#bc I'm back in that mood I was in in Gen 7 where I love the Kalos starters only now the Terastal phenomenon exists to make em even better
fierykitten2 · 1 year
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I should draw my third and fourth (fourth and fifth if you count Meowscarada and Ceruledge separately) Pokémon in their Gigantamax forms
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buckera · 11 months
20 questions for fic writers
I was tagged by the lovely @jesuisici33 thank you mwuah 💛
I'm gonna put some of it under the cut bc it got kinda long uhh
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
currently consumed by 911, but most of my fics either belong to The Witcher or Stranger Things
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
789 – Long and Lost /geraskier, 9.7k, explicit/
707 – It might walk like a duck /steddie, 10k, explicit/
656 – The Companion /geraskier, 6.9k, mature/
634 – A promise I could not make (But what if I was wrong?) /geraskier, 16.4k, mature/
451 – Of Banquets and Destinies /geraskier, 5.4k, gen/
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Absolutely!! I love everyone who takes the time to comment on my stuff, it makes me so happy and excited whenever I get the email 💛
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I'm a firm believer of heavy angst + happy endings, but I gotta say But where they lay, they cannot stay is hands down the angstiest, because it can barely be classified as a happy ending oops
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I guess Spare me your dreams has a pretty sappy ending lol
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No, but once I got a comment on the last chapter of a multi, saying that they 'liked it up until the smut' because I made them use spit as lube and apparently 'I was promoting unsafe sexual practices'........ love, this is fiction and not a sex ed class. The characters in question weren't even fully human, come on now.
I have been moderating my comments ever since, because I'm just not willing to give the time of day to idiots like that.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Funnily enough I wasn't big on smut for a really long time and though I felt that some stories needed it, I always just wanted to get it over with as quickly as possible (I also used to skim sex scenes when I was reading) because I just didn't really find them interesting... that kinda changed when I found some truly exquisite fics and realised that smut can be written just engagingly as the rest of the story and now I include explicit smut in most of the stuff I write. I just really enjoy getting into that part of the characters' minds and finding different scenarios and new nasty things for them to do 😊
What kind? Hmm. Not sure, I like to sprinkle in some sub/dom undertones and a little bit of a praisekink or edging even for the most vanilla stuff. I wouldn't say my stuff is that kinky?? Though I did write watersports, public settings and some degradation too, but who even knows what's considered kinky nowadays...
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I don't write crossovers, I don't even read them... it's just not for me, I guess.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of, so hopefully not
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope, or at least I can't remember anyone asking
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
It was the way I used to RP in high school... I'd write a paragraph and then my roommate would write the next and we'd pass the notebook back and forth until we finished... it was mostly smut though and I have no idea if I could actually co-write something publishable 💔
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
I have a few forever fandoms and forever ships... but I gotta say buddie is the most fun I ever had in fandom so far, so I think they deserve the title (hah)
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
fuck, so many 😭 but I have a long steddie fic (26k already written and it's about halfway done) that I regret not finishing, because it was the ultimate angst and character study and I just... yeah, it would've been great, but maybe I get into the mood when season 5 comes out (or it'll just make me wanna never touch the fandom ever again, who knows)
16. What are your writing strengths?
Not sure what counts as strength, but I love learning the speech patterns of the characters I'm writing for and I guess I've gotten kind of alright at it??
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Writing fluff is definitely something that doesn't come easy for me
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Worth it if it makes sense in context and you can make sure that you translate correctly (or realistically incorrectly, if that's what you're going for). Overusing another language just to show that you can is not a good reading experience though, especially if you only put the translation in the end notes.
Also, making a character that rarely ever speaks that language speak it extensively without a good reason can take me out of the story real fucking quick... generally just use it when it makes sense and you can make sure that you're not butchering it.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I think the first one I ever posted online was a RyoDa fic (jpop rpf, respectively) and the first fandom I posted for on ao3 was Stranger Things
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Hmmmm. It kinda changes as I move along. I always felt like Hunger at last was pretty under-appreciated compared to my other witcher fics, but It might walk like a duck was something I wrote in about 2 days because it came to me so smoothly and I really enjoyed writing it... The Companion is a big favourite for me because I think it was a pretty unique idea to work with... also it's not even posted yet but the mudslide fic already has such a special place in my heart, plus it has my favourite confession scene I've ever written so...
idk I'm not a very decisive person lmao sorry
✨no pressure tagging: @forthewolves @eddiediaztho @daffi-990 @callaplums @ladydorian05 and anyone who wants to do it 💛
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heathercubedfic · 2 years
odd numbers x
thank you heatherrr btw everyone shut up and read recurrence. heather wrote that. it's fab. sound of the summer
1. give short descriptions of all your current WIPs.
atla - sokka is suspicious of zuko when he first joins their group, idiots to lovers ensues. 1400 out of an estimated 3000-5000 words.
thg - longform piece following johanna mason from her games through to the end of mockingjay. in very early planning stages
h*rry p*tter - an old drarry soulmates au, 1400 words, shelved permanently. might try to rework the soulmate concept for another fandom and pairing.
yugioh - gen ghost hunting au, in which yami bakura is ryou's demon bodyguard, yugi is a psychic, and atem is his guardian angel. 8300 words, needs heavy revision
ouran - tamakyo zombie au. 5900 out of an estimated 12,000+ words, needs heavy revision
ouran - tamakyo, what i have jokingly titled "why does tamaki call you babygirl". 800 words of fragmented scenes, needs work
ouran - kyoya and renge bitching at each other. 300 words, more of a scene than a fic, needs work
3. what makes you love writing?
i think i write because it's an elaborate version of playing pretend, but instead of stuffed animals i play with blorbo from my shows.
5. what do you think is the most important part of writing?
i think i've answered this question before with "research", but now i would say intention. like, being intentional about what you say and how you are saying it, to what effect, etc.
7. what books have shaped the way you think about writing the most? why?
the hunger games trilogy and the ballad of songbirds and snakes, because it only gets better when i come back to it as an adult, now that i can adequately understand the rhetorical and narrative devices at play.
the works of vladimir nabokov and ernest hemingway have also influenced the way i look at writing. nabokov is meticulous and hemingway is succinct, so both of them measure their words heavily in order to give the right effect. reading them has made me more deliberate about my creative choices.
9. what are you best and worst at when writing?
i think i'm consistently strong at dialogue, but pacing is my achilles heel. that was always the number one critique i got in workshop, i never know intuitively where to pick up or slow down.
11. give three songs or images that fit [WIP].
we're gonna go with the johanna fic bc i have a playlist that has fueled so much of my obsession
good lie by sammy copley
fire by kimya dawson
that unwanted animal by the amazing devil (!!!!!!!)
13. describe your writing style.
the characteristics that get brought up the most are my sense of humor, voice, and character work, which are obviously what i focus on, but i'm not sure how i would go about describing those any further without sounding like i'm totally up my own ass about it.
15. what do drafting and revision look like for you?
i don't usually do drafts for fanfiction. revision usually consists of me coming back to a project repeatedly to tweak things and rework ideas that i've grown sour on.
17. how do you determine what mood each project has?
basically whatever i feel like writing at the time. the mood and vibes come with the initial idea far more than any plan for a plot does. heather cubed was primarily comedic because i wrote it for fun, but progressed to be (even if only slightly) more mature and heartfelt as i got more sentimental about the project, despite the absurd plot.
19. do you plan out your projects? if yes, to what level? how well do you stick to your plans?
i plan bigger projects like heather cubed, but my shorter pieces are played pretty much entirely by ear. it's easy for me to get stuck in the planning stage though, so that's why heather cubed is my only multichapter story.
my plan for heather cubed was mostly a list of plot beats to incorporate, but i strayed from that sometimes if it felt more organic to go a different route. i also had a running list of jokes i'd try to incorporate, if i saw or overheard something funny and didn't want to forget, like the mattress store phone call.
21. what are the most important facets of creating a character, to you?
voice is always number one on my list, but i've been trying to get better at zeroing in on character motivations. without a plot, your story is driven by your characters, and i do a Lot of character studies. so it needs to sound like them, and the psychology needs to track.
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