#basically i love txt
lunicho · 5 months
I hope you had a lot of fun at the concert !! What were some of your favorite parts?
YESS I HAD SO SO SO MUCH FUNN i definitely need to get closer seats next time cuz ughhhrhrhrj i forgot how much i love their music <3 some highlights were how they kept having us bark and it made them so happy and giggly like yeonjun was like "ohh i love that i love it" and then they used us barking to segway into cat and dog during the encore and that was so sp fun. the best part was definitely being able to vibe the whole time with my sister without any stress!! i also didn't record much so not stressing about recording and stuff helped too and i was able to just let go,, i feel really happy!! they're also genuinely so kind and funny like they had me laughing 😭 and they just always highlight how important it is to fully let go and have fun at their shows and i really love that so so much. growing pains, farewell neverland, and deep down genuinely changed my life i think like they had my jaw on the floor AND THE KILLA????? i creamed like that song is so good and they're so talented and all their songs are just so fun and such a vibe irl I LOVE TOMORROW X TOGETHER 💔 WAIT EDITING THIS CUZ ANOTHER HIGHLIGHT, they had these like streamer confetti that was like really long and shot out lines of confetti but everytime it did it covered the boys in confetti like yeonjun fully got twisted up in the confetti and so did beomgyu like it was wrapped all around them and they were being so silly about it like they started strutting down the stage 😭 editing again but before the concert me and my sissy went to walmart and there was a sweet lady selling bracelets outside the store and instead of letting me pick one she handed me a really pretty and colorful one and she told me "this one matches your personality" LIKE 💔💔
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thekidsarentalright · 2 years
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pete and patrick x friendship (part VII)
[concert antics (2008) / pete's livejournal (2006) & patrick for ap.net (2008) / looking at each other like they hung the moon (2013/2014) / patrick talking about their first AP magazine cover feature (date unknown) / saturday music video (gif credit to hesgotasoulvoice) / pete and patrick mirroring each other at the nhl allstar game (2023) / source unknown / pete's instagram (circa 2015 + 2013) / pete q&a (2006)]
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perelka-l · 11 months
I was rereading second half of DN this weekend and I swear to god I can't believe anime just skipped this particular plot.
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Bc a) Mello has more active part in story and actually had his own way of using Near b) those two kinda cooperating is sexy as hell c) more Mogi bc Mogi is amazing
(I really like the Polish translation of this moment "He is manipulated but not necessarily with he notebook" which imho has slightly different connotations)
Also, this fucker doing this I love him so much the little bastard
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And this
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(also Near and Light just hating each other so much is so so entertaining, like honestly their dynamic is 👌)
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ptanalo · 2 months
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mwah mwah mwah kiss kiss kiss
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linkvcr · 8 months
Thinks abt the identity issues surrounding link and zelda post skysword and crumbles to dust
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alluraaaa · 1 year
i am once again expanding on my ideas of how i’d write voltron but this time it’s thanks to @iveofficiallygonemad’s encouragement to hear about the galra generals
so first off, lotor + the generals should have been foils to the paladins, minus shiro cuz he’s missing when they’re introduced. the paladins being everyone in their OG lion + allura in black for reasons i’ve explored a buncha times already. the foils would be: lotor and allura, acxa and keith, narti and pidge, ezor and lance, and hunk and zethrid.
each one of these pairs has some surface level traits that are extremely similar if not identical, while having deeper traits that are completely opposite. allura and lotor are both royalty and their team’s leader, but with completely different moralities and approaches to ruling/leading. keith and acxa are both the right hands (and look so similar that ppl thought they were secret twins lmaooo) but where acxa is cold and calculating, keith is impulsive and hot-headed. both pidge and narti are very agile and keep secrets, but pidge hacks computers and narti hacks people’s minds. lance and ezor are both adaptable and outgoing, but ezor has a cruelty to her that lance doesn’t, instead being very kind. similar to them, hunk and zethrid are both powerhouses, but hunk knows to use his power responsibly while zethrid loves fighting for the sake of it. there could have been an excellent showcase here of how the team with more kindness and compassion are always beating the team that’s more cruel and uncaring.
now i don’t like the narti died, and i maintain that lotor should have been redeemed— not because i particularly like his character in canon, but because he could’ve had a much better one. he was clearly shown to have shitty parents, and it would’ve been so much more satisfying to see him rebel against them and break the cycle as it were. and with the blade of marmora being an organization of galra working against the empire, it’s clear where they could go.
i’m imagining a plotline of zarkon being resurrected or whatever happened in those seasons, and lotor being told him + his team now have no use, they were just a stand-in for zarkon while he was down and out. it’d be the final straw for him, and he’d storm off, his parents assuming his just throwing a tantrum. in reality, he’s convincing the generals— who are really the closest thing he has to friends— to just defect from the empire.
acxa has an undying loyalty to lotor, so she’s open to whatever he wants to do. ezor and zethrid are very chaotic neutral, down for whatever strikes their fancy in the moment and in this moment the idea sounds exhilarating and fun. they aren’t outright villains anymore but they’re still quite fucked up and tbh. good for them!
as for narti, she was killed in canon before she got any sort of personality, so i’m gonna hang onto the foil concept and base some personality and backstory on pidge’s. narti is very curious about life outside the empire, because the empire is all she’s known. she was a child soldier from day one. she also wants to get more knowledge about her powers and non-galran heritage, because it’s as much a mystery to her as it is to everyone else. she’s kind of always wanted to defect, but didn’t have the bravery to do so alone.
so they run away with no real plan of what to do. lotor wants a life outside of his father, but his father is ever expanding the empire, so he keeps losing places that are just his. that, plus his first hand witness of what the empire actually does, opens his eyes to the cruelty of his father’s colonization. that drives him to wanting to outright fight back against his father and the generals, who have been watching the same things, are right there with him.
acxa is watching the empire from an outsider’s position, and she’s seeing the real danger of being a mindless follower. she’s watching countless soldiers follow the orders of a handful of generals, and watching those generals not care when the soldiers get hurt or even die, because they’re just numbers and forces to the generals. she realizes that she should be making her own decisions and that even if she trusts lotor, he shouldn’t be the one in charge of her life.
narti is at first one track minded in finding her other parent’s home planet, but time and time again she watches a similar devastation happen on other planets. families get separated, important cultural artifacts are damaged, history documentation is destroyed. she learns she isn’t the only one dealing with this, and she doesn’t want any more people to suffer the same fate she has.
ezor and zethrid have been spending this time like a vacation from work, doing whatever seems most fun and rewarding. but they eventually start to see the empire repeatedly ruining their fun, and they don’t like it. they’d tell the others they don’t want zarkon interrupting them anymore and they don’t, but a large part of it is also seeing the hurt on their friends’ faces whenever they get caught in a firefight again. they love each other, and they love their friends, and they don’t want any of them getting hurt.
now obviously team voltron and their various allies wouldn’t trust lotor and co. but time and time again they’d see them helping voltron and hurting the empire how they can. eventually, there’s be tentative teamwork and down the line, they’d be invited to join the blade of marmora.
immediately all five of them would notice the familiarity between the blades and the empire. there’s basically no difference between their mottos; the blade is uncomfortably okay with letting soldiers die if it means getting the mission done.
the generals want to say something, but lotor doesn’t want to stir the pot too much. their position is very weak, there’s still very little trust in them. to come out the gate opposing how everything is done wouldn’t be good.
but the blade trusts voltron, doesn’t it? and one of the paladins is also a blade. so… they find keith and talk to him, telling him that while the blade has a good cause unlike the empire, both are a little too cool with letting people die, and it’s more than kind of upsetting.
keith, who is way too self sacrificial, doesn’t see a problem with this, but brings it up next time he’s with voltron. everyone is surprised by lotor + co’s behavior and ideals, and start to trust them more
i’m starting to lose steam here but um. lotor + co being good guys and the five of them co-leading the blade and making it better than the empire :-) they all get their own mini character arcs within this collective group arc and no one is killed for shock factor and no one is pushing the narrative of abused kids turning out just like their parents and continuing the cycle <3
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suneatar · 1 month
I just had a thought because it is rather widely accepted Hizashi is fluent in sign, it is something I also fully accept, but does he know only Japense sign language or has he learnt American as well.
And I say American as it does seem to the one that would have the highest chances of being useful as there is such a wide range of sign languages used all over the world so it seems the most practical, that being said I can easily see him learning others over it or in addition.
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ocdhuacheng · 6 months
I love kabru like he’s established as this manipulative and shady person with ulterior motives who could be a major threat to laios’s party, but he also is one of the most empathetic and kind characters in the series and does his best to try and help everyone bc he is one of the people who understands the situation the best. and I think ppl are too focused on the first part they forget the second part. (Anime onlies are ok bc you guys haven’t gotten his character development yet ^^)
Also his party getting wiped out constantly in the beginning was funny as fuck
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odysseys-blood · 12 days
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would you care to run that by me just 1 more time
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i love reading too deep into things but it is quite. poetic to me that the first posth song fob did for the 8 ball was the kids arent alright, song of all time about the fans and the band and going on with life no matter how hard it is because the love you have makes it worth it, during the tour for the album about… going on with life no matter how hard it is because the love you have and the meaning you create makes it worth it, like Right before the halfway mark of the us leg of the tour. and Now, exactly halfway thru the us leg, theyve done Two posth songs in a row like. the first half of the tour was exclusively preh (save for kintsugi kid), and the second half is introducing posth songs, two of those posth songs being songs For the fans (tkaa and fav record) and the other being the First song written after the hiatus (where did the party go) like idk. something about All of that feels very purposeful and poetic and even if it wasn’t intentional, the fateful nature of fob displaying these themes and motifs even on accident is incredible
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idolomantises · 2 years
I'm going to be reuploading my Bugtopia Canvas comics every Friday. Or just up until we get to the last comic.
Just to be clear, Bugtopia moving to Originals allowed me to rework some things and make some changes to the story that I felt like were flawed or underwhelming (I noticed most people were really into Cale and Marigold's story, and that's obviously because with those two, I had a little bit of preparation for them). Bugtopia Canvas is basically considered not canon.
But I still want these older comics to be accessible. Hopefully you'll be able to enjoy the originals version too! I've worked really hard on it.
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gomacave · 7 months
My most unhinged f/f7 opinion is that seph should eat people
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static-martini · 11 months
i know "sorcerers" is the broad term for magic-users in DC, but it seems like "witches" specifically caters itself to the women of that category. which is always funny to me when i think of Klarion
because how awkward is that? his branch of magic could be too "witchy" to contribute to the other guys, but he can't really hang out with the girls because the magic they know lends itself to a sisterhood
no wonder he keeps to himself, all the parties he goes to must be super boring
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im 20 now. i will grow older and older and in my 30s i'll still be finding (or perhaps conducting my own!) analyses of homestuck characters or plot structure or story elements etc. etc. that are new to me or giving me new perspectives etc. etc. . and actually i hope that continues into my 40s. i hope homestuck will be like a lifelong passive research project for me.
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endiness · 1 year
the thing that gets me with the idea that the prince shouldn't save snow white and that she should save herself instead is that the prince saves snow white from, basically, being in a coma. like, that's the only thing he saves her from. so the argument is literally "how dare this coma patient not wake herself up and a man do it." which, granted, i don't think anyone making that argument realizes that's what they're actually complaining about. but i also think they don't realize that because i don't think anyone making that argument has actually seen or read anything about snow white in their entire lives and are just against the idea of a man saving a woman on principle alone because that's so unfeminist or something, i guess. and, y’know, nevermind the actual context of the situation. or how the thing that’s actually not feminist at all is reducing a woman’s entire character and story to somehow just being about a man because he happens to save her literally at the very end of her story, and from a situation that is literally impossible for her to save herself from in the first place because, y’know, the problem is that she’s in a coma.
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k1spiegel · 4 months
space station 14 is so fun and so stupid but bc its also so intricate and detailed its a pain to try and get other ppl into it
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