#bc after it happened a lot of the electricity kinda resided in him
hornet-breaker · 3 years
Bench Trio gt Bc I’m still traumatized by Gemini Home Entertainment :D (someone help me please I haven’t slept properly in 4 days-) we get some fluff with giant Tommy and giant Ranboo helping out their new little friend! (Also I’m testing if I like Raptorinnit-)
Tw: vore mention, digestion mention, abuse mention, some swearing.
Tubbo knew living among Titans was a dangerous lifestyle, the last time he tried he was swallowed alive and left with nasty acid burns, barely escaping by stabbing the beast enough times to spit him up. He thought after that he had learned to be more careful. Apparently not if he was currently sitting in a plastic Tupperware with the two resident Titans discussing among themselves what to do with him. He could kinda hear them through the air holes they so kindly left him, and he was glad they spoke Common.
“Well one things for sure we’re not eating him.” The first one said sternly, he had black and white fur with coordinating horns, and vibrant red and green eyes. He was a lot taller and had a long wirey tail with fluff at the end. It kinda looked comfy.
“That was an accident and you know it! They just hopped right in and I didn’t have time to understand what the fuck happened!” The second one frantically snapped, mumbling something under his breath with an electric hiss. He seemed to have a velociraptor like appearance, with sharp ocean blue eyes, feathers on his arms in the form of stunted wings, raptor like talons, and a lizard-like tail with feathers at the end. “But we can’t just put him outside either, someone will definitely eat him.”
The other hummed in agreement. “I mean, maybe we could keep him? He doesn’t look very healthy,” the first one walked over to Tubbo and gently knelt down. “Hey there little guy,” he said gently. Gently! Titans never spoke to humans gently!
Tubbo shied away from him and the Titan frowned. “Do you, do you want something to eat? We don’t have much, I can get you fruit, cheese, crackers?”
Tubbo shook his head. He was lying, he was starving, and he could tell they both knew that as the second one came up to the first with a wierd looking bunch of grapes. Why were they so long and weirdly shaped?
“You wanna try one of these?” The Titan didn’t wait for an answer as he slipped one into Tubbo’s cage. He didn’t want to eat in case they were fattening him up so they could eat him, he was not going through that a second time.
“…well, if you need anything my name is Ranboo, the overgrown turkey over there is Tommy.” He introduced. There was distant yelling that made Tubbo quietly scoff. Ranboo seemed to smile hearing this, and he left.
For 3 days he stayed int the Tupperware. One of the two would occasionally stop by to change his water and food, even offering him a trip to the bathroom to clean up or relieve himself. Tubbo refused. Tommy was sitting at the counter with his head resting on top of his arms. He didn’t look impatient or pissed, he looked scared, and worried.
“Human, please eat something. We promise we don’t want to hurt you.” Tommy begged. He looked upset seeing the human wasting himself away.
“I know you two are going to eat me, all Titans are man eating monsters.” Tubbo rasped quietly. Tommy caught that and his breath hitched in his throat.
“Tubbo, not all Titans want humans dead. We just want to help you.” Tommy whined. “Please, just take a bite of this,”
Tommy opened the container and offered Tubbo an apple slice. Tubbo would have bolted out but he had no energy too. What could he lose from eating a piece of the apple? Tommy set it into the container and closed the lid, Tubbo crawled over to the apple slice and took a hesitant bite. Holy shit he’d never tasted anything so sweet in his life! He immediately dug in, tearing into the apple. Tommy’s face lit up, taking shaky but overjoyed breaths.
“Ranboo! Ranboo he’s finally eating something!” Tommy called, making Tubbo flinch.
Suddenly he had two pairs of eyes on him and he froze mid bite, looking up in fear. The two Titans backed up, giving him space. They seemed happy for him, but why? Tubbo couldn’t figure it out, until a few days later. Ranboo was quietly sitting at the counter this time since Tommy was streaming, he was playing a game on a device something like a Nintendo switch but for Titans. Ranboo could tell Tubbo was interested.
“Hey, do you wanna come out and watch me play?” Ranboo asked him.
Tubbo was surprised, he was being nice? Tubbo nodded shyly and the container lid was removed. Ranboo’s hand reached into the container, but instead of grabbing him, his hand was laying palm up, waiting for its tiny passenger. Tubbo gasped and cautiously approached, gingerly poking one of the claws. The same hooked claws that could easily tear him apart simply nudged him back. Tubbo walked around and climbed onto Ranboo’s palm, holding onto his finger for support as he was lifted up, for a second he thought he was going to be eaten and was about to panic, but the hand stopped at Ranboo’s shoulder. Oh, he was going to watch from there. Tubbo carefully transitioned from hand to shoulder and watched Ranboo play. He was pretty sure it was Mario Kart or something similar.
“Are you comfortable sitting there?” Asked Ranboo.
Tubbo jumped at the Titan’s voice, noticing the creature looking at him from the corner of his eye. Tubbo nodded shyly. “Y-yeah,”
“Alright, what’s your name by the way? I don’t really want to keep calling you “human,” it sounds kinda derogatory, ya know?” Ranboo asked.
“T-Tubbo.” Was all Tubbo said. Ranboo hummed, nodding subtly as to not disturb Tubbo’s balance. It was pretty much quiet for the rest of the session, except whenever Ranboo got Blue-Shelled he would yell aggressively, much to Tubbo’s amusement.
The next day Ranboo was gone on a grocery run, and Tommy was there, still quietly observing Tubbo in his little box.
“Do you like being in that box?” Tommy asked suddenly.
Tubbo looked up from his apple slice, wiping his mouth. “No, I don’t actually. But it’s the only thing that makes me feel safe here.” He answered truthfully. Tommy’s eyes lit up with an excited scoff
“I got something you’ll like then.” He gently picked up Tubbo’s container, carrying it with him. “Me and Ranboo had been planning this for a while, actually, it’s not much but we thought you’d like it better than plastic.” He was ecstatic to show Tubbo what he’d been up to.
He was only taken across the kitchen, on the other counter was a wooden box that looked something like a bird house. Tommy opened the container, offering Tubbo a hand out. Tubbo took it and was lifted and carried closer to the structure.
“Well, go ahead and tell me what you think!” Tommy chirped, his tail wagging. God he was such a puppy, a massive and terrifying one that could easily bite him in half.
Tubbo crept into the box and discovered it was a room. He found a little light switch and flicked it, the room actually lit up! He discovered a human computer set up, a bed that actually looked comfortable, a closet, a dresser with clothes that didn’t look like they were from a doll store, and a few other add-ons. There was even a door to his little box, he had the option of privacy! He was starting to rethink his view on these two titans as he walked out, looking up at Tommy who was eagerly waiting for the human.
“So?” He asked with anticipation.
“Tommy, I love it!” Tubbo cheered. Tommy reached down and scooped up Tubbo in a sort of hug. He was surprised at first but let it happen. “Thank you!”
That night Tubbo wasn’t sleeping in a repurposed lunch meat container with a few holes in the lid and no where to hide, he slept in his own bed, in his own little room. He felt safe, he felt at home for once, not having to live in fear. He would have to move his stuff from the walls later on though.
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heroicisms · 6 years
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saturn’s headmaster’s daughter yEET
she wanted to be a hero, but her dad told her when she was very young that she wouldn’t make it, so she just studied until she figured out what she wanted to be, and she decided that she still wanted to help heroes and asked her dad to let her work as an assistant of sorts in the school
she has the ability to detect emotions, but it can sometimes be difficult to tell whose emotion is whose in a large crowd
some of their emotions can fuel into hers a tiny bit so if there are too many people with strong emotions she can get overwhelmed and has to be alone for a bit
she and her father have a ?? strange relationship ?? like sometimes he treats her like another staff member but other times he’s her daughter and other times she’s someone who can be trusted with any secret whatsoever and she just wishes he’d make up his mind
she doesn’t teach a class, but she just sorta assists with things, like setting up hero training or helping students study or performing first aid and the like
she’s just a helpful person all-round tbh and she’s an easy person to talk to bc she can understand how you’re feeling without you having to put it into words
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basically zane lbr
he can emit electricity bUT he can’t really control where it goes by himself so he needs some tech items to help him direct it and all that fun stuff
he works for the league of villains, or a sort of subsection of it bc that’s the life he was born into since his mother was already part of it before he was born
the jobs he ends up going on are mostly to intercept signals and the like, especially since while he’s competent in combat, he tends to destroy quite a few things around him when he partakes in it, so things just end up getting messy
he’ll get a redemption arc bc of course he will
not that he needs tHAT much redeeming he just ?? does what he’s told and likes playing pranks on the other league members when he can so
his mum disappears for days, weeks at a time so he knows how to look after himself and people are always surprised at how independent he can be bc he often acts so childish
he likes to go out in casual wear and pretend he’s normal sometimes rip
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ya boi has paralysis inducement which basically just means he can stop people from moving temporarily. it only works on living things tho
he always wanted to be a hero but bc of his colder demeanour people just sorta assumed he’d end up some sort of criminal or even a villain ?? which just influenced him to work harder
the entrance exam was kinda difficult bc his quirk wouldn’t work on the droids and shit but he managed to beat quite a few with just his hand to hand combat skills, which made him one to watch
he was the type of student who was all “why do i need to know this, it’s not relevant to me, anyway” but was super studious on the subjects he DID consider relevant, so the teachers were just “????????”
he’s an underground hero, which means no one really knows the name ‘red light’, he does things under the cover of darkness, his hero persona a secret, but he’s still a legal hero
people were surprised when he became a teacher bc Mr Cold & ‘Everything is Unnecessary’ teaching kids ?? and wanting to deal with them at all ?? what ?? and then he ended up being super effective in his own weird af way so ??
he is 110% the class dad don’t mess with his kids bitch
i’m still debating on whether he should be the main teacher of the 18 year olds or the 19 year olds gimme ur opinion
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ya girl has solar manipulation so she can manipulate the sun, but there actually has to be sunlight around her, so she isn’t that effective inside or at night
she became a hero bc it just ?? sounded like a good time tbh and her parents weren’t the bEST tbh they just sorta ignored her and assumed that she would become a deadbeat like them, so she decided she’d become something flashy to prove them wrong and tHUS SHE BECAME A HERO
she had a falling out with her parents midway into studying in saturn and hasn’t spoken to them since idk where she stayed during that time but ?? i’ll figure something out
she’s a partier and loves going out at night, even though that’s when she’s weakest, but she knows hand to hand, so she figures she’ll be okay
she’s also a very social person and has a lot of connections, plus she’s also made a name for herself in the fashion world, and a lot of her hero merch is designed by her
that being said tho she can be super self-absorbed and sometimes she just needs someone to pull her head out of her ass
tHRIVES in front of cameras
she’d be the worst teacher in terms of actual hero training but she’s good when it comes to advice about being in front of the camera and beauty tips and all that fun stuff
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while technically a civilian, they’re surrounded by villains 24/7, it’s just that they’re like cullen and are a captive rather than someone who willingly works for them
they can read minds but can’t control it, so when they’re out in a crowd the thoughts can become super overwhelming hence one of the reasons the villains keep them in isolation most of the time. the other reason is that no one wants them to read their mind
they were abandoned as a kid when their quirk first manifested and they accidentally revealed to their mother that their father was cheating, and continued spouting out truths about one to the other. in denial, the parents abandoned them rather than owning up to their own issues
that’s when they were found, pROBS by the same association as cullen but if u guys have any other ideas come @ me
their job is basically to be an assistant, and most of the time, that’s what they are, but when they’re having a conversation with someone untrustworthy, daiyu must stand there and look all assistant-y while reading their mind
they don’t speak a lot, and they especially don’t like revealing discord between the members since they were punished for doing so when they were very little
they’re in isolation, but they’re not without stuff to do, and their constant thought is just ‘it could be worse’ and that’s what gets them throughout the day
someone save them pls
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he has super speed which is an oldie but goldie
his entire family comes from a long line of heroes, so it was inevitable that he would be one too, but he doesn’t mind. his only issue is that he wants to make a name for himself in his own way rather than depending on his surname
he can be a bit off-putting in interviews and it’s very easy to see when someone’s pissed him off bc it’s so obvious like if this were an anime you’d be able to see the vein popping out of his head
he hates getting asked about his family all the time. like he loves them and they love him but sometimes he wants to talk about himself, not how great his parents are, or about the pressures of living up to them
he’s that one friend who seems to live close to the downtown area so everyone just ends up crashing on his couch in the middle of the night and he’s just “why me i need to move”
tbh he’s not that social and yet ?? he probs has a bunch of friends ?? he’s just “i don’t have friends” and then like 5 people at once walk past and just “hey dasher wassup”
he’s known to be at multiple fights at once because of his super speed, but it drains him a lot more quickly
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he has illusion magic though it’s mostly just limited to sight, but he’s working on the rest of the senses while he’s at saturn
he’s the type of person who wants to please everyone, and so when he was a kid people would be like “hey chi !! can you create this !! hey chi !! can you do this ??” and he’d do it but it tired him out so easily
he’s still like that tho rip
he wants to become a hero bc he wants to help people for a living, and he thinks he has what it takes to be a good hero, especially after passing the entrance exam
other people sometimes doubt him tho bc he’s so soft and sensitive and just wants everyone to be happy so they underestimate him a lot, and while he’s not the bEST in his grade, he’s definitely on his way to being a great hero
his parents are super supportive and also soft like they don’t want him to get hurt but they’re also so proud of him
tries to include people in everything
when he’s sUPER emotional his illusions can act up without him realising, but he apologises profusely whenever it happens and there are people around
he calls himself ‘the dreamer’ bc he likes to use his powers to make people’s dreams come true, even if it’s just for a little bit, though also because people think he’s super spacey and wrapped up in his own little world, which isn’t wrong tbh
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feline physiology, but he’s the same as baram, so he can’t actually change inTO a cat, he just has the senses of one
he a flirt
he has 2 mums but he’s biologically theirs
tbh at first he decided to become a hero for the hell of it, bc he thought he had the ability and bc it’s a respectable profession, but he ended up really loving the look on people’s faces when he saved them while he was interning and he wants to see that more often
he acts like a cat all the time tbh, like he’ll sleep in people’s laps and purr when someone scratches behind his ears and he naps in the middle of the day sometimes, he’s the resident house cat
u can also distract him with a laser pointer tho
even tho he’s a flirt he’s a soft flirt bc a lot of the time he just wants to cuddle a bit and he just thinks it’s better when there are kisses involved
he’s a bit of a night owl cat and when he becomes a full hero he wants to work mostly at night
he’s not the class’s number 1 or anything but he doesn’t really wanna be ?? he prefers to go at his own pace bc he knows that’s better for him, and he doesn’t really have any interest in trying to beat people who are aiming to be in the same profession bc what’s the point of competing when all he wants to be is a hero ?? not necessarily number 1 or anything, just someone who helps people
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