brandywine-tomatoes · 3 years
Twig (Crosshair) Head Cannons
Served to you directly from the discord:
- Crosshair is the best baker (@bonethief)
- If Cross had a wife, when/if she'd be pregnant, they'd both sit on a couch and eat pickles and ice cream because he has favourite food combinations that line up with her cravings (@gjrain20-starwars)
- He eats for self-care (@jonamore)
- He secretly likes candles, but since he doesn't want anyone to look down on him because ✨anxiety✨, so he gets dark and angsty coloured candles, but they smell like west grass and lemonade and fresh linen
- He'd create great friendships with different beings across the galaxy so he'd never be too far without someone willing to sell candles to him (inspired by @the-bad-batch66)
- When Wrecker makes Cross his favourite food he cries because that's his love language (platonic stfu) (@jonamore)
- Physically clean, mentally a possum, smells like pickles (help from @jonamore)
- Tech taught him another language, but it was Cross who asked, he wanted to read more books and learn better phrases for telling his brothers off
And for the discussion in the server:
Q: what's cross's favourite animal?
A1: Cats plot twist, it's bunnies (@crc-the11tailedlovesclones)
A2: Rancor (b/c they go on mass murders such as he does) (@twitchstoleyourbagel)
A3: Series answers: snakes or hawks; silly answers: penguins, hippos, yes bunnies (@ct-fleabag)
A4: Caterpillars (b/c they're so small and unnoticeable so they can just live their tiny lives in peace and how they want. He also finds comfort in slow things b/c his life goes by so fast and he never has time to appreciate life, but the caterpillars do)
A5: pickles (@jonamore)
A6: Birds (@bonethief)
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crazyclonefan · 3 years
It’s called the bad batch show for a reason because it’s following THEIR story and THEIR point of view. Not a Rex show.
If you don’t like the bad batch, just don’t watch it. Don’t force yourself to watch it.
Cause I’m looking at this and thinking “well, it sounds like they hated them from the get-go.” So, watching something that you clearly don’t enjoy is just not gonna be enjoyable for you.
Oh no, no. I don't hate it in any way. If I hated it, I wouldn't really watch it, like I don't read/watch Boruto's anime/manga. I actually really like TBB and enjoy every episode to be honest. I love the relationship between Wrecker and Omega and Omega and Hunter and Echo and Omega and I really love Echo. TBB isn't a bad show, really. And it's cool that we can learn about what happened between the Clone Wars and the Rebels. Show about clones is good idea, and I like that.
I don't hate Omega. She is cute and she is developing. But it would be nice for TBB to devote time not only to her and her relationships with others but they could develop Echo’s character for example. Why not give some little moments to Echo thinking about Rex/Fives/Domino in general? Fives was his brother, but we didn't get a conversation between Rex and Echo about Fives in TCW and now Rex just mentioned Fives and no reaction from Echo. Nope, let’s just sold Echo and pretend that this is okay, spending the rest episode in chasing for Fennec and Omega.
About Rex... I just re-watched Siege of Mandalore and Episode 7 at the same time and was too emotional about Rex. I didn't mean that Rex was the main character of TBB, I meant that he had his own separate show all about him. But this is already unlikely, and it was sad at that moment.
Again, I’m not hate TBB at all.
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🌷🌼 Send this to ten bloggers you think are wonderful. Keep the game going! (no pressure)🌼🌷
Awwwww thank you!
No pressure tags: @hockeyjedi13 @m-o-o-n-s-g-o-o-n-s @elizabeth7567 @the-bad-batch66 @badbatchbecca @mqgriett @eyecandyeoz
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Batch66: Beer Camp Across The World
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Missyou guys! #batch66 #teamirish
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