt your own answer, as he doesn’t make any move to. “We haven’t seen each other in a while. I know you’ve been really busy lately, so I don’t blame you, but I think we should go out and do something. Could help relieve some work stress too, don’t you think so?”
“Maybe,” He says, the word short yet effective in its delivery. The word was sharp in his mouth, clear annoyance shaping his tongue enough for the word to have a bite to it.
You wince. He never used to be like this. Gojo has been in a state of perpetual mirth—and one could argue levity—for the entirety of your friendship, never taking anything seriously and always looking for opportunities to poke fun at you to half-jokingly glorify himself. His expression has always been infectiously positive—never molded into anything hard or serious.
But, lately, everything you thought you knew about Gojo Satoru has faded away into your memories. He never seeks out your presence anymore, which is polar opposite from your high school days, when he would follow you around and pester you until you’d hang out with him. You actually used to get annoyed at this behavior, but you’re sorely missing it now.
You feel like you know nothing about him these days, only hearing tidbits here and there from your mutual friend Shoko. It stings to know that he obviously talks to her, and quite often at that, seeing she always has new details to spill every other day.
It doesn’t make sense to you: him and Shoko were never particularly close, definitely not nearly as close as you and Gojo were. In fact, she thought of him as particularly annoying in high school, and often swore to you that she would cut all contact with him once they graduated.
Back then, you had rolled your eyes at her antics, never believing that anybody could cut Gojo out of their life, seeing as he simply wouldn’t let them. But how else could you describe what he seems to be doing to you?
You bite your lip nervously. “Satoru? Is there something wrong?”
“Not particularly,” He says with a forced smile that’s screaming for you to shut up. You pretend like it’s not the most disingenuous smile you’ve ever seen smeared on his face.
“Are you sure?” You probe. “I mean…what’s been going on with you these days? We haven’t seen each other in forever, and you don’t seem yourself.”
“Are you sure?”
His lips are quirked up, as they perpetually are, but it’s different this time. It’s mocking. A mocking smirk that’s telling you to face reality. Do you really know him anymore?
You pause in your steps, studying his expression. You can’t see his eyes, but you wish you could. He’s hard to read with that blindfold concealing those powerful eyes of his, but it never used to be a problem. It hurts that you’re now struggling to gauge him when your emotions used to feel like one.
Evidently, you can’t answer his question. Not that he seems to care.
“I’ve really got to get going. Students to teach, curses to kill, all that,” He announces, tone low and apathetic. Bored. “See ya.”
Your breath flutters in your throat as you try to bid him goodbye. You choke on your words and only end up tentatively raising a hand. Before you can wave, his form disappears. A gust of wind greets you in lieu of a proper goodbye.
You stay where you are for a few shocked moments, not even registering the hot tears that leak from the eyes he avoided.
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You wander aimlessly around campus for a while, the whole interaction replaying in your head several times over. His “Are you sure?” needles its way into your brain even when you push it away, the words hitting where it hurts every time.
Your feet find themselves taking you to an empty break room – ah, this is the one that has your favorite flavor of tea. You turn the kettle on, then eagerly dig through the tea stash. You file through the individual packets quickly and thoroughly, but to no avail. It’s gone.
With a sigh, you grab a random tea bag and throw it into your mug. Frustrated, you roughly begin pouring the now-boiled water into the mug, but it doesn’t seem that was a good idea. Your hand slips for just a split second, but a sizable splash of boiling water still manages to singe your non-dominant hand. A stream of expletives leaves your mouth, and you instantly cradle your hand to your heart.
More tears appear. At least you have an excuse this time—it fucking hurts.
You trudge to the clinic, feeling quite silly, but also seeking some much-needed relief. And you’re not exactly imagining painkillers or an ice pack—no, there’s something else. Someone else.
You hesitantly knock on the door. You feel stupid, but you really have to see her.
You crack a smile at the creak of the door. Your friend and co-worker Shoko strides out with an air of confidence you wish you held.
“What happened?” She asks calmly, eyes lazily taking in your form.
“Spilled some water from the kettle,” You say lamely. “It hurts.”
That doesn’t really constitute a visit to one of the only reverse-cursed technique users in the school, and you know it. So does she.
“Mmhm,” She raises her eyebrows. “Well, come on in.”
You shuffle in a little sheepishly, not able to meet Shoko’s eyes. Now that you’re here, you start to feel unsure about your own motive—do you really want to discuss this? Won’t it just be embarrassing more than anything else?
You stall a little in your steps as the negative thoughts invade your head. You’re startled to attention by a poke to your side—when you look up, Shoko’s playful smirk fills your vision.
“Come on over to the sink and we’ll put that under some cool running water,” She says, gesturing to your reddened arm.
You cock your head, looking between her and the sink skeptically, “No ice?”
She shakes her head, sticking her tongue out at you a bit, “Nope! Running water for burns.”
You hold up your hands in defeat, smiling, “Whatever Doctor Shoko says.”
“And I do,” She says cheekily. “So get under that water!”
“Aye-aye,” You say with a salute.
She groans, “Ugh. You guys are so annoyingly similar. Hang on a sec, I gotta grab something.”
She turns away before she can see the way your expression drops. The smile is stolen from your face, leaving behind saddened eyes and a slight frown. There’s only one possible person she could be talking about.
You sigh and turn on the faucet—your disheartened sigh morphs into one of great relief as the cold water soothes your burn.
“That better?” Shoko asks upon her return.
You nod, a small smile coming back, “Yeah, thanks Shoko.”
“Is there something else wrong?” She asks, then shakes her head. “No, scratch that. What’s actually wrong?”
You take a deep breath. How are you going to broach this subject? You wait several moments, pondering your exact next words.
“Do you think Gojo is okay?” You finally ask your long-time friend, words coming out almost cautiously.
She eyes you funnily, “Why are you asking me? As if he doesn’t chase you around the school to blab on about himself.”
You smile, but it’s tainted by bitterness.
“Shoko…Gojo hasn’t talked to me for two months,” You admit quietly. “I don’t know what’s going on.”
She stops.
You hate hearing the confusion in her voice. You hate the pity that soon fills her eyes.
“He seriously hasn’t,” You affirm, sighing. “I don’t know what I did, or if I did anything, or…or what. I just, I don’t know what’s going on.”
“Have you tried talking to him about it?”
You sigh. “Of course I have, but he didn’t seem to take my concerns seriously. Or consider them at all. It just seemed like he wanted me to shut up and leave him alone.”
Shoko looks at you curiously, lips quirking as if she has something to say, but no words come out. Is she holding something back?
You take a deep breath, willing the horrible emotion that squeezes your throat away. You look out the window to distract yourself, watching the branches of a sakura sapling swaying in the wind. It looks alone and lost, battered by the relentless wind.
“What’s he been like recently with you?” You finally ask, your gaze still on the tree.
“Normal,” Shoko says. “Annoying as ever. Noisy as ever.”
A cluster of pink petals is ripped from a branch, swirling hopelessly to the ground. When they settle on the ground, you look back to your friend.
“He’s really the same?” You ask weakly.
“Unfortunately,” She says wryly. “Besides, why do you care? We’ve both been trying to get him off our backs since waaay long ago. Sounds like a blessing in disguise.”
“Ah, that’s true,” You admit with a weak chuckle, trying to ignore the way your heart throbs painfully. “But he’s also our friend.”
“Since when? More like a thorn in my side. Maybe he finally got the message,” Shoko smirks. “You should give me instructions for that. I’d have a lot better quality of life, you know.”
You know she’s just joking around with you, but she’s truly just rubbing salt in your wound. Not very ethical for a doctor, even if unintentional.
“Yeah,” You laugh, but it’s an empty sound. “Well, I guess I’ll get going then. Hopefully your next patient gives you an easier time.”
Shoko jokes, “Yeah, this has been my toughest job all week. You fiend.”
Your head is filled with so many questions, all of them growing louder as you walk away from your friend. Your friend who you thought would sympathize with you, but only ended up making you feel worse in the end is acting suspicious. It’s not like you’ve ever wanted to actually cut ties with Gojo, even when he used to pull pranks on you in high school. You craved for a strong friendship with him throughout all his shenanigans.
Why is Shoko acting like you hate Gojo, and what isn’t she telling you?
Before you reach the door, you decide you need to know. You stop abruptly in your tracks.
“Ieiri, you’re not telling me something,” You say softly, not looking back. “Why?”
Shoko sighs, pinching the bridge of her nose, “You don’t miss anything, do you?”
You say nothing. The door in front of you is tempting—it’s your way out of knowing the truth. Do you really want to know?
You wait tensely for a few seconds, the silence causing nerves to bubble up in your stomach. But when Shoko begins to speak, they go don’t go away.
“He hasn’t really been acting strange around me, but he’s constantly on his phone. Like always. Whenever he comes to chat, he immediately tunes me out and starts texting or loudly takes a call,” She snorts, huffing out an exasperated sigh. “I thought he was just bored and trying to make me feel disrespected as a sort of cruel joke, but I think it’s something else. I think…I think Gojo is interested in someone.”
Your head whips around, disbelief clear in your features. Interested in someone?
“Maybe that’s why he’s been acting weird. I always thought he was crazy for you, so it didn’t cross my mind until now.”
“Crazy for me?” You immediately echo back, voice hollow and confused.
Shoko shakes her head at you, “C’mon, you can’t be that oblivious. He always followed you around like a lost puppy in high school. He never said anything to me about it, but I really thought he would confess any day for years.”
“He did that to everyone…” You shake your head. “You say yourself he bugged you so much.”
She rolls her eyes. “Trust me, it was different.”
Your heart pounds in your chest. Your vision becomes foggy at the edges, reality fizzling out.
“Why didn’t you want to tell me?” You ask. “It’s not like that matters.”
You try to appear uncaring, yet it was a fight to get those words out.
“You’re a sensitive person. ‘Didn’t know how you’d react since Gojo always seemed to chase after your attention, exclusively. But it’s not like it was the other way around—should have known it wasn’t a big deal. It’s not. Guess he’s just growing up.”
“Yeah,” You agree faintly, voice devoid of emotion. Reality is slipping through your numb fingers, the information turning your world into a nightmare. You should have opened the door and ran when you had the chance.
“It’s not,” You say with a saccharine smile, one so sickly sweet that Shoko gets chills. That’s not your usual smile—not one that Shoko has ever seen you wear. “Of course it’s not.”
When you turn on your heel and rush out of her infirmary, Shoko reaches out a hand and her lips part to call after you. It’s uncharacteristic for her—the cold doctor is rarely sentimental or emotionally affected, but she saw something ghastly in that smile of yours.
The slam of the door answers her call. The truth, now imparted, comes to bite her in the ass.
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It’s been a few days. You’ve been moping around the school, around your students—trying to cope with the information that you don’t even know is true. You see him across campus sometimes; he’s so easily spotted with his translucent hair and tall frame. Every time, he’s facing away from you, and your eyes fall on the back of his head. Your chest always tightens and you end up turning away, too.
You have ignored the feelings stirring in your chest, not willing to admit something that clearly isn’t reciprocated. It has been working, you suppose, since you haven’t cracked under the mental weight of possibly being in lo—
No, you can’t even think that.
Everything has been as okay as it can. It’s not until you attempt to visit Shoko again to try sort out your feelings, however, that things take a turn for the worse.
Your hand is raised as you prepare to knock on the infirmary door, but you hesitate once you hear muffled voices.
“I don’t know…I didn’t expect it at all.”
That’s Gojo’s voice. That low but self-assured tone is undeniably his.
“Expect what?” Shoko asks, sounding bored.
His reply is so soft that it passes by as just a hiss of air, so quiet that you physically startle at Shoko’s loud reaction.
“No! What? I can’t believe that!” She shouts, laughter quickly following her exclamation.
You shouldn’t be listening—you hadn’t planned to eavesdrop on your two best friends, but for some reason your ear seeks out the wall, as if magnetized.
The next three words uttered still your heart.
“Utahime kissed me,” Gojo admits quietly.
You feel like you can’t breathe. Utahime, who has always despised Gojo even beyond Shoko’s extent. Utahime, who once cried into your chest after Gojo was harsh with her at an exchange event. Utahime, who always persisted that you and Gojo were into each other during high school.
Shoko’s unbelieving chuckle cuts through your thoughts.
Shoko laughs, “Oh, yeah, okay, as if I’d ever believe that.”
There’s silence. Your heart drops at the lack of response—no teasing refute, no playful faux playboy attitude.
Shoko absorbs his unusual silence, finally interpreting his words for what they are.
She gasps loudly, spluttering, “Oh my God, you’re being serious. What?! There’s no way…”
Gojo’s voice is even and deep. “I didn’t lie. She just did it out of nowhere. I didn’t even know how to react, to be honest.”
“So you just stood there?” Shoko snorts, trying to keep up her usual sarcastic persona. “God, you’re insufferable all the way around.”
“I kissed her back,” He breathes out, voice almost weak.
Another long moment of silence ensues. You hold your breath, terrified that your panicked pants will alert them of your presence.
Shoko recovers quickly this time.
“Still insufferable,” She sighs, and you can imagine her shaking her head. “So what now? You like her or something? This is so random.”
“I…I don’t know,” He admits quietly. “I never thought she’d do that, it took me by surprise. I…I think I liked it?”
Your heart shatters. You clutch a hand to your mouth, gagging yourself, forcing back the pained gasp that’s threatening to leave your lips.
“Oh, is that so?” Shoko says drily, but the usual edge to her voice is absent. You can only imagine her expression: contorted with pity and pain, desperately trying to maintain her poker face.
“Yeah,” Gojo reaffirms. “It was nice.”
There’s silence for a few seconds as Shoko takes it all in. Then, “Is she who you’ve always been calling and texting when I’m talking to you? You’re an ass for that, by the way.”
Gojo exhales out a sardonic sniff, “You’re spot on.”
Why are you still listening? You should leave. You shouldn’t be hearing this. Pain blooms in your chest, as if thorns became lodged between your ribs.
“What about (Y/N)?”
You freeze, eyes bulging out of your head.
Gojo sighs, sounding annoyed, “What do you mean?”
“I’m not dumb, Satoru. There was something going on during high school and frankly in the past few years as well. Are you going to deny it?”
He scoffs, “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Shoko. It was never like that.”
You feel like you’re going to be sick. You shouldn’t—there’s no possible way you’re actually in love with Gojo Satoru, is there?
Fuck. The thought you’ve been trying to avoid all this time has finally firmly inserted itself into your head.
You take off swiftly and immediately, and your footfalls are as light as you can possibly manage. If either of them knew you were here, you wouldn’t be able to handle the shame.
Gojo and Shoko are none the wiser to the immoral action that took place just beyond the door—so when Shoko is ready to clock out and opens the door, the presence of a school ID on the ground is nearly missed. She feels something strange crunch underneath her foot and steps away and glances at the foreign object.
You left in such a hurry that your ID flopped out of your pocket. It lays on the ground, your smiling face staring up at Shoko, who looks on in horror. She immediately knows that you heard everything. She quickly steps back onto your ID, concealing your identity with her foot.
With all the sight of his six eyes, Gojo somehow completely missed Shoko’s strategic maneuvers to erase traces of your presence. He whistles nonchalantly, not having a care in the world, apparently.
In contrast, Shoko’s mind is racing. Her eyes roam around the courtyard, searching for your form. She feels rooted to the spot—will she reveal you if she steps away? She almost forgets that she’s not alone.
“You looking for someone?” Gojo asks.
Shoko stiffens, but forces herself to relax and appear nonchalant. “Ah, I was just wondering if…if (Y/N) would still be around.”
Gojo frowns. “Hm. Not sure. Don’t they usually go home right after they get off?”
“Lately, they’ve been staying back to do paperwork,” She sighs. “Masamichi has really giving them too many missions…How come you don’t know that?”
“Haven’t had the chance to catch up, I guess,” Gojo says evasively, then quickly changes the subject. “Besides, aren’t you the same way? You coming or not? I’ve got better things to do.”
He waves his cell phone around playfully, a smirk widening across his features.
Shoko rolls her eyes, “Go ahead. I’m just going to wait here a bit and see if I can text them and get them over here.”
She hesitates for a second before adding, “Actually, why don’t you wait a sec? We haven’t all seen each other in a bit.”
Gojo immediately stiffens. He scratches the back of his head and says, “Ah, I’m actually sort of on a time crunch. Maybe next time.”
What a lie. Shoko thinks, eyes narrowing subconsciously. What is he up to?
As he trails off into the distance, the gears in Shoko’s head continue to turn. He always, always teleports home after work finishes. So why is he slowly walking around campus, head turning this way and that way as if searching?
And you! Why were you there? Why were you so affected? What is going on in your head—or rather, your heart?
Something strange is going on with her two friends and Shoko is determined to find out what.
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next part
credit 🩷:
@kiyaedits - baby pink dividers, @sweetxmelody - cherry blossom divider
*note: taglist open!! comment to be tagged in part 2 :)
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st4rfckerz · 7 months
Ugh, Nai. I might submit this earlier. I remember writing it but I can't remember if I discarded it, so if I sent 2 just ignore this one.
The other day someone mentioned Anakin's body odour. Do you think his dick has a smell? Do you think he's got a few different flavours of lube for you specifically reserved for oral bc I heard some guys do that.
AOTC Anakin doesn’t know much about self-care. He’s one of those guys who uses “10 in 1”shampoo and somehow gets by. He knows how to shave, but asks you to help because he saw your body and skincare routine once and got so overwhelmed by all the steps, he thinks you’ll help teach him a thing or two.
TCW Ani is trying to keep himself as decent as possible for you, but it's hard when he gets sent on long missions frequently, he doesn't have much time to think about self-care, and trims at a bare minimum. But if he doesn’t have any time to shave and he's grown out, he's defo enjoying pushing the back of your head and choking you. He loves getting off on your nose being buried in his crotch hair, forcing you to inhale him. He lets you use flavoured lube on him bc he’s scared that he tastes bad as he barely has time to take care of himself, and he feels bad that you rarely see each other. He wants you to enjoy as much as possible. “Bought you the Alderaanian Strawberry flavour bc your fav strawberries are from Alderaan.” Cost him 20 fucking credits, but he takes the price label off so you wont see it how expensive it was.
I think if you bought flavoured lube for ROTS Anakin, he'd throw it right out, lol. He's fully embracing his cock as it is and wants you to appreciate his natural smell. TCW made you both feel like you had to look like royalty when you got in bed bc you barely saw each other. It got to the point where you both cba anymore. Defo keeping clean for you, but you’re both so unbothered that you embrace your natural states. No makeup? “I don’t care, you look good. Let me cum on your face, babe. Looks better on you than that “Charlotte Tilbury”
i'm not sure if you're the same anon that asked something about if anakin likes using flavored lube but i'm answering this one anyways because i love you way you described each anakin era.
first, i agree that AOTC anakin uses 10 in 1 shampoo like it's so on brand for him. i also think he'd be somewhat interested in your skincare routine and wouldn't mind at all if you slapped a face mask on his face, he'd enjoy it a lot more than you'd think. i also believe he has a bad habit of popping his pimples but he never scars from them???
secondly, TCW anakin loooves it when he can feel your nose brush against his crotch hair, it drives him crazy knowing that his cock is buried in your throat and you're just taking it so well. i like how you said that "he's scared that he tastes bad" because he would definitely overthink something silly like that.
lastlyyy, with ROTS anakin he wouldn't care at all what you looked like, he thinks you're beautiful the way you are so of course he's gonna decorate your face with his thick ropes of cum :) in my head ROTS anakin has a scent kink so we wants to smell everything, and i don't think he minds his natural smell at all.
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ithaquakisser · 1 year
Hi^^ If it's not much hassle, can you please do headcanons about how ithaqua would help his s/o if the are really really tried, like, they can't even walk anymore. They can be also a hunter this time?
I have never been so tried in AGES
I walked for like almost 6hours straight, in the mountain, without food (well, until like 35 minutes before-), water and extra tried bc I ran a lot. You know what's the worse? I have to wait 40 min for the train AND I have to wait in the sun with no shadow and cold wind 💀 I wanna dieeeeee
— Ithaqua With A Tired Lover...
Synopsis; Ithaqua helps you walk after an exhausting pack hunter match.
WC; ≈607
Note; I envisioned Ithaqua to be a very selfless individual when it comes to his s/o! Especially once his mask comes off he is just an absolute sweetheart. Also, that sounds terrible! I really hope you got the rest you needed after that! Thank you for requesting!
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♡ Ithaqua is one of the most considerate individuals you’d ever meet. And likely one of the sweetest as well. The moment he notices you are unwell he would immediately rush to your side. His words are spoken in a dulcet tone as he asks, “Are you okay?” His brows would be furrowed in concern, removing his mask momentarily to grasp a better glimpse of your face.
♡ After a rigorous pack hunter match, you’d find yourself stumbling over and limping. Having taken several pallets to the head, your head pounded ruthlessly. Your legs were weary, for they felt like gelatin with each step you took that was in comparison to stepping on a bed of nails. You were visibly exhausted, your hair was ruffled and clung to the moist beads of sweat that trickled down your forehead. Survivors can be awfully brutal, and you’ve learned that day to never underestimate a survivor’s wit.
♡ The walk subsequent to the match back to the manor was hellish. Ithaqua would take heed of the pained expression on your face and inquire of your well-being. You simply shook your head and brushed off his concern, insisting you’d be fine. He’d stayed by your side throughout the stroll, consistently glancing your way to be ensured of your state. “Are you certain that you’ll be alright?”
♡ It wasn’t until you stumbled in the midst of your tracks, the tall hunter catching you in his arms. “I’m fine, I’m fine.” “No, you’re not. Please, allow me to help you.” Ithaqua would wrap your arm around his shoulders, providing you support in your steps. He insisted on assisting you and you had no choice but to accept his aid when he bolstered you. He’d walk with you back to the manor, but when your feet gave out and you collapsed to your knees out of exhaustion, he’d offer to carry you.
♡ You shook your head once more, a tinge of crimson staining your cheeks from envisioning the hunter carrying you in his arms. Ithaqua would persist, to which you eventually obliged with a sigh. You were caught off-guard when he swooped you off of your feet, taking you into his arms. The hunter held you close, ensuring you wouldn’t fall by supporting your head and your lower half. Ithaqua certainly wasn’t strong, but he wasn’t weak either. Despite his petite structure, he would be able to convey you back to the manor and your bedroom.
♡ He’d fetch you water with a kiss on your forehead. Opening the windows to allow the refreshing cool breeze to bestow upon you. If it’s you he’d do anything, you are his love after all. Ithaqua is quite selfless when it comes to you. If you were to ask of him on his behalf he’d merely insist he was okay and once again query in regards to your physical state.
♡ "You should rest, Y/N.” “What about you?” “I’ll be here.” He’d say while setting his mask aside, allowing you to witness the man behind the facade. The hood of his fur cloak falling to his shoulders. “You mustn’t exert yourself during matches.” With a breathy sigh, you’d lean back into the arrangement of pillows by the frame. “I know…”
♡ Ithaqua would sit at your bedside, his lips would curl into a weary smile when he’d lay his head by yours. Seemingly enervated as well, he’d soothingly run his slender hands through your locks. The two of you hadn’t even noticed when you fell into slumber. You were merely two lovers, fatigued by what the day had to offer. With nothing but the evening zephyr to serenade you both to rest.
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oh-saints · 1 year
sweetest devotion (p.3)
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serena thought she was doing her husband a favour but mason had never felt so frustrated and angry towards his wife than right now.
playboy!mason mount x princess!OC
tw: as mentioned in the masterlist only, but extramarital affair to a marriage of convenience for this particular chapter
wc: 1.9k
note: sorry i fell asleep last night bcs jetlag truly sucks! i'm sorry i can't give you guys (yes you guys that left some notes on my asks 👀) a happy chapter now but i swear it'll get better next one! but as usual, i happen to write at dawn so this is not beta-read yet.
tags: @pingyu-in-wonderland @ironmaiden1313 <3 (lmk if you wanna be added!)
<<part 2 - part 4>> sweetest devotion masterlist here
“turn it off, mase.”
elena had been holding back since before both mason and her walked out of her flat but she couldn’t take it anymore. mason’s phone had been vibrating every 30 minutes since then, and it was supposed to be their date night. out of all their weekly quality time, she looked especially forward to tonight because mason had pulled out a reservation at the most sought-after place in london, despite their usual full-booked slot.
but mason’s distracted state-of-mind wasn’t what she had the problem the most. it was the fact that he couldn’t seem to shake off the what-ifs he’d probably be having—what if he just took the call—whenever he peered over the screen of his phone and found the other woman’s name.
good god, had she never despised a name. one sentence, and it reminded her of everything she could’ve had with mason. yes, she admitted she should take some blame for being the reason why mason and serena happened in the first place—had she not broken up with mason the night he sought refuge in alcohol and night life, her boyfriend now wouldn’t have trapped himself in a loveless marriage with the princess.
fucking hell, elena hated her more because of what she was. a royal princess, no less. elana had never dreamt the day she had to compete with a princess for a man.
mason looked up from his phone this time, done from replying to stacy because it was rare for his eldest sister to continuously ping him. but he so wished he’d kept replying to stacy because he’d never seen his girlfriend seething with anger when his attention was diverted back to the alluring lady in red.
“i was replying—”
“serena, i know,” elena folded her arms against her chest, and mason knew better than to debate an angry woman with the correct answer. “now turn it off.”
so he did, with the mind of turning it on shortly after they’d reached back to her flat.
but he never remembered.
now he had to face the reality of waking up to hundreds of texts and missed-calls from his family, mostly asking where he was. others were divided between angry texts for not picking up calls, disappointed ones too for neglecting them. but none was as striking as the last text from serena.
please pick up my call. your mother’s in critical condition.
mason didn’t even think twice as he jolted out from the bed, deserting elena behind in her drowsiness. her usual come back here, baby didn’t work much wonder this time around, his mind was too busy searching for his phone and car keys.
he was far too blinded by the worst possible scenario that could’ve happened to his beloved mother, that he didn’t even think about anything else. not even the countless violations to the traffic laws he committed just to get to the hospital—just as long as he got to his mother’s side in time, just as long as he got to see his mother doing okay.
but that also meant that he forgot about fetching serena from the house. he forgot about the existence of his wife, at least to the rest of the world, and his own marriage. he forgot about the mask he had to put on in public.
he would’ve gone straight to apologising for not getting to the hospital earlier but the sight of serena sitting amongst his sisters, even to the extent of having her arms around a sobbing stacy, clamped his mouth shut. moreover, lewis stood up, arms already folded in front of his chest, and mason had never seen lewis this angry during his short span of life so far.
lowkey, mason could feel his insides cowering because he knew he fucked up so bad—like seven shades of Sunday level of fucked up—for not picking up any calls from his family members but before he could admit his guilt and mistakes, lewis mustered his lowest baritone.
“where have you been?”
his unwavering tone basically confirmed mason’s ultimate sin. “I’m sorry I was—”
“that busy that you let your wife, a foreigner in this country, to take a midnight train to Portsmouth, a city she’s never visited?”
to say mason was surprised, was an understatement. the footballer thought his oldest brother would reprimand him about not picking up his calls when there was a dire emergency at hand.
“what were you thinking, mason mount?”
uh oh, full name was reinstated. mason badly wanted to defend himself but he couldn’t find the ground because in all honesty; what the fuck? the mounts had a worse reality to talk about—the matron of this household was still fighting for her life, for god’s sake!—and lewis wanted to cover other bases instead of the most important thing right now? instead of filling him in about the conditions of their mother?
mason badly, very badly wanted to disclose that he wasn’t responsible for serena’s well-being. like, if she wanted to come it was because she can. not because he asked her, and he would never ask her because he’d very much keep his family away from the impending doom that’d befallen them as soon as the contract expired.
but he kept his mouth shut. partially because he didn’t want to dishonour the agreement between serena and him—because mason would very much prefer to find faults in serena’s stance to this agreement, instead of his own fault—but mostly because he was so mad. how could lewis defend someone he barely knew and accuse mason of something that was out of his control?
“lewis,” serena spoke up gently, as usual. if mason wasn’t blinded with rage towards the said princess, he would’ve admired how regal she was behaving, despite the unspoken chaos blanketing the waiting room. “I think beranting Mason is not necessary,”
the older brother turned his head towards her, asking confirmation if he was hearing her right.
“he must’ve fallen asleep at the coach’s house,” serena continued, giving lewis some sort of reassurance probably that mason wasn’t deserting her behind and that she wasn’t lying about his alibi. “mason overtrains himself lately with both physical and visual training.”
mason would’ve expressed his gratitude behind the scene—why she lied for him, he’d never known—if the woman wasn’t enticing more anger inside of him. always trying to save a fucking face, mason groaned inwardly.
the midfielder stayed put in the long hallway of the pristine white hospital, deciding not to join the rest of the family on his mother’s side. the wife to his dad for decades had been rolled to her room since hours ago but mason didn’t think he had the capacity not to snap in front of everyone.
especially when serena was the midst of his family, acting as if she belonged there when mason kept the information himself. that she was only doing that to save her face, like she’d been doing since the beginning. since the first time she trapped mason into her loveless marriage arrangement.
mason was only too blind to recognise it.
but now that he noticed all the red flags, mason didn’t want his family to fall into the same blackhole.
“you should break up with her.”
mason’s body jumped slightly at jasmine’s voice, certainly shocked his older sister joining him to oversee the boring central garden of the hospital. “but I’m married to serena.”
“you’re smarter than to miss my point, mase,” jasmine chortled sarcastically. “break up with your mistress.”
jasmine’s gaze might be staring the distance, as if the night scenery was fun and pretty, but her words succeeded pouring mason ice cold water over his head. “what do you mean, jaz?”
“don’t play dumb with me,” the ice was now stabbing mason’s heart because jasmine was always the warmer one between them. she was being ruthlessly cold and distant and her tone was so level it scared him. “dad raised you better than to keep a mistress. it never ends well and we all know she’s always up to no good.”
how could jaz be the judge of one’s personality, when she’d never met elena before? what did she know about elena?
mason gritted his teeth out of annoyance. “I can’t do that.”
“you can’t do that to serena, either. it’s not fair.”
serena again? did the princess pull off some black magic over his family or something? why did everybody suddenly care for her instead of him, their flesh and blood? how come no one in his side went to care for him now?
fucking hell, mason had never desired to scream out loud. at anyone, but preferably at his own kin. “lately, I think life’s never fair to me, too.”
“life’s never fair to anyone, mason mount,” mason had never been called by full name twice in a night from different older siblings of his. if stacy decided to do the same in the next hour, mother nature should give mason a prize or something for hitting a homerun. “when are you going to learn that?”
“why are you siding with serena?”
“I am not,” jasmine’s eyebrows distorted in disbelief. “I swear I’m not siding with anyone here, but you really should start thinking like a father. your baby’s coming in less than 6 months, do you think what you’re doing right now is fair to your baby?”
the older took the following silence as a sign she’d nailed the coffin. which could only mean her job here was done and over with.
“jaz,” but mason’s call halted her straying steps from him. “how do you know?”
“you reek of cheap perfume, mase.”
while jasmine’s words rang true in his ears, it still didn’t soothe his anger and annoyance towards the woman sitting shotgun beside him, as he cruised his Lamborghini in the direction back to London.
“why did you come here?”
serena immediately decided she’d choose a cocky mason over this version of him. “I thought—”
“see, that’s your problem. you think,” mason raise a decibel to his voice and serena flinched visibly because she wasn’t used to anyone raising their voice at her. it was rather off-limit to the royal’s etiquette. “but every time you think, you only think for your own good. you never think about what I think or what’s best for us.”
serena was rather taken aback at mason’s outburst that she couldn’t produce any response to him.
“have you ever thought you can jeopardise our false pretence by coming here alone?”
“no, I—”
“exactly!” serena flinched away from mason as the footballer hit the steering wheel out of frustration and anger. “so don’t ever fucking think again, you got me?”
suddenly her fingers looked so much interesting than ever before. “I’m sorry, mason.”
“you better fucking be,” mason sighed deeply. “if you still want to live.”
how could serena possibly have a decent reply when he reminded her that she was on the losing end?
next chapter contains:
“mason…” his lover whimpered, trying to reach for mason but the man only shook her hands away and stood up, towering her over. “surely you’re mistaken, we can talk about this–” “leave.”
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the-kr8tor · 30 days
You told me to go to sleep- I WAS ALREADY ASLEEP WHEN WRITING THAT HC PFFT Daily Hobie HC! I'm not asleep anymore tho...rubs hands with evil intent Hobie's eyes began to tear up as he heard your name, followed by the mention of a car accident. Hobie scrambled to throw on his suit, slipping on his converses to save time for lacing up his boot, and not even thinking of putting half the accessories he wore. Just the usual pants and leather jacket this time. Hobie leapt out of the window, swinging all over the city desperately to try and find you. Hobie noticed a blaring ambulance rush down the road, hurriedly following after it and hoping it would lead him to the site of your accident. He perched up upon a building, his eyes widened in horror at your battered state, being loaded into an ambulance as fast as possible. He was tempted to run down and cradle you in his arms, but for the first time, fear froze him. When Hobie noticed the ambulance alarm blaring, with the vehicle rushing off to the nearest hospital, Hobie followed suit, staying high among the buildings to avoid any disruptions down below. Watching the white and red van disappear into the vehicle section of the hospital, Hobie felt tears threatening to flow down his face. He dropped into an empty alleyway, taking off his mask as he quickly wiped away the tears, automatically thinking the worst. You were dead, in his mind. He was the worst possible person to ever exist, since the person he loved so dearly got hurt. Hobie sniffled back his tears hurriedly as he heard footsteps, tugging on his mask once more and swinging away, back to the boathouse. He knew they would never allow him to visit you now. You were critically injured, and it was all his fault. Hobie stumbled into his own home, feeling the guilt and sorrow sitting heavily on his shoulders, causing him to fall. He fell onto the couch, trying so hard not to cry, but the guilt and fear was too much to bear. He had seen you, covered in blood, gashes, scrapes, bruises, cuts, and yet he couldn't do anything. The moment he even heard your name, mixed with the mention of a car crash, he instantly blamed himself. If only he clung onto you tighter, or went with you. If only he said I love you more, and kissed you a thousand times more. If only If only If only Hobie curled up, his knees pressed against his chest as he sobbed on the couch, hoping he doesn't have to get the call announcing your death. Hoping he doesn't have to go to your funeral knowing he could've prevented this. But he couldn't have prevented this. It wasn't his fault, but Hobie felt like it was. He convinced himself it was. A few days after surgery and rest, you eventually woke up from your short-lived coma, rubbing your temples as your head throbbed with pain. An IV drip had been put into your arm, along with a heart monitor machine beside you and many other more machines that you couldn't be bothered to try figure out. A few nurses and doctor's came in, informing you about your condition, plus everything else coming with it. Of course, you'll have to stay in the hospital, but visiting hours will be opening soon. Which meant that you get to see Hobie again. To hold him. To kiss him. To love him and remind him that he'll never lose you. -🐦‍⬛
Go back to sleep 😈
Daily Hobie HC ❤️
OH NO!! what is in the water today? Everyone's writing angst?!!!! Is this my fault bc of the last chapter?! *sigh*
OMG POOR HOBIE The one time he can't help you with his abilities 😭😔 and poor r having to through that it must've hurt a lot 😭
Hobie crying bc he can't do anything other than to wait screaming crying throwing up imma hunt you down 🐦‍⬛ anon
THANK GOODNESS R IS OKAY!!!! I bet Hobie never left around the vicinity of the hospital until he hears that you're well
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depperter-hase · 1 year
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Ziphius, the beaked whale.
This is actually an AU version design of Kai Chisaki, that I started with a friend a while back. It takes place post Tartarus; Kai in his still mentally unstable state, is picked up by the villain Curator, who wants to manipulate him into becoming his loyal henchman. Several months later he emerges as the new villain Ziphius, a man who speaks little, has a tendency to space out and who claims to "be cursed with" a quirk mutation that makes him unable to breath without the mask he wears.
Full design is under cut.
So I kinda just went wild with this one. The design of the mask is inspired by cyberpunk stuff ( bc im just into that ) and mixed with the helmet design of Curator ( the blowhole, the golden barnacles ). The chemical danger symbols I added for the teehee funnies.
The jacket is a so-called Sukajan or "japanese souvenir jackets". In Japan it's associated to be worn by delinquents, and the design of the jackets are reminiscent of Yakuza tattoos. Also they are sick as fuck. I feel like Kai is the kinda person who'd be into this sorta flashy design. The snakes I added bc snakes are associated with health and medicine in Japan. The back design is based off the mythical Ziphius whale which is described as "fish with a beak". I wanted to roughly keep Kai's colour scheme but mixed up how much each colour is used, bc yanno, can't read too obviously as Overhaul.
Natrually, Kai doesn't have his arms anymore so he got robotic protheses instead. Curator wants him to recreate the quirk destroying drug but his brain is so scrambled he keeps misremembering it...
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Also, in this AU Kai and Isana are estranged brothers but that's like a whole other can of worms to address about this.
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pebblish · 2 years
I have covid and I'm already feeling the cabin fever on day 2 of isolation, and since NFWMB is completely losing the poll much to my heartbreak bcs it's my favourite WIP, could I please get some diapering & other infantilising vader & luke headcanons to soothe my soul
oh poor anon of course!!! so sorry to hear about being sick with covid, that sucks :(( hope you get better soon!
so some diapering/infantilism headcanons, I think I can do that! Some of these are inspired by such genius minds as @starboundanon and @hallowest so all credit to them.
Luke regresses to about a two year old when he's Little, and Vader is at first incredibly alarmed by the occurrence. It's triggered by Luke being injured in 'training' with Palpatine, both mentally and physically battered. When Vader brings him back to their apartment, Luke just drops. Vader immediately panics and freaks out, wanting to call for a medic and consult the Force and perhaps even his Master, but Luke won't let him out of his sight for even a second to call anyone to the scene. Luke eventually cries himself out in Vader's arms and Vader realizes that his boy only needs to be close to his father and he's perfectly content when he's in that headspace. Vader isn't so opposed to a repeat occurrence once he realizes that- Luke so rarely initiates cuddles or hugs anymore, saying he's too old for that sort of thing. And Vader can't bring himself to seek it out, even when he only wants to hold his son close. So this little hiccup is a relief for Vader.
After the first time Luke becomes Little, Vader stocks up. He reads extensively, diving into research about this condition and if it's exclusive to Force users, etc. He has diapers and bottles on hand, as he learned the first time that Luke cannot keep solid food down in this state- the boy can't even handle a fork to put the food in his mouth, let alone chew.
Even regressed, Luke still rails against being put in a diaper and subsequent diaper changes, which result in the unfortunate use of restraints to get the boy to be still enough for Vader to work. I have this image of Vader doing it all in his meditation chamber at their apartment, with Luke wearing an oxygen mask and Vader free to remove his helmet and press kisses all over Luke, showering him in love. Luke giggles and tries to squirm away because it tickles, but he secretly loves it- he's never felt more loved than when his father does that, considering he knows how it hurts for his father to press his vulnerable skin to another's.
Gosh I have more, ideas about Luke just drowning in piles of stuffed animals and Vader buying tiny tie fighters and x-wings and freighters that fly around the room for Luke to giggle and grab at.
And maybeee anon.... since the poll ended in a tie for three separate fics lmfao, in the space of time it takes to have a tie-breaker poll, I'll put out a little something regarding NFWMB- be that a whole chapter, or some snippets to make up for the long delay :))
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kakusboyfriend · 11 months
O-kay whatever I'm gonna do mini lore dumps for some of my DC guys bc I'm bored. Read or readn't but I need to get the thoughts out somehow
• I don't believe Citrus and Red were married until *After* the Rise of the Tornado Tyrant episode, where Citrus' redemption arc truly begins after saving Roy (tornado champion/tyrant whatever I think the names r stupid) from himself. However that is also the catalyst for a huge strain in their relationship that lasts a bit offscreen because That was your Child and he Loved you. Both Red and Citrus really need a time out after that whole mess. Oh also Citrus really fucking hates Bruce after it and threatens to kill him if he ever gets close to his family again and that's my excuse for Red's abrupt disappearance (aside from him retiring as a hero) LOL. You'd have to watch the EP to really get it but yeah it changes a whole lot of things for my little weird family.
• Cupid is a weird little guy because I'm still working out how I want the Star Sapphires to work, since I'm very aromantic and the thought of Romantic Love as a constant in the human psyche makes me violent. I think the ring feeds off of positive feelings of comfort and (any kind of) love to give the user strength so it's encouraged that whoever's relationship youre mending, you should get close to that person to help them out even more. Both Indigos and Sapphires r rehab groups basically but one is made of Patients and the other is made of Therapists. If that makes any sense? They're twinsies because love and compassion are very similar + they're very close in the spectrum anyways. All of this to say, Cupid and Rudy work best bc they feed off of each other but they're normal about it. This is a very new thing I'm trying to integrate into their story bc i came up with it, like, Yesterday.
• Bruno is the most skittish weird guy you'll ever meet and his whole thing is about how sometimes there isn't an out for ppl that don't look like they're supposed to, even if they're not inherently evil. Like, he can't Mask who he is and he's not going to live in the shadows about it. If his existence is seen as a twisted state of being, living unapologetically as himself will be looked down upon one way or another - so he'd rather be with people everyone else fucking hates. He's the most autistic bitch I've ever written bc of how he was raised and is perceived + chooses to act (I don't mask anymore now that I'm in my 20s and it's a joy + being queer in a world that thinks you're depraved bc of it). He's not a villain by Choice by any means, but he has more fun hanging out with outcasts than with "good guys". He's a petty thief, not a monster, but god if he isn't going to put his whole pussy into being a weird bitch.
• oh Voltera... Darling, I'm so sorry. This guy was orphaned from a young age and his parents were Not from earth and didn't know anyone there by the time they died + their families had fully ostracized them back home. In truth Alesan weasels take the "it takes a village to raise a child" thing to heart, so a kit being left alone is heartbreaking. Plus, it means Voltera is barely aware of why he does certain things that weren't explained to him growing up, and it made him very immature and weird. He was generally considered "too much to handle" in any foster home he was sent to (because literally no one knew how to raise him. It's literally like getting an energetic pet you're not ready for - there's Going to be biting, and you're Going to be frustrated) and eventually just becomes a street urchin trying desperately to fit in with anyone his age. Mekt is semi sorta in the same position by being a weird loser no one really likes, so they make good friends from the start bc of it. I'm so normal about them.
• Alborean. God I haven't really touched on him here but he's the most Sure of himself out of any of my losers. There isn't even anything tragic going on with him, he just does what he does because he Wants to do it. He's the bastard son of the former Doppelganger emperor/whatever so he has immense potential for being an edgy loser (Citrus killed him off or something, but he's dethroned by the time Alborean comes to earth one way or another. Plus he was an illegitimate child and his dad didn't want shit to do with him, it would be So easy for me to write him as desperate and brooding) but he's incredibly self sufficient instead. He's the only guy I'll bring into Batman Beyond I think, and he's Essential to saving Victor from death because oh my god that sucked so bad.
• Winona
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Kidding, but Winona is the same species as my other sona, Kit Karyotype (Marvel S/I) and closely related to Eudicot Sangria's (Futurama S/I) species. The major difference is that Anguipera Venenata have relatively normal eating habits and actively hunt for prey with venom or brute strength while Anguipera Amedo eat a huge meal once every month or so and are far less aggressive. Still working on how Winona gets with Scott and Barda but I'll get there one day.
• I wrote a huge thing for orchard but accidentally deleted it and I'm too tired to do it all over again. Sorry! That one was the biggest and had the most thought put into it. One day I'll come back I'm just so fucking mad rn
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Kakashi for this one? 👀
https ://at .tumblr .com /justsomeoneunordinary/send-me-a-character-and-ill-answer-these/vjolyf8nlo70
1: sexuality headcanon
that man is SO aroace, hands down. that doesn't even need an explanation, just look at him!
unless he's being railed by gai, in which case he isn't quite so ace anymore uwu
2: otp
kakagai kakagai kakagai kakagai kaKAGAI KAKAGAI-
3: brotp
in my heart, he and tenzou are brothers. he totally behaves like an older brother around him, esp when he's being a little shit lol, i just love their relationship so much
4: notp
never liked kakairu and never will. also used to be open for obikaka but i cannot see it anymore tbh. makes me sick nowadays. (but the naruto fandom def has a problem with tagging their ships properly bc i keep seeing so many notps all the time argh) honestly, i don't rlly ship kks with anyone except with gai. i find him very unshippable idk....
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
he's a biter. not the fanon hatake = wolves hc kinda biting bc i hate that hc (kishi didn't give us much but he gave us enough to conclude that hatake = farmers, not wolves or nomads ffs do ppl not at least google the names before they come up with hc's or what), but the as a child he used to bite anyone kinda thing, so his father gave him a mask and kks just never stopped wearing it. he still bites as soon as it comes off
6: favorite line from this character
i am terrible at rmbr'ing lines but when he meets team 7 and his reaction is "my first impression of you is... i hate you all" is the fucking funniest shit to me. first, he lets those 12yo kiddos wait for hours and then has the gall to tell them he hates them lmfao king shit i love him (also, what a lying liar. they're his kiddos and he loves them)
7: one way in which I relate to this character
slouch king <3 i too, can't walk or sit with my back straight. also, reading porn in public. relatable
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
lmao in shippuuden where he had to read a section out loud of his porn book and the line was literally just "i love you" but he practically died trying to say it, face red, sweat running down, stuttering and all that jazz acbsjfhsjfhdjfbajfb IT'S LITERALLY JUST I LOVE YOU, IT'S NOT EVEN SMTH SMUTTY FFS KKS YOU'RE A GROWN MAN!!! also the sheer amount of times he collapses bc of chakra exhaustion like pls king that's not normal, no one else pushes their chakra to the limit you fucking drama queen. i'll never forget that one time sakura sees him at ichiraku's and goes "oh, not in the hospital for once? that's new" lmfaooooo get recc'd. ALSO kks of the sharingan has copied over a thousand jutsu AND YET WE ONLY EVER SEE HIM USE CHIDORI!! BRUH WHERE ARE THOSE 1000 JUTSU, WHERE???!!! how abt you stop using that sharingan of yours that drains you so much of chakra just to copy jutsu that you then don't even intend to use, hmmmmm??? lmao he's a genuis but he's so dumb
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
neither? all village ninja's are basically the military of a fascist state, and all deserted ninjas are killers without actual permission to kill, so given the universe everyone is problematic. you could say bc he's one of the good guys he's the former but he's also such a loyal bootlicker (i love him but god kks the way he doesn't question the system at all even after everything that happened to him is so... acbjshdjsfh) so you could say he's problematic in that sense??? you can't rlly put any nart character into either of this category tbh
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wolfdogged · 3 months
I like Sakiz attitude towards life, not letting her illness bring her down and continue to spread positivity and support her friend group. (Kinda like me n my primary school friends.)
I also like Mizuki alot as a trans person BC I want be proud of my presentation of myself as much as she is. Not wanting to be worried about what people think of me and embrace what I want to do most.
(I also really like girly dolls sometimes and I want to design poofy dresses for them it's very comforting)
( but don't tell anyone BC I'm a manly man😈😈)
I like Neuvilette alot because he feels like someone intelligent that I could be. Extremely objective and reasonable, like a perfect machine of logic and immortality. His journey of empathising well with humans is an interesting one, it feels like me as a person who feels isolated alot being welcomed to people and being treated as an equal. (Bros aura is unmatched)
Oh and Eduardo oh he's just silly.
Eduardo is an interesting character. Like I feel like I can relate to him alot. His emotional immaturity, his pettiness, his desire for improvement.
But what separates him from all of my favourite characters is that he doesn't have everything figured out, he's still not recovered and discovered himself yet.
Eduardo went through another death, just as traumatic as Laurels. I'm not saying he deserved it but it's like a wake up call. He snaps out of his cartoonish state and it feels like I can see him, I can feel that mask slipping off his face. I can feel his vulnerability.
I feel like I've been lying to myself about who I am and I feel like I can never have my original self back anymore.
I don't think he can either, he was happy before, he just wanted to draw cute shit and he was happy for it, when he actually did art because he liked it.
Now he realises that part of him is gone and no matter how he tries he can't have it back. But maybe this ripping of the mask can give him time to reflect.
(Oh yeah Xianglings just cool n cute and way better than arlechi- )
erm erm erm
lyney, femboy... cute thighs... blep... erm... ecchi
yea 🫶🏾
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chasetsummer · 2 years
Stay High — Kakashi one shot.
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Warnings: emotional dependence, angst, alcohol use, bad ending, depression and bad english bc it's not my first language!!!
A/N: This fanfiction is not intended to romanticize any kind of addiction, whether emotional or alcoholic. If you have any signs of depression, look for a doctor, and if you want to talk I'm here!
I'm so shy about my writing, pls don't hate me!
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"Watching freaky people getting it on
It doesn't make me nervous
If anything, I'm restless"
You were tired, so tired, but what could you do? The state of abstinence lasted too long, but the idea of stopping was what terrified the most, it wasn't time to think about what you were doing, it was necessary to disconnect from thoughts to forget the pain. And then there was your figure leaning against the counters of several bars in Konoha, watching idiot men hitting on girls, watching people smoke and drink until they lose their minds.
That was the usual thing, your money for the month as a kunoichi was being spent there, after all. The drink ripped your throat hard, but that was also usual.
"You're gone and I got to stay high all the time
To keep you off my mind"
This was ridiculous, drinking only had 2 stages: forgetting to remembering again.
So you started out happy, dancing to the songs that were playing there, and the next moment you were crying in the bathroom, remembering why you were there.
You ordered more drinks even if it made you more of a junkie at that bar, and even if it wasn't part of your ideals your chest ached with the feeling of being alone again.
And in that small, claustrophobic bathroom you were sobbing thinking about the stupid thing you'd done. Why he had left you? Why were you alone?"
" "I'm sorry, but I can't do it anymore." Kakashi's voice became muffled, he spoke low and you couldn't even feel his breath because of the mask.
He wasn't sorry, you could tell he wasn't.
But you were, you're breaking. He couldn't do that, could he? Leaving you at the mercy of your mind, which managed to curse every inch of your body, saying that it was solely your fault.
Kakashi was leaving.
And you had been alone.
"Go away then!" His scream echoed through that small apartment, it was already night but you didn't care about the neighbors. "Leave me alone!"
The only person who sobbed was you."
"Pick up daddies at the playground
How I spend my day time
Loosen up their frown, make them feel alive
I make it fast and greasy
I'm numb and way too easy"
And bar guys took advantage of your situation, it was obvious. But again you were far from caring.
After all, it was something quick, it didn't last long, you were empty, without any sense to continue to value yourself.
Men were easily forgotten, your memory made no attempt to remember their names. There was only one in particular you couldn't get out of yourself, and that made you want more, you couldn't go home alone again. It was like the feeling of Kakashi's touch lingering in your body reminding you again that you needed to forget.
"Spend my days locked in a haze
Trying to forget you, babe
I fall back down
Gotta stay high all my life
To forget I'm missing you"
On that particular day, your body froze. And the noise of the bar door caught your attention. There was Gai and Kakashi. The two laughed loudly, happy and tired. You could deduce that they had given each other one more challenge and that they were there for a drink after their long day at work.
And the thought that he looked great as always destroyed you.
Hatake arrived at the bar with Gai and stopped when he saw you, analyzed you for a few seconds and it hit you in a crushing way as if he took a punch, you wanted to throw up, because it was obvious that you had cried, it was obvious that you were alone and not well.
Your makeup was smudged, he had noticed your swollen face, and mainly: You should get out of there as soon as possible.
"Staying in my play pretend
Where the fun ain't got no end
Can't go home alone again
Need someone to numb the pain"
You couldn't crumble what you'd built, everything was so fine.
At least that's what you thought.
Circumstances made loneliness accompany you, and it was easy to play make-believe. You pretended you were having fun, playing like a lonely, lost child.
All your money was put on the counter for the bar man, just turning your wallet over, releasing all the coins and bills you knew would be enough. And then you got up to leave, didn't greet either of them, just wanted to run without caring if your vision was blurred or not. By then you were already doing that every night.
The feeling of being alone always made your body freeze, that's what happened when you left the bar.
The wind in Konoha that night didn't help your frigid body, and you cursed the fact that the world seemed too small to meet the person you least wanted to see. Suddenly Kakashi was there, standing there, watching you in the bar you frequented.
There he was, seeing the pieces that were left of what you once were. And now, here was Kakashi running after you, slamming the bar door in a hurry, wanting to find you.
"Hey!" He caught your attention, heading towards you but you had done nothing but walk faster, ignoring the fact that he had called you, but he pulled you away, reminding you that he was the ninja who copied jutsus, he could reach you so easily.
He always could, even when you dared him.
"What you want?" Your voice was soft, the tongue was heavy in your mouth. You weren't in the right conditions for a conversation.
"You can't go out like that. It's kind of dangerous." He scratched the back of his neck embarrassed by the situation, it's been over a month since you've seen or spoken to him.
"You've forgotten who I am, Kakashi." His name came out of your mouth strangely. You had never called him by his given name, not even when he left your house.
"I haven't forgotten, I just don't think you can go in that state." He replied insistently.
"I'm used to it, I do this every day." You spit out the truth, it wasn't a relapse, it was your new reality.
And Kakashi couldn't do anything about it.
Hatake looked thoughtful, you could tell. You're walking again, no time to talk to your ex-boyfriend. Your chest might hurt, but you wouldn't stop.And he didn't stop, either. A firm hand gripped your shoulder causing shivers.
Reminding you of the days when that could be a tender touch. What was once love, now became the worst torture. It was like the day you had to give his stuff from your house. The blouse that covered your mouth but to you it just looked like a wide collar.
The most useless things he could have, and the casual clothes he let her wear.
""But I gave you this shirt because..." He started the sentence, nervous to have you at his door after so long, but you didn't let him finish, pushing the shirt closer to him.
"I don't need this anymore." Your mouth uttered the automatic phrase you had practiced on the way to his house. "It doesn't make sense for me to have your stuff anymore."
And to your disaster, he nodded. Kakashi thought it would help you get over it, but little did he know that it would only open the hole your chest insisted on opening more."
And like a puppet following its master's commands, you stopped walking again.
"Please let me go home." You asked again. "You're not responsible for me, and you don't have to care. You don't care."
"I never said that, I still care."
"No, you don't. And I don't owe anyone any more satisfaction." Your bitter voice made anyone hurt. "Leave me alone please, I'm fine."
"You're not, I know you're not!" Kakashi's voice grew louder, and you turned away from him. "Why?"
"Because of you! Because you didn't do anything all this time, you just broke up with me for no reason. I wasn't enough, I was nothing." You exploded, your voice breaking as you spoke, the tears that flowed no longer made any difference in your blurred vision.
You wanted to throw up, you wanted your bed, you wanted Kakashi away from you, but you're was there.
"I did it because I wanted to protect you." He argued, looking down at himself, showing the guilt he also carried just by body language."I just didn't expect you to do this."
"It's not news to you that I'm a fucking problem." The tears insisted on falling. "I just want to get out of here and I don't want to see you anymore, is it that hard?"
Kakashi looked at you for the last time before saying "I'm sorry".
It was like an unspoken goodbye.
"I feel sorry too." You muttered one last time.
That night you went home, and after a long time you didn't sleep drunk from alcohol, but from the tiredness of the tears that insisted on falling when remembering the last goodbye.
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fonulyn · 3 years
So I'm reading this sad Chreon story - as one does (it's me, I'm one) - and I just had the weirdest epiphany? Like, I dunno, it's probably dumb and far from a hot take or some eye opening character analysis no one has done before but I noticed that people (including myself, so like not saying this in any kind of bad way) tend to write Leon as stand offish, apathetic, and cold. Like this story stated it specifically, said something along the lines of "this is what Leon gets for cultivating a reputation for being unapproachable, apathetic, and indifferent" and the insinuation there is that he's done this on purpose, put on this front to seem unaffected by things when in the presence of others, and I think it's pretty true for his character. Like anything post RE2, Leon is kind of. I dunno, I wanna say deadpan? He seems to express v little emotion, and when he does it's usually in the form of a quip, one-liner, or snarky come back. Sometimes awkward small talk lol. But it feels like he's built this wall, this persona around himself, not just to protect himself from losing more people (bc he probably sees it as some kind of inevitability, and with his track record I certainly wouldn't blame him), but to protect people from him. This poor man has spent so long fighting, trying to save people, and even tho he saves the day in the end, so many people get lost in the process, and Leon feels every single loss personally. Right off the bat we see it every time someone dies in RE2, then again in RE4 with Luis, who he knew for a short period of time and yet mourned so heavily for, and even Krauser to an extent. Leon is someone who is quick to trust, even as he gets older, and we see that in RE Vendetta, too. Like that's probably one of the big reasons he's so devastated after losing his team. Not only was he entrusted with a group (which doesn't happen often, as far as we have seen), but he probably put his trust in them as well, including Petrucio, the man who betrayed them. I just think Leon is such a complex character who hides so much of himself (which is convenient for bad writers at Capcom who can't write good dialogue to save their lives lmao, but I also think it's a decent part of his character now), probably so what happened in RE2 doesn't happen again. Bc that shit was probably so traumatizing, and Leon was still a baby! I'm only a year older then he was at the time of RE2 but like, as humans our brains don't finish growing until age 25, so that kind of trauma at that age is for sure gonna stick with you, and it seems he picked up some unhealthy coping mechanisms from it that's more than just his drinking problem. Anyways I guess I just wanted to rant about how Leon is the most "emotionless" character in RE but in reality he feels and cares so much, so much so that if he doesn't put up that mask of indifference then he'll destroy himself. This man would die so that others could live, he's saved the world multiple times without a care for himself past the need to finish his mission and keep as many people as possible safe. He's such a tragic character and I love him so goddamn much, like he's one of those characters who you aspire to be like, in a way. Selfless, capable, dependable, reliable, smart, passionate, caring. And some of this might be my own character building I've done based off of other headcanons and character analysis posts and stories I've seen, but I do think we see a lot of this in the canon content, too. I just really love Leon S Kennedy, okay? He makes me sad but also so so happy and I love him v much, he is a big time comfort character for me. Sorry for the rant, just needed to scream about this with someone who would understand lol 😅
oh anon, I get you, I dooo. I think that you're right in that Leon has kind of this shell around himself because it's the only way he can cope. but there are so many cracks in his shell, and he lets people in so readily even when it would stand to reason that he shouldn't trust anyone anymore. he gets attached to people lightning fast, and he'd die for them even when he's barely met them.
this borders on headcanon territory, definitely, but I tend to often write him as someone who gets attached easily and falls for people easily (be it friendship or romantic or anything), but then he doesn't know how to properly let people in because he's got his defense mechanisms, he's trying to keep himself from breaking, and what if he truly lets someone past those walls and then another disaster strikes and he never recovers from it?
and I think it shows a lot in how he's so awkward with small talk, he can throw in one-liners and dad jokes and try to keep his own (and anyone else's) spirits up with that. but oh man. beyond that? the boy doesn't know how to naturally talk to people. (even like in Infinite Darkness, with Claire, I think his "don't do anything stupid" was 100% meant to be a joke, both times, but it just didn't exactly land perfectly. poor awkward bby)
but like even though he might put up this unaffected front, he's still so very expressive? like... if you really pay attention to him? he's far from actually an expressionless and cold person. he just isn't very loud about it. (i was just going through ID screencaps yesterday and while Shen May is talking and Leon is on the background, he goes through such a journey in expressions alone :'D)
AND HE CARES. like, for example in Infinite Darkness, he sees Patrick is shaken and the first possible moment he has, he immediately asks him if he's okay and takes a moment to reassure him. they're in a hurry, he's supposed to get going and not check up on a guy he's never even met before, but he does it anyway. and I think it speaks a lot of his character. he's quick to offer support and comfort, and he genuinely tries to be there for others the best he can. he desperately needs someone to listen to him in turn, seriously. give him emotional support, damnit.
and I wanna highlight what you said:
in reality he feels and cares so much, so much so that if he doesn't put up that mask of indifference then he'll destroy himself. This man would die so that others could live, he's saved the world multiple times without a care for himself past the need to finish his mission and keep as many people as possible safe.
because yes. 100%. also this:
he's one of those characters who you aspire to be like, in a way.
like. yes. there was this one meme thing going around which was basically like asking if you feel like you're like your favorite character and I'm just. I fucking wish I was one tenth of what he is :'D
I know not even he is perfect, c'mon, no such thing as perfect people exist (not even in fiction, or if they do then they'd be really damn boring :'D). i'm not trying to claim he has no flaws, or that he never does anything wrong. he has and he does. but the amount of genuine caring he shows and how hard he tries to do the right thing? truly awe inspiring.
i just. I'm right there with you. I love him so damn much. and that's why I spend most of my time writing fic where he gets at least some of that happiness he deserves :'D i need him taken care of, damnit, and if canon doesn't give him good things then i damn sure will.
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ariyadaivaris · 7 years
sorry for the multiple messages!! i'm catching up on the past couple of weeks and i'm curious about what you think? how do you think jack could get out of this situation with brian? do you think its possible? do you think he even wants to now or is it just. like a kind of resignation/leaning into the role bc he can't leave? (phrasing this weirdly but. hope you get the idea?) -jack meta anon
no worries omg!!! im shy but i love seeing messages, its alright anon!!!
that’s a good question!! ideally, i WANT jack to get out of this situation with brian, just because it’s No Good, like, even if brian’s fine with jack as long as jack’s his student, he DID still tear apart everything jack held dear to the point jack turned heel, and he also cracked jack’s head open without a shred of regret or guilt, and that’s generally not the type of person you wanna trust as your partner! but, i mean, jack knows what brian’s capable of and brian is a step ahead of jack and he could EASILY do worse, so it’s just...safer for the moment to stay at brian’s side. 
i think that the only way jack could get out of this situation with brian is to learn FROM brian, and then turn that back against him and surpass him. the same way akira kind of had to use brian’s lessons to open up the path to beating him. (and jack and akira, imo, like, akira ideally would be a really cool part of jack’s arc for MANY reasons but especially because jack lost to akira in the 2nd round of the cruiserweight classic itself and i LIVE for these callbacks.) if jack can figure out how to change the rules of the game before brian does again, then he can get out, and he can STAY out. 
but then, the question is also, does he want to leave? 
because it’s hard work to leave, but jack’s been fighting his entire life, he’s established that, he IS the way he IS because he fought for the privilege to be that way. but...well, jack was also very, very alone. mustafa defended his honor against brian, but jack never saw the opportunity to enlist an ally against brian because that’s not In The Rules. brian doesn’t give a shit about the rules, official or unspoken, but jack does. jack honors the rules so he can play fair, play gentlemanly, and so that he can WIN. jack fought brian alone, never realized he could just ask for help, and has grown to resent the perceived slights against him, that no one was there to help him, even though they can’t read MINDS and if jack wanted help he could have swallowed his pride and composure and need to long strong and independent and capable and asked mustafa to help him. or cedric. or akira. or ANYONE. 
but he didn’t! jack is distant and solitary and he doesn’t make himself vulnerable to anyone, so he didn’t have many...strong, sturdy, quiet but confident allyship options before. he does now. brian’s his mentor, brian’s in a position of seniority over jack, and that’s a kind of security and safety net that jack hasn’t had before. so...maybe it’s better for him to stay. 
does he WANT to stay with brian? not at all! not for brian! brian is a veteran but he’s also a manipulative son of a bitch who’s broken jack before and who would do it again before jack could even process how the rules have been broken. but as long as jack IS listening to brian, IS giving him a reason to feel valuable and important to the company and needed, then jack is safe from brian’s wrath, AND he has someone to watch his back and to defend him against other threats. and, really, brian did prove jack, in his most vulnerable state, WRONG, and weak, and not worthy as a fighter. the things jack wants to protect have been proven...not worth it. brian proved that. and if brian shattered jack’s worldview that way, then who else would be able to piece it back together in a way that would help jack defend himself in the world, if NOT brian? 
i feel like...if jack does want to leave, he has to embrace brian’s lessons before having any chance of defeating the man and keeping him down, first. but jack is safe here, he’s got an ally, he’s got a TEACHER, he’s got someone who believes he can become a winner, and he’s...just...safer here? he can carry on his performance of The Ideal Gentleman Jack Gallagher again, free from scrutiny, written off as Not Worth It while proving a threat and a force to be reckoned with at the same time, he doesn’t have to play nice anymore and he doesn’t have to constantly worry about making anyone else feel respected as an opponent and hoping to earn their respect in turn. he can just...perform. and maybe there’s something welcoming in that. jack can keep lying about the man he is, and no one can call him on it. he puts on the mask and the real dude underneath, bitter and tired and fighting for everything he’s ever had, that man isn’t vulnerable. he’s safe. jack’s safe here, he has fun without worrying whether people are laughing WITH him or AT him anymore, because why should he care? 
jack could leave. he could surpass brian, and he could escape. but into what? into whose company? for what values? what is he fighting for? what is even worth fighting for anymore? 
jack isn’t a cruel person at heart, but he is VERY bitter, and tired, and good at mocking people. and maybe he could mistake that for cruelty. and...maybe it’s safer to fight for that, than for any right or privilege to just exist the way he wants to. yknow? 
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adreamingsongbird · 8 years
Hey, uh, Rimi I just started following you recently (I was the anon who will never be over a dozen red roses gods your writing is so very GOOD how do you write so much) and today i was rereading the way of kings (i can't believe i was lucky enough to find someone who writes for like all my ships from like everything??) and i had a thought: Kaldin askin'mg Adolin if he'd love him even if he were still a darkeyes.
heyy thanks man! :D 
“how do you write so much”
i don’t sleep i just cry into my keyboard all night and the tears hit the right keys. since im an organic chem student i cry a lot and i get a lot of fic as a result
Kaladin asking Adolin if he'd love him even if he were still a darkeyes. 
(i’m attempting to churn out chapter 7 of trfl today so i can’t answer this with a drabble so i’ll just. babble.)  but yeah, a couple of things here actually!  it got long, hence the cut.
first of all i think in the preview of oathbringer that we got a little while ago it was revealed that kal’s eyes don’t actually stay light, they fade back to brown a few hours after he stops using his fancy schmancy radiant powers. so there’s that.
that’s mostly just minutiae though; to be honest i really don’t think that that’s a question that should be asked, and i definitely don’t think kaladin would ask anyone that, let alone adolin.
i’ll get into the thing about how i don’t think it fits kaladin’s character first - simply put, kal has a lot of value and a lot of pride in having dark eyes. he does not trust lighteyes easily (and with good reason, given how much they’ve fucked him over without seeming to care at all) and he has a strong sense of community with other darkeyed folk, always wanting to stick up for them (see also: the whole deal with assassinating elhokar bc of moash’s history with him). 
to him, having dark eyes is by no means a sign of being lesser at all. he states several times (i’m paraphrasing, too lazy to go hunt down the exact quotes, sorry!) that he thinks lighteyes and darkeyes are of the same stature.  he’s used to the existence of the dichotomy, but he doesn’t think it actually means anything.  to him, lighteyes have managed to get themselves at the top of society, but that doesn’t mean very much about their intrinsic worth or about that of darkeyes.
in fact, i’d say that he’s proud enough of being darkeyed that he’s going to be really conflicted about the way stormlight changes his eye color.  and here’s where this accidental mini-essay is gonna segway into metaphor for a minute, because i one-hundred percent would feel very uncomfortable with that, if i was him.
the thing is that alethi lighteyed/darkeyed social dynamics are a pretty damn good analogue for racism, see.  systematic social inequality has put the lighteyes at the top of the ladder, but that does not reflect on the actual worth of darkeyed people, and indeed they build a sense of community around not being lighteyed (bridge four trust each other more than they trust lighteyes).
and, speaking as someone who is Definitely Not White (i’m desi, to make that clear), i would be deeply, deeply unsettled if i was given some kind of power that made me look like a white person in the process of using it.
setting aside the history of alethela and the radiants that could have set the precedent for the lighteyed/darkeyed power imbalance to begin with, i just think it would be really upsetting because of the sudden huge invalidation of the struggles kal has faced all his life as a darkeyed, underprivileged individual.  just waving a hand and saying “oh, you’re in this group now!” doesn’t erase the trauma he’s faced because of society’s rules leaving him at the mercy of a different group.  it just invalidates his suffering, as far as i can see, honestly.
it’s like saying “oh, well, you get this privilege now,” after he’s already suffered from being at the wrong end of the spectrum.  you know?? hell, he’s had people walk all over him just because his eyes are a darker shade than theirs (i’m looking at you, shallan “give me your boots bc you’re darkeyed and i don’t have a basic understanding of my own privilege” davar. don’t get me wrong, i think she’s a great character, but the way she treats darkeyes really rubs me the wrong way sometimes, and i really hope she unlearns some of the shit she accepts as normal, bc that’s ... fucked up.)
and i think that to someone who has based his identity so strongly around being darkeyed, around not trusting lighteyes because they always take advantage of him and then claim that that’s just how it is, around fighting for his community of darkeyed people and being one of them, that having to deal with becoming lighteyed would just be really upsetting.  he wouldn’t be one of them anymore. 
(bridge four will always love him i mean but like... he walks into a random square full of darkeyes and his own eyes are as pale as the sky, you think they’d trust him like they might have before? i doubt it. there’s always such a sense of community when underprivileged folk find each other (not saying all minorities love all members of their communities or anything lol, just saying that when you’re surrounded by white people and then you run into another indian at the grocery store you both feel sorta relieved), like... it just wouldn’t be the same.)
and that’s not even opening the can of worms that is the whole historical “radiants = lighteyes, lighteyes = the group with power” thing. tbh if branderson doesn’t handle this carefully in oathbringer i’m going to be upset. anything suggesting implicit castes by nature is wrong, as far as i’m concerned.
so in light of all that, i really don’t feel like he’d ever say “would you love me even if i was still darkeyed”, ever. for starters, i don’t even think he would truly identify as being lighteyed, even if his eyes did settle as blue; to me it’d feel like being stuck with a permanent mask on.  i think he would call himself lighteyed in that case because he’d invalidate himself and say “i don’t fit in with the darkeyes anymore”, and it would hurt, but he wouldn’t feel like a true lighteyes.
and if anyone ever implied that being darkeyed was worth anything less, i still think he’d flat out deck that motherfucker.
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