lamilanomagazine · 1 year
Messina: Consegnati gli attestati dei corsi di formazione per ambasciatori socio-ambientali
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Messina: Consegnati gli attestati dei corsi di formazione per ambasciatori socio-ambientali. Presente il Sindaco Federico Basile, si è svolta oggi a Palazzo Zanca la cerimonia di consegna degli attestati agli studenti che hanno partecipato ai corsi di formazione per ambasciatori socio-ambientali. All’appuntamento hanno preso parte l’Assessore alle Politiche Giovanili Liana Cannata e i Presidenti delle Società Partecipate AMAM, MessinaServizi Bene Comune, Messina Social City e ATM SpA rispettivamente, Loredana Bonasera, Mariagrazia Interdonato, Valeria Asquini e Giuseppe Campagna, firmatari il 15 febbraio scorso del protocollo di intesa finalizzato a promuovere la cultura dello sviluppo ecosostenibile attraverso una strategia di azione congiunta tra l’ente Comune, le Partecipate e l’Ufficio Scolastico di Messina. Rivolgendosi agli studenti, il Sindaco Basile ha spiegato che “le scuole e i giovani rappresentate rispettivamente il luogo e gli interlocutori principali ed ideali per trattare tematiche relative all’educazione ambientale. Questo attestato – ha proseguito il Primo cittadino – non è un foglio di carta, ma rappresenta la certificazione di avere avviato con noi la condivisione di un percorso e di portarlo avanti insieme per rendervi parte attiva, partecipi e attori, della promozione e dello sviluppo ecosostenibile attraverso azioni di informazione e comunicazione per veicolare il messaggio del rispetto sociale e ambientale. Ringrazio tutti coloro che hanno avuto un ruolo in questo progetto che vede il Comune in sinergia con le Partecipate presenti nelle scuole e l’Ufficio Scolastico di Messina”. L’Assessore Cannata ha annunciato ai ragazzi che: “Il 23 maggio si terrà il Festival della Sostenibilità e da voi, nel ruolo di ambasciatori socio-ambientali, aspettiamo una proficua collaborazione attraverso la formulazione di proposte ed idee e la diffusione di messaggi educativi nelle scuole e negli altri contesti in cui operate e vivete per raggiungere insieme gli obiettivi dell’Agenda ONU inglobati all’interno del nostro progetto Messina 2030-Green Events”. I Presidenti delle Società Partecipate hanno raccontato la loro esperienza con i ragazzi durante i due corsi di apprendimento, che sono stati eseguiti il 14 aprile a Palazzo Zanca a cura di AMAM e Messina Social City e il 21 aprile nella sala META di ATM da parte dell’Azienda Trasporti Messina e della Società MessinaServizi Bene Comune. Gli studenti, che hanno ricevuto l’attestato, sono ventitrè: Rita De Francesco, Jassal Nikita, Federica Scimone, Leonardo Visalli, Valeria Parialò, Aurora Scorza, Giada Cambria, Maria Giovanna Bonna, Ilenia Russo, Aria Lauritano, Giuliano Parisi, Antonio Schepici, Gregorio Puleo Centorrino, Magsino Phoebecates, Erica Zingales, Giada Orecchio, Maria Aurora Ignazzitto, Alessia Esmeralda Trevi, Olga Batolo, Giulia Rinaldi, Alessandro Chillè, Karol D’Urso e Denise Galizia. Hanno aderito al progetto formativo i seguenti istituti scolastici cittadini: IIS G. Minutoli, IIS Antonello, Liceo La Farina-Basile, Liceo F. Bisazza, IIS Verona Trento, Liceo Maurolico, Liceo Seguenza, ITES A.M. Jaci e ITTL Caio Duilio.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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gerardbillet · 3 years
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AKAA : Herve Yamguen : Série Bleue, Delphine Diallo : Mother-the Scream; Ekonda Batolo, Prince Gyzsi, Turiya Magdadlela, Dahmane ; O Africa, Khaled Hafiz : Once upon a jackal. #carreaudutemple #akaa #herveyamguen #seriebleue #yocs #delphinediallo #mother #thescream #ekonda #batolo #fisheye #princegyasi #turiyamagadlela #artmoderneetcontemporain #dahmane #oafrica #khaledhafez #oneupon #jackal #africa #instapic #photooftheday #parismaville (à Le Carreau du Temple) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWnFsKPMSms/?utm_medium=tumblr
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kerinokeefe · 4 years
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2001 #Batolo #Fontanafredda La Rosa is perfect now, don't wait. Boasting sensations of forest floor, incense, rose, botanical herb, tobacco and cranberry, it's smooth and ready. Checked my book notes and modesty apart, nailed it!! https://www.instagram.com/p/CL-DXWln2uF/?igshid=noic4lale147
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tortilla-of-courage · 3 years
Skyward Sword - comparing NPC names in English and Spanish
For this I’ll be comparing mainly 2 (technically 3) translations of SkSw: English (ENG), Spanish (Latinamerica) (ESP-LA) and Spanish (Spain) (ESP-SP). If available, I’ll add the Japanese (JP) too. The spanish ones might be the same in some cases, which will be marked as (ESP). (I might also add an extra translation or two if i know them)
Link (リンク - Rinku), Zelda (ゼルダ - Zeruda) and Impa (インパ - Inpa) stay the same in all translations. Some of them have some minor changes tho (beware of slight spoilers for SkSw)
(Special thanks to @sunnylaurels for sharing the Japanese names for the Skyloft NPCs! And to @attllhak for sharing some French ones! - Really Long post under cut)
Main/Important Characters
Fi (ENG) - Fay (ESP) - ファイ (Fai) (JP)
These are basically the same, just different spelling. There’s a lot of speculation as to what Fi’s name is based on. For some reason I like to think it’s because of “Wi-Fi” but anything goes
Ghirahim (ENG) - Grahim (ESP) -  ギラヒム (Girahimu) (JP)
This one’s interesting because both ‘translations’ are technically right. English follows it more “to the letter” doing “Gira” as “Ghira”, while Spanish interprets it as “Gra” since Japanese doesn’t do the two-different-consonants together thing, but overall both are the same
Groose (ENG) - Vilán (ESP-LA) - Malton (ESP-SP) -  バド (Bado) (JP)
Groose, Groose, Groose. Probably the main character with the MOST changes. “Bado” seems to be referencing the Japanese pronunciation of “bird”, but could also be interpreted as “Birdo”. LA Spanish’s “Vilán” is sometimes seen as referencing the english “Villain”, but recently @/deerdroo pointed out to me it’s most definitely referencing the “Gavilán” bird, which resembles a little eagle (Wikipedia calls it a “sparrowhawk” in English). Not sure what Spain’s doing with “Malton” but I like it. And of course “Groose” follows the bird naming theme most of Skyloft has (referencing grouse and goose). Also his name in French is “Hergo”
Demise (ENG) - El Heraldo de la Muerte (ESP) -  終焉の者 (Shūen no Mono) (JP)
Okay this guy. “終焉の者” could be translated as “The One Who Brings The End”, according to @/sunnylaurels. So, in a way, I guess it makes sense for the English translation to just grab “Demise” for the name but also I feel it REALLY takes away from how it’s a Title rather than a name? He’s an ancient being, him existing as a “concept” and having no name adds a lot to his character imo. Anyways, “El Heraldo de la Muerte” would translate as “The herald of death” or “the messenger of death”, which is like really ominous i think - imagine having to fight some guy and everyone on earth calls him the messenger of death. I’d be so scared. Yes I’m very aware Demise means Death i just think it’s silly he just gets called that and that’s it. Also i keep reading it as Denise so really, who’s losing here? Not me. 
As a fun add-on to this, in German his name can be translated to “Death-bringer” (thanks @/aureateart), while in French it’s Avatar du Néant, which would translate to “Avatar of the Void” (thanks @/attllhak)
The Imprisoned (ENG) - El Cautivo (ESP-LA) - El Durmiente (ESP-SP)
“El Cautivo” basically means The Imprisoned, but “El Durmiente” means “The Sleeping One”, which... fits, but also i find it a bit funny, not sure why. Fight the sleepy avocado everyone
Deities + The Surface’s Main Places’ Names
The Goddesses stay the same in these translations too:
Din (ENG, ESP) - ディン (Din) (JP)
Nayru (ENG, ESP) - ネール (Nēru) (JP)
Farore (ENG, ESP) - フロル (Furoru) (JP)
Hylia (ENG, ESP) - ハイリア (Hairia) (JP)
The dragons, for the most part, too. The only one that really changes is Faron, which changes to “Farone” much like in Twilight Princess with the Light Spirit of the same name.
Eldin (ENG, ESP) - オルディン (Orudin) (JP)
Lanayru (ENG, ESP) - ラネール (Ranēru) (JP)
Faron (ENG) - Farone (ESP) -  フィローネ (Firōne) (JP)
Levias (ENG) - Narisha (ESP)
I couldn’t for the life of me find Levias’ name in Japanese, but considering EVERY translation EXCEPT English has him as Narisha? i’m gonna take a wild guess and say it’s ナリシャ (Narisha) or similar. His name Levias is based off the word Leviathan. And Fun fact! Did you know the spaniard Zelda Wiki lists him as being one of the dragons? as in, him being a whale-shaped dragon? yeah.
The Surface (ENG) - Las Tierras Inferiores (ESP)
Las Tierras Inferiores would translate as “The Lower Lands”
Faron Woods (ENG) - Bosque de Farone (ESP)
Eldin Volcano (ENG) - Volcán de Eldin (ESP)
Lanayru Dessert (ENG) - Desierto de Lanayru (ESP)
These ones mean the same for the most part, just with the change of Faron to Farone.
Skyloft / The Sky - Places and Animals
The Sky (ENG) - El Cielo (ESP-LA) - Celéstea (ESP-SP)
“El Cielo” literally means The Sky, while Celéstea would be a play on “Celestial” (From the Heavens/Skies). Fun side note - “El Cielo” also means “Heaven”, so when i was younger everytime i went back to the sky i’d be like “rip Link he’s dead :/”
Skyloft (ENG) - Neburia (ESP-LA) - Altárea (ESP-SP)
Neburia, from what I learned after a 4 am Wikipedia dive, could be based off the word “Nébula”, which can mean “Cloud”. It basically means “Cloud Town”. Altárea, I think??? would be based off the word “Alto” which means “High (Altitude)” so basically, “A Place High Up”? If anyone wants to comment on this i’d appreciate it
The Lumpy Pumpkin (ENG) - La Calabaza Flotante (ESP-LA) - Calabarza’s (ESP-SP)
“La Calabaza Flotante” literally means “The Floating Pumpkin”, while “Calabarza’s” is a really clever play on Calabaza and bar. I’m not sure what the name of the island itself is in english, but in Spanish it’s “Isla Calabaza” (Pumpkin Island) (ESP-LA) and “Calabia” (word play on “Pumpkin Place”) (ESP-SP)
Loftwing (ENG) - Neburí (ESP-LA) - Pelícaro (ESP-SP)
Neburí would also come from Nébula, so it’d translate to something like “Cloudy (thing)”? possibly. Pelícaro seems like a play on the word “Pelícano” which means Pelican.
Remlit (ENG) - Lémury (ESP) - Remuri (JP)
Lémury is a play on “Lémur”, probably because of Remlits’ ringed tails. Remuri might be the same play of words. 
Skyloft/The Sky - NPCs
(I might revisit some of these at one point since some of the references they could have flew over my head!) (haha get it? flew? the sky? ok)
Batreaux (ENG) - Mursego (ESP-LA) - Batolo (ESP-SP) - Morusego (JP)
My friend! my buddy! Batreaux is an obvious play with “Bat”, since he kind of resembles one. This is kept in both Spanish names - Batolo seems like a combination of “Bat” and “Bartolo” (a spanish name), and Mursego is based off the spanish for Bat “Murciélago” (as well as being the closest to the Japanese “Morusego”!!). Keeps the “flying animal” theme in all three languages.
Beedle (ENG) - Terry (ESP) - テリー (Terī) (JP)
The man, the myth, the legend. Beedle’s name is similar to “beetle”, the insects he loves in BoTW and SS. Not sure what the deal with “Terry” and similar is. He keeps the “flying animal name” theme with Beedle, sort of, but loses it in every other translation (which, btw, is also Terry or a variant in most languages)
Bertie (ENG) - Arín (ESP-LA) - Alfred (ESP-SP) - Arin (JP)
This poor man. Working all day and all night. Bertie’s supposed to reference a type of sparrot called “lovebird” (the bird part). For Arín, besides being basically the same as Japanese, could reference the word “Cantarín”, which means “singsong” and is used to describe birds that sing a lot. Alfred... no clue.
Cawlin (ENG) - Corvy (ESP) - Ras (JP)
In the same way “Cawlin” references “caw”, which is the sound crows make, “Corvy” references this same bird, called “Cuervo” in Spanish. In french he’s “Orbo”, which if i had to guess also references crows.
Croo (ENG) - Gurriaco (ESP)
“Croo” could reference both the “cooing” of birds and “crow”, like Cawlin above. Gurriaco, if I reach enough, could be referencing “Urraca”, a type of bird in Spanish.
Dodoh (ENG) - Dodo (ESP) - Dodo (JP)
Referencing the extinct bird of the same name in all languages, I guess. 
Dovos (ENG) - Dombo (ESP)
Dovos feels like it’s referencing “Dove”. Dombo gives be “Dumbo” vibes - probably could reference it because he flies? not sure
Eagus (ENG) - Aquilo (ESP) - Igurusu (JP)
Eagus, Aquilo, and Igurusu are referencing Eagles. It’s more obvious in Eagus. The spanish for Eagle is “Águila”, which is just two letters off from Aquilo. 
Fledge (ENG) - Gruyo (ESP) - Sebasun (JP)
Fledge is referencing Fledgling, a young bird. Gruyo comes from “Gruya”, which is Crane in spanish. In french his name’s “Célestin”.
Gaepora (ENG, ESP-LA) - Gaépora (ESP-SP) - ゲポラ (Gepora) (JP)
Pretty much the same. His name is also a combination of the Owl from Ocarina of Time’s name “Kaepora Gaebora” (ENG, ESP) - ケポラ・ゲボラ (Kepora Gebora), probably because he looks a lot like the Sage of Light Rauru and the owl he turns into. One of the few Skyloftians not named after a bird in English, though technically he is if we consider the above?
Gondo (ENG, ESP-LA) - Dorcon (ESP-SP) - Doruko (JP)
Not sure what Gondo might be referencing bird-wise exactly? though i think “Gondo” is similar to “Gonzo” (from Wind Waker), with who I think shares some design aspects. Dorcon in Spain’s Spanish seems to just take from the original Japanese. In French his name’s also “Dorco”!
Goselle (ENG) - Alani (ESP) - Otaka (JP)
I’ll be real, not sure what’s going on with her names in either language. Goselle gives me bird vibes but i’m not sure. Alani reminds me of the spanish “Alaja”, which means Jewel
Greba (ENG) - Ornella (ESP) - Miho (JP)
Ornella reminds me of the word “Hornilla” (mute H), which is basically the hole where the heat comes out of in wooden ovens... but! according to the dictionary it also means “(a) hole where pigeons make their nest” so i guess it’s bird related too!
Gully (ENG) - Gabio (ESP-LA) - Gabi (ESP-SP) - Garu (JP)
Gully most definitely references a seagull. Gabio and Gabi references the same animal, but in spanish obviously - “Gaviota”. 
Henya (ENG) - Galina (ESP-LA) - Zenona (ESP-SP) - Heena (JP)
Henya references Hens, as does Galina (Hen being “Gallina” in Spanish). Zenona... uh.. not sure where that came from? I’m halfway through this post realizing i’d gladly accept comments from any spanish speaking person who wants to give an input on these things im missing 
Horwell (ENG) - Asteus (ESP) - Hoonelu (JP)
i’ll be real im not sure what Asteus is referencing. Horwell seems to be pretty close to the japanese for the most part though
Jakamar (ENG) - Carpín (ESP) - Geran (JP)
Carpín is most definitely referencing Wood Peckers (“Pájaro Carpintero”/Carpenter Birds)
Karane (ENG) - Grusi (ESP-LA) - Gracielle (ESP-SP) - Kuranu (JP)
Karane seems to be almost the same as in Japanese, while Spanish went crazy and gave her a completely different name, tho at least they’re kinda similar between each other. Also in french her name’s “Grida” (another Gr name!!)
Keet (ENG) - Pío (ESP-LA) - Pitxi (ESP-SP) - Michiru (JP)
Pío is, quite literally, the sound birds make (or the way we’d write that sound in spanish), especially chicks. Pitxi is a mystery to me
Kina (ENG) - Calabel (ESP-LA) - Calabelle (ESP-SP) - Panan (JP)
Calabel/Calabelle is referencing the spanish for Pumpkin, “Calabaza”, giving it a more feminine name-esque ending (like in Anabel/Anabelle)
Kukiel (ENG) - Picalia (ESP-LA) - Cuqui (ESP-SP) - Kuuko (JP)
Cuqui could be referencing that exact same word (often spelled “Kuki”) that just means “cute”. Picalia seems like a play with “pícara” which basically means “gremlin” (google translates it as “sassy” but im not sure if that word fits)
Luv (ENG) - Mandi (ESP-LA) - Amanda (ESP-SP) - Manda (JP)
Mandi and Amanda seem to stay close to the Japanese name, both of them being common spanish names. Luv, like i mentioned in Bertie’s part, would reference “love bird” (the love part)
Mallara (ENG) - Pati (ESP-LA) - Patty (ESP-SP) - Rubia (JP)
I only now realized Mallara is referencing mallard ducks. wow. Pati/Patty are just a common name in Spanish. Lil fun fact related to her Japanese name! Rubia means “blonde” in Spanish
Mia (ENG, ESP-LA) - Miwi (ESP-SP) - Mi (JP)
mia my baby girl. i love her. im yeeting her off Skyloft. seems they all reference meowing in some way
Orielle (ENG) - Corina (ESP) - Kuina (JP)
LISTEN. the other day i was trying to think just WHAT Corina could be referencing. And the only thing that popped into my brain is that “Corina” is the name they gave the bird Tokyo Mew Mew girl in LatinAmerica. It’s literally the only bird related thing i can think of. Also it sounds a bit like “Kuina”. French name is “Kinaé”, similar to Japanese!
Owlan (ENG) - Buhel (ESP) - Aoulu (JP)
Owlan seems to keep the owl theme across all three! Aoulu seems to just be “owl” quite literally, and Buhel is a play on the spanish for Owl (”Búho”)
Parrow (ENG) - Golondro (ESP) - Parou (JP)
Golondro comes from “Golondrina”, a type of bird! I think it’s called “swallow” in english ... so it kinda fits Parrow anyways! Also Parrow seems to be his japanese name too
Peater (ENG) - Panolo (ESP-LA) - Paul (ESP-SP) - Jakusin (JP)
This guy. man. Seems to be “Jackson” in Japanese? But everyone grabbed a P and ran. Panolo seems like a play on “Manolo”, a nickname for people with the name “Manuel” - maybe mixed with the P for “Pájaro”(Bird)? Paul’s just a common name as far as i know.
Peatrice (ENG) - Panalí (ESP-LA) - Paula (ESP-SP) - Jakuriinu (JP)
Peatrice seems to always be named after her dad. “Jackeline” in Japanese i believe, and barely “feminized” names for the rest. Panalí sounds a bit more like “panal”, the spanish for “hive” (as in beehive)
Piper (ENG) - Joana (ESP)
There’s not much to comment here. Joana’s a common name in Spanish
Pumm (ENG) - Vito (ESP-LA) - Ruperto (ESP-SP) - Puukin (JP)
I have NO clue where Vito came from. It sounds like a badly spelled “Victor”. Where did the Pumpkin theme go???? huh?????. Ruperto’s kind of the same? Unless i’m missing some pumpkin related words in spanish, it’s just a common name.
Pipit (ENG) - Cocu (ESP-LA) - Coocker (ESP-SP) - Kikoa (JP)
This guy. It seems a lot of languages kept the C/K sounds in his name? He’s Kiko in French and Cuco in german (thanks @/aureateart). They seem to reference cuckoo clocks maybe? and the german’s really close to cucco. 
Rupin (ENG) - Rupín (ESP-LA) - Milo (ESP-SP) - Kookin (JP)
Rupin/Rupin are referencing Rupees, since he’s the shopkeeper and the alike. Milo... I... I’m not sure what’s referencing?
Rusta (ENG) - Ganzo (ESP) - Rostaa (JP)
Rusta and Rostaa seem to be referencing Roosters, while Ganzo’s referencing the spanish for Goose! (Ganso)
Scrapper (ENG) - Serbot (ESP) - Sarubo (JP)
Including this lil guy here coz... why not? Serbot seems to be almost the same if not the exact name as Japanese (though Sarubo could just be Server?)
Sparrot (ENG) - Aspir (ESP-LA) - Gorronte (ESP-SP) - Subuha (JP)
Gorronte seems to be a play on “Gorrión” (Sparrow), so, pretty close to English. Aspir..... I’m not sure?
Strich (ENG) - Vestro (ESP) - Osta (JP)
Vestro, like Stritch, references Ostriches, with Ostrich in spanish being “Avestruz”. Seems Japanese references the same animal? and I think french too, since he’s “Latruche” in that language!
Wryna (ENG) - Elenia (ESP-LA) - Alisia (ESP-SP) - Arisu (JP)
Alisia seems to stick to the Japanese name Arisu (Alice), while Elenia went... a different direction. Elenia is a variation of a common spanish name, Elena.
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teamonsterk · 5 years
Entitled to Success
I am Kyla Batolos Guiang, 17 years of age, from the peacock of the north, Kalinga.          
Kalinga is known for its rich culture. Ykalingas were known to be head hunters ,some people will  say that we are “dangerous” but we are not. In fact, Ykalingas are known for its heart-warming attitudes.
I completed my Junior High School at Saint Theresita’s School of Tabuk, Incorporated, where the school also offers a good-quality education in which I received 7 Certificates and a silver medal ( With High Honor). Saint Theresita’s School  of Tabuk helped me to become independent, they taught me to develop my potentials and capabilities.  I love dancing and I am Passionate about it, but the most important to me is my Academics. I am a former Band Majorette at St. Theresita’s School of Tabuk Drum and Lyre Band for more than 6 years. STS Drum and Lyre Band won many competitions with 5 consecutive wins and is entitled to be the Hall of Famer in which they prohibited us to compete to another competition in the city. Also, STS Drum and Lyre Band competed many competitions in Panagbenga Festival (Baguio) and which at that time when Miss Universe was held here in the Philippines, STS  Drum and Lyre Band was one of the participants who joined and accompanied the Miss Universe Candidates and Miss Universe Philippines, Pia Wurtzbach  all throughout the parade. Sadly, I had to say good bye to them but memories will be here in my heart and I will always cherish them, For I am a Theresian. My Mother, Dolores Guiang and My Father, Peter Guiang, are the love of my life. My mother  took care of me since I was in her tummy. Althroughout the journey, I never felt that I am not loved. They supported me in everything that I do and they disciplined me to become independent and that’s  a good thing.  I have Two Sisters named, Kyna and Karyl and yes! all of our name starts with the letter K including our cousins and that makes us unique . I always had fun when I am with them but sometimes, they are annoying, but I love them. My siblings are also an Academic Achiever and on that way, we made our parents proud. But, We cannot accomplish things without the help of God and our parents. I am so grateful and blessed. I have a Boyfriend, he’s my inspiration. My mother likes him and she did not disagreed to us which makes me more happy. I love traveling with my whole family especially during summer and Christmas Time. My Family may not have it all but the best thing about our family is that we love each other and that is the most important thing to me.
 Studying here in Saint Paul University Philippines is one of my “goals”. Studying here alone may be hard but I can assure myself that I will graduate here, for I know that they teach us well not just in academics but also on how to build up our character as a Paulinian. Studying here is tough and sometimes I just want to give up but I never lose hope and still I will always stand firm and fight for what is right for me and for my family. I know that studying here in Saint Paul University Philippines is worth it. Hopefully, 10 years from now, I will Graduate  and become a Professional Dentist and eventually make my own clinic and still, I will make my parents proud again.
 I believe that choosing  STEM will eventually  help me in my goals for I will gain more knowledge and understanding as well as enhancing my skills in the fileld of science. I chose STEM because I know that choosing this strand will prepare me to college. Moreover, STEM will definitely help me in my course in college.
 Choosing a course is difficult. Good-Decision making is hard to achieve but if you make a right choice,  your Career will be a success. I want to take Bachelor of Biology before taking up  Doctor of Dental Medicine. I don’t know what came up into my mind when I chose to become a Dentist someday  but I know that I will pursue it and make my goals a success.  I know that this career will make me a successful person and someday I will make my parents proud again.
 As much as I want to learn more about Biology, I would like also to enhance my skills in Mathematics as well as learning the ways on how to be safe on the Internet  in the field of Technology.
Students  somewhat doesn’t take  Empowerment Technology seriously But they don’t know that this subject will help you to prevent and avoid malwares in browsing the Internet. I want to learn and widen more on my knowledge and understanding  about this subject. I know that you can help us ma'am.
 Ma’am, are you contented with your career?
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