#bc I'm constantly being directed elsewhere
calliedissociates · 13 days
at least my afternoon courses are (so far) easy and enjoyable. in my last class, I sat there doing nothing for the first hour and a half while the instructor hand held us through the most basic file management tasks. I could have done what she directed in less than 30 seconds if I hadn't had to wait until everyone was done to get the next instruction.
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shinynewboots · 6 months
Listen to your Heart: Adam x pregnant!reader
AN: Lol I enjoyed writing this wonderful prompt for @madmiriam! I wasn't sure exactly what direction I wanted to take with this but fluff felt the most appropriate (lol all it takes is one comment though for me to write a pt 2 with smut bc I lowkey can see the vision now). I hope y'all enjoy! The prompt kept getting away from me so I tried to reel it in as much as I could so please bear with me lol
Warnings/tags: Pregnancy, reader's death/graphic details (backstory), cursing, guilt, sickeningly sweet fluff, slice of life, no beta we die like Adam
Note: S1 and S2 refer to the heart sounds heard in a normal cardiac cycle (think lub, dub).
Part 2 (18+)
You had never given much thought to how your second "life" would turn out. Avoiding exorcists on extermination day? Sure, that was to be expected. Working the same job you had worked when you were alive? Eh, that made sense, the hospital you worked at when you were alive was basically hell on earth most days.
Falling pregnant with a fallen angel's baby? Absolutely not.
You had freaked out a bit at first when you found out. You had been a doctor for fuck's sake. You should have been smarter. Except for the whole "being dead thing", which you assumed meant reproduction was off the table. Which it was, in most cases. Except for—
"Angelic Sperm," Adam said when you told him you were pregnant.
"What?" Of all the things you had expected him to say, this was not it. You had expected him to grow angry or childish, as you had known him prone to doing.
"Angelic Sperm." He repeated again, giving you a curious look.
"Adam you can repeat that all you want but that doesn't mean I know what you're talking about."
"Angelic Sperm. I think that's the only way for a sinner to get pregnant in hell. I mean, think about it, Princess of Hell is technically half-angel, half-sinner. And you've got sinners fucking all the time without getting knocked up. Come on, Y/N, weren't you a doctor?"
Adam scratched his head in contemplation, taking in this new information. You looked over at him in anger.
"I tell you I'm pregnant and all you can talk about is sperm?"
Adam looks over at you, a calm look on his face. He takes you into his arms, more gently than he ever had, and pulled you close to him. He kissed the top of your heard, his lips lingering far longer than they normally would.
"I'm so fucking excited, Y/N."
And so now you found yourself 5 months pregnant in Hell. You had begun to wear baggy clothes to not show your swollen stomach. You couldn't imagine what some sinners or overlords would do if they found out there was actually a way to get pregnant in an otherwise barren wasteland.
Adam had been very attentive to you in your pregnant state. You still had to work at the local hospital, trying to get in as many shifts as possible before the birth. When you'd gotten of work, Adam would always have some kind of food craving awaiting you, and together you would rot on the couch until it was time for bed and the day to start all over again.
There was one such time of rotting that you had found yourself lying on the couch beside Adam, on of his hands dropped across your waist and a hand lightly holding your baby. Baby, which Adam had begun to affectionately call "Little Hellion", was kicking happily in against your bladder.
You grimaced at the sensation, your body tensing against Adam. Sensing your discomfort, he kissed your forehead and pulled you tight. "Living up to your name, Hellion."
"They get it from their dad," You replied, your breath becoming more even as Hellion decided to turn their kicking attention elsewhere. Adam rubbed circles around your stomach, which seemed to appease Hellion.
"What are we going to do about after? I can't even imagine trying to raise a child in Hell, constantly on edge even more than usual." You finally asked, a question burning in the pit of your stomach for months. Hell was no place for a child. Would the baby even age? Sinners stopped aging from the moment they died. The Princess of Hell aged, though slower than a human would, but you didn't know what that meant for your baby. And other sinners would notice if they aged. Questions would be asked...questions that would be dangerous to answer.
Adam sighed and ran a hand through his soft, brown hair. "I've been thinking about that too. I think we need to go to the hotel."
You turned to look at him, your brow furrowed. "The Hazbin Hotel? Where you got fucking murdered?"
Adam laughed without humor. "Fucking insane right? And it's such a lame-ass place. But, I have to think about my family. You and Hellion are my family now, Y/N."
Warmth spread throughout your chest, Adam's confession taking you by surprise. He was rarely so vulnerable with you, mostly choosing to hide behind his mask of bravado and masculinity. You smiled at him. Hellion seemed to approve of his words as well because you received a sharp kick in your side.
"I think we should try and see if Hell Princess' redemption plans are even worth a shit. And even if they aren't, she, or Hell forbid fucking Lucifer, might have a better shot at getting in contact with Heaven than I do."
"Heaven? You want us to try and get into Heaven?" You shivered at the thought. You felt...dirty. Unclean. Unworthy of redemption. You had been sent to Hell for a reason and felt you would always serve your sentence.
"We have to try everything, Y/N. I...I have to try everything." Adam looked desperate, his golden eyes shimmering in a way you had never seen.
Adam kissed your forehead and continued rubbing circles around your stomach. He began to softly sing a Rolling Stones song you couldn't remember the name of.
And that was how you found yourself at the front door of the Hazbin Hotel, face-to-face with Lucifer of all people.
"Ooh, not sure if there are any rooms left in the inn. Might have you stay in the stables. I'm sure we have a manger or two for your convenience."
"I'm sorry, are you seriously making a Jesus joke right now?" You deadpanned as you stared at the King of Hell with an unamused expression. You had a hand on your stomach and you could feel Adam tense beside you.
"Get the fuck out of our way, Morningstar, your kid told us she would meet us here."
"Daddd!" Charlie yelled, running closer to the group at the front door. "I told you to let me answer the door!"
Lucifer at least had the grace to look sheepish. He moved behind Charlie, who happily welcomed you and Adam inside.
She grinned at you as she led you both to your room. "Congratulations by the way! So sorry about my dad, he always likes to try and push Adam's buttons."
"Fucking pussy," Adam muttered. You shot him a glare. "Stay away from him as much as you can."
"And ugh, Congratulations by the way! Adam told me all about it when he came to meet with me about you both joining the hotel! This is so exciting! And we have so many crafts and exercises and —"
"Hey, one fucking step at at time, Princess." Adam interrupted, sensing you tense at Charlie's words.
Charlie nodded and looked at you apologetically. "Sorry, I just get a little over-excited! We are so happy to have you here."
You smiled up at her softly. "We really appreciate you for letting us come to the hotel."
That night, you both lay in bed in your new home as you began your paths of redemption. Your head was on Adam's chest and you listened to the constant beat of his heart. Listening to the beat of the heart or pulse had always had a calming effect on you, even when alive. S1, S2, S1, S2, S1, S2
"Adam what if you get redeemed, and I—I don't. And I ruin everything. I don't deserve to be in Heaven."
"Why would fucking think that, Y/N. You deserve it more than anyone I know." He asked, his voice full of surprise.
"Because I killed someone!" You exclaimed, tears rolling down your eyes. "I was stupid and I killed someone and now I am meant to rot in Hell for all eternity. And I've damned our kid to this."
Adam wiped one of the tears that had begun to roll down your cheek. "And you don't think I have? Do you know how many sinners I've killed? Happily?"
"Adam, it's different."
"Try me."
You swallowed hard. "I was coming off of a 24-hour shift at the hospital. I was so tired. So fucking tired. And I knew better than to drive home. But my apartment was just 20 minutes away. And I thought it would be okay. I could have slept for an hour or two in the on-call room but I was so ready to get home."
Tears began streaming down your face at full force. Adam pulled you closer, surprisingly silent. "And then I fell asleep behind the wheel. I was only a mile from my house. I crashed into another car that had a mom and her kid in it. They died on impact. I was still alive, just barely, and bled out in my car before EMS could arrive."
"Y/N, you made a mistake. Fuck, I've made even more than that, definitely worse too."
"I just don't think I'm worthy of heaven."
Adam kissed your forehead and continued to hold you close. "Most of those fuckers who make it to Heaven aren't worth even half of you. You deserve Heaven. Shit, you owe it to yourself and Hellion to try."
"I'm just so scared Adam."
"I know. But we will take this one step at a time. Trust me, babe." He put a hand on your stomach. That had been one of his favorite things to do since the early days of your pregnancy. And Hellion seemed to know when their father was near, as you would get what you assumed were happy kicks in the direction of Adam's hand.
You nodded, cuddling in closer to him. One of his wings furled around you, creating a blanket for you and Hellion. You felt safe; warm. More so than you could remember feeling in a long time.
Everything would work itself out. And you and Adam would be redeemed just in time for Hellion to be born inside the pearly gates.
You found yourself focusing on Adam's heart once more.
S1, S2, S1, S2, S1, S2
Everything would be okay. It had to be.
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can you explain for dumb about haru and covering his eye in bed pls? &I love your posts ( ˘ ³˘)♥
Idk I've just seen quite a lot in animes when the "dark side" prevails over the "light one" or someone what I call "splits" or doesn't want to feel anymore, they show it like that.
Like for example in Hakkenden there was a dude, who lost part of himself (his shadow) and they were like yinyang shit, where roughly one was only the soft feelings part (he eventually only saw with the right eye) and the other was the dark ruthless part.
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And it was also same with Akashi's eyes from KNB, when he turned into bokushi (I mean left one lit up).
And while there's not really explanation for why right eye is the "feelings" one and I saw some debated that maybe its the eye of the sun/eye of the moon thing, I think maybe it's because they call the right side of the brain the "emotional" one, while the left one is more about being rational (robotic, emotionless). So when the left becomes "main" it means someone shoved his emotions elsewhere (I'm guessing?) xD
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And btw in some dramas too I've seen the right eye representing the soul and vulnerability (Idk why exactly again).
So after Rin lost and ran off and Haru couldn't find him, his not-resolved ptsd returned, so during the race with Albert he was vulnerable and he has those flashbacks to times when Rin left the 2nd time, that constantly haunt him that led to 4 years of depression. They show how Makoto couldn't help him and we see from Haru's memories that "Albert" is looming over him since these times already.
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That's bc as we know Albert represents the "I don't want to feel" thing and apparenty "appears" when Haru's heart is in jeopardy (aka when Rin is gone or he's scared to lose him... shocking info lol). So we see little Haru is already "glitching", while missing his heartu (that red-haired one xD).
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Glitch-glitch Akashi style.
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Haru realizes that Rin is the "cure" during the race, he thinks of him and a clear drop of water appears among the black water Albert created:
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and then Haru's able to break free from the "dark magic" (lmao) and finish the race.
Thats why later under the sakura Haru tells Rin "the feeling during the race with Albert scared me, but the reason I found the strength in me to keep fighting.. was you." (yeah, you can cry here).
That's why I said about the bed scene.. bc after the race when Rin avoids him and not in the hotel and Haru is scared that its this shit again, as he lays alone thinking about everything and after being exhausted by the Albert's dark water thingy, his hand covers his right eye (the feelings) and the right part of the room is in the dark.
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Then Makoto interrupts Haru talking about Albert and how his swimming is not his swimming anymore bc he has to play with kids asap and when Haru is left "all alone", his right eye lights up with purple and Haru covers his left one and for a moment it seems like he "can't see" with the right one:
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until its back to normal, when he gathers himself up thinking of something (-one? xD) as he turns in the direction of the sakura:
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so he goes there to calm himself and remember what (who?) makes him happy when he swims. Tells Rin that he's his "cure" from Alberto and how needs him to be with him. And then Rin delivers a final blow and Haru's ptsd fully kicks in and he says everything he wanted to say for a while and goes "fuck this feelings shit" ("I don't want this anymore" xD), and then Rin leaves with Haru's heart...
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bc they're both deaf, I guess T_T
I mean, in this case its all just a metaphor for stages of his feelings, thats all, bc that way its easier to be on the journey with him :)
as if we couldn't guess who's his drop in the ocean, a change in the weather, a rain in the desert lmao
So now he's gonna be emotionless patootie for a bit :(
P.S. I still laugh a lot about those arts where he puts on purple contacts just to piss him off, bc his favorite love of his life precious eyes that are Haru's soul are his weakness and Rin is like "ahhhh NO YOU DIDN'T" "YES I DID" xDDDD
P.P.S. They showed it like Rin really just took his heart a long time ago and didn't even fucking return. And now its only there when he is there lol. I mean, the audacity!!!
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bigskydreaming · 3 years
Hey i'd just like to say i'm the anon who sent that ask to hood-ex about the humor in the new nightwing run and you pretty much expressed in a much clearer way my problems with it so far. It's only been two issues so I'm willing to give it a chance ofc but idk. The character voice so far is a bit goofy to me. Like i like that we're going for a socially conscious dive into how to fight crime but dick's reactions last issue came off as like idk like it's the first time he ever gave deep thought about how to fight social injustices himself. Like he did have a trust fund at some point, right? It's not like it's the first time he had money. And it's not like he was especially privileged before bruce to not give this a thought esp since he ended up in the system himself. So?????? Like i know this is probably bc it's written by a white man who only realized this later in life himself but idk... maybe i'm just raising my eyebrow bc i grew up in a country w/ corrupt politicians and rampant poverty so i'm projecting a bit haha.
Hey project away if it incites the thinking of thinkie thoughts, I say. Or something more cohesive. You get it.
But anyway yeah, like, I’m with you and Emily in that I’m just trying to keep some perspective and remind myself that its only two issues in and it might just be taking Taylor some time to find his footing. And to be fair, I’d much rather be complaining about this sorta thing than complaining about characters constantly guest-starring in Dick’s book for the sole purpose of telling him how terrible he is at having amnesia. That was getting old. 
And idk, I think its also an issue of.....maybe I’m giving Taylor’s work here more scrutiny and less of a chance because I’m borrowing cynicism from previous runs and from fanon trends in general? Like I just mean, if all other things were equal, this sorta thing wouldn’t bug me SO much but BECAUSE it comes in the wake of massively shitty plots at Dick’s expense like the Ric Grayson arc after following the Spyral arc after following Forever Evil, etc, etc......like it probably wouldn’t stand out as much IF we were getting some actual Good Dick Grayson Content from elsewhere, y’know? But its been 84 years and our crops need watering, our pores need cleansing and so we’re just like....uh, this ain’t it so far. Might not be the worst, but its still not what we were hoping for, and personally, I think that’s all right to say and express. 
But y’know like......don’t get me wrong. There’s room in comics and fanfic for goofy Dick Grayson, or a Dick Grayson who even while being extremely smart and competent has his dumb moments, stuff like that. That’s true of EVERY character though, and its just the scales have been tipped so far for so long in just the one direction JUST in terms of Dick’s character and not any of the Batfam or Titan related characters around him that like....we kinda just have no patience for that sorta thing at the moment. Balance things out with a lot more content on the flip side of things where he’s actually afforded some respect and dignity by other characters and his narratives, and like.....I’m not even gonna blink at Dick having a Dude Where’s My Car moment, y’know? Because in and of itself, its not that big a deal. Its that its ALL we ever seem to get that makes it a big deal and me like hmmmm what if you guys wrote this consummate professional and extremely skilled, knowledgeable and well-loved character as though he were actually extremely skilled, knowledgeable and well-loved. What would that look like? Can we try that look on for a minute, maybe give it a shot? 
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emptypokedex-blog · 7 years
hi so i'm trash and i was scrolling down your blog and i saw the homestuck au and i want to draw art of it so do you have any like, references or ideas as to how everyone looks? like, horn shapes, symbols, outfits, etc? or are they just like the same from the manga? sorry for bothering you btw
2: hi, specialstuck anon again. any ideas for like their online handles and ancestors? sorry about bothering you about this bc i just realized that your posts about that au was from like months ago and idk if you care about it anymore i’m so sorry
Hello! I’m sorry for not responding. I’ve just been a shitty blog-runner, and haven’t been here. This ask makes me really happy because I honestly still like Homestuck and genuinely think its well written. I was really into classpect assignments back in the day, so this was a fun little project.
I didn’t post about it because I didn’t think anyone liked it, but here you are, proving me wrong-ish!
AND OH MY GOD YES, I LOVE WHEN ASK TO DRAW ART OF MY IDEA!Don’t worry nonster, you’re not bothering me at all! I’ve literally done nothing over the summer.
I’ll post the pictures separately too just so you can zoom in.
I’m putting a cut because this got longer than expected.
Okay, so I had a guide with all of their horns and symbols, buuuuuut…I lost it. So, special for you, I made a new, updated one! My hand was cramping so bad after this. I would scan it, but I don’t trust my printer/scanner right now, because last time I used it, it completely crumpled my drawing (its the kind that eats the paper and scans it)
BTW I changed some stuff.
In terms of online handles, I dunno. Those are haaard. Ancestors, ignoring the sexes of the characters, would be the character’s parent of the same gender, unless there is only one parent, or if the character has no known parents or no living parents, they would be a sibling. If there are no siblings belonging to that character (Emerald, Red, probably someone else I’m forgetting), they would be a fictional character or OC or someone else from the canon that has some sort of familial or social relationship to the character. So for Silver it’d be Giovanni, Sapphire has Birch, Ruby has Norman, Crystal and her Mother, Green could either have Oak or Daisy. Yellow’s could be her Uncle. And so on.
Clothes would probably be the same, except for the trolls, all their shirts would be black instead of the color they normally are and for the humans all their shirts would be white.
In terms of Lusi (Lususes?) for the trolls, their starts fully evolved forms would be them. So, like, Swampert would be Ruby’s Mudbeast Lusus or Meganium would be Crystal’s Neckbeast Lusus. The same for the humans’ consorts, except in that case, they be the unevolved versions.
Gonna get my caveats out of the way now, I wanted to stick to the ‘one-of-each’ format Homestuck has going on while adhering to the gender-roles, so, at the end, some characters were left with God Tiers that didn’t really fit them *coughsilvercough* So, for those characters, I’ll provide what they were left with and the alternate I would have preferred. The hardest was finding a Breath player. Only the humans had repeats of the trolls.
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(Top: Gold, Silver, Crystal Bottom: Pearl, Diamond, Platinum)
Gold: Knight of Blood, Land of Sap and Bells, CueKind, Non-Psionic Yellow-Blood, Prospit.
I forgot why I designed Gold’s horns the way I did. I think it had something to do with resembling his hair. His symbol is the logo for HeartGold.
Gold is a character who’s arc is about feeling inferior to his friends and overcompensating. When he finds out that he didn’t have a title, it broke his heart. The Knight class experiences change and growth throughout the game, and the Blood aspect is about platonic relationships and bonds. Come to think of it, I think Gold could also pass for a Page.
I can see Gold being on the characters who starts one of the teams and competitively tries to get the people he wants to join his team.
Silver: Rogue of Breath*, Land of Dust and Masks, IcePickKind, Non-Psychic Rust-Blood, Derse.
*Not only could I not figure out what Silver would be, but he was also the one to get the most out of character God Tier. I can see him as a destructive class, like Prince of Blood, but both that class and aspect have been taken. I am very unhappy with the result.
I had so much trouble drawing Silver’s hair, that I ended up putting it in a ponytail, but, let’s admit it, we all need for more of that. His horns are supposed to look like an ‘R’ when put together, so one is curved and the other has a hook on the end. They’re asymmetrical. I know its hard to see, but they are. His symbol is supposed to be the logo for SoulSilver. 
I refuse to explain Rogue of Breath because there is nothing to explain. Rufioh, in canon, is a Rogue of Breath and these characters have nothing in common. A Rogue of Breath would steal Breath – or Direction – for the benefit of others and I genuinely cannot make this work. So, instead, I’ll explain Prince of Blood. Prince is a destructive class that destroys with the aspect, in this case Blood, or bonds. Prince can also be one who destroys the aspect. So, Silver destroying past bonds he no longer wants. 
Silver would befriend Blue over the chat, become fascinated by the concept of siblings and request to be Blue’s sister (cause she was explaining it in terms of being his unrelated sister), to which she’d agree for him to be considered her brother.
Crystal: Thief of Doom, Land of Wheels and Flood, FootKind/ShoeKind, Non-Psychic Teal-Blood, Prospit.
One of Crystal’s horns is supposed to be straight, only curving at the end, and the other one has a star on the tip. Her symbol is, surprise surprise, a Star.
I know what you’re thinking. Thief of Doom? Crystal? No Way! Well, I’m gonna explain. Thieves take the aspect to benefit themselves, and the concept of Doom ranges from just a simple burden to death itself to complete planetary destruction. In the Pokespe canon, Crystal was hired to complete a job Green and Red failed to finish, and she was happy to do it. This makes me think that Crystal is willing to take on certain burdens that coincide with her interest, something a Thief of Doom would certainly do.
Potentially the other team leader, maybe the only one who thinks this is an awful idea. Begrudgingly agrees.
Pearl: Seer of Space*, Land of Peaks and Frogs, FanKind, Slightly-Psychic Brown-Blood, Derse.
*Could have been either a Seer of Space or a Mage of Space, but Seer fit his behavior more.
Pearl’s horns are supposed to look like the antenna and tail of a Chatot, so the one behind his hair resembles a music note (see Chatot for reference) while the other one just has a ball on it. I think I’ve seen his horns drawn like this before by other artists, so I don’t think this is the most original decision, but I still really like it. His symbol is a Circle/Pearl.
One of the most important parts of a Seer is their ability to observe. This is why it was so hard to me to pick between Black and Pearl when it came to choosing a Seer. However, because I wanted Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum to be Time, Space, and Void no matter what, Pearl got the honor. A Seer of Space observes Space and exists in the present moment. They may also oversee or take charge and are creative types.
Pearl’s weapon is FanKind because he picked it when he was young and practiced in the art of fan-to-fan compensate.
Diamond: Heir of Time*, Land of Fruit and Geysers, LadleKind, Non-Psychic Cobalt-Blood, Prospit.
*I originally listed him as a Page of Time, but changed it after giving Wally the role of Page. Either works for him.
Dia’s horns are supposed to look non-threatening, so they are wide and not very sharp. They’re kinda Munchlax-esque. His symbol is a Diamond.
When picking between Heir and Page, I went with Heir because Wally took Page Diamond has a sense of time from the beginning. Heirs become their aspect in one way or another, hence why they’re called ‘Heirs,’ and Diamond has such a grasp on his flow of time (not to mention his major-legendary equivalent being Diamond), that I see this working. If he were a Page, which would also have been good, it’d mirror his rise against Pearl is the DP chapter.
Diamond makes food puns constantly in chat and there is no way of stopping him.
Platinum: Sylph of Void*, Land of Snow and Tomes, UmbrellaKind, Non-Psychic Violet-Blood, Derse.
*To be honest, a lot of the female-based classes in the Void aspect fit her character, except Witch.
Platz horns should look like the faceplate of an Empoleon. Same situation as Pearl, I think I’ve seen this done elsewhere my multiple artists. Her symbol is the Berlitz family sigil.
Void is nothingness. Pretty much any class enacting Void is lacking something, since Void is the lack of anything. As a Sylph of Void, one could create Void because Sylph is a creative class, and Platinum does this in a social sense by ignoring the claims of other people and acting as though they never happened. In terms of her behavior in early chapters of the DP chapter, she also acts as though she isn’t supposed to emote.
She will never admit she is friends with a lowblood.
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(Top: Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald Bottom: Black, White, Wally) 
Ruby: Prince of Light, Land of Mirrors and Silk, NeedleKind, Non-Psychic Rust-Blood, Derse.
I exaggerated Ruby’s scar a bit for this. The horn on the side of his face with the scar is broken, but both of his horns used to be symmetrical. They’re supposed to look like the antennae of a Milotic. His symbol is the pattern on Groudon’s arm.
A Prince of Light would destroy knowledge, which, at first, sounds very out of a character for Ruby. But knowledge doesn’t only apply to books and science. Instead, is refers to anything known. Considering how Ruby acts at the end of the RS chapter, throughout the Emerald chapter, and again in the ORAS chapter, where is constantly pretends as though the confession never happened and lies about a variety of things, actively destroying what people know, I think this is the most fitting God Tier I’ve provided. Ruby is also a character I can definitely imagine playing the role of minor-villain at some point.
He’s super salty about not only being the lowest of bloods, but not having any psychic powers to compensate.
Sapphire: Witch of Rage*, Land of Thorns and Thunderstorms, ClawKind, Non-Psychic Indigo-Blood, Prospit.
*Would rather have Maid of Rage, but White fit the Maid role better for multiple other aspects. Witch was all that was left.
Sapph’s horns resemble Gamzee’s, but are thicker and less curvy. They’re just supposed to look wild and are not based on anything. Her symbol is the pattern on Kyogre’s flipper.
As much as Maid of Rage fit, I had to give her Witch of Rage, which, in actuality, would probably belong to an incredibly unstable person. Witch’s have completely control to manipulate their aspect while also fully embodying that aspect, and when that aspect is Rage, chances are that person isn’t to in a safe psychological place. Maids, on the other hand, start by relying on other people for their aspect and where to enact it before learning on their own to use it as they please. Sapphire would have gone through this change twice: once when she was younger and changed when Ruby was hurt and she realize she couldn’t that girly anymore, directing her Rage towards her younger self and/or people like that, and again when she changes in the RS chapter and compromises.
Sapphire leaves animal pelts at Ruby’s doorstep to make stuff out of. She brings most of the meat to Dia and feeds the rest of it to her eggbeast lusus.
Emerald: Bard of Mind*, Land of Dunes and Towers, PistolKind, Non-Psychic Olive-Blood, Derse.
*Couldn’t for the life of me figure out what this kid was. Rald
I used his current design because I couldn’t draw his croissant-hair. You’ve probably already guessed it, but his horns are based on his eyebrows. His symbol is the pattern on the head of Rayquaza.
Again, same as Silver, I’m not going to explain it. But for Rald, I just don’t have anything else to say. I’ll put it simply: I don’t think Rald is a destructive player (in fact, he might be a manipulative player), but I’m out of stuff and I’m stumped.
Immediately joined Crystal’s team without a second thought and before knowing what the heck they were doing.
Black: Mage of Hope*, Land of Kaleidoscopes and Skyscrapers, RockKind, Powerful-Psychic Brown-Blood, Prospit.
*Seer of Hope was also an option, but it is taken by Pearl. They both make great Seers.
Hexagon. Everything about Black is based on hexagons here. Horns and Symbol. Put his horns together and you get a hexagon.
Mages fully experience their aspect at some point. Admittedly, a Mage of Hope would be naive and maybe a bit too hopeful, but Hope is definitely something Black has a lot of, even up until the end (y’knoow, up until he became a rock). A Mage of Hope would be dedicated to making it to their goal because they would genuinely believe that they’d get there, a la Black when he wants to become a pokemon master.
Sees the world in hexagons a lot like he does with Musha on his head.
White: Maid of Heart*, Land of Roots and Carnivals, WhipKind, Non-Psychic Cobalt-Blood, Derse.
*I also really liked Maid of Hope for her.
Y’know White’s hair-antennae? They’re her horns now. They’re close together and bend back over hear head, not outward. I didn’t know what Symbol to give her, so I just made it a box.
Heart and Blood are very similar in that they’re both about relationships, but Heart is more about the impact of those relationships. A Maid of Heart starts by relying on someone else for their relationships and enjoyment, but would eventually come to do it on their own. If anything, regardless of aspect, White is definitely a Maid.
Had Black sign a contract that ensured he would join the same team that she was on.
Wally: Page of Life, Land of Pumps and Corridors, PumpKind, Non-Psychic Teal-Blood, Prospit.
Wally’s horns are tiny because I felt someone like wally wouldn’t have especially large or threatening horns. His Symbol is the pattern on the face of a Kecleon.
Wally was hard, but I eventually settled on Page of Life. Pages and Maids are very similar in my eyes, because they are both classes based around personal growth. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if it turned out that Pages were the male equivalent to the female Maid. A Page of Life would lack Life in the beginning, which would manifest itself in physical or emotional health. As a Page, he’d grow in health, perhaps to the point of overdoing it. I think this God Tier mirrors his subplot pretty well.
Blindly follows Ruby around where ever he goes.
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(Red, Yellow, Blue, Green)
Red: Heir of Blood, Land of Rivers and Lightning, BallKind, Prospit, Consort: Bulbasaur.
I FORGOT HOW TO DRAW RED’S HAIR! His Icon is a Pokeball.
Heirs have a need for their aspect, and one thing Red really enjoys is his pokemon and having a group friends, and even protecting people/showing off to neighborhood kids. As an Heir of Blood, Red would need to embody the Blood aspect and pretty much be the connecting force between the other characters. I picked this because he essentially started the series and, as the first character, I interpret him as the driving for keeping older characters together. Heirs also have a natural talent for their aspect, and I think the term ‘natural talent‘ in general is a decent description of Red. Plus, he’s really good at making friends.
Yellow: Sylph of Life, Land of Keys and Ink, RodKind, Prospit, Consort: Can a Snake be a Consort? ‘Cause I’m thinking Ekans.
Her Icon is a Lightning Bold (Also could have done a feather.)
I mean, come on. Like I said before, Sylphs are a creative class and Life is synonymous with health, and, therefore, a Sylph of Life creates health. Naturally, Yellow would be the teams healer. She could probably bring things back to life or give like to inanimate things by creating Life itself.
Blue: Thief of Space, Land of Coins and Frogs, CrowbarKind, Derse, Consort: Squirtle.
(Oops, she looks like an axolotl) Her Icon is a Mask.
A Thief of Space would steal Space for their own benefit. Blue would probably use this by stealing size from one object and applying it to herself or transferring size between things, switching the location of herself and something else or the locations of two items. It’s be great for stealing from other people.
Green: Prince of Time, Land of Fog and Beats, FistKind, Derse, Consort: Charmander.
His Icon isn’t a pomegranate seed, it’s supposed to look like his pendant, but I can understand the confusion.
Prince is a destructive class, so Green would be destroying with Time. As a result, a Prince of Time would be impatient and easily annoyed and unable to cope with the passage of time. Some of these aspects match Green at an early age. As we known, baby Green had a lot of trouble with patience. They’d be stubborn and have trouble listening to others. This pairs well with early-Green. Current-Green is a lot calmer and smarter that he used to be.
If I didn’t feel the need to have one of each, the cast would look like this (In the same order as all of the above):
Knight of Blood, Prince of Blood, Thief of Doom, Seer of Space, Page/Heir of Space, Sylph of Void, Prince of Light, Maid of Rage, (Whatever Emerald would be), Seer/Mage of Hope, Maid of Hope, Page of Life. (Minus the Humans)
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