#basically linking the arisen swap au with the fact lil odessa is on the pawn swap sheet as post ending kid hanging out with her family
thehappiestgolucky · 3 months
Rambly mood atm, going to play Arisen Fe'gahl for a bit because I've finally in my brain figured out the whole arisen pawn situation and also because I like aus and wanna flesh out this one more in my head
I'll definetly have to get initial cutscenes with small Pawndessa because I've setteled on her being a kid even from the start now for the Arisen swap au.
Pawndessa's lore is being the DA Arisen (as usual) but instead of being allowed to reincarnate as another human later the Greater Will managed to punish the remainder of her will to becoming an uncanny pawn - forever trapped of being a child in the eternal cycle. Still remainders of her will exists and so Arisen's usually never hire or if they do they quickly cast her aside because she doesn't act like most pawns.
Fe'gahl is a very reluctant Arisen at first so doubly imagine his distress when he has to imagine a pawn - imagines a grown woman fighter and has to stare at this kid instead who's fighting battles. Lorewise, its because adult Odessa doesn't exist here so whilst Fe'gahl may have imagined her, he really just summoned Odessa and she's still eternally baby.
Arisen swap au is fun because I get to imagine what Fe'gahls family situation would be like if he had been born into one like a mortal is and currently the situation is messy~ (local Battahl born beastren moved to Vermund by family so honestly being in Bakhbattahl currently in the save file is probably nice for him he's back home)
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