#basically i consider ororo his soulmate
simptasia · 8 years
❗Kurt Wagner (from movies, comics and/or cartoons, your choice)
movieverse, i pick you!
-my headcanon for their sexuality/gender: biromantic asexual (i’m wobbling in the area of demisexual or grey-ace, that sorta thing) and uh, genderfluid.
-what my OTP with the character is: kurt/ororo
-what my NOTP with the character is: i ain’t shipped kurt and hank in any continuity and i sure as shit ain’t starting here. basically any of the teacher/student, parent-y figure ships in the x-verse is nuh-uh
just keep hank in the adult area and kurt in the kid area, please (pietro gets to bridge both areas, the little shit)
- what my BROTP with the character is: kurt and jubilee. kurt and jean. kurt and hank in kindred spirits bond way. and whilst i ship kurt/scott and kurt/pietro, in a scenario wherein kurt is with ororo or wanda, then they’re “brotps” too
i’ve created an odd shipping hive here
i think i just ship kurt with… love
- an unusual pairing i have with the character: i don’t see anything unsual here, do you?
- if i headcanon them with mental disorders or not and also what mental disorders if i hc them with any: he’s autistic and has manic depression (aka bipolar disorder)
- and one random fact(s) about the character
he’s the love of my life
eats, like a lot
flip flops between insomnia and sleeping like a cat
he was aware of mutants growing up (his mama margali and sister jimaine are mutants) but he didn’t know there were other people who looked like him until he saw mystique and hank on the news when he was nine
experts on the subject have worked out that he was likely 16 when he started marking himself (assuming kurt is 19 which the math says he is)
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co-mixed · 5 years
Probably the most popular shipping question is whether or not you support any non-canon ships. I never actually thought about that much, until recently. I’m mostly a canon ship supporter: regardless of whether or not I like a couple, if it’s canon, I’ll see it for what it is. Of course there are cases, when I wish things went differently, and honestly, there were some Marvel break ups I took harder than I should have. But I’m so used to Marvel Universe by now, that its never ending movement doesn’t  worry me anymore (if anything, “Dawn of X” only loosens the stakes). Anyway, the point here is that I’m in the zone of total canon acceptance with Marvel. That said, I caught myself coming back to one particular non-canon ship that kind of stuck with me. I know there is a fair share of people who’d like that to happen, and I guess I’m one of them.
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Storm and Gambit.
Before all the Rogue/Gambit fans get a chance to argue, I wanna clarify, that they were the endgame from their first shared scene, and that shows. I remember reading up on their story what was it… about 17 years ago, and it couldn’t be more obvious. Honestly, it’s not easy to picture them with anyone else (we’ve seen how they do without one another). Besides, the difficulties of their journey only made it more clear. I just think that marriage is not the best idea for them, because I never wanted them to join the pantheon of COUPLES. You know, like Sue and Reed, Jessica and Luke.
But this is not about them. This is about Ororo and Remy, because in-between on again off again Rogue romance, and all the dramatic love stories Storm went through, it would’ve been interesting to see a fun adventurous relationship between these two. What comes to mind is actually Rhett’s quote from “Gone with the Wind”
- Did you ever think of marrying just for fun?
The main argument against this romance is that Storm and Gambit meet under confusing circumstances i.e. he saves her when she’s reverted to her pre-teen years. This happens in Uncanny X-men #265-267
Nanny reverses ‘Roro back to childhood, removing all memories of her adulthood. However, Storm breaks away and hides in Cairo, Illinois. Meanwhile, Shadow King is after her (isn’t he always?). When he lures Storm into a mansion, with the help of his hounds, they attack her, but she jumps out of the window into an outdoor pool. She is pulled out of the water by Gambit. They run away to her hideout.
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They stick together, since Remy is also on Shadow King’s radar now, battle him, and run away to New Orleans. There they spend some time doing the Robin Hood thing up until Nanny catches Gambit. Storm rescues him, also growing up to her teens.
Before you get any ideas, I have to mention that right away Gambit knew who Storm was. Yes, you could say that he took care of her, but you can easily say the opposite. They still have a fantastic dynamic, where they easily play off each other’s phrases (but that’s Claremont for you, right?). And normally Ororo’s all “I shall meet you at the monorail”, but her kid self is way less dramatic.
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The two have a lot in common, and they have fun in general. Storm even feels like she finally belongs somewhere. And later, she is the one to sponsor Remy’s acceptance to the team.
To sum it up, with this storyline there is potential, and I have no idea where they were going with that originally. Let’s try and figure this out.
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After Storm’s unfortunate (but ultimately successful) trip to Genosha (she was kidnapped along with New Mutants and turned into a mutate, but grew back up), she goes back to leading the X-men. Before that though, we get this panel:
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New Mutants #97
That’s she actually gets Gambit to join the team, even if just for a while. And we assume they already familiar enough, since when she’s uneasy about whether or not she’s made right choices as a leader, Remy is the one to give her a pep talk. Okay, that’s a completely “friend” thing to do, and I pretty much see no chemistry here. Except for, you know, the fact that one of Gambit’s mutant abilities is to be irresistible.
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X-Treme X-men
During X-Treme X-men series ‘Ro and Remy spend plenty of time together, even considering that his  and Rogue relationship gets pretty serious, and Storm has a lot going on. But let’s not skip anything important.
Originally in this Claremont’s run, Storm forms a team to go after Destiny’s journals. Of course Rogue is on the roster, which kinda means that eventually Gambit will show up too. That he indeed does. At some point, around issue 4 or 5, the team has to go help out Gambit, because surprise, he’s accused of a murder. That’s pretty much when we see where both ladies’ beliefs are. Rogue doesn’t for a second buy the fact that Remy would kill (even a mafia leader), Storm, on the other hand, doesn’t have much faith in the guy. So yeah, Rogue is goin all true love, while Storm lacks trust. At this point that’s not out of character for her, because the whole operation runs of lack of said trust.
Not to feel too bad for her though, around the same time ‘Roro gets a lot of attention from Bishop, and starts seeing Davis Cameron. A lot is going on in this book, but team Gambit/Storm gets two unforgettable moments.
in X-Treme X-men #4:
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And in X-Treme X-men #32
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Yes, I know that both times the writers here have to remind us (and him) that Rogue is his soulmate. In this department it would be hard to compete with her really. And I wouldn’t want Storm to. After all Rogue literally saved Remy from death twice in this run only, and there was a hint of resentment in him, but it doesn’t really go anywhere, just dissolves as many other stray phrases.
Either way, Storm and Gambit, they are friends, and we get some good moments out of two of them, when they’re together they seem to have a great chemistry.
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Storm 2014 #9
What would I want them to be?
They would never qualify for a serious relationship by any of my standards. Basically, they are too much alike in a sense that he, for the most part, lives the life she would want to. Free of responsibilities like not letting the whole order of nature get out of control. But they still are pretty interesting together, it’s easy for them to understand each other, and talk things through, even though we get only glimpses of that. They are always honest with each other, so they would’ve made a pair that won’t ever have to deal with couples therapy. Also, it’s always jokes and flirting with them, even when they’re both in a relationship, hell, even when she was married.
When they need support, they’re there for each other:
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X-men Vol 1 #326
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X-men Gold #6
But at the end of the day it’s always gonna be Rogue for him, and now he’s in the ever after zone really (or in a way in a narrative limbo).  
As for her… I guess I’ll have to make a whole new in-depth analysis of her ‘ship choices to determine that (she has a lot to choose from).
With the comics anything can happen, so I should probably say that we’ll see where it ends up.
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