#basura basura
losdibujitos · 4 months
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La trinidad de la basura 🐀🦨🦝✨
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achillesmonochrome · 2 months
My angry reblogs and rants probably clue you all in, but if any of you try to defend the trash government of Venezuela because "they are socialist" or "They support Palestine."
Stop following me, block me, don't let me catch any of you sharing those disgusting lies.
I'm from Venezuela, I lived most of my life there, and the fact that so many people would believe they are the "good guys" because they don't like the American government makes me want to scream. You people had no idea what we went through, but would defend Maduro and all the rest of the manipulators because you think "the enemy of my enemy is my friend."
As if the world was that simple.
If you haven't spoken to any of us and understand our struggles, get the name of my country out of your mouth, don't act like any of you give a shit about what we want when all you care about is how to look progressive in the laziest way possible.
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dani-r · 9 months
Milei presented today to the congress a project that turns him into king.
A project that allows the forces to send you to jail if you protest, no middle grounds. That gives room to consider groupings of three persons or more that are manifesting, a crime. That gives more tools to police to justify shooting you to death. That allows the State to sell everything, our satellites, our airline, our gas, our petrol, our lands... and more, to private foreign companies.
They are trying to override more than 300 laws with one unilateral decree. Now they are presenting this project to the congress, just in case the dictatorial decree is rejected.
If any of these two passes, Argentina gets a crazed king. Is the Excecutive power overpowering the Legislative and Judicial. Is the legalization of political prosecution, is the selling of all of our assets, is the end of hard earned rights for the workers.
Today I went to the streets, to protest this, I got lucky to not get punched by the police just by a hair. We will keep going out, we will keep getting organized. Is that, or Caligula wins.
I write this in english, bc for argentinian social media we have the rest, where we are raging. But also, because the fight is on the streets, on the congress, on all that any organized collective can do to stop him. Here, is just to inform mutuals and foreign friends that this is what happens when the people votes the right and its more deformed version: ancaps. Now, to stop him is key, not only for Argentina, but for the whole region.
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elbiotipo · 4 months
Mirás dos videos de historia antigua:
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welele · 11 months
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magicalshopping · 1 year
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♡ Barb the Red Panda Plush Ita Backpack by Basura Gang ♡
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its-minart · 2 years
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I miss him :((
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viejospellejos · 23 days
Ayer cayó una tormenta en un festival de música en Santander y este chaval ha encontrado un refugio bastante peculiar:
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zagthehyena · 1 month
Eww es el Shake de Meta
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Bueno ya que voy a dejar mi barco basura aquí
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respectthepetty · 1 year
Prayer circle.
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May this little punk ass bitch never experience success.
May all his coffee taste bitter.
May every croissant he eats be hard and crusty.
May he constantly smell cow manure even when no cows are near.
May no woman ever give him the satisfaction of touching his acidic body again.
May no plant grow in his house.
May all his cardigans snag.
May his bed consistently be too hot or too cold so he never gets a good night's rest.
May he choke.
But not die.
Because death is too kind for this gremlin.
I need him to suffer.
*sign of the cross*
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tamacun-basu · 1 year
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brainless little men
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elbiotipo · 6 months
Lo interesante de Milei es que es un fanático ideológico pero también de una ideología que nunca tuvo éxito, no en el sentido de que se intentó y fracasó, sino que nunca se intentó. El anarcocapitalismo está totalmente fuera del espectro político como lo conocemos, es algo de los libertarios más extremos de EEUU, escritores de ciencia ficción que quieren convertir el sistema solar en una Esfera de Dyson para minar Bitcoin, economistas fracasados (o sea, Milei), gente que DE VERDAD cree en el Bitcoin, y Dale Gribble.
Guillermo Moreno dijo la posta, es una cosa que existía solamente como teoría, como algo que se discutía en la imaginación, un "thought exercise" como dirían los yanquis. Nunca en la vida ningún anarcocapitalista, ningún libertario (Bukele no cuenta) llegó tan lejos, en ningún lugar. Y ahora, por alguna razón, (desde razones analizables hasta la simple pelotudez) un país de 46 millones de personas votó a lo que siempre fue un movimiento político fanático casi sectario a la presidencia. Es una locura esto. Es como si tuvieramos un presidente, no sé, anarco-primitivista o carlista o etnocacerista o alguna de esas ideologías raras de mods de mierda de Hearts of Iron IV.
Yo creo que la gente realmente no se da cuenta que no votaron a un político "normal" (es más, ellos y sus votantes insisten que no es un político, que, sí, pero no, es un político y no lo es, y también es algo peor).
Mientras tanto, en algún server de Discord, un montón de pajeros como los que dije allá arriba deben estar de fiesta. Especialmente Dan Gribble.
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welele · 7 months
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magicalshopping · 5 months
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♡ Maxolotl the Axolotl Plushie by Basura Gang ♡
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frasesenespa-ol · 3 months
Mentiras. Sueños rotos. Mi amor desperdiciado, abandonado junto al cubo de la basura como un muñeco viejo.
Corazón de mariposa -Andrea Tomé
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