#bbau sunset
crastledivorce · 2 years
I made some characters for bbau awhile back (with some input from @rose-icosahedron and I just realized I never made an actual post about them so here it is :)
First up is Sunset. She’s the child of Lizzie and Cleo, made through cloning some time during Last Life. Her moms had a messy breakup (I feel like in LL burning down someone’s base is kinda the equivalent of keying someone’s car) so she spent her childhood bouncing between Empires and Hermitcraft. Since e!Lizzie is her mom, that makes her the crown princess of the Ocean Empire (I did specifically imagine her as Lizzie’s oldest child, sorry if this conflicts w anyone else), so she spent more time there. Sunset is cheerful, curious, and loves nature. She spends a lot of time hiking. She’s self-confident and independent, which is great, but can also be overly stubborn and unwilling to compromise. Sunset can enjoy socializing but values her alone time. If she does not get enough hours of alone a day she will bite. 
Family relationships-wise, she doesn’t always get along with Lizzie. She feels uninterested in the responsibilities of ruling the Ocean Empire, feels pressure to do so, and feels like Lizzie doesn’t make enough effort to connect with her over her own interests. At the end of the day they do still have a loving mother-daughter relationship though, I think they’d mostly resolve their issues around when Sunset is 18. Since Joel and Lizzie are married, he also raised her so she considers him a father. Gee, Sunset, why do you get three parents? And also Jeremy too but. Not much to say there. They banter a lot. Sunset is always really excited to get to see Cleo, since she doesn’t get to see her other mom as much due to the different servers. Sometimes she feels a bit jealous of Cleo’s other kids. When Sunset was 11 Cleo got her a hat shaped like a spider and she wore it nonstop for months. 
Her name comes from her hair, it’s literally red, with some shades of orange and pink. She has some of Lizzie’s axolotl features. Small arm fins, gills, and a tail. She was more axolotl-y when she was younger, she also had leg fins and webbed feet, but those disappeared by the time she was a teenager. Sorry Sunset. Puberty sucks, and you are only half-axolotl hybrid. Sunset is 5′6, average height, but considering that Lizzie is 10 feet and I hc Cleo as like, 6′something, she feels extremely cheated. Understandable lol. She likes practical, comfortable clothing, bright colors, and has a large collection of silly barrettes to keep her hair out of her eyes. 
She has trouble connecting to people, because she doesn’t quite understand socializing, but can get very excited and loyal around people she likes. And it isn’t too hard to get her to like you. Just ask about her interests and respect her alone time when she needs it. I have some thoughts on what she’d be like older/younger but mostly I imagine her in her preteen/early teens ish.
I have some ideas for how she’d get along with her friends/siblings but this is already long enough. If anyone wants to talk to me about making our ocs be friends, please do! (this feels like I’m setting up a playdate /pos). 
My other fanchild is Jeremy. I will admit I do not know as much about him. He was also created during Last Life, and is the child of Joel and Scar. They weren’t dating or anything, the magic of Magical Mountain just kind of manifested their child one day. This kind of thing just happens sometimes. (Rose and I agree that Jeremy and Madrone should in fact be friends). Joel picked the name. Joel and Scar weren’t expecting this, they just looked at the baby with vague confusion, so Scar wasn’t going to argue when Joel suggested Jeremy. It’s a good name! Scar did not, in fact, know at the time that Joel had previously created a religion around the name, but he thought it was funny when he found out. Joel was pleased about this. Lizzie wouldn’t let him name a child Jeremy. 
Jeremy is a cryptid. He likes being unsettling on purpose. It’s his main hobby. He doesn’t need to blink and he just stands there staring at people. He has a large scar on his leg from when he was reading in a tree and fell out of the tree. His favorite genres of book are murder mystery and romance novels. Jeremy likes to test people at first. If you do find him weird? Weak. He does not want to be around you anyway. No pity (he gets it from his dads). 
He has unnaturally-bright-looking green eyes that glow in the dark (he can’t actually see in the dark but he refuses to admit this), perpetually-messy hair that he dyes it a new color every month (naturally light brown), and a lanky 6′4 frame. Sometimes people think Jeremy is older than his actual age (early teens ish) because of how tall he is. He will not admit his actual age when people guess. He just makes them guess and then responds by shrugging.
Jeremy’s somewhat secretive, but not because he has any dark secrets to hide, he just thinks it’s funny. He’s right. Often he lies, for the same reason. He is more open with friends though. 
Some Images:
Sunset (age 12ish)
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Jeremy (also around 12. I think. unless he tricked me somehow)
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Sunset, throughout the years 
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Sunset, age 18-20ish
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petrichormeraki · 3 years
my friend @dilfjoehills has now decided to help me with bbau. empires smp has been added to the tree partialy. cleo and lizzie are exes and have a kid named sunset. and we are only getting started.
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