#basically peak alphas are kind of terrifying
not-poignant · 1 year
Hi Pia
'Most peak alphas are dangerous to be around anyone carnally. We are predisposed to ripping people’s consent away. The urge to rape and debase is built in.’
Reading this is a previous ask got be wondering.
Is Gary's arousal dependent on the other person's pleasure or can he come without it?
Would Gary be aroused / able to find release by straight up non-con? Like violating someone who very obviously didn't want it and wasn't getting any pleasure from it (so not dubcon or his past sexual interactions with Efnisien). Like would he (and other peak alphas) get turned on by violently attacking and raping someone?
And yeah I know dubcon in fiction is straight up non-con irl but my question is pertaining to this fictional world.
Hi hi anon!
Is Gary's arousal dependent on the other person's pleasure or can he come without it?
Gary's arousal has never been wholly dependent on the other lover's / person's pleasure, tbh. If they felt pleasure, but he wasn't in control, he wouldn't be aroused at all.
He prefers their pleasure be involved, but no, he doesn't need it the whole way through. Part of the way is enough for him.
Gary is first and foremost aroused by exercising his power/control over others in specific ways. He has specific blends of control, pleasure and pain that give him the best / most enjoyable sexual arousal? But for him, the enjoyment doesn't even need to be specifically about getting turned on. We'll see examples of that in his daydreams/thoughts about Efnisien as the story progresses.
It's also why so many of his overtures towards Efnisien involve taking control - grabbing him, pulling him close, forcing fingers into his mouth, or even his spit etc. They are all very intentionally claiming and invasive acts, and in many instances, Gary doesn't ask for consent first (though he'll consider a refusal, he won't always listen, and that's suited Efnisien, but that wouldn't suit many people).
Would Gary be aroused / able to find release by straight up non-con?
Tbh, this is a grey area that's actually difficult to answer. Gary's in a different world to ours (not just because it's fiction), he's in a world where peak alphas exist, and alphas exist, and consent is viewed on a different spectrum anyway.
I would say that yes, he can enjoy sex if someone was in pain and struggling against him, provided they consented to it in advance, and weren't using their safeword. However, he wouldn't necessarily be hung up on it if a person forgot their safeword. And he wouldn't check-in if a person showed signs of distress. He's visibly enjoyed it in Efnisien during some of their explorations together.
I think he would check-in more with Efnisien, because he has to keep seeing him, lol, but he has burned bridges with one-time lovers in the past, and I'm certain he has a reputation as being a callous, intense, and overwhelming lover who will give you a safeword, doesn't provide aftercare, and can be dangerous to certain people.
Gary couldn't enjoy sex or find release if he wasn't in control, even if the other partner was receiving pleasure. So no, pleasure alone isn't enough to create an arousal response. Tbh it's not enough in quite a few of the characters I write, like Hank in Eversion, or Augus in well, almost every story Augus has ever been in. I really enjoy writing sadists who need a certain degree of pain or control or fear in their partner to mount a sexual arousal response. I think the reason Gary isn't an outright rapist is because - aside from it being a repugnant and destructive act - even though rape involves controlling someone else, to him, the act of intending to rape someone for pleasure shows a lack of self-control in his mind.
And he wouldn't enjoy that. Plenty of peak alphas don't feel that way. But many peak alphas enjoy a degree self-control and self-mastery, and those peak alphas are considered more evolved or adapted for contemporary life. Augus and Temsen are the same. The instincts are there, but in constantly working against them, or learning how to wall them off, or redirect them, they experience self-mastery, which also makes them feel good (to a point, they will still always need to have some degree of control over others to truly enjoy their lives).
The challenge of creating something like a peak alpha who would be like, Id-fic hot in all these particular ways, was coming up with biological ways in the worldbuilding where that would work, and what it truly means to live in a world where a small portion of people naturally have these instincts.
I think all peak alphas become aware in adolescence that most of society expects them to be sociopaths, monsters, rapists, murderers, but also be rewarded for that with power, money, fortune, a choice of partners, etc. Some lean into it (Crielle, Gwyn) and others don't through things like... self-reflection, or love for family members... and they wrestle with it and decide how much of it they will indulge. Learning self-control makes adolescence extremely challenging for all peak alphas.
Like, what person wouldn't want to guarantee high marks on all of their assignments just through being able to say some words to your teachers? Even Gary cheated in this way, when he realised he could. it's not like anyone could stop him, he'd just need to use more words, lol.
But he loves his family, and they disapproved of this behaviour, so he had to learn differently. The instincts don't go away though, they're sublimated, and they still must be expressed in some form for peak alphas to actually be healthy. This makes him a controlling lover who wants some degree of pain, pleasure, struggle, conflict and distress during sex.
Like would he (and other peak alphas) get turned on by violently attacking and raping someone?
Gary's still a person with a conscience. I think the reality is he'd find it morally and ethically repugnant, but still become physiologically aroused. He's just not the kind of person to do this, so it's moot anyway. Like 'yes, he would, but he never would, so he's never going to be in this situation.'
Control doesn't always lead to arousal either, the pleasure of control itself doesn't have to be sexualised, and for peak alphas, it's the ultimate form of pleasure. Which is how Gary can do so much to Efnisien that is controlling, and show no signs of being like, physically hard. Arousal =/= sexual arousal. Gary talks about this later, but like, the reason he doesn't pursue coming around Efnisien initially is partly because coming/ejaculation isn't actually the best part of sex for him and it can actually lead to him having less control of himself.
But yeah most peak alphas would find that scenario extremely arousing (a lot of alphas would too, and there's probably a lot of porn that caters to those fantasies for both omegas and alphas), their entire physiology is built around controlling others, they literally have hypnosis, long-term compulsion and short-term compulsion built into their entire way of being. When your entire body is designed to control, subjugate and mentally coerce or brainwash others, maybe your body is also designed to enjoy that. Especially if your 'ideal partner' (at least in the case of alphas) is literally a physiologically weaker, susceptible, more vulnerable person, who craves to be safely controlled and contained, and goes into heats which are painful, and needs that combination of pain/pleasure that an alpha can give them, in order to endure it.
It's how Crielle can feel happy and content with her life while treating Efnisien the way that she does. She enjoys it. It makes her feel fulfilled as a person to have control of a company, her family, Efnisien, etc. It's pretty monstrous, and overall, it's one of the (many) reasons peak alphas will be extinct one day (and why, in this world, alphas and omegas are in the genetic minority). Peak alpha instincts are literally incompatible with global community-building, and they're being phased out just through...wanting so much control almost none of them want relationships!
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christinesficrecs · 2 years
Do you know of any more fics similar to To Whom the Wolf King Bows? I know you had one rec recently and it reminded me of this WIP I adore. Nomadic basically king Derek and Stiles being dropped into this society as an outsider. Thanks!
Sadly, this fic hasn't been updated in over 2 years because it is pretty amazing. ❤️ Anyway!! I don't know a lot of Nomadic!Derek but these are similar in other ways. Enjoy!!!
To Whom The Wolf King Bows by MadcapRomantic | 95.3K | WIP
Stiles Stilinski meets The Wolf King, the very boogeyman he'd spent his younger years terrified of; yet the man is little, if anything, like the tales he's heard. But, Stiles has spent the last ten years of his life as a slave, under the harsh whip of the cruel King Gerard Argent, and trusting Derek - trusting anyone - is beyond difficult.
By Moon And Stars by kellifer_fic | 15.9K | Mature
"Have you heard of this Alpha?" Stiles asks, shuffling up his pallet so Scott has room to sit. Scott does with a grateful little twist of his mouth. Stefan forces him into the Stilinski ceremonial armor when they travel and Stiles can see that it's heavy and doesn't sit well on Scott. He can't shift encased in metal and Stefan knows it.
"I know of him, mostly stories that seem a little fantastical. Shifters exaggerate just like common people. They like their war stories."
"Tell me of him. Tell me a war story."
Golden Boy by trilliath | 127.7K | Explicit
Apparently it still amuses his uncle to buy sex slaves for him, no matter how steadfastly he refuses to use them. Derek ducks into his tent with a resigned sigh, prepared to dress and reassign whatever new beauty Peter has bought him. They do make for loyal servants, so he can't really complain about Peter's 'gifts'. But it is annoying to deal with, to have to spend his evening sorting out a slave instead of being able to go right to bed. It's just something he has to learn to accept as a byproduct of serving alongside his uncle.
But when he lays eyes on the boy laying amid his furs, he finds his breath catching in his throat. His skin is golden with the candle-light glimmering against the sheen of oil that has been slathered on his bared body. His lips are parted, and they work over inaudible words or sounds. His skin is flushed, nipples peaked and pierced with simple but unexpected golden rings. He's spectacularly beautiful in the candlelight. The many glowing candles that have been added to his usual lighting cast glittering edges and shadows, imbuing an almost unearthly golden color to his skin.
It's enough that Derek hesitates.
Unknown Kindness in a Cruel World by Dexterous_Sinistrous | 35.3K | Explicit
The prince carefully observed Stiles. “Do you know who I am?”
Stiles knew he should have. “No,” he answered, knowing the pimp would be unhappy with that answer.
“Are you afraid of me?” The prince asked, his eyes never leaving Stiles.
Stiles’ heart was pounding in his ears, adrenaline pumping through his veins. He knew the pimp would want him to answer with a quip or flirtation. But Stiles didn’t want to lie—not to the prince. And he couldn’t tell why. “No,” he truthfully answered.
This Was How Legends Were Made by 108.5K | Explicit
Caught between the Hales and the Argents in their war, Stiles finds himself a slave of the great Hale pack. Stiles spends each day working hard, hoping to earn his freedom and see his sick father. It also seems each day he’s capturing more and more attention from Derek, the young Hale lord. Stiles tells himself it’s mostly because Derek is merely trying to figure out how to send the annoying, useless slave away- not because of affection, despite the tales coming from the rumor mill.
It doesn’t matter what Derek's intentions are. Stiles can’t bother with love right now. He's got to keep his head down and survive long enough to keep his promise to Kate Argent. After all, she's promised to keep his father safe.
Thank You For This Dance by matildajones | 62.4K | Mature
Derek is not one for dancing, but at a ball he meets Stiles, an orphan, and he becomes quickly attached. He does not care what other people think about Stiles' wealth and status, but it's a lot harder for Stiles to ignore the comments that have haunted him his whole life.
It's even harder to convince Stiles that Derek's feelings are genuine.
The One With The Scottish Wolf Lord by Stoney | 11.7K | Explicit
The Hales are alive and a royal family in Scotland; Stiles is the waif sent to work in the kitchens, elevated to personal attendant/servant to the young Lord Hale. Who happens to be a wolf who can't shift back. (Not without finding... *spoiler*)
The Well of Living Waters by kalpurna | 30.3K | Explicit
King Derek takes a consort.
@the-diggler suggested this one.
A Crooked Way to Fly by andavs | 14.9K
“We can’t just leave him here to die.”
“He’s an emissary, Scott.” Derek tried to make his tone empathetic, but Scott’s tendency to fight back on everything always grated on his nerves. “His pack is gone, he won’t survive more than a day or two either way.”
“Then we should stay with him.”
Derek sighed as he studied the man for a moment; he was too pale against the fur rim of his hood, almost grey from lying out in the snow, and his cloak was stained with dark dried blood around a protruding arrow shaft. It was unlikely he would even last the night. They would probably be able to carry on in the morning with little time lost, if any.
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bugs-in-situations · 5 months
Please tell us about Wereweevil Jay we need to know your cool AU activities
late response because being sick fried our brain like an egg for a bit but we think we are feeling clear enough to answer this now
since evprim bee kingdom is swapped with the termite kingdom and the coliseum is a big thing for them we were mostly thinking about how jay would have basically been turned into this... bullfighting-adjacent spectacle. she got like that because the bees captured a different wereweevil to do that with and failed to contain them properly so a bunch of bees got mauled. rip to them but jay was different. now she's the coliseum show beast
by the time jay escapes from the hive she's started to present some wereweevil features on her regular body but since the bee kingdom is isolated from everyone the fact that wereweevils are real is not common knowledge in bugaria. she's still completely terrified of being found out and being captured again and so she becomes an explorer because she figures that this career path will involve minimal interacting with society since she'll be out in the wilderness most of the time
she did not account for the fact that she'll be practically glued to her teammates and will have to take even More measures to not be seen as a weevil now. she also did not account for being on a team with 1. a guy who tries to fight everything that moves no matter how likely it is that he'll actually win 2. a very old woman that does not have a sense of fear. terrible situation for someone who cannot stop herself from hurting people
the encounter with the alpha weevil is a very rough moment for her and she's kind of. scared of stompy. she thinks that he can smell her weevil-ness. if she could get over this then stompy's presence would actually be good for her need to have a pack but she has too many problems
one last fun fact: she's fully grown wereweevil sized because unlike wereweevil vi the bees actually fed her properly to keep their prized fighter in peak physical condition. she is Large and so in bee form she tries to take up as little space as possible
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vesuviannights · 5 years
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Lucio x Reader 🍋🍋
Gender neutral reader, no pronouns or body parts.
As an Omega, you’ve spent your life yearning for adventure and covering your symptoms with any range of spells and herbs you could find. And the world has been kind to you, keeping you hidden from any Alpha who would wish to have you - until a white wolf appears in your forest sanctuary, golden eyes and blood-stained maw, and your carefully crafted control begins to unravel.
5411 words.
Featuring: omegaverse lore, knotting, breeding kink, cum stuffing, biting/claiming, Alpha Lucio, Omega Reader, some Asra x Muriel, mentions of blood, mentions of starvation
If you’re familiar with Omegaverse lore, know that I’ve fiddled with some of it to merge it with what we know of the Arcana universe. If not - welcome, and I hope you enjoy your stay! Here’s an informative page if you want to learn about it before you read, but if not there’s just enough exposition woven throughout the fic to give you the basics. 
Also, the whole ‘consent what consent’ vibe in Omegaverse fics always throws me a bit, so there’s some vaguely political stuff in here to address that. 
This is the second fic (and third prompt) for my Terrifying Ten scorecard!
You had never wanted to be an Omega. Or a Beta. Or even an Alpha. You had only ever wanted to be you, and free to do whatever you pleased, and not weighed down by what each label meant, or how others looked at you because of it.
And so you had spent every year since your first heat, that horrifying moment you could no longer deny exactly what you were, trying to figure out new ways to stop or mask it.
Casting spells. Starving yourself. Hiding out in certain magical places to mask your scent. Carrying specific herbs or magical items with you to ward off the all-too-obvious symptoms until you could find sanctuary.
You knew it was dangerous. Illegal, in some parts. The right kind of Omega might be considered property by the wrong kind of Alpha, and the longer an Omega went through their heats without sating them by submitting to an Alpha, the more they risked one day being crippled by them.
But you…you risked it all. All for freedom. All for the world. For wanting to see and explore and live how you wanted and not for someone else.
And all because of what your Aunt had told you one day, when you had been walking past the Count’s palace. Her eyes had glazed over, her voice had become fickle and husky, like it always did whenever she was possessed by the spirits.
And then she had turned to you and whispered the six words you knew you could never escape:
One day he will have you.
The air is crisp around you as you push your fingers through the damp soil, seeking the mushrooms and roots you need for your evening meal.
Beside you, a basket is already near-filled with them, all sorts and varieties and colours, ready to be washed and made into stew. You would usually never pick so many for yourself, especially not during your heat when you were too nauseous to eat, but you always enjoyed leaving some for Muriel as a thanks for letting you kick him out of his hut for a week.
You didn’t think you could ever thank him enough, really, but you tried to every moment you could. The sanctuary it allowed for you to have was priceless, and no gift would ever suffice in return.
You drop a few more roots into your basket before dusting the dirt from your hands. A little is still there when you move your hair from your face, and flecks of it catch in the strands and on your cheeks.
You huff quietly under your breath.
—and just barely hear a second, more distance huff join it.
You freeze at the sound, an almost low growl that reverberates through the clearing and straight into your chest.
And that’s when you feel it.
Watching, waiting, curious.
Ready to devour.
You stand on shaking legs, your eyes darting around the edges of the clearing. Three rapid beats of your heart pass before you see it, hidden in the shadows of the trees just beyond reach.
It’s a wolf. White as snow, with two golden eyes and a bloodstained maw that curls back over its glistening teeth.
Your knees nearly buckle at the sight of it, the world stilling around you as its eyes pin you in place. There is a burn at the base of your throat, a thickness you can’t quite dislodge. A soft wind pulls at your clothes, rustles the trees around you, and when the wolf takes a single step forward, you’re hit with the faintest scent of honey.
It’s this that snaps you from your daze, that awakens you enough to release a short gasp as you take a single step back. The wolf’s ears perk, its pupils blow out, but it doesn’t take another step, and you manage to clamber your way back into the hut and slam the back door shut.
You pull every lock but it still doesn’t feel like enough.
You wait out the night in the bedroom upstairs in darkness, all curtains pulled, alone with your thoughts and fears until the sun peaks over the frosted forest trees and you are safe once more.
There are no more signs of the wolf, a mere figment of your imagination when you set foot back in the city a week later. Asra sends word that same day of his own return—without Muriel, but with fresh fish from the northern rivers.
And so you venture into the markets that evening with your satchel and coins, determined to have at least something in the house other than dried fruits and stale bread. Perhaps some root vegetables and spices for the fish. Some wine to pair with it.
The city is bustling at the evening hour, and you pick your way through it via a series of back streets and alleys you know well. Already in your bag is a fresh pick of swedes, and your mind is set on the mulled wine from the vendor by Salasi.
As you side step a cart and duck into an alley, you let out a quiet sigh—and are immediately hit with a swoop of heat that nearly crushes you.
It moves from head to toe with brutal force, one clean swoop before it settles in your gut. Your knees give from beneath you, and you barely notice the sting of you palms as you catch yourself on the ground.
Your vision is pinpricks of black, a foggy midnight. Racing heart. Short, shallow gasps.
And when you look up, you see it.
The wolf.
The sounds of the city are so distant, cut off by a fog you barely have the clarity to try and push your way through.
There, in the airless alley, there is nothing in the universe except for you and the white wolf as he paws forward, sharp claws clicking on the cobble.
His eyes are searing into your soul, and with each step he takes closer you find yourself keening, little whines and huffs from somewhere deep in your chest as your fingernails curl into the ground, near snapping from the force.
The wolf comes to a stop before you. As you wait on shaking hands and knees, it presses its nose to your face, your jaw, your neck. It inhales, and with it comes an oh-so-soft growl before it begins to circle.
And there you kneel, barely a day after your heat had already passed, brought down by the Alpha who circles and inhales you like its last meal.
When it steps behind you, you feel quiet noises of protest bubble in your chest, little whispers of no no no no no as he presses his maw between your legs—and with that singular action comes the wolf’s deepest growl yet, one that makes your arms give out from under you.
You fall and curl in on yourself, shaking and shivering even though it feels like a baby sun has found its home in your body, flaring and stretching itself out to every nerve and muscle it can find.
You’re barely aware of the wolf shifting, of its human scent hitting you.
A dying campfire. Honeysuckle.
You gasp out and try to shift out of his arms when he scoops you up.
“No, no,” you moan. “Please—please, I don’t—”
His voice is so soothing, right against your ear. Gentle. Safe.
You relax, the world slipping for a few moments as you press your face into his chest. His hands—one soft, one hard—curl into your body to keep you close. You sway as he walks, a soft oceanic movement that lulls you, lashes fluttering against your cheekbones.
And then the world goes black.
You blink and push yourself up on a shaking hand, the room slowly clearing as you brush the sleep from your eyes.
Every part of you is a little sore, as though you had run for too long without water. It’s daylight. The smell of fresh bread lingers in the room, and a moment later—
Asra appears in the door, soft smile and dazzling eyes as he leans against the frame.
The shop. You’re back in the shop.
“I was wondering when you would wake.”
He has that look about him. That freshly-fucked glow, the kind he always has when he comes back from being railed by a rutting Muriel’s fourteen inch cock for six days straight.
You stand, stretch, rub your face. “Is there food?”
“Plenty. You know I always need to replenish when I’m back.”
Downstairs, there is a ridiculous spread. Dried figs, small chunks of cheese, breads and olive oils, cold cured meats from your favourite market vendor. There is even a small selection of sweets in the corner, placed closest to Asra for ease of access.
The sight of so much food should be overwhelming, but you’re used to it. Asra never puts his money where his mouth is, or rather the food—always says he wants to eat and eat and eat after returning home, when really all he wants is to pick at things like a spoiled concubine.
He lounges on his side by the low table, supported by plush silk cushions while you lower yourself to sit cross-legged opposite him.
The two of you immediately begin working through the food while he talks about his plans for the week, how the weather will turn just enough for the two of you to spend a night out in the fields stargazing.
You murmur and agree to each thing, though you don’t really remember them once he moves on to the next one. Your concentration isn’t normally so poor, and if he notices you thinking on it, he doesn’t say a thing.
The spread of food slowly clears, until about half remains, and Asra has stopped picking.
You have a piece of toast halfway to your mouth when it hits you. Hazy and not entirely there and curious.
The alley. The wolf. The…the scent.
“Are you alright, love?” Asra asks, his voice coming to you as though through a thick fog.
You’re frowning, eyes unfocused. You don’t know if you’re alright. You can’t quite recall how you got home, or what happened after the scent.
Asra’s face shifts. He reaches out for your knee, squeezes. Your hazy memories become a little more so, and then you blink, and they are gone.
You exhale softly, and accept a small circle of cheese Asra pushes toward you. Your cheeks bloom in your happiness: it’s your favourite, a kind only available in a far-off city on the continent.
Grabbing it up with unapologetic greed, you take your first bite and release a soft moan. Asra beams at your pleasure, and the final sliver of uncertainty eases itself from the room.
“How did your week go?” He asks.
You nod, and you tell him it went well. You got a lot of reading done. You tried to paint. Muriel has a new row of herbs in his garden, though you couldn’t say what—identifying seeds has never been your specialty.
Asra’s eyes light up, and he laughs. “Muri will adore them, I’m sure.”
And you smile back, and bite into your toast.
“Last time I changed something in his hut,” you remind him, a mischievous glint in your eye. “He pouted for a week. Remember? He hated those carvings. Said he wanted to move out, they were so hideous.”
Asra’s lips twitch up, but something seems to fall, too. You tilt your head and watch as his gaze lingers for a second longer, then loses the fight and drops away.
“He’s…not leaving the hut, is he?” You ask slowly, a little more alert. And then, with a slightly tighter chest, “You’re not leaving, are you?”
He shakes his head, no, and then shrugs.
“Maybe. Muri is getting restless anyway,” he says. His gaze drops to his hands, where he’s picking at his nail beds. “He wants pups.”
“Do you?”
And then, so quietly you almost don’t hear it, a resigned, “Yeah.”
But. There’s a ‘but’ there, one you know not to push.
With the remains of your meal scattered and a new weight settled over the shop, you stand and begin to collect whatever you can save for the next day. Asra remains in his spot, staring at his nail beds, until you crouch by him and kiss his head, nodding toward your shared room.
The day melts into the afternoon, until the sun begins to disappear beneath the skyline and you’re stirred from your dozing by the sounds of rapping at the shop door.
Asra murmurs and stretches out beside you, then slowly unfurls each of his limbs from each of yours and moves for the door. Faust slithers out from the sheets at the foot of the bed and curls into the curve of your neck, and the two of you are very nearly back to sleep when Asra returns with a small piece of paper bearing the palace seal on the back.
He holds it up to you between two fingers, nose crinkled in mild distaste.
“It’s—” You pause to yawn, murmuring quietly as you sit up and rub at your eyes. “It’s from the Countess?”
Asra nods.
“The Count’s ruts have been getting longer and longer,” he sighs. The paper vanishes in a puff of magic, and he begins to gather his scarf and coat as he speaks. “And she can only be alone with the insufferable twat for so long herself.”
Your lips twitch a little at the comment, and he slings his bag over his shoulder before offering out a hand for Faust to slither up.
“Muriel isn’t back in the city yet,” he says, looking a little worried. “Will you be okay?”
“Perfectly fine,” you assure. You lean forward to kiss Faust on her nose, and then flop back down into the sheets, ready to settle in for another nap. “Wake me when you get back.”
Asra murmurs his goodbye, and you’re already slipping when he closes the shop door behind him.
Until another rapping comes, this time much firmer and a little more impatient.
Near blind, you push yourself up and stumble toward the door, still rubbing sleep from your eyes with the heel of your palm as you open the door.
And before you stands your white wolf.
Count Lucio.
You know it without thought, without consideration, as though every nerve in your body knew the exact feel of the flames that licked at them whenever he came close, in whichever form he chose.
You wait for it to hit you, that crippling heat, that burning need, but as you stare up at him through your lashes and his canines glint in the torchlight, you find nothing inside of yourself except your own racing heart.
You pause before you speak, body still as your eyes flicker over his face. “How—how did you know Asra would leave?”
He peers into the shop and steps inside, not waiting for an invitation as he looks around.
“I was a particularly insufferable twat today,” he tells you. “So that Noddy would request your master’s company.”
You exhale hard to cover the shake in your chest as you close the door, and against your better judgement you lock it.
“He’s…not my master,” you murmur to him.
He turns to you, canines glinting in the torchlight. “No. He’s not.”
With long, sure strides he stalks toward you, and of your own accord your eyes drop down and you walk yourself back until you hit the wall. He gives a low growl of approval, and—
There it is again, that scent, honeysuckle and a dying fire. Your eyes flutter shut; you can already feel the promise of what comes next.
“You’ll find I’m not a patient Alpha, my sweet,” he murmurs to you.
His alchemical arm reaches down, you feel it brush against the fabric of your clothes before he pulls something out. Your eyes catch on it, but you still can’t look up, still can’t raise your voice above a whisper.
“What is that?” You ask.
But of course, you know what it is.
“You know what it is,” he answers, an impatient lilt there. “Though perhaps you haven’t been knowledgeable in the ways you’ve been using it.”
He holds it out, and you take it in trembling fingers.
Myrrh. You knew it well, despite your attempt at ignorance. Muriel used it so people forgot him, and you used it to ignore what you were.
Asra had introduced it to you as something he himself had used in his battle to fight off his own heat and find true love instead—something that had clearly worked, and knowing that Muriel and Asra were as much in love as they were mated kept you religious about carrying it with you wherever you went.
With a clever combination of other herbs and spells, it kept the worst of it at bay. The pain was still there, but not the crippling heat, not the burning desire to be fucked and pupped without conscious choice.
You had never submitted to an Alpha, and you had never attracted any.
Until now.
Lucio tuts, pushes the hair from your face, laughs with an almost condescending edge.
“You’ve never submitted to an Alpha before now because you were waiting for me. This—“ He snatches it back to brandish it, then crushes it in his alchemical hand with a scoff. “This means nothing. That day in the forest I could have had you, could have pinned you and pupped you while you screamed.”
You shiver at his words. “Then why didn’t you?”
“Because you said ‘no’. Then, and last night when you collapsed in the alley. I’m an Alpha, but I’m not a monster.”
He traces your bottom lip, and it trembles then parts as your tongue darts out, hesitantly lapping at the tip of his thumb. You dare a glance up and see the approval in his eyes, the darkening of his irises, and your stomach leaps at the look. You turn your head and close your lips over his thumb, whimpering and whining as you suckle.
“You won’t last forever, pet,” he says. “You will have to submit. Your body demands it. Even now I can see the sweat of your brow, the tremble in your thighs…the myrrh and spells hide the symptoms but they don’t erase them forever.”
And at his words, your entire body shudders and you drop against him. It’s the alley all over again, a heat licking up your spine and every nerve, clawing at your veins, you’re whimpering and whining and the only thing you know is honeysuckle and dying woodfire.
He is growling, muscles rolling, pressing you against the wall as he nuzzles into your neck, as he paws at your clothes.
Say it say it say it say it—
You don’t know what he’s asking for, your eyes are rolling into the back of your head, your chest heaving, you need it now, you need to be rewarded, filled, fucked, pupped—
The thought slams into you without elegance and without warning, and you gasp out and shove him away, but he comes right back. He smashes his lips to yours, teeth clashing as he ruts his hips into your thigh.
“Say it!” He growls; it’s deeper, it echoes in your mind, demands. An Alpha’s voice.
You whimper, and the word tumbles from your lips in a pathetic cry.
And then he’s on you. He’s shredding your clothes, his teeth are at your neck, grazing and threatening to mark. You can feel the heat of his cock as he throws you down onto the table, you part your legs whining and clawing at the wood.
He snorts at the sight of you, a cold sneer as he looks you over. “What am I supposed to do with you like this? Present yourself.”
You scramble to roll over onto your stomach and push your hips into the air. You can feel your sudden heat lashing at your body, causing arousal to drip down your thighs, lubricating you for everything to come. You push your hips back, panting and whimpering, trying so desperately to find the heat of his cock.
His cock, his seed, to be filled, to be swelled, to be knotted and held there and bred and pupped and fucked over and over and over again—
“Please!” You whine and look over your shoulder, but he growls and pushes your head back down.
“Behave yourself.”
You feel his cock press into your inner thigh, and you know he must have shifted into his mating form, because no human cock could be so large, so thick. You shudder, your eyes sting from desperation.
He just laughs. An Alpha in control, desperate to fuck you and pup you, but he won’t make it easy for you to get what you want.
“Please!” You gasp out again. “I’ll—I’ll be good, I promise—”
“Oh, my dear little Omega,” he purrs into your shoulder blade. He pauses to graze his teeth there, and you go near-feral from the sting. “You will be good no matter what, my cock will see to that. Have you ever taken a cock this big before?”
You shake your head.
“Have you ever taken cock at all?”
You swallow, and when you don’t answer, his grip on your hips tightens.
“AH!” You yelp and jerk away from the bruising, but he drags you right back with a warning growl. 
The action causes the head of his cock to slip into you, and you sob at the stretch of it, as the ache in your body burns even deeper at the knowledge that he’s inside of you, but not enough to sate you.
“Do you want my cock, little Omega?” He purrs. “Do you want me to fill you?” You give a pathetic whine. “Oh, you do? Well, then perhaps you should ask for it.”
Your words begin bubbling out before you can stop them.
“Please, please please—”
He scoffs. “Better than that, my dearest.” 
His alchemical fingertips trace the curve of your spine. You clench and shudder around the head of his cock, but he remains perfectly still. 
“Tell me exactly how you want me to take you.”
Your eyes roll as you gather your next words.
“I—I want—” You attempt to turn your face into the table to hide yourself, the drooling mess of your mouth, the crossing of your eyes, but he twists you back with an impatient growl. “PLEASE! Please, f-fuck me, please fuck me, fill me with your cock, breed me and pup me and fuck me please—”
Your words snap his final ounce of control, and he slams into you in one go with a howl, one that seems to shake the walls of the shop and every object on the shelves.
An Alpha’s howl.
A claiming howl.
The Count of Vesuvia, finally having found his Omega.
He begins fucking you without warning, long and thick strokes you know couldn’t possibly fit inside you. But they do, your body has shifted along with his own and every inch of him can fit inside of your dripping hole.
The room echoes with wet squelching noises as he moves at a brutal pace, his growing knot and balls slamming against you as he buries himself as deep as possible each time.
“Ohhh, does that feel better, pet?” He croons to you. “Does it feel good having my cock inside of you, fucking you like the submissive little bitch you are after you spent so long denying it?”
You nod and gasp, nails dragging along the oak of the table as you try to gain purchase to push back. You want his knot. You need it so bad, you need to be filled—
You sob. “P-please!”
“’Please’?” He laughs, and the barely-hidden edge makes that final hold on you snap.
“I WANT YOUR KNOT!” You scream. “I need your cum—I need it please—”
He reaches forward and closes a hand around your neck, yanking you up and back against his chest. His movements don’t still as both arms close around your waist, caging you in.
“I’ll knot you,” he murmurs into the back of your neck. “I’ll fill you with my cum and then my pups and watch you swell with them over and over again—” You whine as he speaks, and the deep growl from his chest is his approval. “But first, you must give me something in return.”
And then you feel it—the scrape of his too-sharp canines against your neck.
He wants to mark you.
Claim you.
Make you his, and only his, for everyone to see.
“Yes!” You gasp it out without even thinking, without needing to. “Mark me, I’m yours, I’m your mate—”
He lets out a feral growl at the word. “Say it again.”
“M-mate, I’m—” You feel your grip on reality slip, just for a moment, only to be brought back by his hand at your throat, shaking you as he rattles your body with his brutal pace.
“Louder, again—scream it for the city to hear!”
His hand tightens just that little bit more.
His teeth sink in, right as his knot does, and it’s the most exquisite pain you have ever felt in your life.
While his teeth cut into your neck and mark you with his scent, claiming you forever as his, his knot stretches you to its impossible size, locking you to him as his cum spills inside of you, copious and hot and thick.
You groan and whine and whimper at the feel, the world blacking out for a few moments as your body strains to take it all in. No world, no words, no time; just the warmth of his cum as it swells your stomach, the sweat that trickles down your collar bone along with the blood that stains your skin and his teeth.
When you return to consciousness a moment later, your own orgasm is rocking through you. It’s burning you from the inside out, leaving you dazed and aching, squeezing around his swollen cock and knot, greedily draining him and everything he is offering you.
As you start to come down, panting and gasping, you can feel something at your thighs. You realise, with heavy eyes and barely-there mewls, that there is so much of his cum inside of you, flooding you, that it has leaked out past his knot. It’s dribbling down your heated skin, following the curve of your thigh, the back of your knee, to the floor with soft little pats.
You let out a soft cry as he pulls his canines from your neck, then laves at the marks with his tongue to seal them. Your hand goes to your stomach, still so impossibly swollen with his cum—and one day, if he had his way, with more than his cum.
His hand joins yours at your stomach, pressing gently. You groan in protest at the ache, and he shushes you with a kiss behind your ear as more of his cum leaks out and runs down each of your legs.
“Oh little Omega, look at the mess you’ve made,” he murmurs.
His voice is quiet now, the Alpha sated, though it’s only temporary. Within half an hour, his knot will have receded, and he will be ready to fuck you again, and knot you again, and fill you with his cum again, over and over throughout the night and well into the next few days, until his rut is over and he has had his fill.
You let out a soft cry as he shifts the two of you to stretch out along the table, his body curved along your spine.
“You’ve been coupling thistle with the myrrh, have you not?” He asks.
You nod. Even though you were so careful to never be exposed to an Alpha until now, you still took the precautions to prevent pregnancy.
“That will have to stop immediately,” he murmurs into the back of your neck. He nuzzles with his nose, and then presses a single, slow, open-mouthed kiss there. “I want you swollen with my pups.”
You swallow thickly, and when you don’t nod or make a noise to agree, he reaches forward and roughly takes hold of your chin. Your eyes go to his lips, feeling the Alpha roll through him again, you can’t meet his gaze.
“Do you not want my pups?” You shake your head. “’No’, you don’t want them, or ‘no’, I’m wrong?”
You swallow. His grip tightens. You whimper, and in response you feel his cock twitch inside of you, setting off a new round of heat that begins to curl around your abdomen and the base of your spine.
You’re already panting a little when you answer. “I want your pups. I want to be your—your breeding bitch.”
“Good mate,” he murmurs. His hand goes back to your stomach, pressing against the swell of it once more.
As if pulled by strings, you whine and twitch against him, and his body rolls with a growl as he nuzzles into your neck.
“B-but—” You gasp it out, and feel him freeze behind you. But he waits. “I…I want to wait. Please. I don’t think I can handle…pups, right now.” You swallow, and when he still hasn’t said a word, you add in a whisper, “I want to see the world.”
It seems like an eternity before he speaks, or moves, or gives you any indication of what he feels. His lips remain at the back of your neck, and his hand against your stomach, the pressure there just enough to be a constant reminder of how full you are of him.
“I would never dream of taking your autonomy from you,” he murmurs, breaking the silence. “If you wish to be swathed in silks, then I will find the best out there. If you wish to spend your days lounging in my palace without lifting a finger, then I shall assign you a thousand hands to help. And if you wish to see the world…”
Your breath catches in your throat. You can hear the shake on his voice, the barely-contained Alpha—and beneath it all, the terrified Count Lucio, afraid that affection will not remain forever. That you will not remain forever.
“…then you will see the world.”
You nod, but you can’t bring yourself to thank him. Instead, you lift a hand to his wrist, holding it against your throat for the comfort and security it offers.
It doesn’t take more than a few moments before you feel him tensing behind you, the Alpha’s growl building in his chest.
“I will fuck you on every surface in this shop until sunrise,” he says, voice deathly still. “Until you can no longer walk, until you can no longer swallow my cum or fit any more of it inside your aching hole, and even then. And if your master returns, I’ll make him watch—maybe I will even make him join, no matter who his Alpha is. How does that sound, pet?”
You’re shivering from the heat again; without the myrrh and with your Alpha so close by, with your new mark burning at your neck, there is little to do.
Everything he says sounds so wonderful. So delicious. You want to be fucked and bred and swollen and held down while he does whatever he needs to you, while he coos to you about how much of his cum is inside of you, how swollen and aching you are, how pretty it looks dribbling down your thighs and leaving drops on the wooden floor of the shop.
All too soon, before you have even managed to answer, you feel him beginning to pull out of you. Along with it, some of his seed spills out onto the table, and you feel tears sting your eyes at the loss.
Until he rights you, hips in the air, and rakes his claws down your spine as he leans in to whisper.
“Spread yourself apart for me like a good little breeding slut.”
And then he slams himself into you once more.
🍑 Requesting | Masterlist | My Ao3
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baratrongirl replied to your post “Really do not understand why GameFreak took out the Hall of Fame...”
I'd be interested to hear what you don't like about Sword/Shield. For me, it's quite the opposite. I played the hell out of the 3rd and 4th Gens, then struggled to finish White and didn't buy White 2. Didn't finish SoulSilver, or whichever of X or Y I got, and became completely bored about 10 hours into Alpha Sapphire despite being all motivated to play the game with my original Sapphire team only now I know what I'm doing. Didn't even BUY Sun/Moon.
Then I hung out with my Pokemon friends over Sword/Shield launch weekend, watched them playing on the TV, and had to immediately borrow a spare Switch so I could play too. By the end of the weekend I'd bought the Switch and paid to download my own copy of Shield. I have a few issues with it, mostly relating to the lack of clothing options for male characters, but otherwise I'm finding it the blast of fresh air that I needed to get back into the Pokemon games.
I’ve heard a lot of people say something similar, that SwSh was a nice upgrade from the past couple gens. I started slipping around XY - didn’t wanna buy a 3DS and didn’t until Omega Ruby came out, since Ruby was the first one I’d played - and after I finished the Team Flare plot of X I just gave up for three years and only last year finished the 8th gym and the league. I honestly don’t remember much of playing OR. I think it was a weird kind of frantic nostalgia-fueled haze but I genuinely cannot comment on what I liked about that game. It’s a blank in my memory. Really enjoyed Sun and Moon, like Sword but get bummed the longer I think about it. But I did buy it because I did see a ton of people saying it was a change they were enjoying, quality-of-life upgrades, fun new features, etc. Different strokes and all.
My biggest gripe on Sword is that the world feels pretty empty. Besides the Wild Area, and its few secluded corners, though it’s really a straightforward place, there’s nothing to explore. The plot grabs you by the hand and pulls you to every location. There’s nothing off-the-way that you don’t go to for the main plot. There’s nothing like Kanto’s Power Plant, or Alola’s Power Plant - which I didn’t even realize was there on my first pass through, and then I was like “hey what’s this little place, OH MY GOD WHAT THERE’S MORE STUFF HERE.” The region is a linear loop. There’s no weird little caves that aren’t plot relevant that you get scrambled up in. There’s nowhere that’s locked until you beat the League, like the other half of Poni Island or those last upper bits in Unova or the Battle Frontier in Sinnoh. I had canvassed the Wild Area for everything by the time I went to the final tournament. There’s nowhere else to go. Sure I went back through the Wild Area to catch more stuff to fill out my Pokedex, but new places? Nothing. There’s nowhere to go back to once you can cross water except the little lake by the professor’s house. Not like in Sun/Moon where there’s bits on prior islands to go back to with Lapras. That cave underneath the starting island to go check out I’m thinking of. Galar is a pretty bare-bones region and the Wild Area doesn’t fully compensate.
Which ties to my other biggest gripe, which is, there are three legendary Pokemon in the game and one of them is the opposite version’s exclusive that you can’t get. Two legendary Pokemon! Two legendary Pokemon you can catch! And you catch them both in the course of the plot! There’s nothing like the Regi trio hidden by batshit puzzles, or Cobalion/Terrakion/Virizion tucked in out-of-the-way corners. No wandering Lati@s or beast trio. No Tapus or anything. You can catch two legendary Pokemon.
I think we really peaked back in Gen 3 with its visual Braille puzzles and Gen 4 with whatever the everloving fuck the Turnback Cave was on about. The weird locations that hurt your brain. I miss those. I miss the tricky caves you get lost in and spend time figuring it out. Galar didn’t have caves. The mines were basically a straight shot, yknow? When I’d like to go deeper and have more to explore instead of feeling like I’m taking a walking tour of the whole region.
And the DLC looks like it’ll deal at least with that point with more legendaries, which really grinds my gears. In all the discourse about whether or not the DLC is good or bad or neutral, whether the price of video games has needed to go up or the DLC is cheaper than a third version but some people wait for the third version, which I didn’t seek out said discourse but saw pass me by on Twitter, I saw no one mention that we’re paying to get more than two legendary Pokémon and I felt like I was losing my mind for a little while there. I feel like I’m paying extra for something that’s been in every game since the beginning of time, that being more than two legendary Pokémon that I can catch.
And my lesser little gripes: level balance of the game felt a little wonky with the wild Pokemon toward the end higher leveled than all the trainers except Leon, and the always-on exp share made it worse because when I dragged out the plot by catching everything in the Wild Area, my team got way overleveled for the back half of the game and I could curbstomp everyone that passed me. Team Yell were an egregious roadblock and while Pokemon has always had those, the prominence of Team Yell was exasperating. I prefer environmental roadblocks, like water and back when we used to have other HMs, those feel a little better than two dudes standing in the middle of a wide road.
And why, oh WHY, did GameFreak downgrade after XY and only have fitting rooms in boutiques instead of also in Pokemon Centers? I don’t want to fly to another town to change my clothes! Not every town has a clothes shop but everywhere has a Pokemon Center! I was crusading on this point through Sun/Moon and I will not be stopped until GameFreak puts changing rooms back in Pokemon Centers! (They will probably never do that but I refuse to stop. Forget Dexit; this is the real issue of our time.)
I didn’t mind the limited Pokémon at release because I never transfer my teams thru the games anyway - I’m a sentimental anxious idiot afraid of decisions and commitment and I can’t commit to the one-way transfers to move my teams up to new games. And that plus the Wild Area having trade-evolution Pokemon walking around made me feel like completing my pokedex was actually attainable. So I did!
I don’t hate the game, but I am disappointed by it. I’ve never been a Battle Tower or shiny-hunting person, but I’ve ended up doing those because I don’t know what else to do.
So that’s my opinion on why SwSh has bummed me out more as time goes on, since you were curious.
(Joker from Mass Effect 2 when you ask him for gossip about your teammates voice: “But that’s just my opinion, no need to go spreading it around.” ;) I’ll gladly chat with friends but the poke-discourse got too intense on twitter and I am not inviting that kind of bad energy into our lives. None of us deserve that.)
I’ve still got a lot of endgame stuff for Sun and Moon, UB hunting and I haven’t made it to the Battle Tree yet because my Moon team is getting its ass kicked by everything because I turned the exp share off and overcompensated in the wrong direction and am chronically underleveled. There’s a certain charm for me in being underleveled because I used to have endless patience to overlevel my team to extremes because my childhood anxiety was something like “if I die in the game I die in real life???” and I was terrified of losing and now I’m like “blacks out twice in a row in Moon as I go toward the postgame stuff yolo”. So when I feel like playing Pokemon I’ll probably spend more time in Alola, when I’m not trying to hatch that damn shiny Rookidee because I accidentally committed to that.
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fantasymouse · 6 years
BTS / Reactions Wolf AU - Their mate is human
It feels like forever ago since I last posted one of these... So sorry!  (╥﹏╥)
He’d waited all his life to finally find/meet his mate. The one who was made for him, someone that he could love and protect. When he found out you were human, he was beyond confused. Never had he thought that his mate wouldn’t be another wolf, after getting over the shock he’d try to figure out how he’d break these life changing news to you. 
After getting to know you more, he finally understood why you were his mate. He thought you were beautiful in every way. From the way your eyes sparkled to the way you would fumble with your hands when you got nervous and the thing he loved most of all, was your laugh. 
(he would be pulling out all the dad jokes just to hear you laugh at them or him it didn’t really matter as long as you were happy)
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He was befuddled (lol). When he met you he didn’t really care wether you were human or wolf, he just knew that it was love at first sight. Before telling you about the entire mate thing he’d do some slight research about humans (while bragging to the rest of the pack about how much he knew about humans, saying he was a genius). Which would result in an awkward misunderstanding between the both of you later on.
After the situation had been defused he finally admitted that he had no clue about how normal human life worked and simply settled for finding your own way of living, since he couldn’t just pull you away to live the life of a werewolf.
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He couldn’t care less! Honestly he thought it was part of your charm, it made you special and set you out from all others. He felt like the luckiest guy in the world because he got to be with you and had bragging rights about how cute and ‘fragile’ you are compared to him and his strength.
He would treat you like a princess and spoil you so much. Most of all he’d love to make you smile or blush, just because your reactions were so cute.
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Terrified. Absolutely terrified, of you. Not that you were particularly scary, after all he’s the alpha and fearless leader of the BTS pack. But somehow you were the most scary thing he’d ever face. He’d never cared about something or someone that much before. And he was terrified that since you were human, you’d fear or even hate him because of what he was.
His own fear vanished, the moment the two of you started talking. You were so kind, intelligent and beautiful in every way possible. He knew that he couldn’t let someone like you slip out of his grasp.
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Mostly he was startled and worried, thoughts of doubt flying around his head. “Maybe you wouldn’t like him back? What if you didn’t feel the bond you both shared, because you weren’t a wolf. Can humans even have soulmates?! Isn’t it only a wolf thing!?” He’d spend the next few days thinking about everything that could go wrong, completely forgetting that you were standing in front of him. Talking about something.
After being around you for a few months (torture yet heaven for him). You’d had enough of him playing coy (at least that’s what you thought he was doing). Taking matters into your own hands, you kissed him.. Effectively making him forget all his worries.
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V / Taehyung:
He found you incredibly fascinating! I mean... his mate - that’s HUMAN. He had never EVER heard about that before and it didn’t help that he never really bothered to learn about humans in general. Sure he knew the basics, but everything about your behavior and lifestyle intrigued him.
“So you don’t feel any type of pull to the moon? You sleep through most of it?! WHAT! HOW?!” (although his many questions were from curiosity about your species, it was also a great excuse to get to know you better)
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You’d think it would be impossible, but this boy hadn’t even noticed that you weren’t a wolf! At least not until one of the pack members pointed it out.
He was so excited and happy about the fact you even existed in the first place!! His one true love, his other half... His soulmate. These past few weeks had been the best of his life and he couldn’t wait to spend the rest of his life with you. He did think it was weird, that you never mentioned or talked about your bond or got fidgety when the full moon was at it’s peak. When Jimin casually asked, if he’d told you about the wolf thing yet, Jungkook answered “why would I need to explain that to her?” in an innocent tone. He received a glare from the rest of the pack and they all answered in unison “because she’s human?”
Suddenly, everything made sense. (he was shook) He loved you and still wanted to be with youl of course... He just needed a minute (or thirty) to process the information.
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rmharim · 6 years
gucci gang
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whats gucci it’s ya BOI!!!!! to new faces, welcome!!!! and to old faces, wsup. this is harim, he’s a nineteen yr old alpha initiate who should be in his second year, technically, but he took a gap yr halfway into his first go at gumi to save up money. harim can manipulate electricity, loves free shit, and works his ass off to get good grades while being #independent because his parents highkey suck.
if you want to plot, pls lmk by liking this post! i’ll warn u ahead of time that school sucks my life away and im impossibly slow on tmblr im, so if u have discord... lmk and we can get this show rolling at a non-glacial pace.
below the cut’s a tl;dr! thx for reading folks 
profile ! bio ! plots ! tldr !
hails from a very religious upbringing. his only exposure to discrimination for having a power, incidentally, comes from his own parents. harim has two older sisters (one of them goes to gumi! @rmgyuri) who also all have powers so he grew up in a house of very muted contention/didn’t really know how to ~accept himself~ until very recently.
late middle school/early high school, he meets a friend that helps him accept his ~peculiarity~ and harim becomes bolder in the pursuit of his happiness.
in the last year of high school, he used his power (electricity manipulation) to try to resuscitate his (ex??) best friend who’d collapsed on the soccer field, using his palms as makeshift defibrillators. it was risky, reckless, and thoughtless, but he did manage to bring his friend back and although it was an overall success in the end, there was a high chance of permanent paralysis during the recovery process that terrified harim for multiple reasons and led him to uhhhh welllllll cut his friend off i guess??? and stay lowkey until he got his acceptance to gumi lmao
anyway!!!!! hahaha!!!!!!!!!!!! so now he’s at gumi. he’s actually technically supposed to be a second year but halfway into his first semester at gumi, he took a gap year to work and save up money. now he’s back for his ~official~ first year and he’s an alpha initiate to boot, tryna live that best life. he’s a workaholic, tries to keep busy at all times, and in spite of his very transparent personality tends to be kind of blunt sometimes. harim is a really hard worker and he’s all about the grind, all about seizing opportunity to get to the highest peak.
his power leads to a surplus amount of electricity in his body which a) is painful, because it literally feels like he’s getting shocked from the inside non-stop for however long it takes for the electricity to release discharge and subsequently reach a neutral level and b) makes him averse to touching people (as tactile a person as he is!!!) because he has a tendency to accidentally shock them and it sucks seeing the pain in ppl’s faces as they recoil ok. he’s sensitive.
voracious appetite, a lil cheap (buy him food and his heart is urs i assure u), loves to run around and exercise (soccer!!!! as traumatic as it is!!!!!!!), works like 500000 odd jobs but his most consistent ones to date are pt at a bbq restaurant and pt at the gumi library desk, basically never sleeps, and as stupid as he sounds thru text and when he talks sometimes he’s a really good student. he’s a picky eater tbh but he’ll eat anything bc he’s living that hustle life and supporting himself yanno.
HONESTLY he hates having nothing to do and is extremely unafraid of the world so if ur looking for someone to skydive off of n tower in seoul with u, harim is ur guy. he’s even more of ur guy if u buy him dinner after.
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paradisobound · 7 years
Light in the Dark
Summary: Phil is the RA (Resident Advisor) for his local college where he manages the residents on the floor of his dorm building. But his junior year in college is about to take a turn when one of his residents, who’s named Dan, is blind. Soon, Phil develops a friendship with Dan as he soon discovers that they were meant for much more than just a platonic relationship. He just hopes that his Alpha abilities won’t scare away the timid Omega.
This is a chaptered work. This is chapter 9. 
Word Count: 1,786 
Warnings: Mentions of sex and Alpha/Omega dynamics such as heats and ruts. Medical disabilities (Blindness). 
Authors Note: Slightly shorter chapter because next chapter is family weekend and meeting the families and a bunch of super cool stuff! :D 
“There is a lot of things that I’m scared of.” Dan suddenly said as he laid next to Phil. “And I don’t know if it’s because I’ve never experienced them or that my mind is making it so hard for me to process it happening to me.”
Phil, at the time, had no idea what Dan was referring to. But he let Dan continue as he began just spewing out words in never ending streams.
“Like, colors for example.” He began. “I have no idea what a ‘color’ is? How does one to describe to me what blue looks like, or black? People say I wear black alot but I don’t know. I could be dressed in something and never know the color. The other day, I wore white pants and Beth told me that my underwear could be seen through them because they were pink. But how was I to know that? I would have went my entire day not knowing that.”
Dan paused for a moment to catch a breath before continuing.
“And then, people tell me how my face is flushed red. But what is red? What color is my face? I also apparently have brown eyes and brown hair. But all I know is that it means they’re dark. But what is dark? What is the difference between light and dark? I just...I don’t get it because I’ve never seen it and that scares me.”
“It’s okay to be scared of something.” Phil said when Dan was done. “It’s always valid to be afraid.”
“But the thing is that I’m afraid of things that I shouldn’t be afraid of. Like, who the fuck is afraid of a color?”
“I’m sure you’re not the only one.” Phil said, hoping to give Dan some positivity.
Dan just shrugged.
“And how is one afraid of sex?”
Phil turned his head to look at the blushing male. “What do you mean?”
Dan sighed. “I’m really scared of sex. And--and I don’t even--I don’t even know why I’m telling you this. This is embarrassing.”
“It’s not embarrassing.” Phil said. “But maybe talking it out with someone who has had sex will make you feel better about it? I don’t know how much you want to discuss with me though.”
“Well, that’s the thing too.” Dan said. “My sister told me a while ago that I’d know when I met my soulmate because my hormones would become weird and I’ll start smelling more of them whenever I’m around them...and I met you and...I really trust you.”
Phil smiled at him. “Are you insisting that you think we’re soulmates?”
Dan blushed even redder. “I don’t know. Kind of.”
“Well,” Phil said leaning forward, pressing his hand gently on Dan’s hot flesh, “I think we are too.”
Dan’s lips curled into a smile as Phil leaned forward, kissing him gently again. It was all completely innocent. Their lips moving over each other. Despite Dan being inexperienced, he still was a great kisser in Phil’s opinion. Phil continued the innocent kiss before taking a chance and licking over Dan’s bottom lip, asking for entrance. Dan’s face scrunched up and Phil decided that he wasn’t ready for that yet. So he didn’t do anything more. He pressed down a little bit more into the kiss before disconnecting them.
“I wish I could see what you looked like.” Dan said. “I keep imagining you in my head but I’m scared my image is wrong.”
“That’s kind of amazing that you can paint a mental picture of me.” Phil said.
Dan shrugged. “Maybe it’s because my body knows you’re my soulmate.”
“Maybe.” Phil said. But then he got thinking. He wanted Dan to talk to him about his fears. Phil knew that mates were going to have to have sex eventually. Heats and ruts would need to be shared if they were to complete the mating bond. And plus, if they ever wanted babies, Dan would need to open up himself to bear them. Why was he thinking of that? He didn’t even know what was going to happen between them and now he’s thinking of impregnating Dan.
“But let’s discuss you for a moment. Why does sex scare you?”
Dan shrugged again. “I don’t know. I think it all comes down to the idea that I don’t know what sex really is. Like, of course I know it’s intimate and it’s--well--sex. But what does it entail?”
Phil blushed. He felt like he was about to give a sex-ed lesson to a pre-pubescent teenager in a Health Class.
“Like, I know what happens during sex. But does it hurt? What does it feel like? Can you describe it?”
Phil laid back and let himself think it over in his head. He’s only had sex with one person so he didn’t have too much experience but he knew some basics.
“It’s...it can be incredible. Peak pleasure and euphoria at it’s climax.”
“Does it hurt?”
“Define hurt?”
Dan blushed and hid his face in Phil’s neck. “Does it hurt when someone...puts their dick inside you?”
Phil chuckled. “I don’t know if it hurts because I’ve always been on the giving end. But I don’t want to lie. I think it does hurt a little. And I learned when I was younger that Omega’s always hurt a little bit more when they’re virgins because of their body accommodating the Alpha size for the first time.”
Dan’s breathing heightened against Phil’s neck, making his skin damp. “So it is going to hurt me.”
“But I’d take such amazing care of you.” Phil doesn’t know why he uses himself as a way to help Dan out. He didn't know if Dan would ever sleep with him or mate with him. He kind of figured he would given that Dan already told him he thought they were soulmates which was exactly Phil’s own thoughts. “I’d make sure you never were pain. Just pleasure.”
Dan smiled into Phil’s neck. But then Phil felt it quickly fall.
Dan picked his neck up from Phil’s neck and looked towards Phil’s general direction. His expression was now completely serious. “I’ve been leaking slick for a few days now.” He said softly. “I woke up one morning with sheets soaked and I didn’t know what it was. I called Beth immediately and she came over. She told me instantly that it was slick. It terrified me…”
Phil felt his breath catch in his throat.
“That was the day that I told you that I thought my pills weren’t working.” Dan paused. “But then it stopped and now it’s starting again. And I think I’m going to go into heat soon. My hormones are weird. I have to shower often because my skin is flushed. You can probably feel it. I keep having wet dreams at night and I often need release. I...I think it’s coming soon and I don’t know what to do.”
Phil rubbed his hand over Dan’s back. “What do you think you want to do?”
“I want help when I go through it.” Dan bit his lip. “Do you think you could help me?”
Phil took a deep inhale of air. He let it out slowly. “Dan...if I smell your heat, I won’t be able to control myself. My alpha instincts will take over and I’m going to need to take you.”
“Then I give you permission to!” Dan said confidently--even though his lip was trembling.
“Dan,” Phil said again. “You don’t want that. You don’t want to have you first heat taken by an Alpha who can’t control themselves. I’d love to help you, but I’m afraid of what I’d do. My body and mind will become intoxicated by your heat. I can hurt you.”
Phil watched as Dan’s eyes glazed over, something he had never seen before, and then tears run down his cheeks. Phil immediately pulled Dan to him and held him. “Then what do I do?” He cried. “What do I do?’
“Well,” Phil said, “We can do a few things. I can buy you toys and you can go through it on your own. Or...we can do something prior to your heat so you’ll know what it feels like?”
“But then I won’t be pure for my mating.” Dan spoke.
“I don’t care about Dan.” Phil said, running his hand over Dan’s hair, pulling gently on the curls. “When we mate, I won’t care that there is no blood. I’ll just want you.”
Dan’s body tensed but then relaxed almost simultaneously. “Are you suggesting we have sex?”
“Well, it doesn’t have to be like that.” Phil said. “We can just be like how we are know and if something happens, then it happens. And if we happen to not do anything before your heat, then I’ll buy you toys and we’ll get through this.”
“But I’ll want you during my heat.” Dan said. “I know I will.”
“Then we’ll figure it out.” Phil said. “Soon.”
Phil paused and leaned down, kissing the top of Dan’s head.
“Let’s just relax right now. We don’t have to discuss anything else right now.”
Dan nodded against him and shut his eyes. Phil watched as Dan’s breathing evened out. He might not be asleep, but his body was completed relaxed against an Alpha and that’s all Phil wanted from Dan. He wanted for Dan to never be hurt and never be tense.
He just wanted to hold Dan forever.
The next morning, Phil was surprised to wake up and see Dan still sleeping beside him. He didn’t remember ever falling asleep. All he remembered was just talking with Dan and then them telling stories of their families.
And as they were talking, it reminded Phil that fall break was next week and that also meant Family Weekend was next week too. Which also meant his family would want to come to campus that weekend to do every. single. event. But that meant he could introduce them to Dan.
Dan said he’d tell Beth about it. Apparently he just has Beth as a sibling and then his parents, much like Phil did with just his older brother. When Phil asked him if Dan was going to invite his family, Dan sighed, and said that he didn’t know if his family would come.
But then as they were sitting in Phil’s room, Dan’s iPad went off and began reading to him a text message from Beth that said that their parents were definitely going to come.
So now, Phil looked over to Dan and smiled slightly. He was going to meet Dan’s parents...and that was actually kind of exciting to him.
In a weird way.
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Week in Review: Whatever happened to the Incredible Hulk?
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By Ian Dunt
There's this great yawning chasm between the way the prime minister thinks of himself and the manner in which he actually behaves. In copy, he is a tower of strength, a thoroughly manly masculine man of the most magnificent macho order. But the things he does in real life serve to effectively pop the bubble. He evades, he ducks out, he cowers, he blames other people. He's ultimately just a bit of a coward.
The two halves are remarkably consistent. This week, the Mirror dredged up an old piece of Boris Johnson's from the 1990s in which he insisted it was "feeble" for a man to be unable to "take control of his woman". It's an old piece, but honestly not as old as you'd think. The thoughts expressed in it would have sounded infantile and reactionary in the late Victorian period.
There's this persistent gender-hued obsession to his writing, from his 90s hack journalism to the memos he writes as prime minister now. It's always the same. Women represent weakness. Men represent strength.
So a 90s policy to ban drinking in public spaces constituted, under Johnson's pen, a "planned erosion of male liberty". Increases in women's support for Tony Blair during that period were due to their "fickleness".
The same underlying assumptions are behind his insults now. Jeremy Corbyn is a "great big girl's blouse". David Cameron is a "girly swot". But he is the peak alpha male. "The madder Hulk gets, the stronger Hulk gets," he said of himself, which was only true in so far as he was very weakly clinging onto reason.
This stuff isn't rare. A certain kind of man has always been terrified of any hint of effeminacy. Throughout history, most homophobia - a trait Johnson is himself guilty of, talking in the past of "tank-topped bumboys" - was really a fear of men adopting what they saw as women's roles or manners.
The ancient Greeks, for instance, viewed gay sex as a kind of rite of passage - but any man who enjoyed what was considered the female submissive role was socially ostracised. In 18th Century England, men who acted or dressed as women were called 'mollies' - it's where we get the word 'mollycoddle' - and despised as an inversion of nature.
On the internet now, the weird angry subculture of 'involuntary celibates', known as 'incels', have a remorselessly socially-Darwinist view of the world, in which women are all vain and worthless, while men are divided into alphas and betas.
It's the same thing, in every period: associating women with weakness, men with strength, and then adopting a trembling, petrified, touch-it-and-it-crumbles attitude towards their own machismo.
It's precisely because this kind of masculinity is so fragile that it rarely lives up to the expectations it sets up for itself. And there's a case in point this week from the prime minister, who appears terrified of any tough questioning.
On Tuesday night, Corbyn was pulverised into something that might once have been human but now resembled spilled food during an interview with Andrew Neil. Dreadful stuff - without charisma, or content, or competence, or even very basic moral disposition. Johnson took a look at that and decided he wanted none of it. So he ran away.
First the Tories insisted they couldn't find a date in the diary for it, then they tried to downgrade it to an interview with Andrew Marr. Needless to say, girly swots Jo Swinson and Nicola Sturgeon have not had the same crisis of nerves.
Asked about it yesterday by a BBC journalist, Johnson wouldn't even take responsibility for not participating, insisting it was "not my job" to make the final decision.
"Other people than me are responsible for those discussions and negotiations, and I do not want to pre-empt what they may decide." His eyes darted around, then started to silently appeal for the questions to stop, a nervous smile curling up on his lips.
"You're running scared," he was told. "You're chicken. You're afraid of scrutiny." And then you could see, for a few flickering seconds, that anger boil up in him again, being called all the things he fears being most. But it dissipated, back to the anxious smile and hesitant eyes.
He'd also been offered a chance to participate in a leader's debate on the environment on Channel 4 last night, which he again refused - as did Nigel Farage, babbling something about lack of objectivity. Channel 4 has shown more good sense and resolution in handling these difficult issues than the BBC, so it replaced him with a melting ice sculpture. Johnson sent Michael Gove and, bafflingly, his dad, to the show to stand in for him.
The party then engaged in one of its now-standard aggression tactics against the channel, making a complaint to Ofcom and issuing threats on its licence. It's of a part with the attempts to discredit independent media, the courts and parliament - the nationalist programme of subverting institutions and smearing those who scrutinise them.
But the aggression, just like Johnson's macho posturing, is all a cover. When you strip it away and watch how the prime minister himself behaves, the toughness is replaced by profound cowardice. His entire approach is to try and escape any tough questioning, to run away from those who would hold him to account.
It's the same story again and again, throughout history. The men who most loudly proclaim their masculinity are the first ones to fold when a little robustness is asked of them.
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iwrite-imagines · 7 years
Soul Mates
Unrequested, original piece
His fingers danced across her bare hipbone. Goosebumps raised in their path. A slight smirk ghosted over his lips at her skin’s reaction. The thought of what he could do to her drove him wild. In her sleep, she let out a deep sigh, as if she was content with life. He thought that she looked beautiful while she slept; like an angel from heaven sent to save him from himself. He continued to draw slow circles on the raised bone. She stirred ever so slightly and he retracted his fingers, not wanting to wake her.
Sleep was precious to her. Otherwise, she was a bear and that made his life harder. He rested his head on his hand, staring down at her. The white sheet clung closely to her nude body. The thought of last night and their adult adventures made his mind race. He drug his finger along her exposed collar bones, laughing silently as more goosebumps appeared. A small smile flexed across her plump lips. He had to stop himself from leaning down and kissing them. It was still early morning; the sun just barely awake. Soft rays of golden light creeped into the bedroom, reflecting small rainbows on the wall opposite the windows.
A few birds began to chirp out their pleasant morning song. He had been awake for hours. He had a terrible sleeping schedule, since having to work third shift for his job. Although, he found no reason to get out of bed. He wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. His girlfriend rolled over closer to him in her sleep. Her fingers stretched out towards him, grazing his bare bicep. Her mouth turned into a small smile again, as if she was reassured that he was still next to her and hadn’t gotten up. He wove his fingers into her soft, brown hair. She smelled like coconut and flowers.
That was one of the things he loved about her. She always smelled so nice and it was a fact that did not go unappreciated by him. He watched her as her eyelashes fluttered ever so slightly and then her blue eyes were staring into his brown ones.
She stretched her body; her breast peeking out over the top of the sheet. He watched as her nipple became a raised peak when exposed to the chilled morning air that filled the bedroom. The sight made his stomach do flips. She let out a breathy giggle and pulled the sheets back up closer to her chin. She tugged on him until he laid back down next to her and his arms wrapped tightly around her, never wanting to let go. After laying like that for almost half an hour, he fell into a deep, dreamless sleep. His grip loosened and she slipped out of his arms. She got out of the bed and wandered into the adjoining bathroom to do her business. Instead of getting back into bed with the love of her life, she went into the kitchen.
She made coffee; the smell filled the house. After pouring herself a cup, she sat down on the chair by the front window. She began to think about everything going on in her life. The changes that were coming soon, the man sleeping in the other room, herself.
An empty feeling began gnawing at her stomach. She didn’t want to let it take over her, but it was always so hard to stop it. Especially now because she was alone, there was nothing she could do to make it go away.
She knew, deep down, that he did really love her. She knew that he cared and that he had the same feelings for her that she had for him. But some days, she found herself forgetting. She let the insecurities take over. She listened to their lies. She couldn’t help it. It had become so ingrained in her that even when people were being honest about their feelings, she figured they were lying.
A soft kiss on the top of her head startled her out of her mind. She looked up to his dark face, letting out a breathless giggle. A soft smile ghosted his lips. He was beautiful. She loved him. 
She could feel it in her chest when he laughed. She knew that she did when he held her hand. She knew that she did when he kissed away her tears. She knew that she loved him when the thought of being with anyone else made her feel disgusted and sick to her stomach. 
Especially as of late, she found that no one remotely evoked the same kinds of emotions. The sight of another attractive male did nothing for her. She didn’t want to be with anyone else. She couldn’t stand the thought of not being with him. It wasn’t that she belonged to him, because she only belonged to herself, but it was almost like they had been made from the same galaxy of stars and from the same nighttime sunset. Almost as if they had been together before, only to be separated so they could find each other again. 
Like Plato had been right; they were a split body. Plato said that humans originally had four arms, four legs, and two faces. As punishment for trying to conquer the gods, Zeus split the humans apart, leaving them as they are known today. Some people spend their entire lives looking for their other half. She was lucky enough to have her standing beside her right now. 
He touched the back of her head once and then turned away, walking back to their shared kitchen. The crinkle of his nose and forehead when he spied her coffee cup did not go unnoticed by her, though. He hated coffee and everything about it. She, on the other hand, needed it to survive. They may have once shared a body, but that doesn’t mean they couldn’t be different. 
It was their differences that helped them work out so well. He was large, brooding, intimidating. She was small, fierce, and innocent. There were days where they were alike. There were days that they were polar opposites. He was her darkness and she was his light. Yin and Yang. There can not be one without the other. They were just lucky enough that their polar opposites were within each other. 
He made a light breakfast for the two of them while she watched in quiet content. Moments like these were so simplistic, and yet they were ones she cherished so dearly. She knew that one day she would be old and have a hard time remembering things. She knew that she wasn’t going to remember the big, extravagant things that only happened once; she would remember the little moments that happened every day, the ones that he probably didn’t even notice. She was okay with that. All she needed was for him to be by her side. He didn’t need to remember pointless things. 
They discussed the day’s plans while eating. He refused to kiss her, knowing she’d taste like bitter, black coffee. She would giggle every time he would turn away in disgust when she would offer him a kiss. Her laughter made his heart twitch. He was a man of few emotions but this girl had done something to him. 
He was used to being the lone, alpha wolf. He wasn’t used to gentle. He wasn’t used to being looked after and cared for. It had been so long since he had felt real love that he, too, had insecurities that got in the way and would cause rifts in the relationships. Before her, he hadn’t known that rooms could be so organized. Before her, he hadn't known what it meant to “shop”. To him, shopping was a ten minute, twenty at most, trip to the store with a specific goal in mind. In and out. To her, shopping was an ordeal. An experience. Hours and hours, basically days. At least... that’s what it was to him.
Luckily, they both had the day off. Something, that while not completely rare, didn't happen often. They always took advantage of their coinciding days off with trips to water parks, zoos, family homes. She hated feeling like she wasted a day. He was okay with whatever, as long as he wasn’t forced to make decisions and if he could spend the day by her side. 
He sat at the kitchen table, lazily licking a blunt that he planned on rolling, while she washed the dirty dishes in the sink. He studied her intently. Her hair was an unruly mess, wavy and straight at the same time, frizzy and kind of sticking off the side of her head. He loved how it looked, even if she was usually self-conscious about it. Her tongue poked every so slightly between her lips as she scrubbed a stubborn piece of food. He couldn’t help but smile at the sight; his own tongue frozen on the still unrolled blunt.
She glanced up and giggled, a slight red tint blooming over the apples of her cheeks. He smirked and went back to what he was doing. He could feel his heart swell with the sight of her blushing because of him.
“This must be what real love feels like.” The thought zipped across his mind faster than he could process. He knew that he loved her, but real love. Real love was feeling it. Real love was wanting to make her his wife, right here, right now. Real love was imagining a toddler running down the hall to see him and another one dancing around her legs, all in the way. 
He knew that she was his. He loved that he was hers. They were so in love and so happy. Everyone could tell from just one look at the two of them. He smiled to himself. He finally had found all that he had been searching for. It was a new and terrifying feeling, but he was okay with braving it, as long as her hand was in his. 
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this used to be on my main, but i wanted it here instead so i could be honest about my rarepair. now with 6B in the ranking here we go:
3B - nogitsune is a truly terrifying villain, the “darkness” in the first few episodes was genuinely frightening, kira and malia, two of my favorite babes, get introduced (THEY SHOULDA BEEN GIRLFRIENDS), derek and chris touch each other like a lot this season and also get handcuffed to a bench together (i could list all their interactios but that'd take awhile...), peter hale gets his finger hacked off, and the end reveal with kate had me fucking #shook (if you didn't watch live you missed out), if we pretend nothing bad happened to allison this season it would be BASICALLY flawless.
4 - my son derek hale got himself a beautiful girlfriend who did not kill anyone later, he got to turn into a real wolf, and he got to scare the hell out of kate argent for once instead of the other way around. bonus combo points: peter gets to be an actual villain again (i hate Good Guy Peter) and also parrish in general Ha Ha lights up my life, and OH YEAH SCOTT MCCALL KICKS SO MUCH ASS IN THE FINALE derek hale is president of the scott mccall fanclub in season 4 and honestly has anything ever been more relatable?? shoutout too to this season for having the second-most derek & chris content after 3B.
6A - every time i remember this season exists and it is like it is i weep a little. you couldn’t have paid me enough to ship stiles and lydia before i watched this because it invoked the creepy nice guy tropes but after watching it they remind me so, so, SO MUCH of claire and ben from @cambionverse i have completely reversed my decision. the running themes of grief and letting go were A+, the villains were fascinating and scary, and this season even made peter hale interesting for thirty entire seconds when he did One Good Thing, everything in it is just so unexpectedly well-done. it’s the only worthwhile season of teen wolf that doesn’t have derek hale in it.
1 - my beautiful son scott mccall is at peak floppy-haired adorableness, the introduction of all the plotlines were tight, there wasn’t a lot of loose material (almost none in fact), everything came together really well, and kate argent, one of the villains of the season, is my absolute favorite teen wolf villain ever she is TERRIFYING and completely steals whatever screen she’s on
3A - this one is okay on the surface, but frankly there were too many killed and written out side-characters to really enjoy it (cora came out of nowhere and i STILL have more questions than answers, erica and boyd deserved better, and derek got screwed over, AGAIN, JUST because he tried to make a genuine emotional connection with someone. does include a few iconic moments tho such as stiles talking scott down from hale-ing himself, lydia finding out what she is, and oh yeah MY SON SCOTT MCCALL BECOMING AN ALPHA I’M SO PROUD OF HIM 10/10 FOR THAT PLOTLINE but overall it's a collection of cool moments where the overarching plot is like :/
2 - while this season IS largely “technically” flawless, tightly plotted, introducing many perfect sidecharacters whom i will forever be missing bitterly after their untimely demises, a villain somehow scarier than kate (even if he is less fun), and the blurring of the battle lines when everyone started realizing just how fucked up the hunters code was…it just kinda goes below the others because a). it always bugged me that they key to saving jackson was his humanity but it got pulled out of nowhere at the last second and we never saw him be even a little nice to anyone he wasn't trying to manipulate b). i don’t think my son derek had a very nice time this season. no. he got kicked around a lot. held the idiot ball for a little while. i love him but he was bad at being an alpha and so not very many good things happened to him. great season but lacked that very specific hale content i always long for. c) lydia didn't get much justice in this season either she spent most of it being terrorized s m h
6B - so the concept of 6B on paper is great - fear is the enemy, we must all learn to be brave - but instead of going that way we used 10000 dumb logic leaps to have everyone turn on the people who've been saving their lives for years. and no one ever pushed back or reminded us of all the good they've done, they just...went with it. this season should have been a tribute to scott mccall and how far he's come and how great he is, but instead it takes away the pack's future by denying them college to have them continue fighting in a war that makes no sense. (also, the scott malia was pushed on us way too hard and absolutely uninspired. like, jesus.) that said i'd still watch it before most of 5 because a lot of old favorites came back for the curtain call and that was admittedly pretty cool, but 6A had WAY more nostalgia. this season just about ties with 5B (ranked directly below it) but in the end the tiebreaker for me is derek hale + his comebaack episode being ENTIRELY spent with chris argent. like, i could not have ASKED for more - not only does his comeback not get ruined with st*rek queerbait but my rarepair gets in one last moment instead. i was not even for a second hoping they'd get to interact AND THEY DID. so, this one, just barely, goes above 5B.
5B - only barely watchable. on paper la bete is a great villain but the CGI is so bad it kind of cancels out how scary it could have been. i’m glad mason is OK and that everybody more or less got their shit together after the shitshow that was 5A but it was mostly just bad. lydia in the asylum with the rapey needle guy is bad, bringing back gerard was really bad, writing out kira is SUPER HORRIBLE and also the skinwalker thing was RACIST, it’s mostly just passable because you’re so fucking glad to be done with 5A. crystal reed’s reappearance as the first argent was nice but i'm too bitter about allison being dead to enjoy it
5A - easily the worst one. the dread doctors are scary but they’re more gross than scary and they’re not FUN villains, you know - they introduced and quickly killed a lot of characters in this season and 5B combined (i know some people don’t separate the halves of 5 since they’re so intertwined but god do they both drag), so by the time we actually started caring about them and wanted to know more about them (and we never get to know more) they were gone, every member of the cast holds the idiot ball in at least one crucial moment, including scott, who would never in his life do such a thing. the only good plotline was the stiles and donovan one and it didn’t get half the time it could have for being the only compelling part of the entire fucking season. also, theo is the fictional character i hate more than any other fictional character. i’m talking dolores umbridge levels of hated. he is VILE. every moment he spends on my screen i hate him more. very glad i saw him getting tortured in 6B. he could have been so great - someone smart enough to manipulate such a tight-knit pack - but instead they made the pack stupid, which TOTALLY ruins the suspension of disbelief. revealing he was evil to us, the viewers, right off the bat, was also a dumb move because it takes away the suspense. what a trainwreck of a season
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A stay at the Thayer Learning Center
This testimony was found on the message board belonging to HEAL-online. All rights goes to the author
(Too long of an intro?) Skip down to the time I arrived and read from there.
One summer day I was alerted to headlights coming up the driveway, little did I know what was about to happen.
I looked out the window in my bedroom and saw headlights pulling into the driveway, this is unusual as my family at the time lived in a remote ranch area with only a few neighbors nearby also it was around 4:00 Am in the morning.
I run into the house and alert my parents that there is a vehicle pulling into the driveway (my memory is a little blurry so bear with me) my parents get up quickly and pretend to not know what's going on, I go to the back door to see who was coming up the driveway and my dad rushes to the front door of the house and blocks the entrance, as I make my way to the back room where the back door is located to my surprise, a transporter is waiting outside the door, or blocking it, (unable to remember which) then another transporter comes from the other side blocking me in (he came in the front door) They do this boxing in method just in case the subject (me) decided to try and run.
So we're all in the back room, one of the transporters tells me to put on my shoes, so I comply after asking what was going on I'm very confused at this point, but my body is in no condition to run, I literally looked like one of those Ethiopian children you see in pictures, ribs sticking out, all skin a bones.
Anyway, I am transported to their car and I am told to get in the back seat, passenger side, so I comply.
I remember looking out the door before they shut it and my mother telling me that I am going away for awhile, I think her and I both cried.
The door was shut and my parents and the transporters talk briefly and away we go to the Reno airport to catch a plane. I was mostly quiet for the trip, I do remember asking one question "Where am I going?" I got a brief "Boarding school comment" from one of the transporters, So I thought to myself, well, I guess a little adventure couldn't hurt, since I was withering away anyway. Bear in mind I had had no sleep the night before, and my adrenaline and curiosity was at peak so I was not able to sleep at all during the trip.
We arrive at the Reno-Tahoe International Airport and board a plane, so I use the restroom real quick and away we go.
Our plane departs and we land in Las Vegas to switch flights to Kansas City, MO.
We had to wait for a little while for our flight to prepare, so while we were waiting one of the transporters (shortish white guy, brown hair)starts to play some sort of video poker close to where we were sitting, I think the native guy asks me if I would like to have something to eat, a slice of pizza or something and he tells me "this is the last time for awhile that you will have an opportunity to have this kind of food" But I respectfully decline his offer as I was not hungry. (depressed people have trouble eating)
Both guys were fairly nice to me.
The time comes to board our flight, so we start heading for the terminal to board the plane, to be honest I kinda felt like a bad ass because I had two guys who looked like body guards standing around me at all times.
We board the plane and lift off to Kansas City International Airport.
We arrive, get off the plane and walk to the rent-a-car booth, we head to the rental car and start to drive out of the city to the tiny town of Kidder.
As we pull up to the facility, I see the main building and feel sort of relived "this place doesn't look so bad" I say to myself, that is until we rounded the corner to the other side of the building. Fear strikes me in my mind as we pull up to a fenced off area "The Beach" we called it, to see 3 drill Sargents in black/white camo BDU wear and big round DSGT hats on the inside of the fence.
We enter the fenced off area and immediately after entering my intake started.
I was yelled at, screamed at, billed in the face.
They started going over making me learn the 10 general orders of the program.
every time I messed up they would make me run a down and back to the end building and back. I eventually got tired of this and got a wild hair and got a little disobedient, as soon as those words left my mouth I was on the ground with 3 drill Sargents tying me into pretzel, one of them sat on my back I think it was DSGT "H1", while one of the other started to bend my legs up and backwards, DSGT "H2" bending my spine in the opposite direction it is suppose to go. Now bear in mind I am very frail due to the condition my body was in, I was so afraid they were going to break my back and I was in a lot of pain, so I pretended to have a seizure to get them to stop, I rolled my eyes into the back of my head and started jerking my body around as if I were having a seizure.
I think I scared them because they got off me immediately and let me lay there for awhile, deciding what they should do next.
They decided to wrap up my intake and took me into the building, they told me to take off all my clothes, one of the JR. Staff, A cadet that was about to finish the program turned on the shower and I was instructed to get in it, everyone still yelling at me of course, but not interacting with me physically. So after that is over, I am in a state of shock at this point so I don't remember much after that point besides going down to requisitions and getting a bin full of clothes and other items I needed as a Cadet and they placed me in Bravo bay. That day my entire bay was punished because I wasn't able to do a single pushup, due to them tearing a muscle in my elbow, also I had very little muscle mass if any at all.
That night I fell into catatonic state, I'm not sure how long I was in that state, but all I remember was looking up at the camera and the ceiling.
Eventually, I start to get stronger and learn the ropes.
A short while later my legs begin to swell like balloons, I kept putting it on my sick report, but it took about a week, maybe longer to get it looked at by an EMT, during that week I was unable to run or do the exercises properly, the Sargents kept making comments about my legs to each other "no wonder he can't run, his legs are swelled up like balloons" and laughing to each other making jokes and nasty comments, at one point one of the Sargents put his boot on my chest and let his weight down on top of me, looked me in the eyes and smiled evilly, knowing there was nothing I could do about it.
When my family rep finally took me to the hospital the doctors ran tests on my legs to see if I had any blood clots, they wanted to do more tests and keep me over night, but the EMT at the time (I'm not really sure she was even qualified to put a band-aid on an injury) threw a fit over it, so I wasn't able to get checked out further. (Which I should have because my legs were swelled up, they were huge!) They ended up putting me on no lower body P.T and called it good, basically told me to drink water and get over my drama. The Sargent that stepped on my chest, ignored the doctor sticker on my canteen and made me do lower body P.T anyway. That guy was mean.
I wanted to tell the doctors to help me and that they were abusing us, but I was so afraid of what they would have done to me when I got back to camp.
I suppose it has something to do with Stockholm syndrome. I think they actually used Stockholm syndrome and fear as a cover, they has us zombified, terrified and broken.
Eventually, I finally got stronger and was able to do all of the exercises, they became more of an annoyance when the pain tolerance built up and a fit body made the constant nonstop exercise easier. I kind of want to say I just got used to it, but I'm not sure if that would be the right words to use.
I want to go over a list here to tell what I witnessed and experienced at Thayer Learning Center
During my stay, I noticed that they broke 3 cadets wrists. They lied to parents about injuries related to abuse. One particular Sargent there who was the wrist breaker was promoted for his extreme behavior modification techniques including the breaking of bones.
One day in the blistering heat we had to bear crawl everywhere we went, so when we went to the chow hall, and gym,(all separate buildings from male boot camp) the skin on our hands literally melted off on the sidewalk, everyone got bad blisters all over their hands.
Certain Cadets were singled out by Staff and Cadets, and were bullied more often than others. One cadet in particular got restrained at least once or twice a week. That I was witness to.
Lots of Cadets developed a foot fungus due to the latrine floor being covered in bacteria, we also did not have the privilege of having toilet seats on our toilets.
We slept in a basement with bugs and spiders everywhere, the walls leaked, so when it rained the boot camp basement bays Alpha and Bravo became partially flooded and our sleeping bags, clothes would get wet.
At one point during the program I tried to break my ankle so that I could escape the torment, so I ran up the catwalk in the gym when the Sargent wasn't looking and jumped off, I landed on my feet and fell forward, as soon as one of the Sargents realized what I did, he immediately restrained me, pushing my neck into the floor, I was unable to breath and began screaming "Sir! I can't breath" through my crushed vocal cords and windpipe.
All he said was "STOP SAYING CAN'T!!" I thought I was going to die, I quit trying to breath and I was going to try and let myself slip out of consciousness, but at about the point I was passing out he got off of me. A cadet mentioned it later and said the sounds I was making sounded like I was being killed.
I was placed in isolation for a week or so I can't remember, and my neck was messed up for about a year after that, I think he did something to damage my spine, or the tendons in my neck when he restrained me.
When parents would show up, they would call "code white" over the radio, so the Sargent/Staff on duty would be aware that they were being watched, so they had us sit down and read, or do other activities in an attempt to keep the parents from knowing exactly what was going on there, to keep their horror house under wraps.
We were woken up in the middle of the night to exercise outside on the beach, or inside. Those were what we called "moon burns"
We had to sleep on 1/2 Inch thick green mats on top of the concrete floor.
When I finally got to residency, we were allowed one phone call per week with our parents, whenever I tried telling my mother that we were being abused, my family rep would switch off my phone, and take over the phone call (all of our calls were monitored live)
All of our letters were screened and judged according to a cadets psychological profile. whited out, or edited, not sent at all.
Every weekend we were allowed to sit on the concrete floor and watch a movie, we often had to watch the same movie over and over again as a means of psychological tactics. ("Aladdin" was favorite of the staff)
We had to listen to "Bram Stoker's Dracula" and repetitive motivational cassette tapes repeatedly over and over again, as means of psychological tactics.
Cadets who "acted up" were forced to sit in isolation for weeks at a time in a tent with a bright light, listening to the same motivational tapes over and over again, NOTE: they started putting cadets in empty bays instead of the tent for some reason.
If we were outside and a car drove by on the isolated road in front of the main building, we were instructed to face towards the building for who knows what reason.
I witnessed a Sargent punch a cadet in the face.
Whenever a cadet was restrained, the Sargent or JR. Staff would yell out grenade, which then we had to dive on the ground, and bury our face in our elbows and kick our legs as to not be witnesses to the event of the bodily assaults.
One female cadet in particular was made to stay there for years and be subject to the owners abusive drones we called Sargents.
I personally witnessed cadets urinate and a defecate themselves.
cadets who acted up, we were forced to mock them with a made up cadence all together that included their name to bully and shame them into obedience.
A cadet died there due to their neglect and abuse.
How these programs continue to flourish is anyone's guess Which is very concerning.
The only positive thing I have to say about this program is, had I not been sent, I may have died due to severe depression I was not eating and my body was withering away.
Basically, I was broken down completely, but never built back up.
These places are abusive, plain and simple.
Do not send your kids to these places.
I am a survivor and assure you that everything I have mentioned is true and correct and not exaggerated in any way to my knowledge.
You have my permission to post this on your website, I wish to remain Anonymous and am also using a VPN out of fear that the owners will retaliate against me in my adult life should they come across this posting even though the place has since shut down.
A death occured at the boot camp and the bad press coverage forced the owners to close. However, they were never prosecuted for their part in the tragic death
Thayer Learning Center (What I saw and experienced) (The HEAL Forum)
Roberto Reyes - 2004 (Today a child died - memorial blog)
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A testimony from a Thayer Learning Center student
This testimony was found on HEAL-onlines messageboard. Thayer Learning Center closed down years ago but not before a student died there during this stay.
One summer day I was alerted to headlights coming up the driveway, little did I know what was about to happen.
I looked out the window in my bedroom and saw headlights pulling into the driveway, this is unusual as my family at the time lived in a remote ranch area with only a few neighbors nearby also it was around 4:00 Am in the morning.
I run into the house and alert my parents that there is a vehicle pulling into the driveway (my memory is a little blurry so bear with me) my parents get up quickly and pretend to not know what's going on, I go to the back door to see who was coming up the driveway and my dad rushes to the front door of the house and blocks the entrance, as I make my way to the back room where the back door is located to my surprise, a transporter is waiting outside the door, or blocking it, (unable to remember which) then another transporter comes from the other side blocking me in (he came in the front door) They do this boxing in method just in case the subject (me) decided to try and run.
So we're all in the back room, one of the transporters tells me to put on my shoes, so I comply after asking what was going on I'm very confused at this point, but my body is in no condition to run, I literally looked like one of those Ethiopian children you see in pictures, ribs sticking out, all skin a bones.
Anyway, I am transported to their car and I am told to get in the back seat, passenger side, so I comply.
I remember looking out the door before they shut it and my mother telling me that I am going away for awhile, I think her and I both cried.
The door was shut and my parents and the transporters talk briefly and away we go to the Reno airport to catch a plane. I was mostly quiet for the trip, I do remember asking one question "Where am I going?" I got a brief "Boarding school comment" from one of the transporters, So I thought to myself, well, I guess a little adventure couldn't hurt, since I was withering away anyway. Bear in mind I had had no sleep the night before, and my adrenaline and curiosity was at peak so I was not able to sleep at all during the trip.
We arrive at the Reno-Tahoe International Airport and board a plane, so I use the restroom real quick and away we go.
Our plane departs and we land in Las Vegas to switch flights to Kansas City, Missouri.
We had to wait for a little while for our flight to prepare, so while we were waiting one of the transporters (shortish white guy, brown hair)starts to play some sort of video poker close to where we were sitting, I think the native guy asks me if I would like to have something to eat, a slice of pizza or something and he tells me "this is the last time for awhile that you will have an opportunity to have this kind of food" But I respectfully decline his offer as I was not hungry. (depressed people have trouble eating)
Both guys were fairly nice to me.
The time comes to board our flight, so we start heading for the terminal to board the plane, to be honest I kinda felt like a bad ass because I had two guys who looked like body guards standing around me at all times.
We board the plane and lift off to Kansas City International Airport.
We arrive, get off the plane and walk to the rent-a-car booth, we head to the rental car and start to drive out of the city to the tiny town of Kidder.
As we pull up to the facility, I see the main building and feel sort of relived "this place doesn't look so bad" I say to myself, that is until we rounded the corner to the other side of the building. Fear strikes me in my mind as we pull up to a fenced off area "The Beach" we called it, to see 3 drill Sargents in black/white camo BDU wear and big round DSGT hats on the inside of the fence.
We enter the fenced off area and immediately after entering my intake started.
I was yelled at, screamed at, billed in the face.
They started going over making me learn the 10 general orders of the program.
Every time I messed up they would make me run a down and back to the end building and back. I eventually got tired of this and got a wild hair and got a little disobedient, as soon as those words left my mouth I was on the ground with 3 drill Sargents tying me into pretzel, one of them sat on my back I think it was DSGT "H1", while one of the other started to bend my legs up and backwards, DSGT "H2" bending my spine in the opposite direction it is suppose to go. Now bear in mind I am very frail due to the condition my body was in, I was so afraid they were going to break my back and I was in a lot of pain, so I pretended to have a seizure to get them to stop, I rolled my eyes into the back of my head and started jerking my body around as if I were having a seizure.
I think I scared them because they got off me immediately and let me lay there for awhile, deciding what they should do next.
They decided to wrap up my intake and took me into the building, they told me to take off all my clothes, one of the JR. Staff, A cadet that was about to finish the program turned on the shower and I was instructed to get in it, everyone still yelling at me of course, but not interacting with me physically. So after that is over, I am in a state of shock at this point so I don't remember much after that point besides going down to requisitions and getting a bin full of clothes and other items I needed as a Cadet and they placed me in Bravo bay. That day my entire bay was punished because I wasn't able to do a single pushup, due to them tearing a muscle in my elbow, also I had very little muscle mass if any at all.
That night I fell into catatonic state, I'm not sure how long I was in that state, but all I remember was looking up at the camera and the ceiling.
Eventually, I start to get stronger and learn the ropes.
A short while later my legs begin to swell like balloons, I kept putting it on my sick report, but it took about a week, maybe longer to get it looked at by an EMT, during that week I was unable to run or do the exercises properly, the Sargents kept making comments about my legs to each other "no wonder he can't run, his legs are swelled up like balloons" and laughing to each other making jokes and nasty comments, at one point one of the Sargents put his boot on my chest and let his weight down on top of me, looked me in the eyes and smiled evilly, knowing there was nothing I could do about it.
When my family rep finally took me to the hospital the doctors ran tests on my legs to see if I had any blood clots, they wanted to do more tests and keep me over night, but the EMT at the time (I'm not really sure she was even qualified to put a band-aid on an injury) threw a fit over it, so I wasn't able to get checked out further. (Which I should have because my legs were swelled up, they were huge!) They ended up putting me on no lower body P.T and called it good, basically told me to drink water and get over my drama. The Sargent that stepped on my chest, ignored the doctor sticker on my canteen and made me do lower body P.T anyway. That guy was mean.
I wanted to tell the doctors to help me and that they were abusing us, but I was so afraid of what they would have done to me when I got back to camp.
I suppose it has something to do with Stockholm syndrome. I think they actually used Stockholm syndrome and fear as a cover, they has us zombified, terrified and broken.
Eventually, I finally got stronger and was able to do all of the exercises, they became more of an annoyance when the pain tolerance built up and a fit body made the constant nonstop exercise easier. I kind of want to say I just got used to it, but I'm not sure if that would be the right words to use.
I want to go over a list here to tell what I witnessed and experienced at Thayer Learning Center
During my stay, I noticed that they broke 3 cadets wrists.
They lied to parents about injuries related to abuse. One particular Sargent there who was the wrist breaker was promoted for his extreme behavior modification techniques including the breaking of bones.
One day in the blistering heat we had to bear crawl everywhere we went, so when we went to the chow hall, and gym,(all separate buildings from male boot camp) the skin on our hands literally melted off on the sidewalk, everyone got bad blisters all over their hands.
Certain Cadets were singled out by Staff and Cadets, and were bullied more often than others. One cadet in particular got restrained at least once or twice a week. That I was witness to.
Lots of Cadets developed a foot fungus due to the latrine floor being covered in bacteria, we also did not have the privilege of having toilet seats on our toilets.
We slept in a basement with bugs and spiders everywhere, the walls leaked, so when it rained the boot camp basement bays Alpha and Bravo became partially flooded and our sleeping bags, clothes would get wet.
At one point during the program I tried to break my ankle so that I could escape the torment, so I ran up the catwalk in the gym when the Sargent wasn't looking and jumped off, I landed on my feet and fell forward, as soon as one of the Sargents realized what I did, he immediately restrained me, pushing my neck into the floor, I was unable to breath and began screaming "Sir! I can't breath" through my crushed vocal cords and windpipe.
All he said was "STOP SAYING CAN'T!!" I thought I was going to die, I quit trying to breath and I was going to try and let myself slip out of consciousness, but at about the point I was passing out he got off of me. A cadet mentioned it later and said the sounds I was making sounded like I was being killed.
I was placed in isolation for a week or so I can't remember, and my neck was messed up for about a year after that, I think he did something to damage my spine, or the tendons in my neck when he restrained me.
When parents would show up, they would call "code white" over the radio, so the Sargent/Staff on duty would be aware that they were being watched, so they had us sit down and read, or do other activities in an attempt to keep the parents from knowing exactly what was going on there, to keep their horror house under wraps.
We were woken up in the middle of the night to exercise outside on the beach, or inside. Those were what we called "moon burns"
We had to sleep on 1/2 Inch thick green mats on top of the concrete floor.
When I finally got to residency, we were allowed one phone call per week with our parents, whenever I tried telling my mother that we were being abused, my family rep would switch off my phone, and take over the phone call (all of our calls were monitored live)
All of our letters were screened and judged according to a cadets psychological profile - whited out, or edited, not sent at all.
Every weekend we were allowed to sit on the concrete floor and watch a movie, we often had to watch the same movie over and over again as a means of psychological tactics. ("Aladdin" was favorite of the staff)
We had to listen to "Bram Stoker's Dracula" and repetitive motivational cassette tapes repeatedly over and over again, as means of psychological tactics.
Cadets who "acted up" were forced to sit in isolation for weeks at a time in a tent with a bright light, listening to the same motivational tapes over and over again, NOTE: they started putting cadets in empty bays instead of the tent for some reason.
If we were outside and a car drove by on the isolated road in front of the main building, we were instructed to face towards the building for who knows what reason.
I witnessed a Sargent punch a cadet in the face.
Whenever a cadet was restrained, the Sargent or JR. Staff would yell out grenade, which then we had to dive on the ground, and bury our face in our elbows and kick our legs as to not be witnesses to the event of the bodily assaults.
One female cadet in particular was made to stay there for years and be subject to the owners abusive drones we called Sargents. I personally witnessed cadets urinate and a defecate themselves.
Cadets who acted up, we were forced to mock them with a made up cadence all together that included their name to bully and shame them into obedience.
A cadet died there due to their neglect and abuse.
How these programs continue to flourish is anyone's guess - Which is very concerning.
The only positive thing I have to say about this program is, had I not been sent, I may have died due to severe depression I was not eating and my body was withering away.
Basically, I was broken down completely, but never built back up.
These places are abusive, plain and simple.
Do not send your kids to these places.
I am a survivor and assure you that everything I have mentioned is true and correct and not exaggerated in any way to my knowledge.
You have my permission to post this on your website, I wish to remain Anonymous and am also using a VPN out of fear that the owners will retaliate against me in my adult life should they come across this posting even though the place has since shut down.
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