#bc for some reason my cramps literally radiate from my stomach and back up to my shoulders and arms and down through my thighs and knees.
home form work took my migraine med (finally picked them up after forgrtting) and now im commfy in bed with heating bad. all is well in the world
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theranskahovs · 6 years
A/N: another period fic bc the red death is promptly approaching 🌞 this one’s a Sergei x reader but the title thing disappeared so it’s no-name now 🤦🏻‍♀️
The week starts with a vaguely unsettled feeling. It’s nothing you can place, but you know something seems noticeably off. You think for a minute, then come to a conclusion. My period is coming soon, that must be it.
What follows is a mental double check of that assumption. You’re quickly calculating dates of ovulation and last month and figuring out with a sinking feeling of anticipation- yeah, it’s soon.
Every month you accept that it’s happening, and it will keep happening for a while. But whenever the next month comes, it’s like you go through the 5 stages of grief all over again.
Yet every time you feel a lone cramp, it’s a painful reminder (literally) of what’s to come in a few days. What’s even more frustrating is that the period symptoms don’t even wait until the actual period, it’s like a twisted “try it for a week- at no extra cost!”
After the phantom cramps begin, that’s when you notice the backache, too. It makes you ask Sergei to rub it for you, in hopes of relieving some of the pressure. You fall asleep extra late that night, feeling too uncomfortable to sleep despite being unreasonably tired throughout the tired.
When you manage to pull yourself out of bed (and it takes a while, you feel drained despite the healthy amount of sleep you got) you notice a few new pimples and scowl at them in the mirror. At least you know they’re not from lack of skin care, they can’t be helped.
Another thing that became apparent when you stood up was a pounding headache. A bit defeated, you crawl back into bed and into Sergei’s arms, just wanting to sleep for a few more hours. The headache stayed with you all day, no matter what you tried to treat it.
By this point Sergei’s started to catch onto what’s coming up soon. He’s taking care to be extra loving, while treading lightly.
Not all PMS symptoms are bad, though. Sergei realizes this when he comes home and you practically jump into his arms, attacking him with kisses.
He enjoys how much more reactive you are to his touch. The extra hormones have you over eager and able to cum in half the time. Your moans are easier to elicit. Almost nothing leaves you sated.
He knows to only place gentle touches to your tender breasts as you sit in his lap. When you press against him afterwards, kissing his neck in a way that suggests you want a third round, he knows you’ll be the death of him.
That’s not to say Sergei won’t oblige, he loves how turned on you get for no reason. He’s happy to make you feel good, especially when he knows you won’t be feeling the best in a few days.
Clingy, that’s the only way Sergei can describe your behavior today. You practically won’t let him go. You try to cuddle as close to him as possible, not satisfied if there’s inches of space between you.
You want him to hold you close and for a long time. Something about hearing his heartbeat and feeling his body heat is so comforting.
He secretly rolls his eyes at the way you cry over anything, even a dog in a commercial. If you see it, you instantly snap at him. He’s careful to hold back when you’re irritable. He knows you can’t help it, but your mood swings frustrate him, especially when they’re unwarranted.
Cravings are one of the more common symptoms, and oh do they hit you. No matter how healthy you’re trying to be, you can’t fight the cravings for your favorite unhealthy food.
Then it moves onto anything and everything that’s sweet, then salty. Not only do you want to eat anything, but a lot of it.
Sergei wouldn’t dare make a comment about it. Even the well-meant, “Guess you’re extra hungry tonight” has you raising your eyebrows at him.
“Why?” You ask, a bit defensive already. “Do you think I’m eating too much?”
Sergei mentally hits himself, shaking his head.
The opposite is even more annoying to you, when you’re too bloated and nauseas to eat. It has you wishing your period would come early just so it’d be over sooner.
The mood swings are back and with a vengeance. First is the urge to clean and organize like crazy. Almost akin to nesting. It’s like you know the next week will be filled with a lot of doing nothing, so it’s best to have everything perfect in preparation for it.
Then comes the depression. The sadness and withdrawal for no reason other than fluctuating hormones. More crying over cat videos and happy things.
Next is the anxiety. A sense of unease and jitters that are probably made worse by eating a lot of chocolate.
Sergei never knows what to do- does he give you space, or is he giving you too much? So he simply plays it by ear, hoping he’s doing the right thing.
You wake up at 5 a.m. with a sense of dread. Pain radiates through your lower stomach. You know the culprit instantly.
Half asleep, you shuffle to the bathroom, praying there’s not a big mess you’ll have to clean up off the sheets. Luckily, there isn’t. You feel like you owe it to a goddess to make a sacrifice.
You take some pain killers, put in the bathroom by you in advance, and you’re proud of your planning. You grab the heating pad and get back into bed, knowing it’ll be a tough week ahead.
“Everything ok?” Sergei asks. You jump, startled. You tried not to wake him up.
“It started,” you say, discouraged. Sergei just hands you a pillow to put between your knees, and rubs your hip and back gently.
You sigh, already falling asleep, thankful he’s such a great boyfriend.
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