#bbb week 2
dyed-red · 2 years
i just want to say i love everything you write so much!!!! so excited for maybe more desiderata <3
thank you, nonnie! :D
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johaerys-writes · 1 month
let’s see if i can control myself and just ask for three
i really want to ask about all of them but let’s save some for the people 🫣💕
Aaaahhh okay let's have a look!!!
Modern omegaverse: I've talked about this here before I think, but it's basically modern AU college omegaverse, featuring alpha Patroclus and very messy and jealous omega Achilles. They're friends but their relationship has been a little rocky since going away to college (Patroclus is a little older so he went away first, and he has all those cool and hot friends now and that makes Achilles crrraazyyyy, so crazy in fact that he accidentally goes into heat LMAO) It's very messy and they both make really bad decisions, the writing is also a mess because I started it a couple years ago, changed my mind about a couple plot things, then I got stuck so I actually left it on the backburner but I really want to get back to it!! Here is a little snippet from the beginning:
“Got any plans for the weekend?” “Not much,” Achilles says. Odysseus and Diomedes have asked him to go out with them for drinks, but Achilles is secretly hoping that Patroclus will ask him to do something together. If he does, he’ll ditch Odysseus and Diomedes in a heartbeat. “What about you?” Patroclus flashes him a grin, a little mischievous. “I’m hoping for a date with a really cute guy.” “Oh,” Achilles breathes, but it feels like a gut punch. Fuck, he’s always known this moment would come, and he’s always dreaded it. Patroclus is gorgeous, and Achilles isn’t just saying that because he’s had a crush on him ever since he can remember himself. Patroclus is smart and funny and caring, and so easy to be around. It was only a matter of time before he would find someone else, and ditch Achilles for good.  That doesn’t stop his fists from clenching, simply at the thought of whoever it is that caught Patroclus’ attention.  “Cool,” he says, trying to give him a smile that definitely comes out more tense and tight than he meant. “Awesome. That’s great, Patroclus. Anyone I know?” Patroclus stares at him in confusion for a moment, before he blushes and blurts out, “You! I meant you. Sorry, I was just trying to be funny— I thought— I asked you last week if you’d be free to hang out…?” “Oh! Right, sorry, I forgot.” The surge of relief rushing through Achilles leaves him dizzy. It’s a little embarrassing that he jumped to conclusions so quickly, but honestly, it’s not that hard to do when Patroclus has so many friends and acquaintances now, vying for his attention. “Of course, we’ll hang out together, of course. What do you want to do?”
2. Pyrrha worship: I got an anon ask a while ago with a request for a smutty one shot with disasters patchilles when they're older, and I sat on it for a long while because I couldn't really come up with anything exciting, but then I was listening to Miss June '75 by The Brian Jonestown Massacre the other day and my mind instantly went, Pyrrha??? Ahaha, so basically it's a smutty one shot where Achilles dresses up all fancy in his favourite red dress and his stockings and heels and everything, and after they come back home Patroclus just has to worship the fuck out of his wife <3 I don't have much to share yet but I'm hoping to get to it once I post the next BBB chapter!
3. Pleasure slave AU: boy oh boy do I have a lot to say about this one haha. I've been teasing about this AU for a while now and I'm not at all close to sharing any writing for it, mostly because it's a bunch of notes and plot points and random bits of conversation in the doc BUT essentially the idea behind it is that Patroclus didn't grow up in Phthia with Achilles, but instead was sent to Lyrnessus and grew up with Briseis, so when the Achaeans attack the city, Patroclus is given to Achilles as a pleasure slave instead of Briseis. It's quite horny and very angsty and I swear I will get to it eventually after I finish one of the million works I have in progress right now lol!!!!
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90stvqueen · 11 months
I have been contacted by multiple multi-level marketing "job opportunities" this week.
It's starting to occur to me -- and nobody really tells you this -- that unless you are looking for something specific (and probably not entry-level), Indeed is not the place to look for jobs. I was applying for jobs pretty indiscriminately on there a few days ago, and have since been contacted by what looks to be multiple multi-level marketing (MLM) schemes.
Here are some red flags I've found in these job postings that point toward a pyramid structure:
[Company] is a [PR/marketing agency/local startup] that is looking for outgoing, motivated candidates who are just out of college or looking to make a career change!
[Company] will pay for you to be trained in business and sales, so don't worry if you don't have prior experience! This is an entry-level role with HUGE opportunities for growth!
You'll have networking and travel opportunities, such as leadership development conferences and seminars!
Sounds good, right? But if you look up these companies on Glassdoor, you'll either find nothing or you'll see a mix of reviews:
positive reviews from the current employees who are incentivized to talk up the company
negative reviews from former employees that will often flat-out tell you it's an MLM
there's a lot of repetition in the phrases you'll see across the board: "a great opportunity," high turnover/burnout, manipulative management, lack of transparency, no job security, "hard work pays off," "not for everyone"
sometimes you'll find out that the company was renamed from another company, and if you look that company up, you'll find even more bad reviews explicitly calling it a pyramid scheme/MLM
If you go to the company website, you'll see a clean interface with stock photos of people looking happy, and all of the "who we are" text on the site will be utter jargon that doesn't explicitly tell you what the company does. It will tell you, however, that they're hiring now!
If you make it to the interview portion, (which, if you apply, you almost certainly will, because these companies are preying on people who are desperate for a job) you will be rushed through an initial interview, which will look something like this:
You'll be interviewed alongside another candidate or in a group.
It's a quick 10-minute getting-to-know-you call so the company can see if it's a good fit.
They will ask you to tell them (in front of the other candidates) what you would bring that makes you stand out.
They will ask you if you have reliable transportation.
They will go over the "job description" without ever making it clear what the day-to-day looks like.
They'll tell you about how you're going to be trained in different departments. The departments will have names like "Marketing & sales," "HR & PR," "Leadership development," "Logistics, numbers, and operations," and "Client relations." This is an actual example from a Zoom interview I just did less than an hour ago. These are the "departments" of this company, according to my interviewer.
They'll emphasize that expansion is the goal. Top-level customer acquisition. Their clients are looking to open to new markets, so they're looking for go-getters to quickly fill the role.
IF YOU ASK A QUESTION ABOUT THE COMPANY, THEY WILL DO EVERYTHING IN THEIR POWER NOT TO ANSWER IT. They'll tell you that you'll have the opportunity to ask as many questions as you want if you make it to round two; they'll tell you they have another interview in 2 minutes and don't have time to answer your questions; they'll repeat that this is a preliminary getting-to-know-you call, so there's no need to get into the details just yet.
If you do manage to get a question in, they'll put as vague & positive a spin on it as they can. I asked if the company I interviewed with was a new company (because I couldn't find it on BBB or Glassdoor) and the interviewer told me yes, it's a "branch-off company" to a company that's been around for a few years. He did not tell me what that company was, and I didn't ask, because at that point I knew I wouldn't get a straightforward answer either way.
Y'all, if you find a job that raises any red flags for you, DO YOUR RESEARCH. You should be looking up any company that reaches out to you. Find their website. Read their reviews on Glassdoor and Better Business Bureau. BE SMART AND DON'T LET THESE COMPANIES PREY ON YOU.
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oimoi-op · 2 months
Mentioned a little while back that I got some more vintage fountain pens so here's one of them courtesy of my mid-at-best photography skills:
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It's a Waterman no. 12 eyedropper. No clip but for some reason both Watermans and BCHR pens with clips hate me so this is the norm for me lol. Cap's patent date reads "MAY 24. 1898" so it's very likely it's from right about the turn of the 19th century. Barrel's patent date reads "FEB. 12. & NOV. 4. 1884" so I believe the later date on the cap is probably closer to when it actually left the factory.
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Both patent dates are very clear despite visible aging throughout the pen. Barrel imprint "WATERMAN'S IDEAL FOUNTAIN PEN N.Y." is also very legible. The "12" stamped on the end barrel is much more faded and difficult to make out in poor lighting.
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The pen's barrel, section, and cap are all made from ebonite/hardened black rubber. I don't see any markings that would lead me to believe this was ever chased/patterned. However, the pen has clearly been exposed to water throughout its life as it's a very uneven brown, with the section and parts of the barrel having turned black.
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The no. 2 nib and its ebonite feed are completely intact thank fuck. The section was very stubborn and did NOT want to unscrew thanks to decades' old dried ink. I went ahead with the decision to partially soak the section to where it meets the barrel as it was already very discolored and seemed unlikely to be further damaged by this.
(Side note: it is not recommended to soak rubber pens or expose them to water unnecessarily, especially if the rubber still retains its original factory look. Even in this situation I took care to not soak the barrel.)
After some careful soaking and a little bit of heat (just low controlled heat!! NOT heated water!!!), the section unscrewed in my hand, so I didn't even need my section pliers, which was nice lol. Flushing the inside of the barrel with a syringe made cleaning go pretty fast, so I was able to fill it with ink in no time.
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She's a flexy lol
The tines split very easily with hardly any pressure to the point I think I can safely classify it as a true flexible nib, albeit not a wet noodle. Without any flex, it leaves an almost stubbish EF or even EEF line—however, it lays down ink so wetly that unless you're writing VERY slowly, it doesn't look quite so fine lol. And with just barely any pressure, it easily puts down BBB lines, though (as evidenced by the slight railroading pictures) sometimes the feed struggles to keep up.
This is one of the most user-friendly vintage flex pens I've owned. It makes me wish my handwriting wasn't dogshit so I could do it justice :(
Biggest issue is a moderate crack on the cap. It isn't so severe to the point of drying out the pen, but I have to be careful when capping, and just to be safe posting is a no-go. It's functional but I wouldn't mind replacing it.
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Overall, this a pretty good example of a user-grade vintage flex. Since there's no mechanism, it doesn't need to be restored, and it holds plenty of ink for writing/calligraphy purposes. I've enjoyed writing with it more than my other vintage flexies and semi-flexies for the past few weeks, and the inky fingertips are so worth it lol
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biggreenneatbox · 9 months
Bumbleby Big Bang Post #2
...okay, so full disclosure: this isn't an official second BBB post from me. Clickbait-y title is clickbait, and I do apologise.
We are only supposed to have 1 story entry per person per year, understandably to not overload one's self with too many projects, and not only have I already uploaded on 13th December, but the last post was yesterday, Christmas Eve 2023, by the incredible pugoata.
Even then, this subject was discussed rather at length within the BBB Discord Server little over a month ago, even as a silly little idea a few people threw around. As per the rules of the Big Bang:
"Do not discuss your BBB ideas in the server, or in public, at all"
As this was indeed a BBB idea discussed within the server, it cannot be entered officially as a story.
But from the simple question posed "What would it look like to write a Bees Story from a perspective other than the Bees?", that stupid idea was in my head. And then due to a mental health nosedive, I suddenly had a lot of time on my hands, and a crazy idea in my head to follow through with after that brief talk.
And thus, 3 weeks later, this. Despite waiting until Christmas Day itself to post, it is not itself a festive story. Just wanted to put that out there before expectations were formed.
I held off posting so that everyone could enjoy the fruits of everyone who worked on their BBBs' labour, but now with that buffer out of the way, I'd give you something for the next couple of days worth of binging. I thought I'd also offer out to anyone who wanted to give it a shot:
Any artists who want to draw part of this story - so long as you credit this story as the inspiration, you have my full permission to do so!
So behold, my second (albeit unofficial) story written for this year's BBB:
The Diary of The Bumbleby
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"The Diary of The Bumbleby (or: The near comprehensive written chronicle of how basically everyone on Remnant was aware of Yang and Blake's romantic feelings for one another before Yang and Blake themselves were)" - by Weiss Schnee - Chapter 1 - FeugoFox42 - RWBY [Archive of Our Own]
All images were made by me using the website Hero Forge for custom D&D Miniatures, as I cannot really art properly but I wanted there to be something for people to look at that could be thrown together fairly speedily.
There are the rest of images below the cut that should appear in the story (hopefully 🤞), but it does contain minor spoilers within, so proceed with that knowledge at your own discretion.
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Yang Calabrone (née Xiao Long)
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Blake Calabrone (née Belladonna)
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Maid of Honour Ruby Rose, and Best Woman Weiss Schnee
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Blake's Bridesmaids: Ilia Amitola, Sun Wukong, and Nora Valkyrie
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Yang's Bridesmen: Oscar Pine, Lie Ren Valkyrie, and Jaune Arc
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Parents of the Brides: Ghira and Kali Belladonna, and Taiyang Xiao Long
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Wedding Officiant and mother of a Bride, Raven Branwen
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Ring Bearer Extraordinaire and the Bestest, Fluffiest Boy on the face of Remnant, Zwei
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Wedding Stylist and Wedding Photographer respectively: Coco Adel and Velvet Scarlatina
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Maître d’: Old Man Shopkeep
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Qrow Branwen and Winter Schnee
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Guests (in no particular order): Flynt Coal; Neon Katt; Fox Alistair; Neopolitan; Fiona Thyme; May Marigold; Emerald Sustrai
And finally...
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...yeah, you're gonna have to read the story to know what the fuck that is about
Please, enjoy this random crack fic, and Merry Christmas!
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madlori · 4 months
There are about 2 weeks between the cruise ship episode and BBB because Buck says "Eddie just met the guy, like, two weeks ago."
Yes, I saw this in the replies. Luckily that's what I went with for the timeline.
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discluded · 11 months
I am very new to the world of BL fandom but are cp fan reactions always this extreme if the actors move on in their career and work with other people or is this week just a bad week with the massive BBB posters at Bible's event and the truck protesting outside of GMMTV about the Ohmnanon "breaking up". I know that popular actors get paired up for multiple projects but I assume they must change up couples and act with others as pairs every once in a while or after a few years?
hey friend, I'm going to answer this in a way that is circuitous that I think will better address your question.
the first part is: have fandoms always been volatile to the extent a segment of fans will organize to engage their ability to bully / cause harm rather than engage positively?
yes and no, in the sense this is a relatively new phenomenon in the entirety of organized fannish history (which let's just give due credit to our foremothers of fannish history the star trek fandom and their zines.)
but it's not so new because this started around 15 years ago, when people in fandom realise they could also organize to to create very targeted harm
these are the primary examples coming to mind:
Girls Generation (snsd) black ocean
Super Junior's official fanclub members organizing to buy company stock to prevent an 18 year old boy from joining the group lineup
In both these instances, tens of thousands of fans (for fantastics here) organized specifically to harm a person or group of people. the intent objective was specifically to harm.
the bad learned lesson from both these incidents (2008) is that fans can bind together to throw a fit if they don't get their way.
the second is: is it common for fans / fandoms of actor pairs to act this way?
and the more complex answer to that is, fandom is not a single conscious entity, and categorically similar fandoms often do not have a high overlap of active fans, usually at most 1-2 fandoms at a time. don't get me wrong, you'll see a lot of mileapo fans who are also bts fans, and I would bet you'll see a much smaller count of bts fans and exo fans overlap than you would see of bts fans and mileapo fans. any similarities you find in how fans between the first two groups act like one another is more the result of the categorical meta fan culture (here: kpop) rather than because the same people are perpetuating these behaviors while acting as fans of both these groups
for this reason I hesitate to call fandoms drama-mongering because these behaviors are perpetuated by individuals, or by a group of individuals, and not even necessarily by a group that represents the majority belief of the fandom. the fact of the matter is, people will participate in fandom regardless of if you like them or not, and some of there people are bullies or stalkers or overall terrible human beings. you can't make them stop engaging with your favorite actor or musician or couple because you can't control anyone but yourself. the only thing you can do is take the wind out of their sails by not engaging.
if you're wise to Ye Olde Harry Potter fandom lore, you'll know there was a specific segment. of fandom which known as highly dramatic but it wasn't because they liked a certain character or couple - it was because these individuals were drama mongering bullies to begin with, who continued that behavior in other fandoms. One of these infamous people bullied two different friends of mine in two different fandoms 6 years apart, and continues to instigate negativity in the fandoms they choose to engage in. you can't stop this person from joining a fandom... you can only limit their power by not engaging.
so the the answer to your specific question are all fandoms this dramatic? no, or they don't act in that way at least. MewGulf (TharnType) fans continued to invest in delusions by "I've connected the dots.jpeg" normal posts by both parties despite Mew's explicit rejection of their fantasies and his refusal to engage. However, they didn't have a problem with MG moving onto other acting projects without the other. Mew even worked with Tul of MaxTul/Manner of Death on a project but it wasn't BL. however, Max will be involved in the new mafia Thai BL releasing next year that's already been cast and as far as I can see, Tul isn't involved. I haven't heard of any grievances thus far from their fans but that doesn't mean there aren't any, and even if there are, I doubt the reaction would be organize to specifically harm Max's career / limit his opportunities.
On the opposite end of the spectrum, you have what Apolaris did in August, which was purposefully sabotaging Man Suang promo and embarrassing Apo in front of business partners and sponsors because they want the opposite: for Apo to stop working with Mile.
to circle back to the beginning: 1) it has nothing to do with the specific fandom topic, people can feel a sense of entitlement and desire to control regardless of who it is what behavior they want to happen and 2) a small group of people can disproportionately cause harm if they are organized enough and vindictive enough. that doesn't necessarily represent the majority fan view, but it can over time if their bullying behavior towards other fans drive the more reasonable people out of fandom , leaving only those who agree with theie toxic mindset.
do fandoms always have these people? in this day and age, almost inevitably, yes. and they are unfortunately also resilient to being bullied out of fandom themselves but plenty good at playing the victim. the best thing one can do is ignore their entitled, obnoxious behavior (private shit talking totally allowed)
*please in advance forgive my typos. the keyboard is generating weirder autocorrects of correct words every day. Please pretend to not see it
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polizwrites · 1 month
PoliZ's WIP Update - 28 Aug 2024
Another productive writing week!  I touched four fics (1 new & 3 WIPs)  and wrote a total of  2930  words.   
On Ao3, I posted: 
 Chapter One of  Love is Like a Muscle (and you make me want to flex) - WinterIron mutual pining turns smutty.  
Operation Sun and Surf -  Tony & Avengers team-as-family one shot with touches of angst.  
On Tumblr I posted: 
A Symbol of Devotion - Stony one shot - friends to something more.     
I’m juggling  20+  active/semi-active WIPs with my current  deadline being the Tony Stark This or That event which runs til the end of August.  
See  below cut for what I’m working on/planning to work on - arranged more or less by bingos/challenges/etc.  As always, feel free to send me   prompts or plot bunnies as well as asks regarding  any of these projects  or any other WIPs I’ve got out there.   Interaction really helps feed the Muse and keep me motivated!
Hot Bucky Summer 2024 [HBS_R2] (Ends 31 Aug)
More fun from the @buckybarnesevents folks - this time weekly challenges to create (usually NSFW) Bucky-centric fanworks!   Thanks to plenty of cross-filling with other events  (I’m looking at you, July Break Bingo)  I’ve submitted something for the first eleven weeks and am working on one more with a vague idea for the final week - here’s hoping time & inspiration hold out!  
* Week 12 - August 17th - August 23rd  – “What should I wear?” + Nothing -  Posted Chapter One of  Love is Like a Muscle (and you make me want to flex) on Friday.    WinterIron massage therapy (Tony getting his hands on Bucky) leading to a  happy ending. It came in at 1200 words and  crossed over  with BaBB August: Body Worship, BBB K1 - Tony Stark's Workshop.  
* Week 13 (August 24th - 30th) -  FREE WEEK + Optional Prompts: Mutual Masturbation  –  Chapter Two of Love is Like a Muscle (and you make me want to flex)  is written and will post Friday.  It’s coming in at 1024 words and crosses over with my TSTOT Row 3: Lab Sex and  WIB N2 - Mutual Pining  squares.  
Tony Stark This or That  [TSTOT_24] (Ends 31 Aug 2024)
I signed up late and then promptly forgot I had a card - so am tackling this 8-row card with the hopes of getting it at least halfway done by the end of the month.  I’ve made that goal, and might try to squeeze in one more fill before Saturday ends! 
* Row 3: Lab Sex - see HBS Week 13 above
* Row 7: Beach Day - Posted  Operation Sun and Surf - a crossover with a previous Flash Fiction Friday prompt [#FFF266 Great Expectations]  & my TSB K2 - Miscommunication square.  Tony rents a beach house in hopes of getting the Avengers together for a bit of team bonding;  things don’t quite go as planned.  It came in at 835 words.
Build-A-Bucky Bingo [BaBB_R1] (Ends 31 Oct 2024)
Another fun year-long  event from the folks at  @buckybarnesevents!  Each month there’s a list of prompts and you choose (at least) one  each month for your card!  At thirty-two  fills and about two months to go, I seem to be going a bit overboard …. 😁
* May:  Bucky’s Trigger Words -  combined this with a previous  Flash Fiction Friday prompt [#FFF251 Out There] for Just To Live One Day Out There - a Winter Soldier self-reflective ficlet. It came in at 312 words and will get posted to Ao3 Real Soon. 
* August: Body Worship - see HBS: Week 12 above. 
WinterIron Bingo Round 2  [WIB_R2] (Ends 16 Dec 2024)
Signups are still open for pre-made cards for Round Two of this super-fun bingo event! I have seventeen  fills and zero WIPs at the moment - setting this aside for the moment, as I have other time-sensitive events going.  
* Iron Soldier (One Bingo, One Fill) - looking at combining my Column B prompts: Matchmaker, Bucky Riding Tony, Stark Gala, Inside Joke and Threesome.  Still working on a plot - if you have any suggestions/want-to-sees - let me know! 
* I3 - Car Sex -  Have a fun ficlet in mind for this - some of the dialogue & such already worked out in my head.  
*I4 - SHIELD HQ - Finally posted  Fathers Don’t Know Best  to Ao3 this morning.  A crossover with Flash Fiction Friday prompt [#FFF245 You Never Cared, it’s a No Powers AU with Bucky working as an analyst at SHIELD who stumbles across a late night visitor to the lobby.  It came in at 410 words. 
* N1 - Hair Pulling Kink -  thanks to a fun prompt from @scottxlogan  - I filled this square with Untangling Their Attraction - where Tony’s offer of assistance leads to mutual kink discovery (not as racy as it might sound).  It’s coming in at 544 words and will post to Ao3 before this event is over. 
* N2 - Mutual Pining - see HBS Week 13 above. 
* N5 - "I'm here for you."  - Possibly the next chapter of  Lady Natasha’s Consort and Lord Steve’s Companion ?  
* O3 - Love Confession - Circling back around to Chapter Seven of  A Little Bit Carried Away - where Pepper learns about the impulsive offer Tony made to Bucky after they spent the night together.   It’s drafted at  1029 words and will cross over with TSB K3 - Pepper Potts and my pJBB C1_A1 - "Promise me you won't get mad."  prompt.  Slated to post on 9 Sep. 
Bucky Barnes Bingo - Round Six [BBB - R6]  (Ends 31 Mar)
This amazing bingo event from the folks over at @buckybarnesbingo is back!  I have twelve  fills with one WIP at the moment, but a couple  more crossovers planned. 
* K1 - Tony Stark's Workshop - see HBS Week 12 above. 
* K4 - Last Times/Farewells - combined this with a previous  Flash Fiction Friday prompt [#FFF257 Count The Days ] for  Short-Timing It - a pre-war (just barely) Bucky & Steve (Stucky if you squint) ficlet. It came in at 313 words and will post to Ao3 before the event is over.   
Tony Stark Bingo - Mark VIII [TSB_R8]  (Ends 31 May)
This amazing bingo event from the folks over at @tonystarkbingo is back! Late signups will start next month if you want to join in on the fun!  I have  four  squares filled and one WIP - I need to plan out more crossovers! 
* T1 - Watching Helplessly -  Posted Stranded Among the Stars  to Tumblr on Friday as a crossover with the Flash Fiction Friday prompt [#FFF265 Galaxies Away]. It’s a Nebula & Tony ficlet set on the ship - it came in at 345 words and will get posted to Ao3 before the event ends. 
* R4 - Bartender - Got inspired by another song to start Some Other Beginning’s End - Tony’s a bartender dealing with an a-hole patron (Brock) and his just-broken-up-with boyfriend (Bucky).  It’s sitting at 1028  words and I plan to cross over with my  pJBB  C2_A2 - "You deserve someone who makes you happy."  square. I may try to squish a few other squares in before I’m done. 
* K2 - Miscommunication - see TSTOT Row 7: Beach Day above
* K3 - Pepper Potts -  see WIB O3 - Love Confession above
* K5 - Misunderstandings - see HBS Week 10 above. 
Hawkeyes Bingo [HB_R2] (Ends TBD) 
Working on this  Tumblr event - got a 3x3 card and am looking forward to creating more  Clint-centric content and trying my hand at a bit of  Kate Bishop fic as well!    
* A3 - Awkward Flirting – this might be a good entry into my first femslash fic with Kate/Yelena?    
* C1 - Magic -  Combined this with a previous Flash Fiction Friday prompt  [#FFF259 House of Cards]   for   Keep a Steady Hand.  Clint notices Bucky getting frustrated with a task and offers to help.  It came in at 632 words and will post to Ao3 possibly later this month.   
Post July Break Bingo 2024  [pJBB_24] (Ends 30 Jun 2025)
I requested two 2x3 cards for this  Discord-server only event from @julybreakbingo  – so if you want to join in the fun, let me know and I’ll try to get you an invite!  I have two fics in progress and need to figure out some more crossovers. 
* C1_A1 - "Promise me you won't get mad." - see WIB * O3 - Love Confession
* C2_A2 - "You deserve someone who makes you happy."  -  see TSB R4 - Bartender.  
Warm and Fluffy   Bingo  [WFB]   (no end date)
Eight fills on my card, courtesy of   @warmandfluffybingocards  - need to try for another crossover or two!
* I2 - Vulnerable Drunk - matched this up with a previous Flash Fiction Friday prompt of [#FFF258 Milky Way Dreams]  for Sweet Dreams and Flying Machines -  a MIT-era Tony & Rhodey ficlet, where a drunk Tony shares a childhood dream with his best friend.  It came in at 318 words and will get posted to Ao3 at some point.   
On  other creative fronts:  I am working on a brown bat  plush figure for a commission.       
If  you’re looking for one of a kind gifts for birthdays or other celebrations, check  out Stuffed With Character    over on Facebook for a full list of my designs (now over 150!).   These soft stuffed figures are  mostly Marvel and monsters, but I have some Star Wars, Star Trek, DC   and Disney figures as well. Plus I love to take custom design   requests  for any fandom!
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kitweewoos · 1 year
Who wants to hear the biggest bullshit I've ever experienced and how I narrowly avoided getting scammed out of thousands of dollars?
Buckle up, y'all!
If you've followed me for a bit, then you know I'm moving across the country to live with Alex this week, we're currently in Indiana on our way! However, yesterday my belongings were supposed to be picked up by the moving company. Well, no, they were supposed to be picked up Friday, that was the agreed pick up date but that day when I called they said that there was a two day window -- so they were supposed to arrive 2-4 but then they didn't even get there until almost 8 pm.
So, they were late and then they had the gall to tell me I had more items than they expected and that they hadn't allotted enough space based on my estimate, without even really looking at what I packed. I had told them exactly what I'm bringing and they'd underestimated the amount by 114 cubic feet (which is over $500 off). They said they could take what they could fit in the original estimate space, and anything else would have to stay, or I pay them an extra $1000. I said no, absolutely not, I don't have $1000. So, my sister, my step-dad, and Alex all went to bat for me over this while I'm having a panic attack in the passenger seat of my car. The customer service decided to condescend to not one but two of them by questioning their intelligence and asking if they know what an estimate is. Then, they said that I'd have to pay that day to get it moved, but I was never told I'd have to pay for it the day of pick-up. I said no, and to cancel it. Then the woman on the phone asked me if my dad could just pay it for me as if I'm not an entire adult.
Looking up the company afterwards, I found out that they do this often, and have plenty of complaints on BBB. I did do research beforehand, but if you look up their name "Allegiance Moving and Storage", what comes up is an entirely different company with great reviews, and I feel stupid for being fooled. They also have a tendency of charging people thousands before they will deliver, if they deliver it at all.
When I was setting up the service with them, they sent me agreements to read over and sign. Instead of being an attachment you could easily download and keep for your record, they were links that expired and can't be reached without contacting customer service. So, my stuff is in New York except for a couple bags of clothes and my laptop bag, I don't have a back up plan, and I'm probably not getting my deposit of almost $900 back.
So... Here I am again.
Paypal: kaytikazoo
Cashapp: $kitthekazoo
UPDATE 5/22/23:
I have booked a U-Box, and thankfully I can pay for it in little chunks, and it'll be just under $2000 for it to be dropped off, picked up, and shipped to our new place!
If you've got anything to spare, it will go straight to getting my balance with UHaul!
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hanarchy · 5 months
tagged by @seungmoes and i did this recently (possible that this round of stayville tag game started with me rip) but u all know i love a tag game so here goes
1. i’m ready - chung ha
2. all eyes on me - AKA (this is another south african rap song from the 2010s dont even ask atp)
3. eenie meenie - chung ha
4. midas touch - kiss of life
5. BBB - purple kiss
6. Music - Zakwe
7. Pinocchio - Taemin & Bewhy
8. Racing in the Street - Bruce Springsteen
9. Darkness on the Edge of Town - Bruce Springsteen
10. Factory - Bruce Springsteen
I checked this against the last time i did this like two weeks ago and the only two songs that stayed the same were im ready and music…
also this list is 25 songs long on apple music and everything after no. 7 is bruce springsteen 🫡
im gonna tag uuuuh
@geniaparadox @hyunpic @slowwshoww @briankang @telomirage (ignore this if i tagged you last time too i’m sorry but i’m doing this on mobile and switching between this draft and my old post is getting annoying, anyway love u)
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brobonebang · 2 years
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Thank you to everybody who participated in our extra bonus spooky BBB edition, the Bone Bro Bang! We had 10 delightful entries which is pretty sweet for a surprise two-week event. Here they are:
Bodysnatcher pod
The Master and Torgo from Manos, Hands of Fate
Sam from Trick 'r Treat
Werewolf (1)
Werewolf (2)
The Bone Bro Bang will be back next year but in the meantime, why not check out Round 2 of the OG Bro Bone Bang, which is still open until next week (17 November)?
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chalkrevelations · 10 months
Oh, shit, yes.
Did not get copies of Unique back in the day. Set ethaicd.com to notify me if any became available; had a notification drop into my inbox at ass o'clock in the AM last week while I was dicking around on the internets past any reasonable bedtime, and now a set of both A&B covers of the BBB photoshoot are already here.
In an ideal world, this shoot is going to feed at least 2 VP AUs. Definitely not until after New Year's, but :fingers crossed: because this shoot was amazing.
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ba0shanblack · 2 years
To all my mootsies & readers,
I'll be on vacation for 2 weeks so I imagine I'm not gonna be that active here 🥺
I do hope when I'm back the godess of inspo and concentration will bless me to write again, because lately each and every one of my attempts failed miserably.
Ps. I'm always getting the news for BBB and if someone needs me, my inbox is always open 🖤💙
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rubyzbestbluuee · 1 year
Art Requests Are: Open!!
Also i'd prefer art rqs be AvA/AvM and or Dave and Bambi, but I can draw ocs too. (as long as they arent too complicated.)
feel free to send art rqs in my dms/ask box (im pretty sure my asks are open.)
I can not guarantee that I will finish your art request. Sometimes I loose interest, I apologize.
*coughs* please look at this post here, https://www.tumblr.com/rubyzbestbluuee/736410458874052608/hi-guys-i-really-wanna-take-art-rqs-if-youve
(The whiteboard has been permanently removed, there will not be another whiteboard until I can manage it myself.)
Me when i return once in a blue moon.
Idk if you can pin posts, but if i can, this is the new pinned post!
Hi! I'm CQ (⚪️) I think I am the host of a OSDD system but am yet to be diagnosed. There are a few in the system.
QC (🔷), Ruby (♦️), and BBB (🟢)
You can give us asks and stuff.
Also, you can give asks for our ocs and characters in the CQ AU! The CQ AU includes many characters, and a few fandoms! (Two of them are AVA and AVM)
You can find us on Twitter as: @/DDawn775
Our Discord username: cqdiamondman_theidiot_7535
Our Discord server:
More stuff will be added to this post as time goes on, so everything below this note you are reading was not added until after this was posted :)
Also i think i (CQ) am gonna be more active here
The CQ AU Blog! :3
(update, 2 months later :3)
i left twitter about a week ago. We have moved to tumblr sense there is less of a concern for 0nlyf4n$ accounts spamming our comments, liking our posts and reposting our stuff and or following us. This place is a lot more peaceful sense there is no disturbances or constant notifications of drama. (edit, i left twitter sometime late 2023)
cqau update
Info on asks
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buckybarnesbingo · 2 years
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BBB Flash Bingo Roundup!
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(gif by xxxxxxx6x)
Title: Every Week Collaborator(s): hulkling616 Link: ao3 Square: B - Backstory Ship(s): N/A Major tags/warnings: References to canon trauma , Bucky Barnes Recovering, Post-Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Bucky Barnes Feels Summary: Bucky comes up with a new backstory every week to keep himself safe from harm. Word count: 100 words
Title: Begin Again Collaborator(s): hulkling616 Link: ao3 Square: B - Brooklyn Ship(s): N/A Major tags/warnings: References to canon trauma, Bucky Barnes Recovering, Post-Captain America: The Winter Soldier Summary: In Brooklyn Bucky finds himself again. Word count: 100 words
Title: No Hope Collaborator(s): hulkling616 Link: ao3 Square: B - Battle Ship(s): N/A Major tags/warnings: Trauma, Unhappy Ending, PTSD, Bucky Barnes Recovering, Bucky Barnes Feels Summary: Every day is a battle for Bucky. Word count: 100 words
Lots more awesome content under the cut!
Title: Better Together Collaborator(s): Hulkling616 Link: ao3 Square: B - Bed Ship(s): Bucky/Steve Major tags/warnings: PTSD, Trauma, Nightmares, Bucky Barnes Recovering, Bucky Barnes Feels, Getting Back Together, Literal Sleeping Together, Happy Ending Summary: Bucky's bed is too big and too cold and too empty. He doesn't sleep well. Word count: 715 words
Title: Good Collaborator(s): Hulkling616 Link: ao3 Square: B - Beefy Ship(s): Bucky/Steve Major tags/warnings: None, Getting Together, Bucky Barnes Recovering, First Kiss Summary: Bucky asks Steve what he thinks about Bucky's body. Word count: 300 words
Title: Some Dramatics First Collaborator(s): Every-Marveler-Ever Link: tumblr Square: U - Unlucky Ship(s): Sam Wilson/James ‘Bucky’ Barnes, Tony Stark/Stephen Strange Major tags/warnings: Sitting in campus prison cell, bail out, Sitting in campus prison cell, bail out, sleeping on the couch, Tony Stark Is Dramatic Summary: Bucky Barnes wouldn’t say that he is unlucky, but he’s certainly not the luckiest person in the world, it’s exactly what he’s thinking while sitting in the campus jail cell. But he has an (okay) friend who can bail him out, it might just take some dramatics first. Word count: 641
Title: Magic and Middle-Earth Collaborator(s): Every-Marveler-Ever Link: tumblr Square: U - Undone Ship(s): Stephen Strange/Tony Stark Major tags/warnings: JK Rowling is mentioned., Bucky reads the Hobbit, Avengers Bookclub, Movie Night, Body Swap Summary: Stephen doesn’t like when people take his notes or idea for Avengers book club which leads Bucky and Peter into an interesting situation, almost punishment for Bucky loving the Hobbit so much. Word count: 922
Title: Wyrd Connections Collaborator(s): Caiti Link: tumblr Square: B - Brooklyn Ship(s): Poly mix(es) of Bucky Barnes, Natasha Romanoff, Darcy Lewis, Clint Barton, Jane Foster, Betty Ross, Frank Castle. Major tags/warnings: Mood boards, AU: Supernatural/Fantasy Summary: Unexpected connections blossom when powers come together to protect their city. Word count: Mood board
Title: A Soldier for a Duke (Chapter 2: The Library) Collaborator(s): SomeSortofItalianRoast Link: ao3 Square: C - Covert Ship(s): pre-Tony/bucky Major tags/warnings: none, Alternate Universe - Regency, Alternate Universe - Royalty, Summary: Anthony Stark, the Duke of Hastings, and Sergent James Barnes share an encounter in the library. Word count: 2126
Title: sometimes walking out is the one thing that will find you the right thing Collaborator(s): Winnie Link: ao3 Square: B - backstory Ship(s): n/a Major tags/warnings: mentions of suicide, depression, canon winter soldier-typical issues, AU, hurt/comfort, angst with a happy ending, bucky barnes recovering Summary: Deconstructing decades of brainwashing isn't easy, but it isn't impossible either. Bucky has friends, therapy, and a new life to await him, and he's ready for it. Word count: 1047
Title: Laughter, Relationships and Partners Collaborator(s): Every-Marveler-Ever Link: tumblr Square: U - Underdog Ship(s): Tony Stark/James ‘Rhodey’ Rhodes/James 'Bucky’ Barnes Major tags/warnings: Relationship drama, Open relationship, Marriage open relationship, Bad communication, Bucky Barnes is confused, bad communication, established Tony/Rhodey Summary: It wasn’t Bucky’s intention to get between a relationship, especially not one as strong as Rhodey and Tony’s, but in his defence, he didn’t know they were dating. (A bad description). Word count: 1601
Title: Finding My Way To You Collaborator(s): scottxlogan Link: ao3 Square: U - Unlucky Ship(s): Tony Stark/Bucky Barnes Major tags/warnings: Heavy Angst, Sexting, References to Depression, Sexual Content, Hurt Tony Stark, Self-Esteem Issues, Past Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Heavy Angst, Sexting, Enemies to Lovers, Secret Identity, Tony Stark Needs a Hug, Bucky Barnes Needs a Hug, References to Depression, Touch-Starved, Online Dating, Online Relationship, Sexual Content, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt Tony Stark, Dark Tony Stark, Hurt Bucky Barnes, Self-Esteem Issues, Misunderstandings, Idiots in Love, Mutual Pining, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Adult Content Summary: After life has thrown him an unexpected curve Tony is in a bit of a slump in his personal life. After his break-up with Pepper, Tony thought he was fine. That is until Pepper moved on with someone new and an injury has Tony facing the idea of spending his life alone. Caught up in what he sees as himself having a mid-life crisis Tony joins a dating app where he finds someone special in the most unexpected of ways. The problem is that with Tony life is never as easy as he hopes for it to be and with his new love brings new complications to his world in the most unexpected of ways. Word count: 9849
Title: Best Baby Bucky Collaborator(s): buckyismybicycle Link: ao3 Square: K - Kidfic Ship(s): Bucky & Steve & Sam Major tags/warnings: N/A, Accidental Baby Acquisition, Baby Bucky Summary: On the doorstep of their shitty hideout (an abandoned cabin in the middle of the Alps) a basket with a swaddle of blue, a tuft of curly, brown hair sticking out. They don’t need the card to see who it is, the loopy cursive “James Buchanan Barnes” mocking them more than anything. Sam has to blink a few times because — ah, shit. Word count: 1663
Title: Finding My Way To You (Chapter 2) Collaborator(s): scottxlogan Link: ao3 Square: U - Undone Ship(s): Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark Major tags/warnings: Heavy Angst, References to Depression, Self-Esteem Issues, Sexual Content, Self-Worth Issues, self sabotaging, Past Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Sexting, Enemies to Lovers, Tony Stark Needs a Hug, Bucky Barnes Needs a Hug, Touch-Starved, Online Relationship, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt Tony Stark, Dark Tony Stark, Hurt Bucky Barnes, Misunderstandings, Idiots in Love, Mutual Pining, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Adult Content, Mild Language Summary: Tony makes a decision on whether or not to accept his online flirtation's sexy proposal to meet up. When a chance meeting in the elevator brings Tony face to face with Bucky Barnes a tense meeting follows and some shocking truths begin to surface. Will it spell the end of Tony's online romance or the beginning of something altogether different for Tony moving forward? Word count: 12,261
Title: A Little Love, That's All Collaborator(s): Purple Link: ao3 Square: Y - Yearning Ship(s): James (Bucky) Barnes/Steve Rogers Major tags/warnings: Emotional Insecurity, Loneliness, Inner Homophobia, No Archive Warnings Apply, Pre-Serum Steve Rogers, Touch-Starved, Lonely Steve Rogers, Pining, 1940s, Bucky Wasn't Drafted Summary: Steve Rogers doesn’t know how to flirt. Steve Rogers is in love with his best friend. Steve Rogers' best friend goes out to a club every Saturday to pick up a lady. The solution? Go with him. Word count: 4.1k
Title: what I learned from all those years, what I earned from all those tears Collaborator(s): Winnie Link: ao3 Square: U - undone Ship(s): steve rogers/bucky barnes Major tags/warnings: mentions of past depression and depressive mindsets, ocean sex, public handjobs, domestic fluff, established relationship Summary: Steve and Bucky go on a nice summer holiday and realize some important things, then celebrate. Word count: 2000 words
Title: the key to sass-sex Collaborator(s): buckyismybicycle Link: ao3 Square: K - Key Ship(s): Bucky x Sam Wilson Major tags/warnings: N/A, Snarky Sassy Characrers, hate sex but not really Summary: There's snark, there's sex and there's some unspoken feelings. Word count: 1180
Title: the freezer hidden within the hidden freezer Collaborator(s): SomeSortofItalianRoast Link: ao3 Square: C - Cold Ship(s): N/A Major tags/warnings: not a very happy fic?, POV Erik Killmonger, POV Bucky Barnes, Canon-Typical Violence, Missing Scene, What-If, Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes, winter soldier words, Canon Temporary Character Death, Canon Divergence - Black Panther (2018) Summary: After apparently killing King T’Challa in ritual combat, Erik Killmonger explores Shuri’s labs. A hidden freezer reveals a secret weapon, the Winter Soldier. Word count: 1027
Title: Get Your Shit Together So I Can Love You Collaborator(s): Winnie Link: ao3 Square: B - battle Ship(s): Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes Major tags/warnings: closeted character, established relationship, domestic disputes, angst with a happy ending,everyone needs and gets a hug Summary: Steve and Bucky have a fight and Bucky has a good long think about being in the closet with Steve and all of Steve's baggage. Word count: 1450
Title: Finding My Way To You (Chapter 3) Collaborator(s): scottxlogan Link: ao3 Square: U - Underdog Ship(s): Tony Stark/Bucky Barnes Major tags/warnings: Heavy Angst, References to Depression, Self-Esteem Issues, Sexual Content, Self-Worth Issues, self sabotaging, Past Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Sexting, Enemies to Lovers, Tony Stark Needs a Hug, Bucky Barnes Needs a Hug, Touch-Starved, Online Relationship, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt Tony Stark, Dark Tony Stark, Hurt Bucky Barnes, Misunderstandings, Idiots in Love, Mutual Pining, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Adult Content, Mild Language Summary: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44969335/chapters/113562307 Word count: 12,874
Title: The Thief Collaborator(s): Sivan325 Link: ao3 Square: U - Uniform Ship(s): Stucky Major tags/warnings: none, Modern Setting - AU Summary: “I know,” Steve said, grinning as he removed the handcuffs from his uniform belt and walked toward his boyfriend, “James Buchanan Barnes, You are under arrest,” Word count: 100
Title: the fae behind the mirror Collaborator(s): SomeSortofItalianRoast Link: ao3 Square: C - Crack Ship(s): N/A Major tags/warnings: None, Fae & Fairies, Pre-Serum Steve Rogers, Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes, Literal Sleeping Together, Alternate Universe - Urban Fantasy, Pre-Steve/Buckyy Summary: A cracked mirror leads to a close encounter of the third (Fae)kind. Word count: 1932
Title: Fanfic Collaborator(s): Metalbvcky Link: ao3 Square: C - Crack Ship(s): Steve/Bucky Major tags/warnings: N/A, Post-Avengers (2012), Captain America Steve Rogers/Modern Bucky Barnes, Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafés, Crack Treated Seriously Summary: Bucky come home from work only to struggle to with a jammed lock, and his very drunk neighbor, Captain America, breaks his door down to help him inside. Word count: 2866
Title: Coffee shop [Moodboard] Collaborator(s): SomeSortofItalianRoast Link: tumblr Square: C - Coffee shop Ship(s): pre-Bucky/Darcy Major tags/warnings: none, coffee shops and cafes, coffee, moodboard Summary: An accidental discovery of the best coffee shop (the only coffee shop) in the small town he's been sent to recover in after being injured in a special ops mission gives wounded veteran Sergeant James "Bucky" Barnes a reason to leave the house, to do his PT, to work at becoming who he was before the injury. The barista working behind the bar is funny, and always chears him up. He could see himself wanting to get to know her better. Thankfully, Darcy Lewis feels the same way. Word count: Moodboard
Title: Don't Collaborator(s): nolanfa Link: tumblr Square: U - Ultimatum Ship(s): Tony/Steve Major tags/warnings: N/A, grey-ish Steve, the f-ing WSC Summary: Tony tries to keep Steve from doing something they'd all regret (art for Lay in the Wake of Destruction, by sara_holmes) Word count: 1 gif, 26 seconds
Title: Lit From Within Collaborator(s): Winnie Link: ao3 Square: B - Brooklyn Ship(s): Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes Major tags/warnings: very brief mention of standard TWS trauma, established relationship,canon divergence,domestic fluff Summary: It's snowing in Brooklyn, and Steve and Bucky go out to the beach. They are ridiculously in love. That's it, that's all. Word count: 1700 words
Title: Jailhouse Rock Collaborator(s): Smutconnoisseur Link: tumblr Square: C - Covert Ship(s): James 'Bucky' Barnes/Steve Rogers Major tags/warnings: Explicit sexual content, prison, sex in confessional - but no religious themes., Explicit content, Prison, Exhibitionism, Confessional Sex, No Overall Religious Themes, Covert Operation, Established Relationship, Happy Ending Summary: "I love you too." Bucky swallows down the knot forming in his throat, meaning they must say goodbye soon. He reaches down, smoothing out the numbers on the back of Steve's jumpsuit. "Inmate 25147." Word count: Word Count : 1,900
Title: The Fist, Defeated Collaborator(s): PoliZ Link: ao3 Square: U - Underdog Ship(s): Isaiah Bradley vs the Soldier Major tags/warnings: canon-typical violence, Double drabble, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier compliant, hand to hand combat, canon-typical violence, Alternating POV Summary: The Soldier finds himself facing off against a man who is faster and more powerful than he has any right to be - and he needs to find out how. Word count: 200
Title: Come Again Some Other Day Collaborator(s): PoliZ Link: ao3 Square: U - Unlucky Ship(s): n/a (Bucky x happiness) Major tags/warnings: none, Introspection, Internal Monologue, Recovering!Bucky, Memories Summary: Bucky had always hated getting caught out in the rain. Word count: 527
Title: Clothes Make the Man Collaborator(s): PoliZ Link: ao3 Square: U - Uniform Ship(s): Bucky & Steve Major tags/warnings: none, Drabble, Introspection, Internal Monologue, Memories, CA:TFA compliant, missing scene Summary: On the eve of Project Insight; Steve takes on another, more personal mission. Word count: 100
Title: Make My Heart Come All Undone - Chapter 2 Collaborator(s): PoliZ Link: ao3 Square: U - Undone Ship(s): Bucky/Tony Major tags/warnings: amputee!Bucky and self-image issues , No Powers AU, Amputee!Bucky, Vacation, Young Tony Stark, Meet Cute, POV alternating, Shapeshifting, Selkies, Mutual Pining Summary: Tony is happy surfing his way through life, at least until he meets a handsome stranger who presents an interesting challenge... in more ways than one. Word count: 678
Title: Are there still beautiful things? Collaborator(s): rya_204 Link: ao3 Square: K - Kink Ship(s): Steve / Bucky Major tags/warnings: Tentacle Sex, Cock warming, Post WS, H/C, Anal Sex, Angst Summary: «You shouldn't sleep in the walk-in closet, Buck.» He snorted. Steve was always ready to change the subject. Word count: 1705
Title: The Words Engraved Upon Our Souls Collaborator(s): PoliZ Link: ao3 Square: U - Ultimatum Ship(s): Bucky/Steve, Bucky & Tony Major tags/warnings: none, Soulmate AU, canon-adjacent, Tony Stark Has a Heart, a touch of pining, Summary: While Bucky has accepted Tony’s offer to build him a new arm, there’s clearly something bothering him. When Tony learns that Bucky's soulmate mark -- the first words Steve spoke to him- were on the arm he lost, he proposes a solution. Word count: 1076
Title: (can't you see) ever since we met (you've had a hold on me?) Collaborator(s): SomeSortofItalianRoast Link: ao3 Square: C - Craving Ship(s): Bucky Barnes/Scott Lang Major tags/warnings: None, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Scott Lang, Omega Bucky Barnes, Pining, Mutual Pining, Misunderstandings, First Kiss, Background Relationships, Summary: Omega!Bucky Barnes has the hots for Alpha!Scott Lang. Alpha!Scott Lang has the hots for Omega!Bucky Barnes. Cue mutual pining and misunderstandings. Word count: 1771
Title: avengers drabble: Bucky Collaborator(s): nolanfa Link: ao3 Square: U - undone Ship(s): N/A Major tags/warnings: N/A, drabble, language Summary: There's a reason spontaneity in communication is hard for Bucky post-Winter Soldier. Word count: 100
Title: Stitches and Biscuits Club Snippets - Chapter 1: The Favor Part I Collaborator(s): MuffinEngineer86 Link: ao3 Square: C - Carving Ship(s): James “Bucky” Barnes & Darcy Lewis Major tags/warnings: talk about naked pictures, thoughts about burning something down, crack, favor, Bucky knits Summary: Bucky sat in a coffee shop. The coffee was awful but their cinnamon rolls were too good to be true. And Darcy asked him for a favor. He would say no if it wasn’t knitting patterns she offered in return. Word count: 1165
Title: Stitches Collaborator(s): nolanfa Link: tumblr Square: U - Unlucky Ship(s): Bucky Barnes / Tony Stark / Jason Todd Major tags/warnings: putting in minor stitches (not much detail), crossover Summary: Bucky stitches Jason up. Word count: digital art
Title: if you got a hunger for what you see, you'll take it eventually (Chapter 1) Collaborator(s): buckyismybicycle Link: ao3 Square: K - Knife Ship(s): Bucky/Stev Major tags/warnings: N/A, Consensual Non-Consent, Knifeplay, Rough Sex Summary: All this time, he’s been too indestructible. Or at least, that’s what he thought. Until Bucky. Until the Winter Soldier. With Bucky, he feels everything. Word count: 1 237
Title: precious Collaborator(s): buckyismybicycle Link: tumblr Square: K - Kink Ship(s): Bucky x Steve Major tags/warnings: Angst, Tentacles, Forced Body Modification, Body Disfigurement, Mutation/Human Experimentation, Mind Manipulation, Brainwashing, Dub-con, aka Steve gets Dickmatized, Bottom Steve, Crying, Begging, Winter Soldier Bucky, Painful Sex/Rough Sex, Forced Orgasm, multiple orgasms, Breeding Kink, Cumflation, Belly Bulge, Bukkake, Multiple Penetration, Dub-con, Human Experimentation/Mutilation, Tentacle Monster Bucky Summary: During the fight in Lagos, Brock manages to make a deal for his life. Word count: 5 682
Title: Miles Away Collaborator(s): buckyismybicycle Link: tumblr Square: K - Kitten Ship(s): Bucky x Female Reader Major tags/warnings: N/A, Love Confessions, Mutual Pining, AU -Rock Band, Rockstar!Bucky Summary: How am I supposed to be everything they expect me to be? When I feel so alone, ‘cause I left my heart at home Word count: 4664
Title: Stitches and Biscuits Club Snippets - Chapter 2: The Favor Part II Collaborator(s): MuffinEngineer86 Link: ao3 Square: C - Covert Ship(s): James "Bucky" Barnes & Darcy Lewis Major tags/warnings: language, sexual innuendo, mental health problems, brains are assholes, Bucky knits, cinnamon rolls, bad coffee, Darcy needs a favor, knitting pattern, too many unread emails, Bucky is old-school, Eye of the Tiger Summary: Bucky was on his way to collect his pay for his covert op he ran with his club. Darcy had another problem. Bucky delivered too fast and too much. She didn’t even have time to choose the perfect song for the training montage she planned. A classic would do and match perfectly for Steve and Brock. Word count: 1300
Title: Drunk Hubris Collaborator(s): nolanfa Link: tumblr Square: U - Underdog Ship(s): Bucky Barnes / Bruce Banner Major tags/warnings: drunk person, vague references to torture, ill-advised drunk decisions Summary: Bruce considers Drunk Bucky's decisions ill-advised. Word count: 1 video file, 56 seconds
Title: Stitches and Biscuits Club Snippets - Chapter 3: The Idea Collaborator(s): MuffinEngineer86 Link: ao3 Square: C - Cold Ship(s): James “Bucky” Barnes & Cameron Klein Major tags/warnings: language, swearing, fit of rage, Bucky knits, cinnamon rolls, bad coffee, Bucky teaches knitting, Cameron bakes cinnamon rolls, Rain Ocampo, yes I stole her from Resident Evil Movies Summary: Bucky tried to teach one of the Strike team members how to knit. It wasn’t going well. And Cameron Klein tried again to recreate the bad-coffee coffee shop cinnamon rolls. He failed, but the knitting student gave Bucky and Cameron an idea. Word count: 589
Title: The real reason for Bucky's uniform's five hundred buckles Collaborator(s): nolanfa Link: tumblr Square: U - Uniform Ship(s): N/A Major tags/warnings: N/A, crack Summary: The reason why Bucky's uniform has that many buckles. Word count: 1 digital art
Title: Acts of Kindness, Chapter 1 Collaborator(s): BBD2BH Link: ao3 Square: B - Beefy Ship(s): Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers Major tags/warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply, Modern AU, War Veteran Bucky Barnes, Homelessness, Kindness, Friendship Summary: Chapter 1: Bucky doesn’t like living on the street, but sometimes life isn’t about getting what you want. When a stranger offers him a bag of food, Bucky realizes accepting help isn’t a weakness. Word count: 539
Title: Acts of Kindness, Chapter 2 Collaborator(s): BBD2BH Link: ao3 Square: B - Backstory Ship(s): Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers Major tags/warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply, Modern AU, War Veteran Bucky Barnes, Homelessness, Kindness, Friendship Summary: Chapter 2: Bucky doesn’t like living on the street, but sometimes life isn’t about getting what you want. When a stranger offers him a bag of food, Bucky realizes accepting help isn’t a weakness. Word count: 496
Title: Acts of Kindness, Chapter 3 Collaborator(s): BBD2BH Link: ao3 Square: B - Battle Ship(s): Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers Major tags/warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply, Modern AU, War Veteran Bucky Barnes, Homelessness, Kindness, Friendship Summary: Chapter 3: Bucky doesn’t like living on the street, but sometimes life isn’t about getting what you want. When a stranger offers him a bag of food, Bucky realizes accepting help isn’t a weakness. Word count: 415
Title: Acts of Kindness, Chapter 4 Collaborator(s): BBD2BH Link: ao3 Square: B - Brooklyn Ship(s): Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers Major tags/warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply, Modern AU, War Veteran Bucky Barnes, Homelessness, Kindness, Friendship Summary: Chapter 4: Bucky doesn’t like living on the street, but sometimes life isn’t about getting what you want. When a stranger offers him a bag of food, Bucky realizes accepting help isn’t a weakness. Word count: 610
Title: Acts of Kindness, Chapter 5 Collaborator(s): BBD2BH Link: ao3 Square: B - Bed Ship(s): Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers Major tags/warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply, Modern AU, War Veteran Bucky Barnes, Homelessness, Kindness, Friendship Summary: Chapter 5: Bucky doesn’t like living on the street, but sometimes life isn’t about getting what you want. When a stranger offers him a bag of food, Bucky realizes accepting help isn’t a weakness. Word count: 452
Title: Stitches and Biscuits Club Snippets - Chapter 4: The Heist Collaborator(s): MuffinEngineer86 Link: ao3 Square: C - Coffee shop Ship(s): James "Bucky" Barnes & Jack Rollins Major tags/warnings: attacked by creature, Break & enter Summary: With Cameron’s help, Bucky and Jack broke into the coffee shop to liberate the recipe for the cinnamon rolls. They didn’t find what they expected. Word count: 750
Title: Finding My Way to You (Chapter 6) Collaborator(s): scottxlogan Link: ao3 Square: U - Ultimatum Ship(s): Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark Major tags/warnings: Heavy Angst, References to Depression, Self-Esteem Issues, Sexual Content, Self-Worth Issues, self sabotaging, Past Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Sexting, Enemies to Lovers, Tony Stark Needs a Hug, Bucky Barnes Needs a Hug, Touch-Starved, Online Relationship, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt Tony Stark, Dark Tony Stark, Hurt Bucky Barnes, Misunderstandings, Idiots in Love, Mutual Pining, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Adult Content, Mild Language Summary: Bucky's romantic struggles come to a close as he makes a decision about the man who holds his heart. As Bucky faces the truth he's been keeping buried within for so very long, Tony reveals his heart and hopes that he won't be left in the shadows moving forward. Word count: 10470
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
1. Mortgage misery: Belgian home loans hit record lows
Mortgage loans in Belgium have hit record lows as rising interest rates and soaring inflation have made house purchases increasingly unaffordable for the vast majority of Belgians, l'Echo and De Tijd report. Read more.
2. 'Indescribable': New farmer's party BBB takes major win in Dutch elections
The Netherlands witnessed upset in Wednesday's regional elections as the new centre-right agrarian BoerBurgerBeweging party ("Farmer Citizen Movement") emerged as the big winner. In a shock electoral shift, the BBB party won 15 (of 75) seats in the Senate, the first official results show. Read more.
3. Asylum seekers occupying Crisis Centre demand national crisis plan
The 70 asylum seekers occupying the building that will become Belgium's future National Crisis Centre in Brussels will not leave until the national crisis plan is activated and they are guaranteed a permanent place in the Fedasil reception network. Read more.
4. Belgium to send 240 military trucks to Ukraine
Belgium’s Ministry of Defence is set to provide Ukraine with 240 military trucks, De Standaard reports. The first vehicles are scheduled for delivery next week and will be used to ferry troops and equipment to the front in Ukraine’s east. Read more.
5. IKEA Zaventem using automated drones at night
IKEA has announced it will now use drones to control stocks and guarantee the availability of its products. Already in place in some IKEA stores in Belgium, the new system will be expanded with five drones installed in the Zaventem location, reports Sudinfo. Read more.
6. Belgians nearly as happy as before the pandemic, reveals survey
Belgians' happiness levels rose in 2022, with an average rating of 6.6 out of 10. The new data shows that people in Belgium are getting closer to the pre-pandemic levels of happiness (6.7), according to a survey conducted by Ghent University and the insurer NN Belgium. Read more.
7. Behind the Scenes: Don't pull at that thread
It is nothing short of a miracle that the European Union actually functions when you stop and think about it. But much like Father Christmas, it only exists if you believe in it. Read more.
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