#bayard is not mine but ty for letting me use him
ishgardian-nights · 1 year
FFxivWrite2023 #4 Off the hook
A great golden eye the size of a dinner plate was suddenly lowered to hover next to him. The pupil that narrowed and then widened to focus on him was hard to make out behind the fierce glow within, and it was only through familiarity that he recognized that the eye was studying him. And what he was doing. "I'm fishing," he offered after a moment of silence, gesturing to the makeshift pole in his hands. The long snout attached to the face that eye rested in let out a rumbling, drawn out, kind of sigh before the whole massive head canted slightly to one side much like a dog encountering a new trick. Despite long terrible teeth and a penchant for breathing fire, Bayard was unafraid. "You forgot to bring food?" came the eventual question. It sounded... perplexed. Or as close to perplexed as a dragon could sound. Bayard's brows rose and a slight laugh escaped him. "What? No- is that what-- no.. I just.. Look, it's also..." he seemed to be searching for a word to explain himself and the dragon curled up on the bank beside him craned his neck slightly to regard him more curiously. Finally the thoroughly out of armor dragoon sighed. "It's relaxing. My brother and I used to fish when we were younger and.." He trailed off, perhaps not sure how to continue that explanation or maybe not willing. Syn Ahl watched his rider a moment longer, after the elezen had lapsed into thoughtful silence. Then he shook his head, red tines along his neck clinking as they swung and clanked into one another. "It recalls pleasant memories," he finally stated, showing an understanding of what Bayard had meant. He could feel the knight's tension ease beside him. "Flying feels that way for me."
"Oh?" Bayard glanced up and grinned. "I'm sure I'll feel the same after a few more years of you not dropping me from the sky." "I would not." "It's a jest Preux, I jest. You know I--" Syn Ahl's head turned back to the dragoon and his fishing with an exhale of startled smoke, only to find Bayard jerking at his line and rapidly pulling it in. What came flopping onto the bank however was not the fat fish dinner he'd perhaps hoped, for Bayard let out a grunt of disapproval and grabbed up the tiny fish in one hand, setting about getting it off the hook. "Your fishing seems inefficient," Syn Ahl observed.
"It isn't about the fish." Came the befuddling reply.
The dragon's gaze did not lose it's uncanny neutrality as he watched Bayard loose the small fish from the hook and toss it back, nor when the knight fitted another worm to the hook and tossed the line back into the water and settled somewhat grumpily back into his lean against his pack and equipment on the bank. Then his head turned to look out over the landscape around them, mountains and valleys untamed that stretched on for malms. The heart at which sat their home. Where Landlords and Skylords dwelt and life was good. They would go back in a sennight, when this watch was finished, and another rider and dragon would take their place. Until the circle came back to them. But for now, he would watch his friend fish. And then, when he had given up, he would hunt them both some larger prey. Perhaps one of the goats from off the cliffs...
bayard belongs to @houserosaire
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