#bc artists charging so little for their work tells companies/individuals that you are willing to work hard for next to nothing
hitaka5ever · 1 year
How to tell you're being cheated out of a proper wage for fixed-price job listings
This requires a calculator and this very simple formula:
Total Payment Amount divided by Total Items equals Money Earned an Hour per item
(Example taken from an UpWork listing) The client offers you a fixed price of $150. At a glance, it sounds like a lot, but be wary of how many pieces of the thing they want to be done is (in this case, they wanted 68 fish images turned into vector silhouettes)
So using the formula provided, you would do this:
$150 divided by 68 images equals about (~) 2.5 dollars an hour (150 ÷ 68 = (~) 2.5)
Even if 1 fish image takes less than 10 minutes, you're still being cheated out of the right amount of money
Don't accept these offers. Doing so makes companies and individuals continue to take advantage of their workers. Don't be part of the problem
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