#bc angie is dating peggy who is married to steve who is dating bucky
Steggy Week: Day 2: WIPs and updates
Principles (WIP)
Peggy didn’t have a better word for it besides love. The girls who lingered in the loo trading gossip like a cheap cigar might have called it slaggy— if she were stupid enough to tell any of them. Peggy was many things, but she wasn’t stupid. 
The fact was simply that Steven Rogers was in love with Peggy Carter.
The fact was also, perhaps a little less simply, that Steven Rogers was in love with James Barnes, too. 
Complicatedly: girls were not supposed to be in bed with more than one boy at once, and boys were not supposed to kiss other boys. This was not so much a fact fact, but more of a general principle. The sort of thing people wrote down in books about propriety and sophisticated gentleman. 
Steve could be a gentleman, if he tried to be. He was the sort of man who didn’t mind what kind of dancing partner he had, so long as he danced. Those sort of men were to settle down and have plain children with a plain wife who wouldn’t ask questions about a late night out with the boys. 
James wasn’t a gentleman, even on his best days. Try as he might, he couldn’t dance with a woman to save his life. Those sorts of men didn’t get happy endings with white picket fences and a plain wife and plain children. Those sorts of men were to go into the nasty corners of the world where everyone could safely ignore them. Places like the war front or six feet under or some insane asylum. (As far as Bucky was concerned, those were all the same thing.)
The only nice thing about those nasty corners of the world that the rest of the world ignored, is that they were ignored quite well. Nobody asked about the boys who slipped into other boys’ doors in the night. Nobody asked questions about the ladies who stayed in the mail room too long after shift had ended. 
People probably would have asked questions about Sargent Barnes and Agent Carter entering Captain Rogers’ quarters just minutes apart from each other, if the lot weren’t experts at stealth missions. 
Questions about Carter and Rogers already circulated camp, but that idea was allowed, in a manner of speaking. Permissible. That idea kept people from asking about boys in each other's tents. It satisfied The Principal; gentlemen didn’t kiss other gentlemen; ladies didn’t kiss other ladies. 
Peggy was no more a lady than James was a gentleman, but she was quite a good dancer with just about anyone who struck her fancy. Bucky had not particularly struck her as anything more than a co-worker, but he was decent enough company not to make her want to strangle him. Most of the time. 
It was more than she could say about her other peers.
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thestuckylibrary · 5 years
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Anon 1 said:
hey I’m looking for a fairly recent fic I think I don’t remember a lot of it but buck was abused by Pierce (and Rumlow I think) and he’s living w Steve now and they’re like pressing charges I think Carol Danvers is in there as a detective ring any bells ?
free-2bmee sent in tell me how to breathe in and feel no hurt* by Cafelesbian (WIP | 73,395 | M) *rape/noncon, sex work
Anon 2 said:
I found a fic through here but then lost it. Identity porn with Steve and Bucky. They are email buddies at work, and check each other out in the cafeteria, and hook up at an anonymous sex club, but don't know that they're all the same person?? Steve is a veteran if that helps? Thanks!
princessniitza and sergeantbucky-barnes sent in Time After Time* by elle1991 (complete | 124,026 | E) *graphic violence, major character death
Anon 3 said:
There is a fic I can’t find all I remember is it’s a high school au and Bucky lost his arm because he was beaten up by someone I don’t remember. And becka started her period and Bucky called Nat over to help. Bucky likes to throw knives at walls. Bucky never took off his prosthetic so it broke an tony had to fix it. Thanks if you know it!
Anon 4 said:
hey! i’ve been looking for this fic for weeks but i’ve had no look. i think they find bucky, but steve kinda goes hitman and natasha helps until she realises it’s not food for him and then sends him to live with bucky on a farm. i think i remember smashing a jar or something. thank you!
whitewolfbucky and orchidsrule sent in  The Ghosts Of Who I Used To Be by Brenda (complete | 107,289 | M)
Anon 5 said:
hey! i looked through all the tags i could think of and im sure i saw it in this blog but i cant find this fic where hydra covers the sun and everyone thinks they killed steve but he's actually posessed (?) by an alien creature and invades the white house???
bluetree76, free-2bmee and dolphinqueen10 sent in Such Great Siege* by eyres (complete | 41,446| M) *graphic violence
Anon 6 said:
Looking for a fic where Bucky tutors Steve and Steve realizes he really likes Bucky buts he’s worried about what his teammates think
Anon 7 said:
I’m looking for a fic where Steve and Bucky have a one night stand and end up accidentally breaking into someone’s apartment and it makes Steve mad so they don’t keep up and then sam and nat set them up on a fake date so they come up with a fake dating plan and Bucky is shocked by the assholes Steve has dated I’ve looked everywhere and I can’t find it
princessniitza and yetanotherobsessivereader sent in Keep Making Trouble ‘Till You Find What You Love by Rena (oneshot | 41,788 | M)
Anon 8 said:
I don't remember this one very well but... in this fanfic Bucky was a university/collage student (maybe he was studying law but I'm not 100% sure), he borrowed Steve's sunglasses and apparently looked cool in them, they had a discussion about favorite musicians (talked about Elton John, maybe the beatles).. yeah so I don't remember anything relevant from this story apart from those little details, so it won't surprise me if you couldn'tt be able to find it
free-2bmee sent in Sugar Sweet by ColorCoated (complete | 173,400 | E)
Anon 9 said:
Hi, I've been looking for a fic for the past month. In it, Bucky and Steve work in the same office. And Bucky lives far from the office so he has to commute every morning for more than an hour. At one point in the fic, the trains stop working because of the snow, so Steve invites Bucky to sleep at his place. I already looked through the office tag and I try to look through AO3 in a search bar with a combination of words including commute, snow in... I figured someone might remember the fic.
Anon 10 said:
I read a fic almost a year ago on ao3 that I’ve never been able to find again. 40s Steve listed Bucky as his spouse on his draft card and Bucky took it from him and made him change it. Bucky stuffed it in his uniform, and sometime after TWS, Pepper found his uniform and then found the draft card tucked away in it, and that’s how the Avengers all found out about Stucky. I appreciate your help, thank you!
Anon 10 said: (rape/noncon)
I'm looking for this fic where Steve is raped. I don't remember much, but I think he chooses to be abused to protect some people, children maybe. Not sure if it's HTP. And then he goes back home and Bucky realizes he's not okay, I think he hides in the bathroom or something. Thank you for whoever can help!
lindsey-of-north sent in You can have my everything by Builder (oneshot | 9,103 | M) - heed the tags!
Anon 11 said: (polyamory)
Hi- firstly thanks for all you guys do- the library is amazing. I've tried my best to hunt down a fic but had no joy- any chance you can help please? The gist of what I recall is, Bucky is hired as a live in support for Steve, given a big handbook on how to cook and clean+ he sleeps in a separate room initially. Peggy and Angie are a side pair, I think they come for breakfast. There's some Steve/ Nat/ Bucky also but Stucky is the main pairing. Hope that's enough to go on. Thank you massively!!
Anon 12 said:
Hello, I'm looking for an au fic where pre-serum Steve just moved into his new apartment and has to call Bucky to repair something. Bucky is the repairman if the building. At one point Steve makes up a story about rats and Bucky goes along with it, knowing that there aren't rats bc he has traps set up around the building. Steve's also an artist who just got a new job w/ a higher salary, therefore new apartment. Thank you!
time-lord-no-more sent in Apartment 409 by 74days (oneshot | 4,395 | T)
Anon 13 said:
hi, sorry this is so vague but im looking for a fic several weeks ago that’s a modern au where steve comes home from the military for a little bit and he and bucky have reunion sex and that’s literally all i remember but if you or anyone knows it that’d be great!
Anon 14 said: (polyamory)
Hi! I think there was a stuckony fic but i cant remember the title in which it was a srries in which Tony was mad that either Steve or Bucky at his cupcake and refused to give him kisses and the sequel was them (Bucky and Steve) getting revenge for it. But i cant find it.
itsagentromanoff sent in  Chocolate Cakes and Coffee Cups by imperialstark (oneshot | 1,647 | M)
Anon 15 said:
Trying to find this story. Steve is a girl married to Bucky goes through project rebirth gets changed into a guy
Anon sent in Change is Hard (and Harder, so much Harder) by Dogtagsandsmut  (complete | 18,409 | E)
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