#bb crying because hes hearing 3000000 things for the first time ever: ????
maximusboltaqon · 4 months
ok yes we've seen bb let out of his room and seeing his family for the first time/getting hugged for the first time but what about his reaction to *life* following that. what about seeing the sunset, or hearing thunder and feeling the rain, or seeing the stars and staring at them for hours because he's never seen the sky before.
what about being able to feel the breeze and hear children laughing and watching the streets and seeing people everywhere, who take all of that for granted, because none of *them* spent 19 years, their entire lives, trapped and contained in one room. he didn't smell cooking food until he was 19. he didnt see the seasons change or hear birds chirping or have bugs land on his arm for just a moment before flying off again.
he never had the chance to play in the mud or jump in puddles or try to get all the sand off after being at the beach. he never had the opportunity at all until he was 19.
how do you even begin to acclimate after that level of isolation?
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