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glitchypsi · 8 months ago
i waited for so long to be able to make this joke
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bbsprint · 10 months ago
PTC02: Mem-Performa
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Highlight: Cute bug present in post, and:
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glitchypsi · 1 year ago
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hello again
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glitchypsi · 1 year ago
i have released an extremely rudinnentary version of picoTrowel to my server and we're off to a great start
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glitchypsi · 11 months ago
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glitchypsi · 11 months ago
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:: Scaffolds & Foundations
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bbsprint · 10 months ago
BXXX01 - Post-Nano milestone
hello everyone! thank you all for playing the game thus far. i have some news in regards to the development of the game going forward currently.
after watching a streamer play the game for the very first time on stream (despite playing on the dreaded WebGL version which ran at around 80% intended speed!!) i have noticed they have thoroughly enjoyed the game! after seeing all of you guys play what little the game currently has to offer i am very happy for the relatively small yet extremely positive reactions to the game, and i am happy to announce that i will be developing towards the next big milestone (BBSprint Lite)!!!
this marks the end of the Nano milestone period. the game will remain up and so will Scaffold nano, so you can play it and continue to create levels in the meantime.
however, i will be putting bbsprint as a whole in a kind of dev hiatus. i have been working on it almost nonstop with little time to dedicate to my other projects, and given it is in a limited yet stable and extensible (scaffold!) state, i am confident to leave it to rest for an indefinite (but not infinite) amount of time.
keep sharing! it still helps a lot and i appreciate it very much.
see you in lite!
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bbsprint · 1 year ago
SCR01: hard working
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glitchypsi · 1 year ago
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glitchypsi · 1 year ago
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having fun with trowel pico development
on that note... [audio on]
it is mature enough to be here
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glitchypsi · 7 months ago
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they're just decorations but THEY'RE ARROS
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bbsprint · 10 months ago
SCR02: Adding helpful in-stage powerup indicators
This new feature will have 3 setting levels:
None (no help shown, classic behavior)
Important (only Paddle and Stage shown when powerup is obtained and when it's about to run out)
Any Change (every helper is visible whenever powerup use amount changes)
The powerups that will benefit from improved hints for their duration are:
Magnet (paddle hint)
Railgun (paddle hint)
Falsewall (warning symbol on 1 hit left)
Unstoppable (trail width will shrink to ball size throughout the last 2 seconds remaining)
The powerup duration icons will remain present in the left side at all times.
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glitchypsi · 11 months ago
gonna reblog some thoughts about scaffold nano and trowel pico's releases but i want you to have one image from the scaffold devlog screenshots post
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bbsprint · 11 months ago
PMT01: Scaffold nano & Trowel pico
Scaffold nano & Trowel pico v1.1.0 have been released tonight.
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Updates add a myStages to Scaffold, and QoL improvements to the powerup editing experience in Trowel pico.
Now that it's out, I'd like to also take this moment to talk about the development and release of both.
One year minus one day ago I had announced in Twitter I would work on the level editor for the demo version of BRICKBREAKER SPRINT (nano) so fans could breathe in more life to the game even in its limited state and to also showcase how much it can do with its limited toolset at the current time.
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The reasoning for a completely separate technology version was simple, WebGL. WebGL in Unity is so limited for even the most basic things (I had to install a package to support cross-app copy/paste before nano+'s release!) and I said "hey, might as well give the multiplatform users something to be able to edit with, doesn't need to be just windows which is what the currently unpolished-ish trowel desktop is!"
But then it hit me that the same limitations would likely make it hell for me to support just levels downloaded as files (internally stored with "bxtp" extension btw :) ) so then... I came at a crossroads
just say FKIT and not do it, make ppl wait for BB Lite
still say FKIT and kickstart the foundation of the online service that I had planned since the first design iteration of the game
guess what I took?
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I don't regret it.
Currently, Scaffold's login system is attached to itch.io. In the future, this will use my own account system (called Luna, still in development)
Now then... developing Scaffold's frontend was a challenge in itself, because I'm a masochist. I chose yet another technology to make the frontend in, this time Svelte, Sveltekit as backend saying "okay, no more fear of ServerSideRendering now that I can afford a VPS for this"
but... Svelte has been an absolute joy to work with. Its learning curve even smoother than React's (my first frontend framework, which powers cometSpectrum!), and I got everything rolling very quickly
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At first, I was going to use my regular website design language, but it's kinda jank, so I said NO and started from scratch with a simpler façade. For the style I wanted to pursue... it was perfect. Some people have complimented the graphic aspect of the site, and I'm happy I could deliver exactly what I wanted. (and yes the icons being in opposite directions compared to bbsprint's UI is entirely on purpose)
BTW, the site is made in such a way that a BB theme could be used as the site's theme and every color will change except for PNG icons, i love it (this functionality is used for people using their OS's Light theme)
This is actually the first made-by-me website project that has "public" facing write actions to a database and stores actual files. It works... very well, and I am very happy about it. It's like a combination of everything I've learnt up to this point, down to API design and interop between programs.
I did say this was the foundation for Scaffold, and I plan for this game to keep Scaffold as its prime way of getting stages, even when getting to storefronts like Steam or GOG. Kind of like an osu! situation.
You're at this part of the message... wanna see how Scaffold's logo used to look like?
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bbsprint · 1 year ago
DEV04 - Pican'te (trowel pico thoughts)
almost a year ago, amidst bbsprint development and trowel development i have decided to ask my small playerbase about the editor's fate and settled on further expanding the scope of the game's demo and allow people to make their own levels while they wait for the full versions. this would be done through something called "trowel pico", which is a version that is intentionally much more limited than the regular trowel, and is web-based for maximum compatibility (because trowel is a windows app that could probably be compiled to linux and macOS)
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the route that leads to me developing trowel pico is a route that would amplify the game's deliverable and development time in general because i would need to juggle some things as well as 2 versions of a program to achieve the same thing with different targets in mind. i however believe it's gonna be worth it.
as it stands right now, trowel pico itself is about 80% feature complete, now reaching feature parity with trowel desktop in many aspects and able to generate a project file (yes, now they export project files by default instead of just the stage) that is cross-compatible with trowel desktop (except you can't load in stages from trowel desktop because i have intentionally added a guard to prevent using stages generated with desktop for the future)
i find that i am making some gui compromises compared to trowel desktop in favor of development speed, but i can't really stop myself from polishing the gui a little bit more adding things i've always wanted to add to a game/editor for game (read: startup screens) and as such, i have reached a milestone by finally being able to implement the startup splash artwork i made a few months ago as well as the startup jingle i made like 2 days ago
have a video.
i do not quite have a release date, because although trowel pico is 80% complete, Scaffold (the online service hosting and serving stage info for the update's plans) still needs to be made and that is its own beast, but at least, i do not have to worry as much about a wildly customizable gui for that one, the bulk of the development there is backend.
i'm thinking of letting people in my server try out trowel pico before anybody else while scaffold is being developed.
now, there's one question i left for last intentionally one may wonder "why did you make these separate projects instead of implementing them in the game itself?"
the reason is that i wanted to challenge myself by making things for one common goal in different toolkits, that's how trowel desktop started, since it's made in monogame
second i wanted to update the editor irrespective of the game, and third, which is trowel pico's reason for existing, is that doing things in web is terrible as it is
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bbsprint · 10 months ago
PTC01: Alley-Oop!
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