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NEW bath bombs coming soon to Fizz N' Stuff!! New fall scents! 💜💙 #fallscents #pumpkin #leaves #clarysage #bathbombsgalore #bathbombaddicts #autumnbathbomb #favoriteseason #bathbomblove #myetsy
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Our bath crumbles bundle This product creates a soothing comforting bath Where to shop our products: https://www.kirbysherbaldelights.com/ https://www.miiriya.com/store/kirbysherbaldelights/ #bathbombs #bathbombsfordays #bathbombsofinstagram #bathbombsarelife #bathbombshop #bathbombaddict #bathbomb #bathbomblover #bathbombart #bathtime #bathbombmaker #bath #bathbombmaking #bathbombvideo #bathbomblove #bathproducts #handmadebathbombs #bathaddict #bathlover #bathtimefun #bathandbody #bathgoals #bathbombsale #bathbombsgalore https://www.instagram.com/kirbys.herbal.delights/p/CXUSlvyPcwP/?utm_medium=tumblr
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It's a cold, snowy day in Colorado. In May! The weather seems to be going back to normal. I am putting some unicorn poop bath bombs on clearance. Copy and paste the link below! They are the only ones available in the scents cotton candy and bubble gum. 💜💙❤️ Or check out the link in my bio!💜💚 https://www.etsy.com/listing/630939030/bath-bomb-blems #bathbomb #availablenow #clearance #handmade #moisturizing #unicornpoopbathbomb #unicornpoop #unicornlovers #discountedproducts #coldday #snowyday #may #bathbombfreak #bathbombcrazy #bathbombsgalore #bath #bathtime #myetsy #etsyshop #treatyourself #colorfulbathbombs https://www.instagram.com/thefizzingwitch/p/BxP7PSXBI71/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=q9nlwlsqeo9t
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Fizz N' Stuff is turning two!! To celebrate, everything in my shop is 20% off until the 29th of April! 😍 You can follow the link in the bio or copy and paste the link below! 💜💙💜💙💜 https://www.etsy.com/shop/FizzNstufF #2ndbirthday #fizznstuff #myetsyshop #birthdaysale #bathbombsale #bathbombsgalore #storewidesale #birthdaycelebration #bathbombfreak #bathbombsfordays #shopetsy #etsyshops #handmadebathbombs #handmadesoap #handmade #bathandbeauty #treatyourself #pedibath #eyecream #bookandbath https://www.instagram.com/fizznstuff/p/BwcRqO8BZ3F/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=r0vcatdqug71
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It's about time for a bath! The B-witches Brew bath bomb is out of season, but the scent is still available through the semi- custom bath bombs, and through the bath bomb blems listing! 💚🛀🕸️ https://www.etsy.com/shop/FizzNstufF #bathbombs #etsy #sale #shopetsy #shopsale #bathtub #bathbombsgalore #bathbombfreak #takeabath #funbath #funbathbombs #relaxinabath #soakinabath #bathtime #bathtimeindulgence #moisturizing #skinsoftening #smellsamazing #bathbombheaven #bathbombtime https://www.instagram.com/fizznstuff/p/BwAgoGQBcMv/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1a7tmgmivank1
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I posted this earlier, but apparently it didn't go through. I've been working on my Etsy shop! All of my flower bath bombs are now in one listing called Mood Enhancing Bath Bombs. 🌺🌻🏵️ Copy and paste the link below! 🌷🌺🌻🏵️ https://www.etsy.com/listing/514710980/mood-enhancing-bath-bombs #bathbombs #bathbomb #bath #bathbombfreak #bathbombsgalore #bathbombsofinstagram #bathbombset #handmade #handmadebyme #etsyshops #shopetsy #myetsyshop #flowerbathbombs #moodenhancing #moodenhancer #bathtime #energizingbathbomb #lemonbathbomb #patchoulibathbomb #earlgreytea #getonetoday https://www.instagram.com/fizznstuff/p/Bu_X_kLA57I/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=fs4f9bv4fchw
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Here they are! A fresh batch of Nostalgic Patchouli Bath Bombs! The one on the top left didn't come out quite right, so I'll be adding that to the bath bomb blems posting! 😘 Copy and paste the link below! https://www.etsy.com/listing/527662223/nostalgic-patchouli-bath-bomb #bathtime #bathbomb #patchoulibathbomb #nostaligic #handmade #organiccoconutoil #shopetsy #giftideas #christmasgiftsideas #lastminutegifts #treatyourself #bathbombsgalore #bathtimebliss #luxuriousbath #flowerbathbomb #prettybathbombs #funbath #supportsmallshops https://www.instagram.com/p/BrVUfwwgZuH/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1dtfdrx9dtonc
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Just a reminder that all my products are 25% off right now! Copy and paste the link below!💜💙 https://www.etsy.com/shop/FizzNstufF #fizznstuff #etsysale #blackfriday2018 #supportsmallshops #handmade #christmasgiftsideas #geodebathbombs #bathbomb #eyecreams #facegel #etsychristmas #unicornpoop #bathbombsgalore #shopsmall #shopsale #relaxingbath #relaxinabath #earlgreytea #bath #bathtime #bathtimebliss #smallshopchristmas https://www.instagram.com/p/BqiASPMAz2E/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1alhkz0gr0eh3
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Etsy sale!! Everything in my shop is 25% off until November 25th! Plus what beautiful gifts they make. 💜💙❤️ Copy and paste the link! https://www.etsy.com/shop/FizzNstufF #cyberweek #cyberweeksale #myetsyshop #handmade #bathbomb #bathbombsgalore #christmasgiftsideas #giftsforher #bathday #geodebathbomb #beautiful #geode #supportsmallshops #smallshop ##shopetsy #etsyhandmade #bathproducts #bathtime #relaxinabath #treatyourself https://www.instagram.com/p/BqaqM4GgIYG/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=6y6gk46n8zsi
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Beautiful white and purple geode! 💜💜 I took advantage of a YouTube video for the background. I have no clue what was playing but the music and pictures were gorgeous! #christmasgiftsideas #handmade #geodebathbomb #purplebathbomb #bathbomb #shopsmall #shopetsy #magicalbath #etsychristmas #bathbombsgalore #fizznstuff #supportsmallshops #neroli #patchouli #customizable #pickyourscent https://www.instagram.com/p/BpTOm5YHZad/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=8ssoc5vsl26m
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Last day of the Etsy sale! The Warming Woods batch looks beautiful! I shipped off the order a couple days ago, and I hope the customer loves it as much as I do! 😍💙💜 #fizznstuff #bathbomb #beautifulbathbomb #etsy #shopetsy #etsysale #warmingwoods #fizzingbathbombs #bathbombcrazy #bathbombsgalore #rosebathbomb #amazingscents #sandalwood #cedar
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Earl Grey is one of my favorite scents! 💜💙 #earlgreytea #upliftingbath #beautifulbathbomb #bathbombset #shopetsy #supportsmallshops #fizznstuff #bathbomb #bathbombcrazy #bathbombsgalore #myetsyshop
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This particular batch is going into ONE bath bomb... The Frankenstein's Monster bath bomb! You can choose the scent and color you want, and I can now do the color purple! Which I'm extremely happy about. 😉💙💜 #frankenstein #frankensteinsmonster #bathbombsgalore #jumbobathbomb #chooseyourscent #chooseyourcolor #bathfun #ultramoisturizing
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I'm so excited to say that I was able to lower some of my prices without sacrificing the quality of my products! 😍 Plus there is only a few hours left of my sale. Come and check it out! 💚💜 Link in bio💜💚 https://www.etsy.com/shop/TheFizzingWitch #thefizzingwitch #etsyshopsale #newlowprices #soaps #bathbombs #bathtime #bookandbath #relaxinabath #bath #decorativesoap #handsoap #handmade #handmadebyme #witchy #witchythings #bathbombfreak #bathbombsfordays #etsysellersofinstagram #bathandbeauty #saleendstoday #bathbombsgalore #foamingbathbombs #pedicure #freesampleswithorder #shopetsy https://www.instagram.com/p/ByA7OkThhz6/?igshid=1wh0zpa76zd3b
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With all the snow we've been getting lately, it's been nice to soak in a nice warm bath! You can get on of my Bath Bomb Blems for $2.50! Plus you'll still get a free sample with it. 💜💙💜 Copy and paste the link below! 💙💜💙 https://www.etsy.com/listing/630939030/bath-bomb-blems #fizznstuff #shopetsy #coldweather #warmbath #bathbomb #blemished #cheapbathbombs #coldday #hotbath #soakinabath #bath #handmade #products #freesampleswithorder #myetsy #etsylove #etsyseller #winterbath #snowyday #bathday #bathbombsgalore #uniquebathbombs #oneofakind #supportsmallshops https://www.instagram.com/fizznstuff/p/Bumfw6mgrdz/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1lxgqsx3z7p2e
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A few different bath bombs of mine in one bath. Plus a small amount of bubble bath! 💙💜 https://www.etsy.com/shop/FizzNstufF #colorfulbath #bathbombs #geodebathbomb #bathbombsgalore #enjoyabath #handmade #organicingredients #skinnourishing #moisturizing #fizznstuff #fizzingbathbombs #etsy #supportsmallshops #shopsmall #myetsystore #showthelove
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