#baz's birthday was the first fandom event i was here for last year
onepintobean · 2 years
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three cheers for the birthday boy! 🎉✨
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bazzybelle · 4 years
Fic Writer Interview
Thank you @amywaterwings @phoxphyre @carryonsimoncarryonbaz (and I’m gonna include you as well @aristocratic-otter , I am so glad that COTTA made you love writing again!!! The Blue and The Grey is SUCH A GOOD FIC! Everyone needs to read it!!
Name: Belle (Not comfy using my full name on here).
Fandoms: At the moment, fully committed to Carry On, but I am enjoying the heck out of Avatar: The Last Airbender ZUKKA fics. 
Where you post: At the moment, I only post on AO3... But I have a few old Criminal Minds stories on FanFic.net. 
Most popular one-shot: At first I wasn’t sure if it meant based on Kudos or Hits, but for BOTH, it’s I Just Want Your Extra Time.  The next popular fic is Speak my Language of Love. What I find kinda amazing is that BOTH of these fics were written as birthday gifts for two dear friends of mine ( @giishu and @carryonsimoncarryonbaz respectively). I also find it absolutely hilarious that my all time most popular story is an Explicit-rated fic, and it was the first time I ever wrote smut, so I was all “uhhhhh.... how...?” I did have a lot of fun writing both of those stories, and I’m glad that they were pretty popular. 
Most popular multi-chapter: In terms of both Kudos and Hits, it’s The Best Game You Can Name. This was the fic I wrote for the Remix event. Again, absolutely FLOORED that this fic got as much love as it did, because hoooooo boy, this was a doozy for me to complete. I think this is one of those fics that took so much out of me to write, but the fact that I stuck with it and got it done, makes me so happy and proud of myself. I took the challenge of remixing a fandom classic, @basic-banshee ‘s The Pitch series, and I am really proud of how it turned out. I am so happy that everyone who read it feels the same way. 
Fic you were nervous to post: Dude, I’m nervous to post EVERY story I write... and my friends will all tell you that. Recently, I was particularly nervous about posting With a Little Help From My (Sorta) Friend. This was a fic that I was nervous about writing, and was a real challenge for me to write, but I like challenging myself as a writer. In this fic, I wanted to come up with a scenario where two character who would not normally interact with each other, have an important heart-to-heart conversation. This was also my “I need to process Wayward Son” fic, as well as my “Baz Pitch needs friends” fic. There was a lot that I wanted to address in this fic, and it all had to be done in a way that would be believable for the two characters. This was also the first fic (in a long time) that I wrote FOR ME. It wasn’t a gift, it wasn’t part of an event... It was a fic that I wanted to write for myself. So... A LOT OF NERVES...
How do you choose your titles: I am SO bad at coming up with titles, it’s kinda pathetic. I typically use song title, because I’m basic af fuck... The occasional time I’ll come up with a clever pun or a silly quote, and I’ll use that, but like 90%, it’s a song quote (usually from the song that inspired the fic). 
Do you outline: ALL THE TIME! Yes... yes yes! The only time I didn’t outline was when I did COC last year, and even then, I wrote down an idea for each prompt (because I was crazy enough to think I’d do them all... I mean I did manage 13/30... so...) My fics are getting longer, and more convoluted, so I think having an outline is helpful in that it keeps my ideas and thoughts in order. Like I was writing No One To Save That Can’t Be Saved, and I think I gave Simon like 3 different ages. I had to stop and write out a time and age that made sense given the setting and history. 
Do you take prompts: I mean I won’t say “No” to a prompt, but it’ll take some time... Like I have a prompt from several months ago (and it’s a GOOD prompt) that I still have yet to tackle... But... I have an idea for it! 
Complete: Ummm 24 out of 27 fics are complete. 
In progress: 1) No One To Save That Can’t be Saved - This is my COTTA 1960′s murder mystery, and I LOVE IT SO DANG MUCH! I am still working on it, I’m just writing another thing that is more time sensitive.
2) A fic I’m writing as part of a server exchange... This... uh... got a little away from me... I HAD planned to make it a short and sweet fic, but then my brain was all, “I mean, that’s cool, but if you did THIS instead?” So it’s now like 15K words... I mean, I’m ALMOST DONE... But yeah...
3) I Need Another Perfect Lie - This was my DeNiall fic. It’s currently on an indefinite hiatus... My mental heath has taken a beating and a half over the last few months, and this fic wasn’t helping my mood. Maybe I’ll return to it, in the future...  
Um... I dunno who to tag... Lemme think... @fight-surrender @twokisses @theflyingpeach @ninemagicks @nightimedreamersworld @bazypitchandsimonsnow @scone-lover @vkelleyart @adamarks @palimpsessed @annabellelux @otherworldsivelivedin @xivz 
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