little-baski 11 days
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little-baski 23 days
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what is at your core resounding truth
you have a goal in mind, and others brush it off right away... why does everyone always tell you to follow your dreams when it's actually their dreams that they want you to follow? your memory is weak, and your conviction is even weaker on days when you're reminded of how alone you really are. it's hard to go on without someone pushing you forward... is this what life is? a cycle of monotony, fueled only by the desire not to trouble anyone too much with your passing? it would be nice to have something, or someone, to spur you on. i hope you find them.
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little-baski 4 days
Baski is very soft spoken, and tends to roll through their words fast, as a result they stutter a lot. As if anything they say doesn't have the right to take up too much space. They have a warm melodic voice, especially when talking in Bahasa Indonesian. They stress their words a little more in their native language. However, in English Baski grew up with the thick Bristolian rural area accent, and they are less concerned about being always understood, and having lived in small towns rather than big cities, Baski has always been around thicker accents. ( first video is Baski's fc in Bahasa Indonesian, second is the Bristolian accent at its finest though Baski sounds a bit more like Samwise Gam in the third video )
They don't rely a lot on non-verbal communication, often keeping their hands and arms close to their chest, and trying to make as few facial expression as possible. Their eyes are very skittish however, often searching ways out or hints of future danger. They lick the inside of their teeth a lot or bit the inside of their cheek, hoping none of it is visible to anyone else.
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little-baski 5 days
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what kind of cookie are you snickerdoodle
You're a bit of a trendsetter, huh? A little bit of a rockstar, even if that's something you just say to yourself. Is it nice, being sweet and crumbly and moist, with just a hint of spice to give you that kick, to set you apart, to make you feel like you're not just one out of a dozen other practically identical cookies that nobody really wants to pay attention to anyway? But you know that. Don't you? You've always known. Acknowledging it doesn't play into your comforting narrative of individuality or false importance, but you're too clear-minded to not know the truth, aren't you, snickerdoodle?
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little-baski 19 days
When do they feel the most guilt? How do they respond to it?
Baskar really suffers from icarious shame. They quickly feel guilty even when they know rationally there was nothing they could've done to change the situation. Even if they were nowhere near or had nothing to do with it. They always ask themself: what if. It always results in over-compensating. And a lot of fear that people won't like him. And while he can accept that to a certain point, he has difficulty with it when it's because of something he has done wrong. He feels guilt towards himself when he's showed himself to someone else as a worse version that who he really thinks he is.
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