muuuumin · 1 year
Dammit I just saw a screenshot of a post with a story AU that was screaming Jaytim potential but I've lost it forever- I'll just write out the idea
A fantasy story AU where a magical academy has a rivalry between two of their departments; the archaelogy department and necromancy department.
The archaelogy department keeps getting their bones stolen by the necromancy department for 'studies' and 'rituals', and the necromancy department will constantly have archaelogy students interrupting said rituals to ask the undead about funeral rites.
Jason Todd in archaelogy department BECAUSE I need him to nerd out about bones/fossils and imagine necromancy scholar Tim finding out that Jason has died before and is technically, a zombie. Imagine his fascination with Jason and studying him, but Jason turns to see a blank-eyed, dark circles for days Timothy Drake staring into his soul.
Jason gifting Tim bones for his specific studies when they start courting.
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redpool · 2 years
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oilspill99 · 16 days
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Part 2 of my Jojo Villain's × Batfamily au with Damian as Kars in the outfit he wore in Switzerland and Tim as Kira
[Part 1]
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blackerartist · 4 years
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Thanks to damirae now is canon I have many ideas to draw (in different au)
I really hope you like it guys 💕
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buttofgrayson · 5 years
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See this is why I'm starting to really hate BatCat. Catwoman is her own person. She's more than a relationship. And yet, she's always treated like she's just Batman's love interest. Honestly fuck BatCat.
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theredheaded-stuff · 3 years
fanfic promp about
"Brutalia kids Angsty"
In some predictions for the future, Bruce and Talia ended up discovering the future of their youngest children, the predictions are terrible, and someone is trying to steal the baby
The predictions were:
The first baby born will never be able to reach its full potential because of an injury.
The second baby is destined to destroy the world
The third baby will stop the second and disappear
Triplets are born, Talia was alone in the Birth room as there were millions of villain attacks on the same day, Talia can't tell who was born at what time.
The babies were named Damian,Henry and Athanasia.
Damian got a scar on his eye
Henry was knocked to the ground, his cry echoed through the hospital
Athanasia disappeared the same day she was born
Additional :
Damian and Henry are identical twins
Athanasia has not found
Talia has fragile health due to stress on the day of the triplets' birth
The twins can't leave the mansion
Bruce has been looking for Athanasia since her disappearance
Damian can see with both eyes miraculously
Athanasia has Bruce's blue eyes
The twins sleep in a room full of toys, and they always wonder why there are always three of each toy (if they don't know about Athanasia and the prophecy)
Henry and Damian could never explain how much they missed someone they never knew
There are several suspects who kidnapped Athanasia, the main ones being
an unknown villain/villainess
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batboyblog · 7 years
My take on Jason Todd
So EARLY in time on Tumblr I wrote a longer story about what I’d do if I was put in charge of DC and got to re-do Jason Todd’s return, like honestly if I got one shot at writing a story for DC comics this is what I’d do, so read, enjoy, please tell me what you think, you can reblog them, you can comment on them, you can send me asks any and ALL feed back is loved thank you 
Resurrection Night 
Resurrection Night: Part 2 
Robins united 
Of Green and Blue 
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