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escadaman · 3 months ago
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lithominium · 1 year ago
Ill be old once i have to use BasicMed to fly planes instead of a 1st class medical
[covered in blood, with tears in my eyes] I AM VERY YOUNG AND I AM LEARNING HOW TO LIVE
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9bertpix · 3 years ago
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Back to Basic… #9Bert #นายเบิร์ต #homemadebyme #basicmeal https://www.instagram.com/p/CSbo_RzFbXj/?utm_medium=tumblr
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anekasehat · 4 years ago
Masker Basicmeds, Rekomendasi Masker untuk Cegah Penularan Virus
Pemakaian masker saat ini sudah menjadi suatu keharusan. Ketika Anda ingin mencari masker untuk dipakai sehari-hari, Anda bisa menjatuhkan pilihan pada masker Basicmeds.
Basicmeds merupakan salah satu brand masker yang tersedia bagi pengguna dewasa. Ada banyak pilihan masker yang disediakan oleh Basicmeds, mulai dari masker bedah sampai dengan masker non bedah.
Masker Basicmeds bedah dan non bedah
Ada dua kategori masker yang bisa Anda dapatkan ketika menggunakan Basicmeds, yaitu masker bedah dan non bedah. Terdapat perbedaan dari fungsi keduanya. Berikut ini yang perlu Anda ketahui:
Masker bedah
Masker bedah adalah masker yang memang dirancang untuk mencegah penularan virus dan batkeri melalui droplet. Jenis masker ini memang tidak dibuat dengan bentuk yang terlalu ketat ketika dipakai di wajah.
Biasanya, jenis masker bedah ditujukan hanya untuk dipakai satu kali saja. Jadi, setelah digunakan satu kali, Anda disarankan untuk langsung membuagnya.
Jenis masker ini banyak dijual di pasaran. Namun, selain dipakai oleh masyarakat umum, masker ini lebih sering lagi dipakai oleh para tenaga medis, terutama yang berurusan langsung dengan pasien penderita Covid-19.
Masker non bedah
Berbeda dengan masker bedah, masker non bedah belum diuji efektivitasnya sepenuhnya. Namun, jenis masker non bedah juga bisa mencegah penularan droplet, sama seperti masker bedah.
Perbedaan jenis masker ini dengan masker bedah adalah material pembuatannya. Masker non bedah umumnya menggunakan kain.
Karena dibuat dari bahan kain, masker ini cenderung membuat pemakainya kesulitan untuk bernapas. Tapi, jenis masker ini bisa dipakai beberapa kali dan bisa dicuci.
Itulah perbedaan dari kedua jenis masker yang umumnya digunakan, yaitu masker bedah dan masker non bedah. Masker Basicmeds menyediakan kedua jenisnya.
Kedua jenis masker tersebut sama-sama boleh digunakan untuk mencegah penularan virus Covid-19. Tapi, pastikan Anda memakainya dengan cara yang tepat, sesuai dengan jenis masker yang Anda gunakan.
Cara tepat menggunakan masker
Anda tentu sudah tahu pentingnya memakai masker di tengah masa pandemi seperti sekarang ini. Meskipun informasi ini sudah diketahui oleh semua orang, tapi kenyataannya masih ada yang belum benar-benar tahu bagaimana cara yang tepat untuk menggunakan masker.
Masker Basicmeds memang efektif untuk mencegah penularan virus. Tapi, jika Anda tidak memakainya dengan benar, maka efektivitasnya pun tidak akan bisa Anda rasakan.
Sebaiknya, pakailah masker setiap saat, khususnya ketika Anda melakukan hal-hal berikut ini:
Di lingkungan umum
Ketika Anda beraktivitas di tempat umum, pastikan untuk terus memakai masker. Tempat-tempat umum ini meliputi kantor atau tempat kerja, pusat perbelanjaan, toko, apotek, dan lain sebagainya.
Intinya, ketika Anda beraktivitas di luar rumah, diharuskan untuk memakai masker tanpa melepasnya sama sekali. Secara khusus jika Anda menggunakan transportasi umum setiap harinya.
Berusia 60 tahun ke atas
Lansia yang berusia 60 tahun ke atas memiliki risiko lebih tinggi untuk menderita Covid-19 dengan gejala yang lebih parah. Karena itu, pemakaian masker secara khusus diharuskan juga untuk masyarakat golongan ini.
Selalu gunakan masker ketika Anda keluar dari rumah di masa pandemi Covid-19 seperti sekarang ini. Pakailah dengan cara yang tepat dan gunakan juga jenis yang sesuai.
Anda bisa membeli masker Basicmeds di apotek maupun toko obat, baik secara online atau offline.
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correctsuccess · 4 years ago
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BasicMed and How it Relates to Aviation Insurance After many years of engaged on different medical laws, the aviation alphabet teams had been lastly in a position to persuade the FAA to reform the third-class medical system. On July 15, 2016, Congress handed the FAA Extension, Security, Safety Act of 2016 (FESSA), which included BasicMed, and FAR Half 68 – Necessities for Working Sure Small Plane With out A Medical Certificates, was born. Backsi... #aviation #basicmed #correct_insurance #correct_success #financial_management #insurance #relates
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zenithaircraft · 5 years ago
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Canadian STOL CH 750, powered by a Viking (Honda) engine, nearing completion and nearly ready for first flight! #zenair #stol #ch750 #ch701 #ch750sd #superduty #skyjeep #builditflyit #aircraftsmanship #zenithair #homebuiltaircraft #bushplane #bushpilot #bushflying #kitplane #sportpilot #basicmed #learntofly #aviationgeek #studentpilot #eaa #vikingengine #hondaconversion @viking_jan https://www.instagram.com/p/B4ODUU9Bx6S/?igshid=11o2pbmo41416
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borakkita-blog · 6 years ago
RECOMMENDED When we travel, its essential to have at least basic #firstaid #kit in our #travellingbag just in case. These is another kit that we recommend to bring along, #travelrescuekit from @travellers.rescuekit You have all the basic meds you need during travel. And if you need to add more, the container can fit more. And you can have this in your bag or office not just for travel. A good item as well to place in the car. #TravelogueMalaysia #TravelogueTapah #TravellersRescueKit #RescueKit #BasicMeds #Lifestyle #TraveltoBring https://www.instagram.com/p/BuiPmtRBTGZ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1erbjkarjarh8
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jacewilliams1 · 3 years ago
Little details are important
I came to flying late in life. Busy with work and no one to act as a mentor, I didn’t seriously consider pursuing my dream of becoming a private pilot until retiring after 31 years in the fire service. A move from the hectic pace of South Florida to the laid back life on the Upper Cumberland Plateau in Tennessee, and coming to know Bill Williams, reignited my desire to learn how to fly.
Learning to fly later in life does give you a new perspective.
Bill was in his late 70s when I met him. He still maintains certifications as a CFII and A&P/IA, and worked for years with Eastern Airlines, retiring as one of their most senior captains. Bill would assign me work in a basic handbook on flying, and when I thought I was ready he would come over to the house and quiz me on what I had been studying. I will always remember our first session. He sat across the kitchen table from me and asked a seemingly simple question: why do airplanes fly? After an hour of discussion about Bernoulli’s principle, drawing in my notebook (upside down so that I could read it as he was drawing!) to explain yaw, pitch and roll, P factor, angle of attack, and a myriad of other what (at the time were) baffling concepts, we moved on to other lessons.
After each lesson he would leave NTSB reports on fatal accidents, and I would be quizzed on those as well. By this time I was receiving flight instruction from Joey Fowler. Bill was very good and I continued for a time with him in the airplane, but he was an old school instructor (he kept telling me I was dragging my left wing, and with all of two or three hours in the airplane I had no idea what he was talking about.) Joey was a better fit for me. After many hours of one-on-one instruction and online study, I was ready to take my written exam. I didn’t think I was prepared to take the exam but passed with a score of 89. And after 15 hours of flight training I was allowed to solo.
I’m very fortunate to have an airport 15 minutes from my house, and even more fortunate to rent a beautiful Cessna 172 straight tail for $100/hour. I was flying every chance I had, checking off all the necessary boxes for prescribed maneuvers and cross country flights getting ready for my check ride. I knew I had a lifetime of learning ahead of me in aviation and often told people that if I had learned to fly when I was in my 20s I wouldn’t be here. A fair amount of wisdom and common sense does come with age. At 63 I was old enough to know what I didn’t know and young enough to still have good eye hand coordination and the mental faculties to keep it together in the airplane.
BasicMed was not available when I took my first flight physical, so I paid the money and passed the FAA Medical. However, I didn’t pay a lot of attention to one small admonition from the doctor. He told me I didn’t need to wear my reading glasses in the plane, but I needed to carry them with me. I use glasses to read, but my eyes are good enough that I can get by without them. That little detail almost led to a fatal accident. And after reading a lot of NTSB reports on fatal accidents, I realized that many of those accidents could have been avoided if the pilot had paid attention to the little details.
Those glasses can sometimes make a big difference.
Several months after my first solo, I was getting ready for a long cross-country flight. Joey checked my navigation notes and listened in as I filed my flight plan. He told me to call him when I was back on the ground at my home airport (2A1) and wished me luck. After a thorough pre-flight, I hopped in the airplane and back-taxied to take off on 36. As I reached takeoff speed and pulled back on the yoke, I immediately noticed my angle of attack was far too steep to sustain flight.
Although I only had 25 or 30 hours, I knew I was about to have a stall. I pushed forward hard on the yoke and started trimming the nose down as I listened to the stall warning horn. I didn’t have time to even think that I might die. I thought about it a lot afterward and still do!
That beautiful straight tail C-172 had been flown a lot over the years, and the paint on the trim wheel designating takeoff position was kind of hard to see. In fact, I couldn’t see it clearly even with my glasses on. I had them in the airplane, just like the doctor admonished me to, but they were in my flight bag on the back seat.
It’s forgetting the little details that get pilots in trouble. I always use a checklist, but now when I visually look at the trim wheel to make sure it’s in takeoff position I wear my glasses. It was a scary lesson. Realizing how unforgiving flying can be has made me a more careful and much better pilot.
The post Little details are important appeared first on Air Facts Journal.
from Engineering Blog https://airfactsjournal.com/2021/09/little-details-are-important/#utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=little-details-are-important
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ratta9780-blog · 4 years ago
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#กะเพราหมูชิ้นไข่ดาว #thaispicy #basicmeal
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kvsp-fm · 4 years ago
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BasicMed and How it Relates to Aviation Insurance
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porcelainpinkcupcake · 5 years ago
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Yummy food #happyhumpday #plantbasedtacos #plantbased #dinner #basicmeals #yummyfood #floridagirl... https://ift.tt/2LpFsjD
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dubersj-blog · 6 years ago
March Blog Post
     This month at my internship has been both my favorite, and a somber one. I am currently writing this while forcing myself not to watch Piper Cheyenne videos, as this Sunday I will have a very unique opportunity to log turbine time in this luxurious business aircraft. Never before have I flown a “jet” aircraft from one of the first two seats, and my CFI decided to text me out of the blue and ask what I was doing Sunday, then invited me along to pick up the boss. The Cheyenne is barely under 12,500 pounds, so it doesn’t require a type rating, and Lou is qualified to instruct me in it. In other good news, my solo endorsement is renewed, and I can take out the airplane whenever I want, with just a quick call to make sure nobody else wants to take it during that time. I’m limited to 25nm from KPOV, and am prohibited from landing anywhere else, except Akron Fulton! I got a specific endorsement for that, since I know how to get there and back without maps. In worse news, my good friend and bagel shop owner Joe has been diagnosed with an aggressive cancer. Just this past Monday he has had surgery to remove a tumor, but it will be another week before we know if it has spread. 
     Immediately after hearing about Joe, I took the most initiative I have yet, and volunteered to run the entire bagel shop while he is having surgeries and recovering. This is going to be longer term than my senior year at Bio-Med, but the old pilots need somewhere to sit and talk on the weekends, and I’m not going to take that away from them. Ryan Stapin is helping me on most Sundays, although I’m not sure if Joe is able to sign his volunteer hour form, so I’ll have to figure something out.
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     As previously mentioned, the highlight of my month hasn’t happened yet, but will in two days! I’m going to fly a Piper Cheyenne turboprop aircraft down to Savannah, and then to New Hampshire, and back to KPOV. This is my first ever logged multi-engine, and turbine time. I may have skipped a bunch of lower classes in between, but that’s okay!
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     This month, I’ve learned that I have too much on my plate to handle at once. I severely cut back my work hours, and am frantically finding volunteers that I can instruct at the bagel shop. I’m getting lots of work that I can done early, and I’m about to make my final college decision, so I don’t have to worry about that anymore. As it turns out, I’ve also learned that a lot of the older pilots I talk to on the weekends also have battled cancer, and seeing them happy and the cancers in an inactive state gives me a lot of hope for Joe. Some of them still have their medicals or BasicMed and are still flying.
    My biggest challenge was dealing with Joe. He’s about my parent’s age, and everything that happened with him was quick and unexpected. Just a couple of weekends ago he had me man the bagel shop myself because he thought he had the flu, I guess not. I’m overcoming the feelings that I can by talking to him a lot, and keeping him regularly updated on his business. Our freezer broke last month, and we’re receiving a new one this weekend.
    Next month, I will certainly schedule my checkride, and possibly earn my Private Pilot Certificate. I’ve been down in the dumps about it because of the weather, but things are looking brighter now with all of the solo time I have gotten in. Even before this month’s end, I’m planning my long (150nm) cross country, and during this I will knock out any remaining requirements in my way. I can’t wait to see what I’m writing about here next month.
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anekasehat · 4 years ago
Rekomendasi Masker 3 Lapis yang Efektif Cegah Virus Corona
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Sejak virus corona muncul di Indonesia pada awal Maret 2020 lalu, masker adalah benda penting yang harus dikenakan setiap hari. Sebagai upaya perlindungan dari virus, penggunaan masker 3 lapis sangat dianjurkan.
Kamu bisa memilih masker bedah atau masker medis yang terdiri dari 3 lapisan sehingga efektif mencegah masuknya virus ke dalam tubuh. 
Selain aman karena disertai dengan lapisan filter densitas tinggi, masker medis juga cukup nyaman digunakan dan tidak membuat kita sesak.
Berikut ini rekomendasi masker 3 lapis yang efektif mencegah virus corona yang bisa digunakan sehari-hari.
BasicMeds Non Surgical Mask Earloop
Masker BasicMeds Non Surgical Mask Earloop efektif untuk menyaring kuman dan juga bakteri yang berusaha masuk ke dalam tubuh. Masker ini juga mengandung anti-alergic sehingga aman digunakan, meskipun dalam waktu yang lama. 
Tak perlu khawatir akan keasliannya, sebab, masker BasicMeds Non Surgical Mask Earloop sudah mendapatkan izin dari Kementerian Kesehatan RI dengan nomor registrasi KEMENKES RI AKD 21603021072. 
Harga untuk satu box BasicMeds Non Surgical Mask Earloop isi 40 pcs adalah Rp50.000. Jika kamu membeli di toko SehatQ sedang ada diskon hingga 50% dan harganya menjadi Rp25.000.
M+ Masker Medis Earloop 3 Ply
M+ Masker Medis Earloop ini efektif melindungi pernapasan dari virus dan juga bakteri. Masker ini juga didesain khusus agar nyaman dikenakan dalam waktu yang lama dan terbuat dari bahan non-woven, sehingga tidak mudah menyerap air.
Pada lapisan kedua masker ini, dibuat dari kandungan meltblown atau bacterial filtration efficiency, sehingga mampu menghalau bakteri atau virus dengan maksimal. Ada kawat hidung di bagian atas, sehingga perlindungan bisa makin maksimal. 
Satu box M+ Masker Medis Earloop 3 Ply berisi 50 pcs dijual dengan harga Rp98.910.
PRIMERO Masker 3-Ply
Masker PRIMERO memiliki manfaat untuk melindungi tubuh dari paparan bakteri yang tingkat keefektifannya mencapai 90%.
Masker ini juga terbuat dari bahan yang hypoallergenic, sehingga aman digunakan dalam waktu lama dan pastinya tidak membuat sesak napas.
Selain itu, masker ini juga mengandung fiberglass, sehingga bahannya lembut dan aman untuk kulit. Tingkat penyaringannya juga tinggi yang membuat bakteri tidak mudah masuk. 
PRIMERO Masker 3-Ply isi 50 pcs dibanderol dengan harga Rp95.000.
Sensi 3 Ply Surgical Face Earloop Masker
Sensi merupakan merk masker yang jadi favorit masyarakat karena bahannya yang nyaman dan juga efektif mencegah virus atau bakteri masuk ke dalam tubuh.
Masker ini juga efektif melindungi saluran pernapasan dari debu, asap, cairan, kuman, dan juga partikel kecil lainnya karena didesain dari 3 lapisan yang cukup aman.
Satu box Sensi 3 Ply Surgical Face Earloop Masker isi 50 lembar dijual dengan harga mulai dari Rp125.000.
Softies Daily Mask
Selain mengeluarkan produk untuk hand sanitizer dan tisu basah antiseptik, Softies juga mengeluarkan produk masker 3 lapis yang aman dan efektif mencegah masuknya virus, bakteri, dan juga kuman. 
Bahannya yang lembut membuat masker ini nyaman ketika dipakai dalam waktu yang lama. Selain itu masker Softies Daily Mask juga menyediakan masker headloop khusus untuk hijab. 
Sensi 3 Ply Surgical Face Earloop Masker isi 30 lembar dijual dengan harga mulai dari Rp47.000.
Madame Gie Daily Care Face Mask
Tak hanya memproduksi alat makeup, brand Madame Gie juga mengeluarkan produk masker 3 lapis yang mampu mencegah droplet pembawa virus atau bakteri. 
Produk ini juga mengklaim terbuat dari bahan yang hydrophobic sehingga anti debu, anti air, dan juga anti bau. 
Uniknya, masker Madame Gie ini bisa dicuci dan digunakan kembali maksimal selama 3 kali pemakaian. Agar tetap maksimal, sebaiknya setrika dengan suhu rendah setelah dicuci. 
Madame Gie Daily Care Face Mask isi 100 lembar dijual dengan harga Rp65.900. 
Itu dia rekomendasi masker 3 lapis yang efektif untuk mencegah virus corona, bakteri atau partikel kecil lainnya ke dalam tubuh.
Perlu diingat jika masker medis merupakan masker sekali pakai, sehingga penggunaannya cukup dipakai sekali saja, ya. 
Untuk perlindungan yang maksimal, sebaiknya ganti masker medis setiap 4 jam sekali, ya. Apalagi jika kamu sedang beraktivitas di luar. 
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jream-memes · 4 years ago
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prince-cfiacademy · 7 years ago
BasicMed for Flight Instructors
BasicMed for Flight Instructors
I am sure that we all know about the BasicMed regulations by now. At the bottom of this article, we have attached some PDF files that you can click, download and review.
BasicMed Approach
As it is applicable to what we do here at CFI Academy, here are a few clarifications.
Can I be on BasicMed and receive the training for a CFI certificate or rating? The answer is “Yes” you may.
How about for…
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zenithaircraft · 6 years ago
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Zenith STOL CH 750 Super Duty #zenair #stol #ch750sd #ch750 #skyjeep #builditflyit #aircraftsmanship #zenithair #whyifly #homebuiltaircraft #bushplane #bushpilot #bushflying #kitplane #buildaplane #sportpilot #lightsportaircraft #aviation #avgeek #learntofly #eaa #unpanel #avilution #io375 #BasicMed (at Mexico Memorial Airport) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwVDK5Kl35l/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=chvkd8cqtx9r
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